Cumberland. Valleu News OPPOSE REPEAL OF SUNDAY LAWS Ministerial As sociation Sends Representa tive to Committee Meeting *S ajiuH-Tslwrff. Pa., March 14. v<imbersburg's Ministerial* Assoeia -1,112, representing fourteen congre gations here, at a special meeting Yesterday afternoon, adopted a reso lution opposing the three bills now l before the legislature proposing the repeal of the present Sunday laws, the legalizing of Sunday tishing and of concerts and moving picture shows. The Rev. Dr. 1.. Walter J.utz, pastor fo the First United brethren Church here, was chosen a the association as its represen tative to appear before the House udioiary committee at the public hearing on the Rorke bill, propos ing legalizing of Sunday concerts and motion picture shows, to be held on Wednesday. March 19. at Harris burg. • The pastors of all churches, throughout the country have been called upon to present a resolution similar to that of the ministerial and men's Itible classes and to tor ward such resolutions to F. S. Ma gill or L. F. Benchoff. Franklin county's representatives in the House. YOUTHS EN'UST IN NAVY Cltanibersbiirg. Pa., March 11.— Henry Aughinbaugh and William i tvercash, of Chalnbersburg. have .iust returned from Baltimore. Mil., j where they enlisted in the United, States Navy and were sworn in four years' service. Aughinbaugh enlist ed as a radio operator and Over ash as a hospital apprentice. They will report for duty at Hampton Roads. Ya., on next Wednesday. About a year ago Aughinbaugh and his twin brother, Charles, got into the limelight when they went to Harrisburg, and. although only tif teen years old. succeeded in enlist- j ing in the Army. Before they had J left Harrisburg for Columbus Bar racks, Ohio, however, their father cot in touch with the recruiting of ficers and had their enlistment an nulled and brought the lads back home. Aughinbaugh this time hud the consent of his parents to his en listment in the Navy. ENTERTAIN S FOB VISITOR Mercers burg. Pa., March 14. —Miss .lennie Jordan entertained at dinner in honor of Miss Daisy Dugdare, of Waynesboro, Va., who is spending some time with her cousin M.iss Mary McFarland. Miss Margurcita McDowell, daugli- j ter of Robert McDowell, of Remas ter. has been operated upon for ap pendicitis at the Harrisburg Hospi tal. Hayes McClelland is seriously ill at the home of his daughter, Mrs. James 1.. Walker. Mr. McClelland is a veteran of the Civil War. Miss Alice Smith is crlcically ill at her home in West Seminary street with an attack of appendicitis. Miss Smith refuses to have an operation performed and consequently her re covery is doubtful. RECENT DEATHS Shippensburg, Pa., March 14.—D. C. Slos, editor of the Chronicle, died from pneumonia. Funeral services were held to-day. He was 4 9 years old and is survived by his wj#- and three children. Frank Warren died at liis home at Middlespring. He was 23 years old. Death was due to pneumonia as a result of influenza. W. A. Railing died at his home near town. About two years ago he was a victim of an automobile acci dent and death came as a result. lie suffered from a broken spine. SOI 1) PITJJCT FOR So Waynesboro. Pa., March 14.