2 INTERESTING NEWS OF TOWNS IN CENTRAL PENNSYLVANIA SENDS MESSAGE TO WHITE HOUSE Escaped Lunatic At Tyrone Files Telegram Stating His Expected Arrival WANTED REVOLVERS Chief of Police of Borough Locked Him Up For Safekeeping Tyrone, Pa., Mar. JS. —An escaped lunatic from the County Home at Hollidaysburg, caused excitement in Tyrone during the past week. He entered several stores and his de mands were absurd. At a sporting goods' store he demanded at least a half dozen revolvers and an equal supply ol hunting knives. The Chief of Police was in the store at the time, and he was immediately taken into custody. One of his stunts was stop ping at the telegraph office and ffling a message to the White House at Washington, stating that he would be there on the next day. Augustus Carling, stationed at Camp Lee, Va., is home for several days, being called here on account of the death of his brother. —Mr. and Mrs. R. F. Bayer and John Bayer, left this week for New York City, where they will at tend the sessions of a wholesale Gro ceryman's Convention, which business they are interested in at this place.— The Rev. and Mrs. George C. Haagen •of Lancaster, were guests during the week of D. H. Haagen of this place. —Lieutenant Robert E. Hobba en route from France to his home in Osceola Mills, stopped in Tyrone a day this week to call on friends.— Charles W. Lilly attached to the Hos pital Corps and located at Staten Is land, N. Y.. spent a week's furlough with his family.—William E. Nevitt, the President of the Local Draft Board has returned from a months trip through the Southern States.— Lieutenant Diemer E. Wasson, of Camp Williams, Maine, spent several days on furlough with his parents here.—Another cut on the Tyrone Di vision of the Pennsylvania Railroad among the working forces makes it apparent that the outlook for this summer indicates a depression in business. As Tyrone is dependent on the railroad for at least two-third 3 of its business, these reductions in force, among the railroad men, will be felt during the remainder of the year. The March cut just announced carries a further reduction of about 25 per cent in the working force on the division, and further, with re gard to hour men, it is announced that the month of March will be a twenty working day month, which will mean several days lay off dur ing the month for this class of labor. —Captain Robert W. Owens, a son of Mrs. Ella R. Owens has been assigned permanently to the Peace Commission at Paris. Young Owens is a graduate of the Law School of the University of Pennsylvania, and was selected for the work involved on account of his special study in the law of damages. 4,000 SPORTSMEN JOIN IN FIGHT [Continued from First Page.] to hunters and fishers, both of whom declare that there is plenty of game there but intimate the move to close the tract is being made to benefit a few individuals. stock Big Preserve Last fail the State Game Com mission located a game preserve in this district, covering about 25,000 acres, stocking it with deer, rabbits and other animals. Many of these, hunters say, have gone farther away and have been seen in Clark's and Powell's Valleys in the tracts which the water company is endeavoring 1o close. In these areas fishers de clare tlie State established big trout runs also, and they have joined in the light to keep the ground open. A survey has been made in Clark's Vailey by the water company and with the options held on the tracts there, should the public road be closed, it would give the firm com plete control of practically all un seated timber land to within a short distance of the State preserve. I.ast Friday the board of viewers met at Millersburg and started their investigation preparatory to report ing to the court the advisability of closing the road. At that session witnesses from all parts of the upper end of the county were present and it was clearly shown that a bitter fight would be waged to keep the timber land open. One of the reasons which was ad vanced against closing the road was that it leads to a cemetery. Persons who have relatives buried there complained that they would be un able to get to the burial grounds with the road closed. Cp in Arms Sportsmen declare they have proof sufficient to convince them that the idea is to shut off the valley from the public so that a few individauls can reap the benefit of the fish and game placed on the State preserve. 