Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, April 01, 1919, Page 18, Image 18

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American Soldiers
and Sailors Cheer
Bolshevist Move
Xcw York, April I.—Nearly SOU
uniformed men—discharged Ameri
can soldiers and sailors —cheered
the Bolshevist movement at a meet
ing: called here last night by the
Holdiere, Sailors and Marines' Pro
tective Association for the purpose
of discussing means of obtaining
The cheers were in response to a
speech by a man in naval uniform,
who gave his name as Peter Mar
nier, and declared that he was one
of the organizers of the "Soldiers,
Sailors and Workmen's Council ' in
"I know every soldier and sailor
litre is willing to have this become
a Soldiers, Sailors and Workmen's
Council, aren't we boys," the speak
er . cried. The cheers followed.
Remarkable Results of the New
Hair Grower Borandine
Causes Big Stir Among Hair
Actually Grow* llair anil t orrects
Hair and Scalp Trouble*
Prove It Yourself by tutting Out anil
ticking the Free Coupon llclotv Today
"Bv George. I never saw anything
like the effects of that new treatment.
Borandine, for growing new hair ami
restoring it to its natural color, it
acted more like a miracle than a toi
let preparation," said a well-known
gentleman yesterday in speaking ol
the revolution that had taken place in
his hair. "I began to think there was
nothing on earth that could make my
hair grow, l tried hair tonics, bay
rum, grease oil, and almost everything
else you could think of but without
results. I had been bald tor years
and began to think it was natural for
rne tr be that way, as my father was
entirely bald at "I. Finally, I road
about the remarkable results being
obtained by the use of Borandine. so
.1 decided to try it for luysell. Weil,
when 1 look at myself in the mirror
now I think it is somebody else. I
look at least 20 years younger, and
best of aIL Borandine brought about
the transformation in just >') days
time." Borandine is a powerful pro
moter of hair growth. Since its dis
covery a little over a year ago—it bus
been found to contain marvelous prop
erties for producing a new growth
id hair. In subjecting it to various
tests in the worst cases of baldness,
dandruff, falling hair, itching scalp,
etc.. the results obtained by the ex
periinenting chemists were consider
ed almost miraculous. In every cse
it was found that where there were
any hair roots left it would prodm ••
a new and luxuriant growth of hair in
from four to six weeks' time. Gray or
faded hair was often restored to its
natural color in from 18 to II days'
time. In minor cases of scalp and hair
diseases such as dandruff, falling hair,
itching scalp, etc. It was found that
titese unnatural conditions were cor
rected and often completely mired by
two or three applications. The dis
ci very will, without doubt, put an end
to the troublesome scalp and hair dis
eases that have become so common
with the American people. Women
who have been forced into wearing
false hair will greatly welcome this
marvelous product, as apart from its
many other virtues, it adds a lienuti
il vloss and lustre to the old hair.
Besiib s. it contains no oil and has a
tendency to make the hair light and
fbifiv. Arrangements have been made
villi tlie laboratories wheie Boran
liine ; s distributed front to furnish
frei ir.lcrmat ion in regard to this new
pi i, . to alb World readers. Merely
it and send in the coupon below, and
roii v ill receive free particulars of
their marvelous new product by re
turn ntuil. •
Hairiness, Dniiilrulf, Entiling llnlr,
Ktc. ,
Flint; Ron \ MM \t; rot POX
Cut out this coupon to-day anl
send to the Scientific Beseareh
I laboratories, f'ept. 17." Pcranton,
t'a. for free information regarding
Borandine, the new discovery fat
s-rowing hair.
DON! re H
Musterole Works Without the
Blister—Easier, Quicker
There's no sense in mixing a mes9
of mustard, liour and water when you
can easily relieve pain, soreness or stiff
ness with a little dean, white Musterole.
Musterole is made of pure oil of
mustard and other helpful ingredients,
combined in the form of the present
white ointment It takes the place of
mustard plasters, and will not blister,
Musterole usually gives prompt relief
lrom sore throat bronchitis, tonsilitis,
croup, stiff neck, asthma, neuralgia,
headache, congestion, pleurisy,rheuma
tism, lumbago, pains and aches of the
back or joints, sprains, sore muscles,
bruises, chilblains, frosted feet colds of
the chest (it often prevents pneumonia!.
