Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, March 25, 1919, Page 12, Image 12

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Court-Martial in Chamberlain
Case Is Started in
By Associated Press
J.oiulbn. March 25.—The court
martial in the case of Captain Ed
mund G. Chamberlain, of San An
tonio, Texas, an officer of the Unit
ed States Marine Corps, the story of
whose exploits in bringing down a
nuirtber of German machines 'in an
air battle while he was on a visit to
the British front last July has been
under Investigation for some time,
was begun at American navy head
quarters here yesterday. Captain
Chamberlain was formally charged
with "scandalous conduct tending to
the destruction of good morals,"
i and with "falsehood." He pleaded
nol guilty.
tThe day was spent largely in
jockeying on the admission of re
ports of Chamberlain's alleged ex
ploits, and recommendations for dis
tinctions. Donald Harper, counsel
lor the defense, objected to the man
ner in which the judge advocate
planned to get them into the record.
Lieutenant Commander W. A.
Edwards, Vice Admiral Sims' aid for
aviation, told of receiving alleged of
ficial reports of the exploits, as they
were widely published, and of pre
paring a letter for Admiral Sims,
recommending Chamberlain for the
medal of honor and promotion in
rank. The letter was forwarded to
■Washington. He said the British air
ministry began to doubt the truth
of, the exploits and investigated the
matter last fall.
Mr. Harper tried to prove by
Commander Edwards that a letter
had been received at naval bead
quarters here saying that Chamber
lain flew with the British squadron
from June 20 to July 13 of last year,
but Edwards did not remember such
a letter.
It is understood that several mem
bers cl the Two Hundred and Eighth
Royal Air Squadron are returning
to London on Thursday, and the de
fense expects to call some of these
in an attempt tq prove that Captain
Chamberlain was attached to tha'
squadron during the time mentioned
by Mr. Harper to-day.
The only other winess was Cap
tain F. H. Evans, in command of the
Poliac air station, who said that
when the House Naval Affairs com
mittee was at Poliac, Captain H. I.
Cone, commanding United States na
val aviation in France, instructed
Captain Evans to get Chamberlain's
then untold story.
Calls Burleson Action
"Despotic and Brutal"
New York. March 25. —Postmas-
ter General Burleson's action in dis
missing' Clarence H. Mackay as
president of the Postal Telegraph
Cable Company was characterized
by Mr. Mackay as "despotic and
brutal." in a statement issued here
last night on his return from Balti
more, where he was when the dis
missal notice was served at the
company's office here last Saturday.
Mr. Mackay added that "William
Hohenzollern himself could not have
been more arbitrary, despotic and
vindictive," and served notipe on
Mr. Burleson that he would "fight
to my last dollar and to the last
He ridiculed Mr. Burleson's state
ment that the dismissal "was the
result of his failure to obey instruc
tions of the Postoffice Department."
A'. J. Rogers, of Pittsburgh. to_-day
complained to the Public Service
Commission that he was compelled ;
to pay ten cents for Sunday newspa- |
pers in that city. He said that the
price was exorbitant. The commis
siori wil consider whether it has jur
A. hearing was arranged to-day for
April 1 before a Senate committee
on the Shunk bill to allow the Pub
lic Service Commission to suspend
rates during litigation.
( Head or chest—
are best treated M !
"externally" with Amt
YOUR BODYGUARD" -30f. 60<tC20
/ —\
To Keep Your Youth
If you wear old-fashioned,
cemented Double - Vision
Glasses, naturally you will
look old. On the other
hand, wear Kryptok Len
ses, and you take on a
youthful appearance. Far
and Near Sight in one lens.
Kryp to k s show
no line of division.
Come to us for tlicm.
807 N. Third St.
before the war quality
Hoffer's Best Flour
now being sold by all grocers is
the best flour on the market for
home made bread and pastry
Soviets Seize
Badapest Theaters
Copenhagen, March 25. A
dispatch says the Soviet gov
ernment has occupied all thea
ters and music hails and arrange
for revolutionary plays and ad
dresses on the significance of the
Commissioner Gross Orders
Two Water Pumpers to
Respond to Alarms
Luck of sufficient fire apparatus
protection for the Allison Hill district
was called to the attention of City
Commissioner E. Z. Gross to-day,
who said that when the 1919 budget
was being prepared he suggested the
purchase of an additional pumping
engine this year, but it was not ap
proved. He also declared that
when the budget is prepared for
next year, provision should be made
for the additional engine.
