Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, March 31, 1919, Page 11, Image 11
PICKETS SELLING BIG FOR ROLLER-LEWIS WRESTLING TOMORROW; BOTH IN FINE FORM F ale's Ball Team Made Up Mostly of War Veterans Billy Lauder ,in days crone by third ..soman for MeGraw, is building up swell team for Yale, a team which rill be famous for its fighters. Near- Ihalf of the team have faced Uer in shell tire in France and three e married men. These two qualities of experience ve given the candidates for the i n a tenacity of purpose which | coaching staff feel will result 1., strenuous campaign. The Har- I i and Princeton battery fire will ve few terrors for the players who \e worked through the fiercest rrage which the Ho he guns laid invn. while the experience which everal of the candidates acquired a smashing their way through the irgonne forest last year is expected 1 I prove the most brilliant and di itt preparation for a successful He running campaign on the dia- Hr..l this season. Taking German W led by several ol I* 1 candidates as the most practi- I' preparation possible for heading t Harvard and Princeton base run r"s at the home plate. ' The three players who are mar- S1 are Bob llolden. the leading rr.didate for firs: base: Bill Wright, prominent candidate far both the utfield and the infield, and Ray t fuail Shooting De Luxe In Oklahoma With Tom Marshall White' Bob White l . Bob | Was there ever a mote ■t harmony transmitted to (he at- H- have embodied in those tW'} con nected words "Bob-White" as they Bmanate from field or heater, the ■ W~ C® "> I M B ® i .. inspirations in the "vam .• nm; : t assist the little print.l i B.i ;:t reaching high e\ back, I ■ Hdoubie staccato tor.es announcing fiß® resence ■ BM -v of Ohio Solor.s. which caused to introduce and pass the bi'.:. quail on the s- ng-bini 1-t. HK R tate 1 have i nsrre-ated in B sai - b tourn im< nt Oklahoma City. O'Br R. the writer, as guests of Ed er, Mr. a K- - a quail shooting quartet. r a "try" on the elusive quail of Our hosts were proper ■ B B f-'i'.h an espe tally devised was operated by Mrs. Keat- at the ler was with equipment and ae- for the hunt. Two dog were there, occupied by "Jim" |H grandson of John Proctor and Bon'' a grandson of Xaoma-Jane. an 'estors being noted national trial winners, while both sons direct descendants of noble ■ A thirty mile drive over a recent |B graded and dragged state road, at IBrational rate of speed, was the Ba-.e of comfort and enjoyment. We ■T ssed through the little City of ■Toukon about ten miles out. thence ■t ~ a point ten miles west of Minco, propping at the home of T. D. An- Bthony, a prosperous land owner and Bar lent sportsman, always willing to B aert the plow for a trip afield with B reads. The only "posting" is a re- Bfiueu to make ones self at home and Biro:< in for a meal. :1 The land is a red sandy loam, in Bns y places covered with scrub oak B>r black-jack." with an occasional B;!e; ing. where kafhr corn is grow. HBpg. ideal "quail cover" territ Radiator Works * Manufacturers anil lie- B ■ P Al'TO RADI \ ron, B §3 HOODS, Ml'hTl.nns ■lO and OASOI.1M: T.WKS Smashed Radiators, fl Bodies and Lamp Repairing B I The Peace Time Quality of King Oscar Cigars ■ t ==================== ji will be remembered long after the price, which conditions compel us to charge, Has ! been forgotten. , John C. Herman & Co.; worth .t. Makers I i I MONDAY EVENING, I Snell, who is certain of an infield position, probably third base, if he returns to college as it is now ex pected that he will when the spring term opens in two weeks. All three j were married about the time when they began their military service, to which they have given nearly two years. Yale has an exceptionally bril liant squad of candidates, and the permanent selection for any posi tion is well advanced. If the eligibility of Jack Hager is finally determined favorably, he will be the leading candidate for the pitcher's box. Two pitchers of only freshman ex perience who are developing rapidly j ! under the coaching of Lauder are ; Frank