Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, April 04, 1919, Page 5, Image 5

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Xavs Before Head of German
Mission, Entente
Spo. April 4.—Marsal Fovh ar
rived in Spa at 8:20 o'clock yester
day morning and immediately in
formed Mathias Erzberger, head of
ttie German armistice comn.ision,
tl.at he would confer with him in
his private car at 9:30 o'clock.
The conference took place at the
appointed time in the presence of
Major General Weygand, assistant to
Marshal Foch. and a French inter
preter and lasted forty minutes.
Marshal Foch laid before Herr
Erzberger the decisions of the En-
It en te. Erzberger after the confer
ence hurriedly returned to his train.
He appeared deeply moved. After
a conference of one hour with Gen
eral Baron Von Hnmmerstein, a
member of the German arnistioe
commission, and his technical ad
visers. Erzberger returned to the ho
tel where the German members of
the armstice commission are lodged.
The populace acclaimed Marshal
Eoch on his arrival in Spa. During
the day the marshal visited General
Nudant, his representative in Spa.
Prohibit Junk Yards
Within Borough Limits
At a special meeting of the borough
council Wednesday evening, several cit
izens residing on East Ewans street
were present and wanted council to con
sider a petition presented in reference
to a junk yard which was to be located
on Ewans by Samuel Shapiro. An
ordinance was passed on second reading
prohibiting any person or persons of
operating or maintaining any junk yard
or other like establishment in the bor
ought limits. The third reading ot the
ordinance will be held over until the
next regular meeting of the council.
Mrs. Mary Hiekerwell. who spent the
past several months at Wilkinsburg with
her son. Joseph Hiekerwell, lias return
ed to town.
B. F. Henry will leave Saturday for
< 'humbersburg where he will spend some
Mr. ami Mrs. Grant Crull, of North
Spring street, received word from their
son, t\ E. Crull. who had been in
France for the past year, had arrived
in New York city and is at present sta
tioned at Camp Mills, N. Y.. and ex
pects to he mustered out within the
next two weeks.
The Mothers' Congress Circle will
meet at the home of Mrs. D. I'. I)ea
trick, North Union street.
A meeting of the Middletown Tennis
club was held at the home of Harry
Smith, East Water street, lust evening
and work on fixing up the tennis court
on the old fair grounds will be started
Mrs. Annie Houck. of Race street,
entertained a number of friends at her
home on Wednesday evening in honor
of the birthday of Mr. Houck and Mrs.
Mary Baker. After a social hour had
been spent and various games played,
were served.
An amusing time was caused on Hof
fer's Extension by Mrs. John Gish, who
closed up Adelia street because the bor
i ugh did not make alleged necessary
repairs. One evening last week she
dug six holes and planted six posts.
Someone notified the burgess that the
street was closed by the woman and
lie ordered her to remove them. She
defied him to have them removed, so
' 'unstable Houser and Supervisor Fish
burn removed the posts Monday. That
same evening Mrs. Gish replaced the
posts again. The burgess notified her
to have them removed by Wednesday
evening. Mrs. Gish had the posts re
Frank Houser. who is employed in
1 lie butchershop of P. 11. Halltnan. cut
the end of one of his lingers off yes
terday with a knife which slipped.
J. G. Rogers has purchased the house
now occupied by Aaron Parson on Ann
street. Mr. Parson will move to the
.Saul property on North Spring street.
Brownstone Castle. No. 456, Knights
of the Golden Eagle, celebrated t lie
eighteenth anniversary of the lodge
Wednesday evening. The speaker of
t lie evening was J. M. Shappell, of
Philadelphia, president of the commit
tee in charge of the Golden Eagle home
at Davis Grove. Montgomery county.
Mithin the past month fifty new mem
bers were taken in.
Joseph Brady received word yester
day that his brother. Levi Brady, aged
MJ years, died at his home in Palmyra
from complication of disease. He is
survived by his wife and two Fons,
Harry and Paul Brady, one sister Mr
Augustine Conrad. Royalton. and three
brothers, Joseph Brady, of this city
Jerry Brady. Round Top. and John
Brady. Royalton. Funeral services were
held tins afternoon with burial in the
Jliimmelstown cemetery.
~ Th f.. a , n " ual stockholders' meeting of
-mi •'A < " p '°wn Cemetery Association
"ill be helil at the residence of S. C.
i oung. North Union street, next Tuosl
day evening.