11. E. Buffington. of Lvkens. Is taking an active part in the fight and meetings have been held in four of the larger towns in the northern part of the county. Definite plans have already been agreed upon in the campaign, the hunters and fish ers declaring they will make ever* possible effort to retain the right to tramp about in the vast timber area. Allen Budd, a farmer residing far back in Clark's Valley near Tower City, is said to have threatened to dose timber land he owns, and it is reported that if the valley road is closed a wall may be built across it and "no trespass" signs posted along the edge of the entire area. Each year the popularity of the! big retreat in Upper Dauphin is In creasing and more hunting clubs and lodges are being located there. It was pointed out that with the closing of all timber land except the State preserve, the hunters will go elsewhere, the clubs will leave the district, and the State may decide to close the preserve, as the officials will not locate one in a section un less there is an organization of at least 300 members in the vicinity who are outdoor sportsmen. , During the last two years about 9,500 hunters' licenses have been is sued each season in this county, and a large number of these journey to the Clark and Powell Valley re gion to hunt. SATURDAY EVENING. GERMAN WAR CROSS REPRESENTING DISTINGUISHED BRAVERY SENT HOME j When Officer Was Taken Prisoner He Took Off Em j blem and Gone It to His Captor, Believing'He Would i Be 111-Treated If He Con tinued to Wear It Gettysburg, Pa., March 15.—Sam uel Bushman has received a war ! trophy from his nephew, Louis Bush man, who enlisted with the medical detachment of the Fourth United States Infantry when that outfit was here during the summer of 1917, and who is now with the army of occu pation at Plaidt. Germany, which he prizes highly. The souvenir is a sil ver cross, a German decoration for distinguished bravery which is given to officers ranking from captains to colonels. It has the date 1914 en graved upon one side and 18J3 on the other. In a letter received about the same time the soldier says to his uncle, "I am sending you an iron cross which I got from a German soldier some time ago. He had been decorated with the cross for bravery in action against the British in Flan -1 ders. When he was taken prisoner by us in the Argonne he pulled the cross off and handed it to me think ing he would be ill-treated if he continued to wear it or have it in his possession. The cross is of the sec ond class, being worn high on the left side of the chest near the cen ter." This cross has not yet ar rived.—One pf Gettysburg's old land marks is gone. The old AlcConaughy building, for years one of the fore most buildings of the day in town, where practically all of the public events of the community were held, as well as being used as the opera house, has been torn down to make way for a modern structure which will house the plant of the Times Publishing Company.—Misses Helen Cope. Anna Hake, Nellie Blocher and Elizabeth Hummel, and Guile W. Le fevre. of the Gettysburg schools, at tended the Central Pennsylvania Shoolmasters' Association at Harris burg.—Rumor is strong that there will be 5,000 soldiers at Camp Colt by the first of April, but as yet there is no verification of the report.— The missionary pageant "The_ Torch bearers" was given by the Woman's Foreign Missionary Society of the Methodist Church. —Scott White, of McSherrystown, was hit on the head by a duck-pin ball and is now suffer ing from a slight fracture of the skull. He was among a group of spectators at the Gettysburg-Mr- Sherrystown match rolled In the eastern end town when one ot' the Gettysburug players had started to send his third ball in the frame lie was playing down the alley. The pin boy had jumped into the pit and the bowler tried to stop the ball from traveling down the alley and striking the boy, but the ball slipped from his hand and traveled through the air, striking Mr. White, who was dis tant about twenty feet, squarely on the head. —In the auditors report of the Alms House account it is shown that during the past year six hundred and eight-two tramps were furnished lodging and one thousand three hun dred and seventy-two meals were furnished by the steward to these wanderers.—R. W. Taylor, of near Brysohia, suffered a painful injury when he had the first two fingers of his left hand cut off while operating a wood saw at the farm of S. J. Taylor. Both fingers were severed at the second joint. It was while operating the same saw about a year ago that the injured man's son, George P. Taylor, had the first two fingers of his right hand cut off. At that time his father refused to let him run the saw again and com menced operating it himself. —A debt of thirteen hundred dollars remains on the ornamental center of the pub lic square uud the borough council has been asked to assume the debt. The work in the square was done by private citizens and not as a municipal undertaking. First Set of Triplets Born in Upper End Valley Tower City, Pa.. -Alar. 15.—The triplets which recently arrived at the home of Air. and Airs. Walter Powell, are the recipients of many useful gifts. They consist of two girls and one boy and are the first triplets born in this valley.—The Rev. Leo Zook is at tending the annual conference of the Aiethodist Episcopal Church. Be lias been pastor of this charge for a year, and his people desire his return.—Airs. Zook is visiting her parents, at Kings ton. —N. F. Jones is slowly recovering from a severe illness. His grand daughter, Aliss Ida Alae Dondo, a stu dent nurse, is still attending him.— Mrs. Beulah Really enjoyed a few days shopping at Philadelphia. Charles Henry and family spent the weekend in Pottsville.