Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, March 17, 1919, Page 4, Image 4

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Suggested That Counties Have
Boards to Fix the Pay of
Teachers Hereafter
Legislators and teachers who have
been coming in from all sections of
the state to discuss the proposition for
using the Woodruff minimum salary
bill as a basis, were interested today !•
a brand new suggestion for bringing
about more advantageous salaries for
rural teachers. As far as the teachers
in the cities are concerned their affairs
are getting well in hand, but the small
er districts present a problem.
The idea suggested is for a teacher's
salary board for counties to have au
thority to adjust salaries in third and
fourth class districts. This board is
suggested to consist of three citizens,
who would be selected by the governor
or superintendent of public instruction,
men of affairs and knowledge of local
conditions who would serve without
pay and fix the sum to be paid. In this
way townships which have the same
resources and which have different
salary lists would be required to give
the teachers a better deal. The state
would pay fifty per cent, for Instance,
and the school directors be obliged to
raise the other half of the salary. The
more people have gone into the problem
the more they have been Impressed
with the necessity of reaching some
plan which will even up conditions in
districts in the same county.
The teachers coming here have been
working for months on the matter and
a mass of data showing just how di
rectors handle the finances to the de
teriment of the educators has been pre
pared. In all probability a determined
effort will be made to have the Palmer
minimum salary bill acted upon by the
House committee on education. The
Woodruff bill- embodies the teachers'
ideas and they are inclined to insist
upon it.
Another county matter which is as
suming proportions is the administra
tion measure providing for return of
half the personal property tax to the
state. The counties now keep all they
raise. Some of the legislators have re
ceived word that delegations of officials
are coming here to protest, holding
that if the bill passes they will have to
increase county taxes to make ends
meet. State officials, on the other hand,
contend that statp interests in the re
turns of personal property tax will re
sult in assessors being made to toe the
mark in matter of valuations.
t or All Occasions
Floral Decorations
Wedding Flowers
Farty Flowers
Funeral Flowers
Sheßerrahill I
I ""■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■
Good Eyes
IXlean Efficiency
I The efficient man is lie who ■
takes care of his eyes—gives I
them the treatment they de- I
We are expert eyesight spe- I
einlists. If your eyes are giv- Jf
ing you the slightest trouble,JE
Jfflct us examine them. If tlieyJK
need glasses, we'll lit you out g
—if not, there Is no charge.
Good Glasses spherical
lenses used—mainly for read
ing or use during strain—
fitted for either -m *
far or near, as / Sf §
low as L ******
Over the Hub—Phone 420-J
Established 15 Years
Open Wed. and Sat. Evenings
jimY Kolbenschlag's
&W Opening Days mP*
//a# Spring and Summer Millinery
'IJr Wednesday, March Nineteenth TMI
Er Thursday, March Twentieth
Nineteen Nineteen |!
M The Reynard II
208 North Third Street jjjjl
Knox Hats Oriental Beads
Veiling, Fancy Bags, Parasols
Acts as His Own Attorney
and Is Acquitted by Jury;
Dwyer Heads Grand Jury
Absence of counsel didn't worry
Eddie Gllroy when he was called for
trial in Courtroom Xo. 2 before Judge
A. W. Johnson, specially presiding this
week at the criminal session. Eddie
was charged with carrying concealed
deadly weapons, or in a more informal
way of putting it. —"pistot toting."
Knowing that he should have an at
torney to defend him at the trial Eddie
of course talked it over with a lawyer
and came to terms. But when he was
called for trial the lawyer could not
be present and the assistant district
attorney went on with the case.
It was shown by some of the wit
nesses that when Gilroy was arrested
last Xovember 14. he was not carry
ing a revolver, but others said they, had
seen him with one earlier in the day.
Eddie took the stand and denied the
charge, and after a short deliberation
the jury came back with a verdict.
"Not guilty, county to pay the costs.
