Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, April 04, 1919, Page 6, Image 6

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WLite Plains, N. Y„ April 4.—A
fur.a of $llOO,OOO is provided "for the
relief and benefit of Armenians" in
the will of Gullabi Gulbenkian, an
Armenian rug dealer of New York,
which, tiled here yesterday, dis- [
poses of an estate valued at $l,OOO,- '
uoo. Mr. Gulbenkian was mutderedl
in his store last July.
13 sS
217 Market Street jTta.
Buy Easter Footwear Now
The excellent styles and quality of our smart new Spring
Shoes, Oxfords and Pumps in every case arc the equal
of many you find elsewhere at $l.OO to s2.ro a pair more.
Ladies' Lace Oxfords
A wonderful choice of the new
Spring models —long, slender vamp V-v, l\
styles in tan, dull and patent. High \ ))j j
Louis and lower military heels. Every
size. A real $0 value at (// )\wM
$ 4- 9 °
Oxford styles' at
$5.90 t0 \
Ladies' Clever Spring Pumps
S4 „d 5-
These cunning new
Spring Pumps are
exceptional values at
\v\ v, these two special
prices. All the clever
new stvles for Spring long, slender forepart high Louis
and medium heels. Come in all the wanted leathers and
colors. All sixes.
Ladies' Spring Boots
Ladies' $8 Boots—splendid new Spring k7 /
styles in gray, brown, tan, black and v/'7 /
patent colt." High lacc. perfect lit- CyV. w|// /
$6.90 W^j!
Ladies' $7 Boots—the very new styles Vj. Hi; I
for Spring high lace —in gray, I/; \ ■ \
brown, biack and two CQA /• Jf! X
colors. All sizes .... Zf U yf- f\
A New Spring Model— -T" Tup j? Zf
actually worth $6. /Y/Wi
High lacc. tan. brown //LW
and black. High and //'
medium heels. L 1"
300 pairs of Ladies' /**
former up to $5 Fancy AK £ ~4
Shoes on sale, per pair
Men's Spring Shoes
Classy Spring Shoes—At the most reason
'l')fC ' )r ' CCS 1,1 air ' s ' ,ur S' Quality the
V V'A Brown Calf English (narrow toe) lacc
and wider toe blucher styles. Welt
FK %'.\\ sewed soles. All sizes, (h 7 AA
A*\\v $9.00 value at V • *\/vl
l\\ "vv *'v\>XSv value Special Men's
/Cjvv black and tan dress shoes
' n w ' ( l e toe blucher and
narrow to English styles.
Af;-. -Men's Work Shoes
" <J> '>;-. vr .C .*(->. .Stout tan and
■"• ''{'•.'••'A black grain—double
ft\ soles, $4 <JJO QC
\ values
Boys' and Girls' Spring Shoes
At Very Reasonable Prices
Reliable Shoes for Boys—Stylish Spring lasts a \'l vV.
—English, blucher and button—fine wearing 1 111 '
tan and black leather. Solid soles. Sizes to _ ■ I?! \\
o'/s. A wonderful value $3 95 jht ' j\
Boys' SS.SO Shoes i Little Boys' Shoes j{g j
a good stout —for school or
shoe for school: ,j ~ ess strong //
black calf. Lace i )lat . k calf skin // jLf *
an d button Lace and but- t&r
Sizes to 2. ton. Sizes to
$2.95 i 1"" $1.95
Misses' and Children's Shoes
Misses' and Children's Clioeolate Brown and
' B'-'jf,".'.-'"'"I Blaek Calf Dress Shoes. Neat, good wearing
Spring styles. High top lace models—narrow
tytfs.V'WL it and broad toes. Sizes Ills to 2 f O 4 c
al Do.**o
WMJ T a .*7 . to . $2.95
Girls' Kvcry-day Shoes—Lot of Girls' Sturdy
•'**/ Black Calf School Shoes; lace and dj 1 QC
' f'\J button, on sale, per pair D X tJJ
El Misses' and Children's Oxfords aiul l'nnips—
Brown and black calf, patent colt and white
buck. Several new Spring styles. 4[o QB
/( W'Sfm Sies 11 Va to 2at PA.UO
8, i t ,o . u . $2.45
\\ Infants' fancj' top Infants' Button
\V Shoes in lace Shoes with col
and button ored top, sizes
\ styles; sizes 3to Itos, a $1.50
8; a $2.00 value. value.
1 ' $1.50 98c
The birth rate In Harrtsburg thus ,
far this year shows a decrease over •
the records of last year. Ihe tec- (
ords for January and February of |
i 1818 are 149 and 110 as compared wit.i j
! 130 and 119 for the same period this
j year. March lisures are not avail
1,000 CHILDREN !
