Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, March 25, 1919, Page 4, Image 4
4 Hie Private Life of the Kaiser FROM TUB PAPERS AND DIARIES OF THE BARONESS VON LARISCH-REDDERN The Kaiser and Kataerta'a Lite Major Demo, Chief of the Royal Household a* Berlin and Potsdam. Baroneoa Ten Lartaeh-Reddera fa the TRUE name of the Berlin Court Lndr who gave the atory of the Kalaer to Henry William Flaher, Ursula. Coanteas von Eppfnghoven being a nom de guerre, heretofore uaed to shield her. Thompson Feature Service, 1919, Copyright Enter the favorites—Four women who in, turn captivate his fancy, and who, one by one, were sent into exile by the jealous Kaiserin— Glimpses of vulgarity of court life This startling testimony against the late Emperor of Germany, given in ♦esc pages to-da.v, was first ruled out by the committee of editors uT.o are weighing the evidence. "Yet, are we not duty bound to give all tlic facts to the public?" they argued. "Wily should we nllow Wilhelm II to escape? This is one of the penalties of des ixitism. William Hbhenzollern stands shorn of his 'divine right,' and he must now account to the people for his murderous assault upon civilization. Ills lmbits and conduct can not escape relentless public scrutiny. Let the facts be known." Acting on the aforementioned principle, the records have been digested for publication. The l'rank testimony of the Chief of Household in tlie German Court, as transcribed by the publicist, Henry William Fisher, is s-ueli tliat it lias required skilful expurgation before it could he presented to the readers of tills newspaper. [Continued From Yesterday] (What we are now to reveal re quires explanations—if not apology But we are pledged to tell "the truth the whole truth, and nothing but the truth" about William Hohenzollern the exiled Kaiser of Germany—and this requires us to reveal phases of his character about which we should prefer to remain silent. This silence, however, would be unjust tQ the world; It would, in fact, be a deliberate attempt to conceal im portant facts and thus protect him / What Makes Gurgns Guarantors Gorgas Iron Quinine and Strychnine Iron for tlie blood. Quinine for the system. Strychnine for the nerves. The Best Spring Tonic BUILDS HEALTH AND STRENGTH 50c and $l.OO Fine for Convalescents GORGAS DRUG STORES 16 N. Third St. Penn-Harris Hotel Penna. Station n j y A plate without a roof which docs not Interfere with taste or speech. plates Repaired While You Wall ISAMf 9 ? dental KtlftvA O OFFICES lIP MARKET STREET _ Carter's Little liver Pills Yon Cannot be A Remedy That Constipated Makes Life and Hairov Worth Living ■mall Pin JMSSEBU s8 on I: Gemdoa bear* •isnstora SmaUDoM I ■ - A'gSJES.'SiSiK pARTER'S IRON PILLS Absolutely Wo Pain Ml latwt hanvraS affU aBWM —am, iMlailH ■/ /V JBSniBH M air anarataa aaakm fty BHHnn ntmttM —4 all —tol . py? jr EXAMINATION FREE XwTA "VV 1 iwt /I BWIT —4 Saturday, t|U " I| 1 ami FHomn naa-n. jP a Jr BitT TKiuio or Mi&Sj&Spk rATMBKTt f yr 320 Market SL ® 4Or a* Ike Hab> ir HARRISBURG, PA. n lUat Hurt a ms TUESDAY EVENING, HARIUphuRG (££s£& TELEGRXPH MARCH 25, 1*719. from his own conduct. William Ho henzollern is entitled to no such sup pression of the truth. He has placed himself before the cold scrutiny of history and must stand the conse quences—every detail of his life be longs to the public— thus we are forced to give historical record to the former Emperor's conduct in the Imperial Court; his customs and habits; his interpretation of public morals; his attitude toward and his responsibility to society. The only defense that we can extend to him is that he acted upon the axiom: "The King can do no wrong!"—that the King is Law; that laws are only made for the people; and that the King is not subject to either the Law of God or man. This undoubt edly is the Hohenzollern doctrine, and the creed of its morals and re ligion. My the Chief of the Kaiser's House hold Those observations cover the pe- To Have Clean, Healthy Blood Bright Eyes, Clear Complexion Take Famous Springtime Tonic and Blood Purifier "Celery King." Three times a week for three weeks, brew yourself a cup of Celery King and drink it just before retir ing. Give it to the children, too. You'll be surprised how gently yet effectively CELERY KING creates a normal action of the bowels cleansing and strengthening of the system, banishing pimples, scrofula and other blood disorders. Celery King keeps the blood pure and rich by freeing the system of all waste matter. 