So Eddie didn't need his attorney ft ® r
all. The latter came hurrying into
court in time to hear the verdict and
move for Gilroy's discharge.
Michael Dwyer. Sixth ward, city, was
made foreman of the grand jury, and
the following who had been summoned
to serve on it were excused: S. Brady
Caveny. Jr., city; Jacob- King, cits ,
Edward V. Orsinger, city. Fifteen true
bills were returned at the morning
session by the grand jury.
Of the petit 'jurors only four were ex
cused as follows: William H. Benne
thum. city; Matthew S. Brlnser, \Vest
Londonderry township; Banlel Hale,
Steelton; Samuel W. Shoemaker, city.
In Courtroom No. 1. before Pre
dent Judge George Kunkel. "William E.
Proctor, charged with carrying c -
cealed deadly weapons. was vlcte °'
Just before adjournment Arthur K.
Stoner. held on four charges of larceny
as clerk while in the employ of the
Great Western Oil company, was placed
on trial. It is alleged by the company
that while acting as book-keeper and
cashier for the firm he appropriated
sums of money paid on accounts.
Big Band Will Be
Brought Here by the
Bethlehem Rotarians
District Governor Howard C\ Fry
announced at the Rotary Club lunch
eon today that the Bethlehem and
not the AUentown Rotary Club will
bring the big Bethlehem Steel Com
pany Band to Harrisburg. for the dls
trict conference to be held April 10,
and 11. The band of one hundred
pieces will come here by special train
morning of the 10th and return that
evening, following the conference
dinner. A concert in the rotunda of
the Penn-Harris will be a feature.
A tentative program was announced
todav at the luncheon, which was at
tended bv the ladies of the club. The
sessions will all be held in the Penn-
Harris and this and other downtown
hotels will be required to house the
guests who will be here from Penn
sylvania .Delaware, New Jersey.
Maryland and the District of Colum
bia." There will be entertainments
for the visiting ladies, two lunch
eons and a dinner Thursday evening.
A building permit was issued to S.
M. Stover, contractor for Morris O.
Stoyer.'for the erection ot a
frame garage at the rear of 1616 Ber
ryhill street, at a cost of SJ-o.
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Keiser, 14"
Royal Terrace, entertained in honor
of their guests Mr. and Mrs. John
Wingert, of Wlndber, Pa. Music and
games furnished the evening' 3
amusement and refreshments were
served to the following guests:
Mr. and Mrs. John Wingert, Mr.
and Mrs. Thomas Looker, and
daughter, Stella. Mr. and Mrs. Pat
rick Sullivan. Mrs. Arthur Kem
merer, Jeanette Cronisterr, Esther
Foster, Ruth Keiser, George Looker,
Robert Keiser.
Dinner, Monday Eve., Mnrch 17"
Stouffer's Restaurant
4 Jf. COURT ST. •"> TO 7.30
Rice Tomato Soup
Chicken Croquettes
I.iver und Onions
Tenderloin of Reef. Roust Reef
Mashed or I.yonnulse Potatoes
Corn Custard, Rice, Salad
Choice of Desserts
Coffee, Ten or Cocoa
Coffee & Real Juinbo Peanuts
'Cross-River Celebration Is
Greatly Enjoyed by Linen
Dept. of Penn-Harris
Margaret Mease gave to her asso
ciates in the linen department of
the Penn-Harrie Hotel a delightful
party at her home in Bowers ave
nue, Lemoyne, Friday evening. The
forepart of tho evening was spent in
games and various amusements, and
at 10 o'clock tho hostess invited her
gueste to a supper tastefully pre
pared and artistically arranged. The
decorations were all in emerald
green, a reminder of the close prox
imity of St. Patrick's day. After the
feast, dancing was enjoyed till the
wee hours of morning when the
guests departed for their homes
feeling that it was good to have
been there.
