Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, April 04, 1919, Page 2, Image 2
2 NEWS OF CENTRAL PENNA. AND CITY'S SUBURBS Cumberland. Valley News Invitations Issued For Wedding of Weil-Known Couple at Mercersburg Mercersburg. Pa., April 4.—The marriage of John Dorman West, of Jersey City, N. J., and Miss Hart Irvine, daughter of Dr. and Mrs. William Mann Irvine, of the Mer cersburg Academy, ou Thursday evening, April 24. at 7.30 o'clock, will bo an event in the social world of Franklin county and gives prom ise of being a brilliant affair. Both parties to the contract are well ■•known and belong to the best fam •ilies of their respective cities. The wedding ceremony will take place in Keil Hall and an elaborte dinner and reception will follow at North '"ottage. the residence of the bride. A large number of invitations to both Keil Hall and North Cottage have been issued. , Prof. A. H. Ege Observes Eighty-First Birthday llpchnnicsliurg, Pa., April 4. Professor A. H. Ege. who yesterday celebrated his eighty-first birthday anniversary, is one of the town's old est and best known residents, having lived here since 1565. He is interest ed in all the progressive movements of the borough, and has always been an ardent prohibition worke-, de voting much time and study for the advancement of the cause. Ie is also well known in Masonic circles and an official in the Methodist Epis copal Church. In earlier life. Mr. Ege was con nected with the old Cumberland Val ley Institute as principal for many years, and has a fund of knowledge on points of historical Interest and value. Notwithstanding advance i years. Professor Kge is active and a familiar figure on the streets of the town, interested in all current events. Irving College Student Dies of Typhoid Fever Meehnnlcshwrg. Pa., April 4.—An other victim of typhoid fever. Miss Mary Moore, a student of Irving Col lege. died at her home in Pine Grove, Schuylkill county, where she -vent previous to the spring vaeatior pn account of being ill, but was not considered serious. She was aged nineteen years and was a member of the senior class. Shortly after be ing removed to her home. Miss Moore developed typhoid and became rapidly worse. She is survived by her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Moore, and is the only daughte". Funeral services will be held on Saturday morning at her lats home jn Pine Grove, at 10 o'clock. ELKS INST AM. OFFICERS Chambersburg, Pa.. April 4. —The installation of its newly-elected offi cers took place at a meeting of B. P. O. Elks No. 000 here, the new officers being: Lxalted ruler, 1.. R. Evans: esteemed leading knight, John I. Keefer: esteemed loyal j knight, George H. Derbyshire; es- | teemed lecturing knight, Robert M. Malion: secretary. Stuart L. Brown; treasurer. John F. Kirby; trustees. H. G. Kilmer and Percy B. Karper; representative to grand lodge, Percy j B. Karpre: alternate, J. Herman Ostdrman. MRS. FUXKHOUSER ll.li Uliambcrsburg. Pa.. April 4. —Mrs. ■ B. S. Funkhouser is in a critical condition ut her home here as a re- i suit of a stroke of paralysis which i has affected her entire right side and lier speech. Her daughter, Mrs. Ho maine Washinger. wife of Bishop W. 11. Washinger, formerly of Cham bersburg. and superintendent of the Pennsylvania conference of the United Brethren Church, but now bishop of the Pacific district of the same denomination, has been sum moned from Portland. Oregon, and a son, Orville Kunghouser, from his ] home in Butler. Pa. NURSE AT ORPHAN* SCHOOL j Chambersburg, Pa., April 4.—Miss Margaret Dessem, of New Franklin, near here, a graduate of the nurses' training school at the Chambersburg Hospital, who recently took the ex amination of the State board at Philadelphia, has accepted the po sition of nurse at the Soldiers' Or phans' Industrial School at Scot land, near Chambersburg. WILL niß> WOItTUAUE Nmvllle, Pa., April 4.—This eve ning the Friendship Fire Company boys will assemble at Fountain Square, Friday evening at 7 o'clock, for the purpose of burning the mort gage held against them. will be furnished. Boys and girls are re fiuested to come in Hallow'cen suits. I TENDERED KITCHEN SHOWER Nmvllle, Pa., April 4. —A kitchen shower was tendered Mrs. Joe Bren ner at the home of her parents, the Rev. and Mrs. S. M. Stouffer, Big Spring avenue, on Saturday evening. About twenty friends were present. FORTY YEARS IN ONE OFFICE Carlisle. Pa., April 4,-s—Forty years of practice, with one office main tained the entire time, is the record of Dr. J. G. Fickel, a local physician, widely known throughout this sec tion wb* yesterday obscrted the fortieth anniversary of entering up on his activities here. He came here in 1879 after graduation from Ilahn nemann College,--PhiladelphU. BON AUCTION FOR CI.4SS Newvllle, Pa., April 4. —A box auc tion will be held at the trolley sta tion this evening at 8 o'clock, under the auspices of Geroge B. Troup's Sunday School class of St. Paul's Lutheran Church. Each box will contain something good. 5 mup and ! 