Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, March 18, 1919, Page 14, Image 14
14 jjf the Firaisied Rwm Yon Want Is Net AdYCTtiscdToSASa^SIQ ' IDeatbs HOI.TON Mis. Sara J. Bolton, wife: of William C. Bolton, died Monday) morning, at 3 o'clock, at her home, 333 South Thirteenth street, aged 63 | years. Funeral services Wednesday after noon, at 3 o'clock, from her late residence, the Kev. Thomas Keisch officiating. Interment, Paxtang t'eir.ctery. Relatives and friends uru invited to attend without further] notice. Philadelphia papers, please copy. | Mlll'i: —• On March 16, 1919, Wasii- j ingtcn F. Shipe, aged til years. Funeral on Wednesday afternoon, at i 1 :;:o o'clock, from the home of hisj daughter, Mrs. 1011 a 10. Forney, 309 Clinton jitreet. The relatives and friends are invited to attend with- j out further notice. Interment Mt. Olivet Cemetery, New Cumberland. lltlint \ Mrs. Mary A. Brown died j at the home of her niece. Mrs. Car rie 11, Campbell, 330 Woodbine) street, early Tuesday morning, Fe)>- | ruary IX, aged S3 years. Funeral services will lie held at the home of Mrs. M. A. Fry. 825 Green 'street, Thursday afternoon, at 3 1 o'clock, to which relatives and j friends are invited to attegd. l'rl- ; rate interment in Harrisburg Ceme- I t< ry. ' | IONGI.ISH Emma 10. English died I Sunday, March'l6. | Funeral services will be held Thurs- j day, at 1 I A. M., at tlie lionie of her mother, at lnglenook. Interment will be made at Halifax Cemetery. | 1\ MEMOKIAM i.\ loving remembrance of our dear j father. Mr. W. H. Foulk, who passed i rum us March IS, 191 S. The month of March is once more | he re, To us the saddest of the year. Because it took from us our dear Father away one year ago to-day. From 11 is CHI EDRION. LOST AND FOE Nil LOST White Spitz male d"g. Re -1 ward. Return tu 33 1 STATE STREET. l A ,ST Man's Elgin watch, cln' model, with C. 10. G., 1917, carved on, buck. Reward if returned to I . H. Clark, 517 Cumberland. | I (jST Lady's kid pump, attached , ••vitli gray spat, three or four weeks, ago, on North Second street. Kc-| ward if returned to Telegraph. Oftice. I.OST Black and tan Beagle. Hound. Name. Fannie. Will appreci ate information by calling Bell phone S3 I. or write 1709 North Second street. STOLEN Large canvas cover, I about 15 \3O ft . covered over pile oi , lumber at Front and Paxton streets:, al landing. $lO reward for same. ■ '•ill Li, 11 Phone 1619 J. or 300 south' Front street. j, I.XSIiiLO'IIDXS sTmvThl'Al. PROMOTION in Gregg - borlhand. Typewriting. English. , ookkt. ping. Penmanship, AritUmetr, ,[• 1> V A AND MGUT SCHOOL OPLN ALL YEAR. Enter any time. Bell 13 5, Dial 4016. .. ._ I BECK LEY'S BUSINESS £OLLKGE. | 131 Market SO Chas. R. Berkley. 11ELI' WANTED —MALE ~~ WANTED Broad silk loom llxers. Apply i 11ARRISBL"RG SILK MILL, Second and North Street. WANTED Experienced grocery , ,|. rli. Must have reference. Apply] ai3" North Seventh street. 1 \\ ANTED Baker, single man pre fcMcd, on sweet dough and cakes, i,. ai d and room included. B. C. Achen oach & Son. Lock Haven, Pa. , \VA V I'.U A boy, over lti years ol j ug'. for delivery work. Apply Grand , Union Tea Co.. 208 North second, su cot. INsI'IIANCG AGENTS AND SOLIUI 'i"' 'its ltetlt-r yout condition by rep i -scnting us in >our vicinity, selling, , • most complete combination health, accident, and life contract on the ntar k.-t Something new, attractive and appealing to every man and woman. Good renewal contract to live wire: agents Address C. H. Clemens, Erie, J 'a. WANTED Middle-aged man for, small farm <3 acres I, who can care t>r iruit trees and raise chickens. ,-tpply George B. Hughes, Possum Hul- , low ltcad, Enola, Pa. CLI'.IIKS AND BOOKKEEPERS—If vou at ■ willing to follow our instruc tion and training, prepared by C. P. A. j in your spare time, we can oflcr you) a blight future. Minimum salaries. Slab.on tier month. Address Box i\, oV'36, i art of Telegraph. . j WANTED Man to work on farm year around job. Apply R. B. Strieker, Dauphin, Pu., or Bell phone 511-12. WANTED First-class auto me- 1 tl aniti for first-class garage in good, I country town. Good wages to right 1 party. References required. Address, Box 1.. 7409, care of Telegraph. | " lIEI.P WANTED—FEMALE j WANTED Mak'ers and apprentice girls ! for our Millinery work room. Apply at once. Millinery De partment, KAUFMAN'S UNDERSELLING STORE j I WANTED Reliable white woman for ■ hild's nurse. Good wages to caitful and competent person. Address i N., 7422. Care of Telegraph. ' WANTED White girl for general l housework. Two in family. No ] washing Wages. $7 a week. Must; have reference. 314 State street. A HOUSEKEEPER Exceptional ! chuncc for a reliable person. Address T„ 7430. care of Telegraph. HOUSEKEEPER Reliable, with references. K. S. M., 2427 West Chest nut avenue, Altoona. Pa. MILLINERY MAKER WANTED Apply Mrs. Walzer. 