30c and 60c jars; hospital size $2.50.
—~r— l
The Peace Time Quality of
| i
King Oscar
Cigars i
■ |
will be remembered long after the price, j
which conditions compel us to charge, has
been forgotten.
. . John C. Herman & Co.
7c-worth ,t. Makers
Persona), and Social Items '
of Towns on West Shore
I E. L. Cowden, of Ilarrisburg, was
jentertained Sunday by Mr. anil Mrs. ;
I Paul Howry•• at their home at Shire-j
! manstown.
Mrs. John Zimmerman, sons, John
iantl Laurence, have returned to their |
| homo at Ilarrisburg, after visiting
| relatives at Shiremanstown.
| Miss Elizabeth Kurtz, of Harris-1
| burg, Was the guest of Miss M. Irene;
Stone, at Shiremanstown.
Mrs. Catharine Khtver, of Harris-j
iburgt is visiting at the home of llar-j
Ivey Rhiver, at Shiremanstown,
Air. and Mrs. Charles. Grissinget', j
anil daughter, Aladeline. of Median-j
J iesburg, and Airs. Laurence Cribble, j
Urf New Cumberland, were entertain-j
od on Sunday at the home of Mr. |
land Airs. C. A. Gribble, at Shire-j
Siimucl Const, of Huntingdon, vis-.
'it oil friends at Shiremanstown, on j
! Saturday. j
Airs. George Deckman, of Me-j
! ehaniesburg. spent Monday with Air. i
and Mrs. Gilbert Starr, at Shire-1
; manstown.
I R. E. Wolfe and Boss V. Wolfe,
of Shiremanstown, were visitors at j
j Boiling Springs, on Monday.
.Miss Margaret liackenstoss. of |
[ Earlington, v isited friends at Shire-!
, manstown. on Sundav.
Harry Eberly, of AVillianisport. is
'visiting his sisters. Alisses Sarah andj
'' Ko 1 e Eberlv. at Shiremanstown. i
Airs. W. W. Brought, of Shire
manstown: Airs. Florence Cromleigh. I
| son. Harold and daughter. \ iolet, ol !
Meehauiesburg, were entertained.
Sunday tit the home of Air. and Airs.;
i William .Myers, in Ilarrisburg.
Mrs. 11. Al. ltupp, of Shiremans
town, visited friends at Ilarrisburg
land <'amp Hill, on Sunday. |
I Air. and Airs. Jacob Lauver and
family, spent Sunday with Air. and
Airs. John Simmons .at their country!
j residence near Sporting Hill.
| John Snoko's family moved front]
i New Cumberland to a farm at Her- •
i shey yesterday.
j Mrs. Bertha Parthemore, of En-,
' hiiut, visited relatives at New Cum-j
] berland, yesterday.
i Charles Halo, of New Cumberland, i
I returned from Camp Pix yesterday, j
! This evening the Ladies' Aid So
ciety. of the Church of God, New
I Cumberland, will meet at the home
lof Mrs. Elizabeth Epploy.
! Marie, the little daughter, of Air.
and Airs. Harry Kiimore, of Third;
street. New Cumberland, is ill with |
i diphtheria.
Aliss Helta FUler and Aliss Martha]
' Shambaugh have returned to their j
'homes at Carlisle, after visiting with
j Miss Margaret Deekard, Front street.]
Russell King, of Atarysville. spenl
; t lie week end at New York City. j
Marysvillo. Pa.. April I.—Dr. A.
I). YanDyke. formerly of Atarysville,;
] who for several years had charge of
'the Pennsylvania railroad relief de-j
partment at Itenovo. has been ap-
I pointed to take charge of the New
York City otliec. He has already as
sumed liis new duties.
Thin, Weak People
Get Strong and Fat
Thin, weak, nervous people, espec
' ially those convalescing from influ
enza or similar enervating com
plaints. can quickly regain their
strength, flesh uinl energy by tak
ing a live-grain tablet of Blood-Iron
i Phosphate with each meal.
