Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, April 03, 1919, Page 3, Image 3

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    The Private Life of the Kaiser
Tli* Kalaer and Kalaerla'a Late Major Dorao, Chief of the Bjl
r Honaehold at Berlin and Potodam.
Baraaeaa Tan Larlaeh-Reddern la the TRUE name of the Berlin
Conrt Lady who care the atory of the Kalaer to Henry William
Flaher, Urania. Connteaa yon Kfflnfhoven bring a aom de uuerre,
heretofore naed to ahleld her.
Thompson Feature Service, 1919, Copyright
[Continued from Yesterday.]
After the bustle occasioned by
"**ilhelm's preparations for travel,
life In the Neues Palais, which was
never brilliant, but often spectacular,
became duller and more insipid than
ever. Entertainments were com
pletely abandoned and economy was
the word heard on every side. The
Constipated Children Gladly Take
"California Syrup of Figs"
For the Liver and Bowels
Tell your druggist you want genuine
'•California Syrup of Figs." Full directions
and dose for babies and children of all ages
who are constipated, bilious, feverish, tongue
coated, or full of cold, are plainly printed on
the bottle. Look for the name "California"
and accept no other "Fig Svrun."
Collins Will Gladly J|__
Trust You for
New Spring
Clothes Myf
Don't wait another day, but trllJjrPv
come now to this big Liberal tj
Credit Store and select all the \
new clothes you want —take j I
them home with you and pay us
in small amounts that you will
hardly miss. vL-
Beautiful Suits, Dresses, Dolmans
and Capes
$14.98 $19.98 $25 and up
New Skirts, Waists, Petticoats, Millinery,
Girls' Coats and Capes, Summer Furs
The smartest clothes in town for men, young
men and boys are here, and you can get a com
plete new outfit on easy terms of credit. Come
and see us.
We Cash Your Liberty Bonds. Your Credit Is
Good With Us, Mo Matter Where You Live
34 N. Second St.
When your muscles become tired
and swollen and the joints becJme
stiff, your circulation poor, and your
suffering makes you Irritable, an ap
plication of Sloan's Liniment gives
you quick relief —kills pain, starts
up a good circulation, relieves con
gestion. It is easier and cleaner to
use than mussy plasters or oint
ments, acts quickly and does not
clog the pores. It does not stain the
Die World's
i hukm)AY EVENING,
Court and House marshals gave
strict orders that expenses be cut all
round; a number of the servants
were shipped to Berlin, so that their
board wages, to which they were en
titled while in Potsdam, might be
saved; only flowers from the royal
gardens dared be used for decora
tion, while great loads were bought
from different purveyors during the
For sprains, strains, bruises, "black
and blue" spots, Sloan's Liniment
reduces tile pain and eases the sore
Certainly fine for rheumatism, stiff
neck, sciatica, lame back, toothache.
You don't need to rub—it pene
Its use is so universal that you'll
consider Sloan's Liniment a friend of
the whole family. Generous size
bottles at druggists everywhere.
Kaiser's residence at home, and.
Anally, the expenses of the kitchen
were reduced two-thirds, because the
Empress took meals privately with
the children.
"William the Sudden."
But the Kaiser, sometimes all of
a sudden, burst anew into the midst
of our humdrum existence, having
left his friends abruptly, or his busi
ness unfinished; occasionally, it was
said, press criticism brought him
back earlier than anticipated. Hence
he employed a day or so despatching
the most urgent affairs of state, and
immediately set the ball of courtly
entertainments rolling. He wou d
order a dinner of a hundred covers
or more for next day, and again,
while that was in progress, invite his
guests, or part of them, to accom
pany him on a yachting expedition on
the liavel lakes.
Gun-charger Riger, who, in his
gold-embroidered dress, stood behind
the Kaiser's chair on festive occa
sions, often conveyed a brief com
mand of that kind to the House
marshal on duty in this fashion: "His
Majesty's yacht Alexandra and so
and so many auxiliary yachts must
be ready at such and such an hour,"
—usually at four or five, if the' meal
began between one and two.
Regal Extravagance.
To execute this imperial wish, tele
graph, te ! ephone, and mounted mes
sengers were plentifully employed in
an effort ,to drum together officers
and crew, hire vessels, and secure a
band. Furthermore the personnel of
the "coffee and tea kitchen and con
fectionery had Vp be sent to the
steamer with their outfit, for each
of the five meals to which their Ma
jesties were accustomed must be
served punctually.