—Airs. Robert Schope and cousin. Aliss Ruth Zimmerman, of Sha mokin. were visitors to friends here.— The W. C. T. U. held a meeting at the home of Mrs. William Smith on Tuesday evening.-r-The Farent-Tcacher Associa tion will hold its regular monthly meeting Aiarch 21. Prof. Jones is preparing the grammar school pupils for a musical entertainment at the meeting.—The Helping Hand Men's Bible Class of the United Episcopal Church held a business meeting at the home of Harry Houtz. It was well attended and much enjoyed by all present.—Tuesday was semi-monthly pay day at Brookside Collieries. The colliery Was idle two days during week. Stolen Auto Balks For Thieves at Millersburg Millers burg, Pa., Mar. 15.—Thieves entered the garage of J. 11. Klingman on Tuesday night, and stole his auto mobile and several extra tires. How ever the machine balked in the hands of the robbers at the Ferry, where they abandoned it and where it was found on Wednesday morning. This is the first attempt of automobile thieves in Millersburg.—Arthur Dressier has re turned fro mtlie Ilarrisburg Hospital where he was successfully operated upon.—Mr. and Mrs. Frank Meek, Front Street, announce the birth of a son, Richard Franklin Meek, March 10. Mr. Meek is a letter carrier at the Millersburg Post Office and the birth of his son marks the third child bom to Millersburg Post Office em ployes within the past two months, the other two lieing a daughter to Rural Carrier, H. X. Miller, and a son to Postmaster, C. W. Uubendale. —Howard ICepner who moved to Philadelphia several years ago has returned back to his old home occu pying his property in Union Street, —J. Arthur Sehlichter, of Philadel phia. a noted Gospel worker will talk in the United Brethern Chureii, to morrow at 2.30, his subject will be "Life Worth Living," and at 7.30. "The Prodigal. These services will be held under the auspices of the Win One Bible Class of the Church. Dr. Frederick C. Smith to Practice at Philadelphia | Halifax. Pa., March 15.—Dr. Fred erick C. Smith, formerly of Halifax, has purchased a residence at 6217 ' Haverford avenue, Philadelphia, und will shortly open up offices for the practice of his medical profession. Dr. Smith lias just been commissioned a' medical inspector of the Schools of Philadelphia.—John H. Shaffer, of Lykens, spent Sunday as the guest of j Mr. and Mrs. Henry Matter.—James W. Nelson, of Palmyra, spent the j week-end at the home of his sister, | Mrs. Carrie C. Lebo.—Peter Lebo spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and I Mrs. Grant Lenker, at Enterline.— Mrs. Lydia Bowman and granddaugh ter, Miss Ruth Bowman, are visiting friends at Harrisburg.—Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Ingle are visiting friends !at Elizabethville. Mrs. Amanda Rummel is ill.—Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Snyder, of Elizabethville, were en tertained at the home of Mrs. Llllie Snyder on Tuesday.—Mrs. George Fickes, of Steelton, spent several days at the home of her mother, Mrs. Daniel Miller, on Fourth street. — Mrs. L. C. Landermilch and daughter, Marlon Loudermilch were visitors at Harrisburg and Steelton this week. —Myles Matter spent Saturday at Harrisburg and Steelton.—William Tobias, of Millersburg, spent Sunday at the home of his mother, Mrs. George Tobias in Church street.—Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Feehner and Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Sheesley and daughter, Grace Sheesley, of Harrisburg. spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Knaft.—Earle Bordner, of Millersburg, who was severely wound ed in France and who is now receiv ing treatment at the Carlisle Hos pital and W. J. Bordner and Mrs. Earle Bordner and baby, of Millers burg, spent Sunday at the Knauff home.—Mr. and Mrs. Claude Ryan and son, of Steelton, spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Gem terling in South Fourth street. —Mrs. Sadie Eslenmeger and daughter, Su san, of Harrisburg, spent Sunday at the home of the fdrmers mother, Mrs. Hiram Fetterhoff.—Charles Cooper, of Heckton, was the guest of his par lents, Mr. and Mrs. George Cooper, over Sunday.—Mrs. Daniel Caesnitz and Maude and Irene Bowers were at Millersburg on Saturday.—Miss. I Marie Grier, of Matamoras, spent sev | c-ral days at the home of her grand | mother, Mrs. Mary Peters.—Harvey i P. Baker, of Harrisburg, spent part ; of the week at the home of his grand parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. C. Wolfgang. • —C. C. Sweigard was a visitor at Harrisburg on Monday.—Mrs. Martha Hoffman and daughter, Mrs. Elias Flowres, of Steelton, were guests of their aunt, Emma Bailetts on Tues day—The Rev. William Beach, of Middletown. was in town on Monday, the guest of friends.—Mrs. Annie Kil linger was at Harrisburg on Monday. —Robert Miller, of Harrisburg was a visitor at the home of John Helt over Sunday.—Miss Frances Fry visit ed her parents, Mr. and Mrs. G. W. j Fry at Millersburg on Sunday. Women of Presbyterian Church Organize Guild N'ewville, Pa., March 15.