22 I To Advertise in tie classified Is jo ft Aijont the Matter In a Sisimc§s°Likc Syj Deaths TllTl.U—April 3. 1919. John C. Tittle. ; aged S5 years, died of stroke oil paralysis. | Funothl services Saturday. 3 P. M.. , from his late residence, 3013 Green, i the Kev. Dr. Henry \V. A. Hanson officiating. Relatives and friends] invited to attend without further no- i tiee. Burial Harrisburg Cemetery.! lit ItKIIOLDKH Died, April I, 1919. Jacob S. Hurkholder, in his b3nl tear, at his lute residence, 1101 t'aiiital street. funeral services from the above | address on Saturday afternoon, t'.t 3:30 o'clock, to which relatives and friends are invited to attend, in-i terment Mt. Olivet Cemetery. CARD Ol' THANKS MRS. HOWARD GEORGE AND SON HOWARD, take this means of thank-] inK their friends and neighbors tor their kindness and sympathy shown in their recent bereavement, in the; loss of their husband and father; also ] lor the beautiful floral tributes. ] LOST AND POUND LOST Automobile coat, between Riverside Garage and Sixth and Ma- : i iav stteets, containing pocket Hash-; light. Reward it returned to 43ij Strawberry street. ] INSTRUCTIONS INDIVIDUAL PROMOTION In Gregg } Shorthand. Typewriting, English, I Bookkeeping, Penmanship. Arithtne- | tic. etc. DAY AND NIGHT SCHOOL] OPEN ALL YEAR. Enter any time. ] Bell 125. Dial 4016. BECKLEYS BUSINESS COLLEGE | 121 Market St. Chas. R. Beckley j HELD WANTED —MALE FACTORY WORK. Wo need a largo number of unskilled mon fur production work in the rubbor industry. Ages IS to 45. Opportunities j to learn trade. $3.00 per day j while learning, after which you arc able to earn $4.00 to *6.00 per day and better. No previous experience neces- j fcn ry. We will assist you in secur ing hoard and rooms or houses at lowest rates. Physi cal examination of heart, eyes and tor hernia required. Apply in person, or commu nicate 'with Factory Employ ment Office. TIIE GOODYEAR TIRE & RUBBER COMPANY, tlx RON. OHIO. 1 WE NEED A NUMBER OF Boring Mill Operators. All-around Machinists and Bench Men. Also a large number of Carpenters, Pipefitters a fid Tinners. High rates. Steady work. No labor trouble. Physical examination required. ; Apply ln person, or commu nicate with Factory Employment Office. THE GOODY'EAft TIRI & RUBBER COMPANY. AKRON. OHIO. WANTED ! Experienced tailors for ladies' lettering. Apply LOUIS. 414 North Third Street. . WANTED A reliable boy of more than 16 years, who can give full l time. Apply 39 North Second street. Room lu. 1 WANTED Coach painter or fur niture finisher: also pattern maker. ; Apply P. O. Box 446. Harrisburg, Pa. ] REPAIRMEN 40 MEN WANTED at once to learn ] to repair autos and aeroplanes. Must have $5O cash for entrance fee 1 Chance to make good money between class hours. Auto and Aeroplane ] Mechanical School. 25 North Cameron ] street. Harrisburg. Tiaining quar- ! ters. 260 Soutli Front street. Steel- ! tun. ELECTRICAL MECHANIC. car' b.i n work, motors, controllers, etc., preferably one thoroughly experienc- j ed on pit work; steady position, out of city; excellent salary. Give experi- ' ence in detail and age. Address U., 7140, care of Telegraph. LOOK HERE Y'ou can make $l3 ] daily easy. Something new. Big Held for agents. Particulars free. Hurry, ; as territory is going fast. Call, or ad- | dress. M. A, Allison, Millersburg, Pa. | YOUNG MEN, IS and over, desiring! Railway Mail and Post Office clerk-1 ships, $93 month, write for free par ticulars of examinations. 11. E. Terry j •(former Civil Service Examiner), 51S; Continental Rldg., Washington. DRUGGIST WANTED Qualified.! at once. Address P. O. Box 334, liar- j i isburg. ■ —, i 11101.1* WANTED—FEMALE | WANTED Middle-aged white j woman to keep house lor a widow. j Must furnish reference. Call Su7l Forsler street, between 5 and 9 P. M. Bell phone 774 M. WANTED Girl or middle-aged woman for genera! housework. Appiy 1X23 North Second street. Bell phone 4 387.1. WANTED - A woman for general housework. Must be neat and clean. Bell phone 672 M. FOR SALE IMMEDIATE POSSESSION No. 614 N. 18th St. One of a pair, contains 8 rooms and bath. In good I condition. l<ot 30x90 ft. At a rea- ! sonable price to quick buyer. 