Coxe and Dean Robinson. ! Robinson came to Yale from And- ! over and Coxe from the Asheville, ! X. C., High school. The Yale baseball candidates will : receive considerable military training ; during the season because of the j offer of Colonel L. A. Beard, former | West Point player, to assist Coach i Ixxudor at the daily practice. Colo- I r.el Beard, who is commandant of! the Yale Artillery Battalion, played I :a brilliant first base for West Point] I for three seasons. I 1 J | Released from their crates the | J dogs were ready for action, their' every hunting move spelled "veter- I 1 ans." Ed Fisher speaks the dog language fluently, he issues no or- | tiers, but extended a few suggestions to Jim and Don. they immediately selected their territory, seldom en croaching on each other, except; when it was necessary to "back," : which was an endorsement of the nose and locating judgment of their 1 co-workers or hunting mats. A thirty-day open season, with a per aiem bag limit of 15 birds (100 for the season) covering a period from December 1 to January 1 Open season is so limited that birds seldom get gijn wise or wild. When 1 flushed they make a short flight, set . tling in the black-jacks or kaffir j [corn, giving the dogs an excellent I (opportunity to locate. On this hunt uio effort or unusual accuracy wo aid r.ave been necessary for our • rt to lave bagged the legal liin: , b' as Vere plenty and we were jr'.ooting. ier dog perfection for no.- ' and re- ; Ability, coupled with :ier-% and j 4 to the minute trailing Flocks ' Are large, b, tyfi:. made short i '• lhts with 1 a 1 ■ yroadiog as cover! . ample an.' • nvenient. We de-1 void t ~e afternoon to following andi " ~V .-\ing the staunch work of two I of -he best locaters I have ever shot i -, To encourage the dogs in j * work. Mrs. Keating would ar ' tisr .plly cut out an occasional rair ' , from.) the flock as they would flush; and. nr to cover. We bagged a s ffi- j ' rier.t lumber of the brown speckled 1 i beaut its to tickle the palates of' friends we had left at home in i ' | waiting, Gift, being their only means acquiring those table deli- J j cades, is Oklahoma law justly pro- ; ' ; hibits. tv.de. sale or barter of those ' ! Ohio soiv birds. ;, Questior What has become of. ; John Phitn Sousa. the bandmaster. has he d< -erted the trap-shooting | 1 world or uaes he expect to re'um ; j | to the game when "mustered out" of j [! service? ' • Pittsburgh. J'l Brice Thompson, 'j Answer. Lieutenant John Philip Sousa, is aca.n in the trapshootlng I arena, displaying his old timed en- j ; ; ergy and "pet " At a club me>t in . ' j Philadelphia, Washington's birthday,! | j he won in a canter the main event, | slipping 64 contestants into his Fame i ! : sack. iarr>"ing in the onrush -uch • competitors as our old fri nds i ' Charley Noweotnh and Chief Alborti 1 Bender. The lieutenant came hack '! with a vengeance, demonstr ting I 1 that the plaudits of a r. ition cr a! • possible pair of "sea legs" ir. no way 1 'impair his "pilot -eye." He has! ditched all restrict cns and t: ibles i 1 connected v. ith service in the T" :ted i ■ States Navy resting for a per; 1 of 1 recuperation devo' ng his tin.e to ; • , the pleasures to be derived from .participation in the sport alluring,l " trapshooting. Question. W s the woman krown ! ; the world over - "Littie Sure Shot" I who for years trave.ed with the I Buffalo Rill Wild West Show, teach-1 ing shooting to 1 e Sam's bovs in i camps and cantonment- ' St. Louis. .Mo. Vernon McLeish. i Answer. You are nc doubt ask- i ing about Miss Annie Oaklev (Mrs. Frank E. Rutler), who was leading! attraction for Buffalo Bill's show fori a number of years. Don't think she i taught shooting, hu: tic! give ex- ! hihitions with revolver, rifle and' i shotgun, in many of the cantonments 1 . at the same time scattering manv . ! Useful hints on shooting to the audi- ! | ence. She was enthusiastically re- ; • reived by the boy* in khaki. SNOODLES By Hungerford A ( Hi gQQg'E ?) r ii alwavs ) Y°W I COOK OUT v APRItf rfoocs wux craty/ _ W' POR-THC f \J p | F6R A SPLIT <g V Vc-*S w S * OO 'J I SK.PT A_NY J \1 fIFTH \\ f IFIH I /c® \l FlFTrt ] "T \ II —7, Barrett to Have Talent Galore; Shows at Steelton Wednesday ' ' * tkJ ji* / - , JOHN x GILL ! Coming h'rom Overseas to Join Bar , rett Ranks ' Joe Barrett, the Steelton boxing i promoter, is watching and waiting for the new famous twenty-eighth division of the Pennsylvania state : troops to return from over there. In ' this troop he has three of the best I boxers in their respective classes I showing before the big fuss started: namely. Steve Conlon, of Altoona, i whom Barrett said will annex the place now held by Benny Leonard, : | lightweight champion, and Johnny | j Gill, whom every one knows in this ! ! section as the cleverest welterweight i I in this section. i Gill like Silar is a native of York. ' and his last bout before going across I was to stop Johnny Wolgast with I three broken ribs. i When Barrett first contemplated putting on shows at Pteelton, he j wrote of his intentions to Gill and the , other boys, and told him of his inten- ! tions to locate in this section. A re- I turn letter from theni said O. K.; Just i j heat things up a bit. until we return. 1 1 We have taken on several pounds of I j weight but it is solid. I It will be impossible for Gill to j intake 14J pounds on his return, which ' is the legitimate welterweight. Just , before sailing. Gill was matched with ' Jack Britton. who then held the wel- i ter title, but Jack lost to Ted Lewis, i Recently Jack accomplished some- ■ thing never done before, that was to I win back his title, so Gill's one aim. i Barrett says, is to get a crack at Brit- j ton. The battling twenty-eighth will ] return home in May, it is a good bet ; that Barrett wilt g,. after Britton for I his protege. Gill's last letter to Bar rett said he was sorry that he could not grab the winner of the Miller and 1 Steelton Beat Burnham in Very Fast Game j Steelton defeated Burnham Y. M. C. ' iA. 51-30 in a fast frame. Burnham | fought hard but was unable to break up the team work, or penetrate Steel- ! i ton's defense with any success. Burnham staged several sensational rallies with long shops from the center ' of the floor. i Curry played the best game for | Burnham. The entire Steelton team i playing well on both offense and de- I fense. STEELTON* Knaub 4 5 jo E. Killinger 7 0 14 <i. Killinger 5 o jo i Dayhof 6 0 12 ' Devine 1 o 2 23 5 51 i BURNHAM : Wilson 5 4 14! i Peters 5 0 10 J Curry 2 0 4 ! Rhodes 1 0 2 ! Ward ' 0 0 0' 13 4 30 1 I Referee Ford. No Yacht Race Until Next Year. Says Sir Thomas w York, March 31.—Sir Thomas Lipton, challenger for the America's cup, who recently accepted the condition of the Xew York Yacht Club for a race in 1910, arrived here to-day on the steamship Aquitania from Liverpool. He ' was accompanied only by his secretary i ind said the object of his visit here was I I to meet old friends, many of whom he ' had not seen since his last visit to the 1 United States in 1913. As was recently announced from Lon-' don, Sir Thomas agreed that it would ' be advisalfe to race before next year. | "BesideA" he added, "it will be" all to I my advantige to put it off for the 1 reason that it is impossible to obtain j 1 good crewnow, as the sailors in Eng- • land are maring tons of money fishing i mil in mtn> sweeping. Seriously, I ' igree with tie American gentlemen, j With all theie troops, who fought so j splendidly aboad. and many of them • I wounded, comhg home, there are more I I' serious things to think about." HARRISBURG TELEGRAPH < : ' ' • J JOHNNY GILL In His Regimental* I Borrpll fight, which comes oft on Wednesday night at the Standard ! Theater in Steelton, and so is Bar ! rett. Barrett says ho will put up an up to-date school of physical culture in this section, and with his string of | battlers wake up this good old city, which he knows with his little ex perience in this locality will be sup ! ported by the local fans. \ GUI, Conlon and Silar have been se lected by Lieutenant Miller, of the i Twenty-eighth