20 DROPS RADWAY'S Ready Relief on a lump of SUGAR dissolved in the mouth for that COUGH that often fol lows INFLUENZA you will find instant relief. For HOARSENESS, SORE THROAT, PAINS in the CHEST and BACK Saturate a flannel cloth In Rodurar'f Beadv Relief and lay over the contMteq part of the loners or back. As a counter irritant Kodway's Ready Relief Is much stronger, more convenient and cleaner than the old-fashioned mustard Blaster. •n th* market f| -v - m -L* tor iHlaliflf Acoaot no sotstltuts. IfwllVn FOR EXTERNAL PAIN AND INTERNAL riod of his early life and reveal nothing of affairs within the last few years, which might incriminate many living personages. Let us begin at the beginning. What was the fun damental conception of moral obli gations with which William H Zollern began life? And what was the nature of this moral develop ment? . , I was told when I entered tne I Court that as a young prince among ! men of his own caste and age, vv u liam had but one intimate, the late ! Rudolph of Austria; but the I'loas iant relations between these y° u "S : men, based upon mutual likes and dislikes, came to an abrupt end some ! four years previous to the Arcn- I duke's awful death, discord arising when Prince and Princess William were spending several weeks at tneir Imperial Highnesses* country-place near Vienna. From this outing the Princess returned all of a sudden and post-haste to Potsdam, while her husband went on an impromptu tour of military inspections in the provinces. And the reason? Princess Philip of Coburg, sister of tlic Archduchess Stephanie, told me that William, returning in her brother-in-laws's company from a stag party late one evening, propos. Ed a game, which, Her Royal High ness insists, is "quite common among German officers. • . * * * ♦ * (Deleted by the editors). Next morning the young wives got together; but as each charged the other's husband with instigating the devilish plot, the happy family party was bound to break up, and the worthy of each others separted without saying good-bye. Such, at least, was common report at the Court of Empress Augusta in Cob lentz, where I happened to be at the lime. As for the rest, it will probably never be known which of the royal gentlemen incited the act; maybe both were drunk and agreed upon the dictum of Prussian army men: "Among pals it's all the same," as a good joke. Accusations in Diplomatic Record (This testimony of the next episode is related here also with apologies; it becomes essential, however, to give history its correct Judgment. My next experience in the Em peror's Court was when the house hold was upset by the receipt of an anonymous letter, written to the Empress. I will tell more about these anonymous letter scandals later—but here let me mention this one: "Madame," wrote the anonymous correspondent, "do you know what is the difference between you and Ma ria Leczinska? Her children died while Louis the Fifteenth's illegiti mate offspring flourished. Today the Kaiser's Vienna baby is dead.. I wonder if for the same reason which the physician of His Most Christian Majesty assigned for the demise of the Queen's children?" That cruel letter, cruel, yet con soling in more than one way, ar rived when the anonymous letter scandal was at its height and the little waif was about twelve months old. Her mother was a beauteous Vi ennese, Fraulein Caroline Seiffert, one of the late Crown Prince Ru dolph's set. Madame von Kotze Insisted that It was a spite baby, tl will tell you more about Madam von Kotze later.) "And what on earth is a spite baby?" I inquired. "They had been making fun of Caroline —His Majesty, then Prince William, and the Prince Imperial— 'as a little Idiot, who didn't know enough to have a child; but like the first Napoleon's love. Mar guerite Bellisle (the girl General Bonaparte had with him in Egypt, or rather took away from ono of his olficers there), the Vienna beauty said: 'I will show them who the idiot is.' Her child was born, two or three weeks after Eitel Fritz, the Kaiser's second son, saw the light a.t the Marble Palace. I remembered the circumstances perfectly, and my question to Mad ame von Kotze was merely asked to help clear up, if possible, the au thorship of the unsigned communi cations that had kept their Majes ties and the Court in a turmoil for two years. I was one of many in the royal service and society gener ally who did not believe the lvotzes guilty, and have never had occasion to change this opinion. Jealousy was alleged to be the mainspring of the scandal, —Madame von Kotzo's jealousy of Countess Fritz Hohe nau's ascendency over the Kaiser. I put the question to disabuse my mind of any suspicions of that sort. The Man W'iio Caused the World War To return to William's infatuation for Mademoiselle Seiffert. That story was well known to the intimates of the late Crown Prince's circle. (Af terward Emperor Frederick.) "Unser Fritz" did not mind it much. Having been kept well in hand by his "Vicky" all through life, I suspect he even took some mis chievous delight in his son's esca pade, as his visit to the Court of the late Alphonso XII, so rich in adven ture, proved. But in the Princess Imperial's eyes a liasion was little short of a crime. Pictures of the fourth George and Mrs. Fitz-Herbcrt, she told me once, arose before her mental eyes every time she thought of the matter. At that period, be it remembered, the history of Prince and Princess Wil liam's marriage was as fresh in everybody's memory as it is now obscure, —as fresh as were the inci dents attending George's courtship with Caroline of Brunswick during the first ten years after Europe's gentleman par excellence had reeled into the Chapel Royal and hic coughed out his vows of fidelity. Auguste Victoria was a much abused woman then, though carry ing out her part of the marriage agreement—to provide new Hohen zollerns—with the utmost loyalty. Indeed, so frequent were the stork's visit in the household that the wife was unablo v to appear at the great