29 South Second street. | FOR SALE HAItItISBIHU CONNKKVATOHY I OK ML SIC.' HI 11.DIM; No, HOT Second Street This building is right for the ] purpose used, or could be made ! into a desirable apartment house. | The location Is tine and the price j low. Miller Brothers & Co. Heal Estate Insurance Surety Honda Locust aad Court Streets Members Hbg. Itenl Estate Hoard ' ' TUESDAY EVENING, | HELP WANTED—FEMALE , ' WANTED Dressmaker, with ei - . i peilonoe. Apply 915 North Sixth street. ! iCall between BA. M. and 6 P. M. . i WANTED - Lady stenographer, j | general office work. Must be capable,' ; also accurate at figures. Reply, in i own hand, stating age, salary wanted 'and full particulars. Reply L„ 7281, j tare ot Telegraph. WANTED Middle-aged white wo- j [man for general housework. No chll-! dren. Good, happy home. Inquire I Lee R. Garett, Box 19, Issmoyne, Pa. I j WANTED A reliable woman foi l I chainbtiniaid and laundry repair, ! work at Harrisburg Academy. Plione, j1371M. Take Riverside car. Good home I ; and' good wapes. , i WANTED Experienced weavers,! also learners. Apply Silk Mill, Second 'and North streets. j WANTED Mlddie-aged woman ' : for general housework. Small fnm'ly. ' iNo washing. References. Inquire! I li'os Bridge street. New Cumberland,) ) WANTED Buttonhole maker to] work buttonholes by hand. Bring] sample Shearer Co., 301 Market , street. | j WANTED A thoroughly efficient! and inpable stenographer. Prefer one I using stenotype and who is familiar with multigraph. Address, stating] experience, salary expected, etc. Box | : T, 7375. care of Telegraph. | I GIRL FOR ALTERATION j ROOM ASTRICH'S, 308 MARKET ST. WANTED Middle-aged white I woman to assist with general house-! ) work. Apply 1331 North Third street,! j Fourth Floor Apartment. ' ] SALESLADIES FOR MILLINERY DEPARTMENT. I Also Millinery Apprentices. Apply ASTRICIi'S, 308 MARKET ST. WANTED Women to do hand' i washing and general cleaning at I llaundiy. Sanitary Family Washing (Co., Sixteenth and Elm. j WANTED A widower, with two I !children, desires a housekeeper; mid-i 1 dli-aged woman preferred. Call 1.1! 11023 Paxton street, City. STENOGRAPHER WANTED—With experlince. Good salary, with chance' j for advancement. State experience. (Address S.. 7370, care of Telegraph. ; LADIES la-t us show you how) i you can earn $l5 per week at home i 'in spare time Addressing and Mailing] jour Music and Circular Letters. Send (35c in silver for Music Sample copy] ,ami particulars. The Ansonia Music] Company, 350 Main street. Ansonia, j Conn. NY ANTED Y ung; lady for general of fice work. Mu*i be conipe- I t-nt to operate typewriter. ' Apply by letter only, giving I piaves where formerly em ployed, age, salary expected, etc. UNITED ICE AND COAL CO., j Fcrster and Cowden Streets. SALESMEN WANTED FIKS'r-CLASS SALESMAN WANT ED For Pennsylvania territory on ]an article that will be widely adver tised und backed up by selling cam-! paign. Must have own car un j furnish Al references. Drawing ac- ! .count and liberal commission. The jCal-Sino Co., Inc., Baltimore, Md. WANTED, STOCK SALESMAN A] local Corporation wants to increase; .its capital stock from $30,000.99 to $ I t'O.oi'O.oo, and wants a high-class] man t' dispose of the increase. Busi iii ss al present in a nourishing condi tion, and the increase in capital stock; is to piovide for our rapidly inereas- j ing business. None but a high-grade producer need apply. Address M. A. ('., care of Telegraph. | SALESMAN WANTED We want a man. acquainted % with Harrisburg, to represent j our Interests in this city. Re piy by letter only, giving age, places previously employed, salary expected, etc. UNITED ICE AND COAL CO., ' Forster and Cowden Streets. I 1 * i ! AGENTS WANTED | 1 WANTED A general Agent for] Harrisburg and Vicinity tor the 1 ; Monthly Premium Accident and! Health Department 6t the largest j Company in the World writing insur-I ! ant e. Requires a man capable of j wiling policies and adjusting claims. I j Commission contract only. Address IF. H. Buyer, Manager Casualty be- ; ipartment, National Life Insurance) Company of the U. S. of A., 39 •S. j i leaSaii .' street, Chicago, 111. i i j SITUATIONS WANTED—MALE BOY 16 desires work between I j school hours. Reference furnished, j . 1718 Miller street, city. . I WANTED Colored man wants a' • job on a farm. Call at 336 Calder] (street. Carter .Wright. i WANTED Man wishes place on farm near Mechanicsburg or close to V'aMey Traction Co. line; has had nine years' experience. Address C. C. Hen dernnfl. Hill Station P. O. WANTED By a young man, who' • has had previous experience, a pusi ! tion as salesman, or clerical work; | can furnish reference. Address A., ►3168, care of Telegraph. ARMY MAN Just mustered out of Officers Training School, desires po sition as outside salesman or collec tor; experienced salesman at calling on retail trade; attended high school and business college. Address Box L, 1727 3, care of Telegraph. ' WANTED Clerk desires clerical I | work in spare time; ten years' expert- ' (er.ee; good, legible hand, typewriting! i and copying facilities. Address Box I i K, 6634, care of Telegraph. ! SITUATIONS WANTED—FemaIe ; WANTED General office work 1 | fy young woman with several years'] | experience; can furnish reference. Ad j dress Box C, 73Su. care of Telegraph. i ' WANTED Middle-aged woman! would like a place as cook in private [•family, or morning cook in a restau-' rant. Address 38 Linden street. City.! W ANTED A middle-aged woman 1 wishes place to keep house for wid ower. with small children, or small family, in city. Address 0., 4211, care of Telegraph. i SITUATION'S WANTED—Female* • WANTED White girl, 13 years i old, would like to have a good home lin the country. Call 1033 Market I street. Harrisburg, Pa. •) 1 WANTED Woman wants work of any kind. Call at 1410 North Sev enth street. I WANTED A 19-year-old girl | wants work of any kind. Call at 1419 j North Seventh street. j WANTED Widow, 40, daughter ! 