Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, April 04, 1919, Page 4, Image 4
4 ARMENIANS IN NEED OF FUNDS TO KEEP ALIVE Dr. Worrell Gives First Con tribution to Cause at Offices Just Opened b. W. Desant, of New York, who is in Harrisburg assisting Chairman Charles W. Burtnetl in the prelimi naries of the campaign, through which it is hoped to raise $38,000 in Dauphin county for the benefit of suffering Armenians and Syrians, was asked to-day what is being done with the money that is being raised in the United States. Mr. Desant said that besides the boats of supplies and workers which have been sent to the field, reports and stories constantly come home from those who have now been on the field since the beginning, cast ing bright and encouraging light on the effect which their devoted work is having on conditions in the North East, as well as the need for continued and greater effort until not a starving orphan shall be left unbefriended or a man and woman deprived of the means of livelihood through no fault of their own, be left without the means of starting life anew. The following story just received from John Elder, one of the relief workers of the Armenian Committee for Relief of the Near East in Erivan, emphasizes both these points in a particularly interesting way. He says: "The number of orphans has been raised from 130 to 350, and may soon be 450. This increase was im perative. For weeks at a time dur ing the fall 1 passed from two or three to eight or ten grimy, shiver ing. starving youngsters, crying by the roadside, with no earthlv sup port, deserted by parents unable to care for them. There is no doubt that hundreds, probably thousands of them, died during the fall months of sheer starvation. "The industrial work has been in creased in every department. The looms are putting out about 10,000 arshens of material a week, as com pared to some 5,000 before and 100 new looms are practically ready to put to work. Our money here works three times, one in giving work, again in making cloth which we sell at as low a price as possible, but which brings at that a very con siderable sum of money, and again 1n providing cloth for the half naked refugee population of Ar menia. We are at present working on a government contract for 8,000 soldiers' uniforms of black and white, and have about half finished. Our workers are approximately as follows, Erivan 5,500, Aslitarak 6.- 000 and Etchmiadzin 1,400, In all about 7,500. "In direct relief we are doing Ihe following. A soup kitchen in TCova Bayazed gives food to about 900 regularly, and a much larger number occasionally. In Billigon we have been giving milk and food to some 400, but will soon close that work as the refugees are leaving Ihat region. In Erivan money dis tribution reaches 500 or more a month. In medical aid we reach about 3,000 a month through a company doctor. Dr. Mandinian whom many of you may know, and through the hospital and outpatient department. During the cholera epidemic we had a special doctor giving full time to refugees in the 6trsets and gardens." The Itev. Dr. Edwin R. Worrell, of the Board of Temperance of the Presbyterian Church, to-day made the tirst contribution to the local fund. Dr. Worrell appeared un solicited before at the headquarters of the local committee in the Boy Scouts offices and handed in his check to Mr. Heath cote. Supreme Court Awards Refiners $413,390 Verdict in Suit Against Railroad Jersey City, N. J.. April 4. —A ver- j diet awarding $413,390 for damages I arising out of the disastrous Black I Tom Island explosion in New York j Harbor in July. 1916, was given by j the Supreme Court here to-day in i favor of B. H. Howell Son & Com pany, New York sugar refiners, against the Lehigh Valley Railroad. The Howell firm lost sugar stored in Lehigh warehouses here. The road contended that the fire which fol lowed the explosion originated on property not owned by the defend ant and spread to warehouses. PETKRMAN-KIRK BRIDAL Miss Helen Kirk, of Paxtang, and Ralph M. Peterman. of New Cum berland, were united in marriage yesterday in Baltimore. Mr. Peter man was recently discharged from the Army after serving at Camp Hancock and is now in the Automo bile Division of th Stale Highway Department. After a brief wedding journey, Mr. and Mrs. Peterman w-ill be at home at 3419 Brisban street, Pax tang. TO MAKE CP TOST TIME Mount Wolf, Pa., April 4.