HEALTH DEPT CONCENTRATES Accounting Division Being Prepared to Move to This City Or de r s have r\\ • //j been issued for vn\\ " ie removal of V\\ W fea n> the division of ac- counting of the State Department of Health located years in the Acad- UPBUyaj Science in Phila delpliia to Ilarris burg about May 1. It is probable that the purchas ing division of the department may be renewed to this city also. About twenty persons are in the accounting division. Health officers have been named as follows: Dr. W. R. Shannon for Lackawaxon township. Pike county; XV. Frank Sanders for Adams, Beav er, Center, Spring. TVest Beaver and Franklin townships, Snyder county; Chester Elmore for Palmyra and Paupack townships. Wayne county; XX". F. McComb. for Taylor, Union and Mahoning townships. Lawrence county; Homer J. Lamson, North Beaver township, Lawrence county; James Seegprs for Clyroer, Westfield and Brookfleld townships, Indiana county. Dr. Richard Jonathan Miller, Har rlsburg has been appointed as as sistant in the State Urinary dispens ary in this city. Only Overseas Men—No men will hereafter be enlisted for the De partment of the State Police unless they have had army or navy serv ice overseas. The number of vacan cies in the State Police force is be ing rapidly reduced, virtually every man enlisted recently having been a veteran of army service. T'p to Counties—The West Chester Board of Trade has been informed by State Highway Commissioner Sadler that the policy of the State is to allow county commissioners of counties to express the prefer ence in regard to State aid con struction, while Kutztown council has been informed that changes in routes of main highways are mat ters for the Legislature. Must Permit - Show—The State Board of Moving Picture censors has been directed by the Philadel phia courts to permit showing of one of the Beach series. The test came on the propriety of the scenes in a film. But/, at Beading—Fire Marshal Howard 1". Butz is in Reading in specting the city after a drastic clean-up order. Can't Build Fields—Third class city legislators were interested to day in a report from Hazleton that the local authorities wanted to lay out an aviation field, but that they found that the Clark act forbade such expenditures. An amendment is likely to be presented to cover such matters. Compensation Question —Shall the workmen's compensation act apply in the case of a man who died of influenza alleged to have been con tracted while in a weakened con ♦ t:nn brought on by an accident? says the Philadelphia Press. Decision of this question which will be handed down by the Work men's Compensation Board in a few days in the case of Samuel Mil ler, a negro, versus the firm of John llanna & Sons, is awaited with great interest, as it is expected to set a precedent for hundreds of such ac tions. In a preliminary hearing in this city. Referee XYarren C. Gra ham decided lor the plaintiff, but the case was appealed and will bi finally adjudicated in a few days. May Xiiii'iul Big Bill—lf amend ments are necessary to the charter revision bill, to the extent of elimi nating those present clauses which would make the city solicitor ap pointive by the mayor, and the re eelver of taxes appointive by the city treasurer, in order to insure the passage of the balance of the pro posed charter changes, those amend ments will he agreed to by the com mittee which drafted the proposed | THE GLOBE Store HoursB.3o A.M. to 6 P.M. THE GLOBE Spring's Loveliest Coats, I Capes and Dolmans / : Are Here At Their Bestp and made distinctive in its I elegant button and braid . W \ t trimming. -A \\ "n "4. | $lB ™to $B5 ™ • \ -< P SPECIAL--Very Chic Models of Coats and Capes | For Girls 6 to 16 Years At j $12.50 | These represent a much higher range of values. j . Coats and Capes For the Young Miss j $17.50 to $29.50 I Garments of unusual charm and distinctiveness j that will instantly appeal to every young miss. i Women's Coat Salon—Second Floor. | THE GLOBE THURSDAY EVENING, new charter, says the Inquirer. This statement was made yesterday by John C. Winston, chairman of the j Philadelphia charter committee, al j though at the same time he adde that he would be sorry to see the ! eliminations made. The effect of | such eliniinatinj; amendments would | be to continue the city solicitor's and | the receiver of taxes' offices elec- ; tive, as at present under the Bullitt i bill. Another Yarn—Officials of the ; State epartment of Health to-day 1 denied