13. want positions, institution or pri | vate home; capable of managing; will ling to work, if necessary; done prae ' tical nursing; know cooking, making I up of menues, etc.; daughter trained for waiting on table or care of chil (drcn; no- objections to country. Write, ior call, 3331 Penn street. Phone WANTED Woman wishes posi 'l tun to keep house; widower pre i fcrred. Address V., 9431, cqre of ] 'telegraph. ! WANTED Young widow wishes j tc keep house for a widower; has had I previous experience and can furnish ! | best of reference. Address Box Q (8547, care of Harrisburg Telegraph. ' ] WANTED Position steno- I graphcr by young woman, who has (two years' experience in general of fice work. Address A. 8.. care of Telegraph. ROOMS FOR KENT FOR liENT One nice room fori , light housekeeping; gas and use of 1 bath. Apply 337 South Front street. | ' FOR RENT Three second floor, j rooms, completely furnished for light I housekeeping:' all conveniences. Call j 1609 Deity street, after ti P. M. ! FOR KENT Room on second floor, I with board; use of telephone; gentle men only. Apply 696 Brigga street. ' Bell 93951. For RENT Furnished front' room; city steam heat, electric lights land gas. Inquire 38 South Third l J street. Third Floor Apartment. FOR RENT Large, unfurnished i i livtngrooni, first floor front, suitable) I tor suite of rooms, modern conveni ences. Inquire Dayton Cyeie Co., 913! North Third street. Dial 4990. I FOR RENT Two nicely-furnished ' rcouis. for light housekeeping, on' j third .floor: use of phone and bath; ,10! children. Mrs. Sarah P. Miller, 160U ! North Third street, City. | FOR RENT Two unfurnished ■ looms, 011 second floor, for light, housekeeping. Call Bell phone 3539.M. FOR RENT—Nicely-furnished front) room, in private family, with or with- ' out board: ten-minute walk from Square; gentleman of good character 1 lonly. Address It., 7436. care of Tele- I graph. FOR RENT Furnished, bav r window front room, second floor; city I i steam, shower bath, electric light and) I phone; centrally located. I'hone] | 3699 R. FOR RENT Two furnished rooms, for iight housekeeping; all convenl enees. Apply IHU Wallace street, or Bell 4654 M. ' Pilß RENT Two nicely-furnished rooms: licat and light; will rent single' or double; men preferred: rent rea sonable Call Rel 1 phone 379 R. 334 STATE STREET Few desir- i able rooms for rent. Reference. j FOR RENT Four unfurnished rooms. Apply 99 Disbrow street. I'Oti RENT Large, well-furnish-I ed rooms. Inquire 113 Locust street.! ' FOR RENT One large front j room; city steam; beautifully fur- I niched*, plenty of hot water; gas and ! electric light; gentlemen only. Apply! '..3 4 North Second. FOR RENT Elegantly furnish-' ed rooms, with private family; tio' light housekeeping; references. Belli Phone 634, Dial 4957. APARTMENTS FOR RENT MECHANICSBURG Centrally lo cated; porches, front and roar; gas and electricity; all conveniences. ; Rent reasonable. Small family pre- ) ferred. Inquire 439 Broad street, ; : 3.39 to 11 u. m„ or Hopple & Swartz, Mechanicsburg. * FOR KENT 133 Walnut street,' two rear apartments, two rooms and .bath, electric lights and steam heat ' ) Possession April 1. Apply Common-, wealth Trust Company. \\'AX TED TO KENT WANTED. TO RENT A house of I 6 or 7 rooms, with all improvements I and some ground, 011 Hill or near' Puxtang, between $lB and $33 rent I : Add less Box* D. 8431, care of TeD ' graph. ~ WANTED. TO RENT Large house ' in first-class condition. Either city! or suburban. Address J., 7378, care of Telegraph. ! WANTED, FARM To work on .shares ot one hundred acres or more.' Have implements for same. Address ' D. M„ care of Telegraph. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE REMAINING PROPERTIES ON THE LIST AT BARGAIN PRICES No. 3008 North Third St. No. 303 Cumberland St. No 396 Cumberland St. No. 16 Prospect St. ) No. 1113 Thompson Ave. No. 1414 Thompson Ave. ) No. 1899 North Second St. No. 1992 Mulberry St. No. 15C8- State St. No. 3998 North Seventh St. | No. 2910 North Seventh St. j No. tils Peffer St. J, No. 232 Maeluy St. [ No. 1623 Swutara St. ; No. 202 Hamilton Si. Nc. 2216 North Fifth St. ) No. 2153 North Fifth St. 1 No 2214 North Fifth St. i No. 22u6 North Fifth St. ! No. 2245 Atlas Ave. ' No. 2242 Atlas Ave. I No. 1917 Park St. Apply to j CLINTON M. HERSHEY, 14 South Second Street. S. TWENTIETH ST. Desirable; ! house, stands alone, lot, 40x125 feet to I drive alley, all improvements, can be i bought 011 monthly payment plan. N. SIXTH ST. Dwelling, three story brick, hardwood floors; complete laundry; vapor heat; all other im pt o\ eir.ents; very desirable, N. FOURTH ST. Two-story house, 'hardwood floors; laundry; very pleas ant liomei X. SIXTH ST. • Very desirable dwelling: large side lawn; three story brick; steam heat; lot runs to drive alley. This house is about two : years old and a bargain. G RAC E MacW ILLIAMR 2217 N. FIFTH STREET. DIAL 5707. ! 