Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, March 13, 1919, Page 5, Image 5

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Governor Sproul Is Host to j
Judges Last Evening in
thc Executive Mansion t
The annual dinner to the judges of j
the Superior Ctjurt of Pennslyvania !
was held last evening at the Execu
tive Mansion with Governor William j
C. Sproul, host.
In attendance were: President'
Judge George B. Orlad.v, Judge W. B. I
Porter, Judge John B. Head, Judge J.
Henry Williams, Judge John J. it n
derson, Judge F, M. Trexler, and
Judge William H. Keller, of the Su
perior Court; l-ieutenant Governor
Edward E. Beidleman, Secretary cf j
the Commonwealth Cyrus E. Woods, j
Vltorney General William 1. Schaef- |
I'er, Auditor General Charles A. Sny- j
ricr, State* Treasurer H. M. ICephart,
former Governor William A. Stone, ,
State Highway Commissioner Hevcis ;
S. Sadler. Deputy Attorney General j
Robert Gawthrop, A. B. Weinier, j
Spencer G. Gilbert, Spencer G. Xau- j
man, Judge J. M. McCarreil, Judge '
George Kunkel and Harry B. McDev- [
The decorations were by Uttley, '
who used ceiling and electrolier |
hangings of alabaster vines to re- I
licve the banks of palms and fern j
around the walls. Bkue iris and 1
myriads of daffodils formed an Or!- I
ontal garden effect in the center of!
the table, while from little banks of j
the same flowers at either end waved J
reeds ending in acacia sprays. Ycl- I
low capped candle were used in silver J
Commander Nelson Gets
Reappointment; Campbell
Goes Up in Health Service
Commander Thomas T. Nelson. Jr.,
of the Pennsylvania Naval Militia. |
was today reappointed to that rank .
and assigned to the First Battalion '
of the Naval Militia. He is a resi- .
dent of Philadelphia and is in rite •
Federal service.
Dr. J. Moore Campbell, of Philadel- '
phia, chief of thc division of biolog- |
ical products ot the State Depart- |
ment of Health, was today appoint- j
cd assistant chief medical inspector
of the department. Dr. H. E. Hull,
for a number of years assistant, is I
now chief inspector.
The Public Service Commission to- i
day directed an engineer to go to |
Palmyra *lo make examination in
complaints of shoe manufacturing j
concerns against the Annvillc and .
Palmyra Electric Eight Company. i
Chairman Ainey, of the Public Ser- i
\ie ( , Commission, is to be the speak
er at the annual meeting of the Amer
ican Electric Railway Association at |
New York tomorrow.
Questions involving uniform class- j
ifications for natural gas companies j
will be considered at a conference of j
representatives of Pennsylvania. I
Ohio, New York and West Virginia j
and of various companies at Pitts- .
1 urgh next Tuesday.
16 Flying Fields and
Three Balloon Fields
to Be Maintained
Washington. March 1.1
of the War Department to maintain
sixteen flying tields and three bal
loon fields as a part of the perma
nent military establishment, is an
nounced by Acting Secretary Crow
ell. The department also has prac
tically decided, Mr. Crowell said,
to store for possible future use the
hundreds of elementary and ad
vanced training planes used during ■
the war.
Secretary Crowell said department I
experts do net believe the training
machines will deteriorate, if care
fully stored, even after a period of
years, nor do they believe that any
decided improvement will bo made
in these types which would necessi
tate their being discarded.
Thc flying and balloon fields to
lie retained have not yet been so-1
Militia and Health
Chiefs to Inspect Gretna;
New Bill Provides Funds
Adjutant General Frank D. Beary
and Col. Edward Martin, Stale Com- j
missioner of Health, today began an ;
inspection of the state's camp site
at Mt. Gretna and its environs. The j
camp will bo used this year as the I
place for the slimmer encampment j
nf the Reserve Militia. Work on the [
improvement program will b e re- j
sumed very shortly.