—A Westminster Guild was organized at the home of Miss Ella McCul lough, in Parsonage street, on Mon day evening by the young women of the Presbyterian Church. Mrs. J. S. Omwa'ke and Miss Duncan of j Shippensburg, were present, and ex j plained how the guild was con j ducted. The following officers were ! elected: President, Mary Mickey; i vice-president. Mabel McCuilough; [secretary, Mary Jane Laughlin; , treasurer, Charlotte Stacy; patron ; nesses, Mrs. J. p. Elliott' and Miss : Mary MeCachron. Dainty refresh- I ments were served. —The Rev. Dr. Armstrong, of Blairstown, X. J.. will occupy the pulpit at the Big Spring Presbyterian Church tomorrow, and will explain the movement of the first new era victory fund campaign of the church. An every member canvass of the congregation will be | made on the afternoon of Sunday, j March 23, between the hours of 2 and 5 o'clock. Miss Annie Greaver J is visiting her sister, Mrs. Jessie Kil- I lian, at Philadelphia.—Mr. and Mrs. j Uarber Williams and son, of Harris burg, spent several days with Mrs. Williams' parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wil liam llarman—Miss Margaret Kerr was a recent Harrisburg visitor. Francis Deriek, of New York, spent some time with his parents, Post master and Mrs. F. A. Derick.—Miss Helen Elliott, of Philadelphia, is vis iting her sister, Mrs. Annie Hays. Yanks Keep Tabs on the Old German Army t'oblcnz. March 15. —The intelli gence section of the American Army continues to keep strict watch of the movements of the German army and will continue to do so until the American Army of Occupation leaves the Rhineland for home af-1 ter the signing of the peace treaty. Recent reports to the Americans' holding the Coblenz bridgehead | are to the effect that the few; units of the old German standing' army which were performing any active service early in February appeared to have been reorganized on a uniform plan. The majority of these troops, information in the hands of the Americans indicate, are simply drawing pay and pass ing the time the best way possible in their home, depots, patiently up their minds to remain in service awaiting discharge or having made in preference to seeking employ ment in civil life. Member of Co. D., 112 th Regt in Carlisle Hospital Among the. returned wounded sol diers at the United States General Army Hospital, No. 31, at Carlisle, is .Leroy B. Albright, of 1422 Derry street, Harrisburg. who is suffering with a wounded left leg, from a machine gun bullet. He Is recovering rapidly, how ever, and expects soon to he mustered out and return home. Four weeks ago he landed at Iloboken on the steam ship Manchuria, and was sent direct to* Carlisle. Private Albright did duty at Chateau Thierry and In the Second battle of the Marne. He was a memk her of Headquarters Company, One Hundred and Twelfth Infantry, Twenty- Eighth Division and also saw Mexican border service as a member of Com pany D, N. G. P., Eighth Regiment. HABBISBURG TELEGRAPH: LODGE MEMBERS AT PASTGRANDS Odd Fellows of Mount Wolf Go to York For Import tant Joint Meeting MISSIONARY CONFERENCE Society of St. John's Church Makes Plans for May Cqnference Mount Wolf, Pa., March 15.—A party of members of Mount Wolf Lodge, No. 1190, I. O. O. F„ went to York on Tuesday night to attend a joint meeting of the York County Past Grands' Association and of the Grand Lodge of Pennsylvania held in connection with the meeting of Har monica Lodge. Those to attend the session were: Edwin A. Greimau, J. F. Baser, H. B. Hoff, Robert Fitzkee, David ltodes, Charles Deardorff, Har vey Rolirbaugh, and Charles Brown. —• At a meeting of tiie Woman's Home and Foreign Mssiouary society of St. John's Lutheran Congregation, held OIL Tuesday night, the coming conference to tie held in May was discussed. —Mr. and Mrs. George Wolf, Jolm Blessing, Herman Greimau, Misses Sarah Dielil i and Margaret ltodes composed a re i cent party to Harrisburg.—William ! Ketterman, of lluUuin, was a recent guest at the home of Dr. and Mrs. L. V. Williams.—Mr. and Mrs. Wil liam Brown and family, of York, were entertained this week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Fitzkee. —Mrs. George Hoff, of York, was a recent guest at the home ot' Mr. and Mrs. William D. Lincbaugh.—Miss Miriam Bailey has returned from York, where she visited friends. —The Misses Florence. Louise and Kath ryu Beck, of Gladfelter Station, were ; entertained at tlie homo of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Arnold, recently.—The sum of $l2B was realized at the chicken and waffle and oyster supper held in the K. G. E. hall.' under the auspices of the Mount Wolf Fire Company. Linglestown Seniors to Hold St. Patrick's Bazar Linglestown, Pa.. March 15.'—The j Senior class of the Linglestown High I School will hold a St. Patrick's ba nr in the school building this even | ing. There will be ice cream, cakes, j candies and soft drinks on sale and i piano and violin music will be furn ! ished at intervals all evening.—Mrs. Stephen Shutt called on her sister. Mrs. David Felty on Wednesday.