Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, March 25, 1919, Page 16, Image 16
16 I_AnJJnoccnpicd_Storcjs a Icflcctlun onjhc City--MYcrtls£ _ For a Tcnant_| Scathe SKIT/. Elizabeth S. Scitz. wife oi Ih* 1 late Noali Seitz, died Tuesday morning. at 5 o'clock, at the Mes siah Home, 1185 Bailey street, aged as years. Funeral services on Friday after noon. at 3 o'clock, at the Messiah Home Chapel, the Kev. Mr. Krelder and the Kev. Mr. Dick officiating- Interment Knola Cemetery. MM.I.KR —On Monday. March 24. 191*. 11. F. Miller, aged 74 years, lu months and 8 days. Funeral on Thursday afternoon, at 2:30 o'clock, front his laic residence, 7" North Thirteenth street. Rela tives and friends arc invited to at tend without further notice. 1 I'l'Ol.D On March 23, 1919, John Lupoid, aged 77 years. , Funeral on Wednesday afternoon, .t 2 o'clock, from his late residence, at Camp Hill. The relatives and friends are invited to attend with out further notice. Interment Har risburg Cemetery. I'KN'ICAI. Mrs. Maria Fenlcal, wife of the late William Fcnicah died this morning, at 5 o'clock, at her home, 1309 Vernon street, aged ■ 2 years. Funeral services Friday, at 2 "v. from her late residence, the Kev. Thomas Reisch officiating, assisted by the Rev. J. A. Lyter. Interment Harrisburg Cemetery. _____ ANDERSON Klmer l.'url Anderson, son of Mr. and Mrs. Klmer Anderson, died Mondav morning, at 12:3U, at his heme, 1213 Kittatinny street, aged 10 years. Funeral services after noon, at 2 o'clock, front liis late residence, the Rev. Dr. Mudge oftle.- atinc. Interment Paxtang ceme tery. LOST AND HJf.MI LOST Blue pocketbook. between corner of Crooked avenue and Howard street, on Saturdav evening, contain ing over $7.00. Reward if returned to 123 Linden street. _ ! LOST Black fur neckpiece. In or near P. & R. or P. R. R. stations. Re ward if returned to 520 Dauphin street. LOST Saturday morning, corner Cameron and Market, pair of nose glasses in case. Reward if returned to Engineers Society, Front ana Chestnut streets. 1 LOST Friday. March 21, one solid geld cuff link. Initials W. F. P. call Bell phone 166 R. FOUND On Saturday afternoon, a , nurse with card of Miss Mary Ruth Fisher Miller. Owner will receive tame at Telegraph Office by proving identity and paying for this udvei-, iiseircnt INSTRUCTION'S INDIVIDUAL PROMOTION in Gregg | Shorthand. Typewriting, English. ! Bookkeeping. Penmanship, Arithme tic, etc. DAY AND NIGHT SCHOOL OPEN ALL YEAR. Enter any time. Bell 123, Dial 4018. BUCKLEYS BUSINESS COLLEGE 121 Market St. Cnas. 11, Bcckley HELD WAN TED —MALE WANTED EXTEKIENCED NURSERYMAN One with knowledge of orna mental shrubbery preferred. Send full particulars, includ ing salary expected, refer ences and experience. Address BOX P. 7323, Care of Telegraph. WANTED Vot r.g man to work in coal •office at Seventh and Wood bine streets. Apply by letter onlv. giving age. salary de sired. place where formerly ployed. Apply UNITED ICE & COAL CO., Forster and Cowden Sts. LOOK HERE Toll can make $l3; daily < asy. something new. Big held for agents. Particulars free. Hurry, ; territory is going fast. Call, or ad dress. M. A. Allison. Millersburg, Pa. WANTED Three or four live wire men to sell suburban ground •% pply C 22. Iloas street. WANTED Two or three men, be tween 18 and 43 years, to work on, farm. Apply 023 Bias street. Ha:- risburg. WANTED Man to Help clean win ch ws. Experience unnecessary. Apply 1611 Wallace street. Bell phone 4654 M. WANTED. —First-class moulder to > operate 12 machines in planing mill.' Apply to The Beeteni Lumber and Manufacturing Co., Carlisle. Pa. WANTED Broad silk loom tixers. Apply HARRISBURG SILK MILL, Second and North Street. WANTED. —Married or single white man on dairy farm, must be good milker and understand general farm work. Wages fifty-live dollars per month, house, garden, and privileges. Would employ father and son if de sirable. W, B. Devaney, Malvern. Pa. WANTED Good man to work in grocery store and meat market, one who understands cutting fresh meats. Address Box C, 7322, care of Tele graph. REPAIRMEN 40 MEN WANTED at once to learn to repair autos and aeroplanes. Must have $5O cash for entrance fee. Chance to make good money between class hours. Auto and Aeroplane Mechanical School, 23 North Cameron street, Harrisburg. Tratnlng quar ters, 260 South Front street. Steel ton. SALESMEN Experience unneces sary. Not Stocks, Bonds. Insurance or Real Estate. But an opportunity for men who qualify to earn big money. State where employed; full particulars. Box C, 7319, caro of Telegraph. nr.i,l' WANTED—FEMALE WANTED Night dishwasher. Good wages. Apply Alva Restaurant, 19 South Fourth street. For Sale 1309-11 N. ThirdSt A good business property near the Broad Street market. Three story brick building with two store rooms. All improvements—Lot 4 5x93 ft. Miller Brothers & Co. Real Estate laaaranee Surety Honda Locust aad Court Street a Members Hbg. Real Rotate Heard V id s TUESDAY EVENING, ' HARHISBURG *&&&■ TELEGRAPH MARCH 25, 1919. j HEM* WANTED—FEMALE 1 ; ; I I WANTED j EXPERIENCED OPERATORS j We are wanting Sewing Machine Operators, positions ; i arc permanent, regular work, • and good