Miss Mease was the recipient of
some handsome as well as valuable
The place cards bore the follow
ing names; Miss Mary Lutz, Mrs.
Jones, Miss Mary Brice, Mrs. Miller,
Miss Dorothy Zimmerman, Miss
Lydia Stieaffer, Miss Cora Holmes,
Mies Anna Smith, Miss Margaret
Bricker, Miss Jessie J.armey, Miss
Ella Kissinger, Miss Mollie Dtike,
Miss Minnie Jacobs, Michael McCor
mick, Mrs. McCormick, Wayne Mc-
Cormick, Clifford T. Martin. Leo
Kelley, William Gonzales and Rufus
Season Opens With Dinner-
Dance at Lucknow; St. Pat
rick's Fete at Coolnial
There was a fairly good attend
ance at the opening of the Country
Club of Harrisburg Saturday after
noon and evening despite the rain
and Mrs. Marlln E. Olmsted pre
sided over tile tea table.
There was dancing after the table
d'hote dinner, the Sourbeer orches
tra playing the most inspiring of
dance music.
Small dinner parties were fea
tuerd with John Motter host to Mr.
and Mrs. Robert C. Neal, Mr. and
Mrs. Warren Tyson, of Philadelphia;
Mr. and Mrs. Frank L. ltobbins, Jr.,
Mr. and Mrs. Henderson Gilbert.
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Garfield, Mrs.
Fitzpatrick, of Philadelphia; Mrs.
Karl M. Kaltwasser and Walter H.
Mr. and Mrs. Edwin S. Herman
entertained for Miss Dora W. Coe
and Lieutenant Herbert Wallower,
whose engagement was recently an
nounced, their guests including E.
Z. Wallower, Mrs. Elizabeth Gray
bill. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Taylor
Neale. ,
In another party were Mr. and
Mrs. Francis J. Hall. Mr. and Mrs.
Robert G. Goldsborough. Mr. and
Mrs. Ross A. Hockok, Mr. and Mrs.
Henry B. Bent, Mr. and Mrs. John
Fox Weiss. Lieutenant Marlin E.
Olmsted, Jr., Donald McCormick,
Spencer G. Nauman and Henry-
Evans. ,
Seated together at another table
were: Captain and Mrs. Edward J.
Stackpole, Jr., Mr. and Mrs. John
C. Herman. Miss Emily Bailey. Mrs.
Samuel W. Fleming, Jr. Captain
William McCreath and John Com
Miss Mary Creighton s guests in
vited to meet Miss Dorothy Dain,
of Moline. 111., were: Miss Eliza
beth Knisely, Miss Ruth Payne, Miss
Almeda Herman. Mr. and Mrs. How
ard M. Bingaman Mr. and Mrs. J.
Hoffer Detweiler, Lieutenant and
Mrs. Karl Westerlind, Lieutenant
Franklin Etter. Lieutenant Jones
•Trowbridge, Ehrman M. Mitchell,
Paul Gable, Daniel Kunkel.
Lieutenant Marlin E. Olmsted, Jr.,
who has been stationed at Camp Dix
has received his discharge and is at
his home, 105 North Front street.
He will resume his studies at Har
vard in the near future.
The Temple Sisterhood Auxiliary
rooms will not be open Wednesday
March 19. but the work will be car
ried on. as usual on the 26th.
Will meet his patients and those
of Dr. J. W. Ellenberger, for the
present, at 922 North Third St. from
I c.30 p. m. to 8.30 p. m. Other
! hours by appointment.
, f A
Shell Rim Glasses
We make Glasses for any
purpose and to suit Individual
An Optometrist's work en
tails more than merely fitting
the eyes.
Proper Glasses add to the
appearance—not mar It. Our
Glasses will increase your
comfort and efficiency—give
perfect vision and protect your
If you need Glasses, consult
sohO&in!umb ach ScKous#
No. £2 N. 4th.St.