: Youngsters Arc Ready lo Take j
Part in Peace Garden
Walter S. Schell, 216 Crescent
| street, is the donor of the $5O prize
| lo be offered war gardeners, it was
j announced yesterday by the com
] mittec which has charge of the big
j war garden parade to be held here i
j next Tuesday afternoon. More than I
I I.UUO schoolchildren are expected to [
| be in line.
| Two large tractors will be in line.
Mr. Sehcli's big tractor, driven by a
' young lady, will be followed bv
' Shirley B. Watts' caterpillar tractor.
The Municipal band will p ay. I'osi
, tions for formation of schools for the j
(line as announced are: i
| Loose, Shimmell and Webster. I
Thirteenth, south of Derry; Melrose. I
' Forney and Vernon, on i>crry, east |
j of Thirteenth; Allison near fountain; |
; Lincoln and Woodward on Ever- i
j green and Derry, west of fountain, j
The list of schools, vegetables as-1
i signed to each school, name of prin- [
1 clpal and name of member of motor |
i corps accompanying, and soldier
captain, is:
i Allison—Vegetable, radish. Prin- j
j cipal, Sara K. Keen; Motor Corps, I
| Almeda Herman; giil captain, Catli-]
j erine Kahney: hoy captain, Hobert
iFegley; soldier captain, Sergeant T.
L. Wolf.
Forney—Lettuce, J. F. Ferguson,
j Mildred Astrich, Esther Aumiller,
I Paul Wakefield and Private D. R.
j Lantz.
l'oose —-Beans, Cora E. Dugan,
| Mrs. S. F. Dunkle, Wilna Roberts
land Russell McSwine.
Lincoln —Beets, Rebecca Ortli,
i Mrs. C. N. Sauers, Helen Eyler, Lew
j is Eliclior and Private W. A. Sliutz.
Melrose—Onions, Edward B. Keip
i er, Mrs. Carl Hanson, Mildred Dan-
| iel and Truman Thompson.
I Shimmell Turnips, Anna V.
iCrowl, Mrs. Charles P. Prince, Cath-
I erino l'ellow and Daniel Page,
i Vernon —Corn, May E. Rynard, ,
! Mrs. Charles A. Hunter. Catherine I
j Bentley and Warren Reed.
Webster—Cabbage, Julia J. Ryan, |
Romayno Boyer, Mildred Hartman
and William Tenny. I
Woodward—Pumpkin, Clara Hook,
Mrs. E. F. Selig. Mabel Buds, Mal
colm Graff and Private Dan Warner.
General Motors To
Invest $37,000,00
To Enlarge Plants
Detroit, Mich , April 4.—The Gen
eral Motors Corporation has an-
I nounced plans for the extension of
' its plants in various parts of the
i country, involving aiS expenditure of
•over $37,000,000, "as an answer to
i the feeling of uncertainty in in
i duKtrial and financial circles over
post war conditions," as W. C. Dur
j ant. president and general manager
! of the corporation, put it.
"Everybody has been waiting to
see what the other fellow was going
to do," said Mr. Durant, in making
the announcement. "General Mo
tors, by its decision to invest im
mediately $27,000,000, emphasized
its belief in the underlying stability
of the country and the soundness of
I the automobile industry."
Of the thirty-seven million dollar
i burget, twenty-six millions are to
| be expended in Michigan,
j Among amounts to lie expeffSed on
construction work outside the state
is $1,028,000 at Bristol, Conn.
Smuts Will Go to
Not Mangin
Paris, April 4.—The departure of !
: General Jan 'Christian Smuts, mem- |
bor of the British League of Nations
j Commission, for Budapest, instead
jof General Mangin, of the French |
army, who was first suggested as the j
allied representative to investigate j
certain problems in Hungary arising |
from the armistice, is regarded as an
j indication that talking, rather than
j fighting, will take place in Hungary,
j where the situation is believed by
the allied officials to have improved
I greatly.
Advices to the French foreign of
fice indicate that the forces in Uk
i raine under Petlura are within thirty
miles of Kiev, threatening the re-
I capture of the city from the Bol
Thursday Half Holidays
to Begin on May 1
The Retail Grocers' Association de
cided to hold the twelfth annual pic
nic on Thursday, August 14, at a
meeting in the Chamber of Com
merce rooms" last evening. At the
meeting it was decided to start the
Thursday afternoon half-holiday on
May 1. Plans are being made to have
the grocers of the city close their
| stores on Saturday evenings at 0
; o'clock.