—Cel. "Bert" Adams, the auctioneer, who found a half pound egg under one of his pullets the other day and paraded the big find in a store win dow and in the newspapers—only to learn next day that "Vic" Mc-. Kelvey. his tenant, had laid the egg in the nest and that it was an hon est-to-goodness goose egg—gets back on the fellows who are guying him about it by telling that he has sold the puliet for $3, all due to the ad vertisement he got. CIVIL' WAR VETERAN ILL Chambcrsburg, Pa., March 14. — Two Civil War veterans died here within the past two weeks and two others are seriously ill at their homes here. James H. Aughinbaugh died last week and Frances W. Day, on Wednesday. Joseph Martin, who recently celebrated his eighty-ninth birthday has been ill for some time and his condition is critical, anil Duncan Little, another veteran, is suffering with illness which it is fear ed will cause his death. MRS. ELIZABETH SWISHER DIES Chambcrsburg. Pa.. March 14. — Mrs. Elizabeth S. Swisher, wife of Grafton M. Swisher, former chief of police here, died at her home on Wednesday night, aged 58 years She is survived by one son and four daughters, all residing here except one daughter. Miss Ruth Swisher, who is private nurse to Mrs. Francis R. Say re. Miss Swisher was in at icndance upon Mrs. ' Sayre when Woodrow "Wilson Sayre. the Presi dent's latest grandson, was born at the Jefferson Hospital, in Pliila phia. "NOON TRAIN" RESTORED Chambcrsburg, Pa., March 14. Announcement was made here to day by officials of the Cumberland- Valley Railroad that the "noon trains," which were annulled more than a year ago because of the con gested traffic on tho road, will be restored on Sunday, March 23, when a new schedule goes into ef feot. The Waynesboro branch will' not get hack its noon trains but night trains will be put' on between 1 hambersburg and that place. BIG SHIPMENT OF TRAITORS Waynesboro, Pa.. Maroh 14. — Frick Company made a big shipment of farm tractors to Lincoln. Neb., consigned to the conVpany's western distribution agents, who cover the territory west of the. Mississippi riier. There were forty tractors or ten car loads in the shipment. TWIN GIRLS' GOOD RECORD Chambcrsburg. Pa.. March 14.—• Mary and Kathcrine Gelwicks. twin daughters of Mr and Mrs. 'Frank GehrMks. of Chamber#!have a Msaerkable recor-f !• attendance at schAV "**- six years they .♦"*s "' .very Sunday. They "X*- _g*rnrs of age. rCEW KNITTING MILL •Vilnponsbiirg Pa . March 14.—A „*-w knitting mi" will start opera tic-* ir Shippr-shu-e Monday. The mill will lie under the management of Worley and Thrush. riHDAY EVENING. EIGHT-HOUR DAY ! FIXED BY BOARD * C Five Chambcrsburg Corpora-; 1 tions Will Have Much Back Pay lo (live Employes Chambcrsburg. Pa., March 14. j The National War Labor Board has sent u decision here to the effect until June 1 next at least the mint ■ nium wages per hour in practically | all the local industries shall be 40 cents fur all males o\er 2 1 years and with an 8-hour day. This is the • same award made In the Waynes- j : boro appeal about a year ago. The action taken follows a strike by the ! men of the Wolf Company last sum- ' mer and affects mainly that com pany. Wood Sons Company. Engi . peering Company, Foundry and Ma chine Company and E. C. Hater! .Company, The award is retroactive : to August 20 and the back pay it is • estimated will exceed $50,00(5, of • which amount Wotf Company flour mill machinery makers, will have to pay $20,000. 52 New Members Jein • Chambersburg Motor Club; Waynesboro. Pa. March 14.—At' • the meeting of the local Motor Club there was a large attendance and ' j fifty-two new members were admit-! ( ted. H. H. Harmony was appointed ■ secretary vice H. K. Finney, who is j I moving from the city. The road Com-1 Jmittee reported that from advices received from the State Highway Department, the final surveys on tho Qttiney road, from Waynesboro to ■ the I.'incoln highway it Fayetteville. j .would be made within the next fort-. J night and contracts would be let and work begun on the Waynesboro end • 'in April. The road will be made; jointly by the State, county and • j townships on the "fifty-fifty" plan., i About $25,000 of the State fund due; the county will be applied to this im- ; i provement. The club has heartily endorsed the hill before the Regis-! 