Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, April 03, 1919, Page 5, Image 5
Vrooman Vindicated of Charges Made in Hughes Aircraft Report Washington. April 3.—Lieutenant S. B. Vrooman, charged In the Hughes Hundreds of Hundreds of CJJOPT AA Easter Suits at jpk %y? 8 2 - p A - f I (IMS — \ Easter Suits at *pOO.UU Hundreds of ({* QpTA AMr IVIpPsIp Hundreds of QQpT (\ Easter Suits at Easter Suits at Hundreds of (POQ ft ml. 111 mi VvMA Hundreds of Qi/IKfin Easter Suits at 7 Easter Suits at The Biggest Pre-Easter Event In Our Stores History Starts Tomorrow More Than 1000 Handsome, Fashionable Easter Suits For Women and Misses and Extra Large Women Offered In Our 10 Pre-Easter Day Underselling Event That Caps The Climax For Style, Quality and Value The great preparations which we made for our 10-Day Pre-Easter Selling Event culminates in this mag- miss, every extra large woman will find it an easy matter to buy her Easter suit here. Hundreds of suits nificent presentation of the New Spring and Easter Styles which we herewith offer at speeialized-value in each group, and only a few of each model, thus making the assortments the most comprehensive vou prices that are within the reach ol every purse however moderate the income. Every woman, every will find in all Harrisburg. The New Easter Suits at 50 TTi 1T 7 |The New Easter Suits at So £.OO lor Women and Misses f f , i J. I For Women and Misses Men's Wear Serges and all wool poplins. Navy blue vk 1 A / M I Poiret Twills, Gabardines, Men's' Wear Serges, Scotch Ac predominates but there are other good shades such as cop- *vV sSBBL IMflk 1 I Tweeds and Jerseys. A wonderful range of styles in the enhagen, Henna, tan and taupe; box models and semi-fitted \ v t %A\ \ topular navy blue but all the other wanted colors as well, j models and plenty of smart belted effects. Many of them are trimmed with braid. / \ 1 \ 1 3eautiful silk linings fancy or plain. At this price the style assortment is very ex- All sizes for women and misses. , 1( VII tensive but in most cases only two or three suits of each style. The New Easter Suits at New Easter Suits at $0A.50 For Women and Misses / 1 ] ' \ * ' N '^ 4 For Women and Misses Men's Wear Serge, Tweeds, Poplins and Jerseys. Fine £-4 B W \ Hki, ~ B Men's Wear Serges, Poiret Twills, Gabardines. Many £JV m W serges in navy and black. Poplins in navy, black, taupe, f\ I I\\ Kali §||jy /f suits but mostly one only of each style. All sizes for women henna and French blue. Tweeds in mixtures of gray and 7 , t, - - —fl ll n\ anc * misses in navy, black and the other wanted colors. brown. Jerseys in sport models in blue and heather mixtures. Plain tailored, box \\ , j mmwU Sill | H L 7 I Plain tailored with deep collars and smart suits with vests of tricolette and other fancy models and the smart braided styles; many show the new vestee effect in all sizes for 1 Stf* I silks. The New Easter Suits at tort i;n4H' The New East 6l, S u 'ts at $4 £.OO T , .. *P W 1 I*^"—i ] M Tj -—-U For Women and Misses XB J'Ot Women and -Misses M J|LM yf Tricotine, Poiret Twills, Men's Wear Serge and Gabar- Poplin, Men's Wear Serge, Gabardine and Jerseys tad\%J #1 #11! M dine. Copies of the highest priced models turned out by ™ a splendid style assortment in box models, semi-box effects, h . A "yi the finest tailors in New York and in almost every case plain tailored and the fancier braided suits. Navy blue, ■ one only of each style but plenty of styles from which to choose. Some of them black, taupe, tan, Copenhagen, rookey and gray, with vests, plain tailored, box J are embroidered others braid trimmed—while others are plain tailored. Many of semi-box styles and smart belted designs. lJ r them have fancy silk lining. Hundreds of Suits For Extra Large Women—Stylish Stout Models at $25, 32.50, 39.50 & $45 A Host of Fascinating Styles in New Capes & Dolmans In the Big Pre-Easter Underselling Event fp ERTAINLY a showing of new Capes and Dolmans worth the while to inspect. HeVe are comprised within this assortment the most captiva ting of the new models. Navy Serge Capes, plain or braided, lined and unlined, and some with jacket effect. The Dolmans are of serge, silver tone, Silver Tip Bolivia, Duve tyne, Velour and Tricotine. The color assortment is truly won- I derful, Victory Rose, Beaver, Deer, French Blue, Taupe, Mauve, Castor, Navy and Black. $lO to $49.50 Pre-Easter Underselling Event C< * TH u "I • -r . •• , ii^ Comprising In All, 185 six Extraordinary Lots of Easter Waists In This Big Event I Pre-Easter Display and Under- m 3OOO waists iic charming creations in white and colors, for evening, afternoon, street and business wear. I I Eventi B I Your Choice of OK Lot 1. " Lot 2. Lot 3. Lot I Lot 5 I Lot 6. 8 any in the Y J.UO Easter Waists Easter Waists Easter Waists Easter Waists Easter Waists Easter Waists J§§l I entire lot at „,L re Sf d f 9 hin ® a, ] d °® or ?