— Mrs. Wilson George and daughter, Catherine, visited her mother, Mrs, John Grove at Progress.—There will be church services on Sunday morn ing in the United Brethren Church by the Rev. L. D. Gottschall and in the evening in the Church of God by the Rev. James Wagner.—Mrs. Fleck Mixell and Miss Ethel Feeser, of Hainton, were recent visitors with 1 friends here.—Mrs. M. E. Parsels ' went to Philadelphia on Saturday of ' ast week to spend some time with j her sister. —Mrs. Elizabeth Balthaser of* Palmyra and Miss Susan Alcll henny, of Harrisburg, spent Thurs day with their sister, Mrs. Annie Smith. —Robert Brown, Mrs. Harry Schauer, daughter Eleanor and son John, motored to the home of John Schauer on Wednesdoy.—Corporal F. I M. Balsbaugh, of Camp Meade, and ! Mrs. Balsbaugh and Miss Mabel j Feeser. of Hershey. spent the week | end with Mrs. Carrie G. Feeser. — \ Mrs. David Felty spent Thursday at i Harrisburg.—Miss Pauline Reilly was 'the guest of Miss Katie Felty on Thursday last. —Mrs. Amos Lingle, of Pleasant View, spent Thursday at the home of her sister, Mrs. Austin Schauer. —Mrs. John Crum and Mrs. John Fox were guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Raber at Sheesleytown on Tuesday.—Mr. and Mrs. George Mcllhenny. of Harris burg, were guests at the home of tho former's sister, Mrs. Annie Smith.—Mr. and Mrs. Robert Koons and daughter Anna, of Harrisburg, are spending a few days at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Koons.— Paul Kreider, of Lemoyne, Miss Pearl Kaufman, of Camp Hill, Mrs. Charles Shambaugh and Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Shambaugh, pf Harris burg, were guests of Air. and Mrs. Peter Mixell on Thursday.—Miss Eliza Buck was the guest of Airs. I Gertrude Xissley at Progress on ! Wednesday.—Airs. John Buck and j daughter Ruth, of Harrisburg, spent I Thursday at the home of the for ! mer's parents, Mr. and Airs. Elmer I Daniels. Raising Funds For July Convention of Red Men York Haven, Pa., March 15.— G. C. Koch, Ralph Fackler, Charles Snel baker, J. W. Clemens and H. E. Arn old have been appointed members of a committee to raise funds for Sus quehannock tribe. No. 420, Improved Order Redrnen, for the approaching York-Adams county convention to be held next July at New Oxford. The local tribe proposes taking a large delegation and a band to the con vention. —Owing to the absence of a quorum the council of St. Paul's Lu theran Church on Tuesday night, failed to take action on the resigna tion of the Rev. Reuben Stare. — Charles Stevens, 12 years old, a son of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Stevens, sus tained a painful injury several days ago, when he sat in an open pocket knife. It required four stiches to close the wound. —Mrs. William Bow ers returned from York, where she had visited relatives.—Mrs. Lee Hot ter and son, William, of Harrisburg, were entertained recently at the home of Mrs. Mary Clemens.—Mr, and Mrs. Park Bender, of Malvern, returned home, after a few days visit with the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Kephart.—Karl Kehoe, of York, visit ed his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Emanuel Shepp, over the week-end. —Mr. and Mrs. Oliver H. Emigh, of Westminster, Md„ spent several days with the latter's sister, Mrs. John Fetrow. Walter Cassel, of New Brunswick, N. J., spent the week-end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wil liam Cassel. —Mrs. Grace Jcnning, of York, a trained nurse, was entertained recently at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Jennings.—Mr. and Mrs. Michael Myers, of Harris burg, spent several days with Mr. _3,nd Mrs. Harry E, Arnold DEATH SENTENCE FOR COTTIN, WHO SHOT CLEMENCEAU Verdict of Court-Martial Is Unanimous, Says Dis patch From Paris By .Associated Press. Paris, March 15.—Emile Cottip, the anarchist who recently made an at tempt upon the life of Premier George Clemenceau, was today sentenced to death by the court martial which was trying him. The verdict of the court martial was unanimous. Cottgn first conceived the idea ot shooting the premier in May, 1918, according to an official record read at the court martial. In May, 1918, the employes of aviation factories were on strike. Cottin practiced shooting after that, it was read. Fired Seven Shots When the court martial opened the clerk read the report describing the attempt on the premier. The report showed that Cottin fired twice with out moving and then fired flwe times while running behind the automo bile which he was so close that one witness believed he had jumped on the rear of tiie car,. It was shown that Cottin aimed at the seat in which Premier Clemenceau was sitting and fired so accurately that two bullets almost touched. "Rarely has a crime," says the re port, "been accomplished with more sustained premeditation, more ma lure design, and more emplacible te nacity with a certainty of method which it seemed would infallibly lead to a fatal result." Cottin is described in the report as primitive, vain and conceited and believing