wages, together with a bonus every pay day. Old operators are welcome ! ; to return to work again. FOLDERS Wo are also wanting girls 4 1 for our Folding Department. j 1 | Must be over 16 years of age. Good wages arc paid in | this Department, together with a bonus every pay day. j BLOI'GH MANFG. CO., Inc., i Reily and Fulton Sts. I | PEACE WORK AT WAR PAY —j ! Knit urgently needed socks for us on i Auto Knitters Experience unneces-1 I sary. Full particulars, 3c stamp. | ] Department 146, Auto Knitter Co., 821 j j Jefferson street, Buffalo. N. Y". J • ! WANTED Competent typist with | 1 some business experience. State former employment and salary ex . peeted. Address P. O. Box 124, liar- ■ j risburg. I 'j GIRL WANTED For housework; iin apartment. No washing nor iron- t • ing. Apply Apartment 14, 7 South •Fiont street. j ' EXPERIENCED GIRL WANTED | For general housework. Small fam- 1 ,'ily. No washing. Good wages. Apply j 2426 North Second street. i J BOOKKEEPER AND STENO- \ > GRAPH Kit WANTED For factory II office. Must have a good education; and be thoroughly efficient and -ix- ; pericnced. Apply Belgrade Knitting Mill. Twelfth and Bridge streets. New Cumberland. Pa. j WANTED Experienced sewing girls. Call evenings between 6 and 8, 133 Walnut street. , WANTED Experienced woman for general housework. Small family. Good wages. Apply at 2612 North | j Third street. | j LADIES Let us show you how you can earn $l5 per week at homo 'in spare time Addressing and Mailing; our Music and Circular Letters. Send ' 23c in silver for Music Sample copy and particulars. The Ansonia Music I Company. 25e Main street, Ansonia. Conn. WANTED Reliable white girl to ido second work. Apply 123 State] j street. WANTED Reliable white woman for child's nurse. Good wages to careful and competent person. Add: ess N. 7122. Care of Telegraph. WANTED Middle-aged woman for general housework. Small family. No washing. References. Inquire lro3 Eridge street. New Cumberland.! Pa. > HELP WANTED —Male and Fetualc ■ WANTED Young man to handle lumber business from stump to mar- i kct. Must be capable, consci entious and a hustler. Also a lady stenographer, typewriter and bookkeeper. Only those experienced need apply. Ref erence required. Address C.. 7313. Care of Telegraph. SALESMEN WANTED W ANTED Local salesman to back State Advertising campaign. Bonifide oil Company Texas Field. C. c. Craves & Co.. 70S Main street, 6t. Worth. Tex. SITUATIONS WANTED—MALE WANTED Young, married man '.desires employment of any kind; has ; ' 'experience driv ing any k;r.d of truck ior car; references. Address Box D. 7637, care- of Telegraph. — WANTED Married man desires position on stocked farm. Address Box . 307, Camp Hill. Pa. Route 1. WANTED A position by your.g: I man." who lias had previous expert-{ tnce ana can furnish best of reference.; ■' Addres3 Box 56, 2135, care of Tele-. graph. WANTED Young man desires po- , aitlon as chauffeur; wall experienced.] . Address W.. 7051. care of Telegraph.' — I WANTED Married man desires position as truck driver; lias experi ence and can furnish reference. Ap-, 'ply L.. 7033. care of Telegraph. WANTED By young, married man." with about eight years' experi ence in accounting and general office'; ! wcrk. a position with reliable firm in or about Harrisburg; references fur .nifhed. Address .Box 13, 7316, care of ; Harrisburg Telegraph. j WANTED —By a young man, who has had previous experience, a posi-: Hon as salesman, or clerical work;; t can furnish reference. Address A.. '2468. care of Telegraph. SITUATIONS WANTED—FemaIe WANTED Colored woman wants ' general housework or work by day. [ 172 7 North Seventh street. ! WANTED Woman desires house-' 'i cleaning. 1707 North Seventh street. I WANTED Young woman would (like small washings to do at home, or dav's work of any kind. Apply 1123 State street. Harrisburg. ! WANTED Colored woman de js'res cooking by day, in hotel or res taurant. Apply 1208 Apple avenue. ( I WANTED Woman wishes day's' ! work. Apply 413 Broad street. Dial; , 5184. i WANTED Colored woman wants [ work by day or week. Apply 1101 >4 '■ North Seventh street. WANTED Young woman wishes' 'position as linotype operator: has had' experience: good references. Ball; ' phone 4423 R. j • I WANTED —A young woman desires i a position as cashier or office assist-] "[ant: can furnish best reference. Ad-1 i ] dress 8., 2810. care of Telegraph. I I ROOMS EOll RENT |_ i i FOR RENT Two second floor 1 rooms, completely furnished for light, I housekeeping: all conveniences. Call 11609 Derry street, after 6 P. M. i FOR RENT Housekeeping rooms. I with kitchenettes attached. Stoves' j furnished free. laundry, phone and I bathroom privileges. Storage lock ers. Weekly payments. Inquire 429! j Broad street. I I FOR RENT —Three nicely-furnish ] ed rooms, on third fioor, bay window,! for light housekeeping, with private' 1 family; all conveniences; use of] phone; on State street, near Fifteenth.! I Address Box O, 7321. care of Tele-| graph. ) ROOMS FOR RENT , '"OK rent Three unfurnished rooms, on second and third floor; up j town district; good location: no chil dren. Inquire 9 to 12 A. M., 5 to 9 -P. M. Bell 4123 W. | ROOMS FOR RENT 114 Chestnut street, near river front, large furnish iid room for housekeeping. Running ! hot and cold water, together with t otlicr accommodations. 