Promptly at the hour named, the
marshal on duty "submitted" that
carriages were waiting to bring their
Majesties and the company to the
enibarking-place, and, before the
vessel left, the official took heart to
ask his master where he commanded
that supper shall be served.
Maybe His Majesty answered,
carelessly: "Pfauen Insel," or, "Park
of the Marble Palace," "at eight."
The first is a small wooded island
in the Havel, containing a semi-fur
nished royal villa that affords a cer
tain amount of space, but little else,
for the accommodation of guests.
The castellan of the place selected
for the invasion was now hurriedly
informed, and the stable-master set
about getting ready ten or more so
called kitchen vans to transport all
that was necessary; refrigerators and
liot-c.osets, table-linen, basketfuls of
silver and plate, china and crystal,
wines, meats, vegetables and delica
cies, lamps and candelabra, and a
thousand and one accessories.
All these things were under the
care of certain officials and servants,
and, the staff being thoroughly or
ganized, the whole train was equip
ed in an incredibly short whle and
started for its destination, the Court
marshal following in his carriage to
superintend the arrangements nota
bene if the Kaiser had not mean
while made up his mind to go else
Servants Driven Dike Cattle.
For the places of rendezvous were
changed with alarming frequency,
and before a cavalcade started for a
certain castle or park, the men usual
ly offered to lay wages that upon
their arrival they would find a tele
gram ordering snpper in some other
lodge or villa, or on the borders of
some lake five or ten miles to the
south, or east, or west, as the case
might be.
Once they were chased in this
manner from Charlotten Hof to
Wildpark, and from there to the En
tenfang, far out in the royal hunt
ing grounds. The Entenfang is a
romantic spot, such as young lovers
might select for a picnic; but imag
ine the tumult and work which the
impromptu establishment of a royal
table of from twenty to one hundred
covers must occasion, when the
nearest castle or royal villa is ten
miles off.
The vans had to be sent back to
the Neues Palais for tables, chairs,
carpets,'and a little tent for the toil
et, while the nearest military post
furnished Meld cooking-apparatus,
and a dozen or more horses were
driven lame travelling to and fro
with heavy loads The damage
caused on occasions like this by
broken crockery, crystal, and ruined
furniture also reached a high Mgure.
A Wild Whim Uncontrolled.
I-'oreign visitors at our Court fre
quently wondered how it was possi
ble for one man to give employVnent
to three hundred and Mfty horses in
driving and riding, as the Emperor
did. The story of these whimsical ex
cursions explains that point, for, aside
from the horses Reeded for the serv
ice, carriages (or motor cars), must
be sent to fetch their Majesties and
suite and company from some dis
tant place, perhaps, while others
were col ecting the ladies and gen
tlemen in Potsdam and neighbor
hood, or from incoming trains, who
had been "commanded" to be pres
ent at supper at some place whero at
the time stipulated no sign of life
At twelve or one o'clock in the
morning, when the imperial master,
his titled suite and his friends, had
forgotten, in several hours' sleep, all
about the forty-live minutes of enter
tainment that kept a small army of
men, women, and beasts on the run
since lunch, the vans and carry-alls
returned to the palace, often awak
ening many a noble lord and lady
who wondered that any living creat
ure dared disturb their august slum
When the Kaiser was at home, his
conversation perpetually turned on
the subject of future outings, and his
secretaries and adjutants were kept
busy scouring the papers for items
that promised excuses for a visit to
one place or another.
As soon as an opening was dis
covered, the Court-marshal must find
ways and means to secure an invita
tion for the Kaiser, and to that end
either the military authorities, the
Chief of County, or some Prince or
aristocrat living in the neighborhood,
received instructions, which in many
cases were most eagerly followed, for
William's presence in any place, not
his capital, was a guarantee for no
end of advertisement. Sometimes,
thought, it was quite difficult to per
suade the municipal authorities, the
worthy men being afraid of the cost
of the undertaking.
Invents Kxeuscs for Constant Travel
If neither cities nor country dis
tricts, neither the North German
Lloyd nor the Hamburg Line, neither
the shipyards nor yacht or hunting
clubs at home or abroad, held out al
lurements, the Kaiser, quickly re
solved, made opportunities for travel
or display.