2U. I I SINGLE PROPERTY FOR SALE ! ! Brick house, eight rooms and bath.; I gas. electric light, steam heat; now ivacant; lot. 50x150. Bell Realty Co..' t Bergncr Building. | FOR SALE 322 Crescent street,! 3-story pressed brick twin house; well' 1 built; good repair; lot, 145 ft.; near) ] city's center; fruit. E. Peterman,: ] Weather BureaHi ! I''6r SALE—Three 3-story frame' 1 houses, eight rooms, paved street I ] $2,100 each. Two brick semi-bunga- ! I lews. 6 rooms, laundry, bath, pantrv ] (porches. $3,150 each. Two bricks, all' improvements, $5,100 both. Also in- 1 I dustrial plant, fine water power. Bell I 11334 J. i " | ; V : , as THE LOGICAL BUYER FOR ' ffi YOUR PROPERTY is the man to whom it would be worth most be- j&s cause of its location and character. lie pss i; is the man who is more eager tti buy it |Pm . —when he finds out about it—than pss you are to sell it. Yes there IS ppj : SUCH A MAN. He is .not always j easy to lind, but he is worth finding. I REAL ESTATE FOR SALE j HOUSES FOR SALE I Sixth St., No. 1824. 2V6-story frame. |house, 7 rooms: lot, 20x187; garage on rear. Price and terms right. \ Ross St.. No. 618, "16-story brick! house, front und back porches, on 'basy terms. 1 Penbrook, Twenty-eighth St., No. 32, a frame house, with 28x189 lot, a (double garage on rear, on easy terms. i Enola, Adams St., a double frame house, with slate roof. Price very ■ reasonable and terms easy. | H. C. FERRER. 107 Chestnut St. i SEVERAL HOUSES FOR SALE ON j EASY TERMS Brick construction; ! al! modern improvements, including ! steam heat: price. $3,499. Bell Realty :00.. Betguer Building. J FOR SALE CAMP 111LL 216-story brick dwell ing, S rooms and bath, hot air heat I nice, large front porch, facing south] I ■on lot 50x150 feet. Chicltenhouse and! garage in rear. A number of fruit trees in bearing. Adjoining lot same size. Logan street, just west or Bow-I man avenue. Inquire on premises, or phone 318U-R Bell. ! A. E. STRODE. j FOR SALE. AT BARGAIN One- 1 story office building. 12x16. Can be used for barber shop, shoo repairing' ur small store. Easily moved. A S j Miller, Eighteenth and State. Bell FOR SALE —On easy terms. 2010 ■ •to 2018 Susquehanna street. Posses- I sion on April 1. Apply A. P. Doranz, ! 1225 North Sixth. FOR SALE 427-429 Maclay ! ! street, facing 1-ifth stPcet. Nice 10-' cation. J. K. Kipp, 2203 North Fourth ] ■ street. ) BUY YOUR HOME—BUY IT RIGHT I A. W. SWENUKL, 1 Bell 2575J No. 2131 N. Second St. ; ; FOR SALb I I 2513 N. Sixth St., 3-story brick. ] 514-16 Emerald St.. 3-story brick. PROGRESS I 1 10 lots. 225x135 ft. Bargain to quick | purchaser. H. r. BIRD, Union Trust Bids. . PENBROQI-C $2,500 will purchase' a l'enbrook house with seven rooms ' ! lot. 30x200, with garage and chicken- j ■ house. Bell Realty Co., Bergner i Building. % FOP. SALE Most attractive West! ; Shore home. All modern conveniences. Will sell at a sacrifice. Call Bell! .phone 3037 K. BUY YOUR HOME on our rental ! payment plan. Small cash or Liberty j )Bond nrst payment required, balance! as rent. We have houses in every) I part of the city and suburbs. Apply ! A. P. Doranz. 122b North Sixth street. I j FOR SAX.E A modern, three-story ! 1 apartment house, in desirable location! I uptown. Good investment. Owner' ] leaving city. Address S., 6611. carol ] of Telegraph. ! FOR SALE Corner Sixtji and! Camp streets. Suitable for doctor or i dentis. 11 looms.. All conveniences. Inquire 2228 North Sixth street. FOR SALE 3-story brick, on i ; Crescent street, on monthly payment' ) plan. A. W. Swengel, 2131 North! ; Second street. Bell 2575 J. ! 135 SYLVAN TERRACE 3-story I ; brick; all conveniences; big porch; place to build garage; right price. | possession at once. 592 Curtin street, 3-story brick; ail! conveniences; attractive price. Pos ' session soon. 1809 Market street, 3-story brick; 9 II coins, bath, heat, gas. Must be sold at 'once. Possession April 1. LEHMAN & K LING EM AN, Patriot Bldg. FOR SALE ~ •! Suburban Home Beautiful, modern] 'house, all improvements one-acre plot twenty minutes' from Market Square. A tea! opportunity to anyone . wishing a home in most unique sur : 1 fundings. Apply to KOBT. A. CARL 14 North Market Square. I - "IF IT'S REAL ESTATE, • SEE SAN DEI! LIN" | ' I IPick out your home now and don't be : caught without a place to move when ] your turn conies. • . A RARE OPPORTUNITY ! A ten-room stone dwelling, beauti- ! i fully