Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, March 21, 1919, Page 10, Image 10

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[Continued from First Page.]
fleers of the class responded to va
rious toasts and the banqueters en-
Joyed a delicious repast, served un
der the direction of Maitre J'hotel
Perhaps the most dramatic escape
in the history of the college was that
of a young man locked in his sec
ond-story room by upper classmen.
Leaping to the ground, he managed
to reach the house of a friend,
where he donned woman's attire and
walked to the waiting auomobile.
So successful was his disguise that
Sophomores patroling the street
The Season's Newest Styles
For Women and Misses
Will Be Shown At Our Shop Tomorrow
-We have just arrived from our weekly trip to New
York and have secured many additional charming
garments to make our stock new and fresh and com
plete for Saturday's selling. Among the choice
models which we will offer at low prices are:
The New Capes and Dolmans
We have dozens of these to show and each is a
very exclusive model, but very moderate in price.
Every wanted material, such as Poiret twill, velour,
silvertone, crystal cloth and serge.
models at $15.00.
$19.50, $25.00, $29.50.
EXCLUSIVE MODELS, one of a kind, at
$35.00, $39.00 up.
Many More New Suits
Will Be Ready Saturday
Suits that are different. That is what we hear from our
customers every day. So for Saturday we again will show
many new models in high-class tailored models, blouse ef
fects, and straight-line styles. These suits are shown in
tricotine, serge, poiret, twill and silvertone. Exclusive
styles. One suit of a kind.
$35, $39 and up
Suits that you will pay $35 to $4O elsewhere, shown here
at $25.00 and $29.50. Come in and prove to your own sat
isfaction that you will save.
Wonderful Suits at $25 and $29.50
New Georgette Waists
At $4.95 and $5.95
Fresh, new shipments that will "catch the eye"
of the woman who is looking for exclusive styles
A Phonograph is Always
JtjjMm Ready* Always Pleasing
FT - serves as a source of enter
'lT s® takiment and education. The
d e phonograph which because ofits per
, fection is recognized as the leader is
V< C d j Tbe Sonora plays all dtac reoasds
• .sS*' " be played and
y* V the So norm is guaranteed. Q
QV* The SCOOT* has many valuable
V J*. features which are patented and lß3wlSg&l|^B
v" exclusive, Mch aa the "bolge" EK|Win
/Y design lines, the special long MU^S|H|
running motor, the spring con- a3H<lll|l
trol, the motor-meter, tbe tone BjMjwWS
eA. control at the sound aooree, etc.
V"*> V < Ay The Sonera will delight 70a. I V
aiy for years. It is. Indeed, the f I
phonograph beanU/oL \J
Santa am biffcnt acara far taw at Paaaaa Pacific Expatibw
Gaff and JUor lit Somora!
$5O to $lOOO
Sonata Is Beaaaad and npwtis ander BASIC PATENTS
of the phonograph India try
I IBS Highest Clan Talking Machine in the World
Wondered who the attractive young
lady was.
Those present Included the follow
ing: Misses Meta Burbeck, Helen
Daugherty, Marion Heflfleman, Paul
ine Daugherty. Ella Dundore. Doro
thy Engle, Mary Gingrich, Gertrude
Gingrich, Maryland Glenn, Ruth
Evans, Gladys Hower, Josephine
Hershey, Ruth Helster, Anna Stern,
Effie Hffcbs, Verna Hess, Ethel Leh
man, Pearl Light, Josephine Stlne,
Miriam Cassel, Lena Angel. Messrs.
H. Bender, J. R. Bowman, H. Bender,
J. D. Daugherty, J. Gingrich, Myer
Herr, Ray Hershey. Oliver Heckman,
Adam Miller, Russell O. Shadel, John
Snider, Paul Tschudy. Prosper Wirt,
Clifton Cole, Harry Fake, Calvin
Feniel and John Cretznlger. Miss
Urich and Professor Harlng chaper
oned the class.
[Continued from First I'a go.]
■wore crowded with visitors from
nearby towns, including many Amer
ican troops from neighboring canton
ments. Nearly all the French and
American officers of the staff were
present and the American headquar
ters band furnished the music. Hun
dreds of school children lined the
City Hall square, waving Belgian and
French flags. . •
Royalty Reviews Troops
The Belgian royalties, after the
reception at the City Hall had been
concluded, went to the Courhan air
drome and reviewed the Eighty-first
American division. ' They . then re
turned to the chateau and took tea
with General Pershing, his staff, the
local, civil and military authorities
and the chiefs of the allied missions.
British Air Forces
to Have Assistance of
Weather Man in Flight
By Associated Press.
