Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, April 03, 1919, Page 10, Image 10
10 HARRISBURG TELEGRAPH A NEWSPAPER FOR THE HOME Founded 1831 ■ Published evenings except Sunday by THE TELEGItAPH PRINTING CO. Telegraph Building, Federal Sqaare E. J. STACKPOLE President and Editor-in-Chief T. R. OYSTER, Business lfanager GTJS. M. STEINMETZ, Managing Editor A. It. MICHENER, Circulation llanager Executive Beard 3. P. MeCULLOUGH, BOYD M. OGLKSBY, F. It. OYSTER, GUS. M. STEINMETZ. Members of the Associated Press—The Associated Press is exclusively en titled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited in this paper and also the local news pub lished herein. IAII rights of republication of special dispatches herein are also reserved. /Member American Newspaper Pub flishers' Associa tion. the Audit Bureau of Circu lation and Penn sylvania Associa ated Dailies. Eastern office Story, Brooks <fc Finley, Fifth Avenue Building New York City; "Western office, Story. Brooks & Flnley, People's Gas Building, i Chicago. 111. Entered at the Post Office In Harris burg. Pa., as second class matter. By carrier, ten cents a <SSS?. asV> week; by mail, $3.00 a year in advance. THTRSDAy. APUII, 3. 1919 How men undervalue the power of simplicity, but it is the real key to the heart. — WORDSWORTH. STATE LAW SUPREME JUDGE KUNKEL struck a mighty blow for State rights and the supremacy of State law within the Commonwealth yesterday, in de ciding that Posdmaster General Burleson has no legal authority for upsetting the laws of Pennsylvania in an effort to advance telephone rates without appeal to the Public {Service Commission. As Judge KunUel says, if the revenues of the company were not sufficient to meet its needs resort to the commission 110 doubt would have resulted in permission to charge more for the service. But Mr. Burleson was not interested so mnch in the welfare ot the company as he was in forcing his own personal authority upon a sovereign State of the union, of over turning its laws to demonstrate his own powers and to concentrate gov ernmental power at Washington to an extraordinary degree by robbing the Commonwealth of a right guar anteed it nnder the Federal consti tution. No such barefaced attempt to override a constitutional guar anicc was ever made in the United States. Pennsylvania has a perfect right to make its own laws, to govern its own corporations and to enforce them, and Judge Kunkel takes a stand that will be supported by all loyal Pennsylvanians when he up holds the position of the Common wealth In maintaining that within the State of Pennsylvania State laws regulating purely State matters are supreme. Otherwi.se one of the great fundamentals nnder which the Com monwealths which make up the Union have been operating would be overshadowed and a source of con stant bickering and quarreling be tween State and National Govern ments wonld ensue. Incidentally, the way the case has turned out is a big victory for Gov ernor Sproul, who was the instigator f the injunction proceedings which were begun to test the right of Penn sylvania to exercise its own police powers without outside interference. REAL HOMES FOR ALL SATS Secretary Wilson, of the Department of Labor: 'T want to see every wage worker own his own home." Says the Philadelphia Public Led ger: "Good housing plays a part in good living, just as good eating and good clothing do." Now, if we can place everybody in decent homes—each in proportion to his earning power and ability to pay —and can induce everybody to buy his home, we shall haye gone a very long way toward stabilizing government for aH time in this reentry. The trouble Is that not everybody •wants to own his own home and many builders are content to stick up any kind of ramshackle houses that will earn for them high rentals. Both problems require edu cation and legislation—education to teach the renter that his interests lie in ownership and builders that it is poor business to put up any but substantial, sanitary houses; legisla tion to enable the working man to buy on easy, long-term payments and to compel unscrupulous build ers to erect houses that will pass muster as real homes. PEACH CROP FROZEN? WELL, It had to come; we knew that. It comes every April, so perhaps it is Just as well to print it and have It over with for another season. We refer to the "frozen peach crop" story that turns up each spring. The only variation this year is that It comes from Virginia instead of Delaware. Perhaps it was the idea of the folks along the Blue THURSDAY EVENING, Ridge to come in ahead of Delaware and