M'CLAIN TAKES UP CHANGES Will Reorganize the Stale Employment Service Dur ing the Next Few Weeks Reorganization of the State em \ \\ t>loyment service WAn> taken imniediute- McClain. director of the State Pub- Ho Safety and De- IJ SSlwWlfiSttw fence Commis j J made an appro continuance of tlie agencies. Mr. McClain will be assisted by Jacob Lightner, director of the employment bureau of the l.abor and Industry Department, who is in Philadelphia to-day to con fer with him. Mr. McClain will malee a number < f visits to cities with a view to lo cating State agencies and will also issue orders abolishing others. The whole subject has been gone into and Mr. McClain has arranged with chambers of Commerce for co operation. Hoards Have Sales—l.ocal draft hoards are conducting sales of gov ernment property in their charge ibis week and have .been warned by Major W. G. Murdock, the State's chief draft officer, that all sales must lie completed before the end of next week. The offices will be positively closed on March 31 the major said to-day. Killings Given—Robert S. Gaw throp, first deputy attorney general, has given an opinion to the Htate Highway Department which estab lishes precedents governing payment of refunds into the department. In :• number of cases he holds that payments by sureties of a contractor who failed on contracts and refunds for expenditures made for repairs are proper to be used in department funds. Others are to go to the gen- ! rial fund of the State. CLOTHING i'OK NEEDY York Haven, Pa.. March 20. A I considerable quantity of cast-off! clothing for the needy people of the devastated countries of Europe has been collected in this borough. The campaign will wind up tonight. The box wH be packed tomorrow, and will lie forwarded to the York rounty lied Cross headquarters on Saturday. ROBBERY AT LEWISTOWN Lewistown, I'ti., Marcli 21.—Wed nesday night while Mr. and Mrs. A. IV. McClure. of Logan street, were i isiting friends in the East End hieves entered their home and stole wo valuable diamond rings, another •ing and a valuable pin. The thieves ;.".ined entrance to the house through i rear cellar door. THE GLOBE WE CASH ALL R. R. PAY CHECKS THE GLOBE An Important Offering* of High Class I Suits For Men and Young Men at j $25.00 |K] 1 This seems to be the price that meets the present day Pgjjiy j needs of the average man's purse and to that end we've ! | ~i*/ assembled for special selling 143 suits, the original price gfH ■ -A, of which was up to $40.00 —and are as follows: §p JfcTV Wool Worsted Mostly conservative styles of silk mixed wool I Suits AV orsted suits that are intended for all rear 'round i wear. Xeat black and white effects that most every man jy' \{ F-A I } ) 8 ° wears at some time or other. £ Sj J Young Men's VT\^ Form-Fitting Smart styles of Cassimeres and Cheviots—high £|flraV | Models vented coats with slender lines and crescent pocket / [J; ) $25 -many l-ASHIOX PARK SUITS in this assortment. 11 | , j/J Those New Now in demand by the snappy young dressers— 11 771 lj Waistline Models Blue Serges—Fancy Cassimeres and Cheviots — If//'/ I / ®oe smartly tailored and modeled to meet the fancy of every 111 I / young fellow. 3 3 I \ Stetson and SPECIAL SALE OF MEN'S nn JL RN S h bl H t trousers, worth $5.00. at It s Top Coat Time fnr SrtrinT $3.00 Why burden yourself with a cumbersome opmig Q ne lot Q | 197 pairs of Cassi- overcoat on such fine Springlike days? One of There's an "atmos- meres, Worsteds and Cheviots, in our new sniartl y styled Top Coats* is just the phere" class, distinc- the plain and striped patterns every tllin ff to wear for now. tion about them no other man wants. The greatest value in * o e . Afx hats can boast of. It s the citv. / to p4U Stetson and Schoble 1 x I _____ quality, workmanship , . and superior style that 3>1.50, sj>2 and (Pi New Spring (P 1 Cs3 Peerless (Pi 7 makes them America's $2.50 Shirts *l/1/ shri rts at ... & * Union Suits O ll lt . Hie greatest Shirt values Extra value Shirts plain Medium weight perfect- M $5 to $7 '?• , y , a y soni( : an(l striped patterns some fitting Union Suits, made of * subtly soiled and mussed with collars. Would be a Egyptian cotton yarn - ■ from handling. A good value at $2.00. regular and stout sizes. Special Saturday Values Feature Our Boys' Department ij Boy's Sturdy Wool Suits The Little Fellows will go wild over lmr those alI " w ° o1 Blue Serge Regulation Jack m)q*OU Tar Naval Suits at Regularly Sold at $9.00 $7.50 Suits for the boys that wear" them. Neat mixed fabrics that will stand any test. All sizes. /|s|pj| We consider them excellent $lO.OO values. Special for Saturday Only J rm\ Weartex Fast Blouse Waists Knee Pants That Sold at $2.50 (1 Black Stockings _ s*•69 E-Jf 25c . Cloth Cordurov and Blue Serge Knee lit ff*/V\ Hoys' uecd more stock. ° f b o * 4 quality Cham- Tants All sizes to 16 vcars. Vw l 'J'f th 'l n CVCI '- These arc bray—lMuc anil Gray JJ V\\ 40c values, *ha