Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, April 04, 1919, Page 20, Image 20

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Airplanes Are "Old Stuff' Here, So Liberty Loan Commit
tee Plans to Bring Airships I'seel to Detect Submarines
Airplanes are "old stuff" in Har
ris- urg.
Out on the Hill, when the Middle
town planes were making their daily
flights over the city, the youngsters
rarely looked up from their play.
They were used to seeing airplanes.
The week of April 28 will bring
an airship to Harrisburg, however,
which will get all the attention the
old hot-air balloons used to get twen
ty-five years ago—and all the at
tention the first airplane got seven
or eight years ago.
Ensign Clarence William Tyndall,
of the United States naval air service
is coming to Harrisburg during the
The Kiddies j
Cuticura Soap
This pure, fragrant emollient is just
suited to the tender skins of infants ;
and children. Millions have known j
no other since birth. The daily use -
of it, with touches of Ointment now
and then to little skin and scalp
troubles, tentds to insure a healthy j
skin, a clean scalp and good hair
through life. Soap. Ointment and
Talcum 25 cents each everywhere.
W Be sure to test ths fascinating fra
grance of Cuticura Talcum on your akin.
Instant Relief for Sore, Tired, Tender Feet; for
Aching, Swollen, Colloused Feet and Corns
You're footsick! Your feet feel Get u 25-cent box of "Tiz" at any'
tiied. puffed up, chafed, aching, drug store and end foot torture for
sweaty, and they need "Tiz. . . . v . , ,
Tiz" makes feet remarkably a * hole year * Never haVe tlred
fresh and sore-proof. "Tiz" takes acbing, sweaty, smelly feet; your
the pain and burn right out of corns, shoes will lit fine and you'll only
callouses and bunions. "Tiz" is the , , irn . „
grandest foot-gladdener the world wi h >ou hdd tlled Tlz sooner,
lias ever known. Accept no substitute.
I anc * t^ wear l on g e r
tSeSI > they ere laundered by a
A\l Washing Machine
>ll' 1 itp£^3' fTK Can't injure the most
jfcr F"~ delicate laces or fabrics,
~ f uj|l \ no destructive rubbing
Come in and see the
|/ £ Thor Washing Ma-
Easy Terms chine.
Dauphin Electrical Supplies Co.
434 Market St., Harrisburg
i Absolutely'l!7lpTl7V^ > I
I*7 toteat lapron* appU
'HRSKIh aaara, laclndlag aa pippita. >
JHBHjn tord air pppanliUi aiakcs jtF
aalraetlac aad all dratal . ey~J
HhH wark paaltlvair palalaaa VOw
■ aad to ptrfMlr karat- X .A?". VS X
Uaa. Udt aa
PH at
arid ero rrn, |3oo
■ ■■toln I* # aaAA Mlaa tptn amllj SLla
rrZZLT X Jx\7 X *J "da,; Wrt.
y aaadar aad katardar, uu
wiit Bona wa-n.
X >\Y X rinum ■MB
/ yT 320 Mirket SL
(*nr tha Bak)
■ Victory Loan campaign in one of
the perfected English dirigible bal
■ loons—used so extensively during
■ the latter part of the war in finding
i; German submarines in the English
. ■ Channel and the North Sea. This
j balloon will fly here from Cape May.
: N. J., and will return there after be
. ling on exhibition at Iteservoir Park
s the greater part of one day. During
■ | tho week in question the balloon
■'will fly to Lancaster. York. Lebanon,
i j Harrisburg, ("oatesville, Gettysburg
and other places. In each city land
, I ing places will he found which can
tj be reached easily by the crowds,
t! Here the landing field will be the
i golf course at Reservoir Park. Per-!
'mission to use the park has been se
• cured by Mercer B. Tate, of the Vic
j tory Loan committee. The dirigible
i is coming here during the week that
j Harrisburg buys Victory Bonds.
j The flyer's visit is only one of a
j number of features arranged for the
last two weeks in May. Nothing will
! be left undone to interest the people
' of Harrisburg and of Dauphin, Perry
'and Juniata counties in the last of
j the Liberty Loans—and this is the
j loan through which the city helps
pay for the war it prayed for.
Russian Soviets Now
Admit Their Failure
Ixiiidon. April 4 —Failure of the
j Offensive in tlte direction of Tuk
j kttm, in Courland west of Riga, is
I admitted by the Russian Soviet gov
j eminent in a wireless message re
i ceived here.