This wonderful nerve and blood
I builder, which is now obtainable of
I George A. Gorgas and other leading
i druggists, contains neither stimulat-
I ing or narcotic dings nor dangerous
I alkaloids, and do. s not upset the
1 stomach 01- discolor tin* teeth: hut is
■ simple a harm'tss, easily digested
nerve and i l ■•>(! in tldf-r which, ac
. ..riling to leading French and Ameri
can authoriiies, is quickly converted
into living nerve tissue and at tin
same tinn- increases the oxygen car
rying rod colls of the blood.
' Blood-Iron Phosphate helps make
the weak strong, increases endurance
and prevents fatigue: pule cheeks re
gain tiie bloom f health, .lull eyes be
come bright and sleep returns 1.. tin
*l, • i less. Take Blood-Iron Phosphate
for three weeks—lt costs only $1 60
for thr< . weeks' treatment —and if it
doesn't do all this for you. if you
don't feel better and stronger than
you have for months, if you don't put
nu several pounds of solid stay-there
flesh, you . an have your money back
for the asking and the trial will cost
you nothing.
Will Sfop ihaf Cough
New Cumberland, Pa.. April I.
| Emmanuel Ditlow died after a long
j illness sit his home m Market street,
I yesterday. Air. Billow was t>2 years
! old. and was born at Eberly's Aiills
] and lias lived in this vicinity all of
litis life. Four fourteen years until
i he became ill, he was janitor of the
] public schools anil was popular,
especially among the children. He
I was a member of the following or
ders, Brotherhood, P. O. S. of A. and
Owls. His wife, Annie and one
I daughter, Airs. Edgar Shelly, sur
i vivo, also one brother, Abraham, of
I -Michigan. The arrangements for the
] funeral have not been completed.
; Atarysville, Pa., Xprlt I.—Youth
i <*<ll friends tendered a farewell party
j last evening to Kenneth Bidlack,
i who will leave this week with his
| parents, the Rev. Air. and Airs. Bid
|lack, for Lock Haven. Included j
; among those present were Aliss Alar-
I tha Dice, Miss Rebecca Shea (Tor,
] Aliss Josephine AYhite. Aliss Gwen
dolyn Goib, Kenneth Bidlack, Don
■ aid Lightncr, Harry Sheaffer. Paul :
i White, Alelvin Beers, George Ker- j
i stetter, Harold Bradley and Herman
j Naoe.
New Cninbcrlaiitl, Pa.. April I.
; Mr. and Airs. Samuel Drayor. of
Seventh street, announce the birth
iof a daughter. Vivian Aladeline |
; Prayer, on Monday, March "1, 1;> 1!. i
Airs. Prayer was-Aliss Lillian Cram- I
met-, of New Cumberland, previous!
' to her marriage.
! !
Now Pa.. April I.
|1 T. I-. Kohr's Bible class composed of
; I.tilios, will bold a social in the social
I room of the .Methodist church,
jllitirsdayi evening. All members
jwliose names arc on llie roll book
are requested to be present.
Tangle of Marriage Ties;
Suit Reveals Situation
Alli-ntmvn. Pa., April 1. —Atrs. Xel- I
lie Morritt, of Rockvllle Centre, L. T., |
j through former District Attorney
] Fred B. Gerard, yesterday presetned I
ja petititon to Court for the annul-j
inent of a decree of divorce which
. she alleges was obtained surrepti-
11 lottsly and without her knowledge!
■by iter dead -husband.
; She says that in l!t07 she was mar-'
. r "-l at Rockvllle Centre to Benja- j
I '"in 11. Morritt. Soon after the mar-
In age they moved to Lower Alilford,
Lehigh county, where they became
fiiOndllv with their neighbors on the
next estate. John and Lillian Hug
■gett. Merrltt soon became infatuat
jod with Airs, lluggett. To recuper-1
late from illness, Mrs. Alerritt went I
to her old home in Long Island,
where she became worse, and had to
go to a hospital. Alerritt frequently
] visited her at the hospital and kept
kept up married endearments and
affectionate letters.
