Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, March 18, 1919, Image 1

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    With Wilson Present Supreme Council Adopts Phnto Keep German Army Down to 100,000 Mens
• ®je XRar-liifcptitfttnl. '
Defendants in Stockholders'
Suit Invite Government
New York Concern Sends Let-1
ters to Brewers to
Go Ahead
7.'t/ Associated Press
New Y'ork. Mar. IS. Coincident I
with the decision of the Internal j
It. venue Bureau to ask the Depart- ;
nient of Justice whether it had au- I
thority to enforce the regulation j
prohibiting production of beer ex- j
i opt that of less than one-half of!
one per cent, alcoholic de- t
fondants in the brewery stookhold-1
crs* suit brought here last week to'
test the constitutionality of the war- !
time prohibition act announced that I
they had invited the co-operation of j
the government in the defense.
Washington, Mar. IS. Whether j
the Internal Ilevenue Bureau has]
authority to enforce its rule against I
the sale of beer containing one-half I
of one per cent, or more of alcohol, i
will be put up to the Department of j
Justice. Internal Revenue Commis- j
• .nor Roper to-day decided to ask ]
for an opinion on the subject.
Beer containing one-half of one!
per cent., or more of alcohol by vol- j
ume is considered intoxicating by l
the Internal Revenue Bureau. Of- i
ticials explained tljat this standard ;
was based on a number of laws and
ourt decisions in the past and was I
not an arbitrary executive ruling.
Appears to Be Violation
<~>n the fare of the situation, it :
was said unofficially by some bureau |
iffieeis, the brewers' action would |
constitute a direct violation of a re- |
revenue bureau ruling:. This'
ruling, issued February 6, after an-1
nouncement• of the lifting of tliei
President's ban on manufacture of i
near beer, but before it hud actually j
gone into effect, follows:
"If at any time the President's,
proclamation of September 1. 1918,
becomes inoperative as to hear beer, i
brewers may resume the ntanufac- :
ture thereof prior to May 1, 1919.
where the alcoholic content during!
the process of manufacture exceeds!
one-half of one per cent, by volume
but does not exceed 2 3-4 per cent. |
by weight, on the brewery premises.!
provided the alcoholic content at the j
lime of removal for sale and con-]
sumption does not exceed the limit!
of less than one-half of one per cent, j
of alcohol by volume.
"Within the intent of the act of
November 21. 1918, (prohibiting!
manufature of beer after May 1.
1919, and its sale after Juno 301, a
beverage containing one-half of one j
per cent, or more of alcohol by vol - j
time will be regarded as intoxicat
Merely a Condition
The provision requiring dealeo- ]
holization of beer, it was pointed
out. was not positively stated in the j
ruling, but was a condition of the!
permissive clause.
Edgar Richard, acting food ad- !
ministrator in the absence cf Her
bert Hoover, said last night that the,
food administration was no longer i
interested in the question of brewing!
of beer from a food standpoint, and !
that the alcoholic content of beer j
was a matter entirely up to the
bureau of internal revenue to de
The United States Brewers' Asso
ciation. comprising three-fourths of ,
the industry throughout the country :
announced today that copies of the
..pinion of Elihu Root and William D. j
Guthrie, advising brewers that they t
might proceed legally with the man- j
ufacture and distribution of beer '
containing 2 4 per cent of alcohol, j
had been mailed to its seven hun- j
dred members.
While the association has taken no j
action on the opinion, officers de- |
clared they "expected" many members •
would follow the example set by the j
Eager Beer Brewers Botyd of Trade |
' f New York and vicinity in deciding I
to ignore the government regulation!
restricting production of "non-intox- j
Seating" malt beverages to those of
less than one-half per cent alcoholic !
content. j
Harrisburgers are becoming quite !
blase these days, seeing everything !
from airplanes. automobile shows!
and tanks. This morning people on j
Market street ogled a small tank 1
which came nattling down the paved !
highway just as though •it were j
crashing its way into Metz.