—At a special meeting of the Mount Wolf School Board on Monday evening an arrangement was made between the board and the teachers to make up the time lost last fall by the influ enza epidemic. From four to six weeks were lost by the various grades. TO HOLD SERVICES Preparatory services will be held In the Market Square Presbyterian Church at 7.30 o'clock this evening. Following the services a meeting of the session will be held. People de siring to unite with the church have been asked to appear before this meeting. The -finishing -touch of satisfaction to many a breakfast is a cup of INSTANT POSTUM A rich enjoyable table beverage FRIDAY EVENING, HAKRISBUWO TEEBOICIPH APRIL 4, 1919. Personal-Social ANNUAL MEETING CAMP HILL CLUB Civic Organization Elects Of ficers and Hears Inter esting Reports The Camp Hill Civic Club elected the following officers yesterday at the annual meeting: President, Mrs. How ard W. Goodman; vice presidents, Mrs. William Dennlson, Mrs. U. G. Fry; secretary, Mrs. P. Edgar Hess; treasur er, Mrs. J. G. Armstrong: directors, Mrs Fred W. Kendall and Mrs. W. C. Bowland. Mrs. L. IL Dennis, the retiring presi dent made a most admirable report telling of the club activities In spite of war conditions. The Club devoted its best energies to the branch work of the Emergency Aid. Mrs. Carl Deen chairman, reporting the following work: Surgical dressings, 13,350 ; Muslin band ages, 2,210; Body binders. 110; T-bind ers. 30; Pneumonia jackets. 83; Chil dren's garments, 150 ; Comfort kits, 47 ; Quilts, 37; Helmets, 42; Sweaters, 225 ; Socks, 120 pairs. To the Children's In dustrial Home, $lOO cash; Port Hospital Fort Monroe. Va.. 2.400 yards of gauze. Mrs. George D. Cook, the treasurer reported that the funds passing through her hands amounted to $2,039.16 and the expenses $1,766, leaving a balance in the treasury of $272.88. Junior Aid Helps The Junior Aid in the schools, with Mrs. Phelan at the head, did much com mendable work besides assisting the French War orphans. The Civic Club purchased and donated an American flag to each of the borough schools. A child welfare show was held during the year with Mrs. John Sweeney in charge the demonstrations attracting much at tention and interest. Money toward a new encyclopedia and many excellent books for the High school library were given by the club and many fruits and jellies have been sent to the Army Hos pital, in Carlisle. Special speakers have aroused interest in the monthly meetings of the club and a number of municipal improvements planned and carried out. For Men in Service The Out Door committee arranged to plant a tree for each Camp Hill man in the service and as the weather be came too cold for the planting much of it was deferred until next Arbor Day. A memorial tablet is a certainty, to be placed on the Fire House, and financed by the club. Mrs. W. G. Siegmund the retiring secretary who has never missed a meet ing during her five years of service, was presented with a wonderful bouquet of daffodils and fern with the thanks of the club for her faithful and ready co-operation in every way. In rettirn, Mrs. Siegmund presented the president with a gavel made by her son in Tech school, and finished by Dr. Siegmund. the gavel to be used "always in har mony, never in discord." Food Salt* To-morrow Mrs. S. S. Miller chairman of the Municipal committee and her corps of assistants will hold a food sale to-mor row afternoon beginning at 2 o'clock, the proceeds to go toward erecting signs around the school houses warning motorists of the proximity of children. On sale will be much of the products of Camp Hill housewives tha,t have spread their fame abroad—pies, cakes, salads, meat and nut loaves and bread, all the most delicious of their kinds. Spend Pleasant Evening at the Neff Residence Mr. and Mrs. Victor Neff. 1909 Swatara street, entertained last eve ning for a number of their friends. The house was attractively decorat ed in green and white and after en joying dancing and music the fol lowing guests were conducted into the diningroom where refreshments were served to: Miss Thelma Hicks. Miss Mildred Nonemakcr. Miss Freda None maker Miss Mildred Neff, Miss Helen Neff, Paul