London, March 21. All the re
sources of the British air force's
Weather Bureau will be at the dis
posal of the aviators competing in
the trans-Atlantic flight, according to
a statement made to the Mall today
by Major Gondle, chief of the bureau.
A twenty-four-hour forecast for
every competitor will be attmepted,
being based on reports from experts
at St. Johns, Lisbon and the Azores.
A British battleship will also be sta
tioned between Sa. John's and the
Azores to co-operate with any Brit
ish or American aviator making an
official attempt to cross the ocean
by airplane, he said.
The annual meeting of the Wom
an's Home Missionary Society of the
Market Square Presbyterian church,
will be held Friday afternoon at 3
o'clock in the church parlor. A so
cial hour will follow. Tea will he
served, the executive committee act
ing as hostesses.
Spend a few cents! Dandruff dis
appears and hair stops
Try this! Hair gets beautiful,
wavy and thick in
few moments.
If you care for heavy hair, that
glistens with beauty and is radiant
with, life; has an incomparable soft
ness and is fluffy and lustrous, try
Just one application doubles the
beauty of your hair, besides it im
mediafely dissolves every particle of
dandruff: you cannot have nice,
heavy, healthy hair if you have
dandruff. This destructive scurf
robs the hair of its lustre, its
strength and its very life, and if not
overcome it produces a feverishness
and itching of the scalp; the hair
roots famish, loosen and die; then
the hair falls out fast.
If your hair has been neglected
and is thin, faded, dry scraggy or
too oily, get a small bottle of Knowl
ton's Dandarine at any drug store or
toilet counter for a few cents; apply
a little as directed, and ten minutes
after you will say this was the best
investment you ever made.
We sincerely believe, regardless
of everything else advertised, that
if you desire soft, lustrous, beauti
ful hair and lots of it —no dandruff
—no itching scalp and no more
falling hair—you must use Knowl
ton's Danderine. If eventually—
why not now?
Sharpens Vision
Sooth;, and hetl. the eye. tnd strenrhen. eyeileht
quickly; relieve, inflammation in eyes and lids;
aharpena vision and make, gla.se. unnecessary in
many instances, say. Doctor. Druggists refund
your money if it fails.
[Continued front First Pago.]
were from San Francisco, were giv
en sentences of from two years and
six months to four years in the
Eastern penitentiary by President
Judge George Kunkel' to-day. They
were called for sentence In courts
room No. 1 this morning shortly be
fore the session closed.
According to Shuler and Chal
lenger the men were taken in the
former's machine to Clark's Ferry
and there, with loaded revolvers
pointed at Challenger, demanded
and received $lB. Judge Kunkel told
the defendants they had committed
one of the most serious offenses on
the criminal records. It was said
that the youths gave fiictitious
names to save their families from
disgrace. The police have been un
able to identify them through any
records. After they had been sen
tenced they were handcuffed in the
courtroom by Sheriff W. W. Cald
well and taken to jail.
Two other men, both colored,
were given penitentiary sentences
for attacking and robbing a peanut
vender. They were George Patter
son and John Williams, who were
each given a sentence of from fif
teen months to three years in the
penitentiary by Judge Kunkel.
Pleads For Daughter
When Eva Cole, colored, convict
ed of aggravated assault and bat
tery, was called for sentence in
courtroom No. 2 before Judge A. W.
Johnson, her father, Walter B. Cole,
interceded for her and asked the
court to be lenient in imposing sen
tence. Eva. it was charged, slashed
a man with a razor while the two
were quarreling.
Judge Johnson talked kindly to
Cole and told him that after care
fully considering the case he had de
cided that he might not impose a
penitentiary sentence. When it was
said that the girl had served a pre
vious jail sentence Judge Johnson
ordered an investigation to deter
mine if she were the same person
and directed Assistant District At
torney Frank B. Wickersham to call
her again this afternoon.
Judge Johnson, when Mr. Cole
pleaded for his daughter and ad
mitted he, too, had made mistakes
when he was young, replied that this
was true in many of the average
families, and that in watching his
children he found that they made
little mistakes just the same as he
had when a boy. Other attorneys
who were present in the courtroom
joined in the discussion, one of them
asking how about the mother's
$l,OOO For Matrimony
"The mother is generally better
than the father," Judge Johnson
quietly replied. His response was re
ceived with some little laughter, but
he told the attorneys that his re
marks were given in seriousness.
Then one of the lawyers suggested
wh y not send the father to jail and
let the daughter go, when Judge
Johnson recalled a play in which the
father had always punished himself
when his children did any wrong.