801 l 305 W. 1 FOR RENT Two or three fur nished rooms for light housekeeping, j No. 25 South Eighteenth street. FOR RENT Large, unfurnished livingroom, first floor front, suitable for suite of rooms, modern conveni ences. Inquire Dayton Cycle Co.. 912 } North Third street. Dial 4990. — FOR RENT Furnished rooms, $2.30 per week and up; warm rooms; I running hot and cold water; light ! housekeeping and private bath. Wil son Apartments. 143 South Third. ' TWO ROOMS —On third floor, for light housekeeping. Address C.. 7068. care of Telegraph. FOR RENT Furnished room, fac -1 i ing river: all conveniences. Apply No. • i'J North Front street. I FOR RENT Two completely l'ur-- I nislied rooms for light housekeeping; i water and gas in kitchen: no children. J Apply 548 Woodbine street. ROOM for rent on third floor, or room on second floor in private fam ; ily. All conveniences. For gentle- I man only. Apply at 1516 Walnut. ' FOR RENT Furnished. bay window front room, second floor; city t steam, shower bath, electric light and ' phone; centrally located. Rhone | 2699 R. ; FOR RENT Three unfurnished ] rooms, on second and third floor; up town district; good location: no chil dren. Inquire 9 to 12 A. 51., 5 to 9 P. M. Bell 4123 W. i FOR RENT Elegantly furnish ed rooms, with private family; no light, housekeeping: references. Bell , plior.o 621, Dial 4937. i ROOMS WANTED WANTED Unfurnished room in a 'private family, by young woman; c.-Ul tra 1 location preferred; best of refei ences. Address Box L, 7061. care of Telegraph. I ! | WANTED Room, by young lady; I employed, with or without board. A.l 'diess Box D. 7323, care of Telegraph, j j WANTED Comfortably-furnish-' ed, well-lighted room and bath, locat ed between State street and Market street, desired by gentleman; refer ences exchanged. If room is not of the kind described, do not reply. Ad dress 1,.. 7039, care of Telegraph. APARTMENTS I'OR RENT ' UNFURNISHED SUITE Living-I ' room, bedroom, kitchenette and pri •ate bath. Possession April 1. Apply ' Penna. Realty & Improvement Co., 182 i Locust street. FOR RENT An apartment, iG"'J . Markt t street. Kent. per month, i 637 50. Possession April 1. Inquire I. K Kipp. FOR RENT Apartment at 1101 ! North Sixth street, four rooms and' i bath, foi light housekeeping: ail I modern conveniences. Apply Louis, j 414 North Third street. MKCHANIC.SBUKG Centrally lo- , ' cated; porches, front and rear; gas and electricity; all conveniences. : Rent reasonable. Small family pre- I 1 (erred. Inquire 429 Broad street, : 9.30 to 11 a. m., or Hopple & Swartr. Meclianicsburg. FOR RENT 132 Walnut street,' ■ two rear apartments, two rooms and loath, electric lights and steam heat. Possession April 1. Apply Common-' | wealth Trust Company. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE ; "IF IT'S REAL ESTATE, SEE SANDERUN" Pick out your home now and don't be i caught without a place to move when '■ your turn comes. A RARE OPPORTUNITY A ten-room stone dwelling, beauti i fully situated: hardwood floors throughout; sun parlor; hot water heat; electric lights; combination coal and gas range; the very last word in a home; don't fail to see this : property if you are considering a j really good home. HERE'S YOUR CHANCE I Stucco bungalow. 2Vi-story; two bath rooms; everything up* to the minute. BUILD YOUR OWN HOME Select your location in any of our ( subdivisions; we will draw up plans and build your home just the way you want it, with about fifteen per ! cent of the cost down; balance in : monthly payments, are as you desire. We have houses located all over town which can be bought with a small amount of money down and the bal ance in monthly payments, same as ! rent. D. ASA SANDERLIN. Room 1, Security Trust Bldg 36 NORTH THIRD ST. BELL 1390 DIAL 3573 POSSESSION APRIL 1. Price. Down. 2267 Login St.. brick.... $2,500 ssou 916 N. Sixteenth 5t.... 5,400 2427 N. Sixth St 6.700 500 ' 421 Maclay St.. brick.. 4,600 ■ 423 Maclay St., brick.. 4,100 1032 S. ltth St 2.800 600 1943 N. Fourth St 3,000 300 , 97 N. 17th St. 4.000 i! D. A. CALEY, Kunkel Bldg. Bell 589 'I ■) MT. GRETNA 7-room cottage, II Canipmeeting Grounds. Good condi tion. wide porches. conveniences j range, running water both floors, elec -11 trie light, furnished. Apply 312 Hum -1 lr.ei street, or to 3lrs. Mussina, on the j Grounds. : FOR SALE —On easy terms, mod ern Styk, S-room house. Price. $3,260 i j Situated in Shiremanstown. Also larger house, finely built. $2,80 J. j Richard S. Mcily, Mechanicsburg. ■ j FOR SALE A modern, three-story j apartment house. In desirable location . j uptown. Good investment. Owner . leaving city. Address S.. 6611. care of Telegraph. i FOR SALE Most attractive West .' Shore home. All modern conveniences Will sell _at a sacrifice. Call Bell ]! phone 30S7R. BUY' YOUR HOME on our rental ! i pavincnt plan. Small cash or Liberty ; Bond first payment required, balance ;as rent. YY a have houses in every '•part of the city and suburbs. Apply lA. 1' Doranz. 