/• W. A. Gernert was elected presi- '
I dent at last evening's meeting. CLh
i er officers elected were: vice prcr.i-
I dent, S. G. Schrekengaust; secretary,
jM. A. Morrison; treasurer, A. I'.
I Kitchen.
• Will Finish Draft of
1 League of Rations To-day
1 Paris, April 4.—The League of
! Nations drafting committee has com
! pleted fifteen articles of the League
of Nations covenant, which now con
tains twenty-seven articles. It is not
known what the additional article
To-day the committee probably
will finish its draft, which will be
in French and English in parallel
A full meeting of the League com
mission will be held probably Sat
urday to consider the revised coven
ant, which doubtless will undergo
further changes before it is submit
ted to the representatives of the five
big nations.
As automobile thieves were at
tempting to steal a new automobile
belonging to Richard Cu'hune from
Sixth and Herr streets, last- evening
Culhane came up and foiled them in
their attempts. A rope had beer, tied I
to another car in order to tow the
llrrt one away, but this was cut when
Culhane suddenly appeared. Thieves
made an attempt to steal the Park
Commission Ford car.
Frederic Faranada, a Mexican, Is
in the hands of the llarrisburg police
department on the charge of stealing
several valuable bolts of silk from
Agar's store, 13Q North Second street.
He will be given a hearing In police
court this aftcrnooa
U May lie Mutiny and the Chief and Brave Mayor Are All,
So to Speak, Ilct Up Over Latest Development on Force
AVhile the old police station over!
in Market street looked just the I
same to-day, and smclled just the j
same, and the same faces were vis- .
il.ne within, and the same stern eyes |
welcomed offenders, and the old po-1
lice van was bringing them In, |
things weren't as usual —things j
were not going on as usual.
Mutiny was brewing. Some of •
these here, now, Bolshevik senti- j
ments were rampant among the of- j
ficers of the law.
It seems that Police'Cliief Wetzel j
told the women in charge of the j
Rummage Sale to he held next:
week that he would give them six [
policemen the first day of the sale,]
to lieep the crowd in line and pre-,
vent the bargain hunters from go- j
ing right on through the walls into
the alley. It isn't the first time the 1
police have performed this noble
act. They know all about it.
"Listen, Chief," said one of tho (
biggest of them, buttonholing tne
head of the force in the hallway.
"What did I ever do to you?"
"Nothing—why?" asked the Chief.
"You want me to go to that Rum
mage Sale next week. Listen, Ed.
—excuse me for using your first
name on you, Ed! —1 have only
$3,000 insurance."
"What's that go to do with your
going to the Rummage Sale?" de
manded the Chief.
"I don't want to leave my unfor
tunate family with only $3,000 in
surance," s.t'd the big policeman,
brushing a tear from his eye. "It
ain't humane. Le; mo off, will you,
"Do you mean you're afraid?"
sneered the Chief.
"Sneer If you wish, J. Edward
Wetzel," said the patrolman, 'but
the closest you ever got to one of
those Rummage Sales was across
the street from it, so you don't know
1,7 and 9 South Market Square |
That Go on Special Sale for Friday and |
ML Capes 150 Capes and 100 Capes and 100 Capes and mm J
Value $13.50 Dolmans Dolmans Dolmans Jl tf
|Hp Special $18.50 value $22.50 value $27.50 value |
Wsp Sp Sjp S|p |Rf!
| 'Don't BHB| Extraordinary Sale of Women's and Misses' Suits for |
|>x| E„lfiB 2 ; E S2UB rHL
1 .' l , il(l TriM,ine $22.50 Suits .. 'ZmZZ $35.00 Suits... PBfflß Vahies 1
C ' SI 'im ™"* S AO ft,g, '" ew £f)J AO Olhre wffij for J
p y Jk WWK W> r Frld , iy l
1 ar " s,y,e $27.50 Suits .. of sso ° lo $40.00 Suits .. J TT % s^.,r . j
I™ T=• $18.98 : :r $29.98 -/ A >
shirts AS '~-:" d Men's Trousers
At Special Prices for Friday and IJfilll QltfUlflT Cllltc
Saturday at great reductions for Friday and n6W O P n,I B °U |l * 500 pairs of Men's Work and Dress
iii^'(Tcirseuc n (4^. C serge,'"cu*" Vr£?<i Saturday. The new Checks, Bars and in the newest fabrics, colors and styles Pants on special sale for Friday and I
new creations, Late* *iiiMi<k Stripes; also plain colors. Sizes 22 to in sizes 30 t0 50 Saturday. Sizes 30 to 54 waist
$2O 00 Suits SI 4 08 40 waist.