"Where glasses are made right"
Luncheon and Dinner to Miss
Hortense Strousc, to Be
Married Tomorrow
Two charming pre-nuptial events,
given in honor of Miss Hortense
Strouse, whose marriage to Stanley
D. Adler will be solemnized to-mor
row evening at o'clock, are taking
place today.
At noon the Japanese room of the
Penn-Harris, Mrs. William Strousc
and daughter. Miss Dorothy Strouse,
of Cottage Ridge, entertained at a
fifteen-cover luncheon in compliment
to the bride-to-be.
This evening at 8 o'clock. Mr. and
Mrs. Charles Adler, 1923 North Sec
ond street, will give a dinner in cele
bration of the happy event. The
house will be profusely decorated
with slender, yellow daffodils and
foamy yellow tulle inter mingled with
beautiful ferns, in the dining room.
Yellow daffodils, yellow daisies and
lavender sweet pens will grace the
table around which the • following
guests will be seated: Miss Hortense
Strouse, Mrs. Rose Strouso, of Phila
delphia, Mr. and Mrs. Rudolph Kuhn,
of Chicago, Mr. and Mrs. Julian El
mer, of New York. Stanley D. Adler,
Harry E. Pyke, of Philadelphia, Sam
uel Dealhanv of Baltimore, Rabbi
Louis J. Haas, Ensign Gordon Adler,
of New Y'ork, and Mr. and Mrs.
Charles Adler.
Reminders of Old Ireland and
Good St. Patrick at Mrs.
Olewine's Home
The guests of Mrs. Ben Olewine,
1943 North Fourth street, enjoyed
the merriest kind of a St. Patrick's
Day party. Green and white deco
rations and sugggestions of Ireland
and its patron saint, made the house
attractive and an elaborate buffet
supper was carried out in the same
color scheme.
Games were played, a prize con
test was won by Mrs. C. E. Hall, a I
"really true" fortune teller told of j
the past, present and future. Miss'
Mary Yaple gave vocal solos and
Mrs. Olewine played piano numbers.
In attendance were:
Mrs. James Eastright, Miss Elea
nor Eastright, Mrs. Raymond Eisen
bcrg, Mrs. B. B. Beistel, Mrs. L.
Rhinehart, Mrs. C. E. Hall, Mrs.
Lewis Prosser, Mrs. R. E. Yapel.
Miss Mary Yapel and Miss Anna
Many Congratulations
on Their Silver Wedding
Mr. and Mrs. George Wade, of
Linglestown, were guests of honor
at a silver wedding anniversary cele
j bration given by their daughter, Mrs.
H. E. Hallman, 521 North Sixteenth
Congratulations were showered
upon the couple by the following
Mrs. Howard Ashenfelter, Miss
Doris McCutcheon. Miss Violet
Smeltzer, Mr. and Mrs. T. McCutch
eon, Mrs. Sarah Ricker, Mr. and Mrs.
H. E. Laman, Miss Mary Laman,
Mrs. J. Harris, Mrs. John Soxman,
I Mrs. Merle Baker, Mr. and Mrs. W.
M. Deimler, Mr. and Mrs. Harry
Wertz, Miss Elizabeth Wertz, Mr.
and Mrs. E. N. Erb, Miss Elizabeth
Zeigler, J. Yeakle, Harry Green
berg, Herman Diotz, Mr. and Mrs.
John Lingle, Mr. and Mrs. E. Hom
er, Frederick Laman, George Mc-
Cutcheon, John McCutcheon, Martin
Wade, George Wade, Mr. and Mrs.
George Wade, Sr., and Mr. and Mrs.
Harry E. Hallman.