14th Street, three-story brick I house with 9 rooms and bath. Gas | light. Furnace heat. Possession 30 days. Price: $3,200. Miller Brothers & Co. Real ICatate Insurance Surety Honda : Locust and Court Streets Member. Ilbg. Real Estate Hoard . . FRIDAY EVENING, ' HARRISBURG (SSSsI TELEGRAPH * APRIL 4, 1919. I HELP WANTED—I'EMAI.K WANTED EXPERIENCED OPERATORS We are wanting Sewing Machine Operators, positions are permanent, regular work, and good wages. together with u bonus every pay day. Old operators are welcome to return to work ugain. FOLDERS We are also wanting girls for our Folding Department. Must be over 16 years of age. Good wuges are paid in this Department. together with a bonus every pay day. BLOUGII MANFG. CO., Inc.. Iteily and Fulton Sts. WE HAVE A PERM ANEN T I'OSITI ON . FOR A FIRST-CLASS >111,1,1 N El£ Y S A EES I.AD Y. AT GOOD WAGES. APPLY CARE OF BOX 242. P. O. j PEACE WORK AT WAR PAY | Knit urgently needed socks for us on | Auto Knitters Experience unneces sary. Full particulars, 3c stamp. Department 146, Auto Knitter Co.. 821 Jefferson street, Buffalo. N. Y. I WANTED Girl for housework in j apartment. Nc washing. Apply Apartment B. 7 Soutli Front street. RELIABLE HOUSEKEEPER to take 'till charge. Family of three. Good heme. Good wages. Protestant pn toned. Only competent persons ■ need apply. Write X. Y". 77.. care ot Telegraph. I LADIES Do you want to make daily. I will help you. Every tvora ;an needs one. Send 25c for sample. J Money refunded it not satisfactory, j Box 273. Millersburg. Pa. j WANTED Good, white, reliable girl or woman for general housework, jNo w ashing. Good home and wages Ito right party. Must have reference, ' Apply at once. Mrs. A. .1. Lehrruan, j.'.T South Front street, Steelton. GOVERNMENT Needs hundreds ! of women, 18 years and over, for File ] Clerks in Treasury and War Risk I Depts. $9OO-$1,400. Examinations Harrisburg. April 23. For free pur- I titulars, write R. E. Terry (.former j Civil Service Examiner), 018 Conti nental Pldg., Washington. I WANTED Girl for general house work. No king. Good wages. Ap ple 1913 North Second street. i WANTED -—• Woman, between 35 :ind 10 y > urs. for oftice work. App'y Universal Film Exchange. 5 South Fourth street. WANTED Middle-aged whit" woman for light housework. Call I>■ •11 phone 3559, or 1155 Market street. I W ANTED A widower, with two ; children, desires a housekeeper. Mid j tile-aged woman preferred. Call at 1022 Paxton street. WANTED Experienced sales -1 Iraics. Apply Ladies' Ready-to ] Wear Shop, 27 North Second street. WANTED Two cylinder vainpers. j Steady work and good puy. Unreli able workers need not apply. Harris burg Shoe Mfg. Co. SALESMEN WANTED SALESMAN We wish to obtain a local rep resentative to handle one of the j best selling propositions before the public; a man who is well known locally and who can fur nish references and demonstrate sales ability can easily make at i least 100 per week; position i permanent; answer with full in formation regarding present and past connections. Address Sales Manager, 443 Union Ar ; cade. Pittsburgh, Pa. ' OLD-ESTABLISHED Pittsburgh ; house needs live wire, with selling ex perience, for house-to-house work, to | travel out of Harrisburg. Must be ] experienced in this kind of work. I Good salary. Give full particuia's las to age, experience, married or ; single. A 1 reference required. Ad ! dress 8., 7141, care of Telegraph. SA EES MAN WANTED i Experienced salesman wanted to ] sell confectioneries. Best reference re quired. Apply to 106 South Fourth I street. City. SITUATIONS WANTED—MALE I WANTED Y'oung man desires po sition c* any kind. Address Box C, j 7285, care of Telegraph. J WANTED A boy wants work of (most any kind; can ride bicycle. Call ißeli phone 4586. ] WANTED Y'oung boy would like I position as delivery boy, or work of any kind. Call Bell 2376R-3. SITUATIONS WAN TE D—Fein ale ! WANTED Y'oung woman wishes ito keep house for a widower; can j furnish reference. Address Box S. | 7915. care of Telegraph. I WANTED Y'oung woman wishes | clerical work; has had previous ex perience; can furnish reference. Ad j c'ress CI., 7428, care of Telegraph. j WANTED Young woman desires clerical or bookkeeping position; has 1 bad experience; cuti furnish best of | reference. Address 8., 7139. care of Telegraph. j WANTED Clerical position by | young woman, who has three years' experience in gcnerul office work; can furnish best of references. Address Box E, 7430, care of Telegraph. WANTED A reliable colored girl wishes work of tiny kind by the week or day. Apply 1 444 Derry street. City. WANTED—Woman wishes position as diningroom girl. Address Box X. 7341, care of Telegraph. WANTED White woman desires to do small washings and ironing at home. 130 Cranberry street. City. WANTED Position as companion to elderly woman by middle-aged woman: tan furnish references. Call, or address, Mrs. T. Orner, 314 Chest nut street. ! WANTED A colored girl wishes work to do on Saturdays. Write, or call at 352 South Cameron street. City. WANTED A woman wants day's | work of most any kind. Call 801 l I phone 458 C. ItOOMS Foil RENT ROOM FOR RENT A nire front room for a refined gentleman; close to Capitol. Apply Apartment No. 1 ' Gar Held Apartments, No. 21 North Fifth street. J ROOMS FOll KENT ( I A NICELY-FURNISHED FRONT j | ROOM On second floor, near a good boardinghouse and in a good loca tion. 1171 Market street. LARGE, furnished room, with all I conveniences and use of phone, cen-: trully located, suitable for one or two! gentlemen. Bell 525w. I FOUR UNFURNISHED ROOMS i FOR RENT On second floor and: two on third floor. Will rent to one | family or to two families. No ohil dren.' Call at 313 South Second street, ! j Steelton. FOR RENT Three furnished or I unfurnished rooms on second floor. J tor light housekeeping; all convert!