Holfut, Lester Neff. ENTERTAIN STUDY CLUB Mrs. R. Willis Fair and Miss Martha J. Means entertained the Study Club Wednesday aftenoon at their home in Old Orchard. Mrs. L. D. Perry discussed the topic, "The Legal Status of Woman as Wife. Mother and Wage Earner, and Points of Law Which She Ought to Know." An election of officers for the coming year was held, with the following results: President. Mrs. L. D. Perry: vice-president, Mrs. Thomas Blair; recording secre tary. Mrs. John T. Olmsted; corre sponding secretary, Miss Margaret Pomeroy; treasurer, Mrs. E. E. Ellis. WELCOME RETURNING PASTOR The Rev. Dr. Edwin A. Pyles and Mrs. Pyles were the honor guests at a reception given by the members of the Fifth Street Methodist Church, marking his return to the church by the Conference, which recently met at Sunbury. CLASS ANNIVERSARY Class 23 of the State Street United Brethren Church, held its class an niversary last evening. After a short musical program a debate was held between Class 2 3 and Class 9 which was won by Class 9. . Refreshments were served to a large assemblage. SINGS FOR SOLDIERS Miss Edith Rourke will sing at Knights of Columbus Hall. North street, Saturday afternoon, for the convalescent soldiers at the Car lisle hospital. Miss Margaret Vaughn, harpist, will be the accompanist. (Other Social Items on Page 8) 500 Democrats Eat Roast Pig Dinner at New Club at First of Big Socials More than 500 persons last night at tended a pig roast given by the Central Democratic Club, it being the first social event given by the entertainment com mittee since the new clubhouse was opened in Walnut street. The crowd was so great that even the big grill and social rooms of the club were taxed to the utmost. The menu was a particularly pleasing one consist ing of roast young pig, filling, sauer kraut, potatoes and half a dozen side dishes. Dinner was served from 8 until 12 o'clock. There was a varied program of enter tainment although President Fred L. Morgenthaler did not call on any of the men prominent in party circles to make addresses because of the announcement that the evening would be entirely in formal. Plans are now being made by the entertainment committee for a series of weekly social events. Mexico Changes Its Attitude Toward Foreign Investments in Country By Associated Press. Washington, April 4. Recent pri vate and official advices from Mexico City are interpreted as indicating a sudden change in sentiment in the republic toward foreign investments in Mexico and that the coming ses sion of Congress will clear the at mosphere of much of the hostility shown sincA the adoption of the 1917 constitution. The American oil in terests in Mexico have not receded from the stand originally taken that their vested rights in Mexico must be recognized and that the anti-for eign and confiscatory features of the new constitution must not operate ex post facto, against them. Local Soldier Saved Stores on French Front Through the bravery of Private John C. Dailey, who while in civilian clothes, resided at 2018 Wallace street, a Quar termaster's warehouse at Sur Tille, France was partially saved when flames threatened it, according to stories reach ing Harrisburg to-day. Private Dailey organized a fire company and a hose was operated. It is estimated that the total value of the material in the ware house is more than $2,000,000. Private Dailey is now in the 66th company, Transportation Corps. He , has been in the thick of the fighting and was present at several of the important battles. Captain Bretz to Talk on the 28th Division Captain John T. Bretz, of this city, { who commanded one of the com panies of the One Hundred and Twelfth Infantry, will give a talk on the. Twenty-eighth division in the war at the courthouse to-morrow night at 8 o'clock for members of the Harrisburg Reserves. The Reserves have invited mem bers of the Reserve Militia and re turned soldiers and sailors to hear the captain. This will be the first of a series of talks to be arranged by officers of the Reserves. William Jennings will preside. Heavy Loss When Fire Destroys Electrical Stores Valuable telephone and telegraph equipment in the Pennsylvania rail road warehouse at Race and Paxton streets was either destroyed or dam- I aged this morning. The interior of the structure was badly damaged. Officials at the offices of the Phila- i delphia division of the Pennsylvania railroad are unable to give any esti- j mate as to the loss. The origin of the fire is undeter- I mined. Discoveries by A. A. Ryrem, i a railroad inspector, the flames spread rapidly. Surrounding build- 1 ings were saved. Fire Chief John C. Kindler, re ported the blaze to the State fire marshal's department for investiga tion. He says he. believes the build ing may have been set on fire by thieves. Standing of the Crews HAHRISBI'HG SIDE Philadelphia Division. The 111 crew to go first after 1 o'clock: 101, 121. 