thus get the benefit of what ever advertising value there may be to the story. Of course, nobody doubts the truth of the item, but that doesn't prevent one from won dering how it happens that every spring the peach crop is killed, down to the last delicate bud, and that in late summer the usual amount of fruit appears at the same old prices. COMMENDABLE ENERGY THE Harrisburg Country Club management Is displaying com mendable energy in planning the prompt rebuilding of the club house destroyed by tire a few weeks ago. It is an ill wind that blows nobody good, and while it is a pity that a structure so new and so well furnished should go up in smoke, the rebuilding of it will furnish work for many men during what appeared early in the year might develop into a more or less dull season. The determination of tho club to go forward with this enterprise no doubt will encourago others to push building programs that have been held up in the hope of price re cessions. Those at the head of the club are representative business men and if they see no advantage in delay there would seem to be small reason for the postponement of other projects that have been hanging fire for a year or more. The building outlook brightens. ANTI-SEDITION BILL THE anti-sedition bill presented in the House yesterday, bears the Sproul administration's stamp of approval and it was intro duced by Representative Flynn, the ranking Democrat on the floor of the lower branch of the Legislature. That removes it at once from parti san politics. The thing was wisely engineered. This measure should have the support of all patriotic ' legislators and no better way to that end could have been reached than to let it be known that while it was framed by a Republican Gov ernor. it lias tho full support of lead ing Democrats. The measure is drastic, but it muss have teeth it it is to meet the emer gency. Law-abiding citizens will have no cause to fear it, but it will place a weapon in the hands of the authorities that will enable them to deal promptly and effectively with nltra-radicals or paid agents from Russia, who come here to stir up trouble among folks of foreign birth or others of limited under standing. There is no need for revolution in this country. The people have the ballot and when they want any thing badly enough, from a change of administration to revision of the constitution, they can get it byway of popular election, and they have no patience with any other method of procedure. There has been introduced in the Legislature a bill providing: for the collection of all city, county, school and other taxes in cities of the third class by the city treasurer. Without discussing its general provisions, it may bo said that for years there has been a popular demand for a receiver of taxes in cities of the third class, to the end that the inconvenience and expense of the old system may be remedied. If this particular measure is not in proper form it ought to be an easy matter to amend it in such shape as to be acceptable to all the cities concerned. Certainly, it is high time to provide for a receiver of taxes who shall have charge of the collection of all taxes. PRACTICAL MEMORIALS MEMORIALS are taking the form of substantial things more and more as the people realize that the old ideals in this respect are no longer popular. For instance. Governor Sproul issued an Arbor Day proclamation emphasiz ing the importance of planting long lived trees as memorials of the dead and living soldiers. This is precisely in line with public sentiment and ought to mean a real Arbor Day this year. Sentiment is also growing in favor of building good roads as memorials to our war heroes and to our former statesmen. Taxpayers in many cities and towns have approved the per manent highways as a memorial proposition and in many -cases the names of distinguished soldiers and statesmen are being given the long stretches of good roads. With noble trees and real high ways as memorials the people are more likely to be impressed than by the raising of granite shafts and bronze statues. In short, the tax payers of the country want their money expended In some useful way, and Governor Sproul long ago gave expression to the real thought of the people when he declared in a public statement against the alleged artis tic creations of sculptors and de signers who have no real conception of the fitness of the memorial which they have been commissioned to produce. CAN'T FLETCHERIZE TRUE to the traditions of his party, Senator Fletcher, of Florida, recent chairman of the Senate Commerce Committee, warns against