Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, April 03, 1919, Page 4, Image 4
4 TO MAKE PROBE OF SITUATION IN SOUTHHUNGARY President Wilson and Pre miers Decide to Send For Information By Associated Press. Paris, April 3.—President Wilson and the premiers here decided to Bend to South Hungary for informa tion concerning the situation and to remove the misunderstanding that has arisen regarding the frontiers of new states. It has been said that the revolutions have largely been brought about by a mistaken notion regarding the intentions of the al-j lied commission in Hungary. The council continued its consid eration of reparations yesterday. /T> k Heal Skin Diseases " It is unnecessary for you to suffer with eczema, blotches, ringworm, rashes and similar skin troubles. Alittlezemo, obtained at any drug store for 35c, or $l.OO for extra larje bottle, and prompt ly appjied will usually give instant relief from itching torture. It cleanses and soothes the skin and heals quickly and effectively most skin diseases. Zemo is a wonderful, penetrating, disappearing liquid and is soothing to the most delicate skin. It is not greasy, is easily applied and cost 3 little. Get it today and save all further distress. The E. W. Rote Co., Cleveland, J. Rugs at Very Attractive Prices To Make Your Home Beautiful After Spring House Cleaning When your spring ,■ We have an extra housecleamng is over MtfgSK JJLL Jin ordinary assortment of you will want to bright- Jj[J[ H'l fMrl high grade rugs for en up the room with a 1 HlfslrT ifil every room in the house new rug. After the which we offer at excep task is over you will w-k* tEss* lltf tionally low prices this want your home to @1 week - Whether it be for show that you have c mSgSfir -mm TO the bedroom, the dining tried to make it beauti- ~room, the living room, can Parl ° l "')^'" 1 tHC have ma serve to new spring guide you in ru S- your choice. GRASS RUGS, in various RAG RUGS, good assortment TXPESTRY B RIIS SFI, S Snt°lll finHnt 63^"8, ° f h J°l 2TI UGS, exception" offer, splcn- Spei-ial Spring Si 4.00 1 ? , ni o , sl *®' Spe " Sl4 SO did variety of patterns, 8.3x10.S , Z/ cla! Spring value^ slze . Special tfOy4 f)f| GRASS RUGS, extra quality, . Snrine value i>S4.UU with fringed edge; fine for , RAG RUGS, size 27x34. bedroom, Bxlo size. Special Extra special Spring d1 Ejrt AXMIXSTKR RUGS, fine for Spring 00 value * bedroom and livingroom, lux value WiO.UV RAO RUGS size 36x7"> urious patterns, 8.3x10.6 size. HBER RUGS, in a splendid Extra spec ial Spring *0 7C Special Spring s4*s 00 assortment, . stenciled designs, , a i ue / O value P#SJW Ixl2 size. Special CJOO flft Spring value BRUSSEUS RUGS, will give . WIUTOX RUGS, finest qual- WOOt AND EIDER RUGS, long wear, unusual patterns and an( *n. P a tterns, beautiful shoic-est coloring, exceptional fine colorings, 8.3x10.6 size. tones, will give extraordinary quality, very serviceab'e, 9x12 Special Spring fi/-. service, 8.3x10.6 size. Special size. Special Spring 517.00 ' a '" e value'... sBooo Aljlj WOOD RUGS, reversible VEIA'ET RUGS, soft color- other er/F rttos i n designs, can be used on either ings, designs of unusual char- , • , side, 9x12 size. Special acter, 8.6x11 size. Special ous R'Uds and grades, large Spring OH Spring do A ones and small ones, all at pro value value portlonato sav t n gs. Baby Carriages jT~) Park Stroller $l5 Baby Carriage / A very handy, easy running $29.50 '/ a roll around the entire .... ... Hl g baby carriage, comfortable, } exceptional value. This _ jf well made, finish natural, carriage Is roomy and com- r*"'hffi. rubber tire wheels. fortable and very easy run nlr.g. Roll around hood, | wire wheels, rubber tires. Park Stroller. $lB Ba(jy Ca The carriage Is made with I Jp ) Jey body. Very strongly built. Body is made of selected Wood wheels with rubber reed, white enameled, re tires. I verstble body, wood wheels. tUse a Burns' Energy Range Special price $47.00 'TTIE Burns' Energy range will save you a lot of coal. Every good housekeeper knows that the coal bill will eat up a lot of money. You can save money on your coal bill—if you have the right kind of a range. The Burns' Energy range is a very fine baker and cooker. It is easy to clean—all the nickel parts are removable. Complete with pipe and pipe shelf, $47.00. Lace Curtains Vacuum Sweepers to Beautify the Home for Spring To make house cleaning easy An assortment of exceptionally attractive patterns which we will offer this week at A variety of sizes and kinds, all good makes special Spring prices. —wiH do the work well, easy to operate. $l.lO a Pair $4. 50 to $9.75 THURSDAY EVENING, "DEAR FOLKS" The executive committee in charge of the Rummage Sale to be held next week for the benefit of the Harrisburg Hospital called attention to the fact that the actual sale will not be held throughout the week, but that the first three days—Monday, Tues day and Wednesday—will be giv en over to assembling the great mass of material which has been promised the sale. "We want everything," said Mrs. Olmsted this morning. "Everything from old c'othes to new clothes, and from automo bile odds and ends to household furniture." There is no indication of a final de cision, but it was said some progress was made. Responsibilities for (ho war were further discussed. This question has introduced a fresh ele ment of delay, as the committee on responsibilities was unable to reach a unanimous decisions. President Wi'son received a let ter from King Alfonso approving the League of Nations and expressing Spain's desire to join with the United States in this respect. King Albert of Belgium will call ->n President Wilson this afternoon at 2 o'clock to discuss the interests f Belgium now before the council and also to request the location of the seat of the League of Nations in Brussels, a matter in which the king is deeply interested. CKOUP Spasmodic croup is usually relieved with TftSl one application of— j YOUR BODYGUARD"- 30f. 60MI/20 ! Great Britain Is to Reconstitute Fighters ! London, April 3.—lt is proposed : to reconstitute and reorganize Great ; Britain's territorial forces into four i teen divisions and fourteen mounted I brigades from army troops, garri : sons and old line of communication i units, said Winston Spencer j Churchill, Secretary of State of War, ! speaking at a conference held here I to-day. Mr. Churchill declared, in discus ' sing the liability of territorial forces for services overseas, they should not be called upon for such services i until "the situation becomes so seri i ous that the general military serv j ice act calling for troops for the : duration of the war, has been as sented to by Parliament." ANOTHER LINGUIST JOIN'S THE RECRUITING PARTY Although he can't speak Esqui maux or Tagalog, like some of the other men at the local Army re ' cruiting station, 325 