1225 North Sixth street. c FOR SALE. Good modern-priced ! home, near river, iq uptown section. ;il"ine river view. A. W. .Swcngel, 2131 North Second. Bt-11 2375 J. ! jjj Do You Need Help? i By Is your business lagging because ] you have not enough competent work ffl crs to carryMt on? nfa J Efficient people are not finding it pp| ' difficult to secure good positions. \ They do not flock to your offices looking for work. You must GO yU < AFTER THEM—advertise for them IP'' and to them through the classified TO]' 1 columns. You can find the right (Hro 1- peoplc, but not without a moderate |m j ( jfffl amount of advertising effort. Yet m :1 W) that is a small price to pay when vou fesa ! consider the IMPORTNCE of 'the &|| matter to you and your affairs. fyy 'HI iff ,gPi pqj • APARTMENTS WANTED j ; W ANTED Comfortably-furnished |bachelor apartments, three rooms and' j bath, centrally located, desired by a • gentleman. Best of reference. Ad- i dress Box H. 7290. care of Telegraph,' i WANTED Four or five furnish- j ed rooms, with private batlx in good i i i residential section. Must have no ob -1 Ijection to two small children. Write! i t'ull particulars lo L. B. Cornell, Penn- h i Harris Hotel. , i WANTED TO RENT i YVANTED. TO RENT A house of| ; |( 6 or 7 rooms, with all improvements' , i and some ground, on Hill or near; ! Paxtang, between $l3 and $25 rent, i; I Address Box D, 8421, care of Tele-i' ] graph. )' WANTED. TO RENT house, in! , ,' good location, with all improvements,'; by family with no small children, lo- I' cated either in Harrisburg or i Knola. Bell phone 4135W, or Box B, i i 7513, care of Telegraph. j _|< REAL ESTATE FOR SALE ] j ! i : ■ FOR SALE 2114 Ponn St.. 3-story i' brick dwelling. 8 rooms, bath, cement . Ed cellar, water, gas and electric! lights, furnace heat, front and rear!; ' porches, screens for windows and] doors. This property is in first-class ! condition. I, FOR SALE 1612 Regina St. 3-;] story stone and brick dwelling, alii' '.modern improvements. Price, s3,ltio.ou. FOR SALE 234 4 Ellerslie St.. 7' rooms, bath, all modern improvements, ; Isdie entrance, drive alley in the rear,, front and rear porches. Price. 43.200.00. FOP. SALE One acre of ground ' up roved by a new G-room bungalow, now vacant, located close to Rock- , ' ville oar line. This plot is elegantly located, is .dose to the city and offer- j 1 ed at the attractive price of $2,600.90.^ BP.INTON-PACKER CO., .Second and Walnut Sts. I i ' - ! MODERN" DWELLINGS—• FOR SALE RIO S. 17TH ST. 537 S. 16T1I ST. 539 S. 15TH ST. BRICK and MODERN dwellings. Il I "Your RENT PAYMENTS will BUY ONE .Ail VACANT—POSSESSION at ONCE. I S. W. FITZGERALD. REAL ESTATE AGENCY. 34 S. THIRD ST. i '! FOR SALE —97 North Seventeenth! 1 'sfeet. vacant, a brick house. 8 rooms, ; with bath, steam heat, gas, front and! 'back porches. Price reasonable. s2oo!' .down, balance same as rent. D. A.!' iCuley, Kunkel Bldg. Bell 389. FOR SALE A cottage, on the Mt. i 1 (Gretna Cnrnpmeeting Grounds, corner! Sixth and utterbein avenues. Apply i 'to Klon E. Kehler, Pa. j FOR SALE On easy terms. 2010 f to 2018 Susquehanna street. Possess- : sion on April 1. Apply A. P. Doranz. I ' 1223 North Sixth. •! THREE-STORY BRICK, S rooms.! $1,800; $50.00 needed as first payment.! '2' .-story frame, $l,OOO. Three-story' ] i brick, on Boyd street, with all im-|- ' prove menls, payments made like rent, i Possession can be had in 30 days. LINCOLN REALTY CO., 1129 Seventh Street. ] FOR SALE. Modern home: goad l location: 3-story brick and stucco: i 'side entrance: 9 rooms and bath; gas;' electric light: steam heat; tine condi tion. Possession at once. 1846 Chest-]i ; nut street. j i FOR SALE BARGAIN 1610; ! Hunter street: nine rooms and bath; !gas and electric lights; side entrance 'hot and cold water in cellar: steam; heat: street and alley paved. Price 11 ' T2.300. Inquire on premises. I FOR SALE Three 3-story frame I houses, eight rooms, paved street, ii $ :.IUO each. Two brick senii-bungu-! ; lows, 6 rooms, laundry, bath, pantry. 1 porches. $3,150 each. Two. bricks, all' I improvements. $5,100 both. Also In - 'dustrlal plant, fine water power. Bell' | 1334J. j FOR SALE. Attractive residence, k 1604 State street. Call at residence] or phone 3849 M. l FOR SALE. Vacant. 3616 Brisban j . ] street, Paxtang. modern 2>-story !■ i brick house, 7 rooms, hath, gus and ) ! electricc light, steam he a t, front and ' 'rear porches. Lot 30x120 ft. Excel-i I lent condition. Call Bell 12M. j PENN ST.. 2320 Vacant house for ! II sale: biick construction, six rooms ami! bath. Meant heat, gas and electric! ! light, concrete front porch, side en- I trance; price, $3,400; easy terms. Bell 1 I ] Realty Co., Rergner Building. | NINETEENTH ST.. N., 28 Single j' . j bricl: dwelling for sale; fourteen I, rooms and bath, gas. electrio light, I! ■lstearn heat; lot, 78x82. Bell Realty! , |Co., Bcrgner Building. I . | FORSTER ST., 1927-1929 $3,000 ' ■ will purchase two frame houses, brick i land frame construction, gas. electric! light. Bell Realty Co.. Bergner Build-! i • VERY' DESIRABLE CORNER I! PROPERTY FOR SALE No. 6211 >'N". Sixteenth street large dwelling;' . i— most moderniy equipped lot, 70s! 195 shrubbery and fruit in season. ■ j Bell Realty Co., Bergner Building. II THREE-STORY BRICK HOUSE' " FOR SALE Above Maclay street —| all improvements garage on rear of I lot. Bell Realty Co.. Bergner Build •jtrg. ij FOR SALE CAMP HILL IG l' story frame semi-bungalow. 