situated; hardwood floors ! throughout; sun parlor; hot water] heat; electric lights; combination ! tfoal and gas range; the very last I word in a home; don't fail to see this I property if you are considering a really good home. HERE'S YOUR CHANCE I Stucco bungalow, 2V4-story; two bath rooms; -everything up to the minute. BUILD YOUR OWN HOME j Select your location in any of our. | i subdivisions; we will draw up plans 1 j and build your home just the way ; you want it, with about ttfteen per i ] cent of the cost down; balance in ' : monthly payments, are as you desire.) j We have houses located all over town which can be bought with a small 'amount of money (town and the bal i anco in monthly payments, same as ! rent. i D. ASA SANDERLIN, Room 1. Security Trust Rldg. 36 NORTH THIRD ST. j BELL 1390 DIAL 3573 I i . 1 REAL ESTATE FOR SALE j FOR SALE —At 539 Maclay street, | ideal house. All modern conveniences. I Attractive price. Please call 530 Ma elny street, or call Bell phone 2357 J. PENN ST., 2318 Vacant house for !sale; brick construction, six rooms and bath, steam lit-at, gas and electric light, concrete front porch, side un tranee; price, $3,490; easy terms. Bell Realty Co., Bergncr Building. SMALL AMOUNT OF CASH NEED ED To purchase No. 1312 Swatara street; brick construction, nine rooms and bath, all other Improvements. Bell Realty Co., Bergner Building. FOR SALE 1726 Market street, 9-rooir. brick house. Call Bell 4940 K. FOR SALE iS36 State street. Immediate pos session. Terms to suit buyer. 1845 Fulton street. Immediate pos session. 211 Briggs street. Immediate pos session. Terms to suit. I 2327 N. Third street. X'ossession in 130 days. | 1925 N. Fourth street. Possession in 30 days. I 1331-1333 N. Fouith street, $1,706 each. Terms to suit buyer. 307-321 Clinton street. A good In -1 vestment. Good renters. Terms tc ( suit. j 921-923 N. Sixth street. Two houses with stores and bakery in rear. Terms ] to suit buyer. I Cheapest piece of ground 011 Front, ; near Seneca, 50x91, alley in rear for I ga rage. | Factory sites with I'. 11. It. sidings. I i-'ol information apply to SAMUEL Fill HUMAN, Real Estate and Insurance, | Ivtinkel Bldg., and 217 Peffer St. POSSESSION APRIL 1. ! Price. Down. '2207 Logan St., brick .... $2,500 ss.jo ! 2952 Susq. St., brick.... 2,800 599 2 127 N. Sixth St 5,700 uuu : 431 Maclay St., brick.. 4,600 ' 423 Maclay St., brick.. 4,100 ,1032 S. 11th St 2,800 590 1943 N. Fourth St 3,900 300 I 97 N. 17th St 4,000 I jD. A. CALEY, Ivunkel Bldg. Bell 559. , ) . lIOMES FOR COLORED FAMILIES Three-story frame, 8 rooms, with i all improvements, on Mueneh street, ; near Sixth. Price, $2,500. ) Two frame houses. 011 Penn street, near Broad, $1,509 each. Three-story frame house, with all 'improvements on Linden street, $2,000. Pay Like Rent. LINCOLN REALTY CO.; 1129 Seventh Street. REAL ESTATE FOR RENT j BEAUTIFUL COUNTRY HOME— "IIILLCREST"—FOR RENT | Large, country house, one block jftom lliolley, all improvements. Heft 1 und cold waiter, steam heat, gas, elec j trie light, sun parlor, extensive ! grounds, tennis court, garage. Terms ] reasonable. Immediate possession Call Bell phono 3139K-1, or addre..;s , Baron Bestecki, P. O. Box 94, Now ! Cumberland, Pa. ] FOR RENT No. 327 N. Hanovei | street; brick, eight rooms, steam I heat, cooking range, gas, electric light, new paper, all modern improve- I inents, side and rear yard. $27.59 pei month. Mrs. E. A. Parker, 315 North | Hanover street, Carlisle, Pa. I J REAL ESTATE—For Sale or Rent FOR SALE OR KENT 3-story j brick house, 8 rooms und bath; good ! condition; modern improvements; possession latter part of March. In quire 2235 North Sixth street, or Bell I'hone 1984 M. ! Real Estate For Rent—tiuburbuu ! MODERN SUBURBAN lIO.ME at ; Camp Hilt for rent; 3Ve-story, s rooms ' and bath, oak floors, open lireptuee I full-size screens, shades. sturiii sashes, all conveniences; furnished or unfurnihed; by April 1 or sooner Ad dress Box E. 6918. cure of Telegraph. REAL ESTATE AYANTED ] MAN —l3 years, with two sons, 15 jand 17, desires to rent a ready-stock led tui'in. near Harrisburg. Best of references. P. O. . Box No. 1, Now- Iport, Pa. I 1 HAVE several clients wanting to | buy detached houses. What have you Ito offer? A. W. Swengel, 2131 North ] Second street, or Bell 2575 J. | WANTED <— Cottage, within 7 cent | cur lure limit, furnished or unfurnisli -1 ed, for the season. Prefer location [along creek. Address L., 7279, care I of Telegraph. i WANTED, TO BUY A home in ; suburbs of Harrisburg. Address N j 6499, cure of Telegraph. ( WANTED, TO RENT House; im prove meats; small family; desirable |tenants; April J. Address Box T, 7''J7 j care of Telegraph. • I READY CASH FOR CITY PROPERTY WHAT HAVE YOU TO OFFER 1 BELL AND DIAL PHONES. CHAS. ADLEK. 1902' N. THIRD ST. ' Ofllecs and Slorcrooms for Rent FOR RENT - 3,0011 square ft of ] floor space, for storeroom or lioht manufacturing In brick building. ! Plenty of light. Outside entrance Second floor. 1020 I'ulton street. Beii | 1670. STOREROOM, Good Business Location, 504 Market Street. CIIAS. ADLER. 