Last week a break in the mechan
ism of the Alt. Pleasant Company
triple combination pumper put that
piece of apparatus out of service,
with the result that until repairs are
made the entire Hill district is with
out the service of any pumping ap
paratus except the steam engines in
the central district, the nearest of
which are the Citizen and Friendship
pieces in the house in South Third
street below Chestnut.
While one of these responds to
alarms on the Hill it takes several
minutes to get there and last Satur
day night when the fire broke out In
the Bowman, Mell & Company drug
warehouse, only one pumping engine
was brought there until Fire Chief
John C. Kindler sent in a call for the
Citizen and Hope engines.
Two Engines
Commissioner Gross said he will
arrange to have two engines respond
to alarms in the Hill district while
the Mt. Pleasant pumper is out of
service and will also consider the
placing of a steam engine In one of
the Hill company houses temporarily
until the apparatus now out of ser
vice is repaired.
When the motorization of the city
fire department was completed, it
was planned to remove the Paxton
fire engine to the Royal Fire Com
pany house in Derry street near
Twenty-first. This was objected to
by firemen and as a result tlie entire
Allison Hill section has but one
pumping engine withjn the district.
At present of the 22 motorized
pieces of fire apparatus owned by the
city, there are five stationed in
houses in the Hill section as follows:
Mt. Pleasant. Thirteenth and How
ard streets, triple combination pump
er, chemical and hose wagon: Sham
rock. Fifteenth and Herr streets.
I chemical and hose wagon: Allison.
Fourteenth near Kittatinny. chemical
and hose wagon and ladder truck;
Royal, chemical and hose wagon.
In the South Harrisburg section
and in South Second street, below
[Chestnut street, there are fottr
pieces, in the business district and
extending north to a short distance
above State street, eight pieces and
above North street five pieces, in
cluding a steam engine and a
Councilmen to-day discussed the
necessity for passing an ordinance
imposing a fine on drivers of auto
mobiles and trucks who run their
machines over fire hose which is be
ing used and stretched across streets.
During recent fires several sections
of hose were ruined because of tliis.
Deaths and Funerals
Henry F. Miller, 74 years old of 7)
North Thirteenth street, died yester
day afternoon of a complication of
diseases, lie is survived by his wife,
three children. J. D. Miller,
Miss Fertha M. Miller and Miss
Edith G Miller, of Harrisburg; one
brother and one grandchild. Funeral
services will be held on Thursday aft
ernoon, at 2:30 o'clock, conducted by
the Rev. William Moses, pastor of St.
Paul's Methodist Episcopal Churcn.
Burial will be made in the East Har
risburg Cemetery.
Funeral services for Mrs. Elizabeth
C. Sipe, aged 69 years, who died Sun
day night at the home of her daugh
ter. Mrs. Sadie Gingrich, 533 Hetrick
street, will be held Thursday after
noon. at 1:30 o'clock. The Rev. Byron
F. Shafer, pastor of the Lutheran
Church of the Redeemer, will offici
ate. Burial will be made in the East
Harrisburg Cemetery.
Funeral services for Miss Mary S.
Holmes, who died at Fort Snelling, St.
Paul, Minn., were held at the home of
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harry 11.
Holmes, Paxlang, to-day. The Rev.
Harry B. King, pastor of the Paxton
Presbyterian Church, officiated.
Burial was made in the East Harris
burg Cemetery.
The Rev, A. M. Stamets, pastor of
the Augsburg LutTieran Church, will
officiate at the funeral services for
Mrs. Llllie Gertrude Forney, to be held
Friday afternoon, at 2 o'clock, at her
home, 338 Harris street. Burial will be
made in the Camp Hill Cemetery. Mrs.
Forney died yesterday. She is sur
vived by two sons, Edward L Forney
and George G. Forney: a daughter,
Mrs. Jennie Miller, and two grand
At the general offices of the Beth
lehem Steel Company in Steelton, If
was said to-day that the prospects
for securing peace orders are bright.
A number of men who have been
temporarily laid off, stand a good
chance of being taken into the cm
ploy of the corporation, it was said.