The tank is one of the exhibits !
at the Auto Show this week. '
Franklin, Pa., March 18.—That the j
Twonty-eighth Division will sail for I
America on May 3 is the statement |
of Colonel George C. Rlckards. com
mander of the One ..Hundred and I
Twelfth infantry, in a letter to his '
mother in this city.
For Harrlaburg anil vicinity! Fair
to-night and Wrdnrtdaji colder
to-night, with lowest tempera
tare about 3T> degrees.
For Kastrrn Pennsylvania! Fair
to-night and Wrdneadayi
colder to-night! freah and
strong wrat winds.
The main river will rise. The j
lower portlona of the North anil
Went branches will rise slight
ly to-night and begin to fnll
Wednesday. All other streams
of the system will fall to-night
and Wednesday. A sfagr of i
nbont 7 feet Is Indicated for |
Harrlshnrg Wednesday morn- i
lag. |
It Don't Seem to Have Taught Us Much
—. —. | , ——. —. —
Special Conference Called For
Friday to Discuss Joint
Ofl'Jre Structure
City Commissioners are planning
;to hold a joint conference with
| county officials on Friday to discuss
i further plans for the erection of a
j courthouse and municipal office
I building. A communication will be
j sent to the county commissioners,
| asking them to fix any hour which
! will be convenient for them to con
| sider the project.
( According to Mayor Daniel L.
Keistcr no time should be lost in
getting definite plans under way for
j the construction of the new build
-1 ing. Selection of a site and adoption
: of plans will inquire much time he
I pointed out. These questions, to
! getlier with other details, must be
j worked out so that an estimate can
be made of the cost of the improve
! ment. after which a loan ordinance
1 will be passed by council. Action
|on this measure approving it must
i be taken not less than thirty days
| before the general election in Xo-
I vernber provided the commissioners
| decide to submit the qustion of a
! bond issue to the city voters at that
j time.
{ City officials in discussing the
; situation to-day said that no time
j should be lost in completing all nec
i essary arrangements since legisla
tion which will permit the cjty and
1 county to join in the erection of a
I building, has been introduced.
John N. Peregoy Dies
After a Week's Illness
j John Xelson Peregoy, aged thirty
' eight years, died this morning at his
late home, 811 North Sixteenth
street, following a week's illness
j from pneumonia. Funeral services
| will be held Saturday afternoon at
| 2 o'clock in charge of Perseverance
I Lodge. No. 21, F. and A. M. .assist
j ed by the Rev. Clayton A. Smucker.
pastor of the Stevens Memorial
j Methodist Church. Burial will lie
j mode in the East Harrisburg ceme
j tery. Mf. Peregoy is survived by
his wife, Daisy, and two children,
Nelson and Irene, his mother. Mrsl
Alfred Peregoy, of Waynesboro, a
brother and four sisters.
Mr. Peregoy was associated with
the Equitable Life Insurance Com
pany of lowa. He was a pastmaster
of Perseverance Lodge, No 21, F.
and A. M., and a member of the
Harrisburg Consistory and of Per
■ severance Chapter, Royal Arch Ma
; sons.
Port Royal, Pa., March 18.— J. W.
I Parsons, owner and editor of the
i Port Royal Times, a weekly publica
| tion, has sold it to George M. Hinkle,
i a former employe, the change to
take effect about April 1. Mr. Par
| sons, it is understood, will engage
iin business at Millereburg. Perry
By Associated Press.
Philadelphia. Ma rol? IS. —A
resolution providing for an
amendment to the Federal Con
stitution to include in the instru
ment a declaration that "Jesus
Christ is the moral ruler of na
tions" was today reported by the
committee on church and state
of the Philadelphia Methodist
Conference with the recommen
dation that no action be taken
on the matter. The committee
expressed "sympathy for the
spirit of the resolution."