The judge said he would let the fa
ther go in this case because of his
good record, but that he could not
grant the parent's wish to have his
daughter released on probation.
Asen Ivanoff, in defending him
self in a larceny spit brought by Nik
Dancheff, who accuses him of swin
dling him ott of $l,OOO by trickery,
declared that he and Nik were good
friends and that Nik was supposed
to furnish this money because a
wealthy woman had been found out
west who would marry him.
A number of other prosecutions
were disposed of in the two court
rooms as follows: Elmer Fo, George
Carlile, serious charge, acquitted;
George Washington, Thomas Brown,
larceny from the person, bill ig
nored; Charles E. Weibley, serious
charge, bill ignored; Arthur Wynn,
larceny and false pretenses, acquit
ted; Edward Brown, larceny, ac
quitted; Clifton Martin, larceny,
three months; Herbert Derry, lar
ceny, four months; Joe Rennel, re
ceiving stolen goods, acquitted; Fen
ton Snowden, same charge, two
months; Pete Raglan, larceny, six
[Continued from First Page.]
ness and every one associated with
the show cannot speak highly
enough of its success, which, really,
is beyond all expectations. We are
drawing from a wide radius of the
State, from such distances as Al
toona and Chambersburg, and the
out-of-town folk are even more em
phatic than Harrisburg in declaring
this demonstration the be nearly
perfect. Not one complaint has been
made of any kind. To-day and to
morrow promise to bring the great
est crowds yet registered, and such
is the enthusiasm for motor traffic
that I believe the truck and trac
tor show, beginning at 10 a. m.
Monday, will be equally successful."
Preparations are being made to
take care of an invasion of the
country market folk who have noti
fied the managers that they will be
on hand in multitude Saturday
morning when they have finished
feeding the capital city. Excursions
from many nearby towns are also
planned for to-morrow and the illus
trious show will wind up in a mon
ster party to-morrow night.
The truck and tractor exhibition
should attract thousands, for the
sales have jumped beyond all esti
mate since the war closed. The pro
prietors of the Overland plant con
tinue their generosity of making no
charge for rent and the intelligent
visitor will see the big plant almost
as attractive with motor engines
planned for work as with the beau
ties which furnish pleasure and re
Manufacturers began this morn
ing to get their products to the vi
cinity and the streets will be crowd
ed soon with all sorts of motor ve
hicle, including the nifty garden
tractor which man, woman or child
can use on the smallest plot; the
demon which is going to turn every
garden owner into a producer.
There is almost a snap of romance
in this exhibit planned for three
days next week. Like magic, these
dozens of types of tractors will, in
a few years, tui n out more food than
was ever contemplated, for the trac
tor is here to stay. The truck was
Introduced only a few years ago, but
even now. according to George B.
McFarland, head of the Harrisburg
Automobile Company, and handler
of Cleveland and the Beman, there
are nearly seven hundred motor
trucks used in this city.
Two Men Are Badly Hurt;
Truck Drops 20 Feet
| Altoona, Pa., March 21. Frank
! Hileman, 26, suffered a fractured
skull, and Charles Clark, SO, severe
body injuries when a truck driven
by the former skidded off the road
and toppled down a twenty-foot em
bankment yesteray.
Hileman is in a serious condition.
The truck was completely wrecked.
Use McNeil's Cold Tablets. Adv.
Famous Sistine Choir
Will Tour Country Under
Guidance of Churchmen
By Associated Press.
New York, March 21.—The famous
Sistine choir from Rome will make
a concert tour of the United States
under the auspices of high dignitar
ies of the Roman Catholic Church
this spring, it was announced to
The choir, which is the oldest and
most famous known to the Christian
world, will come here in May. It is
composed of thirty-two choral chap
lains, and for many centuries these
singers have had the exclusive privi
lege of singing at these services and
ecclesiastical functions at which the
Pope officiates in person. The Sis
tine choir was founded in the Fourth
Century by S. Sylvester, whose pon
tificate extended from 314 to 325.
By Associated Press
Denver, Colo., March 21. The
western section of the country is
isolated to-day as the result of a
snow and sleet storm that swept
Western Colorado and Wyoming last
night. All wire communication
west of Denver has ceased and trans
continental trains are reported to be
behind schedule.
New York, March 21.—The case of
Jeremiah A. O'Leary, the Bull Pub
lishing Company and the American
Truth Society, which has been in pro
gress nearly eight weeks to consider
evidence relating to their alleged se
ditious writings and publications,
was given to the jury this noon.