7 call for e" j my pa says. ; POST TOASTIES I boys'lik'e FRIDAY EVENING. HAJUUSBURQ.itijiftfl. TETLEX3RXPH APRIL 4. 1919. Jesse P. Zeigler, Former Legislator and Guard Officer, Dies at Carlisle Carlisle, Pa., April 4.—After a pro tracted illness, Jesse P. Zeigler, widely known from his. military .er vice and work in the State Legisla ture, died at the home of his brother, William A. Zeigler, here. He was a native of Middlesex township and a member of the First Lutheran Church. Mr. Zeigler was clerk to the County Commissioners 1876-78 and was elected a member of the .State Legis lature in ISS6 and again in 18SS. He was a charter member of Company G. Eighth Regiment, National Guard, and was second lieutenant of the company for eight years. He was also health officer for Carlisle and j held other important posts. Chambersburg Council Will Elect New Clerk Chambersburg, Pa., April 4.— W. H. Fisher, president of borough council and a member of the firm of T. B. Wood's Sons Company, local manufacturers of power-transmit ting machinery, has gone to New- Orleans, Louisiana, to attend a con vention of the Aerican Machinerv Manufacturers' Association. He will be absent from the regular monthly meeting of council on next Monday evening and has appointed Council man S. G. Greenawalt, former sheriff ] of Franklin county, to preside in his stead. It is very likely that at this meet ing of council a city clerk will he chosen to succeed Frank D. Rhodes, whose resignation was asked and accepted following the discovery of his speculations with the borough funds. Rhodes yesterday deposited in a local bank the sum of $3,600 which ho secured from friends and which will entirely cover the amount he misappropriated. Large Size Government Stamp on Sale Deed Chambersburg, Pa„ April 4.—The | largest first of April transaction re- ! corded in the office of the Franklin j county register and recorder was the sale of a large farm in Guil ford township, this county, by Sam- i uel S. Sollenberger to Isaac S. I Rrechbill. The sale was made through a local real estate agent and an order had to he sent to the gov ernment at Washington for a rev enue tax stamp of the thirty dollar denomination to be used on the deed. Besides the thirty dollar stamp there was also a two-dollar revenue stamp on the document, the purchase price of the farm be ing $32,000. The farm consists of 205 acres and 153 perches and i one of the largest in the county. A total of one hundred and sixty nine papers were handled in the reg ister and recorder's office on April 1. BARBERS ELECT OFFICERS Waynesboro, Pa., April 4. Waynesboro journeymen barbers are now 100 per cent, organized and are members of the Journeymen Bar bers' International Union of Amer ica. C. P. Foley, vice-president of the organization, installed the fol lowing officers last 'night; Harry Staley, president; Harvey Fritz, vice president: J. S. Paulson, financial secretary: W. B. Conrad, recording secretary; Harvey Hess, treasurer; Johnston Keil. guard: Raymond Myers, guide; J. S. Paulson, public ity agent. A committee on by-laws has been appointed. Shorter hours and better working conditions is the purpose of the organization. RED CROSS SniPS CLOTHING Waynesboro. Pa., April 4. Thr' large boxes of old clothing, the ult of the recent old clothes dr> nade here, were shipped this mo ng by the local Red Cross bra \ The -clothing will he dis tribu.jd among the French and Bel gian people. The local branch has now on hand fifteen large store boxes of hospital supplies which were made up for the most part before the armistice was signed. MRS, JOSEPH THOMPSON DIES Newvillc, Pa., April 4.—Mrs. Anna Thompson, wife of Joseph S. Thomp- i son. died at her home in North High 1 street on Thursday morning, aged 74 years. Mrs. Thompson is survived by her husband and was a member ( of the United Presbyterian Church. Funeral services will be held on Saturday afternoon and burial will be made in Prospect Hill Ceme tery. " CHICKEN HOI'SE BURNS MeehnnlcshiirjE, Pa., April 4. A chicken house at the foot of the lot at the home of William Stough. and a work house on the lot of Isaac Hinkle's home on North Market, went up in a blaze on Wednesday* night shortly after midnight. Fire companies responded to the alarm and the fire was extinguished before tbe buildings were entirely destroyed. The fire is thought to be of Incendi ary origin, as there is evidence of the blaze having started on the outside. TRUCK SERVICE INAUGURATED Chambersburg, Pa., April 4.