He observed, for instance, that It
was so and so many years since the
Regiment received an honor
ed flag.
"Let's grant it a new set of colors,"
said William, and presently parades,
religious ceremonies, speechifyings,
dinners, and tattoos were in the air.
Or, all regiments being provided with
flags, His Majesty felt "graciously
pleased" to bestow on one or an
other "ensign ribbons," an act yield
ing as much in the way of spectacu
lar splendid as the other.
When we went to Rome the Kin*
of Italy said the Kaiser's train of
eighty people reminded him of the
deluge; but our three days' stay at
Hanover cost nearly half as much as
the tour in the Peninsula, one-third
of that amount was expended for
carpets and rugs. The royal castles,
you must know, are empty barns for
the most part, and whenever either
of the Majesties visited the resi
dences in Bres au, Konigsberg, Cas
sel, Wiesbaden, Homburg, and Stet
tin, or when William went to his
various hunting-boxes, whole car
loads of furniture, pictures, decora
tive material, and all the necessary
silver, linen, and kitchen utensils
must be sent ahead, together with a
full force of servants, horses and
carriages, food and forage.
Burlesque of Royal Pretense.
Fancy, then, the tumult occasioned
by the meeting between the Roman
offs and Hohenzollernß in the capital
of Silesa„ when two palaces had to
be furnished from top to bottom!
The robbing of Peter to pay Paul
was almost pitiful to behold; my mis
tress actually had to jgive up her fa
vorite damask curtains, which she
bought out of her own money for
Wilhelmshohe, to garnish the connu
bial couch of Nicholas and Alix,
while she herself had to sleep in u
bed once occupied by the plebeian
King Jerome, brought on from Cas
The pieces de resistance in the
home improvised for their Russian
Majesties in Breslau were taken
from the consignment of Empire fur
niture, which one of the electors of
Hesse bought in Paris some lifty
years ago and for which payment
was refused. His Royal Highness'a
Diet had to liquidate the bill in the
end, and when the Prussians annex
ed the country, they promptly seized
the furniture as the country's own.
Which is a little matter the Peace
Conference should not neglect to
take into consideration, for much of
the Kaiser's supposed private prop
erty is really state-owned hence
shotiid be seized and sold for the
benclit of the countries bled white
and devastated by Prussian bullies
at the Kaiser's behest.
[To lie Continued To-morrow.]
Gettysburg, Pa., April 3. Adams
county has been promised a shipment
of quail from the 10,000 birds which
the State Game Commission expects
to get from the Mexican highlands.
Annvllle, Pa.. April 3.—High winds
on Saturday and Sunday unroofed the
United Brethren Church at the Union
water works in North Annville town
Dandruff Soon
Ruins the Hair
Girls—if you want plenty of thick,
beautiful, glossy, silky hair, do by all
means get rid of dandruff, for it will
starve your hair and ruin it if you
I It doesn't do much good to try to
brush or wash it out. The only sure
way to get rid of dandruff is to dis
solve it. then you destroy it entirely.
To do this, get about four ounces of
ordinary liquid arvon; apply it at
night when retiring; use enough to
moisten the scalp and rub it in
gently with the linger tips.
By morning, most if not all, of
your dandruff will be gone, and
three or four more applications will
completely dissolve and entirely de
stroy every single sign und trace
of it.
You will find, too, that all itch
ing and digging of the scalp will
stop, and your hair will look and
feel a hundred times better. You
can get liquid arvon at any drug
store. It is inexpensive and lour
ounces is all you will need, no matter
how much dandruff you have. This
simple remedy never fails.
Don't Kick!
Don't Grumble About Neural
gia, Neuritis, Rheumatic Pains,
| Stiff or Swollen Joints, Lum
bago, Sore Tired Feet, Chil
blains, Headaches, and
Colds in Head, Throat
or Chest
Use "Joint-Ease," Then Jump With
Joy and Teli Others—"lt
Touches Uic Spot!"
No u llenta
Wonder . Muiay IMaatrra
Womrn U And l.lnliucnts
I.lke It! l 40 Ways
I.ravra the akin aoft nnd nmoolh!