Division athletic cen ! ter at Coblenz, to represent the di vision in all the boxing bouts with I the other divisions in their respective classes. Silar and Gill are also on the 1 One Hundred and Ninth Machine Gun Battalion football team, which holds the championship of the division, j When Joe's warriors lands on this side, they will no doubt be In great [ shape to meet all comers as tkey have gotten in great shape by engaging in | numerous bouts and games since the : war. 1 The semi-windup arranged for next , Wednesday night looks as good as many star bouts pulled off here- I abouts. as Lew- Mutrell and Eddie ! I.oeckner. who meet for the light ! weight supremacy of this section of j Pennsylvania, have yet to taste de feat. and it is a surity that they will do their utmost to uphold their end. I The other part of the card include | Black Gunboat Smith, with Billy i Brown, Jackie Parks, with Young Johnny Gill, of York. Pat O'Connefs, : of Harrisburg, and Jack Jones, of Lancaster, will open the show. Tickets are on sale at Bob Eairlamb's cigar 1 store in St'eelton. ! f Trolley Car Bump Did Not Stop Gordon Ford Helping Beat Hancock "Ike" McCord, "Monk" Gerdes, Rote, etc.. battlers ot Ford's Inde pendents, rode over Hancock rough shod Saturday night, by score of 48 to 30. A little matter of being run over by a Harrisburg trolley car only incited Manager Ford to su preme effort and he was a feature in the defeat. "Big Hoss" Haggerty held the opposing center. Armstrong scoreless in the field goal lines while the tall local tossers dropped the pill through the next three times. Dancing followed the game. The following is the lineup and summary: INDEPENDENTS HANCOCK McCord. f Trautwein, f Rote, f Powell, f Haggerty. c Armstrong, c Gerdes. g Hopkins, g Ford, g Wood, g Field Goals: McCord 4 : Rote 4 ; Haggerty, 3 ; Gerdes, 2; Ford. 3 ; Trautwein, 6: and Powell. 5. Fouls: Armstrong 8 out of 14; and Mc- Cord. 16 out of 17. Referee, Clint White. NEED READING MATTER The Third Assistant Postmaster General under date of March 27, 1913, advises there is still great need for magazines for soldiers and marines, j The number now being mailed under j the instructions. "Notice to Reader, j When you finish reading a magazine i bearing this notice, place a one-cent ' stamp on this notice, mail the mag j azine, and it will be placed in the i hands of our soldiers, sailors or ma- I rines. No wrapping—No address," I being Inadequate to supply the de j mand. Reports received by his office ■ i Indicate that the magazines are ' | heartily appreciated and serve to pro- ! : mote the welfare and contentment ! !of the recipients. Magazines should I j be of current or comparatively of re- ( | cent issues, and devoted to literature I j or other articles of general interest. | : Old magazines and those of local or | I restricted interest are of no value I and are not desired. I 4 MIFFLIN CO. TO | CHRISTEN SHIP ! Charlotte Skinner, of Lewis-j town, Will Act as Sponsor j Philadelphia, March 31.—Mifflin' County, leading: every county in the state of Pennsylvania in over-subscrip i tion to the Fourth Liberty Loan was the : firts section of this Federal lteserve Dis | triet to be granted the privilege of nani ] ing a ship as a reward of merit, i After a four days' contest, during which excitement ran high, the name "Kishacoquillas" or "Singing Waters," the appellation of an Indian chief who lived in Pennsylvania in early Colonial days, has been chosen for the vessel: and Miss Charlotte Kent Skinner. | daughter of C. C. Skinner, county loan chairman. has been selected to act as sponsor. Miss Skinner is a favorite in youth ful society circles of I.ewistown, and t her selection for this important office ' meets with general approval, j The actual vessel to be christened I and the date of the event are still to , he announced, but it is proposed to ar- ! | range a big excursion to Philadelphia : for Mifflin County people on that day. TALKS AT V. M. C. A. Charles G. Jordan, New Castle. ' member of the House of Represen- ! tatives. addressed the men's meeting ; in Fahnestoclc Hall yesterday after | noon on the subject. "Work and j Wages." He stated that the time of strikes, lockout and wars has passed and nations should sit down and talk ; things over instead of resorting to' I bloodshed. Lewis's Head Lock Will Be Supreme Test For Dr. Roller DR. B. F. ROLLER j Famous Physician-Wrestler Who M eets "Strangler" Lewis here Tuesday- Night Any way one looks at it the wrest ; ling battle to-morrow night between ! lid "Strangler" Lewis and Dr. 1!. F. Roller, at the Chestnut Street Audi i torium, gives every promise of being | one of the hardest fought mat contests j ever scheduled in this country, and one ! that will give the public a full evening of satisfaction. Both men have every . thing to gain by a victory and both are i on edge for the big match. Aside from the fact that it Is a championship battle, between the two ' leading heavyweight wrestlers of this | country, now that Joe Stecher has been eliminated by his defeat at the hands i of Lewis, chief interest centers in the | struggle itself on account of the two : contestants being so evenly matched, j And the outcome, so it seems, depends 1 entirely upon whether Roller, former ; American champion, has profited by the i example ef Zbyszko and thus knows | how to break the great headlock of the ( "strangler." I If Roller—and he says he has—has | solved that hold as Zbyszko must have I solved it in his great battle with Lewia ; j two weeks ago in New York then he I is almost certain to remove the Am | erican chompionship toga from the j { broad shoulders of Ed Lewis when they i j go on the mat to-morrow night at the i • Chestunt Street Auditorium. ! Lewis' headlock hold Is by ali odds [ the best known grip of the game. It j i has been written of more than any, ; other wrestling lock and has unquestion- j | ably accounted for more big wrestlers at • j the hands of one contestant than any j i other hold of the game. Others have j I tried to use it but none have mastered j | It as has the mighty "Strangler." This 1 i is due to the fact that skill in this hold ! I is,only to be attained after long years ! |of faithful practice. One must not i j only know when and how to apply [ it but must have the great ' strength I \ Borrell, After Fighting With Miller, Will Hook Up With Mike Gibbons Joe Rorrell, who defeated Ben Taylor at Pennsgrove last Friday evening is rematched to box Harry Baker at the same arena, on April 11, also received an of fer front Jack Oarrigan of the London Promoter. Ixtadon. Eng land. for three tights, the first to take place on July 4. Borrell has accepted them and will leave with Battling Murray who also has been matched with Jimmy Wilde for the fly-weight title. Borrell immediately after his fight in Steelton with Herman Miller, will leave for Denver. Colorado, where ho has hern matched to fight Mike Gibbons of St. Paul. Gonzales Returns Contract to St. Louis Unsigned By Associated Press. Havana, March 31, Mike Gon zales. catcher for the St. Louis Na [ tional League baseball club, for the j second time has returned unsigned the 1919 contract offered him. Gon zales declared that unless the St. lxniis club meets his terms, he will \ not play ball this year. Likewise lialdomoro Acosta, of | the Philadelphia American League team, is holding out. He says he de clines to be sent back to the Atlanta, Southern League club. Joe Rodriguez, who played last year with the Xew York National i League team, has signed a contract 'with the Rochester club for the 1919 season. tand unlimited endurance necessary to ! execute it successfully. Zbyszko him : self never could use it with effectiveness although he has tried it on numerous occasions. While Lewis did not invent the head lock it was he who perfected it. After he 'got it well under way his troubles : became more numerous than ever. It became next to impossible to get train ers who would let him play it on them, as the gruelling they got was not to j their liking. Finally Ed's manager, ; I Billy C. Sandow. an old wrestler him ! self, invented a head-shaped wooden 1 j dummy, split down the middle and ! separated by three strong springs, ! which Lewis carries with him and works i with almost every day to develop his ' headlock grip. It takes 'tremendous : strength to clamp the two pieces to j gether, owing to the strong springs. 1 Training constantly with this dummy ' has perfected Lewis in the hold. ' The added feature preliminary bout between Ernest Lehmer. the local j lightweight, and A 1 Orant of Milton who j claims the lightweight championship |of the state, has been the cause of ■ much discussion. Lehmer has appeared | in several local bouts recently and has 1 always given a good account of him i self. The local fans who have seen I Lehmer in action have taken keen inter- I est in the local lad and will root him jto victory to-morrow night, if such a • thing is possible. | The advance seats sale at the Schenk :nnd Tittle sporting goods store and at j Harry's cigar store has taken a Jump | in the last two days and that a large ; crowd will be on hand to-morrow night 1 to witness the big bout is indicated by , j the advance sale of tickets. ! The doors will open at 7.30 and the j I first bout will be put on at 8.30 sharp. | j Ticket office at the auditorium will be ! opened at 6.00 o'clock. MARCH 31, 1919 West End Leag Asks For City's Patronage | A meeting of the West Knd Twilight. I League was held at the office of Al- ] j dernian Householder, Wednesday I evening, when a permanent organiza | tion was formed for the season of i The following ofllcers were 'elected: President. Professor McCune, I of the Technical High School faculty;! : v ice-president, Mr. l.utz, sporting edi-I I tor of the Evening News, and the' ! former president of the Dauphin-1 Perry Lewue; secretary, Harry Itursh. who has been associated with] the New York State l.eague for sev-| lorn! seasons; treasurer. William; iW.vkoff. who has been closely identi fied with city athletics for a number of years. i l loner Klinepetcr, assistant man-1 I agor of the West Knd A. A., and | . I chairman of the schedule committee, i made a report of the schedule. ] which consists of thirty-live gamesj j for each club, which was adopted by ! . the league, and the same will he put! I into printed form and given to the] i fans. The committee appointed by ] Acting President Householder on by ! l.'ivi s. of which Harry Hursh was i chairman, presented same, and after ] much discussion were adopted, the 'same to govern the league this season. ' j A publicity committee was appointed I to take care of league interests, while i . j all the managers present were en- | thusiatsic of the prospects for a sue- | [ ! eessful season, they having submitted l [a partial list of the players they will] ; use during the season, among them j | being many of prominence in this see- I tion of the Plate. The four managers! i will meet at Mr. Householder's office I ! Monday evening, at $ o'clock, when a ] complete list of players will be gone I ; over. A large finance committee was | appointed to look after that very iin- j ; portent end. ! The West I'.nd management express I i tlirir feelings as follows: "Now that the war is over and thej Bowling Congress Is to ; Come to an End Tonight Ry Associated Press, Toledo. Ohio, March 31. With two | squads of sixteen teams each on the 1 alloys, the five men department of the American Howling Congress tour ! nament here will end to-night. The ! Athearn Hotel five, of Oshkosh, with a team total of 2,992, is conceded the i top prize in the majo.r division, and ] Kallusch and Barnes, of Rochester,! IN. Y., appear to have won first prize I ;in the two-men event with a score of! ! 1,305. I Top plare in the individuals is held ! by D. Cavan, of Pittsburgh, with 71S. i a new world's record score, and Mort I Kinclsey, of New Haven, Conn., is first ; in the all events with 1,933 for liis I ten games. ! The tenth team in tiie standings of five men is in the Kramer Atlantic Garden, of Pittsburgh, with a score of 2,SSC. ! IlAHnism KG SOI.DIKHS ARK DISCHARGED FROM HOSPITAL j Paul F. Shope, who was attached J to the Three Hundred and Fourteenth ! . Infantry Machine Gun Company, j ! Seventy-ninth Division, was one of j j the five men from Harrisburg and i j vicinity discharged from the Fnited j j States Hospital at Carlisle. He is a ] | nephew of Dr. E. L. Shope, and re- I j sides at Perdix. James A. Shope. en- j gineer in the city park department, I is a brother. Shope suffered a shrapnel wound | in the foot while fighting in the Ver- j dun sector, November 5. He has been ' recommended for a complete college | university course. Among the other j disabled men who were discharged were James A. Campbell, Alex. P. Blessing, Kinglestown; Robert F. Ross and William Schreck. A New Coal —T~ We are featuring a NEW COAL that is unquestionably The Best Coal On the Market This claim is borne out by the statements of those who have used it. Why not use the best? It costs no more. Before placing your order for coal it will be well worth your while to give our NEW COAL a trial. We are in a position to give prompt and efficient deliveries. Order Now Before Prices Advance McCreath Bros. i 567 Race Street Both Phones NOTICE OF REMOVAL " In order to better handle our ever increasing business, we are moving to larger quarters. After April 1 you will find us at 321 Strawberry St. Rear of Hub Clothlne Store | ' The Acme Sign Co. James B. Maul Ray R. Fisher Twelve Yearn nt 20 X. Third Street .public is regaining its equilibrium, it I will have more time for recreation, and, baseball being the greatest na tional pastime, should have one of the most successful seasons in its long career, and Harrisburg, being tlio capital of this great State, should not take a back seat in furnishing umuse- I luent to the public. "As we have 110 regular league I team", we can uo as many other cities lure doing, support a city league, and if tlio readers of this article should receive a letter asking for financial iaid don't throw it in the waste basket ] but lespond witli the financial help I with n leeling that you are helping to promote a clean sport that is a. neces sity in tiie upbuilding of the young |inen of your community, if you should I not receive a letter asking for sup port, jou may contribute just the | same to William C. Wykoff, 211 j j fourth street, Harrisburg, treasurer l'or the West Knd Twilight League, composed of the West Knd A. A . ] Commonwealth Travelers, Motive lower and Kngincers and Firemen. These trains have organized for tlm coming season, and will play a sched ule of thirty-tlve games at the West Knd grounds. Fourth and Seneca street, Harrisburg. The games will I start at 0:30 o'clock. The success <C 1 this league depends on the flnanciul | aid given by the citiz.ens of Harris burg who are interested in keeping the city on the map. ] "Other cities have twilight base ball that furnishes amusement to a great number of people, many of the I cities being much smaller than Har risburg The writer witnessed a num ! her of games last season at the AV'est I Knd grounds and excellent baseball I was played, and tliey will endeavor thus year to surpass the baseball fur nished last year. This message is not only to the lovers of baseball bar. jto any one who is willing to dig jdown in the interest of a good cause." Union to Sing at C. E. Mobilization The Harrisburg Christian Endea vor Union will render several se lections at the hig mobilization of endeavor societies at the Messiah Lutheran Church, to-morrow eve ning. All members and friends are urged to bring the book, "Songs For Service" along. Jv Frank Palmer, chairman of the music committee, j and the officers of the choral union are prepared to lead the big audi ] enee with popular music. Tracks! 1 Continuous Service I and Long Run Economy ' ipLet Us Give You Full Dctailsl The Overland-Harrisbnrg Co. i P2J2-2M North Second Streeta i auinißumnis<ii:Uinnmiinn!iminittiHiiiuniiumiimiiiJiiuu!o;iß,iiitniumS : S. RIFKIN CLOTHING, SHOES AND FURNITURE BOUGHT AND SOLD HIGHEST CASH PRICKS PAID 44)7 Hronil Street, Harrisburg, Pa. Hell Phone 3370-J 11