MAJESTIC High Class Vaudeville—Hugh Herbert and Company in a comedy sketch entitled "Mind Your Own Business." Four other Keith acts. Also another t-pitcde of "The Lure of the Circus." ORPHEUM Offeree days, starting to-day. with daily matinee—Robert Downing, in "fen Nights in a Barroom." Monday matinee and night, April 7 Walter Hampden in "Hamlet." Tuesday, evening only, April S *— Cohan and Harris offer "A Tailor- Made Man." Wednesday, matinee and night. April P—Three Hundred and Fiftieth Field Artillery Band —The Black Devils. Three days, starting Thursday, April 10, with a Saturday matinee El liot, Comstock and Gest offer "The Wanderer." COLONIAL To-day—Earl Williams in "A Gentle man of Quality." Friday and Saturday Madge Ken nedy will be seen in "Daughter of Mine." Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday Mme. Nazimova in "Eye for Kye." REGENT To-day. Friday and Saturday Cecil B. De Mille presents "Don't Change Your Husband." Monday. Tuesday, Wednesday Elsie Ferguson, "His Parisian Wife." VICTORIA To-day William Farnum in "The Man Hunter." Friday Peggy Hyland in "The Re bellious Bride." Saturday—Tom Mix in "Fighting For Gold." and final installment of "The Master Mystery." Robert Downing, the eminent actor, who for tjte past ten years has de "Tcn Nights in voted that time in a Bar lioom" "helping the other Mellow" to realize that life Is too precious to be thrown away through the error of drink and other sins, has signed a contract with Arthur C. Aiston to play the part of "Joe Morgan" in "Ten Nights in a Bar Room." While playing this part. Mr. Downing will demonstrate in the most powerful way the evil effects of alcohol, and on the Sabbath ho will gladir fill the pulpit of any ehuYeh and deliver his "heart to heart" talks on "Temperance in the Cause of Na tional Prohibition." The unusual spectacle of "Hamlet" being played to capacity houses on Broadway has re- Walter Hampden suited in theatri- Oflfers •'Hamlet'' cal managers of several large east ern cities offering Walter Hampden an opportunity to present his pro duction outside of New York. The tour will begin immediately and will Include Philadelphia. Baltimore. Washington. Springfield, Albany. Ilar risburg and other cities. He will ap pear at the Orpheum Theater on Mon day, April 7. There will be a special matinee in addition to the regular evening performance. At the Academy of Music in Brook lyn upon his recent appearance there, the demand for seats was so groat that many were turned away. New York, during the five months that Mr. Hampdeji has been giving spe cial performances at the Plymouth Theater, has been amazed at the con tinued interest in these offerings and instead of lessening the interest lias continued to grow until now capacity houses are the rule. Tli most interesting of all the Parables recorded by the evangelists is that of the Prod ••Thc Wanderer" igal Son. who fared from the sweet Sim plicity of the sunkissed hills of Judea. to Jerusalem. the Golden where "he wastes his substance in riotous living," and then returned broken in spirit and body, to receive forgiveness for his sins and feast upon the fatted calf. In "The Wanderer," which comes to the Orpheum next week for a threa ds >• engagement starting Thursday with a Saturday matinee. Maurice v. Samuels has made a remarkable stage version of this old but ever appealing parable, transforming its simple nar rative into dramatic action and dialogue, and with true prodigality these enterprising young producers. Messrs. Elliott, Comstock and Gest, staged it under the persona! di rection of that master of modern stagecraft, David Belasco. The Majestic's feature attraction the last half of this week is Hugh Herbert and Company in a At the new comedy entitled "Min i Majestic Your Own Business." -Mr. Herbert is a well known character comedian and has always: J% ■ •>;■ falHyPWi The questions answered below are general in character; the symptoms or diseases are given and the answers should apply to any case of similar nature. Those wishing further advice, free, may address Dr. Lewis