Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, March 28, 1919, Page 22, Image 22

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Law Changes!
Will Be Taken l*p at j
Capitol Tuesday
Following a conference yesterday in
Thilndelplita between Attorney General!
fcSchaffer and Harry A. Mackey, cluiir
lnan of the Workmen's Condensation ,
jSureatt, it was announced that a public j
Rearing on the proposed amendments to j
the compensation act would be held next I
afternoon in the Supreme j
•Courtroom in the Capitol.
Chairman Mackey and Francis H. |
Bohlen. counsel for the board, have pre
pared a tentative bill which includes a I
new schedule of rates to bo paid per- ,
sons injured during the course of their j
employment, tine of the most important j
amendments provides that compensation
shall begin seven days after the injury, j
In this connection the act reads:
"Xo compensation allowed for first j
,fseven days, but employer must furnish j
reasonable medical service from the time ■
of the accident until the thirty-first day !
after diability begins, at cost not to <
• exceed Jl5O. and the Board has the ,
power to order further medical services j
at a cost of not to exceed an additiona: |
The other changes relate to the rate I
■of compensation to be paid for non- '
fatal injuries. If the new compensation '
measure becomes a law, it will raise ;
the Pennsylvania scale of benefits to ap- j
proximately the same level'as Massa
.chusetts. Ohio, Wisconsin and Califor-!
jiia. Only New York has a higher scale :
•of benefits than that proposed.
Attorney General Schaffer and Chair- i
man Mackey declared that all persons
' interested in compensation for disabili- j
ties are invited to attend the public]
hearing. During the conference yester
day several changes were made to the |
optative bill, but these related, it was;
announced, to questions of legal proced- i
Camp Curtin Wins the
Grammar School Title
The city pennant for grammar!
school victory in basketball was j
cinched by Camp Curtin last even- j
snc by the following score:
I Davis, f. l.entz, f.
) / DeShong. f. McGlinn, f.
Green wait, c. Nye, c.
I Graeff. g. Yenninger, g.
I Bowers, g. Shuler, g.
B Field goals: DeShong. 1; Graeff. i
I 30; McGlinn. 2: l.entz. 3: Nye. l.j
■ 3-'ouls. GraefT. 0 and McGlinn, a. '
J Referee, "Ike" McCord.
Middletown Saloons May
Again Sell Intoxicants
Saloons in Middletown will he allowed j
to open again, according to a ruling |
made by United States District Attorney j
Roger 1,. Burtnet, quoted in a Scranton .
dispatch of this morning. The dispatch I
states that since the soldiers have left j
the Middletown camps, the lid is lifted j
Middletown authorities had received ;
no word of the ruling this morning, they
Milton, Pa., March 2S.—Milton. |
which made millions of dollars !
worth of munitions and war supplies
and delivered them on time, still in- j
tends to keep alive. With that idea
in mind more than 200 of its pro- j
gressive men formed la Rotary' |
Club. The following named officers;
were elected: W. Walter Wilson,
president; Daniel Clinger, Jr.. vice
president; Frederick V. Follmer,
secretary; George D. Hedenberg,
treasurer; Percy W. Hastings, ser
geant-at-arms. and Dr. Frederick W.
• 'linger, William B. Godcharles,
George S. Sheimer, Wolff Dreifuss,
31. W. Chamberlain and Daniel
Whalen, directors. All are leading
men of the community.
Siiubury. Pa.. March 28.—A jury I
5n the Northumberland county court I
awarded a verdict against the First I
National Bank, of Sunbury, in a suit i
brought by William H. Greenough, I
also of Sunbury, because of an alleg- j
ed failure of the financial institution j
to protest two notes, totaling $20.-
000, it held for Mr. Greenough. |
whichwere given by the Barber Car j
Company, of Sunbury, and indors- j
ed by the York Bridge Company, of l
York, as security for a loan from |
Mr. Greenough.
York Haven. Pa., March 28. j
Ralph Ilorner, Albert Yinger and !
Benjamin Spreikle were injured on |
Wednesday night about 8.20 o'clock
when the former, driving sprenkle's
automobile, lost control of the ma- |
chine and drove it into the Penn- I
sylvania Railroad freight depot, j
Horner was the most serious in- !
jured. while Y'inger and Sprenkle j
sustained abrasions about the body.