The Rev. Charles Roads. Wil
liamstown, urged the submission
of the question "to the earnest
consideration of our pastors and
Fakirs Offer Worthless Stock
and Promises in Return
For Liberty Bonds
1 . Your name is on the "sucker list."
This is the warning sounded to
day by the local Liberty Loan com
mittee to the patriotic men and
women who subscribed to the four
issues of Uncle Sam's war bonds.
Whether you get buncoed depends
largely upon your own good sense,
the committee says. The warning
against the flimflam wiles declares
that big batches of circulars are be
ing prepared to be sent to bond
The "sucker list" is compiled of
the names of bond purchasers. The
test as to the common sense of the
men and women listed comes when
the fiimflamers present how they will
take Uncle Sam's bonds in exchange
for their own issues which will pay
anything from ten per cent, on up.
Worthless gold mine, oil well and
irrigation of desert lands are the fa
vorites. There is no limit, to the
promises, says the committee, that
the fakirs are making
"Hold on to your bond," is the
advice of the committee.
Gov. Sproul to Outline
Coal Situation Today
Governor Sproul will make a state
ment in regard to the anthracite
coal price situation late to-day. The
Governor planned to issue an outline
of his plan and to submit a resolu
tion to-day to start things moving,
but a rush of visitors prevented ac
It is probable that something mar
be done before the House adjourns
The school teachers committee
has agreed upon the Woodruff bill
as the teachers' minimum salary
measure. ,
Big Warerooms at Twenty-
Sixth and Dcrry Streets
Filled to Capacity
| This is Rotary Day at the automo
j bile show in the Overland building
| at Twenty-sixth and Derry streets.
The Harrisburg notary Club yes
! terday heartily endorsed the show
| after addresses by George G. Mc
i Farland and Andrew S. Redmond
I anj voted to attend to-day.
j Many of the Kotarians went out
this afternoon but by far the larger
number will be in attendance to
To-morrow evening one of the se
. lections will be a vocal solo by Miss
florence Weiser, of Reading, a pu
-1 pil of Miss M. Kvelyn Essick, daugh
| ter of W illiarn E. Essick, a former
I president of the Rotary Club. The
| automobile dealers are adding spe
i ... P r °STnis to their exhibit and
I visitors are finding the big building
attractive not only from the stand
, point of cars on display, but lively
| and entertaining as well.
Crowds Arc Itig
Breaking all records for attend
ance. the mighty motor show be
j gun to draw today from the sur
rounding country. One old codger
| had come in his mud-covered Ford
i all the way from the upper end of
! the county, traveling a good part of
; the night. Before the ticket sellers
. arrived there were several hundred
country folk waiting, and the "upper
j end ' enthusiast seemed to be more
| than satisfied after his long trip
when the first object his eyes met
j was a dossy "flivver."
I Say what .ye will," he slammed
; his-rugged hand on J. Clyde Myton's
[Continual on Pago 4.]
Revolver Carried by William Proctor Looked Like Machine
Gun to Judge Kunkel, Who Hands Out Severe Sentence
"That miniature rifle you were
carrying—it looked like a machine
gun to me—where did you get it?"
president Judge George Kunkel ask
ed William E. Proctor, colored, con
victed of carrying a re\olver con
"I "told you where I got it," Proc
tor answered. He had. been on trial
before Judge Kunkel yesterday.
"Very well. The sentence of the
co.urt is that you pay a tine of 35,
costs of this prosecution and serve
seven months in the county Jail".
Proctor looked surprised at the
heavy jail sentence and passed out
of the courtroom with a deputy
Cabinet Officers Believe Con-!
gross Will Meet in Extra
Session in May
j Senator Lodge Asks For Ad-]
j dresses of Colleagues
as of May 15 .
