J ♦ bolshevik Army of 70,000 on Its Way ft Hungary Rear hp* nr ~ q H'ARRISBURG llfSfliilt >' TELEGRAPH M Sbc SJtac-^n&cpeii&fnt. I.XXXVIII NO. 71 IS PAGES s the d %- a t offi^at'HarTi^^r. 1 *" HARRISBURG, PA. TUESDAY EVENING, MARCH 25, 1919. si T^ b CEN"! 3 HOME EDITION CITY NEEDS 48,245 SQ. FEET IN NEW MUNICIPAL HALL estimates of Floor Space Made by Mayor and Mem bers of Council PLAN FOR THE FUTURE Movement For Joint Structure With County Given Approval Estimates of the floor space which will be needed by the city in the proposed joint municipal hull and courthouse were submitted to Mayor D. E. Keister at a conference ■ t' City Commissioners to-day. The ■ ouncilmen after approximating the future needs of the various offices during the coming twenty-five or thirty years, decided that about 50.- 000 square feet of floor space will lie needed. Eater in the week a conference may be held with County Commis sioners unless the latter officials are 100 busy acting on assessment ap peals. At the meeting of City Com missioners to-day City Solicitor John K. Fox was present and told the 1 ouncilmen the act which will per mit the city and county to erect a mint building would soon be ap proved finally. First Estimates Mayor Keister explained to the other members of council that re gardless of the action taken on the •ill they should be prepared with • stimates of office needs when the next conference is held with the county. In response to his request ior estimates of square feet of floor space for office purposes, the follow ing reports were made by depart ments: i'tlblis affairs 1(5,34" Accounts and finance 5,400 Public safety 1(1,500 Parks and public property . 4,000 streets and public improve ments 6. 000 Total 48,245 Police Headquarters In the estimate for the Depart ment of Public Affairs, Mayor Keis ter included 1E383 l'or police head quarters. which are to contain mu nicipal courtroom, lockers and gym nasium for police, assembly room i and other offices for heads of the police bureau atul detective force. For tlie City Solicitor's office 750 square feet has been allowed: city council chamber and city clerk's of fice. 3,200; weights and measures, SlO. Commissioner C. IV. Burtnett sub mitted the following estimates for the bureau and offices under his su pervision: .Superintendent. 800: as sessor's office, 800; controller, too; treasurer, 3,u00; license tux officer, too. In the department of public safety 2,500 square feet have been set aside by Commissioner S. F. Hassler for the water bureau, plumbing and* building inspectors; Ki.ooo for health and ash and gar bage bureaus, and 4,000 for the tire and police alarm telegraph systems. For the city park department, in cluding the planning commission of liees. 3.000 square feet will be need ed, Commissioner K. Z. Gross esti mated, and In case no central fire station is provided, another 1,000 square feet will he needed for the lire department officials. For the highway bureau and city engineer's office, 6,000 square feet will bo needed. Commissioner W. H. i.ynch suggested, Plan l'or Future At tlie beginning of the session, which followed the regular council meeting, Solicitor Fox warned the officials that they should provide sufficient space not only for the present hut for many years to>come. The councllmen said that in mak ing their estimates they hud taken i liis into consideration. Mayor Keister during the confer ence said there should be no delay in getting estimates of the space needed by the city so that the cost ..f that part of the structure which would be used for municipal pur poses and tlie other expenses con nected with the project can be de termined and a bond Issue can be prepared to Vie submitted to the voters in November. Approve Joint Building When it was Intimated that the county and city might not join in the construction of u new building the commissioners said they may find it advisable, In that case, to erect a structure for municipal pur poses entirely, but the councllmen all said they favored a Joint build ing. it was explained by Mayor Keis ter that in case the county jail is removed from tl e city limits it will be necessary to provide at least sixty instead of ten colls for the police department, as at present many persons arrested by the city officers are tnkon to Jail to await hearings. Commissioner Gross also told the other officials that If a central fire station is provided near the busi ness district us Is now being con sidered it will not be necessary to provide for more than one office in tlie new city nnd county building for the fire