with emphasis the reports printed to-day that Col. Edward Martin, State Commissioner of Health, contemplated turning over to an independent board the man agement of the State tuberculosis sanitoria. Instead of planning to separate them the colonel is work ing out some ideas to build them up. The sanitoria have been placed on the personal supervision of Ma- | jor John 1). McLean to carry out the commissioner's plan. Discuss Accidents—Deputy Chief of Mines Frank Hall and Chief Clerk Arthur C. James, of the State Department of Mines, have been summoned to Wellington for con sultation with Van H. Manning, of the National Bureau of Mines, about mine accidents and their classifica tion. To Meet Tuesday—The State In dustrial Board will meet at the Capitol next Tuesday morning. Water Bound Macadam Is Being Discouraged In reply to W. M. Rhoads of Point Marion, who asked the State Highway Department whether the State will approve macadam con struction providing the township is not financially able to build brick or concrete, Commissioner Lewis S. Sadler says: "We are endeavoring to discourage water-bound macadam type of highway, on account of the very excessive maintenance expense. There are places where the Telford macadam can be used, and a pene tration bituminous surfacing con structed would be very much more satisfactory, whereas the cost would be slightly increased over macadam. l Commissioner Sadler, in a letter to W. A. Baker, Dillsburg, regrets that the Department has not been in a financial condition to take up the entire re-surfacing of the roadway between Dillsburg and Wellsville be cause of the length of the project. The Commissioner says that every effort will bo made to protect the foundation through temporary re pairs until such a time as funds will warrant more substantial work. H. B. Scott, of philipsburg, Clear field county has been advised that District Engineer Bennett has been authorized by the Department to take up the survey for construction through Chester Hill Borough, Clearfield county. To Demobilize Service Flags in Colored Churches Mav 4 has been set as the date for the demobilization of negro service flags, by the colored ministers, who met with the directors of the War Camp Community Service. Special at tention will be paid to the gold stars on that date in every church and or ganization hall. Colonel J. M. Auter is chairman of the gold star commit tee. and will arrange a fitting pro gram for the occasion. The Rev. Albert Josiah Greene, pas tor of the Second Baptist Church, is chairman of the committee in charge of the arrangements. Others to serve on the committee are: Dr. H. H. Cooper, chairman of invitation com mittee; the Rev. S. A. McNeill, pastor of A. M. E. Wesley Church, chairman committee on arrangements; the Rev. E. Luther Cunningham, St. Paul's Baptist Church, chairman of music committee. MINISTERIUM MEETS The United Evangelical Ministerlum of Harrlsburg and vicinity met In regular monthly session in the Evan gelical Publishing House, Tuesday. A largo number of ministers were pres ent. The Rev. A. O. Flcxer. pastor of Harris Street United Evangelical Church. read an inspiring paper, "Ministerial Brotherliness." The paper was of excellent character, practical, and full of helpful sugges tions, all of which evidence a life of truth and sincerity hack of it. The next meeting will be the regular uni fication meeting, to be held in Lo- Imoyne United Evangelical Church. I May 6. NEW ARMY PLAN PROVIDES BIG AIR SERVICE Calls For 1,700 Planes in Ac tual Commission and 3,400 in Reserve By Associated Press. Washington, April 3.—Army re ; organization plans upon which the j War Department is now working, it I is learned, provide for an air service I with approximately 1,700 airplanes ' in actual commission and a mini ; mum available reserve of 3,400 ad i ditionai planes This is based upon I the proposed military establishment | of 509,000 men in which total the (air services personnel will be 1,933 officers and 21,853 men. The organization tables show that the air forces on a peace basis will be comprised of 8" service squad rons. The tables also call for the maintenance of 42 balloon com i panies divided into three wings of ! fourteen companies each. The general plan of the army re organization calls for 21 divisions, including one cavalry unit of nine j regiments, to be formed into five j army corps, each to be commanded i by a lieutenant general. i CAPTAIN BRETZ TO SPEAK Captain John