I New Spring Skirts *■" n/UVrrCTAIVT'O New Spring
I lv UlUolUll Millinery
desired stylo. Sizes 22 to 40 waist. ■ M . „ T , ... 7 ,
- L '7&9S oth Market square O Wo^ BG,rlB 8 G,rl8 I
lliSEil Friday and Saturday I
JBSaan::.-8S ** Bargain Days at Livingston's "spring Sweaters I
—— 7 7- For Friday and Saturday we place on Sale womb's—Misses'
300 Sample Skirts m This $5,000.00 worth of brand New Spring Samples. In Silk and Wool, Slip-ons and | "
Lot on Sale Don't miss these values. a^jSSd^T 8 ' ,n u,c ncwcst weaTCa
on Sale f6r Friday and Saturday. We have just received 500 Sample Garments—in time
for our Friday and Saturday Specials. Every color, every material, every style, every size.
100 Capes and Coats in dark and • 150 Capes and Dolmans. Every de-
I light shades. Friday and Satur- s ' re< * st ri e a °d material; $22.00
$ 13.98 m JljQ $15.98
150 Capes, Dolmans and Coats—a \ mightiest collection of outer- I
wonderful showing in this lot. / / /WrrT garments shown this season. I
$29.50 value \/l I \ Jl/ \ \ Values in the lot to $39.50.
$19.98 I'lfF $24.98 |
Hundreds of Spring SUITS Special Showing of |j
Placed on Special Sale for IKI J I
-p, • i jri A l for Women and Misses, in Serge, Satin, Tricolette, Tricotine, I
Ir riday and Saturday Taffeta, Crepe de Chine, Georgette, etc., in every shade, style ra
and size. An extra special price for Friday and Saturday.
Serge, Poplin, Velour, Tricotine and others in every desired $12.50 Dresses,
shade, style and size. ~ •• #J V
Suits, $14.98 —— *
Sale for Friday and Sat- $ll 08 /
your new Spring Snit Em y $20.00 Dresses, Ly j /f| fyi ' •
I Women and Mioses at tfrl QQQ j
very special prices. vlvivO
For Friday and Saturday You Will Find Real Values in
pAVQ' CITTHTC First showing of Men's and Young Men's Spring Clothing MEN'S PANTS
13171 O OUIIO j n t h e latest fabrics and colors—in the new cut waist suits, kJ kj
A good assortment of Suits or double breasted models, or the plain cQnsecvative cuts for 5Q( j pa j rs placed on sale for
for boys in plain color and the plain dresser. A wide range of patterns and styles to p r j day and Saturday. Work
fancy mixtures; all kinds; choose from at very special prices. Values to $40.00, or Dress Pants, 28 to 54 waist,
ages 1 to 18 years. value to $5.00. For Friday and
$5.00 SUITS $2.98 PBO Saturday only.
$6.00 SUITS $3.49 £f% II VV CP • # CT
SBiSp S2OWS $1.98x52.98
$12 s 5O SUITS $7.98 , L • ,c™ •
$15.00 SUITS $9.98 500 Suits to choose from at these- prices. Choice or 500 pairs.
"The pleasures of Sin" will be the
subject of an address by the Rev. Dr.
W. W. Orr before the 'men's mass
meeting in Fahnestock Hall, Sunday
afternoon, at 3:30 o'clock. Harrv 1'
Armstrong, evangelistic soloist, 'wlli
lead the singing.
The meeting will be held under the
auspices of the Central Y. M. c. A
Cuticura Will Help Clear
Pimples and Dandruff
The Soap to Cleanse
The Ointment to Heal
Don't wait to have pimples and
blackheads, redness and roughness,
dandruff and itching. Prevent them
by making this wonderful skin-clear
ing complexion soap your every-day
toilet soap, assisted by touches of
Cuticura Ointment to the first signs
of little skin and scalp troubles, and i
dustings of Cuticura Talcum, a fas
cinating fragrance. In delicate Cuti
cura medication The Cuticura Trio is
wonderful. 25c each. Sample eich
free of "Cuticura, Boston."
You'll Appreciate This
Golden Coffee
Golden Roast Blend Coffee is not an ordinary blend.
It's far, far in advance of the regular blends which
you buy loose.
Golden Roast is put up for people who like rich flavored,
golden clear, coffee, the aroma of which the moment you
sense it, tells you that here is a "different" coffee tells
you that it is in a class by itself.
Golden Roast Blend
is so carefully blended and roasted that with the first sip
your conviction will be that Golden Roast will thereafter
be the coffee you'll serve.
In pound air-tight packages
at your grocer.
Coffee Purveyor to the rcnn-lfarris, HarrLshurg, Pn.