7 rooms j and" bath. For further information, • ] call Bell phono 3193 J. ' I 1809 MARKET STREET 3-story ' ! ! brick: fine home; first-class shape. ', Possession April 1. Must be seen to ' be appreciated. Ixhman & Klinge [ man. Patriot Building. I FOR SALE 427-429 Maclay I street, facing k ifth street. Nice io- ! cation J. K. Kipp. 2-03 North Fourth! | street. 1 I ItFAI. ESTATE FOK SALK C. H. CORDED. j. REAL ESTATE j, I 2-story frame, on Park street, with j j garage, porch, ail Improvements. ! Vacant, .corner Boas and Mavj! | streets, 6-room brick: all improve- ' intents; room for garage; front porch. I, 1 2-stor> brick, 6 rooms and bath; all]' I improvements; front porch; corner, ji I small amount down. Pay as rent. j, i Vacant. April 1, 3-story brick, all , ] Improvements rooms, electric undj ■ gas, porch front, furnace, on Market i j street. j] ! Possession soon 3-story brick on State street; room for garage; front!' porch; side entrance. j; ! Vacant April 1. 3-story brick, tip-j town, 9 rooms, all improvements; $3OO I down: front porch; a bargain. ! Corner, up-town 3-story brick, all | i Improvements; room for garag.v. i I porches: small amount down: y jrooms and bath. j Briggs street, near the Capitol: 9' • rooms and bath: side entrance; all! improvements. i I North Second street, corner. t2i • rooms; all improvements; steam lteaf] electric and gas; room for garage; • 'possession soon; suitable for apart-j I ment bouse. I Storeroom property on Hill. Market' street: 3-story hrick: all improve-; tnents. Storeroom, corner property, brick;' possession at once: on Walnut street 11 till) • all improvements. 1 1 Gteen street house; steam heat;' tror.t perch; side entrance. i j --story brick on Hill: all improve- h , merits; $lOO down: pay as rent; drivei" ! alley; porch front; bay window. i j 2-story single frome, 6 rooms, front ' , porch, electric lights, stable, one block • to trolley cars in city; newly painted 1 • and papered: possession May 1; small 1 down; pay as rent. Several apartment houses paving 10 1 Met cent, clear. ; i Several suburban cottages, all im- - j provements, 'i to 1 ac re. land. . 2 L -story brick, on Hill: garage; all! j improvements; front porch; corner. | 2-story brick on Ilill; all improve-!' I tnents: steam heat, electric and ga, j porches: drive alley: side entrance: ■ l bay winaows; possession soon. ' Single corner, all improvements,! ! garage. 8 rooms, on Hill, steam hea..i I electric and gas: possession soon. ; Single frame, corner. •; rooms, at-! | tie, furnace; room for garage; on Hill .near Derrv street; slate roof; 2'--' story; small amount down. ; SU-story frame and stucco, on! [North Second street, near Broad: for-! i naee, electric lights; 6 rooms; posses- 1 j sion socn. O. H. CORDER, : 1722 Green St. Bell 560.1. j ! . N. SIXTH ST. —Very desirable; (dwelling, four rooms tirst floor, hard-' I wood finish, in 2600 block, lot extends {back to drive alley. ' K. TWENTIETH ST. Single house, | lot. 40x12.> teet to drive alley, house.' 'ill good condition. Will sell oh month- I I I payment plan. Splendid opportu- : j nity. ] | ! n<'(lt IX VESTM ENT I 406 to 14°" !' X. FOURTH STREET: monthly in"! i come, $1 25.00. Will take some Citv I ! property In exchange. RIVERSIDE Frame dwelling, in]- I first-class condition, steam heat and l l all other modern improvements In- 1 | vesligate. _ 1 GRACE MncWILLIA.MS, --17 N. Fifth Street. Dial 5707. < I j FOR SALE Corner Sixth and:* ' Cantp streets. Suitable for doctor or , dentis. 41 rooms. All conveniences. 1 Inquire 2228 North Sixth street. - - - j Real Estate for Sale or Exchange ; ! 3-STORY' HOUSE, corner Twenty-!; eighth end Camby streets. Penbrook- i ; all iieprtu'ements; concrete walks; i room foi garage. Possession at once! Price. $5,200. I. Double 2 t/j-story house Nos, 228-230! .Twenty-ninth street, Penbrook; 7 , rooms; all improvements; lots, 24x185 ] each. Possession soon. Price, $2,200,' I cither side. !, I Double 3-story, brick, all improve-!! 'ments, Lemoyne. Price. $3,000, either! ! side. Possession April 1. !. | See CHARLES DAVIES, 204 Calder (Building, Market Square. REAR ESTATE FOK RENT ! ! FOR RENT House, 6 rooms and ;bath, $l6 per month. Dunkel street • near Greenwood. Possession on or .about April 1. Inquire Fred C. Mil- I ler. Attorney, 31 North Second street.! FOR RENT No. 327 N. Hanover' ! street: brick, eight rooms, steam!- I heat, cocking range. gas, electric I light, new paper, ail modern improve-' ments. side and rear yard. $27.50 per . ; month Mrs. E. A. Parker. 315 North Hanover street. Carlisle, Pa. REAR ESTATE WANTED DO YOU WANT to sell your home' . Call A. W. Swengel. 2131 North Sec ond. Bell 2575 J. , READY CASH FOR CITY PROPERTY ■ WHAT HAVE YOU TO OFFER? BE LI. AND DIAL PHONES CIIAS. ADLEK. 