Court festivals for three winters in succession, while her husband, full of resentment for his consort-by statecraft, shamefully Ignored her. And to crown it all —this Vienna scandal! True Character of German and Aus trian Courts. Primarily it was the outcome of the friendship between the " two heirs destined to wear the most an cient and the newest imperial dia dems (Germany and Austria —allied for the great war which was to up set the world.). Being of the same age, and possessed of temperaments whose selfishness was only equalled by thirst for power, both command ed, if not much ready money, un limited credit for certain extrava gances. Rudolph, however, was far ahead of William in the knowledge of fashionable vice. In the Potsdam archives I came upon a stack of letters from the rep resentatives of Prussia at the Vien na Congress, denouncing a state of morals that permitted the sons of tho great Austrian nohles to keep mistresses at the age of thirteen or fourteen years. Similar observations! might be made of the Vienna of the nineties—and Rudolph was more than a noble! The two young Princes, then twenty-four and twenty-five years old. considered it fun to revel In de bauches with the official world and society looking on, and the possi bility of bothersome consequences was invited rather than dreaded by these hopeful roues. Yet, when Mademoiselle Selftert's telegram arrived in Berlin, Prince* William did not feel in the devil may-care mood that had led him into the adventure, and his first se rious misunderstanding with his sister Charlotte arose on account of a clever bit of poetry cited by Her Royal Highness "in honor of the occasion," as she expressed herself. "Vater werden ist nicht schwer, Aber's seln um desto mehr." Translated: To become a father is easy enough, but to be one is differ ent. Some Inside Diplomatic Secrets. Caroline was not sentimental about the affair. Unlike Marie Vcc sera, she had never dreamed of a diadem, or even a coronet to glo3s over her fall. Only by a short tel egram sought she to reopen com munication with the father; her next step was to formulate her demands at the German Embassy in her na tive city. There were frantic messages from Prince Reuss, husband of the catty and imperious Marie: "I am neither a Beauharnais, nor a Talleyrand," he wrote. "What have I to do with this affair?" However, Prince Bismarck, who was friendly to both Reuss and Wil liam, at last persuaded the Ambas sador to look into the case. "A hundred thousand florins," said Mademoiselle SeifTert, accord ing to diplomatic correspondence re lating to the case. Noble Ladles Kagcr to Be Royal Mistress (This evidence at least gives an historical insight into the moral codes of the Imperial Governments of Germany and Austria.) Every time His Majesty visited Now Come Here Where You Can Get Thousands Crowded the Exhibit at the Show A Good Look at the Essex On every tongue at the Automobile Show last week there Its performance and its long endurance and the way*in ■was but one word concerning -the most interesting exhibit which it retains its newsness are distinctive qualities, there it was the Essex. Light, cheap cars, even of the better grades, do not ride The newspapers mentioned that fact in their news col- so easily. They don't retain their good looks so long, nor umns. Everyone asked, "Have you seen and ridden in the remain so free from squeaks and rattles, new Essex?" And practically everyone replied, "I didn't get a good We Re P eat ° nl y What ° therS Are chance, because there were always such crowds about it." One famous motor expert, the head of one of the largest 4. n r\.,~ \X7U„_~ vr _ gasoline motor manufacturers in the industry, said, "The So Come to Our Store, Where You Can | ssex has the most wonder{u lly designed motor that has Both See and Ride in It been produced in years." He docs not build the Essex TT .... , . T~. , . . , motor. He has 110 interest in its manufacture. He recog- Here we will have plenty of Essex cars for inspection and nized its new principle that accounts for its great power, tor demonstration. j_j e saw t^e Essex j s capable of speed that rivals that of Everyone is urged to ride in the Essex. Our plan is to ac- large and costlier cars, quaint everyone with its qualities. We let the car do that. y ou had little chance to see these features in your hurried The salesmen will not annoy you with their urgings that you cxami nation of the Essex at the show, buy. Ihe Essex speaks more convincingly than anything wc can say. And We Want You to Ride in the Essex Here you will have an opportunity to view it without ... . u . . . . . interference from such crowds as surged about it at the show. P ut * through every test that any car ,s given to You can see how finely it is finished. You can manipulate P ro Y c qualities, acceleration and speed. Rough the levers and know how easily they operate and theif con- ™ ads ' cobble-stone pavements and chuck holes do not bother venient locations. thosc who nde m the Esscx - You will be able to compare the Essex with other cars X™ h ° W thiS \f n, , you know. You will see how it combines all the advantages rP^A^JW WaS f ng K'£ Ut that u he that have made the light, cheap car so popular with the qufli- ° ften 2 