—Wil liam L. Forney inaugurates his mo tor truck service for freight be tween Chambersburg and Harrisburg this week. He plans for the present to have his large truck make a trip to the State Capitol and one back daily and if the patronage proves sufficient, he will add trucks enough to take care of the trade, which from indications now will be large. CANDIDATES FOR OFFICE Chambersburg, Pa., April 4. Re publican candidates for county of fice are being heard from daily now. Major Lester Hubcr, deputy sheriff, announced his candidacy fcr sheriff a month ago and yesterday Jacob H. Mayer, Director of the Poor now, and a leading citizen of Waynesboro, also threw his hat in the ring. Oth er candidates are popping up for the other offices including former Com missioner David 11. Tritle, well known Hamilton township farmer, for the Democratic nomination for sheriff. PLANNED SUICIDE 20 YEARS Montrose, Pa., April 4.—"For twenty years I tried to summon up enough courage to kill myself" Fred Shelp, aged 54, of Forest Lake, near here, told friends on Wednesday after failing in an at tempt to commit suicide by slashing his throat with a razor. Shelp in flicted two cuts that required twenty stitches to close, hut doc tors say he will lecover. He was found in the haymow of a barn owned by Thomas Booth. Shelp has long been despondent. SUNBURY "Y" DOES GOOD WORK 1 Takes Good Care of Veterans Stranded in Town After Return From Service Sunbury, Pa.. April 4.—A real ser vice for the returning veterans of the war with Germany is being per formed in a quiet way by the Sun bury Railroad Young Men's Chris tian Association. Following the red triangle and the familiar "Y" signs, many enjoyed the sleeping quarters and spent the night in the rooms, during March, according to the re port of \\ illiam P. Shelley, the sec retary, just made public. According to Mr. Slielley these soldiers seldom have money. Uncle Sam has been taking care of them and it is hard for them to find themselves suddenly thrown out upon the world. Many of the boys in khaki were en route to their homes after spend ing months in the war zone. Among the number were men who had seen much actual service and who had participated in the battle of Belleau Woods, Soissons and other places. These men were tired and ex hausted after they arrived here and were profuse in showing their appre ciation of the comforts shown them. A number said they had been rob on the train while asleep and did not have transportation to their homes They were aided by the local branch of the Red Cross, which also furnished them with meals. Some also were secured employment at the different factories here. JOKERS USE DYNAMITE Allen town. Pa., April 4 \n South Allentown, a suburb, was shaken yesterday by an explosion of i dynamite which a party of voting men set off in an open field opposite' a -row of houses to frighten the oc-1 cupants. In some cases the occu pants were thrown out of bed but no one was injured. The homes of I William Mann. Wilson J. David Owen L. Hartzel, James Bachman' and Joseph Arner were badly dam aped not a whole windowpane be ing left. SURVIVES 22,000-VOI/T SHOCK Ashland. Pa.. April 4. —Fred i Gross, a lineman employed bv the I Eastern ePnnsylvania Railway: Company, \ros shocked bv a livp 1 wire carrying 22.00CT volts here yes terday and lives to tell about it. j |f ••• giiCTilfiijiil^pigWMiiiiiSiiiiii^^ 28-30-32 North Third Street r^=.: F .. r tailorwork is the best feature of a garment. It is the factor that brings out the lines desired and puts the :.i service into the suit or dress or wrap. A Schleisner garment is a work of the artist-tailor. A piece of fabric ... may or may not be developed into an artistic creation. The idea to do the work may be the incentive —but only a|j if real tailor can put the correct lines into the garment. The designing of a suit is one thing, the tailor work another. „ Both are needed for a Schleisner garment. The result is dignified fashion. m. ' r Spring Suits That Denote the Pinnacle of Fashion $35.00 to $125.00 Last minute arrivals that augment our lines aflord a most interesting choice for those who wish to select their spring suit on Saturday. The correct materials and colors, with special emphasis on navy —give a wide range for dis criminating choice. iSS * """""""""™ —— __________________________— New Models In Dresses New Capes and Dolmans Artistic Types for All Occasions Graceful Creations in Many Models Developed in the much-in-vogue tricollette, satin and Diversified modes in tricotine, serge and silvertone georgette. Navy and leading shades are shown. as well as evora. Navy and other shades. $29.50 to $57.50 $25.00 to $75.00 —l Interesting New Blouses In Costume and Tailored Models I lie color tones are exceptional league blue, salmon, tea