1002 N. THIRD ST. h ! i I WANTED, TO BUY A good home' i in Harrisburg or immediate suburbs i < iKough. Brightbili & Kline, 307 Kur-i kel Bldg. Bell 3902, Dial 4509. i Offices and Storerooms for Rent | FOR RENT Good location c or rhoe repair shop. Nice, light room. Address Box A, 7320, care of Tele graph. FOR RENT Excellent location for j barber shop in residential section. I Address Box B. 7321, caro of Tele-] graph. FOR 11ENT 3,000 square ft. of! floor space, for storeroom or light' manufacturing. in brick building.! Plenty of light. Outside entrance I Second floor. 1520 Fulton street. Bell 4570. j TO RENT ARCADE BUILDING— Corner Walnut and Court avenue.' storeroom 32 North Court avenue. Also • several desirable offices second floor.! Inquire Room 206, Second Floor, Ar cade Ridg. FOIt RENT Storeroom and | dwilling opposite National Bank ! nillsburg. Pa. Apply to R. S. Clark! Dillsburs. Pa. "j ___ . STOREROOM. Good Business Location, 504 Market Street. CIIAS. AD LER. 1002 North Third Street. $lO.OO. STOREROOM 230 Hamilton! street. suitable for barber, tailor, ' poolroom or cigar store. Chas. Adior! 1 1002 North Third street. FARMS 40 ACRES, with 3-slory water power mill, 10 acres tine timber. 7- iroont house. 74i miles front Harris burg. Pi ice. $5,000. Terms to suit. Will exchange a G-acre fruit farm.' good building, for city property worth I $9,300. I Will exchange o-acre truck and [fruit farm for city property worth I $1,300. \ 2 acres, with 2 Bi-story house, at! West Knola. Price, $2,000. Terms to! suit. I 3%-ncre truck farm. S-room house,, near Paxtang. Price. $ 1,800. ; 103-acro limestone farm. 2 houses, [large barn. Price, $9,000. Seven, [miles west Harrisburg. Any of these places can bo had April 1. 1919. See CHARLES DAVIES, 204 Calder: Blag., Market Square. 160-ACRE FARM ] Possession at once. Stock, ] tools, and feed included. Or will give use of stock and ; tools tree for one year for quick sale. Land level. Good water. 50 acres good timber. Terms reasonable, or will exchange on city property, j Located near Hulitax. C. it. CORDER, 1722 Green St., Harrisburg. Bell S6OJ. FARM FOR SALE Five miles I from Harrisburg. l'ruit and Poultry . Farm, 16 acres. Fine location. About '< 'lOO young fruit trees just starting to! ; bear. Good house and outbuildings, i (Call 1826 Regina street. ! 40 .ACRES—Without buildings, sur rounded by a small stream of water, 6 miles from Harrisburg. $1,500.00. 10 acres, with good buildings, an get possession April 1, $2,100. Call at 107 Chestnut. FARM 110 acres; best of soil; house and barn in o. K. condition; plenty oi hay. straw and cornfodder. . i 107 Chestnut'street. FARMS WANTED WANTED A good Farm already . stocked D., 7056, care of Telegraph, WANTED A large or small Farm, [near trolley or railroad. Please state] i lowest price. Address D., 7286, care 'of Teh graph. FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS I PEOPLE COMING BACK THREE OR FOUR TIMES. i SAY THAT ' LONG FLAME FURNACE COAL is so satisfactory that no other : COAL gives the saute SATISFACTION. Order 1,000 lbs. to-day. Ji.7o. Bell 600. Dial 2345 J. B. MONTGOMERY. ! NO COAL CARDS NEEDED. SUBURBAN DELIVERY. [, FOR SALE Beautiful Blenheim Spaniel puppy. JO weeks old. Pedi ! greed. Reasonable. Call 312 Hummel [street. i FOR SALE Oak roll-top desk, in good condition; also combination lock saf , 24x32x42 Inches. Fall at 1732 ! Slate street, or phone 146" J. ! FOR SALF, Reed reversible baby carriage, in excellent condition. 2154 IPenn stteet. or Bell phone 769. ] ' FOR SALE 1916 Chalmers. 6-cyl ' inder classv roadster, in first-class [condition. Electrically equipped. Will •oe sold cheap. Libert}.- Bonds taken 'in paj ir.ent. Call at 1u 14 North Sev enth street. j FOR SALE Oak bedroom suite, [extension table, lamps, set Mrs. Potts', irons una other articles. Call at 1208 : I'enn street, after 6 I*. M . or ail day Wednesday. ' FOR SALE Soda Fountain, with ! all fixtures, including ice crusher, milk shaker, hack-tire peanut roaster, etc. Will be sold reasonable. W llliam Moyer, 452 Cumberland street. j FOIt SALE Two glass show i cases, cheap; 6 ft. long, 36 in. high. Must be sold at once. Call at Bogar Hardware Co., Third and Sayford ; streets. MISCELLANEOUS houshold furni ture for sale. including antiques, books, etc. Call 2149 North Second i street, any time. ! FOR SALE Four-burner gas ' stove with ovens. In use one week. Address E.. 7318. care of Telegraph. FOR SALI6 Piano, vietrola. din- Ingroom suite and hall suite. Address IF.. 7317. care of Telegraph. ' FOR SALE Elevator. 3.000 tbs. i rapacity, for three floors; ropo lift: ! platform. 7x16 ft. J. S. Sible, 256 [ llerr stt t et. FOR SALE Adding Machine at a bargain. Address BOX S, 6421, Care of Telegraph. YVOOD FOR SALE 13.00 per load, sawed and split. Drop us a postal and we will deliver promptly. Frank Olphin, 1815 North Twelfth. ; BARGAINS! BARGAINS! The store across from Y. YV. C. A. ! offers you the biggest and best bar gains in Men's and Boys' Suits. Over coats. Mackinaw Coats. Underwear, Hats. Caps, and Shoes. We are fam ous for Low Prices. Give us a trial. | OUTLET CLOTHING CO.. 1 gJ North Fourth Street. | FOR SALE—MISCELLANEOUS I | FOR SALE Kufus Red Belgian i Hares. Fine stock. Heavyweight I type. Excellent color and condition.! Bucks and Does. Aug. Rich, 417 ! South Seventeenth street. i TYPEWRITERS BOUGHT I'OR CASH ALL MAKES RENTED EXCHANGED. GEO. P. TILLOTSON. I 205 LOCUST STREET. OPPOSITE | OKPHEI'M THEATER. BOTH PHONES. ! FOR SALE Dinlngroom suite, j I turned oak. consisting of table, four chairs and buffet. practically new. , Will sell very reasonable. Stored, j and inquire at 1530 North Fifth street. | MORRIS SAY'S save money buying new and second-hand furniture here. I High prices paid for furniture. Morris, j Schmertz, 1030 Market. Bell 3971 R. I \V A N TED—SI IS CELL A N EOI S i HIGHEST CASH PRICES PAID for I Second-hand Furniture. Prompt at-! lent ion. Newmark & Cown, 368 Broad , street. Dial phone 4286. Bell 4705R i YV ANTED. TO BUY A good, sec ond-hand IxS alley pool table. Musti lie In good shape and reasonable price. Call Dial phone 3992. I WANTED DiAingroom suite from private family. Must be In good coo • dition. Call Roll 3634 or Dial GS6S. | Evening Dial 3025. ! II YY'ANTED Permanent home for] I two-year-old baby boy. in well-to-do! Christian family. Address Box L, 1 7660, care of Telegraph. MAX SMKLTZ Seeonil-hand furniture bought and i 'sold. Highest cash prices paid. Call I ■ Hell 107111. or drop a postal to Max I Smoltz ICI6 Market street. Will call, ;' city or country. I YV ANTED A second-hand lirani llift band elevator. Capacity, 300 to! i j 600 tbs.. to third floor. J. S. Sible, 256 ! llerr street. j ! 1,. COHEN & COMPANY. York and! Ash avenues. Highest prices paid tor : i, rags, paper. Iron, barrels, rubber and metal and old machines. Send postal or call 3221YV Bell and Dial 6225. | ! HIGHEST PRICES PAID for ail kinds of empty barrels and junk. Call : Bell phone 4275. B. Abrams & Son, i 524-532 North Seventh street. ! , BUSINESS PERSONALS HARDWOOD FLOORS LAID AND FINISHED. OLD FLOORS CLEANED. Consult the man who knows j ' how. [ G. M. SLOUGH. ! Bell phono ISS9YV. i 1 DIAMONDS bought for cash—P. IT.) ICAPLAN CO., 206 Market street. A. LANE New utitd second-hand furniture j I bought and sold. Highest prices paid. , 1022 Mal*ket street. Bull 4730-J. IXY KNiGRS FINANCED Patents I Automobiles, Motorcycles Bought, Isold. Exchanged. Cash or commission. ' [ Simon Horst. Linglestown. Pa. UPHOLSTERING Of the best kind. YVerk guaranteed. YY'e call and i deliver. 308 Broad street. Dial phone 4526. Bell phone 4705 R. MACHINE SHOP Specialty of! light machine, models, experimental.; mill, factory repairing, odd parts tor] autos made. Y'ariety Machine and Re 'puir Shop. 1701 Fulton street. Harris-' ! burg, Ta. { OXY-ACKTYLENK YY'ELDING ' Any metal welded. Work guaran- ' j teed. Carbon removed by oxygen, i 'Capital City YVelding Co.. 353S Logan! ] street. Bell 1396.7. 'j RAZOR BLADES SHARPENED—| [Single edge, 25c doz.: double edge, 35c idoz.: razors. 25c. Uorgas Drug Store.' ; FURNITURE CRATED—And china packed for shipping. Also repairing. 1 j.l. A. Risltop. 1736 Logan street. I 1 CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER— Es tiniiites. Jobbing. First-class work, j ill YV. Hummer, 1423 Liberty street.. Bell 4 <2O. I I QUININE —Look out for that grippe] i feeling, likely to :atch you this i changeable weather. OUR LAX AT IV E PHOSPHO-QULNIXE will stave it olf (if taken in time. Gross Drug Store,] ■ll9 Market street . j BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES | ' PACKING 1 [ Experienced packers of Fur | uiture, China and Bric-a-brac. A. H. SHENK 1906 North Sixth St. Bell Phone 399 W. [ FOR SALE A confectionery bnsi-' : ness, consisting of stock, fixtures, l ' good will and real estate, being lo ' tatc-d at No. 1015 North Third Street,; ' Harrisburg, Pa. The house is a three- I , story brick, consisting of a complete! 1 housekeeping apartment of six rooms ' land a bath, storeroom, iee cream and' 'candy manufactory, it was formerly kr.cwn as the Dietrich Confectionery [and Bakery business, having been a' l wholesale und retail place for over, ' .lorty years. All improvements and ; . heated by steam heat. Bell 397 J. For; 'price and terms inquire of Fred. C. > ;; Miller, Attorney, 31 North Second [ [street, Harrisburg. Pa. ! YV ANTED A partner, or will sell; '[out Indies' Iteady-to-Wear Store near! ! Harrisburg. YVonderful opportunity.! Address Partner, care of Telegraph. [ PARTNER TIRE BUSINESS j I Are you a salesman or have you. 'lliad retail selling experience? '] Have you a desire to get into busi • | ness for yourself? If you knew of an unusual opportu-- 'nity to get into a profitable business] | with a partner who knows the busi '! ness thoroughly und would make an! 1 investment equal to yours, can you j [command $3,000 to $5,000 cash?. Ad-I [ dress Box 816. 25 Broad street Room ! 502, New Y'ork. 