Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, March 14, 1919, Page 5, Image 5
MANN IS SILENT RULER OF HOUSE With His Vested Power lie Will Supervise All • Committees Washington, March 14. —The com pletion ot the standing committees of the next House of Representa tives, with the exception of a few changes to be made in the minor committee, placed Representative James R. Mann, of Illinois, who was defeated for the speakership by Representative Frederick 1-1. Gillett. of Massachusetts, in the position of virtual dictator of the lower House of the Sixty-sixth Congress. Mr. Mann, who directed the for mation of' the committees, declined to accept membership on any of them, and even withdrew front the committee on which he served in . the last Congress. llis action leaves hint in a post t ion that is unique in the lnstor > °' . engross. With Representative■ Mondell. of Wyoming, floor h-^ctei. ; Representative Knutson, of , sota Republican whip, and other personal followers placed a f chair men of the important cmumittees or the next House, Mr. Mann unen j cumbered by any routine commit tee work, will exercise a superMs orv control over the work ot all commi.tees and of proceedings on the floor of the House. I'eunsyHaitians on Committees Seven Pennsylvania Representa tives will be chairmen of the com- , m it tecs. T- I Thev are Representative Ed monds', of the Claims committee. Kutler. of Naval Affairs; Eiess of Printing; l'ocht. of "Hat tlain , Kreider. of Expenditures in Inte rior Department; Porter, of Foreign Affairs, and Garland, of Mines and Mining. ...umv, The list of committees on w htcn the Pennsylvania Republicans will serve follows: . , William f. Vare. Appropriations, George S. Graham. Judiciary: J. • Hampton Moore-; Ways and Means,. George W, Edmonds. Claims (chair-j mane Merchant Marine and Usher-; ies: Peter E. Costello. Rivers and; Harbors: George P. Harrow, Naval j Affairs: Thomas S. •Natal \ffairs (chairman 1: Henry W. Wat-- ion Interstate and Foreign Com merce: William W. Griest. Postof lice and Postroads: John Reber, Ini migration and Naturalization, in dian Affairs. Mileage. Coinage. Weights and Measures: Louis r. Mc- Fadden. Banking and Currency. Ter ritories, Expenditures in State De partment: Edgar It. Kiess. Printing (chairman!, Pensions. Industrial i \rts and Expositions: Benjamin K. ; l'ocht. War Claims (chairman!. Dis- - trict of Columbia. Insular Affairs, Aaron S. Kreider. Rules. Public j Buildings and Grounds, Expendt- , teres in Interior Department (chair-, muni: John M. Rose. Roads. Coin- , I sge. Weights and Measures. Elec- j tions No. 1. Claims: Edward S. | Brooks. Banking and Currency, j Railways and Canals. Territories: I Evan J. Jones. Agriculture: S. A. j I Kendall. Postoflice and Post Roads: | Henrv W. Temple. Foreign Affairs: I Milton W. Shreve. Appropriations: 1 Nathan 1.. Strong. Rivers anil liar.- I l.ors: Wilbs J Hilling. Insular Af fairs. Invalid Pensions. Census: Ste- - pl-.en G. Porter. Foreign Affairs. I chairman: John M. Morin. Military | vfTa ! -s: Thomas S. Crago. j VfTairs: Mahlon M. Garland. Mines I ■id Mining, chairman: Election of | P-csident and Vice President. Ex- j tienditures in Treasury Department: I William J. Rtirke. Mines and Mining. I Patents Industrial Arts and .Expo- I sitlor.s: Anderson H Walters. Ac- 1 1 • •ountf". Pensions. District of Co-'! lumbia. To Ask Hear'ng op Philadelphia Charter Bills in Committee | Philadelphia. March 14. The I Philadelphia Charter Revision Com- | mittec has decided to ask a hear- j ing on the Philadelphia charter