Mrs. Sherman Hawthorne, of Harris
burg was the guest of the Social Circle
which was enterlained by Mrs. Web
ster Weaver at her home. North Union
street, yesterday afternoon.
New Improvement in Radio
Discovered by Engineers
Sfluinctady, N. T.—Photographic
receiving and recording of wireless
messages are being carried on by
naval engineers at the Ottercliffs re"-
eeiving station near Bar Harbor. Me.
They use an instrument invented
by C. A. Hoxie, an engineer em
ployed at the General Electric Com
pany here. This invention permits
the eye either to supplement or re
place the ear in reading wireless
messages. A totally deaf person
could be a wireless operator in a
station so equipped.
Other results are greater speed in
receiving, greater accuracy in deci
phering and a permanent record of
*a cry dot and dash in every message
so received. Because of the very
delicate tuning that can be obtained
and tha resulting high degree of
selectivity," It has been found prac
ticable To receive messages despite
many inductive noises and interfer
ing signals which ordinarily have
rendered receiving impossible.
Although the instrument is not
immune from the effects of static
"strays," it lias successfully recorded
messages at high speed regardless of
strange static interference that with
out its aid would have baffled the
receiving operator.
It Is said that messages have heen
deciphered with its assistance when
operators were unable to get word
of it by ear.
Mr. Hoxie In discussing the in
vention says:
"I hope to perfect the instrument
so that in the not far distant future
several photographic recorders can
he attached to a single antenna and
simultaneously receive and record
messages from Rome, Lyons. Carna
van, Wales, Nauen, Germany and
Ban Francisco. This may be called
simultaneous multiplex receiving
from one antenna.
"YVhen this is accomplished an in
ternational receiving station would
have but a single antenna and in a .
room inside the station there would
be a row ot" machines with tapes
pouring into baskets. One could
pause at the first basket and read of
the new president of Germany, step
ping to the next basket, he would
read of a volcanic eruption in the
' ' fe' '
1 Saturday! 3 Lots Easter Gloves Pre-Easter Underselling Millinery Event Saturday! Biggest Day of All |
1} Buy Now! These Prices Give You Hundreds of New Trimmed Hats Silk Hosiery Sale. 3 Lots
S! 1 nvno Qoirififfc • I Cl-,rlr>o you have the opportunity to select here tomorrow from hundreds of new trimmed U< 55c TL^ 6 ij 6 V 07° ill
ttj L 312 6 oavmgs , Latest utyies hats fresh from our workroom. These charming models portray the very newest About 475 Pairs lhl'ead Silk Hose at 97C
S _ st y les in millinery and are values that cannot be had anywhere else in Harrisburg. We About 350 Pairs Thread Silk Hose at .. . $1.37 Rl
|j Lot L Lot 2 - Lot 3 - ire s P eciallzin S m trimmed hats at these two prices. Fibre snk Hose Thread snk Hosc Thread suk Hose
ffil Women's Women's' Fine i ls# X" "X $4.90 and 90 A \ ■.'-> . ™-"* '"fti; ■
Women s women s Pine t Women's White \ 'tc v cUICI / x ~,,,,, full fashioned and fashioned: double hi
Washable Cape Silk and Cham- [ . / / \ double sole and heel. seamlpss dmlb|f > sole sole and high spliced HI
[U Kid Gloves oisette Gloves Kid Gloves Together With fl /_/ colton earter top ' and heel. iisie garter : in 1 biuok? wiute,' |§