1002 North Third Street. $lO.OO, STOREROOM 250 Hamilton street, suitable? for barber, tailor poolroom or cigar store. Chas. Adler' 1002 North Third street. ( Ofliccs and Storerooms For Rent I FOR RENT .BOARD OF TRADE AUDITORIUM,. ' For meetings, conventions * ! Banquets Dances and Parties' ' Use of piano free. Kitchen I attached. 11. C. CLASTER. Jeweler, 302 Market Street. j FOR RENT Storeroom dwelling opposite National Bank jDilisburg. Pa. Apply to 11. s. Clark'! j L.illsTurg. Pa. FARMS ; j FOlt SALE 145-acre Farm for! | sale. About 10 acres contain an apple ' (Orchard of 3.800 eight-year-old trees ' ] Immediate possession. If interested'l ! please inquire of W. M. Hartz, Reai I 1 Estate Broker. Palmyra, Pa. I 160-ACRE FARM, near Halifax; 50 ! acre# good timber; good buildings; orchard, etc. Easy terms, or will ex change on city property or building! | lots. Possession al once. P. 11. Cor- I dor, 1722 Green street, Harrisburg. I j Bell 560 J. j FARMS, SMALL AND LARGE. ON ! EASY TERMS. ' ! j •% acre, on Statfc Road, 2 fanes from i icily. $2,400. , I acre, cottage, 1 fare front city, $BOO. 30 acres, 11 miles from Harrisburg, i $2,500. 11 acres, 11 miles from Harrisburg, $3,000. • • 52, and 67 acres, 5 miles from Har risburg, both O. K. farms, $6,590 each. , 75 acres, with heavy timber. Go ' clear. $30.00 per acre. 105 acres. 11 miles from Harrisburg, $5,000. ! >l. C. FERBER, 107 Chestnut St. FOR SALE —MISCELLANEOUS , FOR SALE Adding Machine at a bargain. Address BON S, 6421. ! Care of Telegraph. ! FOR SALE Natural reed bsov Icairir.ge, in line condition. Inquire (2109 North" Third street. 1 I FOR SALE. CHEAP, TO QUICK f | BUYER ■ — One tkerosenc burner)! (tractor. Hart Parr,' Little Devil s —l5-j !H. P. 3 Gang I-u Clede, 14 - in. plows,] |1 Cuttaway Disc harrow, 4 50-gullon j {steel drum oil tanks. Inquire ut the j Duuphin Hotel. PEOPLE COMING BACK THREE OR FOUR TIMES, t * SAY THAT LONG FLAME FURNACE COAL ! | is so satisfactory that no other •; COAL gives the same SATISFACTION. Order 1,900 lbs. to-day, $1.70. Bell 600. Dial 2345 J. B. MONTGOMERY. NO COAL CARDS NEEDED, j SUBURBAN DELIVERY. ! WOOD FOR SALE $3.09 per load, 'sawed and split. Drop us a postal and !we will deliver promptly. Frank joiphin, 1815 North Twelfth. I FURNITURE Household goods, ' parlor and bedroom suites, bookcase, ] table, chairs, washing machine, etc. ] 'immediate private sale. 1931 Green ' street ! j ) FOR SALE Typewriter, gas range, sideboard, chairs and sofa. 1639 j j Market street. ONE large reed, reversible go-cart for sale, in good condition, $19.0u. In-j quire at 2133 Moore street. I -! ' FOR SALE Pair double iron eel- ; j lar doors, in good condition, inquire 29 Noith Sixteentli street. i ( 1 I FOR SALE White reed, high-' grade baby coach. Cost $55. Will sell) lor $25. Good us new . Call Bell t j 3837 M. j FOR SALE Kutus Red Belgian! Hares. Fine stock. Heavyweight j type. Excellent color and condition. • Bucks and Does. Aug. Rich, 417] I South Seventeenth street. 1 ————.— ' | TYPEWRITERS BOUGHT FOR ' I CASH ALL MAKES RENTED EXCHANGED. GEO. P. lIEKUTSON. {295 LOCUST STREET. OPPOSITE 1 OR I'H EU M THEATER. BOTH PHONES. . ( ; FOR SALE Diniugroom suite, I 'turned oak, consisting of tubie, four i chairs and buttel, practically new. | Will sell very n asonable. Stored,! ;and inquire al 1539 North Fifth street.! BARGAINS! BARGAINS! j The Store ucross front Y. w. C. A. I otters you the Biggest and Rest Bar gains in Men's and Boys' duits. Over | coats. Mackinaw Coats, Underwear. ! Hats, Caps and Shoes. We are fain ! ' eus lor Low Prices. Give us a trial. ' OUTLET CLOTHING CO.. $3 North Fourth Street. ! FOR SALE A parlor suite, re- ' frigerator, organ; also a few other I household goods. Apply 2306 Jetter-I i 80n ; j FOR SALE Wood for kindling; | for range or furnace, pine or oak, I slabs or billets. Pleased customers 111; ] all parts of city. Bell phone 1055 M. I I ' MORRIS SAYs save money buying ] new and second-hund furniture here. ' < High prices paid for furniture. Morris' } Pohmerl/.. 1030 Market. Bell 3971 R. ] A SECOND-HAND beam, list hand' ! elevator. Carries 390 to 600 lbs. to) the third floor. Also, 1 have for sale ;on elevator that carries 3,000 lbs. to 1 the third story. All complete, l'lat | form. 7x16 feet. Apply J. Sible, 256) I Herr street. j ' WANTED—MI SC EI.LAN EOUS HIGHEST CASH PRICKS PAID for j Second-hand Furniture. Prompt al ■ tention. ISewmark 61 Cown (•■* .rtro.ni 1 I street. Dial phone 4256. Bell 4705 R.) ] WANTED A used piano for pri-j mary Sunday school. Answer, stat-1 |ing make, how long used and loweetl cafh price. Address Box T, 6635, care! lot Teiegiaph. i WANTED, TO BUY. ! Small male dog. Prefer Boston ] Bull. Answer, stating price, nd where can be seen. Ad ) dress • BOX A. 7314, Care of Telegraph. MAX SMELTZ 1 second-band furniture bought and I sold Highest cash pules paid. Call Bell 1071R, or drop a postal to Max Smeltz 1016 Market street. Will call, . city or country. ■ L. COHEN & COMPANY, York and ' Ath avenues. Highest prices paid for rags, paper, Hon. barrels, .