Baker, Col lege Building, College - Ellwood •streets, Cay-ton, 0., enclosing self addressed stamped envelope for reply. Full name and address must he given, but only initials or fictitious name will be used in any answers. The remedies can be obtained at any well stocked drug store. Any druggist can order of wholesaler. "Kit" writes: "I am far below nor mal weight. I suffer with headaches -nd am nervous to the point of ex haustion. If you can tell me some •hing to help me I shall be very grateful.") Answer; I can prescribe nothing so effective as a thorough course of pree grain Hypo-Nuclane Tablets, "ihese tablets will aid in extracting -ie nutrition from the food which Srill increase the red blood supply, .#*ercome nervousness and you will ■jtome plump and healthy. This treatment should be continued for several months, as it takes time to change the tissues and cells of the body. * • • "Sarah" says: "Can anything be done for one who is bothered with rheumatism. If so, please reply" Answer: Tou can be relieved of your rheumatism if you take the fol lowing: Mix by shaking well and take a teaspoonful at meal times and at bed time: Comp. essence of cardiol, lv oz.; comp. fluid balmwort, 1 oz.; syrup sarsaparilla comp., r> ozs.; wine of 6olchicum, one-half oz.; sodium salicylate, 4 drams; iodide of potas sium, 2 drr-ms. THURSDAY EVENING, A * w * ■ - • * x ■ v \ * < /. i j Lisle Leigh, Margaret Ferguson. Frank Sherlock. Helen Courtney, and Josephine DefTry in one of the big cotr.edy scenes of "A Tailor-Made Mail,"' coming to the Orpheum on Tti day evening for one performance only. teen a favorite with local theater-1 ; goers. Grouped around this attraction! ! are The Pong Birds in a repertoire of | I popular and classical selections; Rose •and Ellis, novelty barrel jumpers. | ! Davis and Greenlee, clever variety en , tertaincrs. and Mills and Lock wood. ! the Hlcksville Rubes, in a splendid | (comedy offering with several inter-' pointed song numbers. Another episode of "The Lure of the; | Circus," with daring Eddie Polo, isi also included on the program. I Huge crowds are greeting the j 'showings of the great new Cecil B. i DeM ill e production, j Huge Crowd* "Don't Change Your 1 at Urgent Husband." at the Re- i gent Theater. The pie- | ture is to be presented to-night and j i to-morrow nights for the last times.' it is a psychological study of life land the divorce problem, viewed at ja new angle in the powerful way ( i which has stamped every DeMille pie-! ture with the sterling quality ear-] mark. Much comment lias been heard] j on the massiveness of tho production, ' the colossal scenes, elaborate tittings. : magnificent settings and rich eos | tumes. Elliott Dexter, Gloria Swan-1 son and Theodore Roberts are sup- j I ported by a strong east. ! Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Drew in "Once j [a Mason." the added attraction on the ! [bill, are prime favorites with Harris-j burg audiences. Their return to the screen is the time for general jolli | tloation. j Especially interesting and pertinent [ lis "His Parisian Wife," the picture jt o he shown Monday, Tuesday and; I Wednesday with Miss Elsie Ferguson; in the stellar role. It is of Interest; I now more than ever, principally be-, I cause there are 10,000 American boys' [who have married French girls. What ■kind of n wife is the French sir!, ■ See the answer in this film. fheT) OQTjOI^ v .'cy jDr. Zew/jZjds/wp "Uneasy" writes: "I am uneasy ; about my health. My kidneys and ! bladder are not weir. Have spells of > depression, do not sleep well, have ; to arise frequently. Urine bad odor j and color, very scant tf&metinies. My < ankles puff and under my eyes I have \ 'bags.' Please prescribe." Answer: "Your symptoms indicate ; you need treatment to tone up the ■ functions of kidneys and bladder. Ob- ; tain in sealed tubes Balmwort Tab- j lets and take as per directions for several weeks, or until relief is ex- \ pcrienced. Miss T. R. asks: "Do you think a weight of 190 pounds is too much for a girl of medium height; and what can I safely take to reduce about 30 pounds?" Answer: Your weight is excessive, and if it increases it tnay cause much suffering and embarrassment. 