By Associated Press
i Washington, March 18. —An extra j
| session of Congress before June 1 Is j
believed to be a certainty by many I
j government officials and members of ,
! Congress, although their predictions )
are without the support of evidence j
to show that President Wilson has j
changed his determination not to |
summon Congress before his return !
from France. •
Glass Reports Conditions
Cabinet officers believe the session ;
will begin in May. some expecting j
the date to be about the middle of j
the month, with others suggesting I
an earlier date, probably May 5. As!
far as known, none of the cabinet
members has specitlcally reeoni- |
mended any date to the President, f
but Secretary Glass is understood to j
have presented certain facts in re- j
I gard to the government's financial j
situation from which the President ;
may make his own deductions.
Lodge Sends Isdtcl's
Members of Congress remaining in !
Washington, particularly the Repub- |
licans, hope the session will be called [
two months before the end of the,
current fiscal year, next June 30, so i
that ample opportunity will be given •
for considering appropriation bills |
that failed at the last Congress. Re-|
pubiican Leader Lodge, of the Sen-j
ate. has sent letters to till Repub- ,
lican Senators requesting them to j
record their address of May la with j
his office, but this was said to be j
without significance.
White House officials said to-day
if reports from Paris that the peace |
treaty might be completed next j
week proved accurate. President,
Wilson might return home by the j
middle of April.
All Boy Scouts of City
to Join in Parade After
Rally in Grace Church
Ail Roy Scout troops of the city
will join "in a parade to-night to be |
followed by a rally to be hed in;
Grace Methodist Church, it was an- j
! nounced to-day by J. Frederick Yir- i
1 gin. Scout Executive for the city. j
The scouts will form on Second!
' street at Pine. They will walk j
I around the city, and arrive at the j
! Grace Church at JS o'clock. George!
i Wirt of the State Department of
! Forestry, will give an illustrated lec
! ture on "Forests."
During the week street demon
! strations will be given Jiy scouts as
1 to various practices of scoutcraft. It
| is planned to have the scouts cook
1 their supper on the streets and give
i illustrations of life in the woods.
Next week the scouts will launch |
I a drive for the collection of maga-1
| zines to be sent the soldiers in the)
camps* and will also help the Red I
. SK to collect clothing. It was!
I said by Scout Executive Virgin thisi
I morning that there has been a great j
lac kof interest in the collection of
[ magazines and the scouts aim to till
j this need. /
Cracked Cylinder Stops
Air Trip to Pernambuco; i
To Start For Dakar Soon
By Associated Press
London. March 18.—A telegram |
received here front Paris say 3 that !
Lieutenant Fontan, who plans a j
Hight from •Cape Dakar, to Pernam
buco, Mrazil, left Villacoublay for i
Dakar on Sunday, but was compelled I
to land near Romorantln, southeast
of Blois, because of a cracked cyl
inder. It is said he is now in Paris
and intends to start once more for
Dakar in a few days.
Approaching Prohibition
Cause Contraction of
Aldinger's Liquor Store
Gontracting their business with j
prohibition promised for July 1, the!
,A[dinger liquor store, 21 South I
Fourth street, about April 1 will va- -
cate the first floor of the three-story j
building that it now occupies. The j
two upper stories will continue in'
use. The first floor will be occupied, !
commencing April 1, by the Dandy
line shoes stores, handling the goods
of Define Yungel Shoe Company of
this city.
sheriff without another word. The
revolver taken from hini was u long
barrel ,38-calibcr one. Proctor a few
years ago was sent to Huntingdon
Reformatory on a larceny charge.
Michael Taswell, colored, on pa
role from Huntingdon, pleaded
guilty to stealing a pair of shoes
from a repair shop conducted in
Middietown by H. E. Deimler. He
was given five months in jail.
In courtroom No. 2, with Judge
A. W. Johnson pros ding, Arthur
Jackson, colored, was acquitted on
a charge of carrying a revolver, al
[Continued on Page 6.J
By Associated Press '
Brussels, March 18.—In accordance with agreement which has
been reached, the German government has contracted to deposit
4..0,000,000 francs in gold in the Brussels National Bank.' There
will be two payments, one of 1T5.000.000 francs within four days and
the other of -75,000,000 francs within ten days.