T. Bretz, who com ! manded Company D, One Hundred ! and Twelfth Regiment, of the Key stone Division, will speak in the Courthouse Saturday night, at 8 : o'clock, It has been announced. Cap jtain Bretz. who has been at the Army I Hospital at Carlisle, aided in training the Harrisburg Reserves until his unit went to Camp Hancock. Mem bers of the Reserves, of the Reserve Militia, soldiers and sailors and those ! discharged from the military service have been invited to attend. DENIES DESERTION • Charged with deserting her three ' small children, at Lewlstown, Mabel j Dillman, of that place, was arrested ■ late yetserday. She claims she did not return home because she had been injured in an automobile accident. " r - Howsrd always reeommendrd OXIDAZE FOR COUGHS, COLDS Bronchial Asthma Ihiim it wsald safely, quickly in/inraiv ■ top a bad eon Ah and giee instant relief in Bronchial Aelhma. Guaranteed harm less. I'trd with complete ulitfeclion in the Prevention of Influenza AUTHORITIES agree that iti Ingredients tre Germicidal, Antiseptic, Stimulative The ritalqnelilireio lidhidieeeer AMERICAN PHYSICIANS who hare nsedthw tablet* in their practice for year* have recently written us as follows, vie: "Have treated about 100 Influenza caeee fol lowed by eevcral Pneumonias, with curative results in every case." "In the eight or ten years I hare known them I have always felt safe in any Pneumonia case." "I am out of Oxidaze and I would like 1000 tab lets. I have cured hundreds of my patients, send soon as possible as I need them right away." "I hare heard today from Dr. he U having six to eight cases daily and all doing well under the Oxidaze treatment" Here le absolute preel frsw staere. TVaterburv, Ct. No asthma thanks toOxidaze Salem. IV, Vo. We find it all you claim. Kendrick, Col, Am well pleased with results. Circlcville, O. More help than from anything Somerset. Mass. It gives full satisfaction. Detroit, Mich. It has benefited me greatly. H'orresfer, Mass. Is worth thousands to uie. Kee Tie, .V. H. I speak in highest praise of it Fenton. Mich. I got nearly instant relief. Ilouell. Mich. For asthma, best thing I've founc j Cincinnati, O. It is a wonderful medicine. Smiths Basin, X. Y. Delighted with Oxidaze Uochdale, Mass. Cough gone, gained eight lb: Here you har# the scientific opinion of thebes AUTHORITIES ON THERAPEUTICS, the stat< mcnts of broadminded. AMERICAN PHYSICIAN of large practice and also the testimony of tlu actual USERS OP OXIDAZE who have boughtthc tablets and tried them out for themselves. What better evidence can be desired that Oxi ; daze Tablets will doallthat is claimed for them Buy a bottle, keep them in the houso and us them as a preventive whenever you are threat ened by any of the diseases mentioned. Signed letters on file. All Druiiists o. George A. Gorgas. HARRISBURG TELEGRXPE "The Live Store" "Always Reliable" \ Wev'e Started on The Right Foot for a Big Spring business and it's keeping up with the greatest interest this "Live Store" is a great organization of busy people who are always ready to serve you with dependable merchandise—We know what you want when it comes to buying good clothes and that's why we carry such an extensive line of the Best clothes that is to be had— Hart Schaffner & Marx Kuppenheimer & Society Brand Clothes This is an unusual season for new ideas in young men's clothes and we are feeling the benefits from selling these wonderful creations —We have thirteen operators in our tailoring department who are bending every effort to turn out the tremendous volume of work that our salesmen send there daily—We know every body wants new Easter clothes and one way to be sure of getting them, is to make your selection early—of course we can take care of you any time but a bit of co-operation in buy ing early will be greatly appreciated by this "Live Store" that goes the limit to give you ser vice and satisfaction. The Doutrich Waist Seam model is certainly winning the young fellows —We are going to make it the most popular suit that has ever been marketed—you may see numerous imitations but they are going to be a long way off from the original—You won't want to buy "an imitation" after you see the Doutrich waist seam—There has never been a better fitting suit than this exceptional spring 1919 production. Try The Dependable Doutrich Service Everybody Is Talking About - - 304 Market' Street J I^Qutricl^ APRTL 3, 1919. Harrisburg, Pa. 11
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