1 ad vise the regular tise of 5-grain Arbo lone Tablets, which are sold by most pharmacies in sealed tubes with full directions for self-administration. "Carpenter" writes: "My liver and kidneys are in a bad condition. I have dizzy spells and dark spots before my eyes. Also have twinges of rheu matism. Can I be helped?" Answer: To relieve kidney and liver trouble use three grain Sul pherb Tablets (not sulphur). These are packed in sealed tubes with full directions for taking. They act pleas antly and tone up the bowels and liver and purify the blood. They are convenient, effective and highly curative. * * • "Melville R." writes: "Should a man of forty-six find himself utterly in capacitated? Am weak, nervous, timid, self-conscious. Do not sleep well. Arise with a tired feeling, lame back and often have severe headache in the back part of head. Fickle appetite, but when I do eat, do not get strength." Answer: To use a common expres sion. "you have exceeded the speed limit" and your nervous system needs the aid of an invigorating tonic medicine. Get a tube of three grain Cadomene Tablets Take as per direc tions and continue treatment several months if necessary. • * * "Onda" writes: "I am troubled with itching scalp, dandruff and my hair is falling out. It is harsh and brittle." Answer: Plain Yellow Minyol is the best remedy for itching scalp, falling hair and dandruff that I know of. It can be bought in 4 oz. jars and if used according to directions will overcome diseases of the hair and scalp. If the hair Is- harsh and brittle and you are bothered with those straggling locks, the use of Minyol will restore that soft fluffy appearance and bring back the in tense natural color. \X O'/.tltlv ItOMAXCE: 1 l'K(i<iY lIVI.tM) IX IT | The William Fox photoplay, "Tho i Rebellious Bride.'* will be shown at the Victoria Theater next Friday. Miss : l'eggy Hyland is the star. This is a story of life in the Ozark mountains with a touch of big city life thrown in as seasoning. It is the story of a strange mar riage in which a millionaire gets I something he had not bargained for. \ But it is more than this. It is a | romance in which two suitors strug ' gle for a charming girl's hand and lan t.ttor stranger butts in against ! his will. ; f J To-day will be your last chance to I see Fail Williams at his best in "A Gentleman of Qual- Korl Williams ity." Such questions at Colonial as could you mistake the man you married I for another, what would you have ! done if the man married disappeared | on your wedding day and you never : saw him again until—lt would be a ; shame to tell you, so come along an-1 i lint out f&r yourselves what happened 1 Friday and Saturday Madge Kennedv | will be seen in "Daughter of Mine,' a story of love and romance. Middletown Civil War Vets Make Memorial Day Plans At the meeting of Colonel Ellsworth ! Camp, No. b". Sons of Veterans, held [ Tuesday evening in the G. A..K. llail, i Emaus street, the matter of Memorial Day services was placed in the hands of G. \V. Core, who will appoint his I sub committees. After the business j of the evening was transacted, a,! baked bean supper was served. \Vit- j liam Myers, who recently returned ! from overseas, was present, and gave a talk on his experience. Addresses I were made by J. C. Beachler and D. i F. Fishel. The local shoe factory is very busy I at the present time, and some of the , departments are required to work several nights overtime. J. H. Keener mcjved from the John Brooks property, in High street, to I Highspire, yesterday. A slight tire occurred in the power: i house, at the car plant, yesterday | morning. H. H. Kline, who moved into the | Kline House, is making some improve ments by turning the third story into flats, which he will rent. One Hundred and fifty of the sol-1 dier boys at the Ordnance Depot were 1 mustered out of service yestefday 1 morning, still leaving about fifty '■ more. The Royalton Borough Council met; in regular