WAR SECRETS TO BE TOLD TO COMMERCE BODY s®chanical Auxiliaries of the Fighting Forces to Be Ex plained by Gov't Expert DO YOU KNOW That a ship lost in a fog can he located by land stations using a radio compass? That a big gun may Vic located within fifty yards by the r > of the discharge with instru... Nts ten miles away? That aircraft 10.000 feet in the air can talk to each other and to the ground by wireless telephone? That messages can be sent from a submarine 130 feet under the ocean ? Dr. E. A. Eckhardt, of the Bureau of Standards, at Washington .who will address the Harrisburg Chamber of Commerce luncheon meeting in the Penn-Harris ballroom Tuesday at noon, will explain some of the marvels of modern warfare which were developed in Washington to assist the army and navy during the war. When the announcement was > ade that the War Department had hfted the censorship ban which shrouded the sockets of the Bureau t f Standards during hostilities, of • vials of the Chamber lost no time in securing a speaker to address a luncheon meeting on the wonders i ' the inventions which have been credited widely with having taken a treat part in the successful prosecu tion of the war. Intricate machinery far surpassing H previouslv existing implements < f warfare, which were developed at the Bureau of Standards, will be ex plained by thp speaker. Chamber members have been reminded that their reservations must be made he fore " o'clock of the morning of the meeting. Twenty-One Bids For One Armory Twenty-one bids for construction (f the cavalry army at Philadelphia were opened at the office of the st to Armory Board to-day and an award will lie made Tuesday. To ■ orrow bids will be opened for the Heading and Tyrone armories. The lowest bid lor the cavalry armory was made by George P. Pawling & Co.. Philadelphia, at • ; ."i.ijau. tlie Standard Construction ' Philadelphia, being next with >.'.9,8 8i. Ten bids were made for ; lumbing, X. Connolly, Philadelphia. • ng low at $9,555: eight lor the I eating system. J. H. Hutchinson. Philadelphia, being low at $1,215. 1". 11. Keiser, Pottstown, bid low on tlie Pottstown armory repairs at >-.t>sl and W. H. Jones, West Chos jti was low on West Chester ar- I ioi\ repairs at $4,600. chairman Ainey is holding pub -1 service hearings at Scranton to • ay and Commissioner Clement in Philadelphia. Governor sproul to-day announc ed approvaj of the Senate bill vali-] oating agreements made by coun- | ties to pay a portion of the cost of improvement of borough highways for scleral measures carrying defi cien y appropriations for counties. The deficits included Harrisburg: State Hospital. $45,000; Spring City l Institution. 4S0.000; Scranton State Hospital, $45,000; Polk Institution.' $48,000; Farview State Institution, $50,000. The Governor also signed the bill extending authority to boroughs and ruorporated towns to refund moneys ;aid by property owners where ( ourts find that there was no liabil- Complaint was filed at the Public Service Commission to-day by Pres ient McClellan Wenrieh. of Selins -rove council, against grade cross ing- of the Pennsylvania railroad in that town. The complaint stutes that one crossing lias "a list of cas ' i Sties and is without protection. I'lie State Highway Department announced to-day that awards of c ontracts for which bids were open • d yesterday would he made in a w days. The bids are being i he> ked up. MOVIES ARE ONLY IN INFANCY, SAYS BRADY [Continued from First Page.] What is the future of the motion i icture " He was in Harrisburg to attend the hearing of the Rorke bill, amending the famous Blue Laws of 1*94. and the hearing incident to removal of Pennsylvania's board of • ensors of motion pictures offices trom Philadelphia to Harrisburg. The Coming Textbook The motion picture is going to lie used in the public schools at a text ! ook, ' he said. And. referring to Vis statement that it would be used to record surgical operations he cited the instance of Columbia University