"JOINT-EASIC" is the new, clean,
scientific external preparation now
taking the country by storm. It lias
a delightful odor and WILL NOT
Doctors, nurses and druggists rec
ommend it instead of the incon
venient, repugnant, mussy, old
fashioned plasters, ointments and
Apply it to the skin where reeded,
PEAR! Old folks love it and chil
dren with sore throats and tender
chests and skins cry for it. It is
fast becoming the nation's first aid
external treatment. An! it comrs
in small, convenient, economical
When put up nostrils and in
haled, it carries a cleansing, clear
ing, antiseptic vapor to nasal cavi
ties. head and throat —a remarkable
preventive against germs of grippe,
influenza, pneumonia and other dis
It fills a long felt want in every
home, office, factory, hospital, doc
tor's satchel and traveling bag. It
is an absolute essential, a master
piece in modern pharmacy! Thou
sands arc now using "it, so why not
JOINT-EASE is sold in this city
by Geo. A. Gorgas, Kennedy's Drug
Store, and all good druggists.
REM, 1001—2350 UNITED
45 Serge Street Dresses
Friday Only $l5
Braid, bead and silk embroidery trimmed in taupe, navy, black and Burgundy. Just
what the woman or miss wants for this season of the year. Sizes 16 to 42. Fri.
only $15.00.
BOWMAN'S—Third Floor
Remnants of elastic and
belting. Very specially
priced for Fri. Bargains,
Ilair nets, fringe; blond,
auburn and black. Fri. Bar
6 for 25c
Tlick's Cupid l'ants. Fri.
Odds and Ends. Fri. Bar
gains, each,
lc and 5c
Shirred Ribbon elastic. }4-
vd. to piece; assorted colors.
Fri. Bargains,
BOWMAN'S—Main Floor
Women's New Footwear
Which Will Give Polish and
Grace To The New
Feminine Apparel
These new styles arc finer in many respects and more
dignified in style than the models of last year. The more
we look at these new originations the more pleased we
arc with the numerous little elegancies Fashion has incor
porated in their winsome lines. You know, every pair
is brand new. Not even an old shoe string in stock.
Even a new manager and his name is Ncuman, from
one of New York's biggest stores.
Pumps in gun metal calfskin and brown calfskin.
Light welted soles and leather military heels; $6.45
Pumps with round tongue in gun metal calfskin.
Light welted soles and leather Cuban heel; $7.45
Black calfskin and black kidskin Oxfords. Light welt
ed soles and leather military heels; $6.95
Brown calfskin Oxfords. Light welted soles and
leather military heels; $7.45
Brown calfskin Oxfords. Light welted soles and
leather Cuban heels; $8.50
Brown kidskin Oxfords. Light welted soles and
leather military heels; $8.95
BOWMAN'S—Main Floor.
White Goods
White Gabardine. 36-
inches wide. Good quality.
Fri. Bargains, yd.,
White Madras shirting,
32 inches wide. A most de
sirable fabric for summer
wear. Fri. Bargains, yd.,
White Madcria Nainsook.
39 inches wide. 10 yards to
piece. Fri. Bargains, per
Mercerized Table Da
mask. A beautiful satin
finished fabric in several at
tractive patterns. Fri. Bar
72 inches wide, yd., 89c
64 inches wide, yd., 69c
Turkish towels; bleached
and hemmed. Size about
16x33, 19c; 18x38, 25c
BOWMAN'S —Second Floor
Art Linens
Stamped combinations in
empire effect. Fri. Bargains,
Stamped pin cushions.
Assorted patterns. Fri. Bar
gains, each
BOWMAN'S—Second Floor
Individual Coiffures
Suit your coiffure to your personality* Make your
headdress bring out the characteristics you wish ex
pressed. It is easy to accomplish any hair arrange
ment you desire with the aid of a
Desirable lengths in all shades, $5.00
BOWMAN'S—Third Floor.
Boot silk hosiery for
women. Full fashioned boot
silk. Black, white and
colors. Double lisle top and
lisle foot. Double toe and
heel. Fri. Bargains, pair,
A fine lot of men's silk
lisle half hose in black,
white, Navy and Cordo
van. These are seconds,
hut as good as some firsts.