department. After discussing the probable size of tlie new structure it was decided by the officials that at least three floors and much of the basement will be needed for city purposes. In the basement much of the Are and police alarm telegraph apparatus and police' department equipment can be arranged. , THE WEATHER] For Hnrrlsburg and vicinity: Fair nnd warmer to-night, with low rut temperature about 40 de nrern: Wednesday, tin-reusing eloudtneaa, probably rain by nlglit. For Bast era Pennsylvania: Fair nnd warmer to-night: Wednes day Increasing cloudiness, be coming unsettled: probably ruin by Wednesday night; gentle, vurlnble winds. Speed Needed Despite Ticklish Situation LYNCH DECLARES ! SUPERVISORS ARE BURDEN TO CITY jwitli Paved Streets There Is' Nothing For Office holders to Do 1 Commissioner AA'. H. Lynch pre- ; | sented a resolution in Council to-day j which directs City Solicitor John K. I | Fox to prepare the necessary legis lation which when passed by the State Legislature will abolish the positions of street supervisors as created in an act approved about eight years ago. For years the city has been pay- j j ing hundreds of dollars annually to | two highway supervisors who were ) elected to comply with this act, and | Commissioner Lynch said that to l settle any dispute he prefers to have i the Legislature repeal the clause | creating the positions. Council unani | inously approved the resolution and j Solicitor Fox said he will begin the j preparation of the legislation at once, j I The present street inspectors are ' j Charles AY. Kautz and Charles A. I | Tress. Because of the paving of practi- ' ' r ally every important street in the | I city there is no longer any need for ; street supervisors, as the highway department has charge of all re- I pair and improvement work in the jolty. Taxpayers for some time have I been advocating the abolition of the j office. An ordinance was passed on lirst reading authorizing the paving of ! (Turner street, from Seneca to! j Schuylkill streets. A similar ordi- ' ] nance which provided for both pav- ' j ing and curbing will be tabled as the abutting property owners peti- ! ! tinned to have the small street pav- j j ed from houseline to lipuseline with- i ! out any curbing. j Commissidner S. F. Hassler intro | duced an ordinance authorizing the purchase of four police boxes and ■ two combination fire and police ! alarm pedestals. Because no money | has been set aside for light standard's in South Second street, action on the ordinance authorizing this improve-' ment, has been postponed indefinite ly- Upon motion of Commissioner C. AV. Burtnett L.icense Tax Officer AVilliam D. Block was reappointed to serve from April 7. Mayor Asks Power to Impose Jail Sentence on Men Who Tote Weapons Because of the frequent arrests made by city police for carrying concealed deadly weapons. Mayor Keister said he will ask City Solicitor John B. Fox to determine whether an ordinance can be passed by council- giving him jurisdiction to dispose of defendants held on this charge. According to the Mayor, in other localities city ordinances au thorize magistrates to impose a fine or jail sentence when defendants are arrested and charged with this offense as a violation of a city law. j SEN ATOR SMITH'S JOINT BUILDING j BILL PASSES i i i THE Senate passed finally i this afternoon the llarris- I burg bill, sponsored by Sen j ator Frank A. Smith, which will • make possible the erection by the county and city of a joint city hall and courthouse. The measure went through the upper house in.record time and ! Senator Smith says that he has 1 been assured of like speedy ac. i tion in the House. The bill, which is the first measure of Senator Smith's to reach a final vote, went through without a hitch, being reported I out of committee at once, and ! j passing three votes in as many ! j days. i I CHILDREN KEPT WARM BY CITY'S ! OLIKLOTIHNG | War's Destitute Saved From j Rags by Red Cross Workers Four hundred children's petti-! coats from the Harrisburg chapter, | American Red Cross, inspected by! Miss Ellen K. McCulloch, 1202 North Second street, were received i [Continued on Page 17.] IBill Appropriates $6,500 to Harrisburg Fire Cos. i A bill carrying an appropriation of $6,500 to the various fire companies of Harrisburg was introduced into the Senate this morning by Senator Smith, Dauphin. The bill provides that the money shall be equally dis tributed among the companies. WINTER MILDEST OF THIS GENERATION Weather Bureau Statistics Show Much Sunshine and Little Snow, but Old Records Still