18 BUSINESS IS GETTING BETTER REPORTS SHOW Readjustment Toward Nor mal Conditions Is Being Made Rapidly Washington. April 3.—lmprove ment in general business conditions and the continuance of an under tone of confidence in the essential strength and soundness of the country's economic position is re ported in the F"ederal Reserve Board's review of the business sit uation toward the end of March. In all federal reserve districts the price situation was said to be still the controlling factor in business conditions and outlook. While the actual situation had not changed very fundamentally, symptoms were reported pointing to a more com plete readjustment of business to normal conditions. A continuous, though moderate decline of prices was noted. Equally important as the decline in prices, it was said, has been the "fact that the public at large has apparently given up expectations of immediate and decisive declines." Steel Unsettled Great diversity of conditions -was found to exist in the manufactur ing field, with unsettlement partic ularly in cotton manufacturing and iron and steel. "Manufacturers of boots anil shoes reported from various districts," the review said, "that their business is almost normal and in some cases up to capacity. In groceries, retailers are buying slowly while large stocks on hand have caused sharp declines in price. "Woolen mill production has reached its loyrest point and is be ginning to improve. Luxuries in Demand "The demand for jewelry, auto mobiles and other luxuries appears to be brisk in many districts. In the case of materials and in some cases clothing, which has been af fected by the unusual weather con ditions, demand is unsatisfactory and manufacturing low. "In connection with the manu facturing situation there is to be noted a distinct improvement in the labor and employment outlook. Re turning soldiers are being generally re-employed, although there is dif ficulty in placing those who desire higher wages and better appoint men than they had before entering the army. "In t lie agricultural dislricts a large demand for labor is now opening, due to the prospects of ex cellent crops. "In the livestock market the sit uation is reported as bright. The average price of cattle and hogs lias advanced very considerably over a year ago. "Interest and discount rates have not varied materially in any of the markets during March. Banking conditions as a whole have been sat isfactory. Scranton Trolley Employes Make Known Their Desires; No Free Tickets Granted Si-rnnton. Pa., April 3. Some uti lis'.ia: dimards are listed among those tiled by employes of the Scranton St!est ' Railway Company. which threaten to cause another tie-up on the local lines. Among the requests of the men are the following: That conductors and inotormen working on open summer cars be pro vided with raincoats. This has been refused. • That raincoats be supplied section men and other workers who are re journed to work in the open during storms. This lias been granted. That the company pay for the cleaning of uniforms of trolley men spoiled by grease, etc.. while on duty. This baa been acceded to. That the union men be given 100 free tickets for use of their families each month, free rides on the Moosic I-akr Line, a subsidiary, and free rides on the Scranton and Bingham ton Railroad. This has been rejected. In addition to these requests, the union men have asked for a 33 per cent, wage increase and a closed shop. They have been promised the latter cc.rdition. hut the company says the proposed wage advance cannot be met. Quakers Will Not Dispose Those Who Entered the War Philadelphia. April 3.—The status oft members of the Society of Friends who voluntary entered military ser vice was discussed at yesterday's session of the yearly meeting of the orthodox Quakers of Philadelphia. There was a unity of sentiment and it was decided that the local meet ing should have the right to act with respect to individual members who have been in the military service. It was agreed that a loving and ten der spirit should be observed to wards such Friends, but that such a spirit should not be construed to mean that there was any change in the Quaker principle against war. Bandits Lock Up Mother and Little Baby in Closet Pittsburgh, April 3.