\\ hen Alerritt died early last month i
the wife came here to get letters of i
administration and fountf that Airs.
Met ritt. or at any rate a woman pur-I
■ pot ting to bo t ho widow, bad already ■
been granted letters to settle the es
tate, valued at $lO,OOO. Airs Alerritt j
l "if n discovered that her husband, on
I June li", litis,, bad secured a divorce
in tlie Lehigh Courts, and immediate- j
: ly had married Mrs. Huggett. whose
j husband had some time before mys
iteriou'sly disappeared. Airs. Alerritt'
alleges that Mrs. lluggett married!
! Alerritt without the formality of ob-
I mining a divori-e from her missing
i husband. Two children were born to
I Alerritt and Mrs. Huggett. Wife No.
I asks that Alerritt's divoree from her
i he vacated on the score that she was
I never notified of the proceeding and
I also petitions tliat the marriage of
licr husband to Mrs. Huggett be set
State Engineers Report
Mechanicsburg Water as
Free From Typhoid Germs;
Alei-banicKlinrg, Pa., April I. To- '
day the local health department!
beard the result of the analysis of I
the town water from the State en- |
gineers. and the water was declared
free from typhus germs. The au
thorities are at a loss to locate the
cause of typhoid fever here, anil
[State officials are ill the town, fol
lowing up every trail which might
lead to tiie origin of the disease. At
present, twenty-two cases have been
| reported to the local board of health.
Mount Wolf, Pa.. April I.—A horse
owned by Edward Gross ancf driven
by Thomas Slate, was so badly in- j
ju red on Sunday, when struck by a '
tiolley car, on a crossing near Km- |
ig- ville, that it had to be killed. The
horse wat attached to a spring wag- I
on. Air. S)ate had a narrow escape!
from injury.
York Haven, Pa., April I. The j
Working Fnion of St. Paul's Luth-1
cran Church will hold a vegetable!
and oyster soup supper, in St. Paul's I
hall, on next Saturday night. Other!
eatables will be offered for sale. |
Ti-initlad. Col., April I.—An explo- i
sion in the Empire mine of the I
Empire Coal Company, near Aguilar,
caused the death of eleven men and I
rescue crews early to-day are search
ing for two additional bodies be
lieved buried. Six bodies have been
brought to the surface and the
bodies of five other dead have been
of the stomach has upset
many a night's rest. If
your stomach is acid- j
disturbed, dissolve two
or three
on the tongue before retir- I
ing and enjoy refreshing
sleep. The purity and
goodness of Ki-moids
guaranteed by
r ""\
S per lii 1 Investigation*
Accounting Systems liiMtnlled
Public Accountant & Auditor
413-G1 1 ii lon TruMt < o lIIiIk.,
llnrrlxlHirK, l'n.
Hell I'lionc 1013
v— /
Soldiers Favor Dry Nation, !
Private H. Stamm Writes
' , i The consqrlp- j
mm ti.-n law was u.M
contested bccuusoj
of tlie fact that
• ? *'-k. ha<l referendum
i I •"*' .i measures, so wliy
' lilt nt '.' wr i l e s
'ihome Private Henry 1,. Stamm, with
| Company 10, 420 th Telegraph Bat-!
Rtalion. Private Stumm, whose home!
address is 231 South Fifteenth |
.! street, this oity, says "noy man who j
1 j votes for liquor is in my estimation)
' worse than the blackest traitor that)
*| the I'nited States ever ran up)
; | against."
i Mrs. James Russ, Famous
as Cook, Dies in Hospital
. | Funeral services for Mrs. Margaretl
I Russ, aged 07 widow of James j
. | Russ, prominent liolelman. will be;
II held in St. Patrick's Cathedral, on
Thursday morning at !>; > o'clock,!
the Rev. Father D. J. Carey, ofliciat-'
ling. Burial will lie made in the Cal-j
. vary cemetery. Mrs. Russ died yes-;
I 'terday at the liarrisburg Hospital.