'j WOULD like to buy a sntnll busi- i ness where there is not much capital] | j required. Grocery preferred. State 1 I full particulars in first letter. Ad [drtss M.. 7282, care of Telegraph. •, 'I CAPABLE BUSINESS MAN has $5OO ■ to Invest with services. Correspond- I ence Invited. Address Box T, 6622, | care of Telegraph. ' EXTRA—EXTRA Send foi March 15th issue of the Oil Press, containing new and startling ! and accurate analysis of present cot>- : ditions, Okmulgee Producing Refining Company, Sinclair. New Hoffman, Globe. Catlett-Davis, Shirt Sleeve, Prudential, Apex, Consumers and many other new and old Mid-conti nent oi' producing companies. Copy of litis important issue sent on re quest. Oil Press, 1800 Republic Bldg.. Kansas City, Mo. FOR SALE Shoe-shining parlor. Marble base, five chairs, two cigar cases, also wall case, ice box and Jl poolroom chairs. Will sell cheap for .leash. Inquire 51 North Front street, I Steel ton. Pa. MUSI UAL - , PLAYER PIANO With forty rolls I of music, for sale; slightly used; ntuet| be sold at once; cheap to a quick, buyer. Spangler Music House, 2112 North Sixth street. | I MUSICAL 1 .1. IT. TROUP MUSIC HOUSE, Troup Building—ls S. Market Square. BARGAINS THIS WEEK SHOO. StiefC Upright, mahogany, (brilliant tone, good condition. Price. I J 1.50. Easy payments. $025. Wescr Bros. Upright, One {mahogany, like new. Good tone. :Pi ice. $lB5. Easy payments. $325. Weaver, upright, mahogany ease, large size. I.lke new. Price, $220. Easy payments. ' $350. Story A- Clark upright, near ly new: exceptional value. Price, $215. Easy payments. . | Poll X- Sons, 88-note player, mahog innv. with 25 rolls and bench. Price, ■s.'l7s. Easy payments. ! Klsliell Phonograph. mahogany, {large cabinet size, nearly new. Price. I $OO. Easy payments. j Edison Amberoln, largo cabinet 'size, plays four-minute records. Price, $55, records included. Any of above instruments delivered free, anywhere. .'. H. TROUP MUSIC HOUSE. Trour. Building, 15 S. Market Square. AN ORGAN FREE Within the next few days organs .will 1" given away. Call at Yohn {Bros.. 12 North Fourth street, for in i formation. I TALKING MACHINES promptly and 'eert folly repaired bv an expert only ; OTHER'S. 14 South Fourth street. VIOLINS M VN'POI.IN'S, GUITARS, iBANJOS P.nnd and Orchestra Instru ments promntly and carefully repair -1 ed. OYLER'S. 14 South Fourth street. . MONEY TO LOAN , < MONEY If you are pressed for ready rash to meet any emergency, call to see us. We lend money in compliance with the laws ! of the State. EMPLOYES' LOAN SOCIETY, ROOM 206 BERGNER BLDG., THIRD AND MARKET STREETS. I {LICENSED AND BONDED BY STATE. MONEY FOR INCOME TAXES and other necessities. If you are sub iject to tny and without funds aud hank credit, our money service may interest you. Cost reasonable. Pay- I metits arranged to suit your income. ! CO-OPERATIVE LOAN & INVEST MENT CO. 201 Chestnut St. ' WE LEND MONEY in complianco with A< t of June 17, 1915, to individu als in need of ready cash: small loans a specialty, business confidential, pay ment.- to suit borrower's convenience, I positively lowest rates in city. PENNSYLVANIA INVESTMENT CO. 132 Walnut Street. HORSES AND CARRIAGES I FOR SALE Horse and cart, com -1 plete. Young, black horse, weighing 1 400 to 1,500. Will work either single ior double. E. W. SheafCer, Lochiel ; Furnace. ROOFING AND SPOUTING YOUR ROOF WILL BE RIGHT I AND WATER TIGHT IF PAINTED BY AUCTIONEER lIITE. A Postal brings me. Bell 1875 J. ! TO THE PROPERTY OWNERS OF ' HARIUSBUKG AND VICINITY i Having severed my connections with 1 the War Department of the U. S. A., J 1 have again resumed my ROOF I PAINTING BUSINESS and will bo i pleased to relieve you of your roof i worries. Remember YOUIt ROOF WILL BE RIGHT AND WATER- I TIGHT if vou have it painted by I AUCTIONEER HITL, 422 South Thir ' teentli. Bell Phone, 1875-J. All work I reeeivbs MY PERSONAL ATTKN -1 TION and 1 guarantee u WATKR ; TIGHT JOB. I YOUR ROOF WILL BE RIGHT AND WATERTIGHT, IF PAINTED BY t AUCTIONEER HITE. BELL 1875 J. — , HAULING AND MOVING AUTO 11AULING—Local or long ! distance. Furniture and piano moving a. specialty. Blue Line Transfer. 917 'Capital street. Both phones. ' GENERAL HAULING Local anj long distance. Cheapest rates in city. Truck end two men, $1.50 per hour, ; Robert A. Aboff, 1601 North Fourtl* {street. Bell phone 1718 J. ; AUTO HAULING Anything, any where. Furniture moving. E. S. Os in.an. 717 South Nineteenth street. Bell I 1591 W. HICKS Local and long-distance '.hauling and storage. 424 Reily. Both { phones. I LOCAL AND LONG-DISTANCE HAULING Furniture moving. I Prompt service. Ernest Corbin, sr>q ICalder street. Both phones. Bell j 3836-J. Dial 3683. | FOR HIRE—Two-ton auto truck. I Apply 1108 South Ninth street. Bell I phone 2455 R. I HEAVY HAULING—FuIIy equipped I for furniture, freight and piano mov- I ing. No distance too far. Careful 'driver. Rain and dustproof body. ,T. j 15. Clubber's Truck Service. Irwin j Aungst, manager, Hershey, Pa. Bell i phone 15176. I GENERAL HAULING AND FAST EXPRESS SERVICE to nearby towns with auto trucks. Only experienc=<l I and careful drivers. Call Bell 3320, lor Dial 2265. i - —. 4 AUTO HAULING Local and long distance. Furniture moving a spe cialty. Rates reasonable. Prompt ser vlcc. Call Bell 623-J. ALL KINDS OF HAULING AND MOVING DONE CONRAD BROS.. 341 KELKER ST. ' BELL PHONE 623 W. DIAL PHONE 3518. STORAGE: STORAGE Private rooms tor household goods In fireproof ware house. $3 per month and up. Lower storago rates in non-fireproof ware house. Harrisburg Storage Co., 437- >45 South Second street. STORAGE —In brick building, rear 408 Market. Household goods in clean, private rooms. Reasonable rates, p, G. Dtener. 408 Market street Additional Classified Ads I on Opposite Pago