- ' ences; corner house. Call Bell phone 1794J evenings. FURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT—; With or without board; all eonvetti- j elites. Apply 2137 North Sixth street. J FOR RENT Nicely-furnished rooms, with hot and cold water; all j ! conveniences; use of phone; private {family. Rent, $1.75 per week. Gen-] | tlemen only. Inquire Bell 28M, or 406] Cnmbii land street. I ~ j TWO. large, unfurnished front! looms for rent. Call at 2022 Derry I street, or Dial 4347. ! TWO ROOMS Completely fur-1 nished for light housekeeping. Ap- I ply 1609 Derry after 6 P. M. ] FOR RENT—Two furnished rooms for light housekeeping; steam heat; | all conveniences; no children; second . I floor. Apply 1814 Green street. _| FOR RENT Two unfurnished a rooms for light housekeeping. Apply, -1621 Park street. Ask for people on] i.! second floor. 1 l FOR RENT Two furnished, up -: to-date rooms, for light housekeep i ! ing: hot and cold water. Apply at 30 ] r North Fifth street during the day, and ] after 7:20 I'. M., at 24 North Fifth - ! stteet. ?! FOR RENT Housekeeping rooms, ! t ] with kitchenettes attached. Stoves si furnished free. Laundry, phone and: i: bathroom privileges. Storage lock-! ! ers. Weekly payments. Inquire 129: - ] Broad street. j I FOR RENT Large, unfurnished I livingl-oom, first floor front, suitable! ' I for suite of rooms, modern conveni-: ' ences. Inquire Dayton Cycle Co.. 912] _ j North Third street. Dial 4990. j FOR RENT Furnished rooms,], j i $2.50 per week and up; warm room.-; i running hot and cold water; light i ' i housekt oping and private bath. Wil-i " j son Apartments. 143 South Tnird. _ i i . j FOR RENT well-furnished , J! room, with steam heat; use of phoue. I . Inquire 719 North Sixth street. i s FOR RENT Elegantly furnish- j L ed rooms, with private family; no | light housekeeping; references. Bell | " | phone 624. Dial 4957. ] 1009 N. SECOND ST. —For rent,! "Ineatly furnished room, with board, in j ' ] private family. Home cooking and use] . of phone. I !j FOR RENT Two furnished j ' rooms, either for light housekeeping! or single; all conveniences. Apply i i6ll Wallace street, or Bell 468151. J! FOR RENT Two furnished rooms} for light housekeeping, centrally to ;'cated. Apply 226 South Second street.] ' FOR RENT Two furnished front' i rooms, on third floor, for ladies only;] use of phone and all conveniences. Ap . j ply SOU North Sixteenth street. ROOMS WANTED - ' WANTED Three or four unfur- ] ■ nished its. or small apartment, in, -] uptown district. Call Bell 2868. ! FURNISHED, sunny room for gen -itlotnar, residence section. 1100 to 19UQ! I north, or Hill section north of Mar-! ket street. Address L., 7342, care of " j Telegraph. I- I W ANTED—BOARD AND ROOMS - FOR RENT Furnished room, and ; • ! board, third floor front, in privates 'Uatiiily; all conveniences. Inquire 14] ■j South Fifteenth street. | APARTMENTS FOR RENT , i FOR RENT Two front apart- j " i menu, one furnished and one unfur- I I nished. lleat. gas and use of bath. | . Centrally located. Inquire, at 327 j ! South 1-ront. t | ! FOR RENT 3-room apartment. ' i use of bath, unfurnished, for light ] - housekeeping. No children. Inquire j 911 North Sixth street. FOR RENT Apartment at llul i Nortli Sixtli street, four rooms and -■bath, lot light housekeeping; ail ■ modern conveniences. Apply Louis, :( ; 414 North Third street. > FOR RENT Three-room apart '' nient; steam heat; all conveniences; - only desirable people with reference need apply. 324 Iteily street. FOR RENT Two rooms and bath, ' suitable for office or apartment, rear - first floor. 132 Walnut street. Apply i to Commonwealth Trust Company. WANTED TO RENT ■ WANTED. TO RENT house, in! -! good location, with all Improvements, '.'by fatuilv with no small children, lo ! catcd either in Harrisburg or - Enoia. Bell phone 4135 W. or Box B f ! 7513, cure of Telegraph. 1i : REAL ESTATE FOR SALE - I FOR SALE r ] _! A fine home, in most open ~l part of North Second street. Immediate possession. A. W. SWENGEL, ? 