adopting any sort of a mer chant marine policy at present. "I am opposed to announcing any de finite polioy now regarding this mat ter," said he in a recent interview. "The situation may change. We ought to see first how the situation is going to work out." Tf the Senator's advice were fol lowed and we waited to see how the "situation is going to work out," we could send our ships to the scrap heap in a year or two, as, in the meantime, other nations more alive to their opportunities would have grabbed all of the world commerce. What the Nation needs is the quick and accurate formulation of a mer chant marine pdlicy that will en able us to make the most of the facilities that the war has placed in our hands. That the Republicans propose to do, in spite of the words of gloom thrown out by leaders of the former regime in Congress. C* IK By the Kx-Couimttteejngn !j I ' The week of April 20 will prob ably be made the last week where in bills may be introduced into the House of Representatives. The ex act date will be determined within a few days. Readers of the House spent considerable time while here this week linding out whether many bills were to come and as the total j now on the House lists, including : those from the Senate, is now well along toward the 1,250 mark they have expressed the opinion that the tower branch has about as much as it can take care of, considering what will be passed by the Senate and messaged to the House. Some of the House leaders are working toward May 15 as the date for final adjournment, but no reso lution to that effect will bo intro duced for the present. Instead the time limit on bills will be estab lished. Demands for drafting of bills continue at the Legislative Refer ence Bureau which has many in process of preparation for Monday night introduction. Numerous hearings are being scheduled for the month of April and the appropriations committee plans to complete its visits of in spection and discussion of hospital appropriations the middle of the i month. The appropriation bills ! will be reported out the latter part | of the month, according to present ' indications. —Members of the House are look ing forward to an interesting time on Monday night when the fishermen's license will be called up on special order. Intimations are being given that strong influences are behind the bill so that there may he revenue for the work of the fisheries department. • —The compensation code amend ments seem to be in a peculiar posi tion, judging from what the news papers say about the hearing held here a few days ago. While Harry UV. Mackey, chairman of the Com pensation Board, expressly dis claimed that the board Was advo cating the increased rates and changes and said they had been drafted in response to demands, some reople got the idea that they were administration measures. The administration has not committed itself to any changes, but is await ing developments which is held to be the wisest course in the present times. Some of the employers were slightly inclined to say things when they heard one of the labor spokes men say that the proposed changes had been approved by his people, when the employers had not seen the booklet more than a few days and some declared that they had not enjoyed opportunity to figure out the effect of the changes. Suggestions for changes, say people at the Cap ital, are being sent to Mr. Mackey. —The name of Ex-Judge J. W. Reed, of Jefferson county, is being prominently mentioned for public service commissioner to succeed the late Judge Harold M. McClure. Judge Reed has an office in Clear lield. —Clifford B. Connelly, of Pitts burgh. is getting ready to assume his duties as acting commissioner of labor and industry. The Governor's illness prevented action being taken in the matter. —The Evans House bill providing for an additional law judge in the thirty-first judicial district composed of Lehigh county has been approved by the Governor. The bill does not require an appointment by the Gov ernor. but authorizes the voters of the district to elect a judge next fall. —The Governor also approved the House bill authorizing the district attorney of Allegheny county to ap point ton assistants, one to be desig nated as the first assistant and to re ceive $6,000 a year and others to be paid according to their rank tang ing from $5,000 to $2,700 a year He also approved the House bill authorizing the District Attorney of Allegheny county to appoint a chief countv detective at $4,000: chief as sistant at $3,000 and twenty-four others to he paid $173 per month with traveling expenses. One