Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, March 17, 1919, Page 7, Image 7
PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS TALK OF INSURANCE * Conference I'nder Direction of Department of Labor and ; • Industry Lively Affair Vmo-r the direction of the division industrial hygiene and engineering j the bureau of inspection of the , department or I-abor and Industry of I the State and with Dr. Francis D. Pat terson. Chief of the Division, of this * Pity, presiding the eighth conference of Industrial Physicians and Surgeons was in the William Fenn Hotel. Pitts burgh. Lively and interesting discus- j "Von pertaining to the advantages and disadvantages of health insurance mark- j •d Friday afternoon's session. i*. Frederick L. Hoffman, thirds vice ' president and statistician of the Vru- : Ssutial Insurance Company of America. ! said health insurance was nothing more than insidious propaganda similar to ! that which was used by the German Government. "The movement which is t now on foot in this State and in other States to have Legislaturese approve of health insurance, is for not other pur pose than to get absolute control of the j workingman." Dr. Hoffman asserted. "Germany has had health insurance ! for more than 23 years. It has proved ' n barrier to its progress. Before this form of insurance was adopted by the I Government the German people were i more progressive, but Just as soon as the health insurance got a foothold on the country It became stagnant. By | having a form of health Insurance in that country it put the people in the direct j control of the Government. Every penny j which they earned would more or less j directly revert back to the Government. | Health insurance in this country would he a delusion and a snare to .the peo-1 pie. It would be nothing more than) fooling the people." I'rging the advantages of health in- 1 surance. John A. Lapp of the Ohio i Health and Old Age Commission point- I ed out that sickness is a serious burden. 1 and that it falls with crushing force upon some people, causing economic dis tress and destitution. At present. Mr. Lapp said, the individual bears nearly Itie whole burden. Not more than 10 . 1 r cer.t of the sickness is distributed ! by means of insurance. Industry pays very little toward the cost of sickness, nr.d the public does very little except to 1 take care of the disastrous consequences. ' In Chairman Fatterson's address, he , de v :ared that the industrial surgeons and physicians of Pennsylvania were doing meritorious work in caring for j and attending the sick and injured ' men in the many industrial plants of the Commonwealth. Cel. Edward Martin, commissioner of health of the State Department of Health, spoke on "How the Industrial Physicians and Our State Department of Health Can Best Co-operate." Dr. Frederick L. Van Sickle, president or' the Medical Society of Pennsylvania, addressed the conference. A Nation's Safety depends upon more than wealth or the power of its mighty guns. It rests in its robust children and in its strong, vigorous manhood. SCOTTS EMULSION an ideal constructive tonic-food, brings to the system elements easily assimilated and imparts strength and pro motes normal growth. i ijr Scott's Emulsion builds up the n II weak and fortifies the strong. Seen & Bowr.e. B'oomficld, N. J. 13-20 i ' "" V ICNDEKTikER 174S Chas.H.Mauk m i Prlvm, Ambulance Phone* l * |p^^^^ss| Four Passenger Roadster Great Power With Great Economy Economy and enthusiasm both result from ownership of a Peer less Two-Power-Range Eight. In the "loafing" range less fuel is required than cars of larger size demand for equal smoothness and power. In the "sporting" range additional power gives assurance and exhilaration without excess fuel consumption. A will interest and thrill you. 0 7 r.sjeeeget Touring, $2760 4 passenger Roadster, $2760. ** i passenger Coupe, $3320 7 passenger Sedan, $3530 7 passenger Sedan-Limousine, $3720 S&, Keystone Motor Car Co. 57 S. CAMERON ST. ' HARRISBURG PA CHARLES H. BARNER. Mgr. MONDAY EVENING, NEWS OF THE LEGISLATURE FEW CHANGES IN THE GAME CODE i The Fishermen's License Bill Likely to Be Beported at Early Dale House of Representatives com- ; ' miltees will decide during the com- ; ing week in what form the various • bills dealing with features of the 1 game and fish codes of 1917 shall ( be handled. Since the notable hear ing held Tuesday by the committees 1 i of the two Houses and attended by ' representatives of the sportmen s as ' sociations of the State considerable I sentiment has been expressd by | ! legislators in favor of allowing the codes to stand the test of two more , : years and to make as few alterations ; as possible in the laws. Some J • changes in the seasons relative to ; coons, "blackbirds and squirrels are j possible, but there will be no change in the deer season. The disposition ; ' is to raise the bounty on wild cats i ! and weasels which know no closed i ! season, in the language of one man j I at the conference, and to enact the new plan for payment of bounties • , direct by the State Game Conimls- I sioti. The Scheme to make the ; grouse and quail song birds which . would prevent hunting them at all i [ is doomed. The Bowman bill for the State ; Game Commission to have authority i to buy land for game preserves, not exceeding $lO an acre and to provide ' | for mineral and gas and oil rights. , lis to be amended so that.in case the j . State gets the surface only it will. I be liable only for the taxes on that | i much, the holders of the reserved j | resources bearing their share. Such i an act would enable the State to | add materially to the holdings for j game propagation and give every i '• county something eventually with a few exceptions. The sub committee in charge of the fishermen's license measure is j disposed to report it favorably tol . the fish committee with a provision that only men shall pay the license. Such a measure, it is contended, would provide the funds needed to i complete the hatcheries and to start I a systematic campaign for restock ing streams with trout and other fish. Mexican Miners to Consider Remedies For After-War Crisis Mexico City. March 17.—Fearing that the mining crisis now threat ening Mexico will result in the clos ing of mines in various parts of the country, and idleness for thousands of miners, representatives of this trade will meet soon in Mexico City to consider remedies for presenta tion to the government. The great decrease, since the ending of the war. of the prices obtained for I metals mined in Mexico, lias it is claimed, made it impossible for many companies in Mexico to op- I erate at a profit and there is im minent danger thai the workings ' will be closed until metal prices rise. Don't Tell Anybody Buy one pound of Benefit Brand "Sweet Nut" Margarine today and , put it on the table without saying a ; word. Nobody will distinguish it from the finest creamery butter. It ; has the same delicious flavor, the J same energy value, the same golden j color wheu served. Why shouldn't ft? I Benefit Brand "Sweet Nut" Margar ! ine is made solely from the whole some portion of the creamy meat of j ripe cocoanuts, churned with pasteur j ized milk. The only difference be ! tween this delicious table luxury and good butter is the price one costs | you 34c a lb. butter anywhere from 50c to 60c. Think of what you j save. "Sweet Nut" Margarine is sold | only at Tamsui Tea Co.'s yellow front I I store. 331 Market St.. up I flight. j Harrisburg, where Benefit Brand I : Teas. Coffees and Grocery Specialties | j are retailed at wholesale prices, i Look for our store in your town. SMITH SEEKS | ACTION ON BILL The Joint City-Countv Office' Building Measure Finds j Favor Among Senators Senator Frank A. Smith expects j to get favorable action this week on j ; the bill he introduced into the Sen ! ate providing that county seats and j j counties may unite in a joint office | I building. This is the measure draft- i ed to enable Harrisburg and Dau- ! phin county to meet the call of; i Governor Sproul for such a building | to front, on Capitol Park extenston. , '■ Dauphin's new Senator has found i no objection to the bill and its pass- 1 ! age is generally expected. Senator Smith will to-n.glit Intro- j ' dure the appropriation bills for Har risburg charities. They are also in j : the House. Discussion of May 13 as a pos sible date for adjournment of the! j Legislature of 1919 has had the ef- i ; feet of expediting the preparation of j ! bills and scores are being drafted for i early submission to the two Houses. I \ The Legislative Reference Bureau, | I which has drawn up or passed upon, the form of almost ninety-five per! | cent of the bills which have been ! I presented, is fairly swamped with j ' proposed legislation and the force j : is working at nights to advance the i tasks confided to the bureau. : Both branches of the Legislature ! will meet this evening at 9 o'clock ! and it is probable that Governor Sproul xvill send some departmental | appointments to the Senate and that. ! some of his administration bills will }be introduced. The House appro i priations committee is sending out ' calls to members to get in their, ; bills for charity appropriations and ; is about to begin work on the general appropriation bill. Several hearings are scheduled for the week, including one for Western ; j Pennsylvania peopie on the Sterling 1 bill to make the school boards of 1 Philadelphia and Pittsburgh elec | tive, which is to be held tomorrow, while Wednesday there will be hear ! ings on the bill to permit | Sunday concerts and entertainments ' and the mercantile license tax re ! pealer. A hearing was held on the Korke bill in Pittsburgh this morn- I ing. The Senate calendar is mainly i made up of second reading bills, in- I eluding those to create the State Welfare Commission, providing for co-operation with the Government in eradication of the potato wart disease, several State hospital deti j ciency bills and the West Virginia natural gas suit resolution. On the House calendar are more i' than sixty bills, forty-two being on ; second reading alone. The first reading list includes the bills to authorize municipalities to abolish i "skip-stops:" Brady registration and • primary bills; Cox bill increasing ' penalties for illegal operation of ! automobiles: while the $50,000,000 ' j bond issue bill, which was amended ■ in minor details, is up for final pass ■ age. The third reading list includes 1 ; the bill to authorize the return! ! of liquor license money paid for a year or other periods together with " the Bolard bill requiring all official and legal advertisements to be print ed in English language newspapers. I! The Heyburn milk bills, first and 1 third class city police pension bills, 1 Forestry Department reorganization and water resource survey bill and live pigeon shooting bill and county aid for comfort stations bill are on 1 i second reading. } Tomorrow night the biefinial din . f Tier of the Legislative Sons of St. • Patrick will be held and be attended . [ by State officials and legislators. ! , LENINE ESCAPES .ASSASSIN' i ! By Associated Press, Copenhagen, March 17.—Another : i attempt has been made against the ! ;life of Nikolai Lenine. the Russian ' | Bolshevik premier, at Moscow, ac j l cording to reports received here. , ! Shots were fired at Lenine, but he iwas not injured. His chauffeur was . wounded. XCXIIRXSBtrRG TELEGRAPH LOST MOTION IN 'OFFICES TO GO Losing Time to Be Checked—j Duplication to Give Way to Centralization i The bill to reorganize tiie Depart- j ■ tnent of Agriculture which will he ; ! presented to the Senate tonight by I Senator K. E. Jones, chairman ot" 1 the Committee on Agriculture, is i held about the Capitol to embody in j many details what Governor Wil -1 !iam S. Sprout is planning to put into the State government. It takes ; a department which has had boards ; and commissions and dissensions and • other things and make it a strongly > centralized branch of the govern -1 nient with the secretary responsible ! to the Governor. In addition to this demonstration 1 | of what the Governor plans there' j is no question in the minds of ob- j i servers that the gubernatorial order ; for the chiefs of departments of the ! State's big organization on Capitol i Hill to blow the whistles for their i wandering employes to return to i work and either stay at work or leave the service has produced tt I wholesome effect in the big granite ■ building. It is putting into effect ! another of the Sproul plans to make i the State government efficient. The | Governor holds that some depart | ments have all the people' they need to do their work if they work, and that there is no occasion for ii crease of the pay roll. If* salaries need readjustment he has offered a means to do it fairly in the bill to create the State Salary Board. This ! would be a sort of general manager's I council and provide against emer ; gencies as well overcome some of ; the barriers imposed by statutes of | by-gone days, but which while very good in their time are out of place ] in modern business. | Since the Governor has conte into ; office there have been several j changes in the business system at i the Capitol. Heads of departments who used to have to tap at the door of the Governor's suite for approval i of appointments of a janitress were to! 1 early that their employes were their own affair and that results i were what would count. Then sug gestions were made for abolishing i some customs which had grown up until people thought they were otfi ; cial requirements and which had ■ 1 been used for the making of jobs • payable from contingent funds. i These suggestions were followed in ■ i some cases. In those where they ; 1 were not the order for adherence to L law has brought the desired end ■ in more ways# than one. L : And a few days ago the Governor ' gave evidence of the manner in • which he is taking his job as the t head of a big business organization t by telling some lteads that they did > ■ not neeil more hands, but willing i ' hands. Some traveling inspectors of t ! departments and some Capitol build jiing attaches will also have to toe f the mark and do as their chiefs di > ; rect about working. Taking days 1 ; off without permission will also be . j "bad practice." s j Steps taken the last few days to I j bring the question of enforcement of i i the .vaccination law to an issue in ! 1 various parts of the State are be -1 lieved to be preliminary to a general .(plan to concentrate in the Depart . j ment of Health everything in the 1 i State government relating to health. ; It will require much work and con t siderabie readjustment, but the j heads of several departments which f have details which relate to health j are endeavoring to work out the j idea. Eventually the Department of . ' Health will have either supervision . ! or cognizance of all processes on ac j count of health, j One of the first moves will be to ' eliminate the overlapping and uncer tainties between the Departments of ! Agriculture and Health in regard to I dairy supervision and milk. The De partment of Health will eo-operate ' very closely in the establishment of ' the militia camp sanitation at Mt. "j Gretna where the officers will gather • |in June and tire 3.250 militiamen 0 1 in July. It is also planned to ob s tain a still closer relationship be tween the educational authorities and the health officers in regard to vaccination and diseases and with j the State Police if re.quired for en forcements. The work of the State Policemen in the influenza epidemic has demonstrated what they can do. * It is also probable that the Health . Department tvili co-olaborate with | the Workmen's Compensation Board 1 in the matter of study and control of occupational diseases. Certain : inspections by the Department of Labor and Industry and the Depart | ment of Health will also be worked | out on a basis of less "lost motion." New French Babies Are Getting Chocolate Paris. March 17.—Children born in France since the beginning of the war have just made a glorious dis- I covery. They have tasted choco | lates. In a congested quarter of i Paris, writes an Associated Press correspondent, a line stretching for , more than a hundred yards wanted a j Chance to enter a grocery store. ; Four policemen were keeping order among the crowd and women were 1 actually struggling for a place in j the line. "What are they fighting for?" a j policeman was asked. ; "The store is selling a quarter of a pound.of chocolate to each one." responded the officer. "That is the reason why you see so many women bearing their children in arms, they \ are allowed half a pound then." American Soldiers in Germany Discard Helmets and Gas Masks Coblcnz, March 17. American soldiers doing duty with the army of occupation finally have been allowed |to discard their steel helmets and gas masks. All through the march across Rhenish Prussia and during I the early weeks of patrolling of the ! Rhine and the Coblenz bridgehead j the troops were kept in fighting trim at all times. But a recent order says helmets and gas masks should ■ be stored by each company "in such \ a manner as to facilitate their prompt issue at a moment's notice j should the occasion demand them." 41 French Generals Killed During the War Paris, March 17. Forty-one I French generals have been killed ! in the war, an official list states. ! Five of them. Generals Bridoux, •j T.oyseau de Grandmaison. Marcot, | Guignabaudet and Masnou were j generals of divisions, and the other ; thirty-six were brigadier generals. ' although at the time they met their death they were almost without ex | ception in command of divisions. j U. S. Had 374 Ships in Europe When War Ended, Report Claims March 17.—The United Suites had 374 vessels on duty in European waters and a personnel of SO," 11 atloat, at bases or headquar ters when the armistice was signed, according to a summary of United States Naval activities prepared at headquarters here.. Numerically the submarine chasers headed the list with 120, then came the destroyers with 70 while the third class was SOUTTER'S 25 CENT DEPARTMENT STORE j Buy Here Not Alone Because Prices Are Lower, But Because Qualities Are Better | fiiCUPPING DAVPS)S 45c * 1A ™25cT 29c Value, . Roman 12}jc value, Ribbons, yard, vy • . . Mercerized Clipping Price. ( X'apkillS, tlfiroMOßßOW^C^lf" 39c . # CHiipinK l'rlrf, 5c value, Tomorrow—a day of extra-extraordinary 33c Hair Xets, 29c value, Cap shape. 27-inch Clipping Price, , Fancy 3 L"" . , Stripe 1 f-| We call these Specials "Extra-extraordinary," because they surpass in value the Tissues i vFC extraordinary offerings always to be found here. Prices are for Tuesday only. Come | cupping frier, 25c value. ,tomorrow. ' 19 c Smoke Pearl , 25c value, 15c value, 35c value, 59c value,, i 39c value, —————— Buttons, • Ladies' Men's Children's Caps and China • j 92c value, card, ! Corset Covers, Khaki Black Scrafs, Yas.es, < Cotton cupping frier, small sizes. Handkerchiefs, Hose. yapping frier, clipping frier. Poplins, 1 Cp Clipping frier. Clipping frier, all siz.CS, lie, 1 7 Light RlllC, - lor IQ C capping frier, 1 1 c * * C lavender 15c value, 25 C 1 25C value 29c. value, aiuUtan, Slip-on ; 35c value, Middies, Blue and 99c \ eils. value, Men's 50c value, cupping frier, White ' in colors, I-ncltcs* Double Ladies' 21C Salt 25c value, capping frier. Collars, Grip Pad Fancy ———Boxes Cotton 1 /\ Clipping frier, <ilL- >, ' V OttOtl 1 lie o Gaiters, Nik value, capping frier, Crash ilc capping frier. Boot % Children's 1Q„ Toweling. 3c value, , 3DC Hose, j Flannelette 1 clipping Price, Basting ,\ a ,' ; capping frier, Shirts. . 1() , IC r Cotton. ( a . ( . s 2?C value, 35C capping frier, J'iber Clipping frier. dipping'frier. ~J , ' 19C Chair 75c value, 2 spools tor - l in J; d 2.W value, Seats, 36 inches 5C Garters Ladies cOc and /5c capping frier, Wide 2^ c va i uc a " , un Gauze value, 3 lor Brocaded 5c value, ~ \ r > ' Rands, \ ests, Ladies' *1 *\ Silk Stiap Clipping I rlrr. Clipping frier, White 19 C Clipping frier, Fasteners, cupplU' I 'frier. 1"C 19c Aprons. , . ; *?Q r Clipping frier, Q _ ■— Clipping frier, 7£A- Value, card, OC 19c value, v .. 1u ,, OC r Porcelain - o Men's , . Gravy Remnants *Ladies Hose i' • i \ * t' I clipping Price, odds and 25c value, Colored ° ' c L 11,011 Dust Ca l )S ' on ends, ... 1 toloiS flipping Price, <U p . Shadow Silk 1- OVC yard. Flouncing. Handkerchiefs, cupping Clipping frier, Clipping frier, ir. .aMC __ • , aIUC > Q„ IOC /oc value, 4-qt. iOC ; 50c value, 1 Large Aluminum , , -01 value, . a j: es > Bedroom Covered s c . ' ' 6c value, 39c value, Men's Latiies Pitchers Buckets Sllk Narrow Ladies Brown and N p tb , and cupping frier, cupping frier, Poplin, Colored Madiera White , 9Q/ CD'S OO rose and Braids, Handkerchiefs, Mixed seconds, CtUK* Ipl5y burgundy, capping frier. Work and ~rUe ' 2 5c value 7- 7", 36 inches 3C 29C Dress Hose. 25C Meat 2oe and o9c wide. yard. —————— Clipping frier, ————— ' at ValllC, Clipping frier, 10c value, UK Vo J9 C ! 25c value. ca,.p:l.g' frier. Stamped yo c Yenise Ladies' Children s ■ o Infants j Edges and initial gg c value, medium , ' ''lows, | va ] UC( Insertions. Handkerchiefs,; yi en ' s weight , cupping frier, 36 inches capping frier, capping frier. Blue \ cs t s ; Mavonnaise 19c Wide, K r 3 c Shirts. 0(1(1 SIZC!? ' Sets - Premo 1 all sizes. capping frier, capping frier, 22c value, Silk, yard. 10c value, •• Revalue. capping rner. 19C Bleached capping frier, cotton I,at, - iotic • 69c 7 —— . a(l . 48c Torchon Box ————— oUc value, an( j Lnbleached ■ Insertion, Stationery, 50c value, Ladies value, "Muslin, 1 50c value, capping frier, capping frier. Men*:f Sateen Sa i a(l 36 inches I Stamped 8c 25c Work and | Skirts • Bowls, wide. Made Up - Dress tapping rier, cupping frier, clipping frier, Combination 25c value, 12,'5c value, Suspenders, 21 C 29c 15r Suits, Ladies" -Men's ( Small sizes. Drawers, lilu e and Red 35C value, 35c value, 39c value, capping frier, small sizes. Handkerchiefs, ————— Baby s Q lt (;i ass 40 inches HQ/* Clipping Price, 4-Hpplnir Price, J9 C anc J 25c Klllt VaSCS, Wide ISc 9c Yalu'C, j Caps. Clipping rrler, White 69c value Atlt V Clipping frier, -J ry _ .. .. °. * alue > ~~~~~... • vt 1i C \ oiles, Stamped $1.39 value, 39c value, Needles, 53C ■ capping frier, Made 110 Made Up Stamped capping frirr. 79c value. 25C' Children's Stamped Made Up li/C . value . 58-inch Gowns, Ladies' Corset ———— Stamped Table 25c value capping frier, Gowns, j Covers, 25c value, Pique Damask. Stamoed' 4Q„ Clipping frier, Clipping frier, Stamped Infants' Sets Clipping frier, , i SL2S 25c I*- ~ 59c '"g v;11 ,, c . SI.OO to $1.50 $3.00 to $5.00 , Towels, tapping frier, • 50c value, Ladies value. ' Ladies' tapping frier, iq Bclts< cippim Prhr. Untnmmed Misses' i Trimmed 19c cupping frier. _ . ~ at f' and . Satin and ————— 90c value, 34C fill colors Children's Straw 15c and 25c Knitting ■ ————— ar ,,l , ICW Trimmed Combination value, Wool, 50c value, 50c value, Spring Hats, Hats, Rings, capping frier, Brooches, Earrings, Shapes, Clipping frier. Clipping frier. Clipping frlce, llailk, Clipping frier, Clipping frier, tapping I rier, 48c SI.BB ,9c 49c 29c 23c $1.29 SOUTTER'S r 25 Cent Department Store Where Every Day Is Bargain Day 215 Market Street, Opposite Courthouse I the unheralded 55 colliers that as- | I sisted in keeping a steady strqam > i of coal moving from Cardiff to main- I tain the allied armies and prevent' j France from freezing. Of the fifteen classes of ships in; I the report the work of the destroy- j i ers stand first in dramatic interest, j j The twenty that were here on July | 1, 1917, immediately became active j in the war game und that activity | j constantly increased as the number ,of boats gradually swelled until it i reached the maximum number on j | November 11. 1918. With twenty-five converted yachts and a few other-vessels they escort-j 'ed 900,000 troops of the United MARCH 17. 1919. | States Expeditionary Force to Eu- ] i rope without the loss of tt man from | twenty-seven per cent of all United ' States, allied and neutral shipping I to Franco and England from April t>, 1917. to November 9, 1918. In this and other work they steamed approximately 275,000 miles every j thirty days. BOLSHEVIKS DEFEATED J!y Associated Press• Arehaiigtc, Saturday, March 15. | Bolshevik forces made a determined I attempt Friday to cut the communi- J cations between the American and allied columns on the Dvina and ! Vngu rivers, but their attack was repulsed witli heavy losses.'Tho enemy lost 57 dead und four pris oners. The allied' Casualties were ono : soldier wounded. MOTHERS Reduce your doctor's ms* bills by keeping always on hadd— vsNfi VICRSN^PORU^ I -YOUR BODYGUARD"-30f.60t , 7*T20 7