Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, March 14, 1919, Image 1

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    t resident tnisonArrives in trench Capital From Brest Shortly After Noon to Resume Peace !
' flflje Star-independent
Germany's Plight Told by
Commander of Yankee
Force in Berlin
Machine Gun Battle in Streets
Crowded With Women
and Children
No One Wants Russian Sol
diers Taken in War;
Afraid to Go Home
By Associated Press.
I.niulou. March 14.—"1f Ger
many docs not pet quite large
food supplies during April, literal
starvation will result." says a
Heuter's dispatch from Berlin.
"The government was forced to
raise the bread ration weeks ago
to its present status to keep the
people even relatively quiet," the
dispatch adds. "With this ration,
grain supplies will be absolutely
exhausted by May. Cultivation is
backward and only half a har
vest is expected this year."
Paris, March 14.—Brigadier Gen
eral George 11. Harries, commander
of the American military force at
Berlin, has been here several days
to report to the Supreme War Coun
cil on the military and economic
situation throughout Germany. He
has given a dramatic recital of crcnts
in Berlin during the past three
months, culminating in the serious
street fighting of the last fortnight.
When the American party left
Berlin, the government forces un
der Gustavo Noske. the German war
minister, had the upper hand and,
in General Harries' opinion, the gov
ernment wilt control the situation,
particular if food is sent to aid in
holding back the Bolshevik menace
from the eastern border. > f
The American forces in Germany
consist of eighty officers' and 600
men. a considerable part of the con
tingent being stationed at twenty
camps at various places in Germany,
where 600,000 Russian prisoners are
being cared for by the Americans.
The headquarters in Berlin are on
the second floor of tHe hotel Adlon,
in the heart of the city, where much
righting has been going on. During
the early stages of the lighting. Gen
oral Harries had a narrow escape,
lie was standing in a window of the
American headquarters, watching a
clash between opposing factions,
when a sniper's bullet grazed his
breast and buried itself in a window
casing by his sido.
Public Not Excited
During the most recent disorders
in Berlin, the electric lights have
been extinguished, street cars stop
ped. telephone and telegraph wires
cut, newspaper presses left ide and
stores closed: yet the public, ac
-1 ording to General Harries, shows
little evidence of panic. The streets
have been crowded with people, in
• luding women and children, but
the military forces have kept the
crowds constantly moving. The rat
tle of rifles and machine guns echoes
throughout the city both day and
night, but tile t-partacan bands have
been gradually driven back and have
lost control of strategic centers.
Thousands of Russian prisoners.
General Harries says, are clamor
ing to return home. but this
would mean the sending of 600.000
Russians into tlie hands of the Bol
sheviki. The latter are threatening
the Polish front and have a power
ful organization at Vilna. with un
limited funds for propaganda work,
which is under direction of Adolph
Joffe, former Bolshevik ambassador
at Berlin.
It is believed that a strong mili
tary zone in Poland, between Russia
and Germany, together with food
relief, otters the surest means of
holding back the Bolshevik advance
t-nder American care, the Russian
prisoners are in resasonably good
condition with adequate food and
little sickness. Steps will nrobably
be taken to return them to Russia
byway of the Black Sea or bv other
routes so as to avoid forcing them
into the Bolshevik ranks.
By Associated Press.
t\ ashlngton, March 14.—Hearings
herore the War Labor board in the
New Jersey street ear strike con
troversy were postponed today until
Monday to await the outcome of a
conference at Newark tomorrow be
tween representatives of the Public
Service Corporation and the strikers
with an examiner on the board pres
For llarrlsburg and vlelnltyi
< loudy, probably anon- this aft
ernoon! rnln to-night and Sat
urday, with rising temperature;
lowest temperature to-night
about 35 degrees.
For Eastern Pennsylvania t Rain
lute to-night and on Saturday!
rising temperature Saturday
and In north and west portions
to-night; fresh east winds.
