2 NEWS OF CENTRAL PENNSYLVANIA AND CITY'S SUBURBS CUMBERLAND VALLEY ITEMS JOINS STATE IN STREET REPAIRS Carlisle Council Accepts Offer of Highway Department to Divide Cost Carlisle, Pa., April 3.—Street im provement in Carlisle was given a boost when the members of the bor ough council decided to accept an offer of the State Highway Depart ment to have the department repair and maintain for two years, por tions of highway routes Nos. „4 ana 35 within the limits of the town. The town will pay the sum of $2,500 toward the cost. Later a proposi tion for permanent construction will be considered, at the present the streets being opened to make an sewer, water, gas and other con nections in order that when the per manent surface is placed that shall be no repair or construction work. Presbyterian Church Closes Up Work of Past Year MeelianUwburg, 1a - , Aplil ' For the purpose of closing tip the vear's work, the annual congrega . tional meeting was held last evening in the Presbyterian (.hurch, the Rev. George Fulton, pastor. 1 hree trustees and one deacon were elect ed and reports were read front the various organizations. business transac ted was an l o ' l ft tlie pastor's salary from $1490 lo $1.7,00. At an outlay of about $4 0t. a number of improvements to llie manse were made during me vear. which included an open nre idace and electric lights. Ihe treas urer of the church reported that the entire sum of money paid out. dol ing the past year amounted to ?. .- 481..".3. exclusive of sums paid out bv the various organizations. A weekly church calendar also, has been established. The following retiring trustees were re-elected for the ensuing year: Eugene A. Hurtnctt. Niles L. Segar, and Professor Ttalph Jacoby. <>ne deacon, Charles W. Frey. BINOCULARS RETURNF.D Carlisle. Pa., April 3. —An inter esting war souvenir lias just been received by Professor J. Raymond 1 lomminger, of Carlisle, one of the famous Nicholson-Hem in inger evan gelistic party. 11 is a pair of binocu lars which lie offered to the govern ment early in the war. Attached is a card stating that the glasses were used on the I'. S. S. Roanoke from May 1. 1918. to the end of the war and in the North Sea to locate F boats and mines, going through twelve mining operations, which re sulted in the bottling up of the Ger man submarines. STUDENT DIES FROM TYPHOID McB " PHILADELPHIA We keep Franklin Granulated Sugar free from dust and all contamination before it gets to you—this is how you can continue to keep it so. Cut the corner of the carton (as shown in the illustration) so that it is not entirely detached from the box. This will give you ample opening from which to pour the sugar, and when not in use the corner drops down and keeps out the dust. I Remember that Franklin Cane Sugars come in five different varieties, Granulated, Dainty Lumps, Powdered, Confectioners, and Old-Fashioned Brown. All are packed in sturdy cartons or strong cotton bags—all of the highest quality—accurately weighed, packed and sealed by machine. The Franklin Sugar Refining Company | i 'A Franklin Cane Sugar for every use' * y Granulated, Dainty Lumps. Powdered, Confectioners, Brown 1 y| -I [EXTRA GXHKHSQ * Mm FRANKLIN HBjgPil CANE SUGARS _ &prMfca(CM*r 1 L THURSDAY EVENING, BOROUGH CLERK IS $3,100 SHORT Chainbersburg Council Dis misses Trusted Official Who Misappropriates Funds ClinnibrrHhurg, Pa., April 3, A special executive session of Cliant | bersburg borough council resulted in ] the dismissal of Borough Clerk Frank |D. Rhodes. The session was called following the discovery by borough . employes that the clerk had approp ! riated approximately $3,100 of tho i borough's money to his own use. j Rhodes' resignation was asked for | and was accepted immediately. J. I Hase Mowrey, manager of the bor ! cugh utilities, was placed temporarily in charge of the collection of light | and water bills, which Rhodes hand : led and from which collections he ap j preprinted tlie money. Rhodes' peculations were discov ! ered when a large bill, carried by him in "bills payable," was presented to the debtor for payment by another borough employe who wondered at the long standing of the hill. The debtor showed the employe a receipt which Rhodes had given him and, as a consequence, an investigation was begun immediately, resulting In dis covery of the misappropriation of the funds. Rhodes, who formerly was engagec in the contracting business here, and later was proprietor of a cigar store and poolroom, will not be prosecuted by council, as he, through borrowing from friends, lias secured enough I money to pay back the amount of his peculations. His dismissal left *a vacancy in the clerkship which will i likely lie filled by council at its I monthly meeting on next Monday, j Already there are twelve applicants | for the position. I Ten Trees as Memorials For Carlisle Soldier Dead J Carlisle, Pa., April 3.—Memorial • trees for the soldiers from Carlisle j who paid the supreme sacrifice will j bo planted by the Civic Club of Car lisle under a plan just agreed upon, iAt present there will he ten trees, i 1 liis being the number of men who | died or who were killed. The next | meeting ot' the organization will lie marked by the presence of Mrs, ! < !reason, president of the State j Federation of Women's Clubs. MISS MARY ARIIKGAST DIES Meeliaiiiesburg, Pa., April 3. After two weeks illness. Miss Mary I!. Arbogast. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. G. H. Arhegast, 419 West Kel ! ier street, died yesterday morning at j the home of her parents. She was ; aged 27 years and was an active member of the < 'hurch of the Breth ren and the Willing Workers class in the Bup day school. Her parents and the following brothers and sis ters survive: Mabel and Blanche, I in California; Ralph, in the United | States service, and Wilbur, Eva and j Harriet, at home. Funeral serv j ices will Vie held on Saturday after- I noon, meeting at the house at 1.30 j o'clock and at the Church of the I Brethren at 2 o'clock. Burial will j will lie made in the Mechanlcsburg I Cemetery. SOLDIERS SERVE IN WAR TOGETHER Four Waynesboro Youths Not Separated During Twenty- \ Two Months in Army Waynesboro. Pa.. April 3.—'Twas a sort of a Damon and Pythias friend ship. multiplied hy two, that came to four Waynesboro youths who have recently concluded a period of twenty two months service in the great war. Here is what they did Enlisted same day; sent to same training camp ordered South together; sent to France on same vessel; ordered to same French camp; performed same line of work during overseas service; ordered home on same boat; sent to same camp for demobilization ; arrived home same day, after having been inseparable soldiers of Uncle Sam for nearly two years. These four were Fred. Middlekauff, Paul Devor, Cecil C. Longenecker and Chester French. From the day they enlisted. May 28, I!U7, until the time they returned to their homes on Fri day evening last, they learned the many tactics together and shared alike each others fun and hardships, both on American and foreign soil. Mrs. John C. Shiffert Has One Son Killed and Two Terribly Wounded ClinmbersburK, Pa.. April 3. Per haps the local parents who most keenlv feel the effects of the war are Ir. and Mrs: John C. Shiffert. Mrs. Shifter! is the mother of four sons who served in the Army during the war. Two are sons of Dr. Sliifieri and two sons of Mrs. Shiffert by a lormci marriage. Captain Frederick Roll, of tlie Seventh Infantry, a son of Mrs. Shiffert. was killed in action late last August. John Shiffert has .just returned to this country, after almost two years' of service and is new in a base hospital in Riverdale, N. V. lie had part of his face shot off. and can neither see nor speak. Another son. Private Joseph Shiffert, who was with llie Sevcnty-tirst Aero Squadron, is also in the Riverdale hospital with liis lower jaw entirely shot away. It is necessary to feed him by means of a tube leading to his stomach. The fourth son. William Roll, although serving at the front in France, escaped without a scratch. OPENING GUN FOR LOAN Carlisle, Pa., Aprif 3.—The open gun of llie Victory Liberty Loan in Cumberland county will be fired on Monday, April 7, when a conference of workers will be held in the court, house. In all GOO former Liberty Loan workers have been invited to be present and to discuss the out look. An interesting program is be ing arranged. The campaign will begin with a boom on the first day. The quota is expected to be the fame as for the Fourth Loan slightly over $2,G00,000. i:\lllllIT OF FAItM TRACTORS I hanibcrnliiirg, Pa.. April 3.—Seven types of tractors will be exhibited and operated at a tractor demonstra tion to be given to-morrow on the farm of M. K. Rurgner, resident clerk of the State House of Representatives, near Chambersburg. The demonstra tion will be under the direction of Jo seph S. Olierle, Franklin county farm agent, and the plowing will start at 10 o'clock in the morning; with a luncheon served on the ground. HAJRRISBtTRG tftflgg TELEGRAPH. FRUIT TREES NOT HURT BY COLD Adams County Growers Re port Belief Recent Low Tem perature Was Harmless Gettysburg, Pa., April .1. —So far as can be seen now the cold weather of the present week has not hurt the fruit trees or buds in the great fruit belt of the county. Reports have been sent to the offices of the Fruit Grow ers' Association by many of the grow ers, all of which confirm the belief that the fruit is safe. It is possible that the cherries and plums may be slightly damaged, but these are mi nor crops competed to the other crops. Apples, which are the great crop of the county, the fruit ranking among the highest grades of apples in the state, are believed to be un hurt. The smokehouse and transpar ent and a few of the other early va rieties, have started to bud, but are not far enough advanced to be in jured. Peaches also are safe. It is be lieved that the high winds that ac companied the cold weather saved fruit of all kinds. MEDICAL SOCIETY OFFICERS l.lverpool. Pa., April 3. Perry County Medical Society has elected tiie following officers for the ensuing year: President, Dr. H. O. Orris, Newport: lirst vice president, Dr. George M. Bogar, Liverpool; second vice president. Dr. J. A. Sheibley, Shermandale; secretary-treasurer, Dr. L A, Carl, Newport: censor for county. Dr. E. 13. More, New Bloom field: censor for districts, Dr. Charles E. DeLancey, Newport. CHAIN OF STORES SOLD ChnmbrrNburg, PH., April 3. rhi> chain of stores conducted in Cham bersburg, Greencastlc. Martinsbm "• NewDort Ck ' '' ew ' st ". Mlddletovn! • j .F , and Kphrata bv Banks Brothers, has passed into the bunds CI- J I dewberry and Company, ot Stroudsburg, proprietors of a similar chain of stores in Pennsylvania The sale of the stores has just been an- by C. K. Banks? who. ith his brother. A. G. Banks, of Mid dletown. formed the partnership which owned and operated the stores WOUNDED SOLDIERS HOME Wnynrshoro. Pa„ April 3.—Morti mer Young-, of the United States Coast Artillery, has arrived home from overseas Private Young was in the heavy fighting at St. Mihiel and on other sectors, and was severely wound ed by a piece of shell in the St. Mihiel drive. The fragments struck him in the leg just below the knee and tore the tendons and the flesh. He was invalided over in February and dis charged from the hospital Saturday last, lie is now fully recovered. BtRBIOBS FORM UNION t liiiiniiersiiiirg. Pa., April 3.—Local l barbers have formed a branch of the Journeymen Barbers' International! Union of America, which will be af-i filiated with the local branch of thci American Federation of Labor. The I officers of thelocal branch are: Presi dent, Helil .Small; vice-president. Les ter A. Ankerbrandt: secretary, Fiank L. Burns; recorder. Charles Ward; treasurer, Joseph G. Kcken-I rode. ' CENTRAL PA. PERSONALS ANNVILLE Dr. G. D. Gossard, of Lebanon Valley College, spent Tuesday at Harrisburg. Misses Elizabeth Kreider and Laura Millard, of AValnut Lane school, Germantown, Pa., and Gouclier College, Baltimore, Md., respectively, spent the weekend with their parents here. Professor S. 11. Derickson is ill at his home in East Main street. Mr. and Mrs. David H. Meyer have returned to Annville after spending several days at Philadel phia. Miss Anna Houser, of Annville. one of the students at the Good Samaritan Hospital School for Nurses has returned to her home here. Dr. Eldridge, of Philadelphia, was the guest of D. H. Meyer and family. Mrs. Henry Miller, who suffered an attack of bloodpoisoning, caused by an injury received by a crochet liook entering her hand, is improv ing. Henry D. Nye. of Pleasant Hill, died on Monday morning at the home of his son, "William G. Nye, of this place. He was aged 82 years. Dr. George R. Shenk and son Richard, of Reading, were guests of Miss Mary Shenk, of East Main street. Miss Aralielle Kelcliner, a student at Cornell University, Ithaca, N. Y., has returned to that place after spending a week here as the guest of her parents. Mr. and Mrs. William Sprenkle, of York, were weekend visitors in town the guests at the home of A. C. M. Heister and family. The Rev. D. E. Long, of Mount vllle, was a caller in town on Tues day. Chaplain Paul D. Witman, recent ly returned from France, spoke in the Zion Lutheran Church and St. Paul's United Evangelical Church on Sunday. YORK HAVEN Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Green on Sunday entertained Mr. and Mrs. Russel Green and Mr. and Mrs. Frank G rogn, of Harrisburg. Fencil Wilson,, of Erie, is being enterained at the liome of his par enis, Mr. and Mrs. John C. Wilson. Mrs. George E. Garrett has re turned to Crawfordsville, Ind., after a two weeks' visit with her brotlier in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. An drew J. Henry. Miss Myrtle Sleeger, of York, was a recent guest of Miss Anna Mc- Gready, at the Haven Hotel. Mrs. Carl Freeman is confined to bed suffering from tonsilitis. The Rev. J. 11. Schmidtt, United Brethren pastor, accompanied by Clayton Malehorn, on Monday went to Philadelphia, where the latter had an examination made to remedy the crippled condition of one of his legs. MOUNT WOLF The United Brethren Sunday school orchestra at a meeting held on Sunday, elected Allen Diehl, lead er. and George H. Wolfe, manager. Miss Florence Drayer, daughter of Mrs. Amanda Drayer, is confined to bed suffering from a nervous breakdown, is convalescing. She lias been ill since Christmas. Mrs. Maurice Hartmau, of Harris burg. is being entertained at the home of her cousin, Mrs. Leali Han taan. Misses Anna Delin and Minerva Kunkel, of York, were recent guests of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Schauers. The Misses Bertha and Emma Fislicr, of Emigsville, and Pearl Shenk and Ella and Nettie Ltnc baugh, were entertained recently at the home of Miss Carrie Rutter, at Dauphin Soldier Promoted to Corporal in Engineers CORPORAL WM. WINEGARDNER Dauphin, Pa., April 3. —Word has been received by Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Winegardner. of the promotion of their son, William Winegardner, a mepaber of Co. D, 304t1i Engineers' Rand, 79th Division, to corporal. Young Winegardner, who has played the trombone in the Dauphin Band for a long time, left here for Camp Meade, May 30, 1918, und on July 8, sailed for France, where ho was in action at Verdun. He witnessed the last shot fired by the Americans just before the armistice was signed and since then lias taken a trip through southern France and Italy, including Monte Carlo and Nice. At present he is located at Tilly, France, but expects to sail for home about June 28. MOH'f SCHOOL SESSIO\ it In i it. Pa., April 3.- On Friday evening a meeting in the interest of agriculture will be held in the town hall, to which farmers and their wives and all the boys and girls are invited. This will be the sixth ses sion of the night school under the auspices of the Agricultural Depart ment of the Biain Vocational School. The speakers will be local men, one being the Rev. E. V. Strasbrugh, Reformed minister. On next Tues day evening, April 8, Mr. H. C. Fel terolf, supervisor of vocational ed ucational Education in Pennsylva nia. will speak in the town hall and give a free moving picture show. Everybody invited. DAVID HESS BURIED If lain. Pa.. April 3. —Funeral ser | vices of David Hess, who died at his ' home in Madison township, near | "Stony Point, after suffering with i rheumatism for twenty-five years, was held to-day, with interment in I the Blain Union Cemetery, the Rev. | Edward V. Strasbaugh, his pastor, officiating. Mr. Hess was seventy ' four years old. HALIFAX The Methodist Episcopal congrega tion on Tuesday evening tendered a reception to their pastor, the Rev. J. George Smith, who was recently reappointed to this charge. The af fair was largely attended and light refreshments were served. The local P. O. S. of A. will admit another large class of candidates on Tuesday evening, April 8. Miss Florence Ilaine, of New Y'ork City, is the guest of her aunt, Mrs. Joseph Smith. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Ruttcr. of town, on Tuesday began housekeeping at Millersburg, where Mr. ltutter is em ployed. The junior class of the Halla- High School will give a social Friday evening in the high school auditor ium in honor of the senior class. H. R. Kell, of Newport, is employed at the Zimmerman garage as an au tomobile mechanic. The Jackson township school board will sell the Adams school house. No, 9, situated two miles south of Diet rich, at public sale on Saturday, April 19. I MILLEKSTOWV George Howe and family, have moved to Bellwood. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Wagner, of Lemoyne, spent Sunday with rel atives here. Miss Mary Ulsh and her niece. Miss Margaret Rounsley, were visitors in Newport on Tuesday. Mrs. Martha Pretz, of Altoona, was a recent visitor in town. Dr. Y, P. Cochran, of Pittsburgh, spent Monday at the home of D. M. Rickahaugh. Private William Roush. who had been in service in France, has been discharged at Camp Dix. and has re turned home. Mrs. Y. P. Catlicart was called to Harrisburg by the serious illness of her mother, Mrs. Sarah Holman. Dr. L. S. Howard, of Harrisburg, was in town on Tuesday. lIUMMKLSTOWN Roy Fox, of the U. S. S. Montana, is visiting friends in town. Mrs. Frank Hummel visited friends at Harrisburg yesterday. Mrs. John Gay, of Philadelphia, and Miss Dianna Oaufman, of Mer chantsville, N. J., are visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Holler. Miss Lourania Vandergrift, of Philadelphia, spent several days with the family of F. J. Schaffner. Frank Wise, of Elizabethville, was the guest of the Rev. Arthur B. Kink for several days. Arthur Holler, of LnFayette Col lege, is visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ilarry Holler. |n.wuwu%u%immwm3 | Two Minutes ! For Lunch j ! I tell Ma. | and she |WI j | sai J s " \+r%\ J "Here's your I POST I TOASTIES j ASK FOR STATE HIGHWAY HELP Washington Township, York County, Petitions For Good Roads on Rural Routes Wellsvillc, Pa., April 3.—Residents of Washington township are about to petition the State Highway De partment and county commissioners for assistance in constructing per manent roads on the highway routes leading through the township. One route, No. 374, lies between East Berlin and Dillsbnrg, and will give the people in that end a direct road to Harrisburg. The second roule. No. 190, connects with No. 374, near Kralltown, and leads to this borough. The latter connection will give them a good highway to York. Should the request be granted the State will pay one-half, county, one-fourth, and the township, the remainder. Miss Kessler Entertains at Her Home at Blain 11/nln. Pa., April 3. A pleasant J party was held on Monday evening j at the home of Miss Romaine Kessler at which the following guests were I present: Misses Pearl Bistline, Ruth i McConnell, Olive Smith, Alice Gutshall, Lavina' Gibbons. Huldah • Miller, Delia Hockenberry, Mary and Mae Henry, Mabel Robinson, Helen ! Gutshall, Dora Robinson, Evelyn i Wentz, Maria Kunkle, Annad Gut ! shall, Romaine Kessler, Esther and I Mildred Ilassinger, Messrs. Lee Me- I Connell. Clark Smith, Charles Smith, Dewey Wilson, Jack Gring. Roy Swartz, Harvey Gutshall, William Miller, David Saltzburg, David Hock | cnbery, Forrest Gibbons, Lester Gib bons, Norman Gibbons, Lou Snyder, Dewey Kunkle. Paul Smith, Charles Robinson, Blaine Gutshall, Roy An derson, Jacob Wentz, Leßoy Dunkel berger, Oscar Moycr, Frank Wentz, Roy Johnston, Roy Kessler, William and Clarence Smith, Frank Snyder, I Floyd Kessler, Merle Strieker, Hayes | I'ryor, Nelf Stokes, Dr. Frank Watts, Daniel Kunkle, Roscoe Ilassinger | and Chester Haynes, Mr. and Mrs. j Harvey Kessler, Mrs. Dale McConnell and baby Janet McConnell. PARTY AT HKIIjMAN HOME Mount Wolf, Pa., April 3.—A pleasant party was held on Monday evening at the Ijome of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Heilnian. Various social di versions pastimed the evening. Those present were: Mr. and Mrs. Charles Heilnian, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Strayer and children, Lloyd, Esther, Alverta and Mabel, Mrs. John Molir and chil dren, Sarah and Pius, Paul, Roy, Claude, Lloyd, Clarence and Albert Heilnian, William and Wayne Mark ley, Harry Kerr, Paul Loucks, Mau rice Gross, John Brown, Henry Strayer, John Harrison Krebs, Ernest Rodes, Norman Miller, Oliver Horner, Russel Hoover, Ray mond Molir, Lillie, Lottie and Elsie Heilman, Elma Byers, Lottie Gross, Beulah Nye, Addie Welty, Amy Hol ley, Minnie Welty, Anna Holler, Estella Cross, Ethel Knaub, Kathryri Krebs, Milred Leader and Sarah Leader. SOCIETY TO HIKE The Harrisburg Natural History Society will take a trip to the moun tain above Heckton on Saturday af ternoon, leaving the Square on the 1 o'clock Rockville car. The section to be visited in famous for trailing arbutus. 28-3052 North Third Street JJ Many Distinctive Types of Trimmed Hats Have Arrived Within the Last 48 Hours EVERY model is individualistic, portraying the last word of millinery creation. The color tones are extremely fascinat ing. There is an unusual variety of shapes developed in the lat est straws and designed in large, medium and small models. The importance of the correct hat will be in stantly realized when once you view a Schleisner trimmed hat with your new spring suit or wrap. Not only have you here a selection of ultra-modisli trimmed models for street and dress wear but the collection of Gage Sailors provides excellent choice for practical hats. Particular attention is directed to the fact that in the Schleisner collection of trim med hats you find but one of a model APRIL 3, 1919 GREAT BOULDER KILLS WORKMAN Win. G. Chronister Crushed to Death on Farm When Stone Suddenly Falls Wellsville, April 3.—William G. Clironister, Washington township, a laborer, aged 4 8 years, was in stantly killed late yesterday after noon by being caught under a fall ing rock and crushed. Mr. Chronister was assisting J, L. Bosserman, a Beading township farmer, in bury ing a twenty-five ton rock, which had been undermined. The huge boulder fell, burying the man un derneath it. The rock stood on the edge of a fifteen-foot hole which the men had dug for the purpose of burying it. Mr. Bosserman had gone for water and on. his return was 35 feet from the pit when the earth gave way and the boulder toppled in on Mr. Chronister. Fifty men worked with .lacks and picks for four hours in getting the body from underneath the rock. Dr. Kugene Klgin was summoned, but the man was dead. The victim is survived by his wife and two children. X AMES ON HONOR ROM. Liverpool, Pa„ April 3.