Market street, Frank C. Luczynski, who recently joined the recruiting party, can • speak as many languages as Ser | geant Novak, who previously held ; the record. The new recruiter 1 speaks Polish, Russian, Slavish, I Hungarian and Lithuanian, besides ! being able to handle the King's ling- I lish. He has served in the Twenty ! third Cavalry and Eighty-first Field I Artillery. While in the latter regi i ment, he spent three months over ' seas. BROKEN WIRES CAUSE FAI.SE FIRE ALARMS Broken wires have resulted in the ringing of the fire alarm bells of the city several times within the past twenty-four hours. This morning trouble was caused by a broken wire •it Hemlock and Cameron streets, which moved back and forward and caused the alarm to ring. Last even ing wire wrapped around a break of last year at Sycamore and Cameron streets, caused the trouble. Every time that a trolley car passed it shook the pole and this frequently resulted in the ringing of the alarm. The breaks have been reported by William Crozier, assistant city electrician. HA RRIBBURG TELEGRAPH SPARTACANSIN GERMANY GET MORE SYMPATHY Discontent Reigns Among All Classes; New Coup Ap pears Imminent By Associated Press. I/ondon, April 3.—A long Berlin dispatch from Reuters correspon dent comments on the discontent noticeable everywhere among the German peoplo of all classes and the talk of a new coup being immi nent. Sympathy with Spartacism, says I the correspondent, is beginning to [ invade the better classes, including officials, clerks, teachers and peo ple in similar walks of life. They argue that things cannot be worse and that Bolshevism at least opens the prospect for "better things one day for our children" as regards food. They ask, the correspondent con tinues, whether nothing can con vince the man of small means that Bolshevism is not calculated to bring him the ideal state he dreams of. A liberal increase in the food ra tions, especially of meat, bread and fats, alone can work such a miracle, the people say. Officer Serving in France Candidate For Court Clerk Gettysburg, Pa.. April 3. Adams county has a candidate seeking office at the coining primaries who Is with the army of occupation In Germany. Announcement has been made that J. Chester Bell, of Hunterstown, is a candidate for the office of clerk of the courts on the Republican ticket. Bell is a first lieutenant on the regimen tal staff and has been overseas al most a year. Another candidate is also in the field who hs seen service at the front, John Hartman, a son of the present sheriff of Adams county, who is a candidate at the primaries to succeed his father. Standing of the Crews HARRISBIHO SIDE Philadelphia Division. The 122 crew to go first after 1 o'clock: 114, 123, 125, 108, 113, 115, 117, 112, 111, 101, 121, 124. Firemen for 115. Conductors for 105, 121. Brakemen for 101, 112, 114. (2) 123. Engineers up: Bickel, Howard, Dolby. Gaeckler, Downs, Karr, HhoafT, Gemmill, Binkley, Stauffer, Heaps, Andrews. Lefever. Firemen up: Barclay, A. Rider, Beers, Webb, Craley, Dollmyer, Mor gan, Good, Kase, Bickel, Wood, Copp. Conductors up: Boyle. Stark, Rife. Brakemen up: Preston, Murphy, Cook, Belford, Kassemer, Hackman, Burger, Killian, McCarty, Arndt, Eiclielberger, Smith, Altemus, Yolie, Craver, Christ, Brown, Lutz, Bren- I izer. Lark, Silks, Hoyer, College, Mc- I Bride. Middle Division —The 15 crew to go first after 1 o'clock: 22, 34, 18, 21. 