himself omniscient. He was üble'to earn thirty-seven francs a day easily, yet finding society badly organized, was desirous of destroy ing everything. The document gives expert medical opinion unreservedly holding Cottin responsible for his ac tions. Deaths and Funerals MRS. ANNA P. I,Ell MAN Mrs. Annie C. Lehman, aged 50 i'eaf*., wife of A. R. Lehman, died Thursday noon at her home, 54 Balm street. is survived bv her hus band and a daughter, Emit Lehman. Funeral services will lie held on Mon day afternoon, from her late resi dence, at 2 o'clock, conducted bv the Rev. J. A. loter, pastor of Gerry Street I* 1!. Church, of which she was a consistent member. MltS. ANNA K. ZEIGI.ER Mrs. Anna E. Zeigler, 80, died early this morning at the home of her son, A. W. Zeigler, 534 Curtin street. Mrs. Zeigler was the widow of Henry s. Zeigler. She is survived by five sons. If' !?•, Zeigler, of Newport; George C. Zeigler, of Florida; Amos \V. Zeigler, John M. Zeigler and Charles Zeigler, of Harrisburg; two brothers and three sisters. F'uneFal services will be held Tuesday evening, at 7:30 o'clock, the Rev. Clayton 11. Ranek, pastor of St. John's Reformed Church, officiating. Burial will be made at Newport, Wednesday morning, where the bodv will be taken by Hoover and Son, undertakers. Mns. JENME MCGREGOR Alrsi Jennie McGregor, aged 73 years, wife of James McGregor, died early this morning at her home. stB Forrest street. Funeral services will be held Tuesday afternoon, at 1 '.'lo o'clock, the Rev. J, IT. Mortimer, pas tor of tlie Camp Curtin Memorial Methodist Church, officiating. Burial will be made In the Paxtang Ceme tery. Mrs. McGregor was an active member of the Camp Curtin Church. Hilt IVES ON TIIE MEHCy Mrs. William J. Tate. 1629 Swatarft street, has just received word of the sate at rival of her husband on the 17. S. S Mercy. Mr. Tate was severely mustard gassed last September in the battle of Argonne Forest. lie is a member of Company B, One Hundred and Third Engineers, and is now at Camp Merrltt, New Jersey, waiting to be discharged. RACING CAB DRIVER DEAD t'offe.vvllie, Kas., March 15. Chas. Shaffstall, a motor car racer, died at his home here Wednesday of post influenza pneumonia. Home to Battle Front and Home Again in 4 Months J StHr v. '.y • ' jfe,." A. RAYMOND PARKER Front Harrisburg to the front line trenches in France and back again in four months' time is the record of A. Raymond Parker, of this city. Parker left here on September 5 to onter the service. He was con nected with the ambulance corps of the Ninety-tirst Division, and it wasn't long until he landed in France. This put him up toward the front line in ghort order, but his term of duty was not to be of long duration. During one of his trips to the rear with three wound ed men, a shell burst close by de stroying his ambulance, killing the three wounded men. his helper and two stretcher bearers, Parker being the only one to come out alive. He woke up in a base hospital some time after the accident to learn that one of his arms und four ribs were broken as a result of the bursting shell. January 5, just four months after he left to enter the service, he landed back in this country, was discharged, and has now resumed his place in civilian life by taking up his former duties in Fred B. Harry's hat store in North Third street. Five Generations of Keller Family Wrlglitsvillr. Pa., Mar. 15.—Tn the above picture, Mr. and Mrs. Nathaniel Keller, and their daughter, Mrs. George Sowers, are seated in the front row, Mrs. Filmore Mutzabaugh, is at the upper left. Mrs. Keller is j holding her great-great-granddaugh ter, Dorothy Pheba Mutzabaugh. | Prince Obolensky Says Former Czar and Wife Still Live in Russia By Associated Press. Homo. March 15.—According to I an interview with Stel'ania Turr, a 1 daughter of a noted Hungarian gen- ; eral, printed to-day in the Giornale j IVltalia, the belief still exists that i Emperor Nicholas and his wife, as I well as some of the Russian grand j dukes, were not put to death by the Bolsheviki. The interview Quotes a conversa- | tion between Miss Turr and Prince , Obolensky, former captain of the. Russian imperial guard, in which : the prince expressed his itrm be- 1 lief that the Russian royal family [ is still alive, lie is reported to have ; refused to give tiny details as to I the basis for his belief, except that the former emperor and einprcsts were "perhaps hidden in Northern j Russia." PRESIDENT BUSY AT PARIS CONFERENCE [Continued from First Page.] ;of Nations has brought responses j from Switzerland, Holland. Denmark, i Norway and ijweden. These coun tries have forwarded statements on their views to the secretary of the j conference. Paris. March 15.