Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, March 14, 1919, Page 6, Image 6

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Colored Soldier Braved Fire
of Enemy to Repair
Wire Fences
How John J. Coates, a former
workman at the local steel plant and
now a member of the 317 th Engi
neers. a crack colored outfit, became
known among the Germans as the
W "Crawling Devil," is told in a letter
1 writtety by Corporal John D. Scott,
now a member of a casual compauy
at Camp Upton.
Scott was sent to a hospital at
St. Nazalre and there heard a nurse
speak of the "Crawling Devil." He
inquired and was told that Coates
had been given this name by tlie
Hun machine gunners, who had
watched him crawl out of the
trenches and repair wires in face
of intense machine gun and shell
: 4 ,tt in his letter tells how several,
captured German machine* gunners
were telling Coates' captain how
they flnally get the "Crawling Devil"
when Coates appeared and reported
to the captain.
John J. Coates was well known
here and was employed as a laborer
in the steel plant for several years.
He left the borough in 1917.
Continuation oii Band
Concerts Is Assured by
Organization's Manager
A continuation of the concerts
started by the Steelton band last
evening is assured by Manager Guy
er. who, previous to the appearance
of the band made it known that
upon the interest in the first con
cert by the music-loving public- would
depend future free concerts. Direc
tor Zala and the musicians were
greeted by a large crowd at the open
ing concert and many requests that
the series he continued were heard
as tlie audience left the High school
Director Zala presented a program
that pleased a variety of musical
tastes and every number was follow
ed by great applause. Of the heavier
numbers the most popular was the
selection from the opera. "The Queen
of Sheba." written by C. Ooldmark.
For the encores the band played pop
ular airs and marches.
The addition of a set of tympanies
to tlie band was pronounced as u big
Improvement by tlie audience.
The committee, which will carry
out next week's Red Cross drive for
clothing for French and Belgian war
refugees was announced by Airs. \\\
P. Harder, chairman, last evening
as follows:
Mrs. E. A. Robbins. Mrs. Xewlin
I'. Booth, Mrs. C. A. Alden, Mrs. AV.
L. Guyer, Miss Clarene <'. Barrett,
Mrs. F. B. Wickers ham, Mrs. 11. AV.
Ftulibs, Mrs. George Comstork, Sr.,
Mrs. E. D. Inihoff. 3.1 rs. J. H. Mc
donald, Mrs. A. O. Jacks, Mrs C. AV.
McCoy. Mrs. C. I'. Joy. Mrs. George
R. Delamater, Mrs. C. P. Ecidt. Mrs.
William Darby, Miss Helen Aber
.■rombie. Miss Margaret McDonald.
Miss George AVinship. Miss Jessie
Sharasky, Miss Maine Sharosky, Miss
Ella Sharosky. Mrs F. E. Howells,
Mrs. J. L. Porr. Mrs. L. C. AA'liitman,
Mrs. J. H. Butler. Mrs. J. D. Smith,
Mrs Fannies WiUis. Mrsi M. E.
Snavely, Mrs. Mary McCahan, Mrs.
W. E. Chick. Mrs. E. T. Entwisle,
Mrs. G. P. A'anier. Mrs. J. P. Det
weiler and Mrs. W. N. Nell.
I ami 9 South Market Square 7 and 9 South Market Square
I /4if 100 Sample Suits W\%* SU ' TS - COATS <t PST
H Jill' or r ° men Misses 3aid OnCSuES 1W(
1 ' Placed on Special Sale for Friday and We have * ust 100
m V* 1 "> Materials fin. ga *m £\g% Styles The f rom P season o DAYS 1
m£■ W fft&ffiteM, j/k Serge Poplin, \l/ H K new loose back A&ffiSSMtjMm f° r Friday and AMI y /MM/
■ (abercline Vel I iWO suits or military jfIWBjBB Saturday we place *'
m in every shade* f AQO An extr aordin- maS Only one of a kind.
m sizes to -18. I vivO of new styles. ;j 11^0Wnm Men's and Young Men's
5 Just Received 200 Brand New jH jjji Jj| ■V Spring Clothing |
■ Rllf l| e very newest cut-waist coat—and the plain snappy
% U|ll lllg 111 vOOvO cut for the conservative dresser.