32 and 23. Engineers wanted for 32, Brakemen wanted for 22, 34, (2) 18. 23. Engineers up: Bowers, Baker, Tettemer, Albrigt, Nickles, Peters. Firemen up: Gault, Gross, Schmidt, Putt. Conductors up: Heiner. Carl. Brakemen up: Roush, Shelly, Fish er. Leonard, Manning, Hemminger, Dare, Furlow, Woodward, Beers, Page, Lantz, Rhnades. Beers, John son, Jr., Blace, Shearer. Yanl Board —Engineers for SC. 35C. Firemen for 12C, 2. 15C. 17C. Engineers up: Fulton, Fells, Mc- Morrls, Clelland, Goodman, Harling, Machamer. Firemen up: G. S Smith, Howe, Rothe, Spahr, Ostot, Bryan, Whichello, Stlne, Ross, Brinkley, E. Kruger, En gie, W. C. Kruger, N. Lauver. ENOLA SIDE Philadelphia Division. The 238 crew to go first after 1.15 o'clock: 211, 252, 234, 216, 251, 209, 242, 217, 213, 241, 233, 215, 204, 249,, 225, 212 and 222. Engineers for 209, 211, 238. Firemen for 215. Conductors for 216, 213, 215. Flagmen for 252, 217, 213, 225, 222. Brakemen for 211, (2) 252, 233, 249 and 222. Brakemen up: Skiles, Garverich, Brunner, Home, Simpson, Tennant, Anderson, J. W. Smith, Freedman, Morgan, Carper, Breichaupp, Philips, Eshleman, Shank, Couldcr, Smeltzer. Middle Division —The 110 crew to go first after 1.15 o'clock: 109, 114, 112, 103, 121. 104, 119, 108, 111, 101 and 115. Engineers for 108. Firemen for 110, 103, 119, 111. Conductors for 103, 108. Brakemen for 110, 109, 112, 103, 104, 108 and 101. Yard Hoard —Engineers up: Rider, Boyer, Kling, Branyon. Firemen up: Wolf, Wagner, Mc- Connell, Coldren, Taylor, A. W. Wag ner, Holmes, Sadler. Engineers for change crew. Firemen for change crow. PASSENGER SERVICE Middle Division —Engineers up: J. A. Spotts, R. M. Crane, W. D. Mc- Dougal, C. D. Hollenbaugh, W. C. Graham, James Keane, S. H. Alexand er, O. L, Miller, D. Keane, H. F. Krepps. W. C. Black, G. G. Kciser, J. W. Smith, F. F. Schreck. Engineers wanted for 665, P-21, 667. Firemen up: H. O. Hartzel, R. B. Pee, H. Naylor. E. E. Roller, R. M. Lyter, H. A. Schrauder, G. B. Huss, F. Dysinger, H. A. Wohling, C, W. Winantl, D. F. Hudson, G. L. Hug gins. Firemen wanted for 41. Philadelphia Division — Engineers up: C. It, Osmond, H. W. Gilliums, A. Hall, M. Pleam. Engineers wanted for 26. Firemen up: J. M. White, C. E. Britcher, W. E. Aulthouse, E. D. Mc- Neal, M. G. Shaftner, H. Stoncr. Firemen wanted for 26, 20. WilllumMiiort Division — Engineers up. E. E. Bastiun. No vacancies. Firemen up: C. E. Smith, J. L. Manghes. A. Henry. THE READING The 55 crew to go first after 12.15 o'clock: 61. 57, 3, 18, 69, 68, 67, 71. 66, 53, 14. 5 72. Engineers for 66, 5. Firemen for 53, 57, 66, 69, 71, 6, 18. Conductors for 53, 55. Brakemen for 55, 69. 14, 18. Engineers up: Wyre, Kauffman, Clouser, McCurdy, Dlttrow, Walton, Morrison, Mlddaugh, Hoffman, Schu baur. Firemen up: Kurtz, Tullinger, Dls brow, Saul, Orndorft, Vogelsong, Schultz, Kochenour, Fahnestock, Estline, Lowe. Conductors up: Dannor. Meck, Kelfer, Meek, Smith. Flagmen up: Ridell. Hoover, Mc- Kissick, Ensminger, Wiley, Edmond son, Ely, Hain. Brakemen up; Gallagher. W. B. Meetch Is Home From Long Florida Trip Prison Inspector W. B. Meetch. who spent the winter in Florida, returned to his home, in North Second street, yesterday. He is in flne health and I nnd closes at c^oses a t J Pre-Easter Underselling Event Starts Tomorrow The Most Important Ten-Day Merchandise Achievement in the History of Our Store. OMITT • o i n j i rr\ Wear the Right Corset with bilk riosiery