Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, March 13, 1919, Page 4, Image 4
4 READING CALLED RADICAL CENTER Eighty-Eight Recruiting Sta tions in Its District, Humes Says Washington, March 13.—Reading, Pa., was a big recruiting cantor for the "bloody class revolution" . through which, according to the memorandum submitted to the Sen ate committee investgating lawless propaganda, by Solicitor Lamar, of the Postofflce Department, the I. "W. W.'s anarchists and Socialists In the I'nited States planned to overthrow the Government. According to a list of general re cruiting unions for the American llolshevists filed with the committee today by Major E. Lowrey Humes, attorney for the committee, Reading was the recruiting center of tho "Reds" of Eastern Pennsylvania and Xew Jersey. The radicals maintaln ' ed enghty-eight recruiting stations in the Reading district, according to the documents filed by Major Humes. With the statement of the number of recruiting stations and a list of industrial unions of tho I. "W. W„ which aided in the work of organ izing the I. W. W.'s anarchists and Socialists for the proposed transla tions of more ■ than fifty circulars and posters published since the sign ing of the armistice, and excerpts from books written by radical lead ers, all of which, in the opinion of Major Humes, incited to sabotage • and revolution. The Senate committee in its report on the investigation will recommend drastic legislation against tho 'Reds," Senator Overman, chairman of the committee, said. Hog Island Plans Were in Germany PliUadclphia, March 13. Com plete plans of the entire shipbiuld ing project at Hog Island, with val- i •uable information of the work being accomplished and that to be under taken, were found in Germany by agents of the rmy intelligence corps. This was made known today aft er officials of the Fleet Corporation announced that 254 men, classed as dangerous spies, who succeeded in getting employment at Hog Island, were arrested and prosecuted dur ing the war. The Hog Island guard j and secret service engineered the arrests, with the help of agents of the Department of Justice and mem bers of the intelligence corps of the arnm and navy. T* plans were obtained and for warded to Germany despite the most efficient work by the guards and secret agents at the plant, but they did not get through in time to allow the "war lords" to plan measures that would hinder opera tions of the yard. The plans were detailed, but showed by their errors that those who had drawn them up had evi dently been forced to do their work away from the inspiration and actualities of the yard by the vigi lance of the guards. As a matter of fact, a high official of the com pany said today, the plans served only the purpose of letting Germany know what was already suspected— that the United States was sparing no expense and no resource in its determination to overcome the Cen tral Powers. Philadelphia Teachers Form Labor Union Philadelphia, March 13.—Women teachers of Philadelphia are getting ready to join the ranks of organized labor. I Within two weeks they expect to have a chartered teachers' union here. Its membership will include virtually every woman teacher in Philadel phia's public schools. Through this new organization the teachers hope to gain the salary in crease which they have been strug gling unsuccessfully to get as in dividuals. It Is said that the teachers in Philadelphia's primary schools are •worse paid than those in any other big city in the United States. Textile Owners to Share Their Profits Philadelphia, March 13.—More than 150,000 textile workers In Philadel phia ultimately will be the benefici aries of a profit-sharing plan which has been approved by the Men and Managements Textile Council, com prising a majority of the large tex tile mill owners in this city. The plan already has been adopted ly the Full-Fashioned Hosiery Manu facturers' Association, and will be submitted to the 8000 workers in that branch of the industry for ap proval. Advice to the Lovelorn From a Real Man DEAR MISS FAIRFAX: I have been reading your interest ing little talks and "Advice to the Lovelorn" for some time and find some of the questions quite amus ing, especially in Friday's paper: "What Makes Married Life Dull?" . I to . say: "People make it dull themselves. I have been mar ried for seventeen years. Since my wife died last fall leaving me with six children ranging in age from three to sixteen years, I have felt that those seventeen were the hap piest years of my life. If two peo ple ever lived happily together, we did. My idea of a dull married life is that there is too much selfishness on both sides; the husband not taking any interest in the house or home more than a boarder and the wife uninterested in the occupation of her husband. Many an evening liueband comes home with worries either in labor or business, is met by a smiling, sympathizing wife and tidy house, no matter how hum ble, and by the time supper is ready there will be enough subjects to discuss to outlast the meal. And, a home with childen is hap pier than a home without them for they bind the husband and wife closer together In love and happi ness. At the same time the man ought to help his wife in anything she is interested in and then her love for him will never grow cold and at the same time he is bring . ing happiness to himself. Some husbands do not appreciate the worth of a good wife until she Is gone, and then It is too late. V. M. S. TO SPEAK AT SCHOOL . Nicholas Schmitz, extensive rep resentative in agronomy of Penn sylvania State College, will be the speaker at a meeting this evening in the Beaver school, near Cham ber's Hill. He will speak on "Al falfa Culture." Miss Mary Ruth Fisher will speak on "Home Econo mics and What it Means." % THURSDAY EVENING, HAjmiSBURG tt&M* TEEEGRXPH MARCH 13,1919. Looks For Rapid Growth Here in Next Few Years; Hat Off to the New Hotel A solitary figure stood looking from tha lobby windows of the Penn-H&rrls hotel, studying tha out lines of the Capitol. He remained there for quite a time, intent upon nothing but what went on In the street and tha park beyond. ~ Turning the man approached George M. Harry, at the cigar and news stand, and began a discus sion of Harrisburg, its growth and its possibilities as a city. Harris burg has a great future he said. It has so many natural advantages and steps for Its improvement along metropolitan lines will result in rapid development, he predicted. "I expect great things for your X tmoi uiiuss WI ruur -= -I os.cmj-ivui uuw. uiu.l nicy were temporarily put inro v> nen mo meat was placed on )nM< i 11200 Fine Cotton Waists UT Jk AjLlCf 1500CrepedeChine Waists 1 I 500 Jap Silk Waists| \ lOOO I I Now For The Greatest Waist Sale Harrisburg Has Ever Had! .• j m Just as we told you in the story yesterday there are 5000 charming stylish waists to start this big event |j jj§ The result of a huge special purchase from twenty different waist manufacturers. Sale starts tomorrow morning at 8.30 o'clock 1 H This Sale is entirely different from any Waist Sale we Our buyer accompanied by our New York Representative, I IjU have ever held. It is so different from the usual run of waist sales that we hardly know scoured the market for these waists. We had planned this sale weeks ago and were go- F| f|| where to begin to describe them. The unique feature of this sale is that the waists are ing to have it if it possibly could be accomplished. The strike conditions in New York j§ fet all the very latest models which were made for good concerns all over the country. Ihe . made things look dark momentarily but with the usual grit of this big store our buyer Sgi i Wa,s ( t ,? ak T' j' tr>k f York , " used ' he manufacturers a great deal of concern." hunted for the waists and found , hcm The result of his efforts are sh . h w | Si Many of them had orders which would have been shipped had it not been for the waist . . ,• , mi , 8 & 1 strike. The manufacturers wanted to complete their orders before shipping them. assortment winch will be offered in the sale. You simply cannot afford to miss this | lis When the trouble fell upon them they had to give the matter their serious attention and sale. The prices are extremely low, hut you do not need to consider prices for the style ' [{o while they did not like the idea of selling such good waists for such little money they did and qualities are so attractive you will marvel at the values. Better come early and buy nil j|j accept our offer to buy what they had on hand for spot cash. * * • ! plenty to last you the summer through. bj I Pretty White Voile Waists I Voile Waists Every | | Trimmed and Tailored ■! $-100 O Woman and Miss .. . [C I Styles •I L — I ___ :—I Will Want I : 1 m Good quality materials, lace trimmed; also with tucks; a jffSSk White and colors in plain and novelty effects, all the new S! !gl very extensive assortment of models; all perfectly made and high shades; plain tailored and trimmed models with the new n|| |jy full cut; sizes 36 to 46. One of the most remarkable lots ever frills and tucks; also lacc and embroidery in an unlimited Si i|| offered at the price. j variety; sizes 36 to 46. JM m A Extra Values In Beautiful Geor- | | 1 Crepe de Chine | gette. Crepe de | JMfcjßk I lOnlkl andGeorgine JTWk Ha buSf Waists $095 JRJP I m ra\ W*sL H I S L S f j i"g 11%. the new slvades, Victory Red, k fej \ Pretty embroidered styles, also plain |g |IIIt jP tj] vA la " rotlnd and S( l uare . i: | If- . L. gi|fggg§p White; pretty stripes in Habutai Silks; \\ \W hj] nil N.'vnecks; the colors are Flesh, Tea Rose j|l If Is S\ plain tailored, * silk ahd beaded, em- ttMkK \i\F IS W 1 > j " ~~ |j anc * ; every garment perfect and I■ ; j g'g || ||j broidery and lace trimmed,, ro j U . nd and f) \ 1 W Si^ 6 WaiSs W Wonderful Georgette, Crepe de 1 1 I Extra Special Chine and Habutai Silk - Itill IP New Jap silk waists, shown in the .... , .., , , , T m v. tr,i •" Solid colors and novelties shown in J- .seasons most desirable shades; flesh, All the seasons new high shades such as Liberty Red, Rookie, , , , , , , . . . jSi [1 maize, sunset, navy and white; per- Peace Blue, Silver, Navy, Lavender, Tea Rose, Sunset, Bisque, Flesh, a wonderful array of models, trimmed l| ||| fectly tailored, trimmed with embroid- Maize and White; beautifully trimmed with embroidery and beads; with embroidery, lace or frills; others ps* Uy ery and laces; a large variety of styles;' ruffles and frills; also in plain tailored models; sizes 36 to 46. ; plain tailored in any number of at- yjj full cut; sizes 36 to 46. , ■ tractive styles; sizes 36 to 46. I Size- Voile jjj 1 Women's New Voile Waists H 1 L Extra Special J Up I ID tl? OO rr J AO C- Nice quality striped voiles in pretty patterns. Neatly tailored; AF" _ T CM OF* PO.tfo dlllQ p4.t7U collar and cuffs; 101 l cut; well made; JJ)I.4D RHQ tpl.t/D city in the next few years," he said to Mr. Harry. "I take off my hat to the archi tect of this hotel," he continued. "It is beautiful. It Is so easy of access from the grill to the main dining room that it is not necessary to use the elevator. It is altogether fine." The speaker was Joseph M. Hus ton, designer of the Capitol, and from . his pieflsant frame of mind and youthful appearance events have not dealt harshly with him. From Watchmaker to Successful Farmer Cochrane, Ont., March 13.—John Hardin was a watchmaker in Mont real five years ago. Today he is rated • as one of the most successful farmers in the Great Clay belt of northern Ontario. Ho made $3O a week at his trade as a watchmaker. He was bnrely able to support his family. He decided to take .1 chance as a farmer.- Today he owns 640 acres of land, a fine home, a large dairy herd, horses, sheep and hogs. His wheat crop la&t year at war prices netted him more than he made all his life as a watch maker. PRICES RETARD BUILDING Washington, March 13. High prices of materials and high wages remain the most moderate factors in preventing increased building activ ities, the Department of Labor an nounced yesterday after compiling answers *to questlonalres from seventy-four cities. Vass&r Women Take Charge of Verdun Relief New York, March 13. Seven young women sent to Franco as a Red Cross unit organized by Vassar College, have been designated by the French Government to take charge of relief work at Verdun, it was an nounced here tonight. They will be gin Saturday the relief of refugees who have been forbidden 'until now to return to the desolate district which was the scene of such desper ate fighting. This Vassar unit was one of two groups sent to France by the college last fall. When they reached France the military situation was so urgent that they were temporarily nut into the military branch of the Red Cross service and have been working at Savenay, organizing recreation, libra ries and canteens and acting as searchers in connection with the lists of missing. WiU Put Buffalo Meat on the Market Wnlnwrlisht, Alta, March. 13.—The herd -of buffalo or American bison In the Walnwrlght Buffalo park has become so large and Is increasing so rapidly that tho* Dominion govern ment is planning to kill a limited number of the antmala yearly and sell the meat In the public market. Three animals were killed this win ter. When the meat was nlareri sale in Toronto, the public rushed to I buy it. 'Buffalo steaks and roasts | of buffalo hump, according to Toron- 1 Carter's Little Liver Pills You Cannot be A Remedy That Constipated Makes Life " and Happy Worth Living buupin |LVs? nwi.inw.ipg,. ABS S.*S£B; pARTER'S IRON PILLS j—ay colod— Imem bat will cr—tly help most pale-faced people to citizen!), lived up to the reputatlol I tor juicinecs and tendcrnesß given U I ' by old frontiersmen. I