of the liveliest hearings In many days in legislative committees developed out of that held by the House ways and means committee on the Fowler bill to extend to labor the lien rights enjoyed against con tractors by persons who supply equipment or materials. John R Wiggins, a Philadelphia builder, contended that it would add five per cent to the cost of construction and cause a decrease in building of 40 per cent. P. 11. Kelley, of Phila delphia. also opposed the bill, which was advocated by James H. Maurer, former legislator and president of the State Federation of Labor. Wig gins called the bill "hogwash" and Maurer reported that it had been drawn by people who had studied the subject, adding it was "the best thought of the legal department of Columbia University and the Uni versity of Pennsylvania. UNSOLVED fßy LieutCol. John McCrae] Amid my books I lived the hurry ing years, Disdaining kinship with my fellow man; Alike to me were human smiles and tears, I cared not whither Earth's great life-stream ran, Till as I knelt before my moldered shrine, God made me look into a woman's eyes; And I, who thought all earthly wis dom mine. Knew in a moment that the etern al skies Were measured but in inches, to the quest That lay before me In that mystic gaze. "Surely I have been errant' it is best That I should tread with men their human ways." God took the teacher, ere the task was learned. And tc inj lonely books again I turned. —By Lieut. Col. John McCrae. BXRRISSURG TECEGRXFH! WONDER WHAT A TWO HUNDRED YEAR OLD ELEPHANT THINKS ABOUT By BRIGGS well - HC96 i AM "ihiZ S ,THE <SAMI old CHOU/OS WELL. \AJHAT Do Vbu on TVe ROAD again. .. w * _ ,'y° BUT IT SCEM4 GOOD To Know Boot That she, I'M <SLAO To GOT OUT ThSV CAUGHT TVEm AGAiN > ATE HBMELP-* or wiMTef*. QuAfrnenj * *£5 >oncy a TOciccs a aim. with Gosh we elcpmanta ITS AWFUL MONOTONOUS TT'® I'M <serrnNG along W YtS 6P SHE AOPA IT to MC - ° WH LE feARA NOVO AND MEED I'M AWFUL hungry RECREATION HP isil?. iif' nr. barnum use© Th ~ Tnose lions and - aw-w- hnwi cowes Thsrr's Tf* mimic BE AWFUL NIC* TO MS Ti*•*• MAKE Nfi. Tm* *OV W*TH AU. "TVaE* STARTING OP- vuSLL AN© AO AAO T*e LAUOM. Gee MowTUev %** iT?& A AY Lire r.nsung ®OVB. m*Y Htsrm N*. JeAl OOSY, 2? TO* ALL - IV KNOW MOW to I UKC CLOWNS AND &RANIO P*C*ANT BreN WITH TH* VShbw OS - - I GUESS TNV TMrnR FUMMY STUFF ® ~ SilSlweSi FIFTY VARS KNOW THQR OLO CIECUS GOSH- TUcrs'S PAT AMS I'M BMWWNS TO asrs "*" T - . I" )4:A\ k ]7 #<ll a' sdP/t ■?' >>Tc#W AVtftyids pkt*y. h\ fetAtV 5 Hans Christian Andersen As the shadows grow long, and the light fades away. Strange sights all about me ap pear, Weird figures fly by, and right merrily play, And fairyland seems very near. The "Old Church Bell" with its sweet, rich sound, Calls "The hovers" to head its tone; The "Jewish Girl" on -The Elf Hill" mound, "Something" brings from the "Old Gravestone." "Little Tuk" and "The Shepherdess" "In the Duck Yard," Run to see "The Puppet Show man," While "Grandmother" finding her "Tinder Box" charred. Tries to hide her "Great Grief" if she can. The"Hardy Tin Soldier" selects for his mate "The Loveliest Rose in the World," 'Neath "The Old Street lamp" to settle their fate, "The Goloshes of Fortune" are hurled. "The Ugly Duckling" Meals "The Last Pearl," In "The Shirt Collar" deftly to place, While "The Girl Who Trod on the Loaf" gives a curl, "The Old Bachelor's Nightcap" to grace. The "Neighboring Famikes" gather the "Flax," The "The Darning Needle" be used. While "Great Claus and Little Claus" their patience tax. Lest "The Little Match Girl" be abused. "What the Old Man Does Is Al ways Right," So "The Children's Prattle" de clares, Though the "Flying Trunk" which he brought them last night. Of 'The Red Shoes" contained but two pairs. 'The Farmyard Cock and the Weather Cock" Both picked "Five Out of One Shell," "While "The Nightingale" all "The Storks" would shock. As "In Seven Stories—the Snow Queen" he'd tell. Would you know why to me all these strange sights The "Fairy Tale Prince" has his birthday to-day; His magic tales many thousands have cheered, And chased gloom and sorrow away. • For though he was honored with monarchs as friends. No simpler man could be found, Though his fame throughout every country extends, In the hearts of all children he's bound. May his spirit dwell with us, and may we believe. In fairy tales, fairies and elf; Yes, there's truth in them all, if his words we but live, 'The Most Beautiful Fairy Tale is Life Itself." CLARA ALPERS. How Lloyd George Keeps Fit Few men have ever had to bear such a heavy burden as the prime minister