_ The trio were precipitated from the
auto. which was irretparably
New Buffalo, Pa., March 2S.—The
Mountain Spring Hotel, at Mt. Pat
rick, long one of the best knewn
rural hotels in this section of the
country, has been purchased by
John J. Brubaker, of Millersburg,,
together with nine acres of farm
land. The property will be exten
silvely improved to accommodate
city guests. Samuel F. Seal, wlio !
has bee nthe proprietor for several
years, will continue to conduct the
A special program will be present
ed at the Boyd Memorial building
this evening as the closing event of
the gymnastic and bowling year.
East evening the Hick-A-Thrifts. by
a narrow margin, won the bowling j
championship from the Boyd class.
The Trojans have won out in the
basketball championship. This even
ing trophies will be awarded to each
of them.
Newport. Pa.. March 28.—With
its yards stocked with 12,000 cords
of etract wood, the Oak Extract I
Company here lias requested rail- ,
roads to place an embargo on all
such wood consigned to it. Hence
forth when shipments are resumed,
the price per cord will be $6, a
reduction of one dollar, with the
shippct paying the freight charges.
Liverpool, Pa., March 28.—The
eighth grade eamination for pupils
of Liverpool, Watts, Buffalo town
ship and New Buffalo will be held in
the Liverpool High school romo Sat
urday morning at 9 o'clock. The ex
l a miners are the Rev. Clyde W.
Shaeffer, Prof. C. A. Grubb and
Prof. T. J. Williamson.
Liverpool. March 28.—George My
ers was riding home on a wagon
from school Thursday noon and
when he neared his home he jump
k I ed off the wagon in front of an
H.s leg was broken and
/wther Injuries were sustained, ,
Large California Oranges, doqen, 59c IPfltH ft" Colored Prints, gilt frames, 18x14 ins., $l.OO
Store Hours Saturdag-9 to 9 , 1 Ul/lC'i UJ/ V store Hours Saturdag-9 to 9
Dreams Come True Enclaves
Aptly Describes the Drooping, the demands of well dressed for CLTtlj J, HCJ lS I.(sS
* KJ A if good looking and good wearing CM CJ
Graceful Modes of the m &m£ $25.00 to $50.00
% Two-clasp White Kid Gloves
Tk 7 ri i T f I i i whlto or black sewing and 1 lie Smartest StVICS Ot tilC Spring" SCd-
New Easter Leghorn and Georgette son arc prcscnte< , in this ncw showing ' h <m
C*VPY\P Hntc SILK GLOVES' ° of Suits and Capes, each new turn of
1 vI/C/ JLJ. lAlu Silk Gloves in white, black 1
ant ciu\MoisEirE Y'i"o'vi's' 50 fashion being exclusively expressed. P i _ f
First Showing Tomorrow--* 12.00 to $16.50 -'SteS Handsome Suits at
A wonderful showing of new millinery is • A
announced for to-morrow, when the most fascinating Mrxet 1 l0 ° r " $35.00 to $45.00 / h ;.M MI I ■
hats of the Gainsborough type, with wide, drooping Lovely Braid and button trimming is a feature of /M fl\\
brims and long streamers of wide and narrow rib- NeW Foulards ' man >' of the new suit arrivals scr S e ' white Hpf"
bons, will have their first presentation of the season. Prettier than ever are the new tricolette and other fine silks are brought into foh a t r -""
These are fashioned of fine leghorns in the graceful big choic- prominent use in vestees and cuffs. iW , J '
shapes, faced with Georgette crepe and all flowered and rib- CaMS OOd WMDS 4f *
boned. Beautifull shades including orchid, pink, turquoise yard $2.25 * * nt U jji \ j
blue and white. Also lovely hats of the transparent type Yard! S DSC l&l CL IUCS' </ •/
of large mesh straw lace braid, delicately faced the most satin stripe initwitructibie Voito, * U'* pi
mjran lyw j*-' dainty printed designs, 40 inches. „ . . . , . 0 1/ r/ mm -w v
MP'*- beautiful styles of the kind that have ever been evolved. Yard $3.75 Some ot the new arrivals are developed of I f/ i? j r Mm\ o . JF,
£ *" 'ii Baronet Sntin, in 20 spring , . IL-Jf l - .