$22:50 suits:::::::: S $ 5 .00 skirts $ 2 .9 8 Z *; n d m A 1 qR
$25.00 Suits $17.98 $6.00 Skirts $3.98 e 1 7 riS* PI" 38
$27.50 Suits $18.98 $7.50 Skirts $4.98 tions ln bolh dark . a „ d I / AS' \2.98
$30.00 Suits $19.98 $8.85 Skirts $5.98 ligh , patterns m size, to ■ J A T^" nl - |fl„
$35.00 Suits $23.98 $lO.OO Skirts $6.98 fit all. These suits are JHa H to SO* yMr vO I
$40.00 Suits $28.98 $12.50 Skirts $7.98 valued up to $27.50 I
in Gingham, Lawn, Voile", Linen, Or- . 1
gandie, etc., in white and colors; for b P rin g: 1 t0 14 years, in cloths, rea j f or Friday and Saturday. We place on special sale
sizes i to 15 years. and silks of all kinds. SQQ brand new Spring Suits in all the live Cloths, Colors and Styles,
75c Dresses 49c cc nn r n 0 c in sizes 6to 18 years. Some with two pairs of Pants to a suit. Don't
$l.OO Dresses 79c b,uu a P c or • • So.9S neglect to attend this sale.
$1.50 Dresses 98c $7.50 Cape or Coat . $4.98 ?5 00 Boys' Suits ... $2.98 $8.85 Boys' Suits .. .$5.98
sloo Dresses .'.'.'!.'.'sL9B $ Cape or Sat 's6 98 s•<"> Boys' Suits ... $3.49 $lO.OO Boys' Suits .. .$6.9^
82B=:::::::SS U*l o,:i* WB °"' s t 5W £" <
$6.00 Dresses $3.98 $15.00 Cape or Coat .. $9.98 sis.uu Hoys fruits ..
I what they're like. I been in twoi
;of them, Chief. I just can't stand
j the idea of having all them bargain-1
j hunting men and women climbing!
I over me to get in them doors."
The Chief was silent for a mo-1
I ment.
"I know your family, Andy." he i
i said, "and I wouldn't want to do |
] anything to bring trouble on M." j
"Thank vou. El! Thank you!")
I beamed the policeman. "I knew i
j your heart" —
"Wait a minute," said the OniefJ
"I don't want io cause anv trouble!
'for your family, so T suggest that
I you lake out 310,000 more iniur- j
! unee."
I After that conversation four or|
five other patrolmen got the. police I
I chief in a corner, hut he was ada-j
j mant.
"That Rummage Sale is to get]
; policemen to keep the crowJs in j
jline." paid the Chief, "and every j
! dadhlame man I have assigned to!
'that job will be at the old Gilbert]
| storeroom next Thursday morning.
I at 8 o'clock."
• That's the first day of 'he sell-1
'ing at the Rummage Sale. The!
I first three days next week will hoj
| given over to collecting atriele< jforj
i tale. This will be directed by Alcr- ]
j ccr B. Tate.
Siberians Unable
To Keep Up With
Retiring Bolsheviks
London, April 4.—Dispatches from I
Omsk report that during the last ]
few days the Bolshevik! have been ]
retiring on the Orenburg front so
rapidly that the Siberian armies in ;
pursuit are unable to keep in touch.
Bolshevik desertions continue. As an
1 example, fifty miles south of Ufa a t
whole regiment of Bolshevik cavalry
joined Kolohak's forces and turned,
i .tlieir weapons on their former com
■' rades.
I*arls, April 4—The French for
eign office is advised that 200 Ger
mans have been arrested in Barce
lona anfi Seville. They are charged
Appliances for the
Mechanical Transmission of Power
Every president of a manufactur
in S industry—every superintendent—
/ ;■ , every shop foreman—every mechanic
i"/ /% /■' wv\ —should read the double page adver- 11
ft / tisement of the Dodge Sales & Engin-
I / '?*/ . /\ \ eering Company, in this week's Sat-
I(l /i I ur<^ ven^n g P°st on
Dodge Distribution
of Power
We are distributors for, and carry in stock a large quantity of the products
made by Dodge, including
Dodge Wood Pulleys Oneida 4 Point Hangers Com
pression Couplings Pillow Blocks Safety Collars etc.
Write or consult us for prices cn your requirements.
Henry Gilbert & Son
Mill and Builders' Supplies,
400 South Second Street, Harrisburg, Pa.
f ■ 1
with participating in the riots in
those cities.
Berlin, April 4. —The Tageszeitung
reports that the Hungarian
I Bela Kun, arrived in Munich,
varia, Wednesday, accompanied by
I large suite. This report has not beeni