•gs One-clasp in brown, Two-clasp in white. Two-clasp black / J \ IUgCUICI Willi cl / mUlhii imi , ""•f , in while, black, gray, top: some with slight cordovan. gray. 111
tan arid gray with | black, • pongee, gray, overseam sewing r~g ./St/ \mm FGanloir fEn IVf/xof T-'.'-'l - , imperfections in pearl, navy, Russian IS
:LM black stitching: a mastic, in contrast- [ heavy back em- 9& ' ~ s/AKj' pK UlSUlciV 01 lil6 IViOSC A tiSßf ,f'■' cTiampagne, taupe. . . calf, green. . licni- gSI
I splendid bargain. In g stitching. Pre- broidered on black. gtt x . Wf/s\ \<-j An •T T J. '*4 '' I re-Fa-der Under- . „ P"gue, light blue. MJ
Pr.-Raster Under- Raster Underselling , I re-Easter T nder- svq /v/ASJW K# ( hfU'miOS' WfflffiMel kH ian and gray. I re- Kold Pre-Easter Un- V,"
selling Price, pair, | Price, pair, | sciiing Price, pair, fyii \ -SJJ j/ JXA K •' Pvv 1/ L—K? selling Event, a pair, Easter Underselling derselling .10 vent,
tl . t, +A m MM at $6.90 up to $15.00 M. /fX & EV """T "* M I
1.85 .15 $9.25 V r J The leading braids and colors ( J 37
JL = A 1 =■ \ / a °d the newest shapes —in large, } S m Mm mW Mm I
small and medium models. ® ® " ™" * ||j
= Ka " f ""'" "- ' ' rS< - =K....r.,.nnV so K,.„r.= - ~l rllt e |j
selling Event
|j I Saturday The Record Day in Suits in Our 10 Days Pre-Easter Selling Event || || Girls' Dresses || |
Girls' Gnats A Suit for every Woman—A Suit for every Miss F r Easter |i
viii io VVWitf p s toi* i<nj ® "BT* a -a o nf irln a 'tol, th
For Easter Wear oiiits! Suits! Suits! Easter Styles by the Hundreds i
Hundreds of smart J " J A IVtaiVtA VUO ship and good taste and (U
juvenile models that are iv/t OKL new arrivals will make their initial showing here Saturday. Hundreds of new models that were ; l uL s cxcq>tl< y B 1
inexpensive ana service- iy ■ , - - - . . t i J x
able. scheduled for the opening of this big. event have but recently came in and will be ready for you Saturday. Supreme values && |fj
r- > a ? them ". Surprising assortments and values for those who intended to pay much higher prices—for in these six groups you will X
Girls find the springs' most brilliant assemblage at Kaufman's famous Underselling prices. Every spring shade—hundreds in navy the 'ixS r rkr ftl
Capes ' most demanded shade of all. All alterations, as usual, FREE of Change. ' \ ®
Naw Easter Suits Easter Suits Easter Suits W
W C p V ' ' % „ For Women & Misses For Women & Misses For Women & Misses t [ 1 i ' \3ed§il
W e 'jl 'II oo. W p..n" BC \"?:' o.r J^ ||r r >rg V . i
and Wllklhod mXUmla nil!! ftuwlfr braided MOttH. MVjr, black liml the oilier 1
hi iftllZLL—l H/( \ ll ir '*4 j I \ >, blur. mope. / -f. ' nn1..l volors. Plain till- M /\\ /Tl7 li K hi
!U |[ A A 'mm \ \ cirrclx Mnnv of llirm 7J I I . lun ' Uopcnhagen, rooke.v f\ .V. ( lered with deep collars. f/ A \ ' *\A lM
IS SI 5.00 AlflßSHPfi* S/\\ \ ,e trimmed \vl?b I.V. I ffl P.t \ "" ,l r " v ' "'III veata. I I *\ \ '"".I No.nrl autta will. / /\ \ e..,. Si
nJ A■/ A \ *ll Hi/ca for women and 0i Al/\i / ! ~,i,orP,,• 1,0, i " nil f I\ \ vesia of Irleolette ..ml ly j P \ Girls Dresses x M
111 Graceful gar- \.U J\M 11/\ \ n.llaea W *iA -eml-box atylea and amart A \\ \ ) other fane, .Ilka. // to I t Yearn (U
SX r... .ill, 1,„ I f ■ I lift \ \ / | / ill \ belted death an. , I*■ , J White Voile and Organdie
nl ments 1 1 li the J r y \ . /L / IVI \ t /|IAA Pd <V Ureases for Girls. pretty fil
| !.;= K fIW $22.50 $29.50 ffl| $39.50 fa i©agpB I