übber and ; metal and old machines. Send postal ' (or cull 3221W Belt and Dial 6225. I HIGHEST PRICES PAID for all i kinds of empty barrels and junk. Call , ; i Bell phone 4276. B. Abrams & Son, . 824-832 North Seventh street. 1, MARCH 18, lviy. I BUSINESS PERSONALS • ! A. LANE I Mew and second-hand furniture ! bought and sold. Highest prices paid ' ' 1022 Market street. Bell 4730-J. INVENTORS FINANCED - Patents) ) xntoinobiles, Motdicycles Bought.•' -■old Exchanged. Cash or cominissiou Simon llorst. Linglestown. Pa. ' I I DIAMONDS bought for cash—P. iT i ' Capiat* Co.. 206 Market street. i UPHOLSTEBING Of the best i {kind. Work guaranteed. We call and 'deliver. 398 Hroad . s ''" ot - Dial phone : j 1826. Bell phone 4iO5R. FIRST-CLASS AUCTIONEER *0 years' experience. Guarantee cutis- ' i faction to all sales. Call .or address. Dec R. Garrett, llox 19, Lemoyne, Pa. , OX 1-ACETYLENE WELDING —"! ! inv metal welded. Work guaran teed. Carbon removed by oxy K ..n I Capital City NV eldirrjg Co., 1538 Logan) 1 street. Bell 4„96J. , !' R.\ZOK BLADES SHARPENED ! •single edge. 25c doz.; double edge, 35c) jdoz.; razors, 2oc. Gorgas Drug store.! FURNITURE CRAIED—And china packed for shipping. Also repairing.; J. A. Bishop. 1(36 Logan street. ! CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER—Es-i timaies. Jobbing. First-class work. H* W. Hummer. 142J Liberty street. I ! Bell 4429. | QNINiNE —Look out for that grippe ' feeling, likely to catch you this 1 changeable weather. OUR LAXATIVE i PHOi-PHO-QUININK will stave it off if taken in time. Gross Drug Store. ] 119 Market street. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES ! PACKING i Experienced packers of Fur- ; niture, China and Hrlc-a-brac. ♦ A. 11. SHENK j 1906 North Sixth St. Bell Phone 399 W. ■ ! WOULD like to buy a small busi nesS where there is not much capital ! required. Grocery preferred. Stat'- full particulars in first letter. Address M. 7282. care of Telegraph. ; j, "A BIG BARGAIN" ! Shoe factory to make infants j shoes, can be bought for $5OO. Great ] opportunity for some one to start in ! business. Cuii furnish a good man to (assist. Inquire at Paul's Shoe Store, jll North Fourth street. I CAPABLE BUSINESS MAN has $5OO to Invest with services. Corraspond ! ence invited. Address Box T, 6622, cure of Telegraph. MUSICAL .1. 11. TROUP MUSIC HOUSE, !Troup Building—ls S. Market Square.' BARGAINS THIS WEEK. ! s:<9fl Stieff. Mahogany slsul ! $325 W( ser Bros $lB9 $350 Archer, Mahogany $195; $359 Weaver, Mahogany $220; $350 Story X Clark. Oak $2 1"*; I $409 Merrill, Mahogany $285; (Dull & Sons (88-note) player $375 All of the above instruments have ITeen rebuilt like new and are ready , for delivery on easy payments, if de sired. J. 11. TROUP MUSIC HOUSE, ! j Troup Building. 15 S. Market Square, j • TALKING MACHINES promptly and : 'certfully repaired by an expert only) I CY'LER'S, 14 South Fourth street. i ! VIOLINS, MANDOLINS, GUITARS,! BANJOS. Band and Orchestra Instru ments promptly and carefully repair-j ed. OYLKK'S, 14 South Fourth street.' I PLAYER PIANO With forty rolls j of music, for sale; slightly used; must; ] be sold at once; cheap to a quick ! ' buyer. Spungler Music House, 2112 1 j North Sixth street. MONEY TO LOAN ' WE LEND MONE'Y in compliance with Act of June.l 7. 1915, lo individu als in need of ready cash, small loans ; a specialty, business confidential, pay ments to suit borrower's convenience, positively 'owest rates in city. ! PENNSYLVANIA INVESTMENT CO. ) 132 Walnut Street, : MONEY 1 If vou are pressed for ready I cash to nrteet any emergency, tall to see us. We tend money In compliance with the laws I of the State. ! EMPLOYES' LOAN SOCIETY, ROOM 206 BEKGN-EU BLDG., ] THIRD AND MARKET STREETS. ! LICENSED AND BONDED BY STATE, j j MONEY FOR INCOME TAXES land other necessities. If you are sub- | ject to tax and without funds and bank credit, our money service may 1 I interest you. Cost reasonable. Pay- i ' inents arrunged to suit your income. ' ! CO-OPERATIVE LOAN & INVEST-I j M ENT CO., 204 Chestnut St. —i HORSES AND CARRIAGES ! FOR SALE Horse and cart, com- | j plete. Young, black horse, weighing! 1,400 to 1,509. Will work either single; lor double. K. W. Shealter, Lochiel ] ] Furnace. j ROOFING AND SPOUTING ' YCUR ROOF WILL BE RIGHT AND | .WATERTIGHT, IF PAINTED BY; I AUCTIONEER HITE. BELL 1875 J. I | MAULING AND MOVING I AUTO HAULING —Local or ions ' ' distance. Furniture and piano moving ! j a specialty. Blue Line Transfer, 917 i ; capital street. Both phones. j ""GENERAL HAULING Local and' long-distance. Cheupest rales in city. Truck and two men, sl.su per ..our.) i Robert A. Aboff, 1691 North Fourth ; j street. Bell phone 1718 J. i AUTO HAULING Anything, any -1 where. Furniture moving. E. S. Os !man. 717 Soutli Nineteenth street. Bell 1 1591 W. ! HICKS Local and long-distance (hauling and storage. 