Strawride to Grantville
For the Girl Scouts
Oak Troop No. 4, Girl Scouts of
Stovens Memorial Methodist Episco
pal Church, left the city Friday eve
ning on a strawride to Grantville
where a chicken and waffle dinner
was served. Those who participated
in -the evening of fun were: Flor
enoe Sandberg, Sara Leeds, Dorothy
Leeds, Esther Leeds, Katherine
Frederick, Miriam Willis, Margaret
Rodenheiser, Esther Roden,heiser,
Zelma McCaully, Ethel Lackey, Ma
ble Hoke, Elizabeth Chaniberlin,
Helen Jacoby, Elizabeth Upp, El
freida Herman, Beatrice McAllister,
Margaret Kohler, Katherine Kohler,
Vivian lives, Emily Thompson, Eve
lyn Thompson, Helen Geary, Doro
thy Shaffer, Evelyn Messersmith,
Minnie Smith, chaperoned by Miss
Helen Beidleman, Miss Matilda Rit
ter atwi Miss Lucile E. Smucker.
Mrs. Kelker Will Lecture
on Africa to Society
The Home and Foreign Mission
ary Society of the Pine Street Pres
byterian Church, will hold its month
ly meeting in the women's and girls'
building, to-morrow at 7.45. Mrs.
Lent* will have charge of the devo
tional exercises and the Misses
Phobe and Ruth Richards will give
a vocal duet.
The main feature of the evening
will be a lecture on Africa, by Mrs.
Fred Kelker, who has traveled ex
tensively through that country and
who will show many curios which
she collected.
The hostesses are Mrs. Mumma,
Miss Katherine Warden and Miss
Katherine Mumma.
[An announcement under thie heading
must be accompanied by name to assure
Mr. and Mrs. - Richard McAllister,
of 1912 Zarker street, announce the
birth of a daughter, Jean Margaret
McAllister, Friday, March 14, 1919.
Mrs. McAHister was Miss Margaret
Welsh prior to her marriage.
Mr. and Mrs. Jacob J. Markley, of
118 North Summit street, announce
the birth of a daughter, Emily Mar
tha Markley, Tuesday, March 11,
1919, Mrs. Markley is remembered as
Miss Ada M. Laird, of Mechanicsburg.
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas W. Spofford,
of North East Erie, Pa., announce
the birth of a son, Thomas Edwin
Spofford, Thursday, March 13, 1919.
Mrs. Spofford was Miss Belle Pancake
of this city prior to her marriage.
John Elmer Peters Host to
Crowd of Young Folks
at His Home
John Elmer Peters, son of Mr. and
Mrs. John E. E. Peters, 139 North
Thirteenth street, entertained a num
ber of young folks at a St. I'atrickV
Day party. The appointments were
all of green -with clever favors, re
minding the guests of the "auld
Refreshments were followed by
dancing. Those present were:
Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Kunkel, Mrs.
Hlte, the Misses Sarah Earner, Dor
othy Larger, Ruth Dallman, Elizabeth
Smith, Mae Mount* Meda Eisher,
Sarah Moyer. Margaret Jacoby, Grace
Brown, Grace Nye, Mildred Edly, Dor
othy Martin, Mary Bosser, HelenEyler
Mabel Elllcker, Ellen Shenabrook, Lo
retta Gotschall, Pearl Pearson, Gene
Hardy, Marjorie Russ, Anna lloyer,
Aladitline Hoffman, Katherine Zarker,
Rosalie Yeagle, Letty Connor. Anna
Kunkle, Florence Brown: Messrs. H.
Eyler, William Dreese, Fred Snyder,
Earl Shaeffer, Charles Booser, Lee
Martin, Jeff Cole, Charles Fry, John
Russ, Charles Himes, Bruce Smith,
John I'pp, John Peters, Karl Peters,
Edward Edwin Davis,
Casper, Shenabrook, William Maurer,
Harold Rhinear, Elmer Bowman. Ar
thur Zimmerman, Robert Goodrich,
Stanley Fellows, John Orner, David
Mentzer, Edward Kcllar, Charles Ale-
Neal, Jack Carpenter.