The Susquehanna rlvce and nil Its
hrnnehea will continue to fnll
slowly to-night. A general
rain. Indicated for the water
shed, will likely enuse a gen
eral rise In nil streams begin
ning Snturdny or Saturday
A stage of ahont .l feet is indi
cated for Unrrishurg Safurdnv
"Spite Fence" Raised in Court
to Hide Her Pretty Ankles
Court. Tence" hid pretiy &nkles " /E
An innovation was sprung: in preparation made for the trial of Mrs. Betty
Inch, on trial for alleged extortion in the Criminal Branch of the Supreme
Court. New York. It was a partition about the base of the witness stand,
preventing: any view by the jury of the witness' feet. At a previous trial
the prosecuting: attorney complained that the jury's attention had been dis
tracted by the defendant's pretty ankles. In the photograph is shown Mrs.
Betty Inch and the fence they have built around her in court to screen her
ankles from the jury. The attractive defendant, however, scoffs at the
board screen and says she is not resting on her feet in this case, but on
legal lagic.
$14,000,000 FOR ;
["iovernor Sproul Signs Ap
propriation Bill; Depart
ment Can Go Ahead
The first big appropriation bills
to be approved by ("lovernor William
C. Sproul were to-day announced as (
signed and make available over
$14,000,000 tor purposes of the State
highway program. The bills are in a ;
sense supplemental to that signed a
few days ago reorganizing the de-,
partment and centralizing authority
so as to meet the demands of the j
highway development project.
One bill carries $3,026,000 for the'
payment of salaries and the expen- {
ses of the administration of the de- j
partment and the other J10.562.- '
040..1S divided as follows: Permanent
highway construction $3,000,0ou; re
pair of State highways within bor
oughs. $800,000: maintenance State
aid highways. $400,000; State share
construction State aid highways.
$3,000,000; turnpike condemnation.
$500,000: second class township;
road bonus for 1013 and 1914. $l,-1
142,049.38 and damages, etc.. $20,-';
Other bils signed included:
House bill transferring part of:
funds appropriated to quarantine
physician of Philadelphia to boat!
Senate bill conferring on judge
advocates of the I'nited States armyl
the powers of notaries public and!
validating acts.
Senate bill making $3OO instead of [
$250 the limit for bridge work-that •
need not be advertised by counties {
Judge McCarrell's Farm,
Untilled For Five Years,
Worth Less Than $9OO
Assessors who were present yes- j
terday at the session of the County,
Commissioners at Halifax to receive J
appeals and revise valuations of!
properties in that district, declared.
that the farm owned by Judge S. .T.
M. M.cCarrell, consisting of a tract!
of 97 acres, assessed at $9OO is not!
even worth that figure, according to;
an official who was present at the.
County officials who were at the!
session said assessors told them the
farm to which Judge McCarrell j
holds title, has not been tilled for at,
least five years, and that some of the !
buildings are in'such condition that:
they would have to be entirely re-i
constructed or replaced.
One of the assessors declared he •
would not be willing to pay anything
for the tract in its present state, j
According to a statement published}
this morning, farms of similar s izo'
in the vicinity in Wayne township'
are valued as high as $4,000. It was*
pointed out that these tracts are j
being used constantly and that the!
buildings on them are in tlyj best of:
Another farm, about the same size!
consisting of 101 acres and assessed
at SI,SOO, was sold by the sheriff yes
terday for $1,030. <'oniniissioners C. j
P. Humbler and Henry M. Stlnc this
morning authorized lowering the!
valuation to $l,OOO.
To-day the commissioners revised 1
some of the property valuations in'
the Twelfth and Thirteenth wards. I
To-morrow they expect to confer
again with T. Ellsworth Davies, mtn-1
ing engineer, on coal land assess
ments. and on Monday they will i
meet at Dauphin to hear appeals. J
Will Be Here For Kotary Club
Conference to Be Held at
Penn-Harris. Apr. 10-11
Tlie Bethlehem Steel Company
Banil, of Bethlehem, will come to Har
risburg for the district conference
of the Rotary Clubs to be held in
the Bonn-Harris April 10 and 11. The
: band will be brought here by the AI
-1 lentown Club which will have a del
egation of seventy-two. The band
1 will number one hundred pieces and
. will come to Harrisburg by special
, train the morning of April 11 and re
turn home late that night, giving
| Concerts in the lobby of the hotel and
l during the dinner which will bring
• the conference to an end that eve-
I ning.
