Typical Scenes i. the Big Ovcrland-Harrisburg Company's Warerooms at 26th And Derry Sts. Where the Truck Show Will he Held When Ihe big warerooms and service station of the Overland-Harrisburg Company are not being: used as a show room for the Harnsburg Motor Dealers Association as it has been for the past week and will continue to be for three days next week, it presents one of the most up-to-date and isiest automobile centers in Central Pennsylvania. It is here that all repair work on Overland and Willys-Knight touring cars and Bethelem and • larford trucks, is done. Mere also every conceivable part for any of these cars is carried in what is the most complete stock room in this section of the eountrv. A glimpse at the above illustration shows in the upper corners, two sections of this enormous stock room. You will notice radiators in the bins parts row upon row of small bins for the smaller parts, in the center of the picture, the big wareroom where the auto show is row King ild. shows somewhat the number of cars that are carried in stock for immediate delivery. This room holds more than two hundred cars. It i ensures i.e. by . " feet. In the low r corners a scene of onloading Overlands is depicted. The cars are unloaded right at the door froui the P. & U. *- hnir that runs into the big plant In the opposite corner is a section of the big repair shop. The Overland-Harrisburg Company was formed in with salesrooms at -1'- -V Second street. V service station was maintained for a while in the rear of the salesrooms but the business increased to large proportions—it is now the largest in this section —that larger quarters were necessary. The large building at 19th Street and the Reading . ...road was obtained but it too proved inadequate so that finally the building now being used was secured. Rj| The Giant Truck embodies all the latest improved and chasers are invited to compare the Giant—unit for unit 3 Li successful ideas that have brought motor trucks up to —with any other truck on the market today. H their present day efficiency. With a fixed ideal before But ther ? is one feature in which the Giant Truck is El . it, the Chicago Pneumatic Tool Company, utilizing all unique it operates on low grade fuels. Not only does Pa i 4.u. „ , , . r , , . 6 the Giant get maximum efficiency out of the low erav || ' he P° wer and at .ts command, has striven to ity gasolin a that is ottered toda £ bu , jt operates S suc . P4j j bring out a line of commercial vehicles which would cessfully on mixtures of kerosene or distillate with gas bag . reflect credit upon its builders and make friends for the oline, making it possible to reduce the fuel cost as much m | company. Realizing that the value of a motor truck is as 50The growing inferiority of gasoline, its rising Kj j in direct proportion to the service it renders, neither cost and the possibility of governmental restrictions raj expense nor pains have been spared to make the Giant upon its use, emphasize the importance of this exclu- I n a Quality Truck throughout. Only such units whose sive feature of the Giant Line of Motor Trucks. high quality has been sustained and which have been Originally one ton trucks and known as Little Giant tried in the crucible of long and successful experience, Trucks, these trucks are now built in 1, 2 and Z x /i ton. are used in Giant construction, and prospective pur- capacities and constsitute the Giant Line. 1 See them at the Truck and Tractor Show I Chestnut St. Hardware and Motor Truck Co. DISTRIBUTORS Eg 209-211 Chestnut Street and .Seventeenth and Chestnut Streets I gl J. E. DARE, Prop. DIAL 4653 I I t *" h • ■ SATURDAY EVT.NTNG. HARRISBURG TELEGRAPH MARCH 22. 191°. 'IV, ! Mare Work In A M Your business will not be any bigger than your ability to deliver I the article you sell. Business is built on service —prompt service. And the biggest item of service is the delivery of merchandise on time. You can't stretch the hours, but you can cover more ground s in those hours with a | ONE-TON Worm-Drive TRUCK fllf With a Chevrolet you'll get more service out of your delivery JS system —you'll get more work out of a day. 9 The use of a Chevrolet Truck will allow you a greater range §B You can reach out to new territory for sales and I ® deliver this additional business promptly. Ism Come in and talk over your delivery problem with ! I M us show you how to |jj f . j .fr , •■( *m m> ."t-- ••■*■ . r *' ■ ->< i-><- 'v , * jts% VIM TRUCK • - ■; - \ The LIGHT DELIVERY TRUCK AT THE TRUCK SHOW And that isn't what WE say about it but what the more than TWO HUNDRED SATISFIED OWNERS IN THIS TERRITORY HAVE TO SAY ABOUT THEIR VIM TRUCK. Vim trucks are the product of a TRUCK factory, not a converted passenger car. They are built along truck lines for truck duty. They are equipped with pneumatic tires, electric lights, and the style of body—there are fourteen different types —you can choose that which will best be suited for your particular business. It isn't necessary for us to tell you what a VIM looks like —you see them a thousand times a day. But, if you are a merchant or business man who has experimented with a converted passenger car or a truck that is too heavy for your business, or if you still cling to the old-fashioned horse and wagon and find your expenses eating up your profit, let us tell YOU that the VIM truck will increase your business, decrease your expenses and eliminate all the worry of your delivery problem. And this all through its economic cost of upkeep and operating. • i One user of VIM Trucks in Harrisburg, who uses two in running to surrounding territory every day, six days in the week, reports that he gets on an average of twenty miles to the gallon of gasoline and that in the whole the operating expense for the TWO TRUCKS doesn't run over twenty-two dol lars a month. That is what we call cheap delivery. We can't go into detail about all the salient features of the VIM in this advertisement. All we ask is that you look the VIM over at the Truck and Tractor Show, or, if you are unable to get there, call us up and ask us to send a VIM to your place of business for your inspection. We know that your eyes will be opened after a demonstration. ' " Andrew Redmond ss DISTRIBUTOR Third and Reily Streets, Harrisburg, Penna. y>■ • . • i ✓ '• . , . 3