which he declared is now using this method of registering important surgical work. He spoke of the rdendid work of the motion picture in recording the history of tlie great w-orld conflict. "All the governments < f the world are coming to realize Hie usefulness qf the film." he stated. The Department of Labor at Wash- VICTORY GARDENS TO BE GIVEN BY COMMERCE BODY The Harrisburg . Chamber of Commerce again offers the oppor > irdty to every one who is inter ested in gardening to secure a plot on one of the three sites ploughed and supervised by the Chamber. Hi rbert Hoover, Federal Food Ad ministrator. has said that home gardi ning is as important this year as iast. in order to help meet the food requirements of the year. The agricultural committee of 'he Chamber of Commerce will have the garden sites ploughed and fertilized, and Shirley a. Watts, who supervised the garden ing activities last year, will again be in charge. Gardeners are hai ged $1.50 for the plots, which includes the cost for ploughing and fertilizing. Those who desire plots are requested to mark the location they prefer, and mail this blank to Room 205. Dauphin Building, as soon as possible. Nineteenth and Paxton streets. Bellevue Park. Hoffman's Woods. Name Address FRIDAY EVENING, HABIUSBURG TELEGRAPH MARCH 21. 1919 ! ington is now filming the activities jof the 1. W. W. and the Bolsheviki in America. "The motion piciure is only in its ; j infancy." he stated, comparing it i to the automobile a half dozen years ago and the airplane now. "People! .think of the motion picture as be ting psed for entertainment only.! ;That is not the only use. It will be I Saturday Evening Saturday Evening | Now For The Biggest and Busiest Saturday of The Entire Month 1 Hundreds of Stunning New Suits Have Arrived For Women and Misses y 1,. „ .jHiiiu_ These High Class Garments are Modestly Priced at | Sill ' $lB-50, $2O, $22.50 $25 and' $29.50 f cann °l ur & e upon you too strongly the fact that at no other store will you be I|j /nte/V \ a^e to high class spring suits at the low prices we name. We will offer these specialized values as the result of our fy / \V']\ tv I I P \ WX/l ' tremendous effort to give the women of this community the best assortments and the best quality and the most fashion- jjfl j W Mi /i\ 1 W4J \y I \ able models for less money than an ordinary store can sell for. Our enormous facilties and tremendous outlet enable us to jvl I I " ik 4- ° n 3 smaPer P ro^t basis. The savings which you get at Kaufman's will amount up to a lot for you during the year. )| \ \Mv/ e ave l ar Q es t assortment of suits, coats and skirts for stout figures : IS j pi fn • J, k\ I You might be able to go into any store and buy a large size garment, but you will not have the satisfaction in m j j jjljflß ' t Jal II Y' P - U^ ha d sing t^lat OU have here, because we specialize in garments for large figures and we have our garments spe- jjy WuUI illH / t L] Gr° Here you will get the same stylish garments for large figures as you will for regular sizes, the same stunning (|0 m /iSp iP"" —pf p 7 * iIT styles, the same fine materials and the highest grade of workmanship. Suits for stout women, $25,00, $32.50, $35.00, hi j|j jj ' Wp r fj 1 \ i $39.5.0 and $45. Coats for stout women, $2O, $25, $29.50 and $35. Skirts for stout women, $5.95 to $lO.OO. jsjj M j \ \ / fj Smart New Models in Town and More New Dolmans and Capes Have Arrived M 1 ! 