has had to carry during the last three months.' A general election, a peace conference, and in dustrial trouble—each would have meant an epoch in the pre-war life of a premier. How does Lloyd George manage to keep so cheery and fit? An interesting insight on this point is shown by the fact that recently Mr. Lloy*d George has sev eral times strolled into a room oc cupied by his staff and asked if the girl secretaries had any amusing novel there. He has picked up some light literature and gone off to read it quietly for half an hour or so as a distraction from more serious affairs. —The Edinburgh Scotsman. Great April Snowstorm of '4O Ex-Sherift Cooper of Riverhead, the ninety-one-year-old youth whose blood is as young as that of a man of forty years, and whose memory is a marvel, told a Patchogue man last week that in 1840, on the 12th and ISth of April a snowstorm left three feet of snow on the level in the woods about Riverhead, where it could not drift. It snowed two days and two nights. He says he knows, because he waded in it and measured it. Ret us hope Mr. Coop er's history will not repeat itself now.—The Patchogue Advance. Eyes of the World Filled With Dust (By Fred. I. Kent. New York) AT the moment the eyes of the world are being filled with dust, and under cover of so called theories the dark ages are being re-lived in Russia. There is no question about the cleverness of the propoganda as such, in that it has set the world to talking about something that has nothing to do with the real situation. Under cover of a huge agitation carried out by means of stolen money and started with the apparent purpose of benefiting the laboring men, the worst crimes the world has even seen are being enacted. The result of this agitation has been to give those elements of society which are constantly looking for opportunity to win their way through destruc tion the backing of many thousands of people who know not what they are doing. There are the self-seek ers, some innocent and others with guilty knowledge, who have accept ed the opportunity of controversy to endeavor to bring themselves before the public. There are well-inten tioned persons of insufficient intelli EDITORIAL COMMENT Also hurry up with the disarmis tic. —Indianapolis Star. Pour Russian factions are said to have reached an agreement. Where are the three buried? —Chicago Daily News. We can't decide whether Lenine will establesh a new aristocratic line or a new bee-line. —Greenville Pied mont. America is to have a Bolshevik uprising May 1. The name of the speaker has not been announced. — Toledo Blade. If the peace terms don't humilate Germany it will be a humllating ex perience for the rest of us. Green ville Piedmont. The American people gave $400,- 000,000 to the Red Cross. Some Americans in France gave more.— Chicago Daily News. After all, it is simply a question of whether Germany or France shall bear the cost of the Hun's crimes.— Helena Independent. We suppose the Republican caucus chucked Mann and chose Gillette, because they preferred a policy of "safety first."—Houston Post. The world has a choice of two internationalisms that of the 1-eague of Nations and that of Bol sheviki. —Philadelphia Evening Led ger. Dr. Dernburg says Germany won't give up her colonies. He ought to subscribe to some good daily news paper.—Nashville Southern Lumber man. There Is a Third Possibility The subjoined thought and the ac companying prediction are to be found in the esteemed editorial col umns of our neighbor the World: "It is already certain from the march of events that there will be a league of nations. If it is not Wilson's league it will be Lenine's league." On further reflection it may oc cur to the World that its alterna tive is not watertight. If there is a League of Nations of which the United States is a member the possibility is consider able that it will be neither Wilson's league nor Lenine's league, but a league shaped and limited by the only body constitutionally author ized to engage by treaty the future policy of this nation, namely, the Senate of the United States. —From the New Y/jrk Sun. Harrisburg, Pa., April 1, 1919. Statement of the ownership, man agement. circulation, etc., of the Har rlMburg Telegraph, required by act of Congress, August 24. 1912. Editor. E. J. Stackpole. Harrisburg, Pa.: managing editor, Gus M. Stein metz, Harrisburg, Pa.: business man ager. Frank R. Oyster. Harrisburg. Pa.; publisher. The Telegraph Print ing Company, Harrisburg. Pa., E. .1. Stackpole, president. Stockholders: E. .1. Stackpole. E. J. Stackpole, Jr.. F. R. Oyster, Harris burg, Pa. No bonds or mortgages. .Average number of copies of each issue sold or distributed through the mails or otherwise to paid subscribers during the six months preceding the date of (his statement. 