Purim Entertainment
For Jewish Soldiers
A hundred and fifty people had
the pleasure of attending the Purim
entertainment and dance at the Civic
Club Hostess House Saturday eve
ning, under the direction of the lo
cal branch of the Jewish Welfare
Board. x
The program included readings by |
Miss Lillian Speakman, Miss Leah i
Klavens and Maurice Grossman, with I
vocal solos by Corporal Wilde. A I
copy of the Book of Esther, the gift
of national headquarters, Jewish
Welfare Board, was presented to
each soldier. Rabbi Louis J. Haas
gave an address of welcome and each
guest received a favor. The
patronesses were: Mrs. Charles Ad
ler, Mrs. Henry C. Cluster. Mrs. Sam
uel Friedman, Mrs. David Kaufman,
Mrs. Joseph Nnchman, Mrs. Meyer
Gross, Mrs. Hyman Schampan, Mrs.
D. Miller, of Baltimore: Mrs. M. H.
Herbert, Mrs. Eli Goldstein, Mrs. J.
Ullmer, of New York.
Mrs. Edward F. Dunlap, chairman
of the hostess house, committee and
Mrs. William Henderson, president
of the Civic Club, assisted in receiv
ing the guests.
Greetings to Newlyweds
on Their Honeymoon
Mr. and Mrs. Wilson S. Ebersole.
of 1343 Liberty street, entertained
last night for Mr. and Mrs. Charles
E. Eachus, of Coatesville. Mr. and
Mrs. Eachus were married.last week
at Coatesville. leaving immediately
for Harrisburg where they have
been spending their honeymoon with
Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Ebersole. Mrs.
Eachus was formerly Miss Clare
Hibsman of Harrisburg, and many
friends extended their heartiest con
gratulations. Many beautiful gifts
were received by the newlyweds.
Those present were: Miss Nelle
Ebersole, Miss Esther Martz, Miss
Joe Ebersole, Private Forrest E.
Steigleman who has just returnel
from Camp Shelby, Base Hospital,
Hattiesburgh, Mississippi; "Bob" C.
Crawford, Mrs. A. W. Ebersole, Mrs.
Maude A. Cooper, Mrs. B. B. Beistle,
Mr. and Mrs. Charles S. Eachus, and
I Mr. and Mrs. Wilson S. Ebersole.
Missionary Society Is
Holding Rummage Sale
The Lucknow Missionary Society
of Grace Methodist Episcopal
Church will hold a rummage sale
on Wednesday, March 19, at Ver
beke and Fulton streets.
Mrs. William R. Denehey is gen
eral chairman with the following
women in charge of the different de
partments: Men's clothing, Mrs. S.
Z. Sltope;; women's clothing, Mrs.
C. A. Ellenberger: children's cloth
i ing. Miss Edith Sible; furniture, Mrs.
Harry C. Ross; notions, Mrs. Daniel
[ S. Seitz; china. Mrs. W. H. Spooner;
millinery, Mrs. E. Fred Rowo;
kitchen utensils, Mrs. H. E. Todd;
and toys, Mrs. Willard S. Young.
P.ersons having rummage are
asked to please phone Mrs. E. E.
Lawton, 4034J, who has charge of
collections, and articles will be col
lected on Tuesday.
Paul N. Kistler, of Steelton, who
is a member of the junior class in
the department of mechanical engi
neering at the Pennsylvania State
College, has been elected to Tan
Beta Pi, the honorary engineering
society at Penn State.
J. M. McCullough, of Mercersburg,
spent Sunday with friends in this
Phone If You Break Your
When I made an examination of
your eyes and litted you with
glasses, I kept an exact duplicate
of the prescription. Should you
have the misfortune to break one
or both lenses, you can save time
by calling me on the phone and I
J will proceed at once to have du
plicates ground, so that you can
have them at the earliest posst
! ble minute. Should you reside in
I another city or town, send the
i frames by mail and I will replace
I the lenses and mail the glasses to
I you promptly.