11 \lfjj I\ \ ' Country Suits Specially Priced The Capes are $lO.OO to $39.50 1 1 WiiMb 1 ,!!? $29 to $39.50 ' are $17.75 to $59.50 | Lm M m UHHVjWiI mBSm Every w ° m an a™ miss needs a suit for practical wear. Here W( . IIMVP .harming now gainicnis in gabanlines. tilcotlncs, [u S) awpy - vou have an assortment in tweeds, jersey, and heather mixtures. (i|l S. m in every desirable shade and every model that is fashionable. The the in pes. In the ilnlmnils you will liml I I Rj Sx tailoring is the finest. The assortment will give you ample choice ami fashionable French itluc. taii|>e-. bisque, castor, Sj m fib any requirement. Be sure to see these practical suits. victory ml, ami tlie softer shades of brown, mauve ami gray. gjjj _________________________________ ————H L M >l'l'Oll|| ® I Girls' New Dresses Day of the Big 10 Day Glove Sale Exquisite New Trimmed 1 . . There is not a class of merchandise which is more difficult to get than good gloves, T-To4-ct o 0? A QPC 4*/ A QM A Qi-x hi Made ol finest quality ginghams and chambrays in •' mwe are holding a sale that brings yon gloves from the best manufacturers in tlie business at 11 Hlo d L tDTt. VO LU fP TU. 111 plaids, solid colors and stripes also white voile and or- m m.TMiV. ''iV 1 w0,,1•*> PAIRS WOMEN'S qo 350 PAIRS WOMEN'S ej 100 Pairs Women's d-i cq that you usually find ill spe- / BJ mediate sizes 6to 16 vears. Priced at • SII.k GROVES, PR. I7ot chamoisotte Gloves. Pr. ' c Kid GROVES, PH. oinit-." cUnc it hio-h nrirps / ;'(< & \ Si Double tip Silk Gloves, two- High grade. Chamoisette Two-clasp white, black, gray t-Ulllv SIIOJJS ell mgn piiv.es. / \ tftae ee ae tj qe ti qe je ■ Br *l; ".3°".. „L"„ XSi?"SS ft.tTT'Si We arc specializing in values / WMUmLx 1 *pOZ/Oy tpOii/D, mastic and champagne in self self and white and black stitch- sizes in one color but all sizes; i.l I 1 I \jMyisl§lli9S§ a Hi| and contrasting stitcliing. ing; sizes 0 to 7i/ y . slightly soiled. ft tllCSe IJOpillar pi'ICCS HllCl $2.95, $2.45 and $1.95 * have the largest assortment fijjjjlllr „ . „..„ c ... n A ..... ..... ._ in our store's history— \ " J . / kI Dresses for 4 'Little Tots" GROVES, PAIR $2.85 <"ROVES. PAIR $2.45 which will convince you that W. \ TV M ayiCOOCO -LWJ. -LV/GO Radlea' fine Kid Gloves 2-clasp —in Gray Ladies' fine Kid Gloves 2-clasp —in Black. , ~ . * .. , Wl*' -*/ > . 1 - 1 1 • ■ 11-1, .. .. and Brown, in self and white embroidery sizes White, Ivory, Gray. Brown, in self and contrasting C GeClll tlieill exceptional , ' J / Ginghams. Chambrays in stripe.-, plaids and solid colors—\ oilcs 6to 7. embroidery sizes 6to 7. r - v i , . , 1 . . VW' U IIM and Organdies in white, also white with pretty colored trimmings. • fl 011 l a Vclllie tllld Style Stand every model a picture in itself. Some lrtmme\, some plain fai- —■ ~~~~"—' ~~~~~~ • . * "Ultk ljj]l lortxl in fact in every desired style—Sizes 2 to 6 years— Priced at ______ _________________ point. |[U -v. _ A 200 PAIRS KID QC r 100 PAIRS Kll) dJO QC 100PAIRSSlI.lv TO. =li \ t l'Vt A X>—Seeoii.l floor. Hi QS C? n il t V!.->.......i . - : g TT T * / f"N 1 lII] U N6W Pillk Corsets Crepe de Chine Kimonos Pretty Silk Petticoats Envelope Chemise Qj m) | _ . _ . , —silk and cotton c.rcpe 7T a " tat f eta > silk top Jersev —trimmed back and front I IM Made of ftne quality Broclic. Coutil or Batiste in front or back 1 flounces or all Icrsevs ill all Mil 7 /V® LH 1 a cod styles—topless models—fop the average and slender figures de chine in copen and * • - ' ' with lacc or embroidery; [ Ls/f I A I J? Sjd Si : D sn.rsr"- -" b f ,r?, r ,h, i " ai r Pdp I ' 111 OvM/vinl -.1 (T>-f CTA tnmmed, lull sleeves, all waistbands; all lengths. s-ook, lull bell shaped mod- /jj V^l\ A.-\ /4'lfT\lvJl) i'' 1 ij ,yI iulin* V\ 1 Special at $1.50 .r*! $3.39 536S 36 . w46 '9Bc 1 1 m* ——— • —— ■ - ■ 1 crepe de chine, georgette, Jap silk, Habutai ?j S Aluminum Tea Serving Tray Carpet Boaters. O'Cedar Mop Coffee Percola- Kitchen Mir- Spanish hand Market Basf Silk, and fine COttOn Waists freshly kin jk |L| \ Kettle, good b:g —Mahoganv serv- good strong heavy and Oil—Genuine tor—Big alum!- rors. 12x20 oak basket. hand ket, b hunJ % packed Will be brought forward for Sat- LU M Bize, heavy grade * O'Cedar mop and num coffee per- frame mirrors, u willow clothes f 1 , , JS tfl ft aluminum with in S trays, glass wire caterg . lo c p i nt can of cedar colator, glass top. good quality " . baskets, good \ UrdaV S Selling. hi js i V " C 0 _ """ ""• Bpee ""' " ' ao , -O 1 w. have been doing the greatest waist business in the § m 5 $2.48 30c 25c 75 C SR4B 95c 39c c, 3.1.Z9 f history of our store during the past week. The sale start- njl _! gj / —: ft ed a week ago with over 5,000 charming, new, crisp JjS IK s ~ ■ I waists, which we gathered together from twenty of the W 5 GARDEN TOOLS RUGS AT SPECIAL PRICES | Yard Goods a, Big Savings Sheets and PilloW CaSeS , ' 1 nl 5 Garden Kakes .. 