session, Tuesday evening,, , with all members, present but Mr. j Aderholt. The bills, amounting to) $194.36, were ordered paid. The maim i discussion of the evening was a new ! • driveway that passes the shale brick! ■ plant, to connect with the county j i bridge. Miss Helen Oberly Putt, daughter of ! Mr. and Mrs. Percy Putt. Ann street, j , and Sergeant- Joseph W. YViilig, a member of the Medical detachment, . of the Aviation iJepot, and whose. I heme is at Detroit, Mich., were united j in marriage at the Methodist Episco- ; llP al parsonage, 13u North Union • street, on Tuesday evening, at S ' I o'clock, by the Uev. James Cunning-; ■ I ham. The bride was dressed in a I blue serge traveling suit, and carried HAHRISBURG QS££B& TELEGRAPH ta bouquet of American Beauty roses, j [Mr. and Mrs. Harry Pugliese were I the only ones present. After (he | ceremony a buffet luncheon was i served at the home of the bride's pa | rents. They will reside in town for j several weeks, and then leave for iFetroit. Mich., where they will make j their future home. | Jacob Shelly will move from the i Schiefer property, Wilson street, to' (the Brandt property, Witherspoon' | avenue. i Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Brandt, of! I Bmaus street, received a telegram j I from their son. Private Harvey ! Brandt, who had been overseas, stat- | ing that he had arrived in this coun try and was stationed at Camp Met - i ritt. X. J. Mrs. A. It. Kern, Miss Grace Keefer I |and Miss Cora Plasterer, members of! | the Missionary Society of the Pres-1 j byterian Church, ate attending a mis- I slonary society meeting at Duncan | non to-day and to-morrow. Mrs. Kern and Miss Plasterer represent the church missinary society, and Miss Keefer the Sunday school. Th" regular monthly meeting of [ the Sunday school class of A. S. Quickol, of the St. Peter's Lutheran Sunday school, will he held at the home of Mrs. Fred Rudolph, North ' t'nlon street, this evening. | John Phillips moved from the | Baumbach property, Wilson and jVnlon streets, to the Trely property, lln Market street, that he recently i purchased. j The Royalton Fire Company, No. 1, ] will meet on Friday evening in the ; council chamber. An election of of ficers will be held Second Death From "Sleeping Sickness" at Hartford, Conn. Hartford, Conn.. April 3.—The sec ond death from the so-called "sleep ing sickness" to be recorded in this city within two weeks, occurred late last night at the Hartford' Hospital, when John Connors, 43, a tobacco worker of East Hartford, succumbed to the disease. He had been in a state of coma four days. What Causes So Many Divorces? There are 341,277 divorced persons in the United States. Man is J chiefly to blame for the condition is the universal cry. Do you think so? j See the problem presented in the William Fox morality production, "Why' I Would Xot Marry," coming May 1, 2, 3, to the Victoria. | , ™ BB I ORPHEUM 3 DAYS ITOAl T 0 A^ NG Special Return Engagement The Eminent Actor Evangelist I Robert Downing as "Joe Morgan" in a Revival of I Ten Nights in a Bar Room I I ~~ Endorsed by Everyone Who Has Seen It as the Most Wonderful Sermon Ever Written i Come and Hear the Wholesome Comedy, Songs and Music I 25c, 50c, 75c, $l.OO. Matinee Daily, 25c and 50c. REGENT TODAY AND TOMORROW Cecil B. DeMille Production "DON'T CHANGE YOUR HUSBAND" Also Mr. and Mr*. Sidney Drew la "ONCE A MASON" MONDAY TUESDAY— WEDNESDAY ELSIE FERGUSON in "HIS PARISIAN WIFE" Americans Capture Five Mexican Bandits; Retake Stolen Horses | Marfn, Tex., April 3.—Following a ' raid across the Rio Grande river dur i ing a blinding bail storm by Mexican ! bandits Tuesday night. Troop K, I Eighth Cavalry, in command of Cap ) tain Matlick, overtook and killed five I of the bandits, recovered the horses and cattle stolen, and returned to the I ORPHEUM : TUE. APR. 8 SEATS SATURDAY COHAN X HARRIS PRESENT THE _ FUNNIEST AMERKAH i .IMP! ft? COMEDY OF /Jym RECENT YEARS f ,/M- MADE \A § MAN BY HARRY JAMES SMITH i Prices, Orch. $2, $1.50 Balcony... .