2131 North Second St. ~ i l'hone 2575 J. I] SEVENTEENTH ST., S., 536—Cor ner brick houi<e witli all improve ■ ments. for sale: cash offer wanted. J. j , E Hippie, 1251 Market street. f ' FOURTEENTH ST.. S.. 418 Mod- | f em 3-story brick, 8-rootn dwelling, in! good repair and well located, for sale; price. 53. 500. J. E. Gipple, 1251 Mar v j ket street. ' j FOR SALE 1820 Boas street, 2-1 ' story brick, 7 rooms and oath; all im | provements; side entrance; porches _ i front and rear. Apply 1820 Boas J street. < 1 FOR SALE Two-story brick "house; all modern improvements: built one year and a half: desirable n I location. Call Bell phone 2205. "! FOR SALE I have several prop erties for sale on easy terms. J. k I Kipp. I"- 1 North Second street. Bell" t j phone 1645 R. FOR SALE Most attractive West n Shore home. All modern conveniences' a Will sell at a sacrifice. Call Bell j! phone 3057 R. FOIt SALE —Four lots, I'enbrook 122x150, Twenty-seventh and Curtin s streets. Inquire of owner, 631 Camp] r street. City- 4 FOR SALE —1916 Bellevue road, all s improvements, desirable location. ln -1 quire of owner. 631 Camp street, City. FOR SALE Three 3-story frame houses, eight rooms, paved street. - $2 100 each. Two brick setni-bungu t lews, 6 rooms, laundry, bath, pantry, is porches, $3,150 <ach. Two bricks, all , improvements, $5,100 both. Also in li dust rial plant, fine water power. Bell 1334 J. l| l| 11 i ttl YOU MAY HAVE TO A OVER- fff TISE REPEATEDLY in order to get as: ] py in touch with the sort of position you ] I raw] desire to obtain—but it's WORTH IT, fejO' ky don't you think? Nothing ventured, py l |g nothing gained—that is the old adage. ||| You venture little, in the matter of ex pense, ill using the classified columns. ||j • m You GAIN much when you find your <iM:" !(M work—when you find the position for fey s|a which you arc best qualified and in P| |l| which you can earn a maximum wage. ■ BL $3 - 1 ■. REAL ESTATE I'OR SALE IF INTERESTED, Call at Room 211 Bergner Building FOR INFORMA TION. A corner property on two important streets tcen tral). ROIIRER & SON. C. H. CORDICR, REAL. ESTATE, RENTS COLLECTED. j Vacant, at Clovcrly Heights, single -Mi-story brick, steam heat electric f and gas, porches, room lor garage. J Vacant. 2%-story brick on State i street, slate and tin roof, front porch, i rooms and bath, side entrance, large yard to drive alley, room tor garage. Easy terms. I Vacant, 3-story brick on Market 'street, a rooms and bath, front porch, electric and gas lights. Easy terms. ! Vacant, 2-story brick, Catherine | street, 7 rooms and bath, porch, drive | alley. $lOO down, balance as rent. ! Vacant, on Fifteenth street, 7 j rooms, all improvements, porches. Easy terms. Vacant, on Sixteenth street, corner, 7 rooms, all improvements. Easy terms. Vacant, on Kensington street, 2- story Lriek, 6 rooms and bath, all im i provements, front porch, side cn-i 'trance, drive alley, $2OO down. Pay | as rent. ! Vacant, on Maclay street, !l rooms' land bath. 3-story brick, front porch, | jail improvements (coiner). j Vacant, May 1. 2-story frame on' North Twelfth street (single), ill I rooms, newly painted and papered. J ! stable. Cheap if sold at once. Easy • i terms. j Vacant, May 1, single 2 -story | j frame, corner property, 6 large rooms, furnace heat, slate roof, on Twenty-| I til st street, near Derry. Easy terms. (Pay as rent. 2-story brick, on Green street, | steam heat, all improvements. Easy terms. ' 1507 Boas street, 2-story brick, all I improvements, front porch, ti rooms | and bath. Possession in 30 days. Easy j terms. ! 91G-91S May street. 2-story brick,! I all improvements, 6 rooms and bath, i frcnt porch. Small amount down. Pay las rent. Possession in 30 days. i Corner 3-story brick on Kelkerl I street, $ rooms and bath room fori | garage. | Corner house, 3-story brick, North Second street. 12 rooms suitable for apartment house. Possession soon. I Single eorner house, 8 rooms and i hath, steam heat, electric and gas | lights, front porch, garage. Posses sion toon. Easy terms. 3-story frame, all improvements, on { Park street, with garage, sif.e en ] trance, front porch. Easy terms. For information of any of the above properties apply to C. 11. CORDER, 1722 Green Street. ! Bell 560J Rents Collected, j FOR SALE INVESTMENT PROPERTY One of the best investment properties in the city for sale on North Second street, be tween Verbeke and Forster. Three-story brick, 9 rooms and bath. Improvements. Lot. I 24x125. Room for building cut, yet leaving place for yard and two garages. Especially desirable. Price, $9,000. In quire of S., 7340, Care of Telegraph. POSSESSION APRIL 1. Price. Down. 2207 Logan St.. brick ... .$2,500 ssoo 916 N. Sixteenth 5t.... 5,400 2427 N. Sixth St 6,70u 500 421 Maclay St., brick.. 4,600 423 Maclay St., brick.. 