124, 119. 106. 118, 127, 107. 104. Firemen for 106, 118, 124. Conductors for 121. Brakemen for 101, 106, 118. Engineers up: I>efever, Ream, Schwartz, Mohn. A. K. Steffy, Smith, Anderson. G. Brodhecker, McDonald, . Bair, Gable, Blankenhorn. Dolby. Firemen up: Morgan, Kase, Bickel, | Wood, Beach, Copp, Kintz, Good, Wil lard, Varner, Netzley, W. R, Xim mich, Kirchoff, Frey, Fenstermacher, W. W. Rider, Stetzel, Bralley, Cush ing. Conductors up: Bitner, Sellers. Brakemen "up: Altemus, Yohe, Cravcr. Christ. Brown, Lutz, Brlnzer. Lack, Silks, Hoyer, Dare, Minnichan, Hoffman, Leightner, Weidlnger, Singleton, Beard. Hughes, Mowery, Home, Cross, Corbln. Middle Division —The 231 crew to go first after 1 o'clock: 251, 242, 219 and 220. Laid off—26, 19, 17 and 24. Engineers up: Peters, Peightal, Kline, Cook, Burrls, Howard, Bora berger, Leppard. Firemen up; Kepner, Morris. Brakemen up; Deckard, Fenical, L. D. Deckard. Shade. Yard Hoard— Engineers for 6C, 10C, 1. 15C, 35C. Firemen for 2, 15C. Engineers up: Wise, Goodman, Har ling, Machamer, Beckwith, Fulton, Fells, McMorris. Firemen up: Stine, Ross, Brinkley, E. Kruger, Mensch, Engle, W. C. Kruger, N. Lauver, Dill, Gormley, Wirt, P. S. Smith, G. K. Smith, Howe, Rothe. KNOI.A SIDE Philadelphia Division. The 214 crew to go first 2.14:, 227, 243, 537, 208, 231, 228, 202, 235, 246, 229, 210, . 207, 230, 239, 236. 220, 250. Engineers for 227, 243. Firemen for 235, 231. Conductors for 214, 227, 229, 230. Flagmen for 227. 243, 237, 202. Brakemen for 231, 228. Brakemen up: Carper, Brelthapt, Eshleman, Shenk, Candler. Smeltzer. Vatulll. Derrlce, Lesher, Singer, Lee, Rutisell. Resslnger. German. Harrion. Beliney. Bablns, Beers. McConnell. Middle Division. —The 259 crew to go first after 2 o'clock: 249, 238, 227, 224. 222. Five laid oft at Altoona. Laid off—lll. Tard Board —Engineers up: Rider Hill. Boyer, Kllng. Branyon. Firemen up: O. J. Wagner. MeCon- : nail. Wolf, Coldrin, Taylor, A. W. Wagner, Holmes. Engineers for change crew. Firemen for change crew. PASSENGER SERVICE Middle Division —Engineers in: W. I C. Black, J. Crinimel, G. G. Kelser, J. W. Smith, F. F. Schreck, J. Afl Spotts, R. M. Crane, W. D. McDoujal, C. D. Hollenbaugh, W. C. Graham. James Keane S. H. Alexander. O. L. Miller D. Keane, H. F. Krepps. Engineers wanted for 33, 47, 13. Firemen up: C. W. Winand, D. F. Hudson, G. L. Huggins, H. M. Corn- Open Saturday Evening Until 9 O EASTER SUITS /fjl! 1 'ijw Largest Stocks In The Entire Town I] i kwk More Styles, More Patterns, Bigger Values, All Sizes W ||| | 4 Big Lots of Boys' Easter Suits IS£ 1 ! 5 dfe 0 Boys' SuitS) _ Boys' Suits ) n I If / New Norfolk Suits, new Juve- 'tpMaiiJ Navy blue serges, fine home- , |Y| /—/ nile Supits, all new models. The / ZZ spuns, cheviots and cassimeres; / j\XjE \*\ *<3 *J| /Ul / V materials of mixed cheviot; J If Jf"\ pants lined and cut full; new j Ah!tJr V . SS U t0 17 yParS sltlrt model coatB - 8 to 18 years .. j Boys' SuitsJM Boys' Suits, f' IUI VU I a New skirt model Norfolk Suits; tpM .V J / -Jjjml All wool navy blue serges, ( M, J J '' /Sufi llllu I > H new middy suits for the little ( M ■ /y w fine homespuns, handsome / I vSpwv J A- 3@l t or ,lB% ^ t ae r .nB :. .Pan ' 8 ' £°fB ) || BOY S' WAiSH SUITS for Cl OC |JBOYS' NEW SPRING 7n h| W V Easter, at #I.