2P.1H0. F. R. Oyster, Business Mgr. Sworn to and subscribed before me this 2d day of April. 1919. (Signed! H. B. MUMMA, Notary Public. (My commission expires. March 9, 1923). gence to go to the bottom of things, who are honestly attracted by the theories being spread abroad, and who, without realizing that they are aimed to keep the minds of men from consideration of the facts, see in the theories only a possible means of value to the human race. Such people come from all classes, and, together tvitli the self-seekers, add the weight of their influence to that of the vicious. Those in control of Russia are fully awafre of the fact that if the minds of the peoples of the world were turned upon their actions in stead of being centered on the theo ries they profess but ignore, and if all could see that labor under their regime has no place and no voice, no work and no food, that democ racy is not a part of their plan in effect, that the opinions of no men or group of men are allowed to prevail as against their own, that their rule is by force and terror, that right and justice do not exist, and that life to all within their power is a misery and a mockery, they would be crushed in a moment. Bolshevism at Close Range [From the Erie Dispatch] There are still people in the United States—not immigrants or aliens, but citizens of good American lineage —who persist in maintaining that the Bolshevist movement is sound and worthy, and that Lenine and Trotzky are doing an admirable work and paving the way for the civiliza tion of the future. / Not to mention the crazy eco nomics of Bolshevism how any one with American ideas of decency and humanity can take this view is cer tainly beyond the understanding of ordinary citizens. Ifere is a little description of Russian Bolshevism in operation, as seen by Colonel John Ward, a "radical" member of the British parliament and an executive officer of the General Federation of Trades Unions in England. He has been serving with the British army on the Omsk front. "For the love of Allah," he says, "never more talk of the glories of revolution. lamin it here. Friend strikes down him he thinks his foe and finds the dead man his brother. Princes, peasants, plutocrats, work men, rich and poor, go down to gether in one welter of blood and dirt. The Bolshevik thinks nothing of standing 500 social revolutionists against the wall and shooting them down before breakfast because of some small petty difference of opin ion as to whether the railways should be national or communal. How the gods must cry with rage that men can be so mad. How ever any of our labor leaders failed to grasp the Bolshevik creed of blood and presumed to condone the horrors committed by this mob of fanatical maniacs I cannot imagine. Rather pray heaven to defend our country from such a calamity." Among the things he tells of see ing was the cleaning out of an old well at Ekaterinberg. "There was an occasional grand duke mixed up with the timber. Then another poor piece of flesh was recognized as a grand duchess. Then another as the foreman of a nearby iron works. Theh a few workmen and work women—all murdered, mutilated, just to prove the love of humanity." This is one little "close-up" of the Russian regime which certain perverted idealists insist is destined to "regenerate the world"—an eco nomic chaos with a reign of "blood thirsty cutthroats who murder for the love of it." A Pull Overlooked The Man in the Moon complained. "I have a lot to do with the sea, yet they never asked me into their league," he cried. —New York Sun. Thirty-Fourth Division National Guard of lowa, Minne- f sota, Nebraska and //I /S \ North Dakota; In- / >£— —\) \ signia: Black oval [ 1 f | encircling red bo- I I J I vine skull, a con- \ U / ventionalization of \ sANcroty' the Mexican olla or water flask, the whole design reminiscent of the Camp Cody country in Mexico where the division trained. 