4,100 1032 S. 11th St 2,800 600 1943 N. Fourth St 3,000 500 | 1820 Fulton St 2,000 ' D. A. CALEV, Kunkel Bldg. Bell 689. FOR SALE Cottage in Chautu- Iqua Grounds, Mount Gretna, Pa. Five | bedrooms, electric lights, bath, hot end cold water, front location. Price reasonable to quick buyer. (Miss) Annie T. Ilartranft, 1104 Chestnut street, l.ebanon, Pa. FOR SALE 14 Prospect street, coiner Ethel avenue. Has been re modeled. Look at it. Eight rooms, bath, gas, electric lights and steam heat. I rice, $4,250. H. G. Pedluw, 3 South Thirteenth street. FOP. SALE Brick house, slate roof, front and back porches, all im provementtf. Call Bell buy YOUR HOME on our rental oayinent plan. Small cash or Liberty Bond first payment required, balance as rent. We have houses in every oart of the city ami suburbs. Apply p Doranz, 12-5 North Sixth street. FOR SALE A cottage between street cat line and river, between Rockville bridge and Murysville; elec tric lights, water and all improve ments. inquire J. K. Ivipp, i 72l North Second street. Bell phone 1645R.1 EIGHTEENTH ST.. N.. 807 Eight hoom briek house, with steam heat and electric light, front porch and side entrance, for sale; price, $3,800. J. K. Gipi'le, 1251 Market street. FOR SALE 97 North Seventeenth street, vacant, a brick house, 8 rooms, with bath, steam heat, gas, front and back porches. Price reasonable. (200 down, balance same as rent. d a Culey. Kunkel Bldg. Bell 089. A ' . a. | REAL ESTATE FOR SALE ' | ' i '■ ; T "IF IT'S REAL ESTATE, SEE SANDERLIN" j ' 1 1 MOVE AT ONCE. ALL of the following properties are ! 1 vacant and you can move into any of 11 ■ these by making a small down pay- j; ment and paying the balance same as - rent. ] Derry St., 32nd, S rooms; stucco. 11 Derry St., 2337, 9 rooms; brick. ijDt-rry St.. 2407, 7 rooms; brick, j S. Seventeenth St.. 532, 9 rooms; brick. 1 8 Sixteenth St., 542, 7 rooms; brick. ! I Fulton St., 1627, 6 rooms; frame, i Fulton St., 1937 7 rooms; brick. •Malninlongo, St., 620, 9 rooms; brick. Wiconisco St., 627, 9 rooms; brick. j | IF not suited with any of the above properties, we have a number of! others that can be vacated by short i notice. SEE US FIRST. D. ASA SANDERLIN, Room I, Security Trust Lldg., 36 NORTH THIRD ST. CELL 1390. DIAL 3573. TIIREE-STORY FRAME tm Evergreen street, $2,700. ! All modern improvements, 8 | 4 rooms. | 1 2Mi-story frame, 6 rooms, on Bailey street, $1,650. Three-story brick, 1531 j] I Wallace street. Price given i J II on investigation. Three-story frame on |~ Mtiench street, with all im provements, $2,500. All of these houses will be j f sold on easy payments. LINCOLN REALTY CO., i 1 1129 Seventh Street. THREE-STORY BRICK. 8 rooms ' I $1,800; $50.00 needed as lir.st payment' I 2(4 -story frame, $l,OOO. Three-* tor v ; ' I brick, on Boyd street, with all i m _ - i provements, payments made like rent - • Possession can be had in 30 days LINCOLN REALTY CO.. , 1129 Seventli Street. FOR SALE 427-429 Maelav ! - • | street, facing Fifth street. Nice io- i cation. J. K. Kipp. 1721 North Second. | Bell phone 1645 U. 1 1 FOR SALE On easy terms. 2010 1* to 2018 Susquehanna street. Possess-11 sion on April 1. Apply A. P. Doranz • i i 1225 North Sixth. DERRY ST., 0223 Property for' - sale; brick house, eight room/and! I bath, gas, electric light, steam lieat" U i price right. Bell Realty Co.. Bergni,'. < Building. fanei ] I . l'Olt SALE ,!-u South Eighteenth!" i street: three-Btory brick; all conveni I • ences. corner property. Bell lteaHvX Co.. Bergner BuMuing. * 1 -— i CATHARINE ST.. 1610 For sale ' trick house with six rooms and bath,'! other improvements; drive alley on I rear. Bell Realty Co., Bergner Build-'" | ing. !- — ! i $2,860 )\ ILL PURCHASE a three-' 4 story brick house with improvements; ! ' lot, 30x1 42; 70544 South Front street.!" Bell Realty Co.. Bergner Building. THREE-STORY BRICK HOUSE ' For sale; seven rooms and bath, gas i' I electric light; furnace: porch front ! 1 land rear; garage. Bgll Realtv Co j Bergner Building. j ! REAL ESTATE—For Sule or Rent < FOR RENT OH SAEE Corner!! property, 8-room house, barn, well of . never-failing water, lot and garden,' close to churches and school and large' | cigar factory, in Lewisberry, York 1 > county, ra. Apply O. D. Byers. 205: , Main street, Steelton. Pa„ or J. F. Su'- i ten, Lew.sherry. Pa. REAL ESTATE WANTED I WILL GIVE $20.00 to any person' i who will rent a 6 or 7-room, modern ! improved. well-located house to a' I small family. Andreas Box p 7135 j care of Telegraph. ' - | READY CASH FOR CITY PROPEP 4 i WHAT HAVE YOU TO OFFER? 1 BELL. AND DIAL PHONES. 5 CIIAS. ADLER. 