512.00 to $16.50. shades, 39 inches. Yard $1.50 tricotine, some are ot velour and Bolivia, but jflTl
Paneled Pussywillow, in and J)) I I ™ jHf
Smart Little Black Hats Special Offering of New Easter Armadillo Salln. 12 beautiful eol- " j' . ' |
Many smart dreas hats, fashioned of blich User. Hats Saturday at $3.00 serge in navy and black. Cape collar styles S, /JJf JP
in the quaintest and most becoming turban shapes, A little lot of 75 models that came to us for the Street I loor. an j coa t an( J Doltlian effects are highly favor- tjf
have come in for the week-end, presenting a week-end at a price concession. There are many If You Admiro 1 T> • t ... asv o . ID ai~
wealth of clever trimming ideas involving the use attractive styles in colored straws and the hats are t> -p • rices range from to s4saooa
of wide cire ribbon, wings, showers of giycerined regular $5.00 values. Beautiful Pictures *l l 9 i • 7 9 rr * A i
oatrleb and baauutol taocl„. NEW WADGE EVAXS ffATS FOR CfRLS A Visit W Our Cf H O 710
These adorable styles will appeal to many A little shipment has just conte in to reinforce New Picture Room
women wb„ u„.w ,„• oar ...en of air.,' hau. Fiae.t s Mii.m on M Dresses, coat, and capes in the most fetching styles imaginable are being shown in the
Dives, Pomeroy &m.wart. Second Eioor, Front. ' ° Will Prove Enjoyable SeC "°"
Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Second Floor.
Blousedom Heralds theAr- Choose Your Corsets as Carefully asYou Women's Graceful Spring
rival of Smart New Modes Do YoU r Suits and Dresses Oxfords
\\ ith charms that are chieflv due to neck lines that are grace- w,-. . . , , , . ,
blLcTrivafs are MtSn'ol - .. * " dl corsC "' d " "> appear smart and fashionable. have wontasjam"^"?
Daintja and feafures prove tliev have a " Ca " W ' ar he in Besses ov suits. Nor can all women wear the ?7.50 and *B.OO
many ways of asserting their individuality. ' models in corsets. New Faster -Spat Pumps in Gun Metal and dark tan Russian
Lingerie waists in voile and batiste, with trimming of fine tucks. The roriet tbtt well occur/a - oltormi(..l- _j i„ • .1 Calf, long, slender vatnp s6aoo and s6aso
hemstitching, embroidery panels, lace insertion, touches of color, hand . . a WCII assure JOU a charming and fashionable appearance, is tile corset de- , Dives, Pontcroy & Stewart, Street Floor, Rear,
drawn work and hand embroidery; in the assortment of styles are signed especially for your tvpe of figure. Our service assures a perfect-fittine corset of this V
included the youthful round necks and the more conservative style 1 ° o >\l • rtM < Itt tt ttt
with the rolled or convertible collar $1.95, $2.50. $2.95 to $35.00 l > P c ' V f)pp / /Tf/C Jtl S 1 IIIP V PIH tP fl Hf) /IHID Wfl TP
Voile waists. Venise lace vestee, flat collar trimmed with lace edge, v - . . , , O/yCbIUW LI I LLUCI ±± ULLULU VV UI C
sleeves trimmed with lace, trimmed cuffs $2.95 emo models for th J"'f ur f., „ ft American Lady corsets, $1.50, $2.00, $3.50, $5.00 tl 00 cut KlaM jars with silver top. and spoon 69c
Nolle waists, convertible collar, front trimmed with embroidery ... $3-50, $5.00, $6.00 to $13.j0 Warner s Rust-Proof corsets, $2.00, $3.50, $.>.00 $1 25 cut glass marmalade lar with silver top and spoon .. . 98c
panels and pin tucks, sleeves trimmed with tucked cuffs $3.50 en ? belt models . $2.50. $4.00 to $7.50 D. P. &S. Special corsets. $1.50, $2.00 and $3.50 Jp'os sUver nfafe.l bread travs . .... . $1 75
Voile waists, square neck, rolled collar trimmed with Venise lace edge. ior the medium small or slender figures are the Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Secjnd-Floor. $2 98 silver plated bread trays !!!!.. .! $2 49
sleeve trimmed with turn-back cuff $3.50 silver plated spndwich trays'.'.'.'.'..'.'.'.'.'.'.'*.'.'.'.'.".'.'.'.*.'." SGB9
Batiste waists, tucked vestee, shawl collar, sleeve trimmed with turn- $4,98 silver plated sugar and cream set $3.08
ba f. ~c .' V ' '. V."'. $5.00 $4.!)0 silver plated sugftr and cream set $3.50
Men's &Women's Snrina Wpinht TTndprmpnr 'SJZ.-s&i;SS
Dives, Pomeroy £.- Stewart, Second Floor. 1 kj 1 H tj/ rr Ks L\J 111 \U * CU-Ci U/CUi $2.50 silver plated candlesticks $1.98
. . . c , c •, , , $7-98 silver plated casserole with Pyrex lining $6.98
Showing of many styles of women S fine ribbed vests. Dives, Pomeroy' & Stewart, Street Floor.