$l.OO, Gallery 50^ ORPHEUM One Mat. & Night Only m A °PR?L ay 7 WALTER w - , ' hampden in Hamlpt rile Dramatic Event of the Season. ■■ ■■ JR W —N. Y. Globe. t With Distinguished Cast From Plymouth Theater, New York, Including Albert Binning, Mabel Moore and Mary Hall. • PRICES: Matinee to $l.OO, Evening to $2.00 American side, according to an offi cial report received by Colonel George T. Langhorne, at district headquart ers here. AM EYE FOR AM EYE COLONIAL, APRIL 7-8-9 A IS A A wonderful picture NAZIVOMA dramatic 1 Ing the loading rolo. MAJESTIC Hugh Herbert & Co. "Mind Your Own Business" Four Now Vaudeville Acts - EDDIE I'OLO, iu "THE LUKE OP THE CIRCUS" Thursday—Friday—Saturday 3 DAYS THURSDAY APRIL 10 MATINEE OX SATURDAY POSITIVELY THE BIGGEST DRAMATIC SPECTACLE EVER BROUGHT TO THE CITY OF HARRISBURG THE GREATEST CAST EVER ORGANIZED IX THE lIISTOIIV OE THE AMERICAN STAGE.— *■ mm THE FLOCK OF REAL SHEER, COME DOWN THE f 1 I I SCENIC 111 NWAY 50 FEET HIGH.— I ■ I I THE GORGEOL'S AND GLITTERING HA I.LET OF 50 111 HEACTIFI L DANCING GIRI.S.— \ P P THE MAGNIFICENT SCENE OF THE lIEVEI. OF 1 I I THE IDOI.ATORS IN THE HOI SE OF XADINA ALL I THE MASSIVE STAGE SETTINGS, SO RIG THAT ORDINARY THEATERS COULD NOT HOLD W !■ Hi THEM THE RIOT OF COLOR IN THE WONDERFCL PIC TORIAL REPRESENTATION OF JERUSALEM.— ALL THIS AND MORE IN THE WORLD'S MOST GIGANTIC SPECTACLE THE GORGED DSN ESS UP i THE TIME OF KING SOLOMON TRANS PLANTED IN ALL ITS GLORY IN THIS WON DERFUL SPECTACLE. NEVER BEFORE in the History of the Theaters Throughout the Uni verse Has Such a Colossal and Magnificent Stage Production Been Placed Before Mortal Eye. YOU CANNOT AFFORD TO MISS THIS PLAY. A COMPANY OF 100 LIVING PEOPLE. An Array of Artists of the First Magnitude NIGHTS, to $2.00. * MATINEE, to $1.50. Mill) ORDERS NOW SEATS TUESDAY APRIL 3, 1919 Signers of Korean Proclamation of Independence Jailed San Francisco, April 3.—A copy of the Korean proclamation of indepen dence brought to America'yesterday by V. S. McClatchy, editor of the Sacramento Bee. showed that It was signed by Thirty-three men, all of whom later were arrested. The signers are all men of influence in Korea. The Japanese searched persons on the street the night the proclama tion was first distributed, including some Americans, in an effort to find and seize all copies of it. ON DETACHED SERVICE York Haven, Pa., April 3.—Mr. and Mrs. J. 12. Sltearer have received 1 word from their son, Rodger L. I Shearer, a member of tho Three Hundred and Eighth Machine Gun Battalion, Seventy-Eighth Division. American Expeditionary Forces, that ho has been transferred to detached service, and is enrolled as a student of science at tho University of Mar- I seilles at Marseilles, France. COLONIAL LAST TIMES TODAY EARL WILLIAMS The well known star in a picture of real merit— the kind of picture you'll like. "A Gentleman Of Quality" FRIDAY SATURDAY MADGE KENNEDY in "A Daughter of Mine" I'AVMEXT ON CHURCH DEBT Alpunt Wolf, Pa., April 3. —At a meeting of St. John's Lutheran church council Tuesday night, the payment of $7OO on the church in debtedness of $2,300 was made, liquidating the debt to $1,600. The new edifice was erected less than four years ago at an aggregate cost of $7,200. VICTORIA TODAY ONLY One More Clinnce to See— TOMORROW ONLY William Pox Presents PEGGY HYLAND —IX— i "THE REBELLIOUS BRIDE" SATURDAY ONLY TOM MIX —lX— "Fighting for Gold" COM IXC* Monday and Tuc ! lny of Next Week— LIEUT. BERT HALL Noted American "Ace," WITH EDITH DAY • —IX— "A Romance of the Air" ; . ADMISSION, 10 and 30 Cents and Wnr Tax Sergeant WALTER SHAFFER of the Lafayette Flying Corps Will Speak at Each Per formance THE ROMANCE OF THE AIR | The big aerial super feat-* ure of the great war, | Six reels of humor and' pathos. Wonderful cast including Lieut. Bert Hall ! The American Ace , ; and $1 n ; Sergt. Roberts i ' Aviation Quartette 1 Uncle Sam's Harmony Singers in the Service Hear Shaffer tell of the ; Americans fighting in the, air for France Don't Miss This Three Star Engagement Monday and Tuesday April 7 and 8 J VICTORIA 13
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