Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, March 18, 1919, Page 2, Image 2

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Carlisle Businessmen to Send
Delegation to Committee
Meeting at Capitol
Carlisle. Pa.. March 18.—At a big
meeting of Carlisle businessmen held
at the Chamber of CQinmeree last
evening, plans were made for a dele
gation to visit Harrisburg on Wed
nesday to attend the hearing before
the Ways and Means Committee on
the proposal to repeal the mercan
tile tax law. The Carlisle delegation
will number about twenty and will
be prepared to present a number of
facts in connection with the discus
The members also adopted a reso
lution urging against the proposed
amendment to the existing labor
laws for females making the work
ing time eight hours per day or 4S
hours per week, because of the ellect
that it would have on business and
also on the employes with no direct
benefit being apparent.
Christopher Harmer Dies
at Mount Holly Springs
Carlisle. Fa.. March 18. —After a
protracted illness. Christopher Har
mer. widely known as a resident and
Civil War veteran, died at his home
at Mount Holly Springs, aged neare
st) years, lie was bcrn in South Mid
dleton township, hut later went to
Mansfield. Ohio. When the Civil War
broke out he enlisted in Company A,
First Ohio cavalry and participated
in battles in Kentucky and irginia
and took part in Sherman's march
to the sea. After the war he engaged
in business in Mount Holly Springs.
He was superintendent and treas
urer of the Mount Holly Springs
Water Company for some years, a
member of the school board, town
council, board of health and justice
"of thf peacp. Hp was a prominent
member of the Methodist church and
of Post 490. G. A. R.
The following children survive:
Mrs. 11. A. Buttorff. Mount Holly
Springs: W. A. Harntan. Newville:
Mrs G. U Good. Mount Holly
Springs: Mrs. Adam Miller. Di'ls
hurg' Mrs. Herman Brelim, Le
moyne: Mrs. David A. Dunlevv and
Mrs. W. W. Bricker. New York.
MoohanlcslHirg. Pa.. March IS. —
The sum of $225 was raised in a col
lection at the Methodist Episcopal
church on Sunday, when the pastor
the Rev. J. fan is Bell stated that i
money was needed for a special pur
nose. The effort was made at this
time to raise the amount previous to
Hosing the conference vear and the
libera' contribution of the people ex
ceeiied the sunt required. To-day the
Rev. Mr. Bell left for Sunbury where
the conference will be held.
MeelijHilcs>nr~. Pa.. March IS.—
Mrs. Mary A. Burn died vesterdnv
morning at her home. 200 South
High street, after r week's illness.,
pi, e was 81 venrs o'd and a memberj
of tbc Firs' United Brethren church.
Three children survive as follows:
rhesfei* Burn, of Fast St. Louis. Mo.:
Harm- Burn, cf East Orange. N. J.,
and Mrs. William Brenneman, of
Utfneral services will be held on
Thursday afternoon at 1 o'clock at
her late home, con-ducted by the
Rev. J. A. Golm and burial will be
made at Snringville cemetery, nea#
Boiling Springs.
Waynesboro. Pa., March 18. —
Mrs. Elizabeth Brendle celebrated
her ninetieth birthday anniversary
at the home of her daughter. Mrs.
W. S. Gillan, Greencastle. In honor
of the event Mrs. Gillan entertained
ail of her mother's nieces and imme
diate relatives during the day.
liia—iiniiiiiiiii "-t
A Specialized Cereal Food
Builder of Body & Brain
This well planned combination of
the best parts of wheat & barley
has a delightfully sweet nut
like flavor.
But the chief reason why you
should use Grape-Ntrts is for its
building" worth its real value
as a constructor of
for young & old.
Easy to digest, requires no .
sugar & there's no waste.
'• "• ■■ . X. ' ,• V
"There's a Reason'/br Grape-Nuts
Two Women Make Record
in Red Cross Supplies
Carlisle, Pa.. March 18. —The rec
ord for Red Cross work seems to
have been set by the-Misses Munroe,
who live near Carlisle, for the total
of articles they turned into the local
chapter make an amazing total.
From October, 1917 to February.