bills I now in the State Senate Committee j on Municipal Affairs. Senator E. , I H. Vare, Philadelphia, chairman of I the committee, who is opposed to I the bills In their present form, said | tonight the charter revisionists could > have a hearing at any time they I desire. ! It was announced by a member of | the committee that Senator A. F. I Daix. Jr.. Philadelphia, contrary to ! expectation, does not desire to lead ' | the revisionists for the enactment of I the bills. ij Senator George Woodward. Phil- 1 1 adclphia, introducer of the bills, an- j| nounced he would ask the members ; | of the Senate to meet him at dinner I at Harrisburg, March 25, when he | would explain the charter bills. ' a M. E. Conference j Adopts Report Favoring I a League of Nations [ ; 5 Philadelphia. March 14. The, I Philadelphia conference of the Meth- j I i-list Episcopal Church has adopted!? a report approving a_ League of ; I Nations "in some form" and com--1 mending the spirit and purpose of j £ President Wilson at the Peace Con- \ I ference. The report, which was ; | made by the committee on social ji service, condemned Bolshevism and j I rged pastors to preach, and the !|| book concerns to publish, literature f g llnst it. I The report also favored increases ; ? in salary for school teachers and i I urged churches to furnish adequate j It social substitutes for (he saloons. ? A resolution expressing confidence j l> in the T. M. C. A. and its war work | (! was unanimously adopted. ij; Haig Will Command !§ British Home Forces j(i London. March 14.—Field Mar-: |[ shal Sir Douglas Halg has been ap- I; I otnted to succeed General Sir Wil- Ij] ham R. Robertson as conimander-in- 1 1| chief of the home forces. General | Robertson is to be conimander-in- I |j] chief of the army of the Rhine. I|d "I.ORD VEHROL" ARRESTED j Xev lork.—Charles Denburg, 55 jii a native of England, who the police |'| say is known to them as "Lord Royls- ! |s ton Verrol," was arrested at Thirty- j |!| fourth street and Fifth avenue yes- Ej terday on suspicion of being con- I g r.ected with the larceny of $7,000 j R from Morris Bleendes, 775 Willough hy avenue. Brooklyn. Bleendes said j& tne meney was taken from him in . | ] the subway February 7. while the si train wasap proaehlng the Forty- IS sec uul street station. Bail was fixed |J at $-0,000 on arraignment before Mag- ?5 istratc Groehl in Jefferson Market court. FRIDAY. EVENING. Mothers' Pension Fund Needs Substantial Increase . That it is necessary to increase the appropriation for the Mother' As sistance Fund was the conclusion reached by trustees of the Harris Open Saturday Evening Until 9 P. Mjbjmjmjwmjmjmjm/bjwmjmjmjm m Women's New Neckwear MWt * jl m mlmm~ == = =I New Marahnn rnp==Ti 1 We have received for Saturday a new shipment of Women's A B B BVB £k Kk B ™ u iNeW fViaiaOOU gj h| very charming new neckwear, consisting of collars and collar I H w Marabou capes are going to be one of the most popular gar- ljt|l IjH and cuff sets. These new styles are exquisite in material and V C ments this Spring. While they are light and fluffy, they are !s 8)1 arc specially low priced. Htm ■ Jhr *-■ <4 ft "SB warm. They can be worn with any style garment. fl [ HJ |g ija SB&7 ag| We have them in various styles with tie strings. IPs m 49c to $1.50 H Ik am i ■■ ■ I N Some are plain, some are in combination with ostrich, m v igg *£ r Bllklllata!! if some are trimmed with row of tails. Black, natural, l§ j|| ' j®, 3cL ""■ ■ I"A.4PJ!LT^KUb_l*" seal, tau P e - $ 5 95, $7.95 and up to $15.95. i Saturday—The Most Important of Our 3 Introductory Selling Days I I 1 Tomorrow, Saturday Will Be the Biggest ~ The Big Waist Sale Goes Over to Its Second Day on Saturday || M I of Our Three Introductory Selling Days 5000 Alluring Waists i 1 mt ° Ut SPma " Sed mlUe V"'Z m tolZ d *7a% e n' " m ' Spring S " US that have ever bee " offered at these low price, .tartedthi. .ale | i TT ou > Q/Iu $-tt.DU There.were 1,200 fine cotton waists, 500 Jap silk waists. 