r\ rlrl Lyinnnc* S\-f ,isle Swiss ribbed vests, low neck, sleeve- MEN'S SPRING WEIGHT UNION SUITS \
\J tILL I i C/Cco UJ 1 urniiurc e! i p nc ' lac ® y ° ke ". ''' ■'' V. sl '°° spring weight union suits, white apd Egyptian TLm IQPrIP nn 1 nil PTJI sllP? fl Tl ft Dll <tfPT Q
White lisle Swiss ribbed bodice vests, plain and cotton, long and short sleeves knee and ankle AA(J U oCL tolA 111 / l(J A3/, US I ct/5 HI 111 MS UoICI o
D-J, __ _ 1 77 ,„I 7 fancy lace tops $1.50 and $1.75 length; sizes 34 to 50 $2.00 - T , ,Si 1 • j r 1 a a
§|Pfl // 1 P(1 (J J* fh/JPT ft White cotton ribbed vests, band tops, low neck, Spring weight lisle union suits, long and short New supplies of brushes of all kinds tor many USCS about the
xit/UUVUU \A. J. VLA I 111 sleeveless, regular sizes, 39c; extra sizes, 50c. sleeves $2.25 home.
A \vceL--cnd clearance nf on oocntntiloGnn "nddo White cotton ribbed bodice vests, white and pink. Spring weight flesh-colored fine mercerized „ \ ,
Meek ena clearance OI an accumulation Ot Odds and ends shoulder straps 39c union suits, short sleeves, ankle length .... $3.00 Scrub brushes 10c to 20c ploor sweeping brushes, 10 to 18
on our busy Furniture floor: White cotton ribbed bodice vests, white silk Spring weight white mercerized union suits. Bottle brushes 10c to 50c i! 1 JF b ,? 8 V''''
Mahogany toilet table reduced to $45.00 shoulder straps, regular sizes, 39c; extra sizes, 50c short sleeves .ankle length $4.00 silver polishing brushes 15c 50c W* 4 " brushes with long handles,
w . :::::::::::::::::::::: $5 D ""' Pomerw * —• s,re " 1 "" , o - ™b br„ rt . :....' 33 „ b
Walnut toilet table, reduced to $45.00 Clothes brushes 10c to 50c ltsng handles .... 980 to $1.59
Ivory dresser, reduced to $45.00 Paint brushes 5c to 75c Pdather Dusters
Ivory chiffonier, reduced to $35.00 . _ _ . . . _ ~ /-..* . _ , , Whitewash brushes .. . 20c to 33c Turkey dusters .... 33c to $1.50
Ivory bed, reduced to $39.00 \n 7*7 77/7 TTf\Ql PTII in >I/ If E itITP >IIIC PI D/ 7 T IqJp Dusting brushes ... 25c to 98c Ostrich dusters 69c to 98c
Walnut dresser, reduced to $39 00 H xiyolci y 111 kjlllXf I f.l/iC O 1 11\ til lU. LilOlO Radiator brushes 25c to 50c Autompbile wool dusters ... 50c
Walnut bed. reduced to $35.00 Commode brushes ... 10c to 75c Whisk brooms 25c to 59c
Mahogany dresser, reduced to $59.00 Fibre silk hose, seamless, lisle tops, high spliced Silk lisle hose, seamless, black, white, grey, Pyrex glass dishes are sanitary and possess pertain features of econ-
Mahogany chiffonier reduced to $49.00 heels; navy, grey, green, champagne and cordovan, - cordovan 9< . oray in cooking and baking that endear them to the thrifty housewife.