These deposits are presumably to be made in connection with the
agreement recently reached at the Allied conference with the Ger
mans at Brussels for the provisioning of Germany in connection with
the shipping arrangements. Earlier dispatches had reported that
Germany was to make large gold deposits at Brussels as part of the
financing of food shipments to her.
Officers Stoned and Persons Clubbed During Parade of
Textile Workers, at Lawrence, Mass.
Lawrence, Mass., March 18.
While the police were trying to break
up a parade of textile workers to
day shots were tired from tenement
houses. Officers were stoned and
persons in the crowd clubbed. Many
arrests were made. It was the most
violent disturbance that had occur
red since the strike began six weeks
Strikers Picket Mills
The strikers had picketed the mills
during the opening hours. After
they left the mill district when the
gates .were closed-they gathered at
the corner o£ Union and Common
streets and formed a column for a
parade. At the head of the line,
according to City Marshal T. J.
O'Brien, who observed the prepara
tions through a heavy fog, were
red flags, lie summoned reserves
from police headquarters and or
dered the crowd to disperse. The
gathering held its ground and from
the outskirts stones and bottles were
Twenty-two Arrests Made
! Shots were fired from a house in
I Elm street, hut no one was lilt.
] officers forced their way through the
i crowd and arrested all occupants
!of the building. Meantime, other
! policemen and strike sympathizers
j mixed in a melee in which many
were injured. Officers' clubs struck
i down several in the crowd and two
j officers were hit by stones or bot-
I ties.
Twenty-ttyo arrests were made,
nearly all on charges of inciting to
When those arrested today were
arraigned on charge of rioting, twen
ty-one men pleaded not guilty, and
bonds were set at $5OO for a hearing
on March 26.
! Captain J. J. Sullivan, of the po
' life, told the court* red flags' were
| waved at the bead of the parade.
Outside the court room strike lead
! ers denied red flags were carried, and
| said that an Italian flag must have
| been mistaken for the revolutionary
j banner in the fog.
j Most of those arrested appeared in
court with battered heads. The con-
I dition of one. Salvatore Cuzvardo, was
I found to be so serious that he was
| removed to a hospital.
| Names Suggested For Cargo
Ship Should Be Suggestive
of Harrisburg District
A name of particular significance
i to 'this district is desired for the
j cargo ship that lias fallen to the
! honor of the district to christen as a
result of its work in the Fourth Lib
erty Loan Drive, the committee in
charge of the drive to-day explained.
Thus far people of the district
have displayed little originality in
making suggestions as to a possible
i name for the freighter.
! Thus fur only three names have
i sent to J. Clyde Myton, of the
' Liberty Loan Committee, who is re
ceiving the suggestions. These three
suggestions, "Yankee," "Sammee"
and "Echo" are too stereotyped and
to. general for adoption, the com
mittee says.
Some name that will be of par
ticular significance lo tlie Dauphin
.PerryrJuniata district is desired. The
name should be such that the
freighter will' lie readily identified
; with the district.
Police Tail to Locate Dr.
Wiikins, Murder Suspect;
Watch For Him io Vain
By Associated Press.
l.ong Brunch. L. T., Mjreh 18.—All
: all night search here and in New
Vork, failed to disclose the where-
I abouts of Dr. Walter Keene, Wiikins,
| the elderly physician for whom a
j warrant was issued last night charg
| ing him with the murder of bis wife
I at their Branch home on Feb
i ruary 27.
' ~ r„ *!
Europa Gets in From
Marseilles With Fighters
By Associated Press.
!' New York, March 18.—Seventy-'
| two officers and 1,588 men who 1
| fought with the tanks arrived here j
j on the steamship Europa from !