I In Serge, Satin, Taffeta, Poplin, Crepe de Colors-Tan, At We can fit the,
if KSMiI Chine, in the very* newest styles and colors. Spe- Hr °w n, ive, AAA a short or tall
9 rial for Friday and Saturday. Biaclf'and* Mlix' VfcU d lIU man as easily
I EHM $9.98, $11.98, $14.98 a° f •" $25 •LX'flr
I and $19.98 QplpHH g?® Rink' *"* "■•*
W ■ ■• ffijgA Sheph cr ,1 UU|y VUIIO Panto; Ato
{ mm Spring Coats—Capes HHI '* "ggtS" "•* '■
I ' |;';a and Dolmans •SHP ■■ S3KlS!:::::::::::::::::i!:S;
C fSrffei A o ea,ly T/ >nderful se ! ect i? n of . Spring Outer Garments. $4.00 Boys' Suit $2.49
9 • in Serge, Velour, Poplin, Tricotine—in fact every desired ySBBBk HKftft Rnun' C,.U CO Oft
m . material and style—and we have one to fit any size. •, , yjMMpwL" , *•"" DOyS Suit JpZ.ito
rn jF/aT Six groups of Coats > Ca P es and Dolmans, at special $6.00 Boys' Suit ;.$3.49
W Mr LX S <?*< nn #4 I AA __ Ml 11 $7.50 Boys' Suit $3.98
1 r% \\ 59.98,4-11.90, $14.98, $19.98, '/'■'• $8.50 Boys' Suit $4.49 S
| . COS Qfl onH t9O QO W? * 19.00 Boys' Suit ~$4.98|
$ WHnwO dllll . You will find here all styles and shades.
Parade in Welcome to T iglit-'
ors Under Way This Att
ernoon in Borough
The War Camp Community Ser- j
vice is busy helping the community j
to hold, its big reception for the re
turned colored soldiers this after
noon at Steelton. An interesting
program has been prepared, support
ed by the entire people of this busy
city. In the parade it is expected
that wounded soldiers who are
"able to walk will be carried in auto
mobiles secured by the War Camp |
Community Service through the.
kindness of the Red Cross. j
Following the public reception at .
the High school where Lieutenant- .
Governor Edward E. Beidleman will
speak, a banquet will be held '°'
all of tlie returned soldiers, and at |
which banquet the community or- i
ganizer for Harrisburg and vicinity. |
Joseph L. Garvin, will speak to the .
hoys on their opportunities for ser
vice in their home town.
E. T. Atwcll. the national repre- j
sentative for the colored people of i
the War Camp Community Service,
has been in the city for two days and j
met with the committee from Steel- i
ton in the. praparations of this pro- |
Mr. Atwpll is favorably impress
edwith the opportunities for com
munity life for the colored people
of Harrisburg and Steelton, and as i
a result of Ills activities the local
Colonel Soldiers Club will he en- .
larged. and it's location changed to ]
a more central place. For this club
Mr. Atwell has promised to send a
representative from the New York |
office, for the purpose of organizing j
the colored people in the interest of ]
War Camp Community Service.
From" every indication Steelton i
promises to outdo herself in-honor of |
her returned heroes.
The parade started at 2.30 o'clock
this afternoon.
Highspire Red Cross
Does Splendid Work
HighMiire. Pa., March 14. Mrs. C.
A. Alden, of the Highspire Auxiliary,
of the Steelton Rod Cross Chapter, to
day reported that the women of the!
borough Had done splendid work since |
ithe first of the year. The report shows
I that the women knitted and sewed
; l-jsweaters., 3 nurses' sweaters. 151
| refugee garments, 50 bedside bags, 15
bathrobes. 22 washcloths. 2 scarfs. 10
'pair wristlets, 35 pair #sieks and IS
! aprons.
Mrs. G. N. Lauffer will speak to
| morrow' afternoon at tlie first of a
series of meetings for women to be
held during Lent in St. John's Lu
thfran Church. A vocal duct will be
rendered by Mrs. Pardee and Mrs.
i Baugher. of Cabip Hill. The meetings
; will be held every Saturday after
' noon at 2.30 o'clock.
Another Lenten feature in St.
| John's Church is given in die Friday
; evening "devotional hour" services,
i which open this evening at 7.45
' o'clock.
; Divorce decrees were signed in the
j following cases: Fannie vs. James
t Z'oan, Joseph vs. Frahces Hor.wath.
A rule has been granted on James
j B. Slatchett, upon petition of Edna
! Matchett. to show why he should not
pay counsel fees so that she can de-
I l'end the divorce action which he has
j started aguinst her.
"Man Who Wouldn't Tell"
FcnttiiinK Knrl Williams
"Iron Test"—No. 9
Antonio Moreno und Carol Holln
Truck Salesmen Hear
of Pneumatic Auto Tires
Moro t)\an 100 truck salesmen and
owners were in attendance' at a meetT
ing in the Technical High school last
evening: A. -B. Slienk, manager of the
truck tire department of the Phila
delphia branch of the Goodyear Tiro
Company, one of the principal speak
ers, said that the pneumatic truck
tire will considerably reduce the cost
,of upkeep. 13. C. Shick, local manager
of the Goodyear Company, traced tne
history of the pneumatic tire. Motion
pictures were shown of the Goodyear
trans-continental run of two motor
trucks carrying more than nine tons
each and equipped with pneumatic
tires. K. G. 1-avertjr. manager of thi
n-liec-l department, of the West J teel
Casting 1 Company, explained the bene
fit of wheels.
BUYS lilts Tit ACT AT
S. A. Greene to-day purchased the (
large tract of ground at the south
west corner of Thirteenth and State
streets, known as the Stephen D.
Affleck property. Mr. Greene lias
made -a number of purchases of
large properties in the city recent- j
lv. The ground which ho bought
to-day is a tract H5 hy 150 feet
and is unimproved at present. No
consideration was given. It may be (
t used for a building development j
[ later, it is said.
A strong appeal for workers to as- j
' sist In making refugee garments to ;
I be sent war-stricken sufferers, was j
I sent out by Miss Anne McCorniick.
i director of the woman's bureau of!
the local Red Cross chapter this 1
morning. At the same time it was j
announced that only three workers ,
were present yesterday during the j
working hours.
I (lulnine That Hoc* \ot Affect Head
I Because of its tordc and laxative ;
j (Tablets) can be taken by anyone !
I without causing nervousness or ring- i
| ing in the head. There is only one j
| "Hromo Quinine." 13. W. GROVE'S j
I signature on the box. 30c.
A ches Pains ==- 1
And Soreness
j When you want to stop pain
! and do the job quickly and surely j
—get the original improvement
!on the old fashioned mustard
I plaster Begy's Mustarine—the
| kind that contains real yellow
I mustard. It cannot blister and
| there are no disagreeable fumes
I to irritate the nose and eyes.
Jur.t rub it on for any ache or
a n it penetrates quickly and re
ieves almost instantly by gently
stimulating the circulation and
diffusing all inflammation and
Always in the yellow box—be sure
fur Ilf-i M tarini
CO \
Nurated Iron Increases strength snd
endurance of delicate, nervcus, run-down
people in two wcrkß* tine in many in
stances. It haa b-ia uaed and endorsed
by such men aa former United States
Senator and Vice-Presidential Nominee,
Charles A. Towne; U. S. Commissioner
of Immigration Hon Anthonv Caminetti; i
aha United Stateajudge G.'W. Afleiireon
of the Court-of Claims of Washington,
and others. Ask your doctor or druggist '
about it.
Robert Burns Lodge to
Celebrate 49th Anniversary 1
The forty-ninth anniversary of
Robert Burns Dodge, No. 464. will-he
celebrated on Monday evening, March
31, 1919. The reserved seat booth will
be opened at the office of the' Har
risbur£ Consistory, 336 North street,
on Saturday morning at nine o'clock.
A dinner will be served at six o'clock
in the evening of the day of the
event. •
Properties sold at sheriff's sale yes
terday afternoon follow: 101 acres,
Wayne, township to John A. Kinsing- i
er, $1,050; brick dwelling, 1531 North
Third, and frame in rear fronting on
I.ogan street to Pietro Piccolo. $6,
250: 35 lots In I.ower Paxton town
ship, to S. S. Hupp, $1,100: two story
frame, 4 4 Ualnt and two story frame, ,
111 Summit, properties of J. Kobbin
Bennett, to Fred C. Miller. $S00; brick
dwellings, 2100 02 Swatara and
dwelling 2117 Swatara, to I. P. Bow
The annual meeting of the Pennsyl
vania Confectioners Association will
be held at the Penn-Harris hotel Fri
day. April 25. More than a hundred
confectioners are expected to be
present. Arthur D. Bacon. Halris-
Catarrhal Deafness
and Head Noises
Tells Safe ainl Simple Way to
Treat aiul Relieve at Home
If .you have catarrh, catarrhal
deafness -or head noises caused by
catarrh, or if drops in your
throat and lias caused catarrh of the
stomach or bowels you will be glad
to know that these distressing symp
toms may be entirely overcome in
many instances by the following
treatment which you can easily pre
pare in your own home at little cost.
I Secure from your druggist 1 ounce
of Parniint (Double Strength.) Take
I this home and add to it U pint of
| hot water and a little granulated
sugar; stir until dissolved. Take one
tublcspoonful four times a day. An
improvement is sometimes noted af
ter the first day's treatment. Breath
ing should become easy, while the
j distressing head noises, headaches,
; dullness. cloudy thinking. etc.,
! should gradually disappear under the
j tonic action of the treatment. Ldss
| of smell, taste, defective hearing and
i mucus dropping in the back of the
| throat are other symptoms which
I suggest tlie presence of catarrh and
! which may often be overcome bv this
| efficacious treatment. It is said that
I nearly ninety per cent, of ail car
j troubles are caused by catarrh and
j there must, therefore, be many peo
j plo whose hearing may be restored
i by this simple, harmless, home treat
; ment.
Gold Fish
Medium Size : 10£
Medium Large 15£
Extra Large 25£
Green Plant 10£
Fish Food 15£
Fish Nets 25£
20£ to $l.OO *
Glofces ... 35£ to $2.25
Tliis •> the last shipment of
r llsli this season.
Goodyear"s Drug Store
19tn and Derry Sts.
V 4
burg is chairman of the executive
committee. 1 |
9tiUlt'r DAHAtiK
Plight!: damage was caused by tire j
Thursday night at the Peoples' Bank,
where 'a blaze started by an over
heated furnace in temporary use.
burned two small holes in the floor.
For Colda, Grip
and Influenza
\ Tablets"'
Be sure you get the Genuinf
Look for this signature
(&■ sfc£/7'tr2r&'
on the box. 30c.
I !WMW ' """ " !
[mm FACE
It baa bee* pro Ten by the
world's greatest aotborttles tbat
It stlasalatea and laereaees hair
growth to merely remove tt from i
the surface of the skta. The ealy
naeoi-ieiM way to rem ere hair
Is to attack It under the akin. .
OeMlracle, tke original sanitary
llqnld. does thin by ebaorptlon.
Only genuine I)eM trade has a
I money-hack gnarnatee In each |
package. At toilet counters In We,
gl and 03 sloeo. er by mall from
na la plain wrapper on receipt ot
| price.
FREE book mailed la plain
I sealed envelope on rogasat. De-
Miracle, 129 th St. und Park Are.,
New York.
The Peace Time Quality ot j
i- ' i
King Oscar
Cigars j
will be remembered long after the price,
which conditions com— l has
been forgotten.
] I ! ■ . JohnC. nermann to.
worth ,t. Makerg
Grippe Gems
Smoked Out .
j/VI W Tobaccoless
]r All Druggists—2oc
f |
How Are Your Eyes?
j I once more offer the public of
IIARItISBURG and vicinity a won
| rterful opportunity to get high
j grade glasses at remarkably low
j prices.
Will be In my Ilar'rishurg office
! daily until Saturday. March 29th.
I offer you a guaranteed pair of
! glasses of perfect vision gold filled
| glasses, first Quality spherical
j lenses, including my scientific eye
! examination, for as low as
$2.00 Complete
j Spelfial ground lenses and shell
goods at extra special low prices.
I invisible bifocals, two pairs in one,
■ no lines, n6 cement, last for years.
Real Satisfaction
! comes only when GENUINE SER
j VICE, is rendered. The pleasure
i you experience in wearing glasses
I that are just right is WONDER
| E'UU
Don't neglect your eyes: let us
I examine them, fit you with glasses,
j and make you see JU.ST RIGHT.' I
Come at once, save money, and
I at the same time receive the bene
fit of our high grade service.
Office Hours: 0 A. >l. to 6 I'. M,
Philadelphia Eyesight Specialist
lIA It 111 Sill lit, OFFICE
Spooiier HnlldinK, Second Floor
0 N. MARKET SO., Take Elevator
I t
MARCH 14.1919.. •
Continued From March 13, 1919.
"It just occurred
♦* • i
to me,"
remarked the Ad man, "that some people do not
know what the Hershey Creamery looks like."
"I believe you are right," said Mr. Hershey.
"You see," said the Ad man, "we have been talk
ing a great deal about the inside of your plant and
how you make ice cream and so on."
"It would be a good idea to put a picture of your
freezers in the newspaper so that people will become
acquainted with your facilities.
"You have without doubt, the finest equipped
plant in the state, and the people will certainly be
glad to see what it looks like."
"Yes," observed Mr. Hershey, "we have put a
great many thousand dollars into our building and
equipment, and I surely would like to ha*"* nonle
come and visit our plant.
"Very few people have seen how ice cream is
made. I have told you in detail about our entire
business, but it would please me more to have peo
ple come fcere and visit us and see for themselves
just how we make HERSHEY'S SUPERIOR ICE
"You might invite the people through the news
paper to come to visit our plant, and tell them that I
will be only too happy to. show them through out
place from top to bottom."
"That's fine," remarked the Ad man, "very fine.
The more people visit your plant the more will they
appreciate all the facilities you have for making the
best quality ice cream that can be made.
"From what I have seen and\what you have told
me there is no question but that you make the finest
quality ice cream in the state."
So now, dear reader, you are especially invited
to visit the Hershey Creamery Company's plant and
see with your own eyes the things you have read
about in these talks. You will surely marvel at
some of the things you will see here.
CREAM, of course you are delighted with its de
licious taste and superb smoothness, but you have,
perhaps given little thought to where and how it is
The Hershey Creamery Company's Plant is real
ly your plant, so you see it is really your duty to
inspect it. The picture at the bottom of this talk
shows the freezers. There are many other interest
ing pictures to show you and some of them will be
printed in this paper.
Harrlsburp, Pa. To be
March 14, 1919. Continu<J
The Ad-man.
Written Especially Por Hershey Creamery Co,
Makers of Hershey's Suporlor Ice Cream.