'attire requiring horse-drawn ve hicles to be equipped with lights. l the same as motor \chicles. DINNER FOR COUNCIL Waynesboro. Pa., March 14. Dr. and Mrs. J. N. Francis surpris ed the Lutheran council. Wednes day evening by entertaining the members at a sumptuous 6 o'clock' • dinneK Following the feast a imsi-! ness session was held at which s3uo | , ol" the surplus in the benevolent ; I fund was voted for church restora-j tion in Europe. I Icy Hot March I T , - T - T w 49 I March Moth-Proof Bags at Cut*Prkes £jYjY£2) A? ' ,5* hr jg ' kennedys Patent Medicines and Foods Toilet Preparations kenned™ A $l.OO Swamp Root 72c $3.75 Horlick's Malted Milk $2.78 Tablets De Meridor Cream 34c Mary Garden Face Powder 78c . t 85c Jads Salt 53c $3.75 Borden's Malted Milk $2.78 /Q. Hind's Honey and Almond Cream. .37c Laßlache Face Powder 43c Sl.lO Mile's Nervine 78c $1.25 Imperial Granum 87c O/C Frostilla. 19c Mavis Face Powder 39c Sl.OO Yinol 79c $3.75 Eskay's Food $2.79 ————— Orchard White 28c L'Ame Face Powder 39c $l.OO Warapofc's C. L. Extract 64c $3.00 Denno's Food $1,98 Williamc' Oriental Cream $1.09 Carmen Face Powder 37c $1.25 Pierce's Medicines ..78c . 75c Mellin's Food 53c TVuuams Mum Deodorant 19c Djer-Kiss Face Powder 51c $1.50 Fellow's Hypophosphites ...$1.05 Nestle's Food, Hospital... .$2.69 "ink Elmo Cucumber Cream 43c Azurea Face Powder $1.19 $1.20 Bromo Seltzer 75c $l.OO Herpicide 73c Pills Pompeian Massage Cream 34c Pussywillow Face Powder 36c 60c Cal. Syrup of Figs 38c Hood's Sarsaparilla 79c -j/ Mercolized Wax 68c Java Riz Powder 36c $l.OO Glyco Thymoline 78c $l.OO Syrup of Pepsin 72c duC Pond's Vanishing Cream 33c Pompeian Face Powder 39c MMnnBH I $l.OO Squibb's Mineral Oil 75c $l.OO Danderine 69c ————— Delatone 68c Floramye Face Powder $1.19 Ssl.oo Tanlac 79c 50c Limestone Phosphate 32c r „ Ammonized Cocoa 65c Woodbury's Face Powder . .18c 50c Philip's Milk of Magnesia ... .36c 60c Kemp's Balsam 40c riClward S Pompeian Night Cream 27c Elmo Face Powder 19c, 39c 60c Pinex 37c 50c Palmolive Shampoo 38c Olive Djer-Kiss Talcum 32c Azurea Vegetale $1.19 30c GofTs Cough Syrup 19c 75c Scott's Emulsion 52c Tablets Mary Garden Talcum 45c Floramye Vegetale $1.19 A 30c Juniper Tar 19c $1.90 S. S. S $1.19 . _ Hudnut's Talcum % .18c Djer-Kiss Vegetale $1.17 -w—^ 60c St. Jacob's Oil '.....39 c $1.20 Sloan's Liniment 73c 17C Mavis Talcum ....".• ~19c Mavis Toilet Water $1.29 II 60c Omega Oil 39c $1.50 Eckman's Alterative $1.29 _ Jfss Talcum 19c Pinaud's Toilet Water .....' 73c | 1 75c Q-Ban Hair Restorer 53c 50c Hay's Hair Health 34c , Florasweet Talcum 23c Hudnut's Toilet Water ..83c 60c Parisian Sage 39c 25c Forkola. 16c Stuarts Johnson's Talcum ..14c -Packer's Tar Soap 18c Tsl.oo Resinol Ointment 75c 60c Camphorole 39c Calcium Saxolite 1...55 c Poslam Soap 19c | A 60c Musterole 39c 50c Poslam 38c Wafers Spiro Powder 19c Germacidal Soap ..18c M 60c Mustarine. . .~....39c 60c Doan's Ointment 49c Odo-Or-No ••...• 21c Cutex Preparations 2lc, 42c | J 50c Mentholatum. . 33c 35c Fletcher's-Castoria 25c 2/C D. & R. Cold Cream...............33c I 100 Chase's Wendell's 5-grain Blaud's Pierce's Doan's Nature's Bitro- Bio- Miona Pape's Bellans li Aspirin B.