- Pretty Georgette and Crepe Georgette and Crepe de Beautiful Georgette and | Wonderful Voile Waists in UTT, hi Just one and two of a style—Jersey top Ten ALITO i. S i Q h,ne Waists. New collar- Chine Waists, made up in Crepe de Chine Waists, new- p , , Xoveltv Voile White and colors - ' )lain and 55.95 tO $7.95 ILM with taffeta and niessuline flounces, all *I lose, Maize, Sunset, round less models in round, square beautiful styles—all the new est models In round and square ' - noV elty elTeets, embroidery or Sgj taffeta, all Jersey and all messallne. Kitted -in" B'luaae neelc models, and V neck—plain and em- shades including tbe ever neeks, collarless shown-. in Waists, white and colors; beau- ] a ce trimmed. Big variety of Extra Sizes UI \ Ril waist band all lengths and all colors. iie emproidery trimming, liroidcred with silk or beads, staple White, Flesh and Black, every new Spring shade in- tiful styles, prettily trimmed styles, regular and extra sizes, or „„ ,1 mo qej >W BM Kaufman's—Second Floor. 46. Pre-Easter Shown in Flesh, Victory, Sunset, Round, square and V neck eluding Navy, Rookie, League 1 w ith einhrnidm-v or lue- ™. 13ti to 04. Pre-Easter Under- p.cFtJ <111(1 tpo.<7t) ■ _ Price 8 * Navy, Blue, Malae.yea the new tucks Blue. Tea Rose. Sunset, Flesh t| |',"sizes 36 i<> 54 ' Be " ins Prlf,t '- ' —t—6 m ML iJP Jt" | MB. ■ extra regular Pre- extra, 30 to Pre-Easter sizes, 3C to 54. Pre-Easter Pre-Easter Underselling Price, B |y] ME |l> 9ml Easter Underselling Price, l.'ndcrselling Price, Underselling Event, (Jj -4 np 1 BrfJP IVhH ilj $2,95 $ 3,95 1 $495 $5>95 $1,45 s THURSDAY EVENING, aircraft investigation report with vio lation of the statute prohibiting per sons acting for the Government from transacting business with a corporation in which they are in terested. was vindicated of the charge yesterday by Attorney General Pal mer. Testimony taken since the publica- tion of the report, said the attorney general's announcement, showed that all lumber for airplane propellers purchased by the Government from the S. B. Vrooman Company of Phila delphia, <in which Lieutenant Vrooman was financially interested, was in spected by agents of the National Hardwood Lumber Association and A Glorious Array of New Trimmed Hats To Start-the Pre-Easter Underselling Event _ . Scores of models for dress and busi- I neSS Weai | n 1R Spring's most stylish sidered correct and desirable. Y/\ pV UK millinery workrooms have been kept on \ \ [ the "go" every minute for the last few days . A \ in order to assemble the most extensive array of A o v Easter Hats we have ever shown (indeed, that has ' \/) ( ever been seen in the city) at popular prices. \ \ \ There are the new milans, lisere, pineapple, leghorn braids de- \i / signed into large, small and medium size shapes Remarkable values all of them. y And Beautiful New /I p CT* AA Children s New Spring Trimmed Hats at I + fl i 7! I Hats Are Here at $6.90 to $15.00 S* H/ I<J •J \J $1 98 to $598 HARRISBURG TELEGRAPH riot by the officer or others appointed' by him. This information, the at torney general held, constituted a complete vindication of the officer. Foil Plot To Force Anthracite Strike WHkeM-Harrc, Pa.. April 3.—Arrests Store Opens at 9 A. M. and Closes at 5.30 P. M by county anil railroad detectives of eleven men ut Mocanaqua late Tues day night is believed to have r;ppt,, in the bud a plot to force a general' strike in the anthracite mines and the resort to sabotage, if necessary, to enforce demands. The arrests followed an attempt to derail a work train carrying 15U employes of the West End Coal Com pany at Mocanaqua. At a hearing yesterday before Alderman Frank B. Brown in this city, all were com mitted In default of Jl.OOO bail eech. All of the defendants have been in the country from eig' t to thirteen \PRTL 3, 1919. years but none arc citizens. It de veloped at tlie hearing that a secret organization of nearly one hundred has been actively spreading its propa ganda in the Wyoming and Lacka wanna valleys. Secret meetings have been held in mines and 'louse to ' house canvasses made in mining Girls' Capes and Coats In many styles and tlie most desirable eolors — Pre-Easter Selling Event — Coats at $8.95 fjjjl Children's Intermediate Coats - Sizes 7 to in Sill. Poplin, Serges ami Checks in a large assortment of styles J\ and colors. I \ A large variety of styles in i&vjMißfii, serge, silk poplin and cheeks, jWW?.jwlfofrig tile new sizes 2 to <> years. ' A large assortment of U models foi' girls, 10 lo I I II years; made of Wool Poplin, \| MnKfiflßeKHß Velour, Serge, Trieoline and I Silk Poplin. The colors in- V (I elude all that are new for \\ \ \ \ I Spring fli-MMi U | I J Coats at $18.50 \ ]ij J A pretty model for girls, 10 ill ■ / to 111 years: made of Batony r" Serge, with high waistline, 7/ Y^csyHJ belted and shirred; the colors are I'tose, Pekin and Tan. Girls" Capes in Nary Serge $lO and $l5 Graceful garments with the new vestec. Well tailored and beautiful quality. towns for the purpose of enrolling* new members. District Attorney Slattery is directing the work of running down the agitators and ar rests will continue until they ara out of Duzerne county. Use McNeil's Pain Exterminator—Act 5