Mahogany toilet table, reduced to $39.00 65c na4 > ana corotwan shown in casseroles, pudding and baking dSshes, pie plates, bread
-Mahogany bed, reduced to $39.00 Fibre siik hose .seamless, lisle tops, high spliced Fibre silk hose, seamless, black and colors, 65c pans, cake pans, utility dishes, custard cups, 'bean pots, mushroom
Ivory chiffonier, reduced to $75.00 heels .black, white, navy, grey and cordovan, $l.OO Thread silk hose, seamless, high spliced heels. disihes and others. Pyrex transparent oven dis'bes are for everyday
Ivory bed. reduced to $65.00 Thread silk hose, fashioned feet, high spliced . , . ' . „ . ' _ „ _ service \
Four-poster mahogany bed, reduced to $25.00 heels, black, white, grey, tan and gold .... $1.50 black, grey, navy and cordovan 80c Ten-piece yellow baking sets . .1 98c
ivory bed, reduced to $29.00 Black thread silk hose, fashioned feet, lisle tops. Thread silk hose, fashioned feet, black and Hand-painted Japanese china nut sets ... V 8c and $1.50
The above prices all represent a reduction of a fourth. $1.75 colors $1.50 Q o i d band dinner sets. 42 pieces $6.50
Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Fourth Floor. Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Street Floor. Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Basement.
Men's and Young Men's Easter Suits That Are an Inspiration
The Spring Suits that make up the splendid Easter stocks in our Men's and T
Voung Men's Clothing Section are featured by that class of hand-workman- The Men'S Store A nnOUIICeS
\wl completely eliminates the mechanical character of ready-made
/ clothes. It is the liberal use of this hand-tailoring that gives the suits their in- S IQ TlCll S fllTt S Clt 1 *69
AgrYA ||pf Ji comparable refinement, dignity and quality. \
ere are su^t8 ' men ' are a to handle, a joy to examine, a pleas- Two Collars--All Sizes \
"I ftp l/Tvff rWIH ure to talk about and a satisfaction to sell. mnn \r o cu 'i i nf)
MBmK MMM— m . , . lv 0 . 1200 New Spring Shirts at $2.00
' n\ : m New arrivals in the Clothing Section: N
T TTTc rn\!Mrii UAr . rT . ~ , ~ , , . . , Fine Woven Stripe Madras Shirts with soft fold 'Cuffs;
WKmjAi IHE CONNER MODEL—An exceptionally smart new double-breasted suit, with , • , >r in/ to
/ IwUms l\f njfr " ' neat hair line stripes and fancy stripes, sizes 13/j to lty-
WUiWm waistline, new bell sleeves, rope shoulders and needle point lapels—shown in 17 t AT 1 E I\/T 1
J " Hmw r!wl m ue ' & reen ' brown and fancy mixtures, $35.00. Wear OT
m mmm ffijK New Bat Ties —Tubular styles at 50 and plain^and
M THE MORRISMODEI.—An extremely good-looking' tapered, high-waistcd. don- fancy silks at 50,65 and 75^; plain and fancy silks at
KM ble-breasted suit, with open vent sleeves and silk lined. $35.00. Four-in-hand Ti of Magadore Silk, En^jsh
w m ______ Fancy overshot Silk our-in-Hand Ties, 50, 65 and 75<M
f* t g-* •- tth * c\ s\ r- Fine Silk Four-in-Hand Ties in Persian, stripe and farjicy
irfgh.. Boys Easter Suits, $13.95
- " /i|| ——— —_Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Men's Stora. \
Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Second Floor, Rear. V_