12 N. Market Square
Second Floor Front
Gives Theater Party
For Eight-Year-Old
Little Janet AVanbaugh was guest
of honor at a Saturday matinee party
at the Majestic Theater, given by
her mother, Mrs. William C. Wan
baugh, 2117 Green street, in cele
bration of her eighth birthday anni
versary. At the close of -tho per
formance refreshments were served
in the Rose grill room to these small
guests: Jane Herr, Janet Keffer,
Sara Angle, Myrtle Cluster, Eloise
Nungesser and Blllie Wanbaugh.
Mrs. William Seaborn and Miss
I Elinor Coplin assisted Mrs. Wan
baugh in caring for the youngsters.
! Queen's Daughters Hold
Annual Card Party
Tho a(nnual card party held by the
Queen's Daughters of Sylvan Heights
Orphanage will be held at the home
Wedncsdav afternoon, April 23.
Those who have the arrangements
in charge are Mrs. George Nolan,
Mrs. Bernard Schmidt, Mrs. T. A.
Bradlev, Mrs. P. Vaughn, Mrs.
Kreidler, Mrs. Harry Kreidler, Mrs.
William Kodenliaver and Miss Mary
Mrs. Corl, of Estherton, entertain
ed informally at h6r home recent
ly in compliment to her husband,
William H. Corl. A buffet supper was
served late in the evening to the fol
lowing guests: Mr. and Mrs. S. S.
Nislev, Mr. and Mrs. Howard, Mr.
and Mrs. Raymond Tritt, Mr. and
Mrs. Earl Bolthaser, Mr. and Mrs.
Ross Fasick and daughter Mildred,
Mr.' and Mrs. John Bentley, Mrs.
James Albright, Mrs. Blanche G.
Casscl, the Misses Emma and Fran
ces Corl. Miss Vivian Beale, Miss
Reba Gingrich, Cyrus Nisley, Mr.
and Mrs. W. H. Corl and Miss Sara
| Corl.
The Wednesday Club Chorus will
hold its regular rehearsal this eve
ning at eight o'clock. The chorus
I is preparing the cantata, "The River
of Stars," by Bowdon for the clos
ing concert, April 22. Airs. Roy G.
Cox will be the soloist. Tito work,
which is singularly beautiful and
dramatic was presented at the an
nual meeting of the National Fed
eration of Alusical Clubs.
Air. and Airs. William T. Hildrup
are removing front their residence,
15 North Front street, to a suite in
the Penn-Harris. Air. and Mrs. Les
ley McCerath and family, of 615
| North Front street, will occupy the
jHoldrup home.
Airs. Andrew C. Scherer, of 1008
North street, happily celebrated her
birthday to-day, eceiving flowers and
good wishes from a host of friends.
Dr. and Airs. William R. Batt are
removing from 2 430 North Second
street to the old Stephen residence
] along the River Road,
j Airs. Francis Jordan Hall, Front
; and Harris streets, is home after a
! pleasure trip to New Y'ork City.
Aliss Susanna Alaguire, a student
I at the Bennett school, Alilbrook, N.
| Y., is spending the spring holidays
with her grandmother, Airs. Henry
D. Boas, 505 North Front street.
Air. and Mrs. Elmer Thompson
went home to New York this morn
ing after a week's stay among rela
tives in this vicinity.
! Mrs. G. H. Grove, of Kittatinny
! street, is spending a few days with
i her brother, l'rofessor G. B. Schad
man, in Washington, P. C.
Aliss Jean Cameron, is home after
a little trip to New York city.
Miss Belle Schwarz a senior nurse
in the Post Graduate Hospital, New
York City, will enter the Sloan Hos
pital for special work, April 1.
Airs. Charles R. Wolfe, of 226 Hum
mel street, Is visiting her daughters,
Mrs. Edward Bltner and Mrs. Lau
rence Dunn, of West Philadelphia
j and Atlantic City.