Data Made Ready For Fight
ing Appeals of Operat
ing Companies
' j Assessments of coal lands in Dau-
I phin county as fixed by T. Ells
worth Davies, Scranton. the mining
engineer secured by the County Com
missioners for that purpose, have
been furnished to the Susquehanna
Colleries Company and the Philadel
phia and Reading Coal and Iron
Company. Copies of the assessments
' have also been given to M. E. Stroup,
local counsel for the Susquehanna
Company, and John T. Brady, local
counsel for the latter corporation.
The total coal acreage in the six
anthracite townships as entered in
1 the assessment books is 30.247.95 and
the total assessment of the coal $117,-
488.410. The coal lands also have a
: surface area assessment against
them making the total for surface
: and coal $117,049,218.
The Susquehanna Company owns
the fields in Williams, Wiconisco and
Lykens townships with a total acre
age of 7,006 and a valuation of $86,-
616,045. The Philadelphia and Read
ing Company owns the lands in East
Hanover. Rush and Middle Paxton
townships, with a total acreage of
23,181.95, valued at $30,871.05.
Tlic Assessments
In the following list of coal lands
owned by the two companies the
tracts are named according to the
original owners. The valuations as
entered in the assessment books
l.ykcun Township
Coal Coal
Tract. Area, Acres. Valuation
Shreiner 76% $67,308
Gratz, 170 - 1,000,160
Lenger & C 0.,... 1384 239,672
H. Elder 7% 88,928
A. Levy 362% 380,448
J. Biakle 17% 209,636
J. Meshch '82% 128,338
D. Boas & L>.
Reigle. ..... 116*4 66.48S
846 84 $2,189,978
tVllllnuiK Township
Kimmel 401 $4,403,712
Shreiner, 240% 1,725,476
Elder 281 40,956
Elder, 343% 11,036,484
Elder 299 5,999,292
Miller 113*4 2,173,832
Halter 176% 11,026,488
Strimplfer 382 1,569,512
H. Buhler, 109% 1,172,300
2,648% $42,448,052
Wiconisco Township
Jacob. Meash 360% $1,704,696
J. Bricker, Jr.... 429'., 2,903,548
Blckel, 111% 4,476,960
H. Shreiner 194 1,383,660
N. Snyder 60 1,025,368
Fred Lenker 113*4 2,124,728
Simon Gratz 44% 830,640
Thorn. Elder 458*4 5,371,280
Thorn. Elder 37*4 940,948
Thorn. Elder 78* 2,584,512
Thorn. Elder 462 7,735,376
Thom. Elder 113 7.228
Thorn. Elder 68 1.682,572
11. Shreiner, 244 3,831,972
Boas & Rumpert, • 46% 120,823
Thorn. Elder 398 % 1,592,340
J, N. Haldeman,. 30% 580,364
3,571 $41,987,015
KIIMII Township
J. Heister 402 % $259,800
P. Sheaffer 348 234,600
10. Kuhn 323*4 25,900
S. Madiera 425 137,600
Thom. 8ird,...,.. 985 2,616,800
A. Rapp . 342 571,200
M. Meyer 18% 117,600
E. Reillnger 312% 1,136,000
G. Seitz 11(1 593,600
M. Madera 140 1,042,000 I
L>. J. Dull & M.
Iloff 872 1,221,200
C. Madera 462 3,600
4,841% $7,961,000
East Hanover Township
I. V eager 152% $1,395,200
E. Ktvif 106% 2,770,400
Geo. Seitz 331 1,616.400
M. Madera 426 2,618,000
Thom. Bird 110 218,000
W. M. Strickland, 420% 1,306,400
George Handy,.. 470% 2,107,400
J. R. Neff 412% 2,325,800
2,849 % $13,757,600
Middle I'nxton Township
John Cochran,... 62 $867
Seth Craig 466 1,570,196
H. Sloain 540 737,268
J. Wise 448.5 4\'!4,004
Melclioir Rohn... 560 006,122
Green & 80a5,... 131.4 38,658
Benj. Ali scar 329.7 56.689
A. Bretz, ,Ir 15.6 5.612
Alex. Symonton,. 367 213,678
C. Bird 432 250,734
J., Lyon 96 39,551
<5. W, Neff,...... 3,414 1,688,433
Fred Ball 3,572 1,555,777
John Mussel' 82 9,904
J. Parker 457 248,310
Thom. G. Price,. 2,629 1,215,912
J. V. Ai S. C.
Weistling, .. ... 1,147 63,076
Bavard & C 0.,... 433 9,105
B. Minsker 131 6,858
11. McCloskey,. .. 127 10,932
1* Minsker, '22 1,170
15,501.2 $9,152,865
Grand t0ta15,.30,247.95 $117,488,410
[Continued from First Page.]