1002 N. THIRD ST. < Olllccs and Storerooms For Rent ! \ FOR RENT j< Second and third floors over 11 Claster's Jewelry Store, now ■ occupied by Kellberg's Studio. < Has been occupied as a photo- . graphic studio for over ten years. Excellent location. ' Very suitable for Dentist's or Optometrist's parlors. Apply CLASTER'S JEWELRY STORE. 302 Market Street. FOR RENT BOARD OF TRADE AUDITORIUM, , For meetings, conventions, Banquets Dances and parties' Use of piano free. Kitchen attuched. H. C. CLASTER, Jeweler. I 302 Market Street. ' < 1 STOREROOM 250 Hamilton ' street, suitable for a barber shop. The l only one left out of seven storerooms i Chits. Adler. 1002 North Third street. - ' FOR RENT Desk room and office. . Inquire Fred C. Miller. Attorney, 3 4 . I North Second street. Bell phone 307 J. v I . FARMS | 160-ACRE FARM Possession at once. Stock, tools and feed Included. Or will give use of stock and tools free for one year for quick sale, lxind level. Good water. 50 acres good timber. Terms reasonable, or will exchange on city property. Located near Halifax. C. H. CORDER. 1722 Green St., Ilarrisburg. Bell 660 J. i POSSESSION AT ONCE Vacant. 9-acre farm, near ! Cnmpbellstown; 8-room house, stable, fruit, etc. Price, $l,- 200. Will take Ford car as tirst payment, or town property. C. 11. CORDER. I 1722 Green Street. Bell 560 J. I ACRE PLOTS, without buildings, ! 850 per acre. 15 acres, near Pal-' myru, good cultivated land, fine locrt tlon for poultry-raising, $1,650. 30 i acres, 11 miles from Ilarrisburg, farm; in elegant condition, $2,600. 59 acres, ' now house and barn, all good, tillable land. $3,800, only $7OO to sl,oo'i ! required. 110 acres, near State road,' a very good farm: can get possession: at once. Durand, 107 Chestnut street. ! — j FARMS WANTED j WANTED A good farm near trol- ! ley or railroad. Please state lowest I price. Box D, 7286, care of Tele- j graph. FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS , IDNG FLAME FURNACE COAL Order 1,000 lbs. to-day, $4.70. j JUST PHONE. J. B. MONTGOMERY. SUBURBAN DELIVERY. a FOR SALT: Attached bed, with dron sides. Price, $4.50. Also three- I urner gas plate, with oven. Very cheap. Inquire 826 North Third street, second iloor front. l'Olt SALE Lot of heavy timber, ; all lengths. 10x12, 12x12. Apply 1307 North Seventh street. Samuel Katz man. : FOR SALE One bookcase and wilting desk combined; also two stands. Apply Miller's Piano Store,; 1319 Derry street. FOR SALE AVhite reed go-cart, in good condition. Call 1215 Hunter! street. I FOR SALE First-class mnndo- I lin. in good condition. Price. $lO.OO. | Address 7343, care of Telegraph. FOR SALE A new Royal Sparkle j range, dark oak sideboard and three- I piece parlor suite. Apply 313 Fifth I street, New Cumberland, or call Dial' 5530. MORRIS SAYS save money buying I new and second-hand furniture here. High prices paid for furniture. Morris ; Schmertz. 1030 Market. Bell 3971 R. ! BARGAINS! BARGAINS! The store across from Y. W. C. A. i offers you the biggest and best bar- j gains in Men's and Boys' Suits. Over- ! coats. Mackinaw Coats. Underwear. Hats, Caps, and Shoes. We are fain-i ous for Low Prices. Give us a trial. OUTLET CLOTHING CO.. 23 North Fourth Street. FOR SALE Rufus Red Belgian ' Hares. Fine stock. Heavyweight. type. Excellent color and condition, j Bucks and Does. Aug. Rich. 417 South Seventeenth street. "TYPEWRITERS BOUGHT FOR CAS H _ ALL MAKES RENTED EXCHANGED. GEO. P. TILLOTSON, •>O5 LOCUST STREET, OPPOSITE ORPHEUM THEATER. BOTH PHONES. ! FOR SALE Motor, 14-horse power; over single phuse; 1,700 R. P. M.: in good condition. Call Bell phone 3073. - j FOR SALE Conley double exten sion camera, 4x5, double convertible lense, Wollensalt shutter, leather case, i Cost $25.00. Will sell for $lO.OO. Bell ; phone 24561 V. 1952 Bellevue Road. WANTED —MISCELLANEOUS HIGHEST CASH PRICES PAID for Second-hand Furniture. Prompt at- , tentien. Newmark & Cown, 368 Broad street. Dial phone 4286. Bell 4705R j WANTED. TO BUY* A water ram j for a one-inch hose, or will be glad ; to lease same for two or three | months. Address A., care of Harris-: burg Evening Telegraph, or phonej Steelton 105 W. I BELL PHONE 3370-J. S. RIFKIN, CLOTHING. SHOES. FURNITURE, BOUGHT AND SOLD. HIGHEST CASH PRICES PAID. 407 BROAD ST.. HARRJSBURG, PA. j MAX SMELTZ Second-hand furniture bought and! sold. Highest cash prices paid. Call Bell 1071R, or drop a postal to Max i Smeltz 1016 Market street. Will call. I city or country. I- COHEN & COMPANY. York and Ash avenues. Highest prices paid for rags, paper, iron, barrels, rubber and metal and old machines. Send postal or cj)JI 3221W Bell and Dial 6225. HIGHEST PRICES PAID for all kinds of empty barrels and Junk. Call Bell phone 4275. B. Abrams & Son. j 824-832 North Seventh street. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES PACKING Experienced packers of Fur niture, China and Bric-a-brac. A. H. SHENK 1906 North Sixth St. Bell Phone 399 W. ' " FOR SAEE Y modern Steam Laundry in Dau phin county. Pa., making over $lOO weekly. Will take $lO,OOO cash. Ad dress Box L 7137, care of Telegraph. OARAGE For sale, 2V4 -story building, repair shop, wash stand, and good for 15 storage cars, first floor; this is a good locution; business established; equipped with ehmric light and steam heat; price very rea sonable; small payment down, bal ance on easy terms. Apply A. P. Do ranz. 1225 North Sixth street. Both phoneß. SNAP Send $1.50 for a box of 50 cigars. Free smokers. S. C. Kling, Bitters vllle. Pa. -mm* BUSINESS PERSONALS j QUININE —I.ook out for that grippo ! fooling, likely to jatch you this ! changeable weather. OUK LAXATIVE i VUOSFIIO-QUININK will stave It olf !if taken in time. Gross Drug Store, 119 Market street DIAMONDS bought for cash—P. If. C A PLAN CO., 206 Market street. SPECIAL attention given to lot ploughing. For Information drop [ euril to T. S. Milliken, iiarrisburg. It. j D. No. 5. A. LANE New and second-hand furniture bought and sold. Highest prices paid. 1 1022 Market street. Bell 4730-J. ' INVENTORS FINANCED Patents ] Automobiles, Motorcycles Bought. Isold, Exchanged. Cash or commission. ! Simon liorst. Linglestown. Fa. I UPHOLSTERING Of tho best kind. Work guaranteed. We call and ! deliver. 308 Broad street. Dial phono | 4826. Bell phone 4705 R. | MACHINE SHOP Specialty of light machine, models, experimental, | mill, factory repairing, odd parts for autos made. Variety Machine and Re |palr Shop, 1704 Fulton street, llarris- I burg. Pa. j OXY-ACETYLENE WELDING Any metal welded. Work guaran teed. Carbon removed by oxygen. Capital City Welding Co., *538 Logan; street. Bell 4396 J. RAZOR BLADES SHARPENED— Single edge, 25c doz.; double edge, 35c (doz.; razors. 25c. Gorgas Drug Store. FURNITURE CRATED—And china j packed for shipping. Also repairing, jj. A. Bishop. 1736 Logan street. MUSICAL PLAYER PIANO With forty rolls | of music, for sale; slightly used; must be sold at once; cheap to a quick buyer. Spangler Music House. 2112 j North Sixth street. | TALKING MACHINES promptly and leortfully repaired by an expert only | OYLER'S. 14 South Fourth street. HORSES AND CARRIAGES | | FOR SALE One good' horse. Ap- I ! ply Grand Union Tea Co., 2US North (Second street. FINANCIAL INVESTMENT SECURITIES, STOCKS AND BONDS. J. K. C.REENAWALT, JR., 130 Walnut St., liarrisburg, Pa. Bell Phone 51SJ. MONEY TO LOAN I MONEY If you are pressed for ready cash to meet any emergency. i call to see us. We lend money in compliance with the laws 1 ! of the Slate. EMPLOYES' LOAN SOCIETY. | ROOM 206 BERGNER BLDG., THIRD AND MARKET STREETS. LICENSED AND BONDED BY STATE. ! | WE LEND MONEY In compliance j with Act of June 17. 1915, to individu als in need of ready cash; small loans a specialty, business conlldentlal, pay i inents to suit borrower's convenience. I positively lowest rates in city. PENNSYLVANIA INVESTMENT CO.. 132 Walnut Street. ( MONEY FOR NECESSITIES | If employed and housekeeping, our j legal rate money service on loans I from 815 to s:inu, payable in weekly [or monthly instalments is worth in vestigating, if you are in need of i funds and without bunk credit. CO-OPERATIVE ! LOAN AND INVESTMENT CO.. 204 Chestnut St. | MONEY TO LOAN, ON REAL ES iTATE Largc or small amounts. D. j A. Culey, 707 Kunltel Bldg. Bell 589. i I W ILL LOAN $1,500 on good se curity. Address Box D, 7138, care of I Telegraph. HAULING AND MOVING AUTO HAULING—LocaI or long dislance. Furniture and piano moving la specialty. Blue Line Transfer, 917 i Capital street. Both phones, j,.!. I HICKS Ixical and long-distance I hauling and storage. 424 lteily. both \ phones. ! LOCAL AND LONG-DISTANCE ' HAULING Furniture moving. I Prompt service. Ernest Corbin, 653 • iCalder street. Both phones. Bell ; 3636-J. Dial 3683. j HEAVY HAULING —Fully equipped I for furniture, freight and piano mov- J ing. No distance too far. Careful driver. Rain and dustproof body. J. |E. Giubber's Truck Service. Irwin I A ungs t. manager, Ilershey, Pa. Bell ; phone 15R6. GENERAL HAULING AND FAST I EXPRESS SERVICE to nearby towns I with auto trucks. Only experienced 'and careful drivers. Call Bell 3320. ! or Dial 2265. FOR HIRE —Two-ton auto truck, i Apply 1108 South Ninth street. Bell jplione 2455 R. ALL KINDS OF HAULING AND MOVING DONE CONRAD BROS., 311 KELKER ST. BELL PHONE 623 W. DIAL PHONE 3518. I AUTO HAULING Local and long I distance. Furniture moving a spe cialty. Rates reasonable. Prompt ser vice. Call Bell 623-J. STORAGE STORAGE Carload Storage at Low Rates. j THE IIIGHSPIRE DISTILLERY CO.. LTD., Higlispire, Pa. Phones: Bell: Steelton 169 Y. Dial: Steelton 9439. STORAGE—4I9 Broad street, house hold goods, merchandise. Private rooms at reasonable rates. Also haul ing of all kinds. D. Cooper & Co. Both phones. STORAGE—In brick building, rear j 468 Market. Household goods in clean, private rooms. Reasonable rates. P. G. Diener. 