Stand " I There was more sunshine and less snow throughout most of the United States during the winter just passed than ever before in the memory of the present generation. In only one section of the country—the plateau region—was the weather severe, and there low temperature records were established. Snow falling in Novem ber in the plateau region remained throughout the winter. • Everywhere else, reports to- the Weather Bureau made available to-! day show, precipitation was so light l DWELLING AND 2 BARNS BURN IN CUMBERLAND CO. !Flumes on Farm of Walter Koclier Spread to M. F. Bell's Property Fire this morning destroyed the i large dwelling house, the barn and jail other outbuildings on the farm lof Walter Kocher, near Sliiremans ! town. Some crops and practically all farm machinery were burned. It is ■ believed the loss will be more than • $5,000. Some household goods were saved, (.but the greater portion were con ' sumed by the flames. The failure to i secure satisfactory fire lighting ap paratus prevented tlie saving of any | of the buildings. All of tlie livestock j was saved. I The flames are believed to have j originated in a wash house where a j hot fire was burning in an open fire place. A barn 011 the farm of M. F. j Bell, nearby, was Ignited by the fly ! ing sparks and was entirely con-j sumed. An estimate on this loss was j not available this afternoon. House Passes School Code Amendments; One Gives Salary Increases The House to-day passed a series j of amendments to tlie school code, one of them being to authorize school boards to increase salaries of teach ers during terms, thereby relieving directors from danger of surcharges. Others included authority for school facilities in districts surrounded by another and where access is difficult; making districts liable for salaries of teachers when they are prevented from teaching and regulating con demnation for building sites. and the temperature so high that snow stayed on ground in only a few isolated instances more than a day or two. Heretofore low temperatures have prevailed during winters when there was a light fall of snow, with the result that crops, especially of winter wheat and oats, have suffered. Dur ing the past winter, however, the combination of light snow precipit ated and high temperatures have re [Coiitiuucd oil Page 12.] j PEACE CONGRESS MAKES HASTE TO TURN SOVIET WAVE ASIDE; CREED OE WORLD LEAGUE TO BE CHANGED Paris Alive to Demand of Hour SOVIETS INFECT OTHER NATION . Vienna Agents Say, Affairs Are in Bad Shape By Associated Press Delegates to the Ponce ( on- Kress realize the need in haste in order, it' possible, to stay tlie wave of llolslievlsm in coun tries that are in the throes of revolt and ready to join the nulieal elements who will not wait longer on action by the Entente. The American delegates learn ed to-day that ltolshevism prob ably has fastened its fangs in tierniaii-Austi'ia. Vicuna agents say the state of affairs is threat ening. thereby further ritsquict ing the peai'e delegates and al lied premiers. Paris, March 23.—During a three | hour session last night the League ! of Nations commission, considering ! proposed amendments to the cove- 1 | nunt, disposed tentatively of the first j sixteen sections, agreeing upon a ; number of changes in form which j the members of the commission i believe will meet more than fifty j per cent, of the objections offered I by Senator Lodge and other Ameri ! can Senators. . President \\ ilson at Session President Wilson attended the ! session, at which suggestions from | neutral nations as well as bellig j erents were discussed. | No action was taken on amend ments for safeguarding the Monroe ! Doctrine, but this subject probably j will be considered at the next meet- I ing on Wednesday, i The Japanese amendment to se- I cure the equality of nations belong ing to the league was not considered last night, and no action was taken I on the proposed French amendment for the creation of an international j military staff. The entire covenant, when amend i e\ to the tumultuous acclaim of a mil lion or more spectators. The doughboys were in heavy marching order. They wore their olive-colored campaign helmets or "tin hats;" gas masks were slung from their shoulders, light packs and full canteens were carried and bayonets were fixed on their rifles. Each regiment, carrying the weatli er-stalned guidnons and flags that saw service in Flanders, marched in half-battalion units, equivalent to two infantry companies to the unit. The rhythmic tread of these solid blocks of fighting troops, with