1919, these two young' women them
selves made the following:
Pajarna coats, 3 26, 18Jt pajama
strings, 181 socks. 93 underdrawers
and shirts. 258 bags. 194 shirts, 154
shirts, 154 bathrobes, 28 convales
cent robes, 12 pillow cases, live doz
en handkerchiefs. 36 nabdages, two
pairs mitts, 10 pairs wristlets, one
scarf, 14 swipes. 6 belts, 20 comfort
pillows. 30 hot water bottle covers,
cut and wrapped 1,648 yards of twine
and 24 spools of thread, creased 60
bolts of tape, creased 150 comfort
kits.. creased 250 ■ rubber squares,
sewed 10 pounds of carpet rags.
Young People's Societies to
Hold Combined Services
Mcclianicsburg, Pa., March IS.—
On Thursday evening, March 20. a
service will be held in St. Mark's
Lutheran church, under the auspices
of the combined young peoples' so
cieties of St. John's Lutheran church,
Shiremanstown; Trinity and • St.
Mark's. Mechanicsburrg, and Trindle
Spring Lutheran.
The Rev. P. George Sieger. of
Lancaster, pastor of Emanuel Lu
theran church, will be the speaker
of the evening and tell his experi
ences as camp pastor at Camp Wads
worth. S. C. The music will be a
feature and will include a vocal solo
by M. B. Ibach.
Chamber-burg. Pa.. March IS. —
Resolutions opposing the anti-Sab
bath bills now before the State Leg
islature were adopted by the Oham
bersburg United Brehtren Minister
ial Association, representing all of
the United Brethren congregations
of Franklin county, here yesterday
afternoon. The Rev. Dr. L. Walter
Lutz, pastor of the First United
Brethren Church here, was elected
a representative of the association
to attend the hearing on Wednesdav
of this week before the House judi
ciary committee on the Rorke bill,
which would legalize Sunday con
certs and motion picture shows.
Cliambersburg. Pa.. March 18.—
Miss Mary S. Lutz. daughter of the
Rev. Dr. L. Walter Lutz. pastor of
the First United Brethren Church
here, has been elected president of
th Clintonian Literary Society at
Lebanon Valley College, at Annville.
Miss Lutz is a member of the senior
class at that institution and is editor
in-chief of The News, a weekly pa
per published by the students of the
Waynesboro, Pa., March 18.—
Hiram Wertz, for many years a
prominent resident of Quincy, north
of Waynesboro, but now living with
his daughter, Mrs. Oyler. at
Cliambersburg, who has been ill -for
some time, is now much improved
in health. Mr. Werfz is in the nine
tieth year oftiis age. He retains all
his faculties, is a great reader of the
world news, both church and state.
Cliambersburg. Pa.. March 18.—
Four nurses of the Cliambersburg
Hospital, have gone to Philadelphia
to take the State board examination.
They are Misses Elizabeth Eyster.
Blanche Hoerner. Blanche Croft and
Margaret Dessem.
Carlisle, Pa.. Mar. IS. —Just after
returning to the home after the fu
neral of Joseph E. Forrey, infant
son of Mr. and Mrs. Adam Forrey.
of this place, another child. John,
aged slightly over one year, died
from pneumonia The funeral took
i place this afternoon. Five sisters
survive in addition to the parents.
Impressive Military Funeral
at Carlisle U. S. Hospital
Carlisle, Pa., Mar. IS.—A military
funeral was held this afternoon for
Private Ancy Baric, of the United
States Army, an overseas veteran,
tvlio died at the United States War
Department Hospital No. 31 here.
Baric was a native of Austria nnd_
fought in France for a number of
months, succumbing front his
wounds on Saturday.
The procession and services were
impressive. Heading the line of
march was Lieutenant ' Dowling.
registrar and officer in charge of
the overseas men. and about 400
soldiers were in line. The Carlisle
band played a dirge and a liring
squad followed the hearse. Colonel
F. 11. Keefer, commandant, and
Chaplain Hoffit, of the hospital, were
in charge of the services, which
were held in the First Presbyterian
Church. Burial was'made in the
plot in Ashland Cemetery, secured
by the government years ago before
the Carlisle Indian School took the
place at the army barracks here.
Emergency Aid Sells
Eggs For French Work
Mereersburg. Pa.. March 18.—The
j Emergency Aid of Mereersburg has
| shipped to the New York City mar
; kets tSO dozen eggs to be sold and
' the money is to be used for recon
-1 struction work in France.
Miss Mary Musselman, of Hagers
; town, Md., spent the weekend in the
i family of Roy C. Cromwell.
"Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Unger. of
j Harrisburg, are visiting Mrs. Ung
! er's pgrents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles
I H. Fallon.
Donald Cromer Waidlich, a stu
; dent at State College, is spending
i several days with his parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Harry S. Waidlich.
I Russell R. Shaffer, who has been
employed at the gunpowder reserva
tion at Magnolia for the past nine
j months, has returned to his home
I here.
J Samuel G. Hege is seriously ill at
• his home in North Main street.
Two Cases of "Sleeping
Sickness" at Mereersburg
Mereersbtutt. Pa., March 18.—Two
cases of sleeping sickness, the re
sult of recent attacks of the in
, fluenza, have been discovered here.
! The sufferers are Earl M. Cleaver,
! a stenographer at the Mereersburg
| Academy, whose home is in Girard-
I ville. 9nd Oily Mowen, a workman
j employed by W. -©. Byron & Sons.
| Persons suffering froAi this illness
fall into a deathlike sleep lasting
several days and when aroused ap
pear to be greatly exhausted. Re
covery is slow and leaves the per
son in a very weak condition.
Waynesboro, Pa., March 18.—The
large Blue Mountain fruit orchards
belonging to Alexander D. Morgan
thall, formerly vice-president of the
Geiser Manufacturing Company, lo
cated near Pen Mar park, were'sold
at public sale Saturday afternoon to
D. Maurice Wertz. The orchard*
contain several thousand apple,
peach and cherry trees, besides cur
rant and gooseberry patches. The
price paid by Mr. Wertz was a lit
tle over $30,000.
Waynesboro. Pa., March IS. —
George P. Vance, who served in the
Spanish-American War, has been
awarded a pension through a special
bill introduced by Congressman B.
K. Focht, which was approved by
President Wilson March 4. '
Waynesboro, Pa., March 18.—
Mrs. Elizabeth Stoner, this city, has
received from members of the or
ganization with which her son, Jo
seph Stoner, was serving in France
at the time of his death a testimon
ial of the esteem in which, he was
held by his comrades.
George \Y. Wagenseller Cele
brates 25th Anniversary as
Editor and 50 Years Life
JP* y M
igsr" jp
• J?
* iS
Middleburg, Pa.. March 18. —Mid-
dleburg's social event of the season
took place last evening, not only as
a St.' Patrick's day event but also
to celebrate the double anniversary
of George W. Wagenseller, being the
twenty-fifth anniversary as editor
bf the Post and the fiftieth year of
life. Mr. Wagenseller and his daugh
ter, Doris, entertained about 200
guests in honor of the occasion.
The affair took place on the sec
ond story of the new Post build
ing and began at 7.30 p. m. with a
reception, the receiving committee
being Mr. Wagenseller and daughter
Doris. Mr. and Mrs. P. M. Sehoch,
Professor and Mrs. V. F. Shambach
and the employes of the office, Mr.
and Mrs. J. H. Heim, Mr. and Mrs.
J. Jay Herman. Miss Clara Winey
and Cyril Corkins.
Returned soldiers from overseas
were the ushers, and the women
school teachers of the borough re
ceived the guests at the door. The
Middleburg orchestra furnished the
Albert W. Johnson, president
judge, Lewisburg, made an address
on "Community Buildings"; The Rev.
Dr. 11. D. Haves spoke on a "Social
Club for Middleburg", while Profes
sor T. F. Shambach spoke on a
"Chamber of Commerce for Middle
burg." Thomas H. Speigelmire,
president of the Chamber of Com
merce for Selinsgrove, spoke on "Im
provement of State Highways in Sny-
I der County.*'
The. host and hostess presented
the guests with a copy of a 100-page
book, entitled "Personal Recollec
tions of Halt a Century, Marking
the Silver Anniversary or Business
; and the Golden Jubilee of Life. Mr.
[ Wagenseller gavo an inforlnal talk
on Jiis connection with the town and
the newspaper, after which a lunch
[ eon was served.
Waynesboro, Pa., March 18.—Just
| this side of Caledonia Park there Is
| a plot conducted by the State For
' estry DepaVtment as an experi
mental station. In it are pine trees
of various ages, all labeled as to
time of planting, etc., in order that
data may be secured as to their
growth and development. Some'
vandal three nights ago "barked"
fifteen of the finest trees in the plot.