I Mrs. Russ was associated with lier|
| husband in the management of the;
Grand hotel, the old Commonwealth
'hotel and 1 lie Hotel Senate. She per
sonally supervised the work in the,
kitchen and brought to these hos- j
| telries the reputation of being the l
; best eating places in llw State. Scores
;| of prominent men passing through
Harrisburg made it a point to slop
! off and partake of a meal at the Russ
• hotels. Probably the most famous of
• these was John Hays Hammond who
: whenever he went through the city,
stopped off to eat here.
Mrs. Russ was brought to the hos
pital last Friday from New Haven,
Conn., where she had been residing
| since her husband's death about
three years ago, with her daughter,
. Mrs. H. M. Booth. A son, Joseph
Buss, also lives in New Haven.
Mrs. Russ was an active member
of St. Patrick's Cathedral and was j
1 very widely known here.
I T.ewis Stober, prominent retired
I farmer and oontraetor, died Sunday
at his home, 2027 Briggs street, from
I Bright's disease. Mr. Stober was in
his 53d year. He was horn in Harris- l
! burg and was a lifelong resident of j
Ithis city. He is survived by liis wife
. and the following children: Mrs.
, I Sarah T. Cox, Charles I. Stober. Airs,
j .T. AA". Irwin. Misses Clara, Marie,
| Naomi and Fanny at home, and three
I sisters, Mrs. Susan Humphrey, Mrs.
I [Catherine Dasher, Airs. Harry Tav-j
| lor: two brothers, Joseph Stober and!
1 i Samuel Stober, and five grandclril- I
Private funeral services will be i
jlield at hjs late residence, Thursday!
j afternoon at 2 o'clock. The Rev. J. {
, .V. Millet - , pastor, of the Penbrook j
I'nited Brethren church, will of-J
Ificiate. Rttri.nl will be made in the
I Shoop Church cemetery.
mrs. Cora r. grove
Mrs. Cora K. drove, wife of A Veils
C., Grove, died early this morning
lat her home, 120." Green street. She'
i was aged 50 years. Funeral services)
will he held Friday afternoon at 2 I
o'clock. The Rev. It. AV. A. Hanson, I
I pastor of tho Messiah Lutheran j
church, will olliciatd. Burial will be'
! iii the Hummelstown cemetery.
Mrs. Grove is survived by her litis- j
j band, her son. John Charles Grove,
jhor father. Richard Wall, two sisters, j
Airs. Peter Hummel, Philadelphia,!
and Airs. IT. C. Stokes, Brooklyn,!
N. A'.: and two brothers. Dr. R. J.
;AA"all. Harrisburg, and Charles 11. !
; AVall. Sonora. Alexieo.
Tho death of Mrs. George A\ T .
j Goodyear, of Harrisburg, occurred
jat the home of her daughter, Airs.
[c. H. Nleklas. Chambersburg. Airs.
[Goodyear was aged 00 years and is
] survived by her husband, who lives
lin Harrisburg. and these children: i
j Mrs. Joseph B. Hutchison, of Steel-'
j ton: Ari-s. Harry Bright and Clarence I
and AA'illiam Goodyear, of Harris-1
hurg, and Airs. c. >i. Nleklas, of
Chambersburg. Funeral services!
! were held at tiie home this afternoon |
at 2 o'clock, and tho remains to-j
morrow will he brought to Harris
burg for interment.
[ Plans for the demobilization of L
' cliureli service flags were presented !
at the ministerial association meet
ing yesterday at the Pine Street
Presbyterian Church by Director
Garvin of the AVar Ramp Conimanitv
Service. The matter was referred to
j the executive eoiiiniittee.
j Mount AVolf. ta.. April I.—Twen
ty newspaper men from York enjoyed
an outing on Saturday at "River
view Cottage," at AA'ago, along the
| Susquehanna river. One of the fea
i tares of the affair was a sauerkraut
'dinner. A special guest was Harry
J. Lanfleld, State editor of tlie Phila
delphia Inquirer.
Mascot of Intelligence
Section, 112 th Infantry
f ~rT t^b
I ' ' '* ■' I
"Kamerad" is tho mascot of the
Intelligence Section, Second Battal
ion, 112 th Regiment of Infantry. He
is a genuine German police dog and'
is eighteen weeks old. This photo-1
graph is furnished the Harrisburg
Telegraph by Lieutenant Evert
Noble. C
Well-Known Wellsville
Woman Dies Suddenly
j AVellavllle, Pa.. April 1. Mrs.
I Adam IT. March died suddenly on I
| Sunday at her home in AA'arrington
township, front heart trouble. She!
| was found lying in a semi-consci
ous condition on tlie kitchen floor
sometime during the morning. She
was sixty years old. and survivors
are, besides Iter husband, the follow-I
ing children: David 14. March, l'enn
i brook; Albert C., of Camp Hill; On.-I
vcr 0., in France; AVilbert A., AVar-!
i ington township; Mrs. Elmer Barth- I
lets, of Letnuyne; Atrs. Harvey Hess,
and Airs. Harvey Sawyer, Warring
ton township; also, four brothers,
Uiorge Bentzel, Siddonsburg; Dan-'
! iel and Henry Bentzel. Anderson-'
town, and Levi Bentzel, of Mechnn-
A ork Haven, Pa„ April I.—The fol-j
-lowing officers were elected on Sun-j
{ day by St. Paul's Lutheran Sunday]
t School: President. Emanuel Sliepp;
jsuiierintendent, .1. K. AVhlsler; assist-!
ant suiierintendent. J. 11. Kline; see-'
j retary, Francis Shearer; treasurer,!
Simon Spanglcr: board of managers! i
jSliepard Hamilton, Enianul Sliepp. |
I Dr. I. .M. Anspach; librarian, Charles j
: Kepliart: pianist, Mrs. Annie Brun-]
!ner; assistant pianist, Jliss Ruth
| Sheets; chorister, Emanuel Sliepp. !
Mount Wolf. Pa., April I.—A stand!
'of rye. ten inches high, with ti great!
j deal of grain shooting into head, is i
a record in winter grain progress j
in Springfield township. S. S. Kess- j
let", a truck farmer, lias an acre plot!
| of wheat and rye. which lie planted)
■ last -August, as a cover crop, and it 1
jis so far advanced that the rye, in'
jbud stands out prominently in the)
Held. Tho mild winter is attributed
at the cause for tlie rapid maturing*
of tlie grain.
f=' . \
Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart
Annual Sale of Rose Attractive Millinery
Bushes & Shrubbery S| , Mini ForGirls
speak, for here are hats that are
p / M e have ready for this designed specially for "little
" awaited Soring 1 event more daughter presenting a great va- ,
\ \ -> nnn 11 i ictv of vouthful stv'lcs of rare - : p., r ,
I *v\ 1 1 ICS an dlann and l,eallt y- '
s^iru ' )s —developed by one of The popular "Madge Evans" Ja
-n the country's largest grow- 11 ats of finest Mlans in black and MjtejSjf
„ , ; . . combinations in quaint shapes a — 4&SP^EL
S erS P ° whcre a that are new and exclusive Sin
£ tine, healthy start is gunran- ished with the favored long rib-
tee(l ]>on streamers for springtime A
breezes to plav with. Smart tail- V /
Red Varieties—Each, lOt 1 '; Dozen, $2.00 ored hats in Milans and Leghorns
Alfred Colcomb Fisher Holmes Prince Camitic de —55.00 to s7.so—and other fine straws, in Mushroom and
Marshall P. Wilder CRIMSON Kambier Koban poke shapes—and fetching" ribboned and flowered dress hats
ririch n run net - Climbing American p.aron ]-. onset ten ill all the prettv shades of the season $2.25 to s<>.so
hen. Jack Beauty ~ r
Pink Varieties Each, 19^, Dozen, Dives, Pomcroy & Stewart, Second l-'loor Front %
Killarney Magna Charta Dorothy Perkins
i Clio Pan! Neyrou Mrs. Jolin Laing
Yellow Varieties—Each, 19<-; Dozen, $2.00 p -r t- -r^-i
Persian Yellow Harrison Yellow Yellow Ramblers X3o\' S IX jr ' ll QQ ll I til JSP
White Varieties —Each, Dozen, $2.00 Tl7 * -i_
Margaret Dickson White Rambler Vv 1 SI.S
Fran Karl Drusthki Madame Plautier TT v^
Shrubs Each, 19c , Dozen, $2.00 More than a thousand tew blouse waists of the popular
Honeysuckle, Hall's Japan and Rosea. Flowers are sweet scented, ~i- „ , < , , , ,
bloom June to November and are vigorous, evergreen varieties. Ivaynee make have come ill tor the outfitting ot boys for
Hydrangea—J.arga blossoms, line stock with long roots, continuation and Easter services
Kacli, lllc; dozen, S2.no
Dentzia —Hardy foliage and profuse bloomer. Plain wliite and neat stripe patterns, sizes 6 to 16 80c '
Kach, liic; dozen. S2.no llo.vs' Faster neckwear—four-in-hands in plaid silk, 35c and 50c
Japan Quince —Bright scarlet-crimson flowers; makes a beautiful Roys' French and open-end silk four-in-hand ties in stripes ami
ornamental hedge. Kach, lOe: dozen, 52.00 overshot patterns
J.ilacs—Grow from four to six feet tall, bright purple flowers. Reversible four-in-hand lies in white and plain colors * '5
Kach. Jic; dozen, S2.no Silk Windsor tics 35,.
White Lilacs —Flowers white and fragrant. Each, 19c; dozen, 52.00
Clematis —A vigorous climber. Kach, 10c; dozen, S2.OU .... ... DO. ....
_ Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Men s Store
Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Basement.
A Readjustment of Prices Certain Fine Pieces of Furniture
On Men's Work Shirts Reduced For A Clearance
* Single pieces and suites marked down that promise sav-
I ligh grade black satine shirts with faced sleeves and pearl j ngs t h at are uncommonly good
button trim 95<>
Blue chantbrav shirts with faced sleeves 95c ?--'!! nia,losan> " toilet tabic, $33.75
... . . , - . , , • . „ , , , $50.00 mahogany bed $30.50
Blue print chambrav work shirts, two button down $49.00 walnut bed, s'Mi7
pockets " 69r $45.00 walnut toilet table $33,75 *
Si-riml fbirts in nolkn .bits rliambrnv and in.liiro bine two $llO.OO three-piece old ivory bedroom suite $85.00
rstgnai sniris 111 poika uots, cnamoraj ami nitu t\\o $74.00 two-piece walnut bedroom suite $49.00
collars, 14 to 19 $147.00 three-piece mahogany bedroom suite SLIO.2R>
Blue chambrav shirts with two separate collars, sizes 14 $140.00 two-piece old ivory vedroom suite sioo.no
, ,0 • a. I trr $25.00 four-post mahogany l>ed, $18.75
1° jpr.-I> $29.00 ivory bed $10.50
... DC. .... R.. $157.00 three-piece cane living room suite 5115.00
Dives. Pomeroy .V Stewart, Mens Store , 35 00 Jttf . obean china closet ... 98o!o
$29.50 mahogany china closet, $22.50
-r— "1 • ml J * 1 $49.00 walnut buffet $35.00
r abnes 1 hat Capes and =. ..-• .
t-\ 1 T~! 1 • 1 f* Dives, Pomeroy St Stewart, Fourth lUoor
Dolmans are Fashioned of
Tricotine, 54 inches, in taupe, brown, green, navy, Pekin "Vanity" Bags-An Indispensable
ai MenTsef^A 1 inc,K,; ** £**** * ww Part of a Woman's Outfit
$4.50 to $6.00
Sucdc Velours, 54 inches, leading Spring shades, yard, lhese new "Liberty \ anity" Bags arc fashioned of
$3.95 to $4.95 leather in black and colors and arc lined with silk or leather.
Broadcloth in Copenhagen, grey, rose, myrtle and did it Smart new styles at $5.00, $5.50 and $7.00
blue, xaul $0.50 to s4.c>o A suitable bag of this type is fitted with gold plated mirror,
Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Street memo book, Dorin box, file and large powder puff in white
kid pouch. (
rpi 13 „ Another style is fitted with large beveled glass mirror, powder
-L lit? 1 ICIUIG IVOOrn ,IU " in w,,ito ,<ill b asj rouge, eyebrow pencil and lip salve in metal
Announces 3, Displciy ot Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Street Floor
New Photograph Frames Moderately Priced Styles In New j
Burnished Gilt in VArying* Tones Whit© DI*OSS FclfoTicS
IfSillHU Walnut Novelty A noteworthy display of the styles in plain and novelty
• •- 1 white weaves that will rule this spring and summer.
J/ in.lSn.es Striped voile in white, yd..39c Fine white Organdie, yd
Chock Flaxon in white, yd. 30c to 75c
ft} p* i ft} p* s\ White Voiles in checks and White Japanese Lingerie Crepe,
to fb / t)0 stripe* yard sc Fin" White Skirt Fabric". °—
*Y • Lace Checks and stripe voiles Gabardines, yd.. 50c; pique,
in white, yard 50c 50c; Poplin, yd 39c
Dives, Pomcroy & Stewart, Third Floor
Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Street Floor Rear
_ )j
Eager to Leave Germany
and Get Back Home
t lie a flu \ -rni'v
o" tiie I'liilad'l
't> WA I'hta division of
the Pennsylvania
railroad, lie writes
lionies that he is quite anxious to re
turn to this country, lie is stationed
at Coblenz, Germany, where he is
enjoying army life to the full extent.
School Children to Begin
Work in Peace Gardens
Harrisburjr's school garden season
will open next Tuesday with a parade
by school children at 4.:0 o'clock in
the afternoon to celebrate tho event.
The War Camp Community Service
made this announcement and is ar
ranging for tlie parade. A special
meeting of the prin *ipals of 1 ine
schools in the Allison llill district
was held yesteiday afternoon when
plans were discussed.
Kach school will he Klwn tho name
of a garden vegetable as follows: Al
lison, radish: Forney lettuce, Foose,
beans; Jancoln. beets; Melrose, onion:
Sbimmell, turnip: Weoster, cabbage;
Woodward.'pumpkins; Vernon, corn.
The Hoy Scouts have consented to
march and returned soldiers have
been secured to act as marshals. Hoc
orated automobiles may be in line
also the Motor Corps of the Harris
burg Chapter of lied Cross volunt Ber
ing assistance. A feature will be a
guard of honor including 100 boys
carrying hoes and rakes.
APRIL' 1, 1919.
Refusing Ason IvanoiT n new trial,
lifter he had been convicted on tt lar
ceny i (large. Judge A. W. Johnson,
'specially presiding to hear argument
of the case yesterday afternoon, sen
tenced him to pay a $5OO tine and
serve live months in jail. It was al
leged IvunholY worked a "llim-Ham"
game on Nik Danclieff and defrauded
I lilm of $l,OOO.
Ninelren assessments were raised
| try tlie county commissioners in Wil
iinmslown, Williams township, drat/
For Co2ds, Grip
and Bnflue:iza
i "Laxative
Tablets' 1 '
Be sure you the Genuine
Look for this signature
on the box. 30e.
land I.yltens township, adding $ lid If
Ito the valuations in tlie districts. In
j practically every case it was found
that tlie assessed valuations were far
below recent sale prices. i
Buy Coal Now—
Don't Wait
We have just had a taste of
mid-Winter weather—the kind
I of weather we must prepare fop
! next Winter. Wise homekeeperai
| will buy their coal supply
for facts are convincing that
These are the reasons: '' 1
Coal prices will not lie lowered—• ,
on tlie other liniul, tliey may go
higher—while there is plenty of cool,
new developments resulting front
the indifferences of the consumers
i may bring a shortage and a repeti
tion of the conditions during tlte
! Winter of IIM7-IUIB. liny coal
1 now.
N. 3d St. 10th and State Sts.