suited in the rapid and sturdy growth
of grains. Generally the temperatures
over virtually the entire country
were from five to ten degrees above
Frequent warm rains and absence
of severe "cold snaps" also helped
crops. Only in some districts of the
northeast was there any damage
worth recording due to freezing and
thawing with insufficient snow cover.
Continued good weather recently
has been helpful, especially to fruit
bearing plants and trees and a bump
er crop is promised. Grazing lands
likewise have benefited.
The ice crop appears.to have been
the only one to suffer because of the
mildness of the winter.' Lack of
freezing temperatures resulted In
navigation being open practically all
winter on the rivers and lakes of the
United States. Ice that was formed
disappeared quickly under the warm
sunshine nearly everywhere, and
weather bureau experts said to-day
there, was bound to be a considerable
shortage of natural lee for consum
ers during the coming summer.
Bureau statistics show that the
rather general notion that the past
winter actually was the mildest ever
known instead of merely one of the
mildest. Is erroneous. The winter of
1875-76 was considerably warmer,
as was the winter 1877-78. The win
ter of 1881-82 was about like that
just past, and in 1889-90 it was con
siderably warmer In the section east
of the Mississippi river. The winter
1905-06 fell slightly short of being
as mild as that of 1918-19.'"
Letters of administration on the
estate of Mrs. Alberta Marshall, who
was shot March 6 by Roy A. Farner.
who then committed suicide, were
Issued to-day by Register Ed. H.
Fisher, to J. -W. Miller, her father.
Members of Sunset Club, 0 rganized to Give
Aged Women Chance to Arrange Own Funerals
If you are a woman, if you ar
to give minute directions as to you
of New York City. It was founded
who is seen in the front row (cente
club held its second annual luncheo
biggest undertakers. Pallbearers ae
deftly while an orchestra played ap
Philadelphia Charter
Bill Has Hearing Today
i Much interest centered about the i
hearing to-day on the Philadelphia!
charter revision bills which started
| in tlie Senate chamber at - o'clock I
I before the Senate committee on mu- !
I nicipal affairs.
The forces supporting the bill had j
mustered three speakers, including j
John Winston, chairman of the chap- i
ter revision committee; Thomas Kae- j
burn White, a member of the com
mittee and James Collins Jones, a j
Philadelphia attorney.
Senator Vare who opposes the bill. j
said this morning that 110 effort I
would be made by him to tight it 1
this afternoon before the committee,
and there were no speeches sched- I
uled against the measure.
The Golden bill authorizing cities
to pass ordinances regulating "skip- |
stops" was passed finally in thej
House by 11)1 to 2. The bills abolish- j
ing the request to condemn realty j
except where debtor claims certain j
exemptions and increasing penalties
for illegal operation of automobiles j
passed without comment.
September 28 is to be formally j
designated :<s Prances Willard day
and directed to lie observed in the
schools under provisions of the bill
presented in the House by Mr. Ken
nedy, Beaver.
The House passed finally by a
! vote of 163 to 14 the bill requiring
all employers to give employes two
hours leave of absence to vote, af
ter speeches by Mr. Minn. Lehigh,
its sponser, Mr. Palmer, Schuylkill,
and Mr. Aaron, Philadelphia. Mr.
Minn thanked the House aftef it had j
passed the bill which lie has intro- |
duced at several sessions. The mens- j
ure now goes to the Senate.
The Beckley bill authorizing town- j
ship supervisors to improve roads I
which begin at a public road, but
do not end at a public highway was
passed in the House in the absence
of its sponsor, who is in a hospital
recovering from an operations for
appendicitis. Mr. Mallery, Venango,
attacked the purposes of the Oil I i
and M. Bowman, Cumberland, Mr. |
Berkley's colleague, took up the j
tight for the measure. It passed 104 1
to 3i>.