This removing of the bark wifl prob
ably kill the trees and thus years of
I study will be wiped out. •
Carlisle, Pa., lB.—Rumors
| are afloat here that a contract has
j been let for extensive buiding opera-
I tions here and that alterations and
| additions involving in the aggrega
i tion one million dollars will be Un
j dertaken to inoreuse the facilities of
j the United States Government Hos
! pital, No. 31. located here. The
! work as originally planned has been
! completed.
Chanibcrsbtirg, Pa., March 18.-
! The wedding here on Saturday even
ing of Robert X. Schalkenbach, of
i Southern Pines, X. C., and Miss
! Hulda IV. Renfew, of Baltimore,
Md., marked the culmination of a ro
mance which began when Miss Ren
frew, who is a trained nurse and a
former resident of Fayetteville; near
here, was called to nurse Mr.
j Schalkenbach. who is a structural
j engineer resident in Baltimore, lie
I was during his illness at the sum-
I mer residence of his parents, Mr.
land Mrs. John Schalkenbach, of New
i York City, at Southern Pines. They
I were married by the Rev. Dr. G. A.
, MeAlister, pastor of the Central'
; Presbyterian church. They are now
j visiting the bride's relatives at Fay.
! etteville.
Carlisle, Pa., March 18. —The for- 1
mal drive for the Y. W. C. A. fund
of $25,000 to open and outfit a
building here began yesterday when
squads of women started the can
vass. Yesterday special attention was
given the drive in tho churches and
a meeting was held Saturday even
ing-and instructions given the team
Carlisle, Pa., March 18.—Friends I
here have learned that President'
Wilson lias appointed Colonel Dun- j
bar Emblck. the American 'commis- !
■sioner on the Denmarlc-Schleswig |
question. Colonel Embick is a son |
of W. A. Embick, of Carlisle, form- :
erly of Harrisburg, and has been at!
all of .the sessions of the allied and!
Peace Conferences.
Chamltorsburg, Pa., March 18.— i
A row of four of the oldest houses'
will be razed here early next month!
to make way for modern brick resi
dences. The row of hoyses is fa-|
miliarly known as the "glass front |
row',' because of the large gloss win-|
dows in the front of the houses.!
They are owned by John: G. PhP
lippy. of Greencastle. and he lias
notified the tenants to be ready to
! vacate April 1.
Fire Destroys Railroad
Building at Hagerstown
lfagcrstown, Md., March 18.—
Fire early Sunday destroyed the
large tlirfee-story brick office build
ing of the Western Maryland Rail
road Company, entailing a loss of
$25,000 and many valuable records.
The fire, the origin of which is tin
known. broke out on the second
floor and was discovered by train
men. who noticed flames issuing
from the windows. The janitor at the
time was working on the first floor.
The interior was completely burn
ed out and only the walls are stand
ing. About fifty men were employed
in the building, which was occupied
by the accounting and storekeeping i
departments. Six years ago the rail-j
road purchased the building from |
the county school ' commissioners.:
For many veurs the Hagerstown |
High school was located in It.
Columbia. Pa.. March 18.—Mem-'
orial services wore held in the Pres- j
byterian church Sunday night fori
Dr. Alexander O. Keesey, who died'
in France, and Gilbert Crawford, i
who was killed in action. The ad
dress was given by the pastor, the]
Rev. George Wells Ely, and Neil
■Walker sang a solo.
Sunbury, Pa.. March 18. Joel
Bartholomew, aged 85, former tax
collector at Seven Points, was found
dead in his bed at his home there
yesterday by his daughter, who went
to call him. Heart failure was
[given as the cause. He was a farmer.
Suburban Notes
Luther Loudermilk, of Steelton,
visited his parents, Mr. and Mrs. L.
C. Loudermilk. on Sunday.
Ralph Troutman, who for a num
ber of years has lived in the State of
Washington, is paying a visit to his
mother. Mrs. Mary Troutman.
Miss Gladys Koppenheffer spent
Sunday at Sunbury visiting Mr. and
Mrs. Clarence Koppenheffer.
Mr. and Mrs. Norman Lenker, of
Harrisburg, were Sunday guests of
the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Theodore H. Lebo, in Halifax town
Dr. Frederick C. Smith, of Phila
delphia, spent several days visiting
his parents, Mr. aitd Mrs. G. M.
Raymond Lentz had his right arm
broken Saturday evening while
cranking an automobile.