—A subcommis- ] sion of the commission on responsi- j bility for the war reported yesterday j that, strictly and technically, crim- j j inal prosecutions of those who j j brought about the struggle were | "anomalous and unnecessary," ac ! cording to an official communique i issued this evening. The report add i ed, however, that the Peace Con ference "might adopt special meas ures and even create special ma j chinery to deal with those who plun i ned the war." I The subcommission received evi i dence which clearly analyzed the j facts relative to the origin of the conilict, it was stated. Another subcommission which has dealt with violations of the laws and | customs of war also submitted its i report and proposed that the powers I | should establish a high tribunal ; i which "should not, in the exercise !of its criminal jurisdiction, be ] | blocked by considerations of rank." i I The commission, it was anuounc- < 1 ed, is ' considering these reports. Lutherans Begin Drive to Aid Dependants by Means of Liberty Bonds By Associated Press \,*w i ork, March 1 ■>. I.utherans , in the United States, it was announc ed here to-day have undertaken u I campaign to raise 3,000,000 or more j for the support of superannuated ministers, professors, teachers and I their dependents by means of I.iberty I Bond gifts. It is estimated that members of | the denomination possess about s*>•",- ; 000.000 worth of bonds and the aim ! of the project is to obtain bond do . nations which are to be deposited in ! an endowment fund and the income j used only in Hie work of relief. Greeks Accuse Peace Delegates of Being on Payroll of Huns Sstonikl, March 15. Greek news papers here declare they have au thentic information that Ilal id J asha, a member of ore of the delegations sent to Paris to present Albania's claims at the peace conference assist ed in 1915, to organize a unit of Turkish volunteers which was turn ed over to General Von Sanders, the German commander of the Turkish army. It is said he still receives a, ■ pension as a retired Turkish perfect ' and that lie lias maintained close re lations with leaders of the loimg | Turks. I STRIKERS SUFFER HUNGER By Associated Press. Troy, N. Y., March 15. Textile i workers in Cohoes, who have been idle for two months or more as a re sult of the controversy over the eight-hour day schedule, are suffer ing from hunger and overwhelming the Department of Charities of that city. COVGIIKSSMA N Jft'ltT Riverside, Cal., Mich 15.—Repre sentative. William Kettner, of San Diego, and Daniel J. Riordan, of New York, and Mrs. Riordan were injured on March viation lield near hero yesterday, wlicn the automo bile in which they and Mrs. Kettner were riding skidded and turned over. A JOB FOR SWAGAR S HEREBY Washington, March 15. Swagar House appropriation committee, has been appointed director 'of finance for the Railroad Administration and Will take charge about April 1. He | sucoceds John Skelton Williams. MEN'S MASS MEETING l.rmoyne—The men's mass meeting in the Grace United Evangelical church, Sunday afternoon at 3 o'clock. Will be addressed by W. G. Heen. Special music by male chorus under the direction of Professor R. W. Saw ,, J'er. MARCH 15, 1919. Mr. Keller was born in Windsor town ship, York County, and has Just cele brated his seventy-fourth birlhda> Ho was married in 1863 to Anni Fauth, and seven children blessed th union. He is a retired farmer, an "puts in the time" at the Independ ent Wire and Lamp Company, Yorl Germany Ready to Surrender Her Fleet in Return For Food Berlin. March 15.—Under Sec- I rotary of State Von Braiin, be fore leaving Berlin with the Ger- I man commission to participate in | the conference at Brussels re- j garding tile turning over by Ger many of Iter mercantile fleet and 1 securities in exchange for food, received the correspondent and informed hiin (hut Germany was prepared to liegin immediately the surrender of her entire fleet and conclude an agreement cov ering the other conditions In re turn for a definite agreement specifying the amount of food dc livereablc until the next harvest, the price and conditions of pay ment for it. WELLS' ATTACK SHOWN A TRICK [Continued front First Page.] minds of the other taxpayers in the county because it is only natural that other property owners upon glancing at such a statement can be easily misled when the actual facts of the case are not given. "Judge McCarrell's farm in Wayne township is untenanted and has been for years. The buildings are little more than ruins and the place has not ben rented for years. It lies far back in the valley and when the assessor in the district says he wouldn't take is as a gift one can readily see that it not worth even $9OO, the assessed valuation. Willing to Sell "My tract is assessed at $5OO, con sisting of 100 acres. X will sell it for that if X could get that much, but I am positive X can't. Why didn't Wells make a move to in crease the valuations and let the other officials decide'.' He says he hasn't the initiative to act because he is in the minorty'f Is his only duty that of sitting around and looking on then, or merely drawing his pay as a Commissioner'.' Let j him investigate, be fair and truth ful about facts and together with I the other Commissioners show the public what these properties are: worth. 