bayonets glistening in the sunlight, presented a martial picture never to be forgotten. Honors For the Dead Along the line of march —from Washington Square to One Hundred and Tenth street—were little groups of men who were unable to partici pate in the glory of the marchers soldiers of the division who had lost a leg or an arm at Guillemont farm or at the Ee Selle river; men who were otherwise injured in the during attacks that crushed the pride of the German legions. The wounded were not forgotten by the crowds, and the cheers that greeted them were as full-throated as the demon strations for their more fortunate comrades. After the first roar of cheers that heralded the start of the parade a hush fell over the crowds and heads were uncovered as a caisson draped in mourning came into sight. A great service flag, with a gold star for each of the 1,380 men who per ished in service overseas, furnished the symbolic evidence of the di vision's remembrance of those who made the supreme sacrifice. ' Cheers Drown Bands The deep solemnity of the occa sion gave way a moment later, when General O'Ryan and liis staff, mounted, trotted up the avenue, fol lowed by the Fifty-fourth brigade, which beaded the column. Tlie ova tion along the five miles of march was continuous, and the cheers were of such volume as to drown the music of the military bands. At Madison Square, where dense crowds had congregated, the troops passed through the stately "arch of victory," just completed. Tlie re viewing stand was at Eighty-second street, with Governor Alfred E. Smith as the principal reviewing officer. Others in the stand were Acting Secretary of War Benedict Orowell, Acting Secretary of the Navy Roosevelt, and various repre sentatives of the State and city gov ernments. Greatest Crowd in History Police officials, who called out ten thousand reserves to aid In maintaining order, said that it was by far the largest crowd that had ever assembled to view a parade in this city, the nearest approach be ing the Hudson-Fulton celebration a number of years ago. The crowds packed the sidewalks and cross streets almost to the point of suf focation. Every window was crowd ed. and owners of rooms facing the avenue charged fancy prices to spec tators. Single windows, from which several persons could see the pro cession, brought as high as $75. Relatives and friends of the troops were seated in an immense stand running tlie entire eastern length of WHEN THE BOYS COME HOME If you have a boy or husband In the Twenty-eighth or Seventy ninth Divisions or other unit of the Army, in the Marine Corps or the Navy, if at home or "over there," we want you to join the Home Folks Victory Association to take part i n tlie Welcome Home Reception and Parade that will be held in the near future. Benefit to defruy expenses, Chestnut Street Auditorium, Mon duy, April 28. Fill in and mail this coupon. Name Street Sue K. Long, Secretary, 1113 North Front St. Harrisburg, Pa. >Central Park. It was in this stand that tlie most enthusiasm was shown. Here, too, service Hags bear ing gold stars were waved, and Here were women dressed in black, with tlie tell-tale gold star worn upon the sleeve. More than 500,000 of the specta tors came front various towns and cities In the State, according to po lice estimates. Many of these came to the city last night, only to find hotels swamped. Hundreds of per sons thronged Fifth avenue all night and at dawn to-day many persons were camped at favorite places along the route of the parade. KAIII. REACHES SWITZERLAND By Associated Press Zurich. Mar. 25.—Former Emperor Charles and his family arrived in Switzerland Monday. They will re side at the Chateau Mantegaytaed, near Rorschach, on Lake Constance. * * vs 2 £ 4> X X X *** *t* £ J T & t 4 *s 4* •<* $ s* M jj * *4* ' • *f* T I • i" * < ) v <4 2*' f> < LI * ■' I $ JK i • T I T ■ • £ •9 1 | I ' *• .T 1 t* '"l 1 < i '.a. L " ADMITS THEFT OF $2O *V c 91 '*£? i jX JI jjp e i|i € , bonk, who wa arrested here t< .J j < T *£ - ! ' |w 4 X J "nn" # X '2 MARRIAGE LICENSES | . Willi. c. Stanley, Camp l.'pton, New Vork, and Kthel MacZln- 2 T Knnd, Uetty.burK. T? Wilson Sits in 3-Hour Session NO MOVE MADE FOR DOCTRINE fJapanese Proposal Not Considered at Meeting fly Associated Press At the meeting <>f tlic League of Nations Commission last night, wliK'li held a three-hour sitting, President Wilson was - present. It was aiinotuiecd tliut ainemlinonts are to IK; made to j the league covenant to meet fifty per cent, of the objections interposed by Senator Lodge j and other American statesmen, i It was sai