1 CM-'snScpo IfU &—Easter Suits 'fflj t Easier Suits lIP* I
M -^L : jgA S I ll / TwlVl". Popuna nnd"er r : |V I' jj For Women & Misses F -Women. Misses // | \ m
'k I I l A navy nail blnek. Popllna |kl\ ,Y 1 2ft dlnea. Drk'a Wear Sehgen. \ • \v. I Onba^dlnel'Hto'plen^.r"he f \ Jll / Girls' L
hi CCQC 1 I 1 1" . M" rk ' .. tU .". VC ' _!B\\ VA scotch Tweed, and Jer- \•V N ./ highest priced .....dels I \ XfaißflH X Dresses hi
IllU A&f /■J J.JJj 1 <J 1 henna and trench blue. •r4KL. \A. (QB se.vn. . wnn.lerlal range \ ,i f turned out liv the r„,..i f I \ uresseb l[M
| as!s\\ |Vv ' 1 Ih I Twee.ln in mixtures of ](Sp of styles in the popular k* 1, j tailors in New York and II 1 1,1
hi 7-;-'\ 'fl I fl gray and brown. Jerseys >'. J W '" > bine hut all the .f| laalmost every.mse ,mc I \ \ WrtTV IVV White Voiles. jSI
IU \ ]\ Sizes for 1 f ' sport models in blue A'V\ 1 X other wanted colors as S If I on | v ot 08 ,.i, N ivlc hut f 1 I I I' \\ I \\\ ' f ' s al| il IU
7 I A ll • , „ , „ I ' " ''rather mixtures. I weU. Ileautiful silk Un- 1 i \ of stvle! from I \ \ A| \\ 111 M N e 1 "'Csscs
hi UJmrEPIN KirlP ' - 10 r I Plain tailored, box mod- \JL j lug- -fancy or plain. \\ U\ „ hich to choose Some / z-vA 1\ _\ ildßfofov Girls, in Kj
04 I ifcyHCkV vears: silk I _A ela and the smart braided % I Kt <** ''* he style ]] |•) of the... are embroidered / \/\)" wonderful vtt- MM
!IS I I Tl \\ styles; many show the m-f \A assortment is very ex- ("W fIJ \ others hrni.l trimmed f *rA /4 - V " ct - °" lets SS
V i! I J\ \ kiAi' I / \ \\ "ew tester effect in all Wft tensive hut in most eases \ while others -ire nlnln / -i l\ eSuul beautifully Sll
IU )C\ I l'\ V 7 .I • H / \ V) •'f' 0 '" for "<' \i, J only two or three suits of \7i \ tailored. tlnnv of them / **/ A f i-~ t, l inl, " pJ |U
It /P 1 \\ ; 1 M V mI "" PX ' 1 each style. §, hate fancy f Vrl-
S, 1/1 1 I w l ' hPt an A A p| AA 7 A _ _ a Easter Und.r- h
1 Jvr $25.00 $35.00 • v $45.00 Jj* "W I
1 § fef Stunning New Capes, Dolmans and Wraps at $lO.OO to $49.50 J® ty
I St y lish Stout Suits In Big Varity at $25.00 to $45.00 1
Vjj I* imfiimnV SrooiMl l'lr - HS
| $ 8 .95 Silk Underwear Easter Waists By the Hundreds IP" Pre-Easter || 11 e'2 95 N
fa. £=4 Pre-Easter Fascinating Prices Underselling Event | * IfMjHT- ul uRI
li 1\ Un Eveni' EASTER WAISTS EASTEFt"'WAISTS d°s mfflW I
U \i | g i l\ I t i Crepo <le Chine and Gcorg- .. M ■ it to 11 tears
5 ' W \ /iILI 1I My ette Waists in White, Flesh. HMIk kr jßßaiMft Beautttul Georgette and ■ AV*CAt£ Clirls- Colored V V 1 KJ
hi ')-rr I \ '" ea Hose, Maize. Sunset; round MfyftiSC ' ,e Pe de Chine Waists, new- B Wash Dresses, r | \ IXI
! j j Y/ |'n'tß : ' ji-oi "f''y k •""" i | " K ' .''''' j', ''. L' 't | w r | m
II U I\v'' VN * andW n.'lL—i.liiin _ c'i,;- E j EASTER '"WAISTS d0 AC to U Yearn hi
IU yssort- \ \ ! 'A \ \ I I/N broidered with silk or heads. A v t Xnj\ * Tj;, nSSH o \ \i- Colored |g
ZSN ment of VL— I 1 \ \\ "4| Shown in Flesh, Victory, Sun- rl' \ flSf-'v ; vsvt:' ®iK3 Plain and Novelty Voile V\ A Awe&M Dresses ..for
J new Eas- \ '4 1 \,| A jU set. Navy, League Blue, Maize. wS . IS ffl u roßgy Waists, white nnd colors; beau- ilu' l.ittle Tots, ljl||
sS ter styles 1 \\ I s ffl 'Tea Rose and White; sizc-s S6 Sro liv Alltlful styles, prettily trimmed IB 111 made of Giug- |g*
U Inl hfi J v. xx - l" J e^]j ar ! [s e | S ' lre " A/\ "y :r 'j Ces r ° K " I! jl Ch'ambrays "in