&D M BLOUSES; all sizes 4ifC fill V H A wonderful display of New Models. Made & him iW Kit WB h 1 IJj MM KM. Kiddy Cloth and Madras, Blue, White and ,/j* U&& Made of good Striped Percale in the new f ZjP fgy I[l fi sy Tan. tapeless model yoke and open cuffs. \B~2jipF V I More Than 1000 Men's Easter Suits E 1 $lB.OO $22.50 $25.00 $30.00 | iSave a five or ten JmL | I dollar bill here on ' | I your new Easter jv JrTfc I \ | \ less for if | !! Men's Easter Suits Men's Easter Suits | You will be surprised with the extremely big f I \ j-4 hi value you will get in your Easter Suit here at this // I Aji\ Jlf WOT Extra fine Suits these are ' W ° ol materials, fin- Ml price. Many styles to select from. Well tailored /</ I (jJSi \ Hi my W est of tailoring, a price that is very much in vogue, hi suits. Blue Serge, fancy Worsteds, fine Cassi- j jjj mU M '' Ut t ' lCSe W ° U C ° St U more e'sewfiere a Men's Easter Suits / |7 Men's Easter Suits | 1 *22= I IEIH.I I s 3o | n|j A popular price that meets the purse of every |/ !■ Extra fine Suits, very choice fashionable ma- nil |M man. Navy Blue Serge, fancy Worsteds, fine M /jallilwM "jlHm ter ' a ' s> exceptional patterns, suits that will please I{M Cassimeres. Plain colors, checks and stripes. A the man who is extremely particular about his 11000 Pairs of Men's Trousers, Extra Special I Men's Trousers at.... )s■! .95 I Men's Trousers at.... )$0.95 I Men's Trousers at )$Q.95 M Worsteds and Cassimers, well made ( I 1 Sv'ell made and perfect fitting Trousers. / Neat checks and stripes In good Wor- ( iM— — 'hjl Trousers. This price is lower than any 1 ■ Worsteds, Cheviots and Cassimeres. A ) steds, Cassimers and Cheviots, with or ) |lv| you have seen for such quality. I large assortment ' without cuffs. ' gj Ten Day Pre-Easter Underselling Event of Men's Furnishings I /\URMen's Furnishing Department is brimful of the best haberdashery for Easter. We have |j BS made great preparations with the most desirable and serviceable shirts, neckwear and hosiery for Easter that can be procured |g|! and our famous underselling prices make buying at Kaufman's doubly attractive. ggj! Shirts Shirts Shirts 0 T Men's Dress Shirts, soft double Men's new Spring Dress Shirts Men's pure tub Silk Shirts; .11 E. fflisiEffil flj ,—. t urn b.ck cuff made of madraa In silk stripe, fibre silk and satin cut full and latest Spring novel- IS? ifSiwl !3 BgPYj ~7„ „.i. ~i !! , ? stripe madras; cut full; turn back ties. All sizes 14 to 17. Extra fine [?S|; Y3 ./ and Prca'. all new Spring mod- cuffs. All sizes 14 to 17. Pre- Shirts. Buy plenty. Pre-Easter els. Pre-Easter Sale Price, Easter Sale Price, p Sale Price, ijfc. $1.95 $2.95 $4.95 J® 1 luA \\ \ J™i\ V I Men's Easter Neck- Ajf Men's Four-in-Hand iO- Men's Silk £*K A Jm/ y J. !^| AJWWBM n\\4\ wear Ties 4oc Hose i oocflL A M ai M If 11 I HtSml ill wh \ Men's Four-in-hands, knitted Men's silk Four-in-hand Ties. Men's pure Silk Hose, black and tCH \ Is \ I !rC\ era fa a?ge"ti'e. ; An extra large range of new all the much wanted color.; dou- Jp M rLjy V 1 1/yV\ tern * Obtainable. Springr patterns to select from. ble sole and heel. 1 Men's New Four-in- /r* Men's Silk Ofl Men's Silk Ofk ' W iHSvyi Hands O DC Hose OifC Hose OjC I K\aHli V/vlb MMIiUrX Imhl Men's new Spring pattersn In Men's all pure Thread Silk Men's Fibre RIIU llose in black ll I\lmwj yjam Four-in-hand Ties made of pure Hoee in black, navy, grey, palm and white; double aole and heel; fiJ f Si f/ I | l\v\ \ WmM wlde end and slip easy beach, cordovan and white; high extra good quality; strictly first KllfillnMßß* Pl l 1 1 iWxsffm bands. spliced heel and double sole. quality. flSEl"*® |Ll<| propst, H. O. Bartzel, R. D. Pee, C. D. Huss. H. Naylor, E. B. Koller, R. M. I.yter, H. Schrauder, H. A. Wehling. Firemen wanted for P-49. Philadelphia Division — Engineers up: A. Hall. M. Pleam. R. D. Welsh, C. R. Osmond. D. A. Kennedy. Firemen up: M. G. Shaftner, H. Stoner. J. M. Piatt, A. U Floyd, J. M. White. Wllliamsport Division— Engineers up: E. E. Bastian. No vacancies. Firemen up: A. Henry, C. E. Smith. No vacancies. THE READING The 57 crew to go first after 10.15 o'clock: 3. 69, 68, 67, 71, 66, 53, 14, 5, 72 and 62. , Engineers for 66, D. Firemen for 63, 67, 62, 66, 71, 5, 18. Conductors for 63, 6. Brakemen for 62, 69, 14, 18. Engineers up: Bmerlck, Wood, Wyre, Netter, KaufTman, Clouser, Freed, Ditlow, Walton, Hoffman, Middaugh, Schubauer. Foremen up: Grundon, Fitzgerald, I Robb, Kmerick, Hartman, Shomper, Smith, Doyton, Grimes, Saul, Spick, Faekler. Conductors up: Meek, Smith. Flagmen up: Haln, Morrow, Fill more, Gochenour, Kegner, Peters, Schanbaugh, McKissick, Keefer. Brakemen up: Same as above. Use McNeil's Cold Tablets. Adv.