I Dr. Park Austin Deckard, of 709
! North Third street, has returned from
j Pittsburgh, where he attended a med-
I leal conference held In the William
I Penn Hotel.
Atr. and Mrs. Ross A. Hiekok have
gone to New York to meet their
daughter Aliss Jane Hiekok, a student
of the Westover School. Aliddlebury,
Conn., who will spend the spring va
cation here.
f 1
I Shakespeare's Works, complete, $1; j
World's Best Classics, 10 vols., 12; I
New Bibles at Half Price
M fgsd KB
I' AUHAND'S, 1)25 N. 3rd St. Bell Tel. i
20,000 new, old, rare books, all sub- I
jects; open evenings; books bought |
* J
(* ~
P* *o>
S-° -
MARCH 17, 1919.
A delightful surprise party was
given O. I. Filson, formerly of this
city, at his home. 234 V. street, Wash
ington, L>. C„ by his employes of the
navy yard toolroom. Cards and a
smoker preceded a delightful lunch
eon served by Mrs. Filson, assisted
by Miss Rachel Kline, a former Har
risburg girl. A handsome French
briar pipe and humidore were pre
sented to Mr. Filson by the following
guests: P. I. Harris, J. A. Burns, E.
A. Sheey, S. . Johnson, P. J. Krundke,
11. 11. Murphy, Sergt. Jesse Randolph,
A. I* Michener, of this city, and C. R.
The Colonial Country Club had
the merriest of dinner-dances Sat
urday evening with the Updegrove
orchestra playing. Miss Naomi Ack
ley and L,. C. Owery as soloists.
Everything was suggestive of St.
Patrick's day, from the decorations
to the favors, and there was a large
1 Qn Account of the Rain
j Our Sale of . SO.BB
| Sample Hats at £=
and All Other Advertised
1 Hats
! Special
4 Wednesday _ / JV7V|
| While they last
4 smart trimmed I
( Straw Hats with -L • v_y
| Georgette facing ALL COLORS
C You know the wonderful values we have always of
-5 fered. See these that others sell as high as $5.00
| Society Maid Hat Shops, Inc.
A No. 1 N. Fourth St.
i | Harrisburg, Pa.
|'A Other Stores —New York, Reading, Pa., Wilkes-Barre, Pa.
■ SONORA is remarkable for Ii I
I its beauty and truthfulness |JI
| of reproduction SI 3
rpHE workmanship is of the highest tlli
In -t character —nothing "good enough" is QEg
g B ever permitted to pass the examining in- |HI •
Mi spector. From the bottom tip of the cabinet I®
a legto the last coat of polish on the top, every- |B
H thing that goes to make the Sonora is right. I g
Sonora la Invariably preferred when
| fiESfiIiSSHL heard hi comparison. The Sonora is
j, 9 Biade to a standard and not down
|j to a price. The Sooora through
Sonora baa been, and will continue I
fl KUMTOrHH to be, the first to Introduce impor- B
UIKSinJHB tant improvements that are of value
In the use and in the operation of ijj
1 SSO to SIOOO 11
Call and Utn* d*monUmU to yon why th*Bonoraji taid I
■ to bs 41 Ihc Miyk**i Class Taiktsi Maahim* i to* World. B
<l3 N. Fourth Street B||
9 Sonora la licensed and operates under BASIC PATENTS ■ I
■J of the phonograph industry
Work was begun today on the cor
struction of a large new garage at th<
corner of State and Cameron streets
by C. H. Scandalls. A firm will be in
corporated, it is said and the garag<
knawn as the "Penn-Harris Garage."
Funeral Designs
A Beautiful Spray for $2.00
A Handsome Wreath
for $5.00
Keeney's Flower Shops
811 N. 3d St. 157 X. Front St.
Harrlsburg. Stcclton.