1 want the Commissioners to | take -action in this case, hold a spe cial meeting and call any witnesses they choose. X do not want Wells to make statements about low as sessments of properties 1 or Judge McCarrell own and thus mislead the public into thinking that it is be cause of influence with assessors. Scores of persons acquainted ,with both tract are willing to tell what they are woith and J feel sure that, their estimates will be even lower than the assessments." Can't Give It Away Other county officials who have attended sessions of the board of re vision declare that frequently when important questions about assess ments are presented for considcra : tion and action Wells has left the ! room. At the meeting the other day | when mention was made of the vul l nations in the two tracts in ques ' tion, assessors told the County Com missioners that they were positive the valuations were not too high. One of them when asked if he would take Judge McCarrell's farm as a gift replied: "1 wouldn't want it." The fact that it has been un tenanted and the ground untilled lor years is well known, especially in that section of the county, and other property owners there said they have not been mislead by reports that the assessments ore too low. Some of them told the County Com missioners they wouldn't accept the farm if given to them. Many of Judge McCarrell's friends sharply criticised Wells' statements about the farm assessment, char acterizing them as decidedly unfair to the jurist, who is at present con lined to his home. A largo number ot' them only dridiculed the intima tion that the property is underas sessed as they know its location and. condition. Private Goudy Returns Home From U. S. Hospital C Goudy, 27 Forest street, who went to Camp Hancock with Company l>, of the old Kighth Regiment, and who was trasferred to the supply company of the One Hundred and Twelfth Infantry, to-day returned heme from the ■ Carlisle Army Hos pital with a limited discharge. He is the first man to bo discharged from the hospital. Private Goudy was taken ill with spinal menengitis at Camp Hancock, from which he has only just recover ed. DAY and NIGHT SCHOOL I Open All Year. Enter Any Time. Individual Promotion. „ BECKLEY'S BUSINESS COLLEGE 121 MARKET ST. B Bell 125 (Opp. Senate) Dial 401* TRAVER ESTATE PROPERTY SOLE^ Executor Disposes of Mecliaiv icsburg Holdings of Late Mrs. Mary Travel's TRINITY S. S. OFFICERS Plans Made For Fiftieth Anni versary By Integrity Council Mecliuiiicsburg, p a „ Mar. 15. Among the recent property sales is this place are the following real estate of the late Mrs. Mary Kline Traver, which was sold by the executor. Jacot K. Kline at public sale; frame propertj located on the corner of South York and West Keller street, occupied in part by A. li. Brubaker. sold to A. Ft. Itrubaker for the sum of 52,340. Mrs. A iolet Lee Conrad purchased the prop erty on South Washington street foi the Sum of $2,013, and the property on South York street was sold for the sum of sl,tlo to Christian Iless.—The following otllcers of the Trinity Luth eran Sunday School were elected for the ensuing year Superintendent, H. H, Mercer; assistant superintendent, Ueorgc B. Hoover; secretary, R. Wilson j Hurst and treasurer, Jacob V. Weber. These oilicers will appoint the subor dinate officers of the school.—Plans were made by integrity Council, No. 197, Order United American Mechanics, at a meeting on Monday evening to celebrate the fiftieth anniversary of the organization oil Tuesday evening, March 18. In order to further the plans, the following were appointed an a committee D. J. Beitzel, H. A, Schriver and W. H. Beitzel.—The Rev. and Mrs. Heisler, and daughter. Miss I Lester, of Harrisburg, arrived on Tues i day at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. Will | Brandt, South Market street, witli | whom they will live in the future. The j Rev. Mr. Heisler, a retired Lutheran l minister, who is in ill health, is the I father of Mrs. Brandt.—Little Miss i Edith Forney, aged 3 years, daughter j of Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Forney ,is re covering from illness.—Mrs. William \\ liite. of Harrisburg, was the guest jof her mother. Mrs. Ella. Adams, South j Market street, on Tuesday.—Mrs. J. | IC. B. Brandt is ill at lier home in i South Market street and Mr. Brandt j is suffering with a finger on his right j hand, which was crushed in tho press |at his printing office.—Miss Laura | Westhafer celebrated her birthday an | niversary at her home in West Main i street on Tuesday. A number of friends j called to extend congratulations.—Miss Carrie King and Miss Romaine King, of blast Locust street, spent Tuesday at Carlisle.—Mrs. Samuel C. Plough spent Tuesday at Newvtjlle with rela tives.—Mrs. J. Harry Berkheimer en tertained the Sunday School class in the Methodist Episcopal Church, of which she is a member, at her home in South Market street on Thursday evening. Miss Anna Brownawell is tho teacher. —The Rev. D. L. Kepner, pastor of Grace Flvangelical Church, was return ed to his charge in this place at the recent conference held in Baltimore, Md.—Mrs. Clarence H. Stein, and young son. Louis, left for their home at C