I Tlte message adds that fighting is j
| in progress in the direction of Mitau, j
! southwest of Riga, and in the. region j
j of Pskov, northeast of Riga.
j She—At least, there is one thing to i
• tho credit of Ananias.
! He—What is that?
She—When he was caught in the act I
of lying, he didn't say lie couldn't help |
it; it was all Sapphira's fault.—Front \
the San Francisco Chronicle.
Development in Colombia
May Increase World's j
Now York, April 4. —The new
platinum fields being: opened up in Co- !
lombia. South America, are not only i
expected to increase the world's sup- .
ply of. platinum above the pre-w ir
normal, but give Colombia new rail
way lines and build up the general
commerce of the republic.
The principal work is being don- -1 in
the Choeo district which is untouched
bv r. tailway but is en the San . i.anl
river within reach of steamboats fiom |
towns c-n the sea coast. There are two ;
i large companies in the field, fine is :
I the Di itisli Platinum arid Gold Corpor- I
j ntion of London ; the other, the Anglo- !
i Colombian Company, now merged with
, the South American Gold and Plat
inum Company of New Vork. backed
by the Lewissohn interests.
The British company owns thirty '
square miles of territory and has op- I
tions on forty miles of river frontage. !
It also owns one-half interest in the '
Opogodo property, the other half of I
which is owned by the Paris Transvaal !
Gold Mines Company.
The mining is carried on by dredg- j
ing and hydraulic work. The ore j
averages 73 per cent platinum and '
23 per cent gold. Kngineers of the j
British company calculate their prop- j
crlies will net them eventually $B.- I
300.000. basing costs on 12 cents a |
cubic yard for dredging and 6 cents :
for hydraulicing.
Platinum now commands a steady '
market at $lO3 an ounce. Despite the!
fact that the war is ended and there !
is no further large need for the metal j
for high explosives, there is no pros- |
pect of any falling off in the demand I
or the price. New uses for platinum j
have been discovered. Its popularity
as fashionable jewelry will continue |
and it is now used as a catalyzer in |
< tlte new industry, of producing ammonia j
• from the air.
I Owing to tiie war. its use in mag- '
netos for airplanes, hydroplanes, motor I
cars and motor boats was greatly in- j
j creased and this use will remain in '
i peace times. The world's production of •'
platinum was 300,000 ounces before the
| war. Of this 00 per rent came from '
the l'ral mountain mines in Russia.!
I Ths Russian fields, it is estimated, will j
he exhausted. in thirty or forty years.;
They yielded 183.281 ounces In 1312 !
| 173,612 in 1313: 156.773 in 1315; 107,-
| 774 in 1915 and 78,674 in 1916.
| The Choeo district in Colombia has i
I been worked as never before since the'
' war's demand for platinum became tir- <
gent. Its output in 1911 was 12,000
ounces: 15.000 in 1912; 15.000 in 1913 • !
17.500 in 1914; 18.000 in 1915; 23.000 1
j in 1916, and 50.000 in 1917.
! With the exploitation of the rich '
Colyombian fields, the need for rail-'
j reads in t oiomhia is becoming press- '
j ing. Agents of American and Brit- j
ish contractors are now in Colombia
I looking over the field with the idea
,of building transportation lines. Co- 1
iontbia is wonderfully rich in agrictll
| tural and mineral resources and the i
coming of the railroads is expected to
i a ,, ut :l wonderful development )
ol its industries and commerce.
TO TRAIN HOYS 'in, |.;\T
A mother brought her bov to my
uJ S. I Y'V lt,y wi,h tho assertion that'
he needed a tonic. She said he was
rundown, nervous, and had no an-:
C. , - ask fd her what lie ate. and
.•he tola me he was verv "flnickv"
about his food. He did hot eat anv
\ < getables except potatoes, he ate
H^-L^r r !l\i n e k ' nd ? . of fruits - and f >ir
; dessert liked nothing but cake pie
| and ice cream. He would not touch
.tapioca, gelatin or fruit salad dessert.
Meat runts be fried or roasted' If
•of ?t 0! ' b ° il<d he wo,lld have hone
j The difficulty with this child was
I that he had been allowed to form
| prejudices against certain foods Per
! haps the first Time he had refused a
certain food his mother had coaxed
him, or she had commanded him to
jeat it. l.ither way she impressed
upon his mind his momentary- prejud
ice; he had decided that lie did not
'lke that food, and had stuck to it
Kvery time anyone paid anv ntten
to his refusal of the dish. Ids
dislike for it deepened. Thus he y
entne daily more finickv about his
Tiie only wav to treat a child of this 1
I kind is to make no special dishes for 1
him. krrp Die menu simple, and pass
oy er his refusal to eat various foods
with no comment. He will soon learn
to accept a varied d'ef, and will he
much better for it.—Farm and Fire
While his mother was away on a '
visit Johnny didn't say his prayers. •
Upon his mother's return there*was i
a reckoning.
"Why didn't you say your prayers •
"Well, you see. it was this way. j
| ma: I forgot to say them the first!
j night an' nothing happened. 'X
i then I didn't say them the next night '
;an' nothing happened, 'n so T de-j
I cided T wouldn't ever sav 'em again I
| if nothin' never happened."
And then something happened. 1
I —From the Scranton Times.
Daily Health Talks
V Word About the Kidneys
People are easily frightened when;
they think something is the matter I
with their lungs or heart, and well |
they may he; but few people un-!
derstand the dangers of diseased j
kidneys. These organs have a duty
of vital importance to perform, and '
if they are diseased, there is no tell-'
Ing how or where the symptoms may
appear. The kidneys are filters, end
when they are healthy they -emove
the poisons from the blood and
purify it. When the kidneys are
diseased, the poisons are spread
everywhere, and one of these poi
sons is uric- acid. The uric acid is!
carried all through the sys'tem and
deposited in various places, in the
form of urate salts—in the feet,
ankles, wrists and back —and often
forming bags under the eyes.
Sometimes the resulting trouble
is called rheumatism, lumbago, sci
atica and backache. Finally, come
stone in the bladder, diabetes and
Bright's disease.
Dr. Pierce, of Buffalo, N. Y., in
recent years, discovered that a cer
tain combination of remedies would
dissolve uric acid (urate salts) in
the system. He found this combi
nation to be harmless, so that he
made it up in tablets, of double
strength, and called them Anuric
Tablets. They dissolve uric acid in
the human system as hot coffee dis
solves sugar. If you have uric acid
troubles, don't delay in taking Anuric
Tablets, which can be secured in the
drug stores. You can write Dr.
Pierce, too, and he will tell you what
to eat and how to live so that more
urle acid will not form in your sys
tem. l>r. Pierce will not charge for
ihis advice.
Quaker City Proud of
English Boxer, Fox
Bins patrons of Philadelphia are
| paying l all kinds of tribute to a!
1 young English pugilist, Joey Fox, ]
i featherweight champion, who re
j cently appeared at the National A. C. '
| on three occasions.
| On March 1 he met and defeated,
, Young Sam Rodibeau, drawing the
| largest crowd that had attended a
show at the club in a year.
On March 15, lie met and defeated
' Louisiana, (the boy they were all
, dodging U Tlie largest crowd that had
• been in the National club )n the
past five years turned out to see Fox
! trounce I.ouisiana. They packed 'em
i in, then turned 'em away.
Johnny Kilbane. the world's feath
| ei weight champion, appeared at the
lOlytnpia Club, in the City of Broth-,
| erly Love, the same week, with
; Frankie Brown, and while Kilbane
, drew a big crowd; lie was outdrawn t
' by the Englishman.
(n March 2ft. Fox appeared again
! at the National. He was to have had
j Frankie Brown, of New York, for an;
; opponent, but Brown cancelled I
, owing to an injured shoulder. Freddy !
i Reese, of New York, took Brown's!
j p'ace but was properly whipped by !
| Fox.
Immediately after that bout the'
i Olympia (Tub signed Fox, through !
j his manager, Johnny Mooney, fori
two dates, April T and April SI.
I The National Club, the Olympia j
! Club, Matt Ilinkel, of Cleveland; J
! Dave Mackay, of Newark, and Sam j
| Harris, of Baltimore, are all now
hustling to arrange an international |
contest for the featherweight cham
pionship of the world, betweeit Joey
Fox and Johnny Kilbane.
Mnrysvillo. Pa., April 4.—Marys- i
ville baseball fans will meet in the !
Municipal Building on Tuesday eve- I
' ning at 7.1t0 o'clock at which time j
inn organization for the ensuing year j
! will be effected. Plans will be made i
! for the improvement of the grounds ]
[and other details arranged at this [
; meeting. J. Garfield Eppley, acting i
| president, has issued the call for the I
Every afternoon on the Carnegie j
; Tech athletic field may be seen (bout '■
j seventy-live candidates working their j
! heads off for the veteran ball player, i
! Hans Wagner. The famous player is j
: also a great coach. He hasn't lost j
i any of his pep himself and it is j
amazing how he instils the tight |
j and enthusiasm into "his young- ,
i sters." Even if "Tech" only had!
1 mediocre material. Hans Wagner '
| could no doubt create a fine team, j
i but with a good many of last year's !
] players back Carnegie Tech expects '
jto be able to make a great record. !
The Commonwealth Travelers j
claim the cage title for the city in •
! independent circles. They take this j
| method of announcing that they are j
| open to meet all comers to defend j
| the title which they have just reason j
! to lay claim to.
j The club is managed by Roy >
j Matchett and the following local ,
tossers are included on the playing
roster; Reed. "Dan" Kohlman, J
"Johnny" Smith. "Tubby" Rexroth. [
Weaver, "Art" Fields, "Nobe"
Frank and Carl Beck.
Nick Gerance. manager of the St. |
Mary's team, has secured Wayne j
Hummel from Middletown to take |
the place of John Jones who pitched
| for St. Mary's Catholic Club of Steel
| ton during the last two seasons. I
i Originally front Valla Nova College, j
! he will this season play at Hog Is- i
j land. Hummel is a southpaw.
Rome, April 4. The national I
j Olympic committee decided to-day |
to accept the offer of the city of
I Antwerp. Belgium, for the holding
i of the Olympic games there in 1920.
j Great Falls. Mont., April 4.—lt
developed to-day that the ofTer of
i $220,000 for the Willard-Dempsey
i fight made In a telegram to New
I York yesterday was signed "Great
Falls. Athletic Association" and that
it was sent to a local telegraph of-
I lice bv a stranger. As there is no
! such organization In the city local
! sport followers regard the matter as
j a joke.
Cambridge, Mass.. April 4.—Win-
I gate Rollins was appointed head i
coach of the Harvard football team
1 for the spring practice to-day. Prac
! tice will begin next Tuesday. Rol
ilins coached the informal eleven in
I 1917 and the 192 ft freshman team.
1 He graduated in 101 G.
! Toledo. Ohio. April 4.—Mrs. G.
! Butterwortli and Mrs. F. Steib, of
Chicago, won the doubles champion
ship of the women's national howl
! i nK association here to-day with a
[team score of 1,042
i Mrs. B. Husk, of Newark, N. ,T.,
I howled for a 594 total and the
[championship in the individuals,
j The five women event was won by
! the Minor Butlers of Toledo on the
I opening night of the tournament
with a team score of 2,436.
I The tournament closed last night.
I ~~
Atexjxndre Fltlleraavcl N
Alexandre Mlllerand, the former
French minister of war, has been
appointed governor of Alsace-Lor
raine, according to a dispatch from
Paris. M. Millerand was offered the
post by President Poincare, after it
had been declined by C. C. A. Jon
nard. former governor general of
Algeria. Goverhor Millerand will
have his headquarters at Strass
burg. I i
Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart
S of Hand-
Tailored Suits at a
Fourth to a Third
V The integrity of a good suit of clothes
]'/ f \} r W ®;| consists not alone in the things you see, but
/ I v i f a^so * n ie y ou don't see—-in the
1/ / /m ft Mil long patient rows of fine hand-stitches that
/ / '\\ llf underlie the collar, the lapels, the arm
/ ' \ \\Ml holes, and the fronts, stabilizing the shape
and giving enduring softness and beauty
kAH j to the lines. Men, such is the character of
the suits in this sale that are marked a
fourth to a third less than present prices—
s2o, $25, $3O, $35, $4O
A readjustment of clothing prices is coming and the makers who supply us
regularly with the finest hand-tailored suits made in America, took the initiative
and granted lis price concessions on new purchases of suits that permit us to offer
the most attractive clothing values in Harrisburg to-day on clothes of supreme
Waist Line and Tapered Double-Breasted
Models Designed For Young Men
Iwo types that are formast in the favor of young men. The waist-line suits are shown in both single
and double-breasted styles. The tapered double-breasted suits possess many alluring style features
such as hell sleeves, and slashed pockets.
Handsome Three-Button Models That
Cater to the Taste of Many Men
Sack suits, is a term that is generally used, but these sacks combine years with youth, and dignity
with the spirit of good time. Choice of regular box hacks or hacks with an in-eurve that slightly
suggest the fit of the form.
In these groups of Men's and Young Men's Suits are all the patterns, fabrics and shades that go
hand-in-hand with a well-serving elothing store such as ours.
Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Clothing Section, Second Floor, Rear.