'APRIL 3, 1919, YOUR ARMY ACCOUNT [A Demobilized Officer in the Con tincntal Edition of the London Mail.] 1 wonder how many men like me. on the verge of returning to civil life, are casting up their own in dividual account with the war?" Each man's account must bo dif ferent, and every honest account will be interesting. Some have lost heav ily, others have gained considerably; others, who might be inclined hastily to declare a deficit, may find that a careful calculation will show a slight credit balance. I drew up my own balance sheet the other day. This is the result. I lost: Four precious years in the activ ity which 1. had deliberately chosen. Opportunities during those years of Improving myself and doing good work in my profession. Possibly certain appointments, which had I been competing during the war, 1 might have got. Four years, all but a few weeks, of the company of my wife and children, at the impressionable time when the latter were passing from childhood to youth. .Some of my own health, and still more of my wife's health, owing to worry and anxiety o her part, A certain amount of money through depreciation of securities and rise of prices, and a great deal of life's amenities. Many old friends, who have been killed. The last vestige of youth. I am now definitely middle aged. The light heart and the old care less optimism with which T took life before. And here is what I have gained: A far greater self confidence and courage, also a greater resourceful ness and power of dealing calmly with unexpected circumstances. A new ability to get on with other men, and a general sense of my hearings in the world. A conviction nothing Is im possible given energy and good staff work. A far wider outlo'ok on men and things than I had before, and an intense interest, which shows itself especially in my attitude to politics. 1 found them dull before, but now absorbing. A knowledge of the world's geo graphy which only a study of this war could have given me, and ex perience of foreign lands to which T could never have afforded to travel. , A complete knowledge of the working and organization of tho army, about which I was entirely Ignorant, and realization of its needs. A greater realization of the happi ness which was my lot before the war and will be my lot again. A conviction that brains are not everything, but that courage and devotion are equally valuable. A new optimism in exchange for the old, which rests ,upon far more logical basis. New friends. A boundless pride in my count/y and faith in my countrymen, if they will only let their own deep feel ings, and not party cries, guide them. LABOR NOTES Bank clerks at Winnipeg, Canada, have organized. An inventor has mounted an orch ard ladder on a wheeled frame so that it can be secured at any angle and easily moved about. present time, receive between $l4 and Policemen in Quebec. Canada, at the $1 a week, while the firemen's wages vary between $l4 and $lB. Official announcement has been made by the United States War De partment of the fact that women messengers in the Rock Island (111.) arsenal are using roller skates to "speed up" on their errands around and between buildings. A standard low-heeled boot is now worn by women in the English ship yards, introduced by the manage ments because of the many sprained ankles that resulted from the clumsy hlgh-lieeled shoes thut were first worn by the workers. The number of shipbuilders em ployed at Hog Island now numbers almost as many as the total number of iron and steel shipbuilders report ed four years ago throughout the entire nation, when 33,508 consti tuted the national quota. Last-year 190 I'nited States firms were engaged in the manufacture of dyes and chemicals from coal tar, as against 7 prior to the war. The total production last year was 54,- 000,000 pounds, valued at $69,000,- 000. lEbemttg OHjat The ftne erect carriage of the men who have been coming back to every day life from army camps or from the transports which brought them overseas, is a subject of remark ot many persons who believe In system, atic exercise, as one of the greatest things to keep one lit and there are many specimens in this city whose whole bodies have been changed bj the care and attention given to these by army ollicers and instructors and who ara blessing tho day when they were taught the use of their muscloa and how to maintain their health. Scores ot young men back at their old jobs not only show tho difference between themselves and their com panions, but are keeping hp their exercises and have others following their example. Col. J. B. Kemper, who is in charge of the United States army recruiting station here and who is great on the army system of discipline and training, has re ceived an interesting article about tho effects of army system on the men abroad. This is from the Red Cross Magazine and tells that the American army is coming back from France 18,000 tons heavier than when, it went over due to care in diet,system in exercise and insistence upon sanitation and good behavior. It gives the credit to good house keeping in tho army. It is a matter of fact that the late lieutenant Col onel Frank K. Zeigler, of this city, said that Mexican border service had added inches to the chest measurements of many men from Harrisburg and taken it off their waists, while the weight of almost every man in muscle had increased. The Colonel himself said that he had gained three inches in the chest while at El Paso. The good, healthy, outdoor life of the American sol dier is worth enlisting for to say nothing of the desire to servo the country. Some of the beautiful magnolia blossoms which have been so much admired in yards of Harrisburg residences will be missing this spring as a result of the cold weather this week. A number of fine speci mens in tho uptown and Allison Hill sections show the effects of Jack Frost, the delicate leaves having been turned brown and the larger buds being almost lifeless. In some orchards about the city the trees do not seem to have been affected at all, probably due to the fact that the buds were not very far advanced. Famuel P. lOby, well known Har risburg businessman, has sold his orange grove near St. Petersburg, Florida, and friends who have been accustomed to gifts of fruit from tho generous owner will receive the news with sorrow, for tho particular variety of fruits which Mr. Eby pro duced doesn't grow on every orange tree. Mr. Eby has just returned from a winter spent near his grove and in St. Petersburg. "It may be that peace brought a slackening of trade in the north but you would never know that an armistice had been signed in Florida," said he tho other day. "Six thousand more tourists visited St. Petersburg this year than ever before, and they are looking forward to even better times next year." "Yes," commented Dr. J. B. Law rence who was listening, "bnt you wasted all YOUR time. Think of being down among the tarpon all Winter and never going fishing." "You can see a lot of queer things in travel," observed a well known Harrisburger yesterday, "but the Strangest thing that has come under my attention was drawn to my no tice by a sailor who occupied a car seat with me on my way out of New York. Last Friday afternoon while the wind was blowing 55 miles an hour, the snow was driving in sheets and the thermometer was away below freezing. The sailor was occupying the aisle seat and an old lady sat just across the way from him. Suddenly ho touched me on tlie knee and exclaimed: 'Excuse me, friend, but for the love of Mike look over there.' And what I saw was that old lady calmly taking a dripping package from her suitcase, remove a wrapper and start eating a slab of ice about as large as her hand. As she sat and cracked ice under her teeth for all the world like a pig munching corn she calmly surveyed the countryside where the blizzard raged in fury.*. 'Say, friend," observed the admiring sailor, she make the crackerjack Eskimo, though*." A well known Harrisburg man who chums a lot with his three chil dren thought to play an April fool joke on them, (letting down 'stairs ahead of them he called -but in ex cited tones, "Oh, children, come quick, see what Daddy has." And when they camo tumbling down in their nighties he gleefully shouted: "Three little April fools." Then the youngest spoiled it all V piping up. "but Daddy, isn't this the 31st of March?" And it was. WELL KNOWN PEOPLE —Col. James E. Barnett, former State Treasurer, was here yesterday for a short time and visited Capitol Hill. —A Merritt Taylor, the Philadel phia transit expert, who was here yesterday, spent somo time at the office of the Attorney General dis cussing plans for extension of the transit system in this city. —Col. John C. Uroome, superin tendent of the Stato Police, has been at Washington on army mat ters since his return to this country from France. Ex - Representative B. M. Strauss, of Berks county, was among men at the State, Capitol. He is interested in municipal legislative matters. —Wellington M. Bertolct, city solicitor of Reading, here on the third class city bill, is one of the most active of the attorneys of the smaller cities of the - State. N DO YOU KNOW —That Harrisbwrg steel billetts materials for the navy's use? I materials for the navy's use. HISTORIC HARRISBURG —A woman's college was located In the old Harris mansion in early days. "Though (he Rose Is Dust" I>ife's bee that roves in spring, Love's a passing rose; Just a little while to wing, After that—repose. Lone and chill the leafless lanes, Keen the wintry gust; Yet the sweet of Love remains. Though the rose is dust! —Morris Abel Beer in Contemporary Verse.