Masseilles. They comprised the]
Three Hundred and Sixth Brigade;
Tank Corps complete, sixty-six or- j
| flc-ers and 1,306 men, and a detach- j
inent of six officers and 282 men '
lof the Three Hundred and Fifth j
Brigade. They are assigned to l
fourteen camps and barracks!
j throughout the country.
By Associated Press,
Indianapolis, March 18.-—Rec
ommendations for a six-hour
work day. a five-day week, an
increase in wages of miners and
nationalization of the coal mines
of the country were made today
by Frank J. Hayes, president of
the United Mine Workers of
America, in his address at the
opening session of the policy com
mittee of the organization hero
today. He also recommended
that miners have tlie right to or
ganize and to bargain collectively
with tlie Government in making
wage scales in case of nationali
zation of mines.
Mr " ' * ?
i ** •■•■' mt
| "• |
* efe
|4* Harrisburg—A joint resolution providing for the >2
T- appointment of a committee of eight to inveisti rate 4
4j pwbKc-aehool system of Pennsylvania was introdu it .$
the Senate to-day by Senator Frank E. Bafd &
jK ter county. • rfi
c Copenhagen—Under the agreement read t Rpt A
4 terdam, a dispatch from Berlin savs. GreAt Britain \ i T
X f*
4* Negotiations with other entente countr 2
x pleted. The proceeds of the. 1 ; 7 r •
J® &
' ty, 'Mo.-- 1 2
T * ■! ah add- ' 4=
X tor of Missouri, criticising the • *
T constitution. He reiterated contentions that the league'
T would impair Amefttton abrogati the M'om *
T Doctrine and violate the Federal Constitute >J
A \ >
A *
1A Chicago—"Alexander has left station-en route to 'j
ijy United States;" This cablegram signed by General Perslf *
Jing was received by Fred Mitchell, president of the Cubs <
■ to-day. -Alexander, premier pitcher of fjhe N ifi >nal J
J League, is expected to land within t\v • ■ a
| Otiif
4j •. -Cumberland Valley Railroad .Detect- J
X ive Walter Kettering_was shpt.tvice by 're-covers hv ,1
A tHe yards here to-day. One bullet struck him in the right
A breast near the shoulder. Thi .other entered his righ* Ji
X arm. He wa6 taken td'the Washington oounty hospital. \
p • *
*£ Kettering noticed the men on company ground and or *
A '*
-$ dered them off. When he turned his back he beard ]i
temfnartd, "Hands up n Both men emptied theii pis yds 1
Tr : •
*4. at him. • *
T ,
William Mr(laln and Blla K. Brown, HyHtburg. j*
Accord of the Powers
Sought in Conference
of Allied Leaders
By Associated Press
Paris, Mar. 18. Presi
dent \\ ilson will hold an
important conference with
I 'rentiers Lloyd George, Orlan
do and Clemenceau at the Paris
"White House" to-day. This
gathering of premiers, repre
senting the supreme directing
force of the Peace Conference, takes
the place of the session of the Su
preme Council, which hus been post
poned until tomorrow to permit, the
The question to be discussed is
that of securing accord between the
great powers on all pliuscs of the
peace treaty and its early presenta
tion to the Germans. It. is expected
an agreement will be reached as to
the inclusion of the league of na
tions as an integral part of the peace
treaty, in accordance with the
resolution which has been already
adopted by the Peace Conference.
To Reconcile Views
Special interest attaches to to
day's conference in view of recent
reports of divergences between the
powers as to the •inclusion of the
league plan in the treaty. The
meeting is looked upon as an earn
est, decisive effort to reconcile all
views into a common understanding
for on early peace in a comprehen
sive form, including military, naval,
economic and financial terms, as
[well as the League of Nations.
The general 'situation as to the
peace treaty has been greatly clari
fied during the past twenty-four
hours by discussions between the
I [Continued on Page 15.]