bale Starts I omorrow Your Easter A PP arei More than 1400 pairs of Women's Pure Silk Thread and Fiber Silk Hosiery in the pre-Easter underselling event. Try Advantageous purchaeing brings about these remarkable values which no woman " V can afford to mlfl, Included in this wonderful hosiery event are black, white, and all .. tha loading suit shade*. It Is A remarkable thing that you are able to purchase your e Cm Easter hosiery at these price*. Buy your full season's supply now. # IML 600 Pairs Women's 475 Pairs 350 Pairs Elise Fibre Silk Hose Thread Silk Hose Thread Silk Hose corset f IHT ;A ,„ . , , Full length, "Notaseme" fj I I fl\ ?8ln. boot length double . 1 . bo °* •"Btn. full an(l fllll f ashiom . d; double * BA V , , . . . l v!i i j v ? solo and high spliced heel: ll f ff V\ I RBlo and heel, ootton garter double solo and heel. Isle „ |lk „ ale t t , black > , I IV) \ top, ta White, black, grey, Krfectjon- O |n' white bl" ck white, cordovan, grey, pearl. -i [ JVC U lmperieouons in wnuo, DIRCK, navy, Russian calf, preen. nhfthitiAptiPi taupe. Csc>rclovan ' * re " champagne, llpht blue, pold. Models for the slender, average, I Untlernoltlnff Event, a pair, pnTr UndcrßeninK Event, pe-E r ast e r Underselling full and stout figures, front and back ,ur ' Event, pair, lace, topless, k>w, medium and high . _ . busts —not ordinary corsets, bnt cor ffW r/ setH to BUit each and every individual g / y-w & B / 1 / figure; made of Brocades, Coutils M MM M H I b M and Batiste; pink or white; sizes, 19 7 j ' $1.50 to $5,00 More Than 1000 Children's Dresses Silk Underwear | Many Pretty Styles For Confirmation Pre-Easter underselling Event WE ARE happy to say that we have without exception the largest assortment of chil- /Egk drcn's dresses we have ever displayed. Th ese pretty little frocks are not only attractive in design hut they are well made, lit excellently, and are serviceable in quality. The following items will give some Idea of our Easter assortment. £ $4.95 $6.95 'I ll SPECIAL CREPE DK | Girls' Dresses Girls' Dresses Girls' Dresses Girls' Dresses I Underselling t/f Qg |[ ltl Year. - Price D'r.i7o I 2 <• Years *• 14 Tear. Colored Dresses for 8 • 14 Years _ ~ Girls' Colored Wash Little Tots, made of _. , , CREPE DE CHINE AND WASH I V\ ° r K an ' llc and Dresses, made of Ging- Ginghams and Cham- , Dresses. SATIN ENVELOPE CHEMISE i Voile Dresses for Lit- hams and Chambrays, brays in Plaids, Stripes " ew Spring styles in lace or ri hhnn ™ e,rn' tie Tots In trimmed in puids and Plain and Plain Shades. Rose, Navy, Japan and J*®® or n , po . n stjaptrimmed, ' u il and tailored models, Shades, a wonderful beautifully trimmed. Reseda; trimmed with cut, sizes 36 to 46. Pre- tfp Q[- large assortment Sizes variety of attractive perfectly made. Sizes smocking and em- Easter Underselling Price I Under- styles. Sizes 6to 14 2 to 6 years. Pre- broidery. Sizes 8 to selling I rice years. Pre-Easter Un- Easter Underselling ?, j year ?,', Pre-Easter WA<t¥T catin iyn rrATitw err ,r derselllng Price Prices Underselling Price ... WASH SATIN AND ITALTAN SILK j rt* r" BLOOMERS Flesh or white, } $2.95 $2.95 $1.95 $10.95 Pre-Easter Underselling Event Boys' Suits |\ The largest assortment of boys' clothing in Harrisburg tTHE time Is here for you to buy your boy's Easter \ I Suit, the sooner you choose the better your f choice. Our Pre-Eaater values are surprising. \ dfyv You wdll find that you do