A"" Crepe de chine QC „ *3s Jk;, Jl " ' sL4{."'"' ' b, J fSft "{: i
Girls'Snring Coats Night Gowns at EASTER WAISTS JLa '- T lirfm SSd'e.Sizes'% hi
A „'£°° ton4"!'e,S; in r\ I'KWldiiilVl EASTER WAISTS • W"'V WMM SUaUjSC i
<bi o rt/Y Underselling Price, $4.95. beautiful styles—all the new | \ JWmH !t ffl 7 1 Wonderful Voile Waists In npi pi. p . phoL" °
lis 'F?>4| SIZ 90 C-ll C I shades including the ever staple I, tV||V V.l White and caloro, plain and IHP UICP I AVCPI fti nf IS
Ihi A --M Silk Envelope d*o AC White, llesh and Black. Round, I \\, \| I||UA/ 1 novelty effects, embroidery or lIIC JuiloC vUIoCI SI 95 hi
;iU tffl •JL • r fL • JIZ.Hj square und V neck models, with I W 1 8\11 W(. rW I trimmed. Big variety of #fi l|y
|Si /H /flk u ® B „ fo ' Inemise at . . ™ the new tucks and frills—sizes, K LM| ;]4 /] V J *tyle; regular and extra sizes, Models for the slender, A , , Si
/YdW /5 S'rls, *to Crepe de Chine and Wash regular and extra, 36 to 54. m A / 3,1 to Pre-Eastei 1 Under- average full and slout fig- kMmn| Girls
! 1 / 0m )C: " erSM ' Sutin Envelope Chemise, lace Pre-Luster Underselling Price. filing A ■S'AfflA Dresses P
hi / llk\ J \ W ° ol POP ~ or ribbon strap trimmed, full $4.95 IiSL-y ; $1 95 t i ' i i Hto 14 Year. kll
11l N lins and cut; sizes 116 to 46. Pre- —MI I Willi zojjgßU * topless, low, medium and Girls' Silk
IS vsAiLg__o \ 3i,k POP- 'Easter Underselling Price, jU mm' ijjjjj —— __j high luists—not ordinary Dresses, new Jg
T p 'nd' 001 '"'! 8 Silk Bloomers B| each and individual A.
el / /iffctM Jl est' B 'coats Extra Special T mRb a and Batiste; pink or J) P
O / / /iWNrHI 1 at tli e Wasli Satin and Italian * fc_ | jQI ft H white; sizes, 19 to 3G. 'J oroidery. Sizes
jW II I price. Silk Bloomers Flesh or _A. K f\l* vWA UJIB V x to 14 years.
||S[ / ,J II 1 A 1 1 the white, plain and trimmed w ' VM Pre-Easter l*n- |JN
"7 Xllllf man's, Klnnr. __!\ulifmnn's, l'lnnr.— H. a I Xo 3B 510.95
.Knufmnn's, I'lrsl Finn. First l'li.nr I lj
| Philippines and only a few feet fur
ther cn will he the baskets marked
London, Paris. Koine, San Francls
co, Sydney and Shanghai."
The American in his every day
conversation speaks Grepk, Lalin.
French, Fuxoh, Chinese, Indian and
a dozen other languages all merged
in one. The English language is
more varied and full than any other,
according to Dr. C. H. YVeller, head
of the Department of Greek at the
University of lowa.
Latin derivatives a'ong with Sax
on form the large part of our com
mon speech. Searcloy a sentence is
spoken in English without the use
lof Latin. Professor YVeller mentions
la would-be purist who gave this ad
vice: "Avoid Latin derivatives; use
terse, pure simple Saxon." This sen
tence is found to contain hut one
single Saxon word—"Saxon." The'
other seven words in tlie sentence
are all Latin derivation.
The Greek element in our words is
widespread and is especially promi
nent in science. The doctor cannot
discuss medicine without speaking
Greek. From this source more than
any other is our 'anguage now be
'.ng enriched.—Bulletin of the Uni
versity of lowa.
Borne, April 4.—News from Sofia,
the capital of Bulgaria, is disquiet
ing and it is reported that the Bul
garian Communists are preparing
for a revolt against the government.
Hungarian Communist agents, it is
added, already are at work in Sofia
preparing for common action with
the Bulgarians.