&N. Ambition Cascara Iron Pleasant Kidney Remedy phosphate Ferrin Tablets Diapepsin Mr R Tablets " Tablets Pills Tablets Pills Pellets Pills Tablets A -w -85c | 39c 39c 39c 19c • 19c j 42c 34c, 73c 87c 87c | 39c 31c 45c | X Dental and Shaving p resh r an J v S CIGARS Over-the-Store A P , T S^pSf B^ 0118 36c With a Moreish Taste T ! a ets Smokers'.-Bulletin for Specials A Pebeco Tooth Paste 36c AQav , SnfiirHnv Moth Balls, 1 lb 19c -w -/\ Pyrocide Powder 73c iir„ii m l_a._ Powdered Sulphur, 1 lb 10c Lyon's Tooth Powder 17c W BilclCP CfIOCOIRIP " Even Steven A AHHV Dead Stuck 19c * I j Graves' Tooth Powder 16c Floirifizjo Miles' f Black Flag Insect Powder 19c -I—<a Y Colgate's Tooth Powder 15c DaintieS p . Martagon M Synol Soap 28c Calox Tooth Powder , 17c , , - n Pilla Hartranft Elastic Trusses $1.98 /*">! Euthymol Tooth Paste .15c Saturday 49C FlilS D - . Fountain Syringe' $1.15 W Colgate's Tooth Paste 10c and 2oc Rose-o-Cuba Hot Water Bottle $1.28 Grave's Tooth Paste -.••••■ New Bachelor fOT Gillette Safety Razor $3.98 Gorhan's Tooth Paste 20c and 39c Helm AsSOrted Gem Blades 43c Kolynos Tooth Paste 19c _ . Grove's Rol * Ever-Ready Razor 78c S. S. White Tooth Paste 16c UlOCOlateS , TRrm " 4* mm Ever-Ready Blades 28c Senreco Tooth Paste 23c °7.° Of Two Packages "Lux" 23c Pyrodenta Tooth Paste 28c SatlirdaV 49p HUlnlne Owl h f One-half Pound Boric Acid 11c Pepsodent Tooth Paste .....37c odlUlUd J 1Q / V J1 f O Sani-Flush 21c Lavoris 39r, 79e IVC Counsellor f(j Liquid Veneer 17c, 37c Listerine 39c, 71c Helltl flhomlftti* ——First Quality Dutch Cleanser, 2 for 15c Rubifoam 24c IlCim VAIUUMdie wHumiv ' , Absorbent Cotton, 1 lb. 48c V . Sozodont (IVquid) 28c L— 0 ll rt - 7 Tnnoln" 1, k Factory Smokers Borax, 20-Mule Team, 2 lb. 25c \f Mennen's Shaving Cream 25c IVlcirSnmflllOW IORStS Caacara Carter's Tea, 21c, 42c KENNEDY'S P. Shaving Cream 24c II Quinine I I 7 fOT 25c Alpine Tea . .V.'.V.V.V.V.V.V,* 9c KENNEDY S t Johnson's Shaving Cream 19c SatlirdaV 49f 1Q„ n Celery King Tea 21c, 42c Lysol Shaving Cream 20c OdlUrildy fiJJC 51.68 PCT BOX—so*o Energine 19 Molle Shaving Cream .23c ) I———J "2- |n j2/ Market Street . i 3<Je; 31b5.,51.15 15 ■ ■ • I 15 . • 19cPair Il WEST SHORE Personal and. Social Items of Towns on West Shore Mrs. Clyde Stewart and two ohil idren, of Market street. Xew Cum berland. are visiting relatives in ! Chambcrsburg. | Major Jobn Kirk, who has been spending several weeks with his niece, Airs. ~John Rosenherger, at [ West Hillside, returned to the Sol diers' llotue at Washington, to-doy. The major's health is somewhat im j proved and he was able to call on his old comrades and friends in Xew Cumberland and also visit the army j reserve depot. Airs. R., R. Reiff. of Xew Cumber land,' attended a dinner at Wells ville on Sunday, given in honor of Air. and Mrs. , Harvey Apple, who were recently married. The Rev. W. i,. Dickson, pastor of the I'nited Brethren church, nt Shiremaustown, • who recently had the misfortune of breaking his leg, | continues to improve at the ljarris burg Hospital. Mrs. 1.. Purdy, of Hamilton. Alont., who was entertained for some time at the home of Airs. J. W. sheets.' at Shiremanstown. has returned ; home. • ' Airs. S. S. Rup, of Shiremanstown. was a Harrisburg visitor on Thurs day. Lawrence Harlacher has returned 1 Ito Harrisburg after spending the | week end with his grandparents, Air. jand Airs. Benjamin Stansfleld* at j Shiremanstown. Air. and Airs. Charles Arntoul and 1 son, Charles Arntoul, Jr., of Leb , anon, motored to Shiremanstown on J Wednesday and spent the day with I Mrs. Armoul's mother. Mrs. James I ! Eekert. Aliss Flora Sutton, of Washington t Heights, was a recent guest at the, home of Mr. and Alts. George Flick-' inger and family, at Shiremanstown. ; Airs. Robert