—Locked in a clothes press by two armed bandits, Mrs. Mary Gubec and her 9-month old daughter, narrowly escaped suf focation yesterday. Neighbors found the woman after another child, cry ing for her mother, had attracted at tion. Both Mrs. Gubec and the baby were in a semi-conscious condition. Mrs. Gubec had been bound and gagged and the baby laid upon her body in the clothes press, after which a pile of clothes were thrown over both to stifle the cries of the baby. France Demobilizes 2,700,000 by April 5 Paris, April 3.—French troops to number of 2,700,000 will have been demobilized by April 5, according to L'Heure. This leaves 2,100,000 still under arms in the French army. TAFT TAKES A WALK Detroit, Mich., April 3.—Former President Taft, who spoke at Kala mazoo last night on the League of Nations, arrived in Detroit yester day afternoon —"broke." He walk ed the mile and a half to the City Hall, where Mayor Oouzens cashed a check for him. "I just ran out of change," he explained, "and I knew the mayor had lots of it." TEI.I.S OF INSURANCE The Navy Department lias recently issued a bulletin with further infor mation relative to the conversion of the War Risk Insurance and premium aavmenta. THURSDAY EVENING, Felony to Own Liquor Under Michigan Law liSiising, Mich., April 3. A bill supplementing Michigan's prohibi tion law and designed to remedy defects developed when the State ! Supreme Court nullified the search [ and seizure section of the original jact. was signed by Governor Sleeper I yesterday. ! The new law, declared to be one j of the most drastic enacted by the j Michigan Legislature in recent years, Friday Is THRIFT DAY and These Items Promise BIG SAVINGS Cotton Dress Goods Prices Lowered _ Special For Friday Only 35c silk muslin, plain shades, halt silk. Yard 19£ $l.OO and $1.25 silk poplin; 30 inches wide, half silk. Yard. 89£ 69c silk tussah; 36 inches wide, half sjlk. self colored figures. Yard ! 49<f 45c silk stripe voile, neat styles, tinted grounds. Yard ... 35£ 45c dress gingham; 30 inches wide, small lot. Yard 25<^ 25c Eden cloth; neat styles, s wool finish. Yard 12! 59c poplin ;36 inches wide, "plaid shades. Yard 35c* 29c percales, 36 inches tvide, neat stripes and figures. Yard, 19<* 15c dress ginghams, fancy plaids. Yard 10<^ Dress ginghams neat stripes. Yard 17^ Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Basement Pillow Cases, Sheets and Sheeting Special For Friday 45x36 bleached pillow cases, each 23c 45x36 bleached pillow cases, hemstitched, each 25<* 72x90 bleached sheets, centre seamed, each '. 950 81x90 bleached sheets $1.73 00x108 J'equot bleached sheets - $2.39 2 1 4 yards unbleached sheeting, yard 53C 81x90 bleached sheets $1.39 Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Basement Sweaters For Men, Women and Boys Specials For Friday Men's $3.85 rope weave sweaters in tan, grey, navy and maroon, $2.95 Women's $4.98 wool coat sweaters in belted style with sailor collar $3.95 Women's $1.65 black sleeveless Cardigan jackets $1.25 Bovs' $1.50 oxford grey sweaters with roll collar; all sizes, $1.15 Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Men's Store. Girls' White Voile & Lingerie Dresses Special For Friday 50 dresses that have become mussed in regular stock, will go out in a special Friday Clearance at exceptional savings. Sizes are 8, 10, 12 and 14 vears. Regular $2.98, $3.50 and 54.95 Dresses $1.75 Regular $5.50, $6.75, $7.50 and $8.50 Dresses $2.98 A clothing announcement of vital interest to men and young men will be found on page 14. Ihe Dives, l'omeroy & Stewart I lothing Section inaugurates a sale, be ginning tomorrow, of 300 of the finest hand tailored suits made in America at a fourth to a third less than present prices. Inexpensive Silverware Reduced Special For Friday Only $l.OO cut glass marmalade jars with silver top and spoon, 69£ _ \ 59c cut glass salts and peppers 39£ 39c small silver plated picture frames 25^ $1.25 shaving mirrors 75£ $l.OO small nickel clocks 59£ 25c cameo brooches 19£ Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Street Floor A Fine Lot of Men's Shoes Special For Friday Only A special offering of men's $3.50 gun metal calf shoes on English lasts and full toe lasts with Goodyear welted soles; sizes 6to 11. Special Friday only $2.75 Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Street Floor, Rear. takes immediate effect. It makes the possession of liquor a felony, punishable by a tine of $l,OOO and imprisonment from six months to two years, and authorizes search of all buildings or containers, except private residences. Regularly licensed druggists are exempt Rnd physicians are permit ted to prescribe not to exceed eight ounces. COFFEE PRICE TO ADVANCE Chicago, April 3. One of the high prices not due to the war is the present cost of coffee, according to a statement, yesterday by Carl W. HaauaßUßG tWSH TELEGRAPH Brandt, of Cleveland, president of the National Coffee Roasters' Association. A hard frost last year devastated the Brazilian fields, he. said, and when the new crop has arrived the price for the better grades will be from flftv to sixty cents per pound, and no further abnormal prices should pre vail. Present prospects for the next two years In Brazil he pronounced good. FIRE AT AUTOMOBILE While passing through the lower end of Steelton. in an automobile, last night, Thomas Lighty reported he was fired at from ambush. No traee has been found of the guilty person. f Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart Suits and Capes of Originality Many New Styles Ready Tomorrow An Easter showing that is full of distinction is ready in the Women's and Misses' Suit and Cape Sections on the second floor, and it is a safe prediction that not one of the garments can be equaled elsewhere in quality and price-attractiveness. In the scores of new suits and capes are to be found little individualizing touches and new trimming eficcts that will win them to every woman who sees tlieni. The Suits of Fine Quality Serge $3O $37.50 $39.50 $42.50 $45 Close upon two hundred new arrivals have come to fill vacant places and evcrv one of them is of fine quality material. For the most part they arc developed of serge while gabardines and tricotines arc used in many of the better grade stvles. Attractive trimming ideas are brought into prominent use, while the much sought for vest or vestee is to he seen under new shaped jackets. Capes in Styles That Are Favored $18.50 $2O $22.50 $25 $3O to $55 Men's wear serge, tricotine, wool velour, jersey, wool tweeds and Bolivia cloth are the materials of which these handsome capes and Dolman capes are made. Some are unlined and others are richly lined with fancy foulard or plain silk. All sizes for juniors, misses and women. Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Second Floor. Lingerie Waists Half Price Special For Friday Only A special offering of five dozen waists including sheer voile, fine batiste and organdie with trimmings of line tucks, hand embroidery, filet, cluny or Irish lace with touch of color None exchanged. 5.00 Lingerie Waists at 2..10 5.50 Lingerie Waists at 2.7R 5.95 Lingerie Waists at 2.88 C.50 Lingerie Waists at 3.25 7.50 Lingerie Waists at 3.75 8.50 Lingerie Waists at . -1.25 8.75 Lingerie Waists at 1.38 10.00 Lingerie Waists at 5.U1l Dives Pomeroy & Stewart, Secpfid Floor Drug Sundries of the Better Kind Special For Friday Only 50c palm olive shampoo 39^ 10c toilet soaps, cake 5^ 15c glycerine soap, bar 7^ 25c bottle peroxide $1.25 Hughes' Ideal hair brushes 89£ $l.OO toilet water 75£ White ivory dressing combs 49£ Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Street Floor. Black Dress Goods and Linings $4.50 velour; 54 inches wide. Yard $3.50 $2.00 silk poplin; 40 inches wide. Yard $1.69 $2.50 Santoy; 42 inches wide. Yard $1.95 85c fancy satines; 36 inches wide. Yard 69^* 59c silk mull, 36 inches wide, in peach, lavender, tan and flesh. Yard 25£ 39c percaline, in odd shades. Yard 15£ Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Street Floor i Germans Deposit Gold in Brussels For Foodstuffs By Associated Press. Paris. April 3.—The French for eign office was advised to-day that $55,000,000 in gold was deposited on Tuesday by the Germans in the Bel gian National Bank at Brussels. The gold is collateral fott the payment for foodstuffs which the allies are permitting to enter Germany. Last Americans Quit Winchester Rest Camp Winchester, England, April 3. — The American rest camp here, through which 700,000 men had passed since the United States en tered the war, was closed to-day. The departing American troops"were given an enthusiastic send-off on entraining for Liverpool. During their march they were halted at the Guildhall, .where the mayor and city Colored Dress Fabrics in A Sale Special For Friday 89c shepherd checks; 42 inches wide, yai 75tf $1.25 all wool serge; 36 inches wide, yard 98£ $3.00 checked suiting; 54 inches wide, in taupe and grev. Yard ... a $2.49 $2.75 serge; 44 inches wide. Yard $2.39 $3.50 cape serge; 50 inches wide, in navy. Yard, $2.69 $4.50 wool Jersey; 54 inches wide, in good colors. Yard, $3.50 $6.00 men's wear serge; 58 inches wide, in navy. Yard, $4.50 Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Street moor Rattan Go-Carts Reduced $2B Rattan Go-Carts with re versible gear rubber tire wheels, roll style hood and body, reclin ing hack at $23.75 Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Basement. No Friday Specials Sent C. O. D. or Mail or Phone Orders Filled APRIL' 3, 1919. officials tendered them an official farewell. Discharged Men Can Take . a Nip Even in Uniform Washington, April 3.—Sale of in toxicating liquors to discharged sol diers, away from reservations or military dry nones, even if they are In uniform is not unlawful, the War Department holds in an opinion of the judge advocate general, approved by Secretary Baker to-day. "To Basement Bargain Budget Special For Friday Only 35c Japanese china gold band cups and saucers 35£ l, Bc nickel bath tub soap dishes 83^ (> l> c nickel toilet, paper holders 55^ s c c nickel sponge holders for bath tubs 47^ 25c Liquid Veneer polish 50c Liquid Veneer polish , 37£ 25c bottle home oi 1 15< 1 wo bottles Lyknu furniture polish 30^ 69c dustless floor mops Is£ Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Basement. Men's Gloves, Shirts and Cardigan Jackets Special For Friday Men's canvas gloves with knit wrist, pair, 7<L 4 pairs, 25£ Men s $l.lO counter soiled night shirts; sizes 15 and 16, reduced to 69^ $2.25 black cardigan jackets, all sizes $1.79 Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Men's Store. Women's Colored Voile and Linen Dresses Special For Friday There are line quality French linens in green, blue and rose; soiled from handling; sizes 34 to 42 and 16, 18; regularly $16.50 and $18.50. Special $8.50 $12.50 and $14.50 colored voile dresses. Special $5.50 Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Second FJoor. Silks For Spring and Summer Special For Friday Fancy stripe silks for skirts and dresses; 32 and 36 inches wide, yard ; . 98£ Plain color taffetas, 35 inches wide, in taupe, grey, tan, purple and navy, yard $1.55 Black messaline, 35 inches wide, yard 98< tiingham plaids for dresses, yard $1.15 Dives, Poineroy & Stewart. Street Floor Ten Piece Baking Set Special For Friday Only I licsc baking sets consist of covered casserole, two pudding dishes and six custard cups bought separately would cost $1.25 —priqe of set 95£ Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Basement News of Lower Price Groceries Friday Specials llecker's pancake flour, 3 packages 25^ Pure clover light honey, lb. jars 45^ Vanilla flavoring, 3 bottles 25^ Macaroni and spaghetti, 3 lbs 35£ Sani flush, can 20<* Heinz oven baked beans, can 12'/J^ Oatmeal, 2 lbs 9£ Spinach, large cans 21<* (ireen string beans, can Red kidney beans, can 10^ Kyzon baking powder, pound can 29^ Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Basement. Women's Oxfords in Spring's Best Styles Special For Friday Only $4.50 patent colt and black kidskin oxfords on long vamp last with light stitched soles and high leather French heels. Special Friday only j. . $3.65 Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Street Floor, Rear. , Silk Petticoats Interest ingly Priced' Special For Friday Only Taffeta silk petticoats in solid colors, changeable effects and black, tailored flounces trimmed with cording' and narrow plaiting. $5.00 value at $3.95 Dives, Ponicroy & Stewart, Second Floor. come within the prohibition of the law," the statement said, "the per son in uniform must be a member of the military forces; and a dis charged soldier is not a member." * Auditing Nprrlil Investigation" Accounting Systems Installed H. E. SCHRIVER Public Accountant & Auditor 11.1-llt In lon Trust to.. Uld*., I lnrrlslmru. l*n. Hell I'lioiic JOISI
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