The House to-day passed a resolu- j
tion to adjourn to-night for the week ,
as a mark of respect to Senator Ster- j i
ling R. Catlin, who will be burled 1
at Wilkes-Barrc to-morrow. The),
plan is to hold afternoon and night |
sessions and none tomorrow.. A com- !
mittee of members will go to the fu- I,
neral to-morrow.
The Senate this afternoon passed i 1
approximately thirty bills on third
reading and final passage, including
a host of appropriation measures.
Among the measures to pass were
included the Harrisburg bill au- 1
thorizing the construction of a joint 1
office building by the city and county
and a third class city bill which
would permit the superintendent of
public affairs to suspend a xiolieeman
Senator McConnell, Northumber- 1
land, introduced a bill which makes
it illegal to issue trading tramps
without a license issued by the coun
ty treasurer. The licenses would
cost $2,000 a year, which would
practically legislate the stamp deal
ers out of business.
Following is a list of the sales
over $2OO made by the letter carriers
in the War Savings Contest:
Main office—G. A. Holiinger, $758.- '
37: R. H. Weaver. $567.67; C. W.
Cless, $383.33; W. E. Swiler, $276.7!);
R.'G. WiCstling, $276.24; E. R, Gault,
$241.44; C. E. Rea. $223.41.
Hill Station—John A. Gelger, $l.- '
394.17; George L. Ebersole, $661.73; ]
Charles A.- Fortna, $514.27; AVilliam
W. Dum, $465.30; Arthur W. Wagner,
$222.30; C. B. Buffington, $200.13.
—; * 1
Car) C. Kinderman With
U. S. Army of Occupation l!
P__ ,
Carl Kinderman been able to get
back home, is making the best of
It and enjoying
e more than sixty years, if you want
r own funeral, join the Sunset Club
a year ago by Mrs. C. A. H. Rugg
r). This picture was taken when the
n in the chapel of one of the city's
ted as waiters and served very
propriate dirges. ,
[Continued from First Page.]
Ito the latest news received here.
I (Brody is a city in Northeastern
j Gaiicia, about fifty miles east of
1 Lent berg).
| Vienna,- March 23.—A dispatch to
] the Nctte Freie Presse declares that
all the non-Socialist parties in Hun
gary will support the new govern
ment for the reason, it is'said, that
!it has decided to act against the
j entente. The rurgd population is re
| ported to have gone over to the
j communists.
Paris, March 25.—The decision of
j t lie Supreme Council of the Peace
1 Conference to allow nothing to bo
| published regarding its proceedings
j but the official communique, has
I aroused the indignation of the Paris
| press. Those newspapers whose hubil
jit is to comment upon foreign af
j fairs, condemn the action in strong
i terms. The others follow tlie com
! munlque with a few sarcastic oliser
i rations. Raymond Rccoly, for in
stance, writes in tlih Figaro;
"When the situation is so disquiet
ing. at it moment when the allied
governments who, having left 110
blunder unmade, are more than ever
in need of the support of public
opinion, they raise a regular Chinese
wall between the public and them
The Matin says of tlie decision:
"It is not for us to judge- the
method, which is likely to be gravely
| dangerous, still further adding to the
j growing anxiety in the entente coun
I The nature of the "Pertinax"
| article in the Echo De Paris may he
I sufficiently described by its caption,
which reads: "The Council of Ten
j Goes Underground."
Le Journal says: "The conference
has made an heroic resolution, it'
has decided to drape its wounded
dignity in the most absolute mys
Paris, March 23.—Polish liead
| quarters in Paris last night gave out
[llie following wireless communica
tion received from Posen:
"German patrols have been re
! pulsed near Koynia, Dielona and
I Ghojna. German artillery and mine
[throwers are active in the region of
| Newice. German patrols advancing
near the Lomniea river and Overnia
and Dombrova have boon repulsed,
j There have been infantry and ma
chine gin actions 011 the rest of the
"The re-establishment of railway
communication with Przemysl is ex
pected shortly."
Siberians Advance
Against Bolsheviki
Paris, March 25.—Siberian troops
of the Kolehuk government have
successfully begun an offensive west
of the Urals on a line from .Perm
:to the trans-Siberian railway, ad
vices from Omsk say. At certain
points the Bolsheviki have been
driven back more than thirty miles.
The Siberians have captured Okunsk,
fifty miles southwest of Perm.
On a fifty-mile front between
Okansk and Osa along the Kama
river the Bolsheviki have been
driven back twenty miles.
The Kolchak forqes also are re
ported to have obtained marked
syecess in the region of Birsk, north
west of Ufa.
Says Cheap Meat Depends
Upon South America
Panama. March 25.—Charles H.
Swift, of the firm of Swift & Com
pany, packers of Chicago, arrived
here yesterday on tlie way to Buenos
Aires byway of Panama and Val
paraiso. Mr. Swift said that cheap
riieat for the world depended largely
on the possibility of developing the
production in South America. He
added that his company ]
extension of its plants in Argentina.
Vienna Knew Nothing
of Karl's Departure For
Switzerland Until Today
By Associated Press ■,
Vienna, Mar. 25. —Arrangements for
the departure of former Emperor
Charles, for Switzerland were kept
secret and the people of this city
heard only this morning from a short
government statement to the press
that the monarch and his family left
on Sunday evening and was to "cross
the frontier yesterday afternoon. Jt
is understood that Charles and his
family will stay for the present at
the castle of his mother-in-law. the
Duchess of Parma, near Rohrschach.
Herman Donncr Says He Cre
ated Impression the U. S.
Opposed Kercnsky
I!y Associated Press.
-New York, March 25. Responsi
bility for anti-American sentiment
in Russsa was laid at the door of
Colonel Rpymond Robins, former
head of toe Red Cross mission to
Russia, Colonel William Thompson
and other Americans whom he char
acterized as "Bolshevik! apologists,"
by Herman M. Donncr, former rep
resentative of the Finnish Senate in
the United States, speaking here
yesterday before the National Civic
Mr. Donner declared he had "ab
solute knowledge" that Colonel Rob
ins. while in Russia, made a trip to
Murmansk, without the knowledge
of Ambassador Francis and the mil
itary and naval attaches, and creat
ed the impression there that the
American government was support
ing the Bolshevik! against the Ker
ensky government. It took the Am
erican ambassador several months to
counteract the effect of this an
nouncement, he declared.
Police Fund Enriched
by $1,300 Through Ball
The .first grand ball of the Harris
burg members of the Fraternal Order
of Police, in Winterdale Hall, last
evening, was largely attended. The
men netted more than $1,30(1 through
their endeavor. The dance is believed
to have been the largest ever held
in the hall.
Mayor Keister, several members of
the City Council and several legisla
tors were included in the large num
ber of persons who attended the af
fair. Joseph Demma was chairman of
the rommittee in charge of the ar
rangements. Other members of the
committee were: Theodore Fehlelsen,
secretary-treasurer: William Jen
nings, John lless, George Shoemaker.
Charles Anderson. William Itomig,
George AYeisman, Harrison Rnthurst,
Stewart Foultz and George Fettrow.
The New Reo "Convertible" Body
On the Reo "Speedwagon" Chassis
Reo engineers have accomplished another feat in the form of the New Reo Convertible
Body on the Reo "Speedwagon"' chassis. Everybody knows what the Reo Speed
wagon has accomplished mechanically. The new Convertible body is as sturdily con
structed, wears as long and is always ready for business the same as the Reo's that
have gone before it.
There are nine different attachments that can be placed on the basic body shown
below, that will fit practically every form of work in the city and on the farm. These
attachments come separately and are attachable in a moment's time, assuring the owner
just the kind of body he desires and one that he can change at his will to haul any
commodity he may wish. The following list shows some of the uses it is put to,
Double-Decker, Grocer's or Hog or Sheep Rack— Top Box-—Grain Tight—
Truck Gardener's Van— The attachments for this This attachment is in the
This attachment con- special design lit 011 the form of closed sides that
sists of two decks for basic body and form an fit snugly together and
hauling light materials. ideal cart for the hauling form an ideal grain
Its uses are many and it jwf small live stock and wagon or tight closed
constitutes the strongest numerous other kinds of car that can be used for
light delivery car made. hauling. many kinds of hauling.