rose, sunset, flesh and white. Georgette Blouses, $5.00 to $39.50 Tailored Batiste Blouses, $1.95 to $5.95 J - Silk Underwear For Saturday's Selling New Skirts Extensive variety in the A Number of Exquisite Trimmed Hals Latest ar,ivals in stun " most artistic and correct ning skirts for sport and styles, including— $6.95 to $15.00 dress wear in plain and nov- Camisoles, $1.50 to $3.75 r> ... .... , _ . elty colors. Special attetn rortraying the new notes in millinery and offering a f • „ • L*i „ i | Envelope Chemise, $3.75 superb collection of hats for dress, semi-dress and prac- ing which r n, .r r r ' a " ° r lng shades are repre " Schleisner standard. ® Satin Bloomers. $3.25 to sented. $D Gage Sailors at $5.95 to $lO $ 9 - 90 to $ 35,00 _ 1 . Smart new models with plain or roll brims and featur- _ t>°new "modes bTsunf ei ' ' n new straws and most effective colors. The new gilets are mer furs, offering very shown in a very exten- , ■ suitable types for the - \f> tfn , nr „ s.ve variety m black and | various modes of attire. 3titi I'PUPS ARE PUPS; I RULES SQUIRE Owner of Canine Claims Tax I'nconstitution, but Justice Orders Him to Pay Diuicannon, Pa., April 4.—"Pups ' are pups." Squire Charles Houck, of j Miller township, ruled in the case | of Howard Baker, of Wheatfield | township, who was brought before him on the charge of refusing to pay his dog license tax. The tax on canines is unconsti tutional, Baker is declared to have asserted emphatically, and then I stoutly to have refused to pay the tax. He was arrested later by Con- i stable Benjamin Sheafi'er and taken before the Miller township magis trate. Squire Houck, continuing his rul ing, said that while a dog comes un der the head of personal property and should have a value placed on it that the proper amount of tax might be determined as is done in the case of a horse or cow, the legis lators in framing the enactment fail ed to discriminate "between a good and a bad pup." "According to the orders of the county commissioners and the facts developing in the test case, "he said, " 'pups are pups' whether you paid five or fifty for the one you own." j Baker was ordered to pay a license j tax and the costs of prosecution. ABANDONING QUARRIES Marietta, Pa., April 4.—Quarries | of the J. E. Baker Company at i Chickies will ere long be a thing of | the past, as workmen are fast tear ing up the improvements made there ! several years ago, and hauling it : ! elsewhere, where the companv op- I ! erates quarries. The farm was pur- | ! chased from the late Mrs. Blemen | tin F. Kane by Mr. Baker, and the I ground found to contain dolomite, j ! As digging progressed the material I j became poorer, and the quarrv will I now be abandoned. Over a hun- | dred men have been thrown out of employment. FORMER RESIDENT DIES Marietta, Pa., April 4.—Mrs. Adam U. March, a former resident of East | Donegal township, is dead at her home in Dover. She was 61 vears j old and is survived by the follow j ing children. David 8.. Albert C., i Grover (In France), and Wilbert A. j March. Mrs. Elmer Barltes. Mrs. j Harvey Hess, Mrs. Harry Sawyer. I Four brothers also survive. 'Ground Broken For New I Post Office at Sunbury Sunbury, Pa., April 4. —Without ceremony of any kind, Postmaster Hiram L. Purdy, yesterday broke ground for Sunbury's new $115,000 post office, which will be built this summer by a Bingliampton, N. Y„ firm. March 1, of next year, is set as : the date for its completion. The new I building will take up half a city j block, including its surrounding lot. .and is located opposite the Pcnnsyl j vania railroad station. NEWS OF SOLDIERS New llloom field. Pa., March 4. Earnest M. Stambnugh, of near El liottsburg, former mail carrier of route No. 1, has been discharged from the United States service and has returned home. He will re sume the carrying of mall about | May 1. j Edward Smee, of Dellsville, has returned home from France. He was wounded and spent some time in a hospital. He surprised his fam ily a few days ago by walking in. Charles Foose, of Little Germany, who had been in the service, re cently returned home unharmed. But fate was not so kind to him at home, as last week when he cranked his automobile it back fired, break ing his right wrist. NINE TO GRADUATE Marietta, Pa., April 4.—The grad uating class of the Marietta High school for this year will contain four ! boys and five girls. This is the ] I largest class for some time. The J | number of the class at the begin- j nlng of the term was ten, but one j of the members died, Raymond Ar- ' | nold. Miss Miller, principal of I schools, is arranging for the grad uation and entertainment. VICTIM RECOVERING York Haven, Pa., April 4.—Harry J Shupp, son of Andrew Shupp, who ! j was injured by the explosion of an ' , engine used in spraying trees on the | I farm of Levi Ilartman. about ten ! j days ago. was discharged from a i Harrisburg Hospital on Tuesday. I when he returned home. He is much j improved and is now on a good way to recovery. William Ilartman was killed by the same explosion. GOES TO CONVENTION New Bloontflchl, Pa.. April 4. Edward C. Burnett will represent the Reed Manufacturing Company, of Erie, at a joint convention of tlie Southern. Eastern and Central Ma chinery and Supply Dealers' Asso ciation, and of the Southern Hard ware Jobbers' Association and the Hardware Manufacturing Associa tion at New Orleans, La., this week. LEWISTOWN'S OLD RESIDENTS Large Number of Well-Known Live to Ripe Age Along Juniata River U'wistown, Pa.. April 4.—The I Rev. A. Spanbgle, the oldest resident jof Mifflin county, is enjoying fairly good health at the age of 96 yehrs. John Gantz, the veteran hunter is in his nineties. Joseph Fichthorn. at 86 years of age, is getting around like a boy. H. A. Walters, at 81 years, is the j I oldest canal boatman in this section. James G&yton, 86 years old, is still working about town. Mrs. Calvin Wallace, a well-known resident of is 84. H. C. Estop, of ■ Lewistown, ncar ing four-score years, is in excellent health. $lO,OOO FOR FARM Sunbury, Pa., April 4.—A record high price for Northumberland | county farm land was indicated here to-day when the heirs of I. C. Rlshel, of Chillisquaque township, near Mil ton, sold to J. Wilson Foresman, of Liberty township, Montour countv, 110 acres and 16 perches of land in I the famed Chillisquaque cantaloupe I belt for $10,542.60. This is believed to be tlie highest price ever paid for ja farm in this district. CANDIDATE FOR SHERIFF New BloomflcUl, Pa., April 4 The first candidate for the office of sheriff of Perry county to succeed David L. Kistler, of New Bloomfieid, is Paul R. Flurie, of Newport, whose I candidacy lias just been announced, j He is seeking the Republican nomi- I | nation. He was n candidate for the' J nomination four years ago. but lost ! out to Sheriff Kistler. who later suc ceeded in winning at the general I election. j E I Lt—- 3= Hot water Sure Relief RELL-ANS Wfor indigestion Traveling Worker Dies in Perry County Jail Now liloofntichl, Pa., April 4. Charles Webb, ail itinerant stencil and metal tax maker, who claimed Chicago as his home ,is dead at the county jail, where he was taken when he was reported to have been 'acting quecrly" in Tuscarora town ship. While in the Jail, he,crawled to the top of the cells and there ; placed Ills overcoat and coat, after which he fell to the floor. He was dazed by the full and this is believed to have hastened his death. TO 111. TRIKD FOR MPHDI.It Sunbury, Pa., April 4.—Trial of Robert Brantley, of Sliamokin. for the killing of County Commissioner i Peter Joseph Schmidt, is scheduled I for the term of Northumberland ] county criminal court, which opens here on May 19. It is generally un derstood that the District Attorney will not press for a first degree ver dict, inasmuch as Brantley has long since been admitted to freedom un der a $5,000 bond. Schmidt was killed in Schmidt's saloon, after an altercation with Brantley. He was stabbed in the left temple. Schmidt had first struck | Brantley. 00 YOU NEED A KIDNEY MEDICINE? Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-lloot is net recommended for everything, but if you have kidney, liver or bladder trouble, it may be found just the medicine you need. Swamp-Root makes friends quickly because its mild and immediate effect is soon realized in most cases. It is a gentle healing herbal compound—a physi cian's prescription which has proved its great value in thousands of the ■ 1 most distressing cases according to j reliable testimony. At druggists in large and medium size bottles. You may have a sample size bottle of this always reliable preparation by- Parcel Post, also pamphlet telling about it. Address Dr. Kilmer & Co., Blnghamton, N. Y., and enclose ten cents, also mention the Harrisburg Daily Telegraph. —A man may be in a very big hurry when be goes to buv bis new spring I suit! —What of it? —lf he goes to the right store it won't take very long to select a suit that will please him. —And if he's a very, VERY particular chap and wants every little "nook and corner" of his suit to he correct, there's one place to go for his suit Sehleis ner's. —Rather strong! —Oh, yes; hut you must remember that we have the finest tailored clothes in America and such a standard is worthy of unstinted recommendation. —You see, it doesn't fol low that a man must he worried to death because he wants a good suit. —And that's why he just naturally walks into Schleisner's Men's Store. New Spring Suits and Top Coats * $3O to $6O 28-30-32 N, 3rd. St.