1 This news was received today by
Howard C. . Fry. district governor,
who will preside over the conference,
j The meeting will be the largest
|in the history of the district. Al
ready every available room has been
! taken at the Penn-Harris for the
hight of April 10 and many of the
other hotels have made reservations,
i The final arrangements for the con
ference will be made at a luncheon
i of the club in the ball room of the
Penn-Harris Monday, at which the
, ladies of the club will be guests.
Police Asked to Be on Look-
I out For Clever Counter
feiters of Bills
j A note of warning was sounded
at the Harrisburg police station to
day for Harrisburg people to beware
'of counterfeit and "raised" federal
! reserve notes which have- been muk
| ing their appearance in the Central
' Pennsylvania district. '
Professional handlers of money
i ir> bands and mercantile establlsh
' ments of the city are cautioned to
! handle each bill singly rather than
|to resort to the easy method of
| "thumbing" or "snapping" in doing
j the counting, to aid in meeting the
j A number of different but clever
i methods are used by the makers of
1 the raised notes. Those being cir
j culated in the district are chiefly
j the one and two dollar federal re
serve notes which have been raised
! to ten rfind twenty dollar denomina
! tions. The working on the back is
! particularly deceptive, a larger "$10"
i cleverly pasted on. The working on
j the face is not so good, the cipher
; appearing to be rather lighter than
i the remainder of the lettering. The
twenty dollar notes are also of good
| workmanship. Five dollar federal
reserve notes have In some instances
I been raised to twenty and fifty dol
| lar denominations, the numerals
i both on the face and back have been
carefully placed in position and the
I bills in consequence are particularly
i dangerous.
.Great Crowd at lnvalides Sta
tion to Greet Yank
jTrain Rearing Americans Dc-;
laved on Way From
Brest to Paris
Left Brest at 11 O'clock Thurs-j
day Night For Peace
By Associated Press.
Paris, March 14.—President Wil- !
; son. returning to the Peace Confer- j
| once after his trip to the United j
I States, arrived in Paris shortly af- j
j ter noon today. The President's
i train coming front Hrest was ox- !
j pected to arrive at 11 o'clock. At-I
i though the time of arrival had not t
j been made public a great crowd i
[ had gathered at the lnvalides sta- |
| tion at 11 o'clock. The station was
I decorated with flowers and flags
! and the Twenty-tirst French Regi
| inent was on hand to do military
| honors to the American President.
Tlte President's train, which had '
1 been delayed on the way from Brest. I
| reached the lnvalides station at 12.07 I
j o'clock.
Brest. March 14.—President Wil-!
' son and his party left Brest last l
night at 11 o'clock. Though numer
ous decorations had been hung out
| to welcome the return of Mr. Wil-1
1 son, his reception was entirely with- '
lout ceremony, lie was in excellent |
: health, apparently having benefited j
! by his period of rest.
Immense crowds of American sol- |
diers stationed at Brest endeavored i
I to get a view of the President'und !
| the moonlight afforded an excellent !
i chance, aided by extra lights which ;
had been installed for the occasion. !
I The soldiers awaited the President I
j eagerly, and he raised his hat as he j
I observed their anxiety.
Rain to Follow in
Wake of "Onion Snow"
J The snow which gladdened the i
hearts of hundreds of Harrisburgj
youngsters this morning will be of,
short duration. Forecaster E. K. Be-j
main, of the United Slates Weather I
Bureau says, thus blasting the hopes!
that these same youngsters had that!
| probably they might get some real:
' coasting after all.
i Bain will follow on the heels ofi
j the snow. Mr. Deniaih says. Indica-'
i lions do not show clearly at what
time the drops will start, but it is
i practically certain that they will fall ;
i before morning. The rain will be a'
; steady one, the local weather man
says. * i
Brussels, March 14.—M. t'oore- ;
( ntans, principal secretary of the (
' ministry of arts and sciences, has j
i been sentenced to fifteen years at'
! hard labor by a Belgian general j
i headquarters court-martial. Coore- ;
1 mans was accused of accepting from !
the Germans tlie post of chief secre- '
tary ot the Flemish eeparaist min
| istry.
1 Madrid, March 14. —Senor Mon- I
i tanes lias been appointed governor
i of Barcelona, where tliere has been 1
I considerable trouble lately owing to j
1 strikes and Catalonian agitation. '
, With Mines on Short Time He . 1
Fails to See Just Cause
For Priee Baise
By Associated Press.
Philadelphia, March 14. —Anthra-
cite coal operators to-day were dis- j
inclined to comment upon the action |
of Governor Sproul inquiring of At-1
! torney General W. I. Schaffer wheth
er the State had authority to in
vestigate the reasons for increasing
| the price of the fuel by the prodne
[Continued on Pago 18.]
Now the Thirty-Five Cents Purchases Hut a Small Drink
Over the Drying Bar
Waynesboro. Pa.. March 15.—Clos-| neighboring distilleries and thus dia
log down of all distilleries in this ; poaed of these cereals.
sectioh recalls from an aged resident ! '!, e . K"od old days
iwnen whisky was "as plenty as
a time when ab.out every other farm j water" and almost us free. The old
in this region had a distillery and resident remembers when he could
made whisky in great quantities. j ''"- v a " " le KOCK ' whisky lie wanted
This was in the period before the j TvcZZl i
Civil War. when grain markets were the beverage that merchants in those
fnr distant and hauling was difficult : days deept a jug of whisky on their i
ever the bad roads of that day (when 1 f ounters f '> r fee use by their cus- j
, . . : tomers, who only had to go to the
wagon roads were in constapt use : jllHr a nd pour out a drink,
from Baltimore to Pittsburgh and ; This will seem almost Incredible |
from Baltimore to Philadelphia). |to people nowadays, who under the <
Farmers found a nearer market Tor I recent revenue act must lay down
their corn, rye and barley in the j thirty-five cents for a small drink. J
Specialized in Corporation
Law and Was Certi
fied Accountant
Belonged to Many Clubs,
Lodges and Business
George 15. lleisey, corporation
lawyer, certified accountant and a
widely known member of tlie Dau
phin county bar, died suddenly this
morning at Ensminger's drug store.
Second and North streets. It is be
lieved that death was caused by
angina pectoris.
Mr. Heisey was born in Lancaster
county. He practiced law in liis home
county, moving to Harrisburg where
he resumed his legal work. He was
a specialist in the practice of cor
poration law and was widely known
because of his wide and thorough
knowledge. He resided at 901 North
Front street, in the Elpliinstono
apartments, of which lie was the
He was actively identified with the
city's business lrfo and was a mem
ber of the Harrisburg Rotary Club,
tlte Dauphin County liar Associa
tion. the Country Club of Harrisburg,
tlte Masons, and other organizations.
Surviving him is his wife, Mrs.
Merrimar \V. Heisey. who has been
a prominent figure in lted Cross
work here and who was actively
identified with the Motor Messenger
Service and Red Cross Motor Corps.
Funeral arrangements will be an
nounced later.
Strikers Drag Crews
From Cars in Jersey
By Associated Press.
Newark. X. .)., March 14. With
hearings on the North Jersey trol
ley strike deadlock deferred by the
National War Labor Board, until
Monday, pending conferences between
the Public Service Railway Company
and its employes disorder was re
newed by crowds of union sympathiz
ers here today. Crews were dragged
from three cars and attempts made to
short circuit wires.
City Asked to Give Tons
of Garments to Red
The Harrisburg Chapter, Ameri
ican Bed Cross, ' to-day issued a
statement saying that this district
will he called upon to furnish thirty
live tons of old clothing to lie sent
to starving people in .Southern
Europe made destitute by the world
war. A campaign to raise this
amount of clothing jvill lie opened
(Confined on l'agc 10)
I The Supreme Council Decides
I 1
Germany Must Give I p
Its Leasehold
Japan and China Are at Odds 1
Over 'JTlie to Insular
Japs Assert Conquest of Hun I
i Forces Gives Over i
By Associated Press
Paris, March 14.—The Supremo j
i Council of the Peace Conference has|
J virtually decided to include in the
preliminary treaty of peace a re-|
j quirement that Germany shall relin
j quisli her leasehold of Tsing-tao and
j all properties concessions 011 the
Shantung peninsula,
i No attempt, it is understood, will
| be made at present to render a de
cision as to ultimate possession of
Germany's rights, which is the sub
ject of a controversy between the
j Japanese and Chinese delegations in
I Paris.
I .
1 The former holds that Japan ac- j
quired the leasehold by right of con-j
j quest over the German forces there,;
j although she is willing to permit the!
i ultimate status of the Shantung |
! ,
I peninsula to lie determined by thci
i Peace Conference. China contends!
I the lease was automatically cun-j
I eeled by the expulsion of the Get - - j
1 mans, who originally acquired it by;
; force, and that the property reverts j
I to China.
I It is expected that the final ad-!
j justment will be made in the dell- j
I nite peace treaty or by the League j
of Nations, unless, in the meantime,!
: the principals to the controversy j
! reach a mutually satisfactory agree- i
| ment.
Russian Red Chiefs
Say Soviet Army Is
On Way to Archangel
Loudon. March 14.—The Bolshe-j
j vik general staff at Moscok claims
J that during January arid February
i t lie Bolshevik army occupied terrl
i tory the size of France, having 1,-
; 055 miles of rfttlroad under its con
trol, 'and declares that the Soviet
troops will reach Archangel by May
! 1. according to a Helsinfors dispatch
: to the Mail.
After the Bolslieviki entered Kiev
! they are said to have executed Pro
! lessor Barunovsky, an economist,
whrt was recently appointed to rep
| resent Fkraine in Paris. Professor
1 Zabolotij. Professor Elimenko, Gen-
I eneral Balbachan, eleven newspa-
I pernten and tlie president of the
j municipality are also reported to
j have ben shot by the Bolshevik.
Hears of Father's Death
on Arrival at Home Port
To hurry home to attend the fu
-1 neral of his father, was the first
| word Vernon \V. Flora, of Enohi. |
'received yesterday when he landed
'at Camp Stuart, Newport News, Va.,
j after serving for ten months over-
Iseas. The father, William W. Flora,
I freight conductor, died several days'
jago from injuries suffered in tlie big
I freight wreck at Heaton last Thurs
j day.
I Flora made application for a pass
Ito return home for the funeral and
| left Norfolk. Va., at ti o'clock last
evening and arrived in Eriola this
I morning to attend the funeral which
j is being held this afternoon.
Spartacans Continue to
Resist Government Forces
By Associated Press.
liiiuilon. March 14. Spartacan
forces still retain part of the Berlin
suburb of Liehtenberg. and arc
stubbornly resisting the government
forces, an Exchange Telegraph dls
pateh from Copenhagen says. Fight
ing is continuing in Liehtenberg .and
also in the Ivarlshorst.
scum: m bt i\ crash
By Associated Press.
AA ilkes'llarrr, Pa., March 14.
Twenty persons were injured, eight
of them seriously, when a trolley car
ran wild down a grade here today
and crashed into a standing freight
train. Slippery rails caused the car
to get beyond control.
By Associated Press.
AAaxhlngton, March 14.—Sailing of '
the transport Susquehanna from St. I
Nazi re, on March 11 to arrive at New '
York March 114 with fifty-six officers I
and 2.323 men, was" announced today I
by the War Department.
March 14. Although
the Cuban general strike has been
called off formally, a dispatch to tlie
Ktate Department today from Hu
vanna, says the situatro" stiu is
jiioua and uncertain.
Washington Officials Much Disturbed by
Reports of Attack on Orientals
by Angry Yankee Sea Force
1! 1/ Associated Press t
Pokin, March 14.—American nia-j
j rines have raided the Japanese con
cession at Tien Tsin, forcing their
! way into the Japanese consulate and j
I assaulting tlie consul, according to!
| dispatches received here.
The trouble is said to have been l
i caused by the rough treatment given!
I American soldiers who became dis-|
orderly in tlie Japanese quarter of;
! the city. Japanese soldiers drove'
j out tlie Americans with fixed bayo-j
; nets, it is said, wounding fwo of!
' tlietn finite seriously.
Tlte next day 200 angry marines!
. who wore off duty paraded through j
! the Japanese concession, and it isi
.alleged they attacked every Jitpu-j
j nese encountered. When the ma
rines reached the consulate they
forcibly entered, it is reported, and'
assaulted tlte consul, whose injuries!
are understood to be serious.
Tlte consular body is deliberating!
I on measures to be taken to restore
j normal conditions. ft is said that
; feeling is running high in Tien Tsin.!
Washington. March 14. —A dash
; between American troops, a Jap- '
j anese policeman and some civilians !
I at Tien Tsin was reported to the j
j State Department to-day by Minister!
, Reinsclf, at Peking. Tlte minister I
i said lie ltad sent First Secretary I
| Spencer to Tien Tsin to investigate j
j and report.
Officials were greatly disturbed by i
tiie news front Peking. Navy De-
I partment officials doubted that two j
| hundred marines were involved in
i'l ?
j'jr 4
i • 1
t 4
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J ray occupied territory the size of France, h ■
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▼ morgues. There r.rc 196 bodies' in the morgue in Han- 3
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♦ . Germans execute 24 marin 3
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X Brussels—Prerftter Delacroix announced in \
14* Chamber of Deputies 10-day that the Supreme Council of •*
j *
It l * Conference had .decided the treaty ftf April 19. ' .
la||Ia|| • Jen Belgium and Holland must be revised. *
' *
I ▼
"ir *
'■ ' /• n • - "r r
; • — *— ——— ; — i: ■ J
j J*the Republican MARRIAGE LICENSES :xt H'.-'Usc. 4 .
T l-ro tori. HarrUhurg, nn <l Kllrulx-ih Mngaru, yilddlrttwsi T. J
7" J' rank DillcnlinuKk. yiiil<iir(utvn, nml Itln F. tUMi-inli-rfer, Harris- J
-i. i|
tlie raid, because no marines are
stationed at Tien Tsin and the entire
contingent at Peking, three or four
hours ride away, numbers only a
few hundred. Only the presence ot
a number of American ships in port,
of which the department has not
been advised, could account for so
many marines being ashore and oft
duty at Tien Tsin.
The American force stationed at
Tien T.in is the Fifteenth regular
lnfantrv regiment, which lias been
there for several years and is com
posed entirely of veteran soldiers.
No mention was made of a raid
by American murines in the Jtipun
ese consulate' and the wounding ol
the consul, reported in a Peking dis
patch to the Associated Press. The
minister's message was brief and
gave no details.
In the absence of complete in-,
formation, oflicials were not willing
to discuss the incident for publica
tion. Privately, however, it was
said, if the Japanese consulate had
been violated, of course the guilty
would be punished and a propel
r.polog.v would be made to Japan.
The Japanese consulate is located
in a saloon and restaurant section
of Tien Tsin. and brawls there in thfl
past are said to have been not in
f.v Associated Press•
Washington, March 14.—Secretary
Daniels left Washington today foi
New York to embark tomorrow on
the transport Devlathan for his Ku
ropean trip. He will attend tonigli!
in New York the dinner to tie gives
by the Democratic National Commit
tee in honor of Homer Oummings
The secretary expects to return fro it
Kurope about May 1.