Army Type or "Schooner" — Canopy-Top Express— Express With Driver's Cab—
This consists of bows This is the , same style I his is the basic body
over the basic bodv with practically as the old with l ' ie t ' l ' vcl ca P
* . nm 1 • , i tachment that protects
canvas covering that REO speedwagon. It the driver jn al , £ inds of
comes in handy in wet consists of a canopy top weather. The cab can
weather and makes a top on the basic body that - be entirely closed which
that can be used to cover can be used for practic- . excludes both cold, and
any kind of material. ally any kind of business. storm.
The "Carryall" is a handy vehicle for the contractor, the farmer and the man of all work.
Here is a truck that can be used for hauling any kind of material imaginable. It has the
canopy top, the double decker boards and seats that when placed along the sides make your
car an admirable jitney. This enables the farmer and the contractor to carry his men to
and from work as well as the load lie is ha tiling.
This Reo "Speedwagon" With These
Attachments Solves Every Hauling
Problem: See It At the Truck
and Tractor Show
' Y"THB 'o OLD "sTVATNEJAIiri T 5 I!
•---i OF* VALUES" I— -liill
Hundreds of Acres Swept by
New Blaze in the
Hundreds of acres of State anil
private forest land on the Soutl.
Mountains near Pine Grove Furnace,
is being swept today by a new lire
that broke out on the mountains
yesterday afternoon. With tlio
ground and underbrush exceptional
ly dry, the flames are spreading rap
idly in two directions; southwest,
toward Pine Grove and northward,
toward Barnitz.
The big Are in the region of To-
Jand, "Which (swept a seveval-ntile
path on the lnountains within the
past several days and burnt over
thousands of "acres of private land,
together with the two minor blazes,
are now well under control. Guards
merely of a size sufficient to prevent
a new outbeak, are stationed at these
tires, while the maor portion of the
wearied lire lighters have transfer
red their efforts to the new contlar
g ration.
The force of fighters today is
smaller than those which have been
at work during the past several
days, many of the men being com
pelled to return to their homes for
! rest after their strenuous efforts to
I stay the onslaughts of the flames,
j I'ine Grove, a village of fifty
1 houses, and Barnitz, a twenty-resi
dence village, are in the path of the
oncoming, flames, but little fear is
entertained at this time for thei?
safety. While the flames are ad
vancing comparatively rapidly, the
force at work is of such size that
the towns will not be touched. Ap
proximately 250 men are at work.
TO I'llG.Vfll II Kit F!
The Uev. W. G. Gehman. of lOaston.
Pa., president of the Gospel llerald
Society, will preach In the local mis
sion over the Broad Street Market
house this evening, at S o'clock.
American Private Stabbed to
Death in Goblcnz Suburb;
Teutons Held For Trial .j
By Associated Press•
Colilenx, March 25. —i Amcrlear.
army headquarters today completed
the investigation of the fight be
tween three American soldiers and a
number of German civilians at Culz,
a suburb of Cobienz, on March 16. In
the light one American private was
stabbed to death and another was
seriously wounded, while two Ger
mans received stall wounds. These,
men with several other Germans are
being held for trial.
The American contends the light'
The Americans contend the fight
began when a German made re
marks reflecting upon Americans,
which were resented by the soldiers,
i The Germans maintain the Ameri
cans stopped them on the street, dc
jstroyed their individual permits and
attempted to separate a German girl
from two companions, one of whom
was lior brother.
This is the tirst fight with fatal
results that had occurred sinca the
American troops occupied this city.
I.eliiiiioii, Pa., March 25.—District
Atornoy Dawson M\ Light and Coro
ner John J. Light have begun an in
vestigation into the automobile ac
cident on the William I'enn High
way, west of this city, in which bliss
Iva K. Balsbaugh, of Cleona, was
killed and Miss Sadie A. Light,
daughter of the Rev. Henry G. Light,
of Cleona, was seriously injured.
Both young women employed as
teachers in the public schools, were
struck by a. roadster driven by Lieu-
I tenant J. Karl Donmoyer, son of Wil
j liani Donmoyer, a local brewer.
The Grape Hotel. 559 Race street,
was the scene of a slight lire in the
chimney Inst night. An alarm was
sounded from box 13, Race and
ton streets. The damage was very