1.500 crepe de chine waists, 2s 1 7-4-TTXi Has caus ed the greatest buying in our store's history ?SttSrto&!Si? , y5 H 1 /W msnr--- - &sffsses,'Rß I a /H V V 1 / ill 1 T S "tattl.oj arc very much mistake... Our fan.ous prices d W "m,Vwt /Ally )- ' hrThn i'i T°i *'"* l*'" 01 ' imulos. It matters not to U8 whether tile suits arc tin- linest suits obtainable , Si IJv \\ \ r- >tW i,llr r ~'T '°w-priectl garments or higher priced. Our small profit basis of pricing inoroliaiulist- mid FiQBRBS BE MB [U Ij\ JJ Kaufman"' '" ore to Set inprchnmliso is the rrason wliy yu should l,ny your Spring suit at J WR II lU pA" Specialized Values Specialized Values Specialized Values 4 J** j \ /Tl I H mNhS CW p " ng u^ts ew Spring Suits New Spring Suits JLdl /Sk l\ I [i~ navy, ifuf aUo'in lxtur d~srr|ea Navy shades. Mi* 1 late U At$22.5OWMSmJm L i~i Ai. (linr AA 1 tT> /4 P* /~\ Georgette, Crepe de Chine and Habutai Silk /t a i\r* JTjk At $35.00 to $49.50 ;tA% Vaists $4.95 I y Shown in all the new and most wanted materials and / J | colors and in only one and two of a model. All sizes. -I/\ \ > heada; ruffles and frills; also in plain tailored models; sizes 30. to 46. oider> and Igj Special Introductory Prices II Special Introductory Prices Fnr T nnrl Dnlmane For Mpw Fxtm /H | VV r *^U the new shades. Victory Red, League n|| k1 i OI V dpes etna Ltoimans t U' I>CW l—,Xird Oize OUIIS *tC_U I I V\ Round and square necks with and without Blue, Bisque, Tea Rose, Bookie, Maize, Flesh, |[|l n-Kc..B„ i„ t a / / - I WVu collars; trimmed and tailored styles to suit the Navy, Henna, Sunset and White; pretty stripes Si s? Exclusivelv Stvled garments in the most I extra wize suits tor large figures In/ j V\a/ most fastidious, in every desirable shade; ' n Habutai Silks; plain tailored, silk and hi e " are shown in the same models as our fz 1 KjJ these you will tlnd' to be most extraordinary beaded, embroidery and lace trimmed, round lii? [U approved materials, such as poplin and regular size suits, in all the latest ma- Fy| jll in quality and price; sizes 36 to 46. ' a " f J square necks; also reversible high-low Kjjj hi seree in subdued tones, as well as the terials and colors. gOT j Ty Kjl Is" i n- x n.- They give the slender line effect, so ffIUT \ k\ ~ ~—" [IU Kl most brilliant effects. much desired. SR l ll Voile QK Sllk iZQ xr •, x„ • Si Ul _ !M M Waists .... P 1 .i7D Waists at ..yM .Oy Voile Waists 7 Q [Jjj] m $17.75 to $5O $29.50 to $45.00 IE // I' mi WHito and colors in plain shown it/t'he E ± T vv F® / 1 and novelty effects, all the desirable shades- flesh Nice quality striped voiles PI Hi ' - B / I new high shades; plain tai- maize, sunset, navy and in P ret ty patterns. Neatly Kil W ; : Y / r/fif wu e h t a he new m frills" o and Fl 1 " 61 , pe,feotl >- ,ailored - finished with white M M New Spring Dresses Extra Size Skirts Extra Size Dresses / || Lv ||Jf tucks; also lace and em- .and a* 1 pique collar and cuffs; full bl* IU i C? L/ ;Wdn broidery in an unlimited of sty es fufi ™ql cut; well made; all sizes. 36 Ml I $lO to $29.50 $& to $12.50 $lO to $35 %Y "•I "" '""" ""■ | lntroductory t alues in stun- Introductory \alues of in- Introductory values .in taf- 1 j t li ning new dresses for afternoon terest to every woman who feta, satin and silk poplin—in Crene de Chine and d> rt p. A Voile Trimmed and d 1 A A fil IM and street wear. In the sea- wears an extra size. Shoann all tlie leading shades and a ) ■ Uepe ae Uine and fl CQ Tailored WaUt-c 2S I fill ill Si son's best materials and col- serge, wool poplin, silk poplin great variety of models. These tgj t Georgine Waists n%J %J 1 auorea WatStS X c\J\J gj lU ors—and in till sizes. and w ° ol Panama. In black. beautiful dresses give the U T*Uk \ _ .. . .. . , , . , . Good quality materials, lace trimmed- also Till navy and the popular shades. much desired slender lines. §T \ . Prett > embroidered styles, also plain ,t\ith with tucks . a very extensive assortment of Is 1 W lace trimming, round and square nepks; the models nil nerfeetly t„i, . ;, p ®* S fll ==KAt FMAX s-tircond - colors are 1-lcsh, Tea Rose and W hlte; every 3S to 46 Gne f tfc most remarkab , ® p====================== . garment perfect and lull sized, 3b to 4b. ever offered at the price. |S Specialized Values in 111 ? C 1 • FT I m New Wnfc n* *a on n „A cc o/i Women s oprme Underwear EXTRA SIZE SILK WAISTS extra size voile waists |i [o lieu) Opting tiats at $4.9U and $5.90 ' ® , K, ine . CrCP ° cle S MnC made ,, eBPe " I-ine White Voile Waists; a number of mod- lU Kl -AIT i ~ , IT 1 /• •l • r ? ,'V for sl l outs - Tnmmed with lace and eni- e . s> t r i mme d and plain tailored; made espe- nil nj Many new arrivals direct from our own Mere are a number or very special items for broidery; also in plain tailored models, cut I daily Tor stout women; cut extra full and I II I9J Si workroom will be ready for Saturday. Th n a ■ SS-Sa "* w—g IU Saturday That Demand Your Attention n _, ld - AP . a. .p. and ap . liJ S These exquisite New Qk and QR JRI 45 anU |1 QC H /"" \ Spring Hats will be a great Ladies ' Fine Ribbed Cot- Ladies' Fine Lisle Vests; 1 || m \ surprise to you. You would ton Vests; \"-shapc and " s , ba Pf. a " d s,e cveless; .. >■ i.- tvi—w...i fio,. W \ hardly think that you would sleeveless; rcg- 04 Regular''' lou er , Vai ):s • : j|S j \ ab ' e to buv bats ot tbe ular sizes C s j Z e S 49 C I -=T=stsr~w Attention Parents :# I ffl i ton Vests; \ -shape and Ladies' Fine Cotton Union . |J because kautman s sleeveless; can t s1 ip Suits; low neck and sleeve- Specialized Values in Boijs' New Spring Suits jf < nj \ pnees are Hw.'it might be less; lace trimmed bot- M ■ \JL A- V\ regular39C 56.95, $8.95, $10.95, $12.95 /AJm w St tlMMillU 1 \ . T y contrary, you get just as dis- _ ' 7r 7 T 7 T LYR B* ' / tinctive stxles here as any- a 'Hiee' Fine T ile Union Suite -V" i ill This is the real boys' store of Harrisburg. Our new Spring i / Is Si v T?.|§tsa As. . where and possiblv a little Ladies Fine Lisle Union Suits; \ -shape and sleeveless; , ... , , , If / M IS ft! V better. One thing is certain. can't slip shoulder straps; shell bottom ; regular fk O stocks are now complete with every wanted style for boys. Nor- |1 JV/ for the price you cannot an(] cxtra s j zes 90C folk suits are P artlcularl y in demand and we have prepared for Jgj Si match the quality'apywhere. a big season. These suits are handsomely trimmed and finished. _ MJ Kil F.MAVS Sreonri Floor. Kaufmnn'ii Flrat Floor. We have a complete range of sizes for boys of all ages. fil ■ =====:::==:======= ■ mi finvii—Flrot IS Last Day of Kaufman's Great 10 Day Bargain Basement Sale § (pi) oIf r H.°rs svavT. s I cut l t " sea "- IZZ Electric iron* 1 7) A f .. T „. derful values, stitched, ex- in T6 jnch wide, good nam, blue cleaner, com- goMen oak. • nil iCSH' VIUCEs aII kinds. tra good de- wid ' e Spe . quality. Spe- and white • bined. Spe- or lce CTeam grape pat- Dish Strainer $5 I',-iscllla ||M I SS i Ki.ls kln,l now slightly dam- 22k nd cial, yard. cial, yard, checks, ciaj, glasses, 6 for Special, tern> £ ElcctHc |j :::, 17 C 98 C 49c ; 12V2C 16c $5.95 89c 98c $1.29 N !Tk eI | 5-qt Windsor Ironing Boards .Vickcl-PlaltiMl , ~~~~~~~1 " iu. n ,.|„. v Z 7, " " cord and n!| Kettle, with lid. with Stand t'aascrolo, S F> ,mM <* Galvanized Tl.b Vlt.n Mro.'g Brooms, 0-strlng, plug. Special, ISJ riw i $1.39 $1.39 98c 89c $1.29 6 9 c " 49c $3.95 | || Hand Ma- lIKD SI'ECIAI.S SATIHDA Y HATH ROOM FIXTFHKS— !ZIZZIIIII~IIZIZZIZIZIZ__ ac===== l =a======r c W chine. Exactly as cut* 9 fr " r * s®iid Bihm, .Xrkfi i*intc<i is nni 4- I Rill's at Snecial Prices Ot_ - . i r\*ii /-t g{| l fi,lers - well niade tfrmrfrl inch Bor - g special trices bheets and Pillow Cases 111 I! rKSi QC extra strong. Illlllllfl 18-ln. GISMK Shelf nnd Uracketi* bpecial Rag RUBS for bath room or QC r nA . ILM {g •vfo #tOQC f" in ii f''' IM | H Toilet Paper lfoller .. .* kitchen; s'ze 27x54 Inches. Special .... <lx9o Muslin Sli€H?ts—3-inch hem. fj \BjgH , 51Z.y& ;ri i i'ethi' y Sl7S fc Sl2 O T5.i? > *" h *4l Good Velvet Uu . Alva • Velvet Rugs. Special eac-h . . VOC l|l ill M*.l JS WL * ational MATTRESSdES ! J-j- 4" ' Jl l.avator* >m* l>Uh kU/i 27x54 i nahea -'• 9x12 feet $29.95 81x90 Muslin Sheets—Extra quality. 91 1Q X Sfii AVat ? r n,otor Special eombina- li Is " " Tomblcr Hohler OUK. „ Flber Ku^s - Axminster Rugs, Special, each h]l i • tion P mattress, cov-'tt I C.-M-.tlo. T„. W „ Tooth Brk WV txis feet $34 . 50 H.xOO Mus.i,, Shecis-Extra good * lfi Q 1 Sj U\M -J $18.48 crcd %°J t,Ck *. P? Ali Tamb.Vr .nd s.up H.. W ! Rugs,'lxll feet .T5 ,- W ° Gl Fiber heavy quality $1.69 |j II $7.95 "-s-ir.r;'""^sy,^. c rrr'.r'.rr!r!-.23c | burg district who mot yesterday at! the home of the president, Mrs. Ly ! I man D. Gilbert. In this district. It , vvas stated, there are about forty ! mothers who are being helped by j the fund. Miss Pauline Houek, a trained worker of the Moody In ! stitute, Chicago, is in charge of the HAKRJSBURG TELEGRAPH! ! work of visitation. Trustees of the local board are: Mrs. Gilbert, president; Mrs. D. I*. Deitrick, vice-president; Mrs. Mercer B. Tate, secretary; Mrs. D. K. Tracv. treasurer; Mrs. James H. I-ehr, Mrs. David Kaufman and Mrs. Robert M. Rutherford. I Returns From France With Croix de Guerre I.teutenant tiummond Montgom ery Pieree. gassed. shelWshoeked. and wearing the Croix de Guerre, has returned to Hurrisburg where he visited his aunt, Mrs. H. H. Puge, -1614 Green street, recently. The of tlcer was one of the -selected men of the 328 th Infantry, trained ut Camp Sherman and Camp I-ee. He was formerly in the otlloc Torce of the Bethlehem Steel Company. llELl) AS AUTO THIEF Sylvested D. Vanetta, who claims MARCH 14. 1919. Cuyahoga l-'alls, Ohio, us his home, ■was arrested here lust evening charged with the theft of un auto mobile in Lancaster. At the time of his arrest, there were with him two soldiers and three girls. The arrest was made by I'utrolman Hy lan. When taken to the Mayor's 5 oilice, Vanetta first gave the namf of Thomas Davis, 2U- Hast New i street. Lancaster, and told that li i had lost his pocketbook with $ 10C lin cash In a local restaurant. ll | later admtited, however, that there | was no truth to this and admitted I that he had stolen tho car.