Mrs. B. B. Beistel, of Millersburg,
visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
W. H. Arnold, on- Sunduy.
Mr. and.Mrs. Joseph Dillman were
week-end guests of Mr. and Mrs.
'John Hilbert at Steelton.
j Mrs. Sarah Troutman, of North
I Bend, and Miss Celestia Troutman.
I of Millersburg, were guests Sunday
| of Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Gilbert.
Mrs. Bertha Matter and Mrs. J.
; W. Xoff. of Millersburg, spent Sun
i day at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
George Matter.
Mr. and Mrs. John Baker, of
Steelton, were week-end .guests at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. Harvey
To get the genuine, call for full
Tablets. Look for signature of
E. W. GROVE. Cures a Cold in One
Day. 30c.
=li ■ • H
Come With the Crowds—
| to the Harrisburg Auto Show 1
* B
I Have you been out to the Auto Show? There are little cars
No! Well you don't know what you are and big cars, and four
missing. More than 150 passenger roadsters, sev~
the best cars the best en passenger touring cars, limousines, ||
B manufacturers of Amer- coupes, sedans in as many designs as there
ica produce, are waiting out here for you to are cars —so you see you have the broadest
H inspect them. Take the opportunity while selection of cars at one time you will have
it is here. ' this year. I£ you want to be car-wise, he
The crowds are big. This proves that it sure to come out to the Auto Show,
is going to be a big automobile season. But There are just four days more of the Pas
don't be fooled with the idea that you have senger Car display of the Auto Show and
plentv of time to place your order. The those four days are going to be lively. Those
longer you delay the less your chances are who W been here are going t0 come again
this Reason ' with their friends. Those who have not been
here are just naturally go- H
Mr. Car-Owner, and , jrf , mmmgmammgtlZZ m
= i-i ing to. come, for no \\xt i=
=3 you who are going to be car-owners, come ° t Cj =
out to the Auto Show with the rest of the American would m.ss anfr I W
motor enthusiasts and see what a brilliant automobile show, if he stops to consider that
= arrav of cars are here. the automobile helped to win the war, • -AI" =
EE ' ">■, B
Passenger Show Car Trucks and Tractors Accessories
Until March 22 March 24, 25, 26 Both Shows
| The Auto Show at
| 10 10 A p M M h The Overland Warehouse \
Twenty-Sixth and Derry Streets
liiiwi mi mi
Miss Sylvania Charles
Bride of Clayton Jury
Liverpool, Pa., March 18.—A pretty ,
home wedding was held at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. John Charles on
Saturday evening when their eldest |
daughter. Miss Sylvania Charles was |
marriVd to Clayton son of Mr.
and Mrs. Joseph Jury, by the Rev. A.!
C. Cramer, pastor of the United Ev
angelical Church. The couple are '
both popular young people of town
and will make their home here where'
Mr. Jury s iemployed.
Marietta, Pa.. March 18.—Automo
bile thieves stole an automobile, the
property of the Rev. Francis J. g.
Morrow, pastor of the First Metho
dist Episcopal Church, from the
] garage at the rear of the home of
John Peek in Uay street.
Marietta, Pa., March 18.—Frank,
j "a S. Engle, of West Market street.
I died on Sunday morning at the Co
'r f iffM
I . 28-30-32 North Third Street ■
if iBB
m • ggj
Schleisner's Tailormade Suits
For Women and Misses
Have the faculty of distinguish
ing themselves on any occasion
FJI HEIR advance modishness and superior quality give them ■
a permanence of vogue much to the liking of the discerning
dresser, especially appealing to the tastes of those who prefer
dignity of style rather than conspicuous momentary fancies.
Our individual tailor service assures perfection of fitting, thereby great- jgp
ly enhancing the beauty, the original style note and contour.
IE ' u BR
I\ew Spring Tailormade Suits Thirty-five
to One Hundred Twenty-five Dollars . , jj|
MARCH 18, 1919.
lumbia Hospital, to which institu
tion he had been removed two weeks
ago. He was born in Marietta and
attended the public schools of Mari
etta, later graduating in electrical
Open All Year. Enter Any Time.
Individual Promotion. |] ;
Bell 125 (Opp. Senate) Dial <Oll i
engineering at a college. He held sf
number of responsible positions.
/■ i
KNOW the truth about
( your weights. Use
I '
Henry Gilbert & Son
400 S. 2nd St., Harrisburg.
1 ■*