Fri. Bargains, pair,
BOWMAN'S—Main Floor
Apron gingham of stand
ard make. Good quality;
cut from the piece. All
wanted patterns in light and
dark. Fri. Bargains, yd.,
12i/ 2 c
Bleached sheet; center
scam. 72x90; three-inch
hem at top. Fri. Bargains,
Percales, 36 inches wide.
Cut from the piece. Light
and Navy blue. Good pat
terns. Fri. Bargains, yd.,
17/ 2 C
Unbleached sheeting; 81
inches wide. Cut from the
piece. Good smooth round
thread. Fri. Bargains, yd.,
Bleached or unbleached
canton flannel. Good qual
ity. Fri. Bargains, yd.,
Unbleached muslin; 36
inches wide. Smooth fine
round thread. Good qual
ity. Cut from the piece.
Will bleach easily. Fri.
Bargains, yd.,
BOWMAN'S—Second Floor
APRIL 3, 1919.
Bath Tub Seats
Of white enamel; adjust
able. Fri. Bargain,
Lemonade Shakers
Nickel-plated lemonade
shakers with cover. Fri.
Sharpening Steels
Made of Carborundum.
Fri. Bargains,
The Little Wizard lan
terns. Fri. Bargains,
Apple Parer
Apple parer, the White
Mountain make. Fri. Bar
Tree Guards
Made of heavy gauge
wire to put around the tree.
They are about 6J4 ft. high.
Fri. Bargains,
Step Ladder
8-ft Universal make. Fri.
(jail Openers
"So Easy" make. Docs
the woVk. Fri. Bargains,
Dandelion diggers. Now
is the time to use this tool,
before the dandelion gets
big and strong. Fri. Bar
Safety Razors
Well known "Mark Cross"
make. Fri. Bargains,
Dog Leads
Made of steel chain. Light
or heavy, with swivel catch.
Fri. Bargains,
Catch them Alive mouse
traps. Fri. Bargains,
Easter Neckwear Sale
of Collars and Sets
In organdies, crcpe de chine and georgettes. These
are arranged in three groups.
LOT ONE—l5c each, 4 for 50c
LOT TWO—2sc each, 5 for $l.OO
LOT THREE—SSc each, 3 for $1.45
New arrivals in vests and vestees in remarkably
pretty effects at $l.OO, up to $8.95
BOWMAN'S—Main Floor.
Marquisette and lace CUM
tains in white and ecru. On
pair of a kind. Fri. Bar*
One-Half Price )
36-inch voile in white and
ecru. Fancy borders. Fri*
Bargains, yd..
36-inch Cretonne in mcd*
ium and dark colors. Fri*
Bargains, yd.,
Barred Marquisette it*
white, blue, green andi
brown. Fri. Bargains, yd*,
BOWMAN'S—Fourth Floor *
Two special lots of rem
nants in lengths sufficient
for dress, suits, waist or
lining. Fancy or plain
weaves, such as taffeta,
satin, poplins, foulards,
No. I—79c yd.
No. 2—51.45 yd.
36-inch Fancy Silks.
Over 100 styles to pick
from. Plaids, stripe j and
checks. All the most
fashionable weaves and
colorings. Fri. Bargains,
36-inch Wash Satin.
Flesh color and white. \
Fri. Bargains, yd.,
BOWMAN'S—Main Floor
Wash Goods
30-inch Printed Organdie
in a line of neat colorings
and printings. Fri. Bar
gains, yd.,
36-inch Ulster Linen Fin
ish Suiting. 3 best colors
Sand, Rose and Copen. Fri.
Bargains, yd.,
36-inch Silk Barred Suit
ings. 6 beautiful combina
tions for suits or skirts. Fri.
Bargains, yd.,
40-inch Printed Voiles.
Choice assortment of de
signs and colorings. Fri.
Bargains, yd.,
BOWMAN'S—Main Floor
Dress Goods
44-inch Shepherd Checks.
Black and white. Two best
size checks. Fri. Bargains,
54-inch Wool Jersey. Ten
best colorings. Best cloth
of the kind. Fri. Only, yd.,
48 and 54-inch Serges,
fine Twill; mostly black and
blue. Skirt and dress
lengths. Fri. Bargains, yd.,
BOWMAN'S—Main Floor
Union Suits
Women's cotton union
suits, low neck,-sleeveless,
loose ''nee. Fri. Bargains,
BOWMAN'S—Main Floor