The militia bill now before the !
T.egislature provides further money |
for the permanent features of the
camp site. Col. Martin, who was i
in charge of medical work at various '
• amps during the war, will go over '
the sanitary and other problems and!
arrange such changes as may be j
needed. The camp site may also be i
used for instruction camps for health j
Roy Spayd Is New
Driver For Good Wilt
With the dismissal of Samuel |
Lehman, as a tire apparutus driver
for the Good Will Fire Company.
Chief John C. Kindler announced
to-day that Roy Spayd. son of the
late Alderman Robert E. Spayd, has
been appointed to the position.
Lehman this afternoon was given
a hearing on a charge of attacking
Harvey Dintaman. a fellow driver,
early yesterday morning. He was
held under bail for tlio hearing be
fore Alderman P. E. Murray to-day,
on charges of assault and battery
and carrying concealed deadly weap
ons. Dintaman alleges Xehnian
struck him, fracturing his nose and
later attempted to shoot him.
Dinner For Miss Kinzer
at the Penn-Harris j
Miss Mary Kinzer, 2127 North Sec
ond street, was the guest of honor at
a surprise birthday dinner given at
the Penn-Harris last evening by her
mother, Mrs. Mary Smyser Kinzer.
The guests who helped celebrate
the happy event wer e Miss Florence
Rinkenbach, Miss Charlotte Crabbe,
Mr. and Mrs. George Butterworth,
Mark Miltnor, Ernect Apel and Carl
The evening's festivities closed with
a theater party.
A cottage prayer meeting under
the auspices of the Covenant Pres
byterian Church will be held at the
Home of thc Friendless this even
ing at 7.30 o'clock.
Osteopaths Ask For
Hospital Privileges in
Amendment to Law
The amendment to the osteopathic
law presented in the legislature, it
was said today, is designed to make
clear the rights of osteopathic phy-
Tomorrow, Friday, Another Remarkable Day At Kaufman's I
Women's and Misses' High Grade Suits |
In Specialized • Values of $22.50, $25.00, $29.50 W
z—We want to make emphatic that the values are unquestionably the very best that can be had. / \ jjH
We doubt if any store anywhere would adopt a policy of value giving as broad as ours. It is well established now that suits are / A. / \ m
going to be the most popular garment for Spring. Those who have not as yet purchased their Spring suits will have extraordinary | XV. / |jt|
assortments from which to select at our specialized values, $22.50, $25.00, and $29.50. You can compare these suits very favorably with 1 n\{/ ■ v!
J those you are accustomed to see at very much higher prices elsewhere. The tailoring, materials and styles are way above the average \ J fit \Y | Da
- SU ' tS at t^lese P r ' ces anc * s *y les appeal strongly to women and misses who desire the most fashionable apparel. \/ j
I Specialized Values Specialized Values Specialized Values I ( S
In New Spring Suits In New Spring Suits In New Spring Suits Ijui... mm£ S
B— At $22.50 At $25.00 At $29.50 mAW S
I These are shown in serges and poplins, These are shown in all the wanted materials These are extra fine suits in tricotir.e and j Q|' iWll tsmMsS
1 mostly in navy, but also in other spring shades. —men's wear serge, mixtures and serges. Navy 3er S e '. n all thc late shades. Exclusive models Q fSSmHS if)
rjßwl The tailoring and materials are first class. We j s the most prominent color, although other that will appeal to the best dressers. All sizes WmSSw i
bave all sizes for women and misses. charming colors are represented. All sizes for women an£ l misses. oJjgjSßmt I'
Special Introductory Prices / |\A Jvy\ w vv nv//l\\\ Higli-Class Exclusive Models njj
For Capes and Dolmans jlffißt/) Fxtra Fine Suits 1
Exclusively styled garments in the most approved materials, such / | yW No Jk\ //T°Tl \\ \ \ . om( n (in( t Missts jjy
as poplin and serge in subdued tones, as well as the more brilliant | f]° V V IsP
At $35.00 to $49 50 ®
l{♦ el \ U "j Til These are suits that meet the requirements of the woman and jfl
1 4- U 1 Ov-y / ' lc - v ' I ' miss who desire something extraordinary in quality—something that Is*
vy UVA Vy \ \ I 111 • I 111/ ' s '"coroP 3l " from an exclusive style point of view. They are |jy
\ I / \l \ j \ I s^own ' n a " new most wanted materials and colors and in
For New Extra Size Suits i|§)!) vi jIP Stunning New Dresses 1
These extra size suits for large figures are shown in the same \ \ BHhA j|S at lUtrodllCtoriJ Prices
models as our regular size suits, in all the latest materials and colors. zt> -< p* , /+% p/v tH
They are designed especially for stout figures and give the j* I S T" I
slender effect, so much desired. ~ Lc/ Lv/ V/ vj
_ r\t Suitable In |(J
529.50 to M 5.00 taffeta—in the season's most alluring styles and most appropriate
t Specialized Values in New Spring Hats R specializing m 1
At $4.90 and $5.90 **! q S P rin I
w u , t , , , , „ , t n At $7.95 and $10.95 I
We are now showing what we believe to be the finest collec- r? . i)
tion of Trimmed Hats this store has ever had. Owing to the increasing of our millinery Every parent Will be glad to be able k]
department we have been compelled to prepare for a greatly increased business. The in- [ G j )UV boys' clothing lor the moderate *s|
dications right now are that we will have the biggest business on record this spring. Al- prices which we are offering in these ill- B
ready these stunning new hats are selling rapidly and there is little wonder ot that be- mHiudmnf cnlUnn- ri.,v t WV. el
cause the styles are so attractive and the qualities of the materials so extremely fine that iL i A 1 !1 !i • 1 • cllc ."{ )in e> |j)
women wonder how we can sell such charming hats at the prices. hirgest boys clolhing business m Mar- Ss
• nsburg', and each season increases de- y>J
Every wanted color is represented in our introductory spring selling / spite the fact that most stores are com- ||j
event. TTiere are Lisere Braids, Milans, Pine Apple Braids and other very pelled to ask high prices lor bovs' cloth- kS
popular materials, and the shapes are large and small and medium. Some are ; n(r () nr v trrmivp nntlnt unrl l uvyo hnv El
plain, some are turned up on one side, some are round-brim and some are facdities nvike it nossi e for ,s to M
flat. These charming hats are trimmed with ribbons and flowers and ing iacillUCS make It possiDle lot US to |U
buckles. oiler values which are very much better jv)
. in every way than any other store in town
i- c in ofter. - |LJ
> LAST FRIDAY OF BIG 10 DAY BARGAIN BASEMENT SALE ( These two specialized values in Boys* W
/ EXTRA— N f EXTRA—. EXTRA— N Norfolk Suits are of S reat impor-
I Apron Gingham I I Wool Soap I |hbhhb|m' ; I Toilet Paper j I Laundry Soap I bl
I I Standard apron ging- I I For toilet or bath, I I S big roils of good! I 8 cakes Empire laundry I I DnVC' CBDINP, {U
I I ham, blue and I white, Ofi. I I toilet paper OS r I I oap QC r I | S
I white checks, yd., ® I I 6 for I , I for J I for I NORFOLK SUITS
Sizes 7 to 18 |§J
f' > EXTRA v Step Ladder "1 FLASHLIGHT Laundry Soap v nvn , n t 1 C4,rs t IMJ
Dutch Curtains I Sep ladder, 89c I I Good, big size. OQp I I Swift's Pride laundry I \
Scrim curtains lace in-I D foot 02, C Complete for. ... I f" a P- 12 cakes I Borax I , fJIER. IDJ
sertlon, Dutch 9Q I I , . ' I for I Twenty-mule Team Bor- I , * M 1 vW A A V '
effect, pair . . ®I.OS#I V 9 V I ax, . 1-lb. pack- I Q < .| ( > .ffSWlAi'fi]
I -SnPPlJll PfieAC Wash Benches, as 8-qt. Aluminum Tea I els slashed
I Clothes Baskets * lllluo pictured, extra Kettle, heavy gauge. I Pockets. . ///// / '■ L, Hj
1 I Chip Clothes Baskets, Nucut Pickle Dishes at 25<V strong Spe- <J9 AfL ini i • t v ' terlals of hand- IWUI \ £>s
' S 69C Nuc „ H.„d,e d Napp.es 1* -. ST I
I v Nucut Berry Bowls at Clothes Dryers, ele- I iron. jj pe . eo nj* I a nd homespuns— Vw \Jl| \ hi
1 Sink Strainers 1 Nucut Cake Dishes at rating as pic- 7<) r 11 _ 8 I? 1 k^ 1 , n<i l°I l cial * . and checks. Every Ll tffiut VS
' Nucut Mayonnaise Set at ,s4 "-98 ' , . ife"" \ |
! S-Ut. Coffee p.rco- I W ' ' M*S' SMUG jC |)
' Raekple N Colonial bhape Water Pitcher at pic . ti OQ lator, weld- AQ HI4 BI MflßFfll k SUITS Af VT>)
' B l C ig baskets, extra! Cut Glass Wter Set, 7 pteces, for ..$1.29. tured .. . . V'** edspout. Sl-48 [spout *™*\ I 7 \ n 7" J VVW 15l
' 59c . „„„„ . '' s Y ~" M\
I cial J / LXIKA \ A as . l\i W \
I y—: Z — ' I Longcloth I \ 51 I 1.95 i!
, roning Boards l I
-yard good I fHF V 9 If HVHHBHI J|K E\ W
Ironing Boards with stand. I I longcloth for £IAQ I vr / /9 1 *3
si-391 1........... a,l - 48 l mm mk lip Ml Ik | Ejd \ i
i Bread Box \ Wash Boilers ffl
I Japanned Bread QO„ I Copper bottofci wash ™ meres, light and
y I""- aac |r CT ;" o< " $2-69
sicians in the hospitals of the State, c
Under a recent ruling of Dr. J. W. i
Baldy, president, of the State Medical 1
Board, osteopuths are forbidden to i
give any kind, of internal or external i
treutment to patients in hospituls
other than that of manipulation, i
This order prevents them from or
dering the administering of even a
glass of hot water or regulation of '
diet, whereas, they hold, the law
as it at present stands gives them
the privilege of treating in whatso
ever manner their colleges teach,
including major surgery, the admin
istration of antisceptics, antidotes
and anesthetics. They believe amend
ment to the law clearing up the
status of the profession would be
a better way of meeting the difficul
ty, they say, than resort to court
It is denied by the osteopaths that
they desire to extend their practice
to the treatment of disease by drugs,
but they do not want to be excluded
from the treatment of diseuse by
any natural method. In many hos
pitals osteopaths and medical men
practice side by side in perfect har- j
niony and co-operate, but Dr. Baldy's i
ruling stands in the way 6f a per- ;
feet understanding. The osteopaths
point out that they are required to
submit to as long and as rigorous
a training as the physicians of any
other school, exceut in the appli
cation of drugs, and they believe
they are entitled to privileges of
practice equal to,those of the older
school of doctors who use serums
and other forms of treatment un
known when they were in college.
Lj'kons, Pa., March 13. —A five
year-old son of James Williams, of
jthis place, was so badly Injured this
morning when struck by an auto
mobile, that he is expected to die
at (he Pottsville Hospital to whiclt
he was taken after the accident. The
child ran directly in front of the
automobile which carried morning
, newspapers and mail from Millers
burg to I.ykens. The flesh on his face
i and body was baijly lorn.