V™ 7 A avoid th . e , rou^h roads : ties that make you proud of it. because the rattles and squeaks made him feel his car would - go to pieces. v If You Have a Light Car That You Like "That one feature in the Essex, even if it possessed no And Still Want One That Is Better other advanta S e " he said > "made it the car of his choice." You will find it in the Essex. BuyefS F ° r Every Esse * It is interesting to note the type of motor That situation is assured by reports re car users that are most enthusiastic over the ceived from all parts of the country. Many dis- , ~ , . , , m tnbutors say their entire allotments for the Essex. They are, for the most part, those who |b\\PY I year are already spoken for. They want more own good light cars. They had never been I 1 cars. dissatisfied with the cars they own, but when ■ 1 v I*i <i*n a 1 .• , ■ gtill 1 iIH I You ask then, Why do we advertise?" The they have seen and ridden in the Essex, they ■ I Essex today dominates motor car interest. speak of the qualities it possesses that are ab- p I We.intend that it shall do so throughout the sent on their cars. year. That is because the Essex has many things The Essex is on the map. It is there to stay that are exclusive to large, costly cars. by virtue of its exclusive qualities. GOMERY-SCHWARTZ MOTOR CAR CO. Salesroom—ll6 Market St. Service Station—Court and Cranberry Aves. Harrisburg, Pa. Bell Phone 2261 Dial 3604 the Austrian capital he received hun-J dreds of letters from Countesses and Princesses who fairly threw them selves at his feet, for, under the shadow of the Hofburg, husbands are of the amiable type that never interfere so long as they, the lords of creation, are allowed to please themselves. "Your Majesty has the most beau tiful eyes;" "The holy fire of ideal ism burns in your eyes: let them rest upon Your Majesty's humblest sub ject;" "Your eyes are those of a King: allow my poor self to bask in their sunshine but for ever so short a while," are extracts from epistles the Kaiser brought home from time to time and read to Her Majesty. Glimpse Into the Court at Berlin. It was because of these incidents, and the natural jealousy of the Kaiserin, that the Berlin Court be came as notorious for the ugliness of its female members as that of the old Emperor and Empress was for beauties. The Empress, my august mistress (as I have described) is jealousy personified, and not only surrounded herself with a chain of passo and sour dames, but treated women of the aristocracy who possess attrac tions that might possibly captivate the Kaiser, with such exquisite and cunning ill-grace that they wore obliged to keep away from Court as often as etiquette permitted. ! With the exception of Countess Bassewitz, who was young and pret ty of face, all Her Majesty's ladles belonged to the old guard, and if, perchance, a good-looking girl was engaged for the higher duties of the household where the Emperor was liable to meet her, Auguste Victoria soon found ways and means to rid the palace of that lay of sunshine. Either the young person was driven to hand in her resignation by those arts which jealous women under stand so well, or was transferred to some distant residence which the imperial master never visited. Fair chambermaids even were sub ject to this rule, and I could give quite a long list of lowly members of our menage who were banished from Berlin merely because Her Majesty thought their nose too finely mod eled, or their hair too luxurious. All the unhappy traits Thackeray ascribes to Queen Charlotte were brought In to play when Auguste Vic toria's jealousy was aroused. She became invincible in matters of eti quette and angry with her people who, in the service, suffered ill health. A pin out of place, or a mo ment's absence from duty, threw her into a towering passion on such occa sions. She was unkind, unjust, and not aboye excusing her hatred of poor sinners, such as we all are, by re ligious scruples. At all times tlie Kaiserin was a much more gracious mistress to homely dependents of her own sex than to good-looking ones; and when they were old, into the bargain, she could be really de lightful to them. Wbat Ozar of Russia Said: This is the late Nicholas, who lost RHEUMATISM LIKE AJMULE You've got to coax It to make it go". "Neutron© Prescription 99" will start the most stubborn and dogged case of rheumatism. We have witnessed Its effective, ness in hundreds of cases, it does things. "Neutrone Prescription 99" is en ; tirely different from the old prepare- I tion in that it aims at eliminating 1 all Rheumatic poisons by purifying the blood, common sense teaches you this. Tt removes those awful pains, limbers up those swollen stiff Joints and muscles in a way that wil" surprise you. Get a bottle today, get the old stuff out of your system, POr ind $1 the bottle at your druggist. Geo. A. Gorgas, the druggist, and leading druggists everywhere. his life In the great war—murdered by his own people—the Bolshevik! that the Kaiser employed In a con- Why Pay More When It Is No! |E9£6M| Necessary? We can save money to you on each record and give you the latest hits at Our New Location^SsgS! YOHU BROS. MB 13 North Fourth St. spiracy to break down the power Russia.) [To Be Continued To-morrow.]