—Honor roll of the Liverpool schools for month .lust closed contains the following names: Chester Deckrd, Alvin Wil liamson. Lloyd Long, Julia Albright, Cecelia Barner, Elizabeth Charles, i Sara Iviser, Susan Bitter, Pauline' I Shuler, Herman Grubb, Herbert Low er, Harrison Lower, Ernest Lower. Alice Wert. Jean Murray, Vivian I Murray, Mary Kling, Miriam Amker, I Kuth Tschopp, Sara Howe, Isabel Barner. Marguerite Moyer, Kathr.vn I Lebktcher, Elizabeth Klinger, Ada I>err, Sarah Helen Deckard, Margaret Barner. Dorothy Rumfelt. Theodosia Hum-felt, Ralph Grubb, Ralph Murray Charlie Murray, Howard Aueker. llolman Miller, Clarence Kerstetler, John Rumfelt, Robert Richards, Blake Dressier, Helen Dressier, Hilda Dressier, Gladys Rumfelt, Helen i agner, Mildred Coleman, Ethel Al i bert, Hulda Albert, Gladys Reiehcn baugh, Helen Zink, Elizabeth Kiser, Guy Lower. James Richards. Paui lvnisely, Harry Ritter, Jr., Lee Kirs teller, Newton Miller, Jr., Earl Shu inaker and Clarence Auckcr <'AV<-HT BY PALLING TREE T-I,!' Pa " A P ril 3.— Qulnton Klmedinst, 3 8 years old, was ser iously injured yesterday morning, when a falling tree swerved froi I its course by the wind, caught the man against a rock, crushing his 'eft leg below the knee. The bones were all splintered and protruded from the skin. CANDIDATE POH COMMISSIONER Waynesboro. April 3. K. Harper W ashabaugli. of Waynesboro, makes the announcement that lie is a candi date for the Republican nomination for county commissioner at the coming pri mary election. For a number of years Mr. Washabaugh has served on the board of real estate assessors. DAY and NIGHT SCHOOL Open All Year. Enter Any Time. Individual Promotion. BECKLEY'S BUSINESS COLLEGE 121 MARKET ST. Bell 125 (Opp. Senate) Dial 40IS WOUNDED SOLDIER, RETURN'S Mount Wolf, Pa., April J. —Private Roy S. Diehl, son of Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Diehl, who had been with the 'American Expeditionary Forces in France, has returned from overseas. He was mustered out of service on Tuesday, at Camp Dix, N. J. Private Diehl was wounded in action and at one time was reported mlfwhig In action, and at another as L.,ij dead. He arrived at Philadelphia ten days ago. w Common Sense About * v Aching, Perspiring Feet* With many people the feet are subject to constant strain, being the hardest work ed members of the body and certainly de servo attention. Tho blood vesscla become gorged and the tissues swollen, causing pain, burning, sweating etc. To overcome this a warm Cal-o-cide foot bath works wonders, bringing instant relief, and its use will keep the feet in perfect condition. Cal-o-cide la a scientific preparation that penetrates the pores snd adjusts the cause of the trouble. Get twenty-five cents worth from a druggist and it will be worth that many dollars in comfort,—Adv, Gain Flesh By Drinking Water With Systoxem How Simple Method Supplies Body With Flesh and Strength Making Substances Lost or Found Lacking In Many Cooked Foods of Today A very easy and pleasant method for gaining: flesh and rounding out the body is now being followed by thousands, according to a well-known Doctor of Pharmacy and others. Sim ply drink plenty of water and take a little Systoxem after meals. Sys toxetu is now obtainable in 5-grain tablets at Geo. A. Gorgas' drug stores. Kennedy's and other good druggists in this city, without a doctor's pre scription, it not being a secret rem edy. The ordinary city drinking water in all homes is considered pure and good. This simple method aids nature in adding healthy tissue and weight to the human body in three weeks' time in many instances, and also induces a feeling of renewed strength and endurance. of thin folks will naturally bo hemp# lited. Authorities assert that the increas ing demand for Systoxem is due to I the fact that, it contains strength and I tissue building substances now Known to be lost or found lacking iu the cooked foods of today. Adv.