424 Kelly. Both ] phones. ~ LOCAL AND LONG-DISTANCE 1 HAULING Furniture moving. I Prompt service. Ernest Corblu, 606 Calder street. Both phones. Bell 3636-J. Dial 3683. FOB HIRE Two-ton auto truck. Apply 1198 South Ninth street. Bell phone 2455 R. x HEAVY HAULING —Fully equipped for furniture, freight and piano mov ing. No distance too far. Careful driver. Rain and dustproof body. J. E. Grubber's Truck Service. Irwin Aungst. manager. Hershey. Pa. Bell phone 16R6j AUTO TRUCK SERVICE Local and long distance. F. J. Marter. Bell] 39-J. Steelton. ( GENERAL HAULING AND FAST! EXPRESS SERVICE to nearby towns' with auto truckn. Only exporlenccu ( and careful drivers. Call Bell 3320, or Dial 2286. i ] HAULING AND MOVING AUTO HAULING Local and long I distance. Furniture moving a spe- I cialty Rates reasonable. Prompt, service. Call Bell 623-J. i i ALL KINDS OF HAULING AND MOVING DONE CONRAD BROS.. 341 KELKER ST. BELL PHONE 623 W. DIAL PHONE 3618. STORAGE I STORAGE —419 Broad street, house— ; hold goods, merchandise. Private rooms at reasonable rates. Also haul ing of all kinds. D. Cooper & Co. , Both phones. i —— i STORAGE—In brick building, rear* 408 Market. Household goods in clean, ; private rooms. Reasonable rates. P. j G. Diener, 4UB Market street ; i STORAGE Private rooms for 1 household goods in fireproof ware | house. 33 per month and up. Lower storage rates in non-fireproof ware- I bouse, llurrlsburg Storage Co., 437- 445 South Second street. WHERE TO DINE | ALVA HOTEL AND RESTAURANT, j THE HOME OK SATISFACTION. | STOUFFEH'S RESTAURANT—Hornet' i cooking served to Businessmen and | Ladies in separate dining rooms. POL I/TRY ANI) SUPPLIES EGGS FOR HATCHING Eglan tine strain White Leghorn, selected i Eggs, from pen No. 1, 15 for 11.50 or 100 for $8.50. Selected Eggs, No. 2 jpen, 15 or $l.OO or 100 lor $5.50. J P I MeDormond, Newville, Pa., No. 4,° r! ! FOR SALE White Leghorn Eggs for Hatching, Tombran strain, $1.25 , per setting of thirteen. Call Bell j phone 3447 J. UNDERTAKERS SAMUEL S. FACKLKR. FUNERAL DIRECTOR 1312 Derry St. BELL 1956. DIAL 2133. RUDOLPH K. SPICER, Fur.eral Dlreotor and Umbalmer 511 North Second Street. ' BELL 252. DIAL 2145. CEMETERY LOT'S I'OR SALP PROSPECT HILL CEMETERY Beautifully situated on Market street , | east of Twenty-sixth, and on the north and east faces the new park • iway. The prices of lots are moder ate. Miller Bros. & Co., Agents. CLEANERS AND DYERS ' IT PAYS to have Clothes Cleaned! i Pressed. Dyed or Repaired at the beat ; place In town. Call and deliver, , Goodman s. i.<otiV4 North Sixth. Both | Phones. AUTOMOBILES j FOR SALE 1918 Ford Sedan ' practically a new car, with demount able rims. The car is furnished with ! one extra tire and rim. Apply 25J1 North Sixth street. FOR SALE Two 1917 Ford Tour ing. one 1916 Ford Roadster, one 1916 5-passenger Oldsmobile, one 1915 Studebaker. Highest cash prices paid for used cars. East End Garage. Mr Humcr, rear of Thirteenth and Wal nut streets. Bell 315 J. ' FOR SALE Studebaker, 3-Passen ger coupe, electrically equipped. Price I very reasonable. Will accept U. s. j Bonds. Inquire 318 Clinton street. ! l-ORD DELIVERY CAR Panel ; body, in good condition. All overhaul ied; 1917 motor; new back gears. Call ;al. 1847 Derry street. YOU CAN BUY A REBUILT TRUCK ON CONVENIENT MONTHLY I PAYMENTS H4 and 2-ton Garfords, chassis only or equipped with express or dump bodies. lVi-IV4-2'A and 2 4 -ton i Bethlehems, with or without I bodies. Light delivery wagons, In cluding Buicks, Overlands and Vims. ■I ! JHE OVERLAND-HARR7SBURO CO., Open Evenings, ' 212*214 North Second St. Both Phones. | jsPEChll. 11 ARCAINS IN USED CARS Cadillacs—Mercer, Overlands —Folds, i 1 Fold ton truck, with worm drive, with $2OO body, cheap. Overland delivery, new. Cheap. Apply REAM & SON. Palmyra, Pa. TO THE CAR OWNERS WHO WANT THE MOST FOR THEIR MONEY. Also smoothed running car. Call and see the Raytleld man at FKDERICK'S GARAGE. ISO 7-09 North Seventh Street, Or meet us at the Auto Show, I Agent for Rayfleld Carburetor. Also General Auto Repairs. I l' - OR SALE Overland machine; ; electric lights; pne Cord tire; new : earl i.i c tor and magneto on ear. Can l. I seen at Ferry's Garage. 126 South [Cameron street. Price, $300.00. I HUDSON SPEEDSTER In first class condition; Buiek Light 6. like I new; I!U2 Cadillac Touring.* Harrls- I burg Auto. Tire and Repairing Co., 131 South Third street. ' FOR SALE Hupmoblle touring !car, Model K; 5 good tires, extra ilm ; Kellog power pump. This ear is in ; excellent condition. 1423 Third street. AUTOS FOR HIRE CITY GARAGE 116 STRAWBERR#ST. i New five and seven-passenger cars for business or pleasure at all houra TtF.Lt. *2360 DIAL 4914. j FOR SALE 1917 Reo 5-passenger. Apply Sible's Garage. 301 Cumber land street. City. 4917 FORD CARS ' — Touring $386.00. Harley-Davldson Twin, with side car, $250.00. Get acquainted with me. Save money on any used inuchln* wanted Simon Horst. Llnglestown. Fa. OLD AUTOS Wanted: used, wrecked or oldtlmers in any condition. See me before sac rificing elsewhere. Chelsea Auto Wrecking. A Schiffman. 22, $4, vg North Cameron street. Bell 3633. Additional Classified Ads on Opposite Pace