not have to pay a high fr if v nTr I havo built tar us the largest clothing business irT'thls t. % f\L I jR| 1 section of Pennsylvania. Now we are ready to serve '•jL'Vf, jiSWiw i M inl J'°u and your boy quickly and at a saving. /I t BOYS ' NEW EASTER SUITS; 3to r r u r , s n /V¥\ A 38i 17 Y3ATS lnfants Wear Wf r" a^ bby m n t e hTs ta? yo'u V I ' w Trench Norfolk Suits and Handsome,/ INFANTS' CASHMERE CAPES "T- aryl V Juvenile Suits for the little fellow. With silk-lined hooda Prettily BOYS' NEW EASTER SUITS; 7to undeSng Bpcclal Years ) QC Price 54,45 I -W- ™ New Skirt Model Coats; Pants lined > * / ' INFANTS' SHORT COATS Made of W Xfl EST •" Wl d cut full The materials of haudsomel f— — fine cashmere—with neat eni m—JfM mixed Cheviot and Cassimere. J broidery on collar; sizes 6 months ' BOYS' NEW EASTER SUITS; unde^Mitag 1 54.95 . Bto 18 Years ) d>4 A nr INFANTS' lAING AND SHORT em ~ ( iS I I I Hi) DRESSES- —Made of fine nainsook, PA ch rTrfniTn w O II I with embroidered yokes, plain or "'*z® 1 u Pre-Easter Underselling Event in The Bargain Basement Rugs at Special Prices prj,, ' ,XT,0 ' N I Sheets and Pillow Cases I?',' 1 , 9Sc Mn.lln torn. QJ-. kitchen, size Inches. Special A C HEATERS Special, each yt>C Good Velvet Rugs, Alva Velvet Rugs, „ „ _ . „ 27x54 inches J12.88 q vl! > f „ AT LOW 81x90 Muslin Sheets quality, 1Q Wool Fiber Rugs, / •"*- 8 B5 , 83 PRICE* Special, each 1.1 9x12 feet $0.1)5 Axminster Rugs. Jk. , $5.05 kind now nn . Tapestry Brussels *l2 feet *34.r.0 "ti *V _ 81x90 Sheets—Extra good $1 .69 Rugs, 9x12 feet, $10.95 Wool Fiber Rugs, gg* *SC silos. quality Tapestry Brussels 27x54 $1.95 ""O $8.50 kind new 42x36 Muslin Pillow Cases—Good value. 09- Rug, 9x12 feet. $2.3.50 36x63 $2.05 $5.05. Special, each ZOC fl WBEPYRB .T.AB'IS, SHEETING RAG RUGS APRON VACUUM BED TOILET SWEEPER* Unbleached 18 x 36 Inch GINGHAM CLEANER PILLOWS iSISS "Si uig Rug. 14188 Apron Bw V a " p "um $1.98 48c whlte S&fspffi $2.95 Win 98c ——— "mom" 15c $5.95 Kt °B9c'" GLASSES Window Sh.de. JjlTxe Mop good weight" W'a.h Benehe., —dark green, and .handle. Nlekel-Plnted Ironing Board. ; long handle., .Special, 6 for extr. ..rong, 0.3 ft., ench. Special for C-erole. Withstand., ~"Vo°r" wnTh'V" each, 29c 69c 65c 59c 98c $1.48 $18.48 39c Exactly as cut; O PrlaelUn nine fillers; well MndSHMJF . . t/ja— (f\ 1 I ffil "jade Electric Iron. ll I 111 UL r HHABB BEDS ->MF Nickel plat- a ' if t BED SPRINGS JljjaS " clal, Special combination fiber extra™ trong,'' sB .'so AA A C ticking?"' Spectaf. EHanger Bed Springs, QO.yo $9.95 $10.95 t0 $13.95 thoroughly enjoyed his outing in the South, a good deal of the time being spent in the hunting region of the peninsula. Mr. Meetch is one of the great game hunters of this section and his experiences in the pursuit of big game in the Far West and Alaska are quite ,as thrilling as any hunting narra- I tives ever printed. iJMJt APRIL 3, 1919. FARMERS ENItOLL TO HAVE COWS TESTED Twenty-four of the twenty-six farmers necessary to form a cow testers' association, have already been secured. County Farm Agent H. G. Niesley reports to-day. But two more farmers can bo accommodated, he says. An expert tester will la wmm I employed bv the association and wilt give one day each working month on the farms of the members of the association. RECRUITING STATION OPENS York, April 3.—An Army recruit ing office was opened here at 9 West Market street by Sergeant John N. Washoek.