498 Market street. STORAGE Private rooms tor household goods in fireproof ware house. $3 per montn und up. Lower storage rates in non-tireproof ware house. Harrisbuig Storage Co., 437- . South Second street. WHERE TO DINE \L V A HOTEL AND RESTAURANT. THE HOME OF SATISFACTION. STOUFFEIVS RESTAURANT—Home cooking served to Businessmen and Ladies in separate dining rootna. UNDERTAKERS SAMUEL S. FACKLER. FUNERAL DIRECTOR 1312 Derry St. BELL 1966. DIAL >133. J RUDOLPH K. SPICER, Funeral Director and Embalmer, 611 North Second Street. 3 BELL 252. DIAL 2145. CEMETERY LOT'S FOR SALE PROSI'LCT HILL CEMETERY Beautifully situated on Market street east of Twenty-sixth, and on the north and east faces the new park- I way. Iho prices of lots are moder- I ate. Miller Bros. & Co.. Agents. POULTRY AND SUPPLIES WANTED—ALL POULTRY RAIB - TO KNOW THAT DR. HESS POULTRY PAN-A-CE-A is a tonic which enriches the blood and makes poultry healthy. Feed it to parent stock at mating time to secure fertile eggs and strong livable chicks. Then chicks are not so likely to be "dead ir. the shell." Feed it to the chicks to cure gapes, indigestion, leg weak ness. and prevent diarrhoea. Deal ers will refund money if it does not do these things for your flock. Keep poultry free from lice by dusting DR. HESS INSTANT LOUSE KILLER Into the feathers and placing in dust bath. For ROUP use Dlt. HESS ROUP REMEDY. The Dr. Hess line is for I sale by all dealers in Poultry Sup ! plies. Cleaners anil Dyers WHY' buy new clothing, when we clean your old ones as good as new? Now is the time for spring cleaning. Goodman's, 1306% North Sixth. Both Phones. Call and Deliver. AUTOMOBILES OVERLAND USED CAR DEPARTMENT Several cars recently trad ed in have been added to our j slock. The early buyer can make a splendid selection lrom these "Pedigreed" cars. Oldsmobile roadster. Origi nal paint in tine condition. Two cord tires. Reo 5-passengcr touring. Rclinished, tires good, me chanically good condition. Crow Elkliart 5-passenger touring. Electric lights and starter. Good value at $350. Maxwell touring, new top with glass windows in rear curtain. New leather up holstery. Looks and runs like new. Saxon Six touring. Almost new. A splendid car at a rea- I sonable price. Overland Country Club, In splendid condition. All tires good. Now being revarnished; will be sold before leaving the paint shop. Place a deposit upon it and hold for demon stration. Time Payments Can be Arranged. Open Evenings Until Nine. THE OY'ERLAND-HAURISBURG CO., 212-14 N. Second St. Both Phones. YOU CAN BUY A REBUILT TRUCK ' ON CONVENIENT MONTHLY PAYMENTS 1% and 2-ton Garfords, chassis only or equipped with ■ express or dump bodies. 1%-1%-2% and 2%-ton Bethlehem, with or without bodies. Light delivery wagons, in cluding Bulcks, overlands and Vims. THE OVER LAND-lIARRISBURG CO. Open Evenings, 212-214 North Second St. Both Phones. BAYFIELD CARBURETOR ' will cut your gasoline bill from 15 to 30 per cent., maybe • more. Drive around to-mor ' row and see the RAYFIELD EXPERT. Agency at 1 FEDERICK'S GARAGE, ' 1807-09 North Seventh Street i I ___ __ AUTO TIRE BARGAINS 30x3 tires, $11.39 30x3% tires, $15.75 31x4 tires. $22.68 32x4 tires $23.25 i 32x3% tires $17.28 ALL OTHER SIZES. WE SAVE YOU DOLLARS. DAYTON CYCLE CO.. 912 NORTH THIRD ST, BUICK—I%-ton truck, solid tires on ; rear; electrically equipped. Will sacrlllce at $525. MAXWELL —Roadster, A 1 shape; a real bargain at $250. . OVERLAND COUPE In excellent shape; good tires; a bargain for some one. CHELSEA AUTO WRECKING CO., 22-20 NORTH CAMERON ST. FOR SALE One 1917 Buick Touring Car. Good as new. Can be seen at William Penn G ?I aK< V Muench street. Must be sold within a week. CHALMERS 6 Just been over hauled; all tires good. Price, $4OO. Also several other used cars for sale at a sacrifice. Selden Truck Co., 1021 Market street. I FORD CAR 1918 model. Just been overhauled, with new tires, in good shape, $325. Selden Truck Co., 1021 Market street. FOR SALE Reo 6-cyllnder, 7-pas senger. fully equipped. Had it only four weeks. Cause of sale, death of owner. Apply 1439 Market street. TRUCK FOR SALE Large sized 6-ton truck, with Dump bodv for sale. Big bargain to quick buyer. For particulars call at the Sunshine Garage, 27 North Cameron street. Additional Classified Ads on Opposite Page *
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers