Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, March 28, 1919, Page 7, Image 7

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Troop 2(i to Give Demonstra
tion of Scout Activities
at Celebration
The Scouts of Troop 20 will give
day March 2 4tli in which a demon
stration of the different Scout ac
tivities and instruction will be given
i. by the Assistant Scoutmasters and
Scoutmaster Vanaman has arrang
ed a very interesting program for
: the evening which should go far to
ward bringing the parents of the
hoys Into closer touch with the
Troop. Mr. Virgin will address the
meeting on tlio Scout movement;
J.ieut. \V. 1,. Vanaman of No. 2 Base
Hospital will explain the methods
employed by ihe United States Army
in caring for the wounded soldiers;
i 'apt. Davis, of the Court of Honor
will demonstrate the making of a
Scout map, and the standards set
by the C.'ourt of llonor in tests. An \
; interesting feature has been placed j
at the end of the program. Demon- i
strations will be given on Scout |
I Ilrst-aid, signalling with buzzer, ,
blinker, wig-wain, semaphore, and
On Wednesday afternoon some of
j the Scouts of the Troop took a hike
I: into the country. Only Scouts who
were eligible to take second class '
tests in woodcraft went along.
Seven wore successful in passing
£ their trailing, Scout pace, cooking,
knife and hatchet tests.
We all enjoyed the Rally on Tiles- j
day night and are looking forward
to another one. Don't forget. Scouts,
" about the magazines for the soldiers.
Ass't. Scoutmaster.
Cubs Plan Hike With
Eats and Plenty of Fun
We are going to have a Cub hike j
" to-morrow, if the weather man is
good to us. Meet at the Square at !
1:20 sharp with fourteen cents car-j
fare, and a lunch, something to
cook if you prefer. The destina
tion is a secret until we get there. I
The distance to be hiked is not over ;
four miles —no hills — and very good .
roads. There will he an abundance
of good drinking water and some I
dandv places for lire building. The;
('lib-master says lie wants to see ,
at least eighteen green caps when j
he turns the corner at Market street ;
and the Square. We will be home'
not later than six o'clock.
The (>ne Star work went along so.
well last week that we ought to lie
able to begin the Two Star work
' within the next month. Keep up
the good work.
Two new members last week— i
Adrian Baker and George Bristol.,
We extend a cordial welcome to
1 hem, for we heiieve they will be i
enthusiastic Cubs and that s the ,
kind we want. I
The round-up of magazines and
old clothes last week was splendid. :
Dot's tiring a lot more this week and :
please tiring lots of old > lotlies too. j
The Telegraph says that I larrisburg ;
is falling way behind its allotment, j
AVe must "do our best" here.
Don't miss the meeting to-night.
The insignia for the left sleeve will ;
be passed out. If you want to join ;
the Betsy Boss House Association!
anil get a regular certificate of mem- ,
bership, bring a thin dime along. !
That's all it costs. See you itt .
Draft Records Are
in 8,000 Big Boxes!
Close to 8,0(10 boxes will be sent
1o Washington by the various draft '
hoards of I'onnsylvania by next Mon- '
day night, the time when the opera- !
tion of the draft hoards in this |
State will cense under orders from ■
the War Department. These boxes
will contain all of the records of'
the draft in Pennsylvania and will
weigh about 1.000,000 pounds. Maj
or W. G. Murdoch, tlie State's chief i
draft officer, said to-day ttiat prac- ;
tically every board was closing up !
its work nicely and that be looked j
for all lo be ready before Monday, i
In the last two weeks boards have
forwarded over 4,500 reports to i
Major Murdock in Ihe closing tip of!
the work. Each board has received
notice to tile linal reports by Mon- ;
State headquarters will remain
open to complete State work, no
orders for closing having been re-!
600 Harmless Aliens Are
to Be Paroled; Reds Held
Wat mli in ic ton, March US. Attorney
General rainier, disclosing; to-day j
that about 4,000 enemy aliens were in
terned during 1 the war, said paroles
would ic granted to some 600 of the
harmless class, others would bo ro-j
pat tin ted. and 900 dangerous persona
would, be held indefinitely, including
about 200 professed members of tnoj
i W. M'., or anarchistic organizations, i
v hose cases would he referred to tic;
Department of Labor with a view to
their depot lation.
Wen York* March 28. Bringing
twenty-five members •.* Congress and
their wives home from a tour of the
Panama Canal, the steamship Panama!
arrived here to-day from Cristobal. I
.1 ii 1 i-> Zarrioru. Bolivian financial agent
it. ihe United States, accompanied by {
Major George Crager, of the United
St £ tes Army, also was aboard. i
Private Charles <\ Bennett, son rl
Mi. tiiid Mrs. George Bennett.
Jefforson street, who was attached to I
the Medical Depart men t of the Twn|
Hundred and Seventy-ninth Aeroj
Squadron, was discharged from ser
vice and returned home this morn-1
ing. He enlisted in August, 1917, and
w;ts sent oversea® itt July. 1918. Hej
was mustered out of service from {
Camp Stuart.
Will Stop thai Cough
■Live Bunch of Boys Pay Ij)
to Troop Eighteen After
! Several months age. Troop Eigh- j
■ ' toon were the guests of Troop Thir- .
■ j teen and at that time, Scout Master |
I Klnre of Eighteen suggested a con- ■
! test between the two Troops lo see !
| which Troop would land the lirst j
1 First Class scouts under the city
'council. Troop Thirteen now an- (
! nounces that for the last two weeks j
I their Scout Master lias had in his I
j possession certificates for all First j
[Class scout work lor scouts Krause j
•and Fcnstemacher and these scouts ;
■are just waiting for three other;
scouts in the city to catch up to ;
i them as the city council will not!
| meet until live scouts hold certili- ;
i eates similar to the two held by the ;
scouts of Thirteen. Troop Thirteen
' feels very proud of the fact that
I two of her scouts have not only:
j passed off their First Glass tests but
tare 1 lie lirst two in tin* city to be j
j passed by the Scout Executive and
i the Troop is making plans for suit-!
'aide rewards for the two scouts who
! have brought this honor to their [
Scout Master. '
Troop 4 Holds Meeting;
Name the Wolf Patrol
1 AS'o had a very interesting meet-!
ling last Monday night. cur new |
patrol was named 1 lie Wolf patrol.]
Scoutmaster ilallnuin read the list!'
of charter members of the troop,
! eight of the original thirteen being
in service, and live of that number
overseas. One of them, Bob An
j drews has just, come honto from
] overseas and he gave a mighty in
| teresting talk on how the artillery
i uses the flash method of finding
Iguns. lie also told us his impres
i sions of France. He had some
i souvenirs from Germans, among)
; them being a gas mask, helmet, but- ]
I tons, etc. All the fellows, of course i<
j had to try on the American and;;
i German gas mask. Tile German''
I mask nearly suffocates one but the
j American one is comfortable, fine
I of the hoys was trying 011 the Ameri- j
; can mask and some one jokingly j
] held the tube and the flapper valve.!
IHe said, "those ar'nt any good. 1
I can't breathe."
Scribe. i
I 2 Cakes ' 12c 19c Per Pair I
I 60c Pi„ex CoUgh Syrup „ , m l S air H Preparations Patent Medicines K Ointments c Pills and Tablets 1
MWc Mentho I axene ail It Ift wfKtV-ir Tnni; 4 Y SJf i? 3 ™" °J Pepsin 73c F WOO Resinol Ointment 75c I SI.OO Nuxated Iron Tablets G9c
E ono n n ? s S^ RemcdlTal,lc,s 11l
■ 30c Foley's Honey and Tar Syrup, 19c V Parker s Hair Balsam 39c y $l.OO Glyco Thymolinc 78c N l J ,ustero, i e 19c, 39c A Williams'' Pink Pills '7 c 1
I 30c Piso's Cough Remedy .......18c E Kstorer S R $ 1? ft V" 75c * 30c Donys Salve 19c R StSirtTcldSum !!! I
HSi 2ft lavupc' rviuu.fnMnt to U. U . " U Hir Restorer 98c *x Sac J ads Salt 53c & 2ac Sassafola 18c c 50c Cascarefs qq F Hi
1 kiiX'coSlC::::::::?! 5 Cocoa " ut 011 -ft _ w D >-c s 1
E 50c Drake's Croup Remedy 33c Y Sj, ® „•_" T^i.' * * * 2£ !!"J w,. m Vw OI V ' Y c Camphorole |3c 25c Hcecham's Pills 17c BI
9 30c GorsCouijh Syrup....!!.!!]!' l9c Si 00 Wveth Saie and Sulnhnr 11l R W.OO Uampo'es C. L. Extract 05c 60c Musterine 19c, 39c 1 60c Doan's Kidney Pills 43c &
Q 60c Kemp's Balsam...! X D Parisian SW P "' Hi O S£. 8 Lijument 39c S 50c Poslam . 39c Q W.OO Bliss Native Herbs 69c ■
I 60c Acker's Eng. Remedy ...43c A SI 25 PotteFs Walnut Stain 11l r si'nr v ? i '- C 60c San Cura Ointment 13c 25c Miles' Pain Pills 19c H
P 50c Hewitt's C ough Svrup 40c 6 sflc Palmnffve Shamnnn S F |}-JC Vmo! . . /9c \ 50c Armstrongs Croup Ointment. . .39c R 100 5-grain Cascara Tablets 10c If
i 75c Bell's Syrup ffCodeiSe!: . :r,S Y HbSSr it I p f. h^ 3 hn;s Medicine 79c £ 25c Dewitt's Carbolic Salve 17c f 100 5-grain Aspirin Tablets 85c |
I 50c Delavau's Syrup 43c SI >5 Pinaud's oSne q£ T!} - p -M.T- it A 'oc Doan s Ointment 19c U 100 5-grain Blauds' Iron Pills 19c 1
I $125 Pertussin q ( . 7-. iJ T, - T ?? c 1 SUo Pierce's Medicines 78c A 50c lodex 39c o 100 Alophen Pills 63c K
if 30c Juniper Tar 19 C -,(£ liuOuSo? 8 It W. 50 Fellows' Hypophosphites... .$1.05 j) 25c Bucklen's Arnica Salve 17c $l.OO Dewitt's Kidnev Pills 67c I
3| iac joc Beta-Qumol 39c 60c St. Jacob's Oil 39c U 50c Hohson's Eczema Ointment... 10c N 30c Grove's Bromo Quinine 19c i
si 19 i. To J l ?, t r Cream s Talcums Toilet Waters Y Toilet Soap 1
I 9 ! P?T!IT., ('■'■■■ II . JessTalcul " 1* Djer-Kiss Toilette /. $1.45 O 25c Packer Tar Snap " IcH
; p ea "l J Riveris Talcum ..lsc Djer-Kiss Toilet ; Vegetaile 51.19 IT 3 JerireiTs Violet Glycerine SS
Marv Ciarden Face Powder . 79c ' onds Vanishing Cream 32c 0 4 m 1 4. .. $ r 4 , CJ >—jergens \ loiei iviuerine 2,>c B9
Djer-Kiss Face Powder ...51c H Othene, Double Strength 67c § Colgate Talcums .... 18c [ T°-I it eg H? 3—Buttermilk 25c H
Garden of Allah Face Powder stc F Gold Cream 24c Garden of Allah Talcum 23c Floramve Si iq 3—Colgate's All-Round Soap 25c
I Es&x°- gj g N VXLX& i,,s aP . I
I-'Me Powder 19c, 39c E Elmo Cucumber Cream !!!!!!! 1!!!43c Boomcrans Body Talciun^!.'.'!!."!!.£ V fSZffiJj&Jji? ft L fhiw 5w,....|c I
MaMS Face Powder 37c Hind's Honey & Almond Cream... 39c E Mary Garden Talcum 45c A s Toilet Boc L-Jersev Soan r >£ H
Pompenan Face Powder 39c Frostilla 19c A Rigaud's Lilac Talcum 5,9 c I garden of Allah Toilet Water 59c vSI Soao ■
Mannello Face Powder 43c I Ben Hazel Cream 69c <p Rigaud's Kitty Gordon Talcum .. 58c ,r Violet Simplicity Toilet Water ... ,59c r 25c Palmer's Soan in®
Carmen Face Powder 39c S Oriental Cream $1.09 J D.kr-Kiss Talcum . . . U Jess Arbutus Toilet Water 59c ic Sol 11l
iw vv?llL F C a e ?> !f Iq 0 Orchard White 28c E Squibb's Talcum 17c E Pinaud's Lilac Toilet Water 75c N 25c Woodbury's Soap' 19c 1*
FlI?. IWH F 9? C n! r w a -J Va i"* *-j b' j 39c R BalK, ° ck ' s Gut Rose Talcum lie Mary Garden Toilet Water $3.59 J 25c Cuticura* Soap .... 19c B
fldv S™ F^"a Oe Mendor Liquid Powder 37c William's Talcums 18c Kitty Gordon Toilet Water $1.25 n 25c Poslam Soap ..... 19c T.
Face p r wd'r It Mum Deodorant 19c 4711 Violet Talcum 19c R. &G. Violet Toilet Water $1.15 9 25c Johnson's Foot Soap '..!!! 19c [I
\aleska Suratt Face 1 owder 43c Delatone Hair Remover 69c Hudnuts Talcum 18c Geraldine Farrar Toilet Water ...?3.98 Y 25c Carbolic Soap 20c j f
Baby Foods R Dental Preparations Horae Needs J,. I F SMOKE SAIF s S
$3.75 Horlick's Malted Milk $2.78 Pebeco Tooth Paste 36c „ Lavoris 19c, 37c, 77c la/HlnV NIIPPIJIK T \ S %
$3.7., Borden's Malted Milk 52.78 A Pepsodent Tooth Paste 37c T 2 Packages Lux 23c UtlllUf OUCulvllO u A M ■
$1.25 Imperial Granum 89c D Pyrocide Powder 73c H Boric Acid, '/. Ib. 11c' „ , F C You'll enjoy the smoking r, W
$3.75 Eskay's Food 52.79 J\ Lyon's Tooth Powder 17c V Dutch Cleanser 2 for 15c G Helm Assorted Chocolates 49c E §
$1.06 Eskay's Food 73c Gj Graves' Tooth Powder 17c Sani-Flush T oi— nt. i * ** u 1Y ®
ll9B A Colgate's Tooth Powder '......'.'.'..15 c N Liquid Veneer..'.'.l7c,'37c v Marshma,,ow g O J [OF 25C E 1
75c Melhn's Food 53c , Calox Tooth Powder 18c Chlorinated Lime 8c and 15c V. roasts 49c y, R # r
7ac Peptogenic Milk Powder.... 59c Euthymol Tooth Paste 15c A Witch Hazel. 1 Pint 35c I Wallace Chocolate Dainties 49c D V $1.68 per Box of 50's c B
4 Cans Eagle Brand Condensed N Colgate's Tooth Paste 10c and 25c rf Black Flag Insect Powder 21c \I R * o
Milk Grave s Tooth Paste 16c U Borax, Ilb j 12c —————— _ New Bachelor Roig tn
4 Cans Libby s Milk aac £) Forhan s Tooth Paste 20c and 39c R Absorbent Cotton. Ilb 49c G lill ■■ II ft LL I ' Rose-o-Cuba "44" *
4 Cans Carnation Milk 55c Kolynos Tooth Paste c. 19c 0 Bav Rum, 1 Pint . 75c lluillTQ IIHIICO I flTTOfi £ Hartranft Owl e
7oc Mead's Dextri Maltrose, No. 1 63c AS. S. White Tooth Paste 17c S C-N Disinfectant !9c . TV llllu mUuuC UUI lUU N fOf Even Stevens Cinco fOF H
Johnsons Barley 1-lb 2ac Y Senreco Tooth Paste 23c Kellogg's Castor Oil 19c , „ 0 „ G 17 / >Martagon l]
. ugar of Milk, 1-lb . ... <2c Pyrodenta Tooth Paste 28c Listerine 19c, 38c, 73c 1 lb., 39c. 3 lbs., $1.15 <J#C SATURDAY SPECIALS
\ -
Scout* are hereby warned that. 1
the u*e of oversea* caps by mem
j bers of this organization is unau
j thorized by the National Council,
and that wearing them is in direct
| violation of a War Department
j ruling forbidding the use of the
j cap until oversea* forces are. de- !
mobilized. When the War De
partment see* fit to grant to the
Rov Soon** of America permission
to wear the cap of of overseas pat
-1 tern, it is possible it may he used
I as part of the Regulation Scout
uniform. Until such permission is
granted, however, overseas caps
shall not be worn. The Scout or
ganization require* that every
; Scout official assist in the rigid
j enforcement of this prohibition.
Honor Memory of Colonel
Roosevelt; Enjoyed Mr.
Wirt's Lecture
The Scout Rally was certainly a
[ success, considering the fact that
| many of the Scouts are busy with
i Tech work. Every Scout who did
: not hear the illustrated lecture of
! Mr. "Wirt on Forestry certainly miss- ]
! ed a lot of valuable information that j
lie should know to be of assistance
'at this season of the year.
Every Scout of Troop 7 expects to ]
! have his name on the honor roll i
;as having planted a memorial to j
j Roosevelt. We certainly were de- j
; lighted to know that we are to have ;
' a lodge for an overnight hike. Quito ]
in few of our Scouts know the loca- |
tion of the building on the top of the ]
mountain at Eamb's Gap. At the
time we were there, the caretaker
gave us a lengthy history of the
place and the surrounding country.
The Scouts are planning to take ad
vantage of this treat.
Richard Steinmetz was voted into
the troop by transfer from Troop 1,
Assistant Scoutmaster W. L. Bail- j
ey made the presentation speech and
awarded the Ace Medal to Scout ;
William Goldstein last Friday eve- I
j ning.
William Bodmer won the knot tie- 1
ing contest. He received a Scout (
Manual. Tonight is the signal con
test .also the orchestra practice. 1
Every Scout out at 7 P. M. The at- j 1
tendance is excellent. Keep it up. , 1
i Scribe. I
Takes Place of Mr. Mitchell
as Scoutmaster of
Troop 19
On Friday evening past, Mr. Mit
[ chell the popular Scoutmaster of
j Troop 19 resigned his oftice. Mr.
i Virgin was there to accept his resig
nation and also to present the new
i Scoutmaster, Ross Swope. Mr. Mit
chell, although a very busy man, did
his best to make Troop 19 a good
troop. He was well liked by all of
us and the announcement of his
resignation came as a surprise. He
had been asked to take charge of
some important church work and in
giving up the troop he merely obeved
his superior and showed himself a
true Scout by so doing.
Mr. Swope has started right in I
with his task to make Troop 19 the
best troop in the city. A meeting
of the patrol leaders and scribe was j
called for Monday evening. lie has!
had plenty of experience, and it is
lioperl that With the troop all pull
ing together we will soon come out
• on top.
Scribe, i
Troop 7 Committee
Revises By-Laws
The Honorary Committee met Wed
nesday night and had a rousing good ]
meeting. A complete revision of the j
by-laws governing the troop was j
made. After this date all important ;
questions will be discussed at their]
meetings. All scouts should turn
out to scout meeting to-night to
learn the good news. We are going ;
to have a hike Saturday!
The orchestra will meet to-night. :
The Director, Assistant Scoutmaster]
Bailey wants every fellow with his !
instrument there. Scouts, you know '
that rule made concerning the or
chestra. Troop 7 expects to have its i
concert very soon.
We have been very busy this week .
gathering magazines for our soldier]
The scoutmaster was greatly bene- i
fited by the meeting of the Scout- j
masters' Association which was held ]
this week in the Department of;
State Forestry. Everyone was con
vinced what the forests will mean !
to the coming generation, so scouts i
do your bit by taking care of plants ]
and trees, and by helping to plant 1
trees this spring.
Scribe. 1
Fishermen Gasp With Astonishment When Game Warden
Threatens to Arrest Those Who Forgot Hook and Line
The open season for catching suck
ers with the hands along Sprint
creek, better known as Poorlious,
run, closed with a bang to-day
And with it went the season for th<
same engaging food tish taking ii
tlie old Rutherford ice dam now i
part of the city's park domain.
Game Protector Charles B. Baun
was walking along the Cameroi
parkway when he saw some young
men groping in the chill waters ol
the creek with their hands and haul
ing out tish.
"What are you taking?" asked Mr.
t'a u m.
"Don't you know the law only
allows you to take tish with a rod
and line?"
"Gan't you ketch 'em with your
hands?" ,
"1 should say not. You're liable
to get arrested."
"Say,_ I didn't know that. Lemnie
go. You ought to go up the
I'aum did and met one man with
a long string of lish. The dialogue
was much the same. Then ho met
some boys with the same result and
next he cleared nut the crowd at the
dam by the same dire announce
"I don't want to arrest you fel
lows. It would cost vou all a 10l
and it's apparent you don't know
the law said lie, in which he was
upheld by Dr. Joseph Kuubfus, sec
tetarv of the State Commission.
• 'lie man, however, undertook to
J'° , Went o the home of
• Uli E. Gordon, assistant secretary
of the commission, who lives in the
nourishing metropolis of Paxtang
I Wanted to Get
The best there was, so I went to Doutrichs and looked over their new
Spring line of "Manhattan Shirts"—They have the finest assortment you
ever looked at and they are displayed so nicely never expected a store in
Harrisburg to be so busy as they are at Doutrichs.
"turd by the creek. Mr. Gordon had
lot arisen, hut his remarks hud COJl
ideiable llnality about them.
scout* SHOT IV IM.OT
Stockholm. March 28. An alleged
eyulist conspiracy bus linen discov
reii lit Penza, uorthwest of Saratov
n Eastern European Russia, accord
iut tu the Russian newspaper Kras
laya, and twenty-one persons have
been s q by the Bolshevik! in connec
tion Willi the plot. The alleged leader'
was Sukotlne. u former marshal of 1
He- Russian nobility, who was n local I
commissary under the Bolslieviki
j regime. Sukoline was executed. '
; Commissioner of Fisheries Nathan !
R. Duller to-day received word that i
] his son, Ross Buller, had landed !
'with lite units of the 37th Division'
jund was at Gantp Di.x.
i Use McNeil's Pnln Exterminator--Ad
I '
ill Radiator Works
H Mnn■■ fneturers mid lie- I
■•Hirers of
AI'I'O It All I A TORS, ■ I
■ anil <• ASOI.IAK TANKS ■
>iiuislieil Itntlintor*. Hi j
Hollies urn I lump Hi
,; H Itepuirlnig n SpiM-lnliy H
Hell Phone H
Fashion's Latest in Beautiful
Stylish and Serviceable Shoes
It Is A Pleasure to Choose Now For Our
To be well dressed for tbe
street office there Is no fool
covering so appropriate us our .Ail a
Tailored Oxfords. They are _ y
simple, graceful in line in the V
popular tan side and calf /flufC <<uMr3jßS" /// \ 1
or black kid or calf. Prices \Bjji \ I
ranging from j&lk f j !
$3.95 to 87.00 >•: /' /
If you desire a snappy pair IF / /II (
of pumps see us before pur- . W* jr\ /
chasing. We can show you as S // / ( J
large a variety at the most iJ>T
moderate prices in all styles / I.
patent and dull. Prices from
$3.95 to $5. 50 and
Don't forget we carry the largest line of Infants', Chil
dren's and Misses' Shoes in the city, at the most suitable
f| DandYLine
P Shoe Store
202 Market St.