39c " ' 49c fc.,%*" 1 ?' ,?*'?,-?- U z S ? f 2 r batl,r °oi" or 1 yard vvhle uiibhr.oliod miisliii. yd.. sums— 3-inch QC. them to you at these tremendous savings. The following , lis ft 2>r- 3Qe CQ_ kitchen, size 2.x04 inches. gg c i-tc , examples arc brought to your notice for Saturday. l|j J Garden Hoes .. AOC OzJCj 59C ' 12-hicli pillow rasing white, yd, 3.V: llo,n ' Special each ( Georgette Creoe de Chine Voile d* 1 i\ P - Sll J f At\ Good Velvet Tunes try Brus- 1-niicaster Api-on Glngliam, yd lr \ ueorgeue yrepe ae Gnine vou e < Vkl Uk |L % Combination Weeder and Hoe ..49C Rugs. 27x54 inches sels Rugs. 9x12 ft.. Bates' Dress Ginglmm. fancy plaid. lx Muslin Sheet. > Extra $1.19 and Halbutai Q C Waists yawl 23c . 91.D9 K ookie. Peace Blue, Silver. and trmmed models vv.th the I|l iIS! W QO and OQ Axminster Rugs. 10-yard piisxs Englir.li Ixingclotli, sood heavy quality 'i Navy Ravender Tea Rose, new frills and tucks. also lace KI ft Spading Forks . **° C O 1 .017 Tapestry Brus- 9x12 feet . .$31.50 piH-e SROII ~,x . ,u Mus ii n piii ow Cam's OO § Sunset. Bisque, Flesh, Maize fi"!} , e „ n !, br ,°. l . tlc r y 1n ,.. a ? u " llm * kI IU # 1 fl- 1C- OC- Rugs. 9x12 feet. Wool Fiber Rugs Double Rwl Blankets, gray, sizes " 2oC ft and White; beautifully trim- itei W SSSsBhSSI mend your own shoes and * tj) 10, iO Knlly Ounrnnirol Fully guaranteed, nic-kolft l aco trimmed. round and in pretty patterns. Neatly !§S 1 fll ft IjrHSTtirMStvlMliivS VfjCv.J'.'' ■- p-;' -jm* -w - f\C% guard on side. Special, m square necks; also reversible tailored: finished with white fill LM g UiU3ILM9& save money. (See this machine) . Mx to /1Q C high-low collars; sizes 3 to pique collar and cuffs; full cut: IIU m 4,! ' WeM "- a ' 1C: a " SlZe8 ' 36 t0 46 ' jH used to record great events, great scenes and great men and women. In the Churches " "he motion picture will also be used in churches in tlie near future," lie s. Id. "In fact Canon Chase, of New *crk. is now using motion pic tures ti his church on Sundays. If j it is g. od enough for Canon Chase I on Sundays I see no reason why it should not be good enough for the people of other states," he declared. "Suppose it had been possible to film the massacres in Armenia for ten years. How long do you suppose the world would have stood for them? The motion picture did more to show the horrors of war than any other instrument of publicity. Fur ther. the motion picture sold more Riberty Bonds, raised more money j for the Red Cross, aid mora for the food administration than any olher instrument of publicity." Mr. Brady holds the record of having produced more pluys by j American authors, than any other man. He is the producer of "Little i Women" on the stage and on the screen. He produced virtually every | Shakespearn play and it is said he j gave more opportunities to Ameri can authors than any other man. lie lis the father of Alice Brady, the | eminent actress, and the husband of I Grace George, who is a Harrisburg stage favorite. In appearance Mr. Bray is* on tlie type of the ordinary American busi nessman. He is about five feet ten inches in height. His hair is gray and he wears a pair of nose glasses. GETS POSITION IN HANK Grconcastlc. Pa.. March 21. Walter Minnicli, who was recently honorably discharged from the ser vice lias accepted a position with tlie Commercial Trust Company, at HUg erstown. a neaitii Builder For Weakened Lungs i Where n continued cough or cold I lireaten* the lungs, ICckman's Altera -1 ive will help to stop the cough, | 'rengthen the lungs and restorn xlth. SOc and $1.50 bottles at drug *. or from • • i ■ POPATHRY. Philadelphia 5