Jacobs, of I.emoyne. , spent Thursday with her mother.! Airs. Jacob Myers, at Shiremans- 1 town. St' XD AY AT ST. JOHN'S , Shlremnnstown, Pa.. Alarclt 14. —j Before a good audience at the mkl- | week Lenten service. Rev. H. ,K. j Bants, pastor of St. John's congrega- j tion. began a series of sermons on : | the "Lord's Prayers." One of His I prayers will be the theme for each ; Wednesday evening. On next Sun- ! day morning the pastor's theme will j ;be "Lenten Love Letters." At the ; evening service he will preach the i second sermon of the series. "Men ' Who Alet the Master." St. John's 1 congregation recently contributed : one hundred and fifty-five dollars for the Reconstruction drive, conducted by the Xational Lutheran Council in ' behalf of fellow Lutherans in France i and elsewhere. ' Fse MeXeil's Pain Exterminator—Ad i BLAJRJRISBURG TELEGRAPH Farewell Reception to Teacher of Mother's Class I.rmoynr, Pa., March 14.'—Last evfl ning the mothers' class of the l*nlted Evangelical Sunday School held a farewell social In honor of their teacher { the Rev. H. F. Searl. at, the home of Mr. and Mrs. Slowther, 230 Hummel avenue. A short program was rendered after which refresh ments were served to the following: The Rev. 11. T. Searle. C. L. Eby, Mrs. C. D. Artley, Mrs. C. S. Ilgenfritz, Mrs.* R. C. Crow, Mrs. E. . Baker, Mrs. M. C. Eshlem'an, Mrs. H. E. Brlnkley, Mrs. Sara Shur. Mrs. A. I\. Quigler, Mrs. John Martin, Mrs. William Fet row. Mrs. Frank Shaft", Mrs. W. B. Kauftman. Mrs..'l.. S. Beam. Mrs. t\ L. Walls, Mrs. G. S. Crowl, Mrs. J. A. tjmlth, Mrs. D. J. Garlinger, Mrs. Ad am Reese. Mrs. Minnie Burtnett, Mrs. John Moul, .Mrs. B. F. Wagoner, Mrs. A. S. Bentz, Mrs. 11. A. Zimmerman. Mrs. A. M. Beistline. Mrs. J. W. Slot hower, Mrs. G. W. Zeiders, Mrs. W. H. Mace. Mrs. James Erb, Mrs. Messing er. Mrs. J. E. Beale, Mrs. Elma An derson. Mrs. Van Snolte. Mrs. H. Heckert, Mrs. Roy Seiple, Miss Es ther Slothower. Miss Pearl Hartman, Anna Mae Snoke, Beatrice Smith. Ruth Nace. Fred Heckert. SERVICES AT II VI(.UM AX'S Cumberland. Pa.. Marah 14. Services at Baughman Memorial Methodist Church. Sunday March IC. Sunday School at 9.15 preaching 10.30 by the pastor, the Rev. V. C. Rue. Subject—"Hhe Way to Obtain It." 7.30 p. m. "Heaven. It's Gates and Entrance." The men's class will sing at this service. IT'S UNWISE to put off today's duty until tomorrow. If % your stomach is acid disturbed take Ki-hoids the new aid to digestion comfort today • A pleasant relief from the discomfort of acid dyspepsia. MADE BY SCOTT A BOWNE MAKERS OF SCOTT'S EMULSION MRS. I'AHTHEMORK IURIKD ! New Cumberland. Pa.. March 14. ; Funeral services of Mrs. Ella Parth | emore were held from thl late home I on Reno street yesterday afternoon, j conducted by the Rev. C. H. Heiges, i pastor of the Church'of God. assisted' Iby the Rev. V. C. Rue, pastor of | Baughman Memorial Methodist I Church. The pall bearers were: F. jB. Balr, Walter Smith, Clarence | Bromell, J. W. Witjnyer. Delegations ■ from the Lodge of Owls and Sons and | Daughters of Liberty of New Cum ! berlnnd attended in a body. The I ' Owls held a short service at the j ' house on Wednesday evening, and | the Sons nnd Daughters at Mt. Oll i vet Cemetery, where the burial took I place. WILL ENTERTAIN CIRCLE New Cumberland, March 14. —Miss Jeanette Sips, will entertain the Dor ! cas Circle • composed of young ladies. I , members of Mrs. R. C. Miller's Sun- i | day School class at her home on j Bridge street this evening. REDS ENTERTAIN IILCES : New Cumberland. Pa., March 14. . i The Men's Bible class of the Metlio- 1 I' ~r^ KEMP'S BALSAM Will Stop thai Couch GUARANTEED i . t I To Have Clean, Healthy Blood Bright Eyes, Clear Complexion Take Famous Springtime Tonic and Blood Purifier "Celery King." Three times a week for three •veeks. brew yourself a cup of Celery King and drink it just before retir , ing. Give it to the children, too. ' Y'ou'll be surprised liow gently yet I effectively CELERY KING I creates a normal action of the bowels cleansing and strengthening •of the system, banishing pimples, : scrofula 'and other blood disorders.. i Celery King keeps the blood pure and rich by freeing the system of all J waste matter. i —- d!t Sunday School, which made a j drive for membership, held a social j Inst night. The Reds entertained the Blues. There were addresses and | music. Refreshments ' were served. George N, Springer Now With Jacob Tausig's Sons George N. Springer, of this city, j fins associated himself with the busi- j ,ness of Jacob Tausig's Sons. 420: | Market street. Mr. Springer has been ! j identified with jewelry business in j ] this city for many years, having| | been associated with the old Dene iCi ' ===== ROBINSON'S ROBINSON'S Third and Broad Sts. [ Capes.sls.oo Suits $29.50 I ir = HCA ii RprantP tkpv bi-p That look ever so much ' UU '<> Ii oecause tney ai e more an{ j they look more f 'I both smart and expensive NOT because .11 they are cheap reproductions j A ,4 A sensible, wOnie nof exclusive garments, but I IAV.-! "AtaßC 1 are enthusiastic * h ? y ar * GOOD V>V Ml \ ' i t " at have been plan- / '•.*{; fiHI about these New ned with infinite thoughtful- "m, > r ABffm I iltvft i l ' l ' I n ness - to produce the maxi-fK\ 81 v Hi II 1 ' T / L ° n S a P es mum effect at the least ex- '] | f j'l'f '.Hfl From $15.00 to " other sus u P > $45.00 $75.00 Blouses Millinery Just the Blouse for the New Suit in Geor- ... . • j •. i Many styles, shapes and sizes, .such as turbans, gette—beaded, tucked—some trimmed with Venice and Filet d* AQQtod "| £ U "' Ke ' dr °° py ,mta ttnd mnart flare BhapeB ' Laces. From V A Stylish hats, in black atul colors, smartly trimmed with quills, ribbons atul flowers. QC SHOES j Spoc r al a4.y5 $6.00 Patent Oxford. High and low heel. other la| . ge drcMy hatB )n ex . s"ja" s '. $4.50 $12.50 ■ —— Children's mushroom, poke and SILK HOSE i sailor hats, in blue, dQ OC Zr 51. 50 heavv silk hose, heavv seam up I blutk and red ' Special • iiack <necial ' d 1 f\ A othCl ' fine Ml,an Btraw ha, *W \ ( pair :. P $l.OO I $5.98/ x a Robinson's Third and Broad Sts. MARCH 14, 1919. I hey jewelry storo in Market street, | which business he luter purchased ] from the former owner. His wide experience particularly:' | fits him for the duties which he has j assumed. The Tuusig store also announces j that Sol Glodsmtth, formerly in the!. | jewelry business in Reading has as-j | soclated himself with the business. | , jATWJSD CON SI STOH Y MEETING! I Wayneslioro, Pa., March 14. |W. F. Day. Dr. Murk Hecfner and j !0. 1. Myers, all of Waynesboro, ut j tended a special meeting of the jHnrrlcburg Consistory, 32d Degree Masons, held in the Capital City. I 7 MESSENGER 81 TEARS OLD Waynesboro, Pa., Slarch 14. Cyrus K. Gordon, Greencastle, for manys years the county court liies senger, celebrated his 84th birthday at the home of his sister, Mrs. John A. Potter. He is in excellent health. r — % I If you want new books, or fine old I rare books to add to your library, I save money by calling at I lAUKAND'S, !ti!s N. 3rd St. llell Tel. | 30,000 new, old. rare books, all sub- I Jects; open evenings; books bought I / .[
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers