Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, March 13, 1919, Page 3, Image 3
STEELTON STEELTON READY" FOR BIG PARADE Members of Council Will Re view Procession in Honor of Soldiers Arrangements have been coin lciea for to-morrow's reception to | the borough returned colored sol- j •Jiers with afternoon and evening t (■.-vents. Joseph H. Gerdes will bo i ->:ief marshal of the parade, which j is to feature the reception and which will be held in the afternoon. i\ F. Howard is chief of staff, j Charles Beckwith and John Wood 1 will assist the chief marshal in j handling the parade, which will j move at 2.30 o'clock from Second and Adams streets and cover Ahe j vwn. The parade will be reviewed by j members of Council at Second and I Elm streets and will disperse at the High School Auditorium where ex- , crecises will be held. The evening's reception will include a number of informal affairs to be held in public halls. In the line of parade will be the Steclton Fire Company, the colored Elks of Steeltori, colored Odd Fel lows of Steelton, the colored Knights of Pythias, of Harrisburg, a citizens division and overseas men of the Three Huhdred and Fifty-first Artil lery and the Three Hundred and Sixtyeighth Infantry. At a meeting following the parade. Lieutenant Governor E. E. Beidleman will be the principal speaker. This meeting will be held in the High School Auditorium. A dinner will be served to all soldiers in uniform, both white and colored, in Williams hall, Front street. In the evening a reception will be held in Fray's hall in Front street. This will start at 9 o'clock. Red Cross Chapter Is Planning Classes to Aid , Sick and Injured People Following a conference yesterday j with a representative from state: headquarters, Steelton Chapter, American Red Cross, opened activi ties in the campaign of the Red i'ross for promoting home care of the sick and first aid. Mrs. E. J. JmhofC was appointed chairman of at committee in charge of the work here, with Mrs. G. P. Vanier as her assistant. The campaign here will include the establishment of classes in home I care of the sick and first aid among the w<imen and girls of the borough, and the classes will be opened wher ever .justified, by. the .conditions. These classes will be charge of trained nurses. The work among the foreign women will be organized by Mrs. Vanier, who has had much experi ence among them in similar lines of activity. Many Turn Out to See Boxing Program at Theater With boxing taking a place with other sports through paßjilarity gained during the war the borough saw the first organized boxing show in its history last evening in the Standard theater, where a program arranged by Joe Barrett, a former fighter and manager, was given be fore a crowd ot representative fol lowers of sports. The theater proved too small for the boxing show and more than 200 fans were turned away. Many fol lowers of the game were here from York, Lancaster, Lebanon and other towns. Good order prevailed during the show and the only bout, which showed a contestant was not in good physical condition, was stopped in tlie third round. LOCUST GROVE CLOSED The big labor quarters of the Bethlehem Steel Company at Locust Grove, have been closed during the let-up in work at the local plant. The quarters at Locust Grove ac commodated about 700 colored lab orers at the height of the rush for war materials. AUNGST FUNERAL Funeral services for Henry D. Aungst, who died Tuesday night, will be held in the home of his son, Harry Aungst, at Enhaut, Saturday afternoon at 2 o'clock. The Rev. H. S. Kiefer will officiate and interment will be made in the O.berlin ceme tery. Henry D. Aungst was 73 years old and is survived by four sons and four daughters. OLD SONGS AND COSTUMES Old songs and old-fashioned cos tumes will mark an entertainment tinder the title of an "Old Folks' Concert." to be given in the First Methodist Church March 21 under the auspices of Mrs. Walley's class of the Methodist Sunday school. PUBLIC CONCERT Much interest is being manifested in this evening's free concert by the Steelton Band in the High School auditorium. The concert will be the first given by the band since the iloso of the summer season last year. BRINGS SUIT FOR DAMAGES Suit has been brought by W. 51. 51iller against the Atlantic Refining Company for $2550 damages, slr. Miller alleging that an auto truck owned by the company and driven by an employe, crashed into his automobile recently as he was driv ing In Front street, between North and Forster. Go where uou will, uou will find no bet ter "siand-bu* food than " Grape : Nufs ; Delicious and economical. THURSDAY EVENING. BARRISBURG QffrjjdV TELEGRAPH MARCH 13, 1919. POLICE FIND RED BOOKS IN RAID ON N. Y. BUILDING Arrest Two Women and 198 Men, All Alleged to 'Be Radicals By Associated Press New York, March 13.—Police, so- | cret service men and immigration , I officials raided a building in East j I Fifteenth street early this morning j ! and arrested 198 men and two worn- I I en. Ten patrol wagons were required ; I to take the prisoners to the Crim- j j inal Courts building Where they are j j being questioned. All of them are j I supposed to be radicals, j The building raided was occupied, j according to the police, by the Union |of Russian Peasant Workers of ! America. One of the prisoners is ! Mollie Steimer, sentenced to fifteen ] years' imprisonment for violation of j the espionage law but at liberty on a writ of error pending an appeal to the Supreme Court of the United States. A large quantity of literature was seized. Among it. the police say, they found several small red books, printed in Russian, which advocated the overthrow of the United States government. The raid was planned two weeks ago by Richard E. Enright. Com missioner of Police. The building was suspected of being a rendezvous for undesirable elements recently ar rived from Russia. Reserves from the Elizabeth street station were ordered out to guard the Criminal Courts build ing while the prisoners were being questioned. ! Personal-Social j ENJOY DANCING WITH SOLDIERS Merry Party Visits Aviation Camp; Music and Refresh ' ments Please Everybody A jolly crowd of girls visited the Aviation Camp at Middletown, Pa., early in the week and held a dance \at the "Y" hut. The camp orchestra played for the dancing and delicious refreshments were served. Among the guests were: Mrs. A. B. Cressler, Mrs. A 1 Cooper. Mrs. A. L Goyer, Mrs. Frederick S. Mrs. H. M. Stroup, Mrs. A. F. Rexroth, Mrs. William Tate, Mrs. Helen Hoffman, Mrs. Fred Netcher, the Misses Helen C. Brooniall, Besse M. Bennett, Mary Broxterman. Rebecca Buchanan, Blanche Churchman, Dorothy Camp bell, Margaret Emminger, Ruth Fickes. Madge Farridy, Florence Eclt ert, I4le Fisher, Edna Forrer, Martha Feesef, Kathryn Holtz, Ivy Hoffman. Margaret Hughes, Mary Hoftman, Mary Greek, Mari e Garverieh, Doro thy I.ong, Francis I,ingle. Vera Lcng enecker, Gail Knell, Laura Oyster, Kathleen Oyster, Cassanda Musser, Margaret McDonald, Dorothy McCoy. Martina Mullen, Mary Motter, Rachel McCarrell, Esther W. Nesbit, Mi'le IJ. Neidhammer, Hazel, Rexroth, Ruth Runkcl, Vera Runkle, Mary Peters, Hazel Taylor, Cecelia Sutcr, Ruth Ftoner, Maude Shaffer, Janet Wallace, Pauline Wolfe, Olive Zeigler, Dela phine Stewart. Sharp-Dayhofi Wedding in the Quaker City 51r. and Mrs. H. Dayhoff, IG2O Catherine street, announced the marriage of their attractive young daughter. Edna Dayhoff, to John Sharp, of Los Angeles, Cal., March 8, 1919, at Philadelphia. Mrs. Sharp was an employe of Bowman and Company and is very popular among the younger set. Mr. Sharp has just been discharg ed from the United States Navy, af ter serving seven years in foreign countries and is now employed by the government at Hog Island. After a wedding dinner at the Ritz Carlton the young couple left for an extended wedding trip. They will temporarily make their home in Philadelphia and will later reside in Los Angeles, Cal. SF.I.IG-SYAVKLY WEDDING Mr. and Mrs. M. F. Snavely, of 211 Woodbine street, announce the mar riage of their daughter, Miss Clara E. Snavely, to Joseph E. Selig, of Troy. N, Y.. Wednesday, March 12 with the Rev. Dr. Lewis Seymour Mtidge officiating. Mr. and Mrs. Selig will make their home in Norristown after a trip to New York City and Troy, TO HOLD FOOD FAlIt The Sunday school class of Dr. H B. Walter, of the Westminster Pres byterian Church, held a meeting at the home of Mrs. John Good. 1923 Penn street, for the purpose of ar ranging a food fair to be held Satur day, March 22. at 1340 North* Third street, the proceeds of which will be used for the electric wiring of the new parsonage, 1302 Green street. RUDOLPH FORTXA IMPROVES The condition of Rudolph K. Fort na, 621 North Second street, who has been seriously ill for ten days with ptomaine poisoning, is somewhat im proved. Mr. Fortna led the letter carriers last year in the sale of Thrift Stamps. Additional Social Page 6 Leave Paris For Brest to Meet the President's Party Ti>j Associated Press Paris, March 13.—President Wil son will be met at Brest by the French minister of marine, Georges Leygues, Captain Andre Tardleu Colonel E. M. House and his son-in law, Gordon AUchincloijs, who left Paris by special train this evening. President Poincare, wit ha guard of honor and band, will meet Presi dent Wilson at the Paris station up on his arrival here Friday. The reception will be unofficial and will lack the ceremony which attended the first arrival of President and Mrs. Wilson in Paris. The steamer George Washington is expected to reach Brest about 8 o'clock to-night, the President go ing immediately to a special train, which will make a slow trip to the French capital. MRS. HARDER APPOINTED Mrs. Harder was yesterday ap pointed chairman for next week's drive for clothing to be sent to war refugees in France and Belgium by the Red Cross. START PLANNING CAMPAIGN FOR VICTORY LOAN Delegates of Third Federal District Meet in Phil adelphia Philadelphia, March. 13. Ar rangements. to help make the Vic tory Liberty I.oan a success were dis cussed at a meeting of 175 delegates from Eastern Pennsylvania, South ern New Jersey and Delaware, com prising the Third Federal Reserve district, here yesterday. The public ity.campaign was explained. "Pre THE STORE THAT CLOSES THE STORE THAT CLOSES SATURDAYS AT SIX " SATURDAYS AT SIX BKI.I, 1001 IMTI-.n HARHISBLnG, THUIISPAY, MARCH IS. 119. rOl VDKI) IS7I FRIDAY BARGAINS i Draperies Domestics ■ White Goods Dress Goods Rose, Sunfast crepe for Challies, 36 inches wide. Spfjllg S&IC Of HOSjCfy Diaper cloth; 20 inches ! 32-inch mohair for suits or draperies. 50 inches wide. *•- u * from the piece; floral wide. 10 yards to piece. skirts. A limited quantity. Friday Bargains, yard, d Continues Friday and Saturday Friday Bargains, per piece, | Todose, Fnday Bargams, 89c 17c . . $1.25 50c $1.35 Pair 36-inch serges and ba~ Curtain lace in white and Flannelettes 27 inches Women's silk hose; full fashioned. Lisle top and soles. Bleached crash A\itli icd tiste. Large color hue to ecru. Also Ball fringe in all wide. Good patterns Fri- Black and white. One of.our best sellers. border. inches wide. select from. Friday Bai colors. Friday Bargains, dav Bargains yard * * Friday Bargains, yard, gains, yard, yard ' ' . . $1.15 Pair 69c 5c Women's silk hose; full fashioned. Lisle top and soles. I F4 L. Good seconds from a high grade lot of hosiery that would qg an <l 54-inch serges. T - , ~ ~ , - I Dress ginghams in plaids sell for very much more if firsts. Hemmed crochet bed- Strictly all wool in lengths Figured and dotted swiss. . and stripes . Light pat- spreads. Friday Bargains, ! from 2to 6 vards. Mostly i Barga n ins e yard ! ST" 8g °° d S , tyleS ' ' Friday 85cPair each ' navy and black. Friday ' i Bar^ yard. Women's boot silk; full fashioned. Black, white and $1.25 Bargain, yard, 2,5 C 1n 0 colors. A popular seller at a popular price, and very " ' <n"| or* J specially priced for this sale at 85c pair. ij nen damask. 58 * *" Remnants of curtain ma- _ Ar . _ . inches wide. Limited quan- BOWMAN'S—Main Floor tcrials and cretonne in . Bleached sheet. 72x90. 49C PcllF tity while it lasts. Friday t good lengths. Friday Bar- Center seam. 3-inch hem at Women's lisle hose; black and white. A durable hose Bargains, yard, & ains > llca > argams, each, made to sell at a moderate price, and at this special sale <m-i I apestry Rugs r\ i n>n • price is exceptional value at 49c a pair. JJpI.UU Une-liau Price yOL BOWMAN'S Main Floor. Made of printed Jute car -■ 1 All linen damask. Silver pet. Mitred corners in small BOWMAN'S-Fourtb Floor All blanket and cotton , bleach; 70 inches wide, all-over patterns; 9x12 ft. Idled comforts. Friday Silks Wasll Goods var d. Friday- Bargains. Bargains, ♦— I i 32-inch ginghams of the O QO One-fourth Off Regular Remnants oi silks Oil sale lincst foreign and American $1.59 ! Prices n * wo s P ec ' makes. Extensive range of Mottled Women's Union Suits „ . Lot No. 1. Lengths from : plaids, stripes and plain whin, uiiiimr 3* inch** 1 " : | Outing flannel in light or 2to 6 yards, consisting ot ! colors. Friday Bargains, vvnite suiting, oo incnes Wn , ff . dark patterns. Friday Bar- poplins, taffetas, messalfnes, f yard, wide. A serviceable fabnp Axminter KugS \\omens cotton union ', t . ' ' | rn„ of good weight. Friday suits of light weight. Low ga '" S ' }ard ' Inclose Fr day Bargafns' j Bargains, yard, ' Made bv Whittall in neck, sleeveless, knee length. 1Q ( . ! close, 1 riday Bargains, rose, tan. blue, green, and Friday Bargain, 10C I > ard ' | 36-.nch percales. Extra with black borers; 27x54 rn BOWMANS—Second Floor 79<* lie KI a i. 6 3roun s o ZVC inches. Friday Bargains, .VC * navy, black, copen, gray and 3 ' white with neat designs. BOWMAN s —Second Floor <no I TVT i oi • Unreal I ot 2. Remnants of j Also a few plain shades. * !V ork Shirts J. . fine grade silks from our J Friday Bargains, yard, 1 ( regular stock. The result of i Window Shades Wool 1 apestry hugs Men's blue chambrav *,' e ' ast ' c t( jp corsets our extensive selling at Z"C j work shirts. Full size with " ,a £j 9 ualit 7 coutil. prices that will astonish Made of best handmade | In beautiful flo ra 1 and collar attached. Sizes 14>i, 026 TIS ESrdln?to S? Lots oi li finish Suitable cloth on guaranteed rollers. i Oriental patterns Seam -15, lSy 2 . Friday Bargain, Bargains 3 usdul for waist children's wear. Friday Some dup ex colors. Fn- less; 9x12 ft. Friday Bar -79C ' skirt or All high Bargains, yard, ' clay Bargains. gains, $1.39 • class goods. 39 c 69c $22.50 BOWMAN'S—Main Floor. BOWMAN'S—Second Floor I BOWMAN'S—Main Floor i BOWMAN'S—Main Floor. BOWMAN'S—Fourth Floor ! BOWMAN'S—Fourth Floor. § " ' | Sale of Notions •'• §2 \/| If\ I J y-v +•%/*• /A 4 i irv W. There are any number of little things you must always 1V I /*■ it II I 111 I I ill ICO\A/ v| If OL -'i have at your hnger tips when you start in to make a rgj JL JL til V*! 1 W JL X\y LiO wV \ \~\. X V/O dress, suit, coat, waist or skirt for yourself or clothes Eg ' for the children. And this sale offers these things at less than you have heretofore been paying for them. fcgß Take advantage of it while the variety is complete. Y'ou have such an excellent assortment to choose front, not §3 Ve have elaborate assortments for you to pick from; only in variety but in quality. The most dependable that sells at moderate prices and for this Annual March Sale, gn buttons of all kinds, braiding, taping, needles, thimbles, marked to sell at reductions that mean big savings to you. Sgj • threads of various sorts, hooks and eyes, etc.; displaying jgj . §S these saving figures. Incandescent gas light; complete Gray enameled cooking pot, 8- sgj Lead'weights, 2 bunches, 7c. with by-pass mantle, opal globe, quart capacity, with side handle, vll Button moulds, 2 bunches, 7c. $1.39. Ml \ Tape measures, 60 inches, 3c, 7c and 12c. \ p J " /% Thimbles of aluminum, celluloid and steel, 2 for 7c. y-\ I n .. £ . I 1/ 1 Spring tape measures, celluloid and metal covering, _ V J Bath fixtures - >4-/ I m 19c and 35c each. . . 1 Nickel plated or ITTI Darning eggs, 7c each. ifgss if Hißki brass assortment to select from. Soap Screw drivers, 7c each. , , 3 dishes, towel bars, tumbler holder, • * Oil cans, 7c can. . fMrtiP 'Twl each, 59c. Slipper trees, 2 pair, 15c. Mrs. Potts' irons, set of 3 Wash Board, made of zinc with sani- |'| Boye Machine Oil, 2 bottles, 25c. irons. Cold handle and stand, I tary perforated front drain, 65c.• Ney's finest machine oil, 3 bottles,.2sc. x? $149 j Wash board made of glass; gives a Mending tissues, 3 packages, 14c. ' O n ' ce smoot l l rubbing surface, 75c. vsR ' ' ie "Only" grand skirt gauge, 6-in. and 12-in. lengths, *§£ . Serving tray; 10x15. Mahogany finish with figured ' Ig ° and 35c * center. Glass covered. 89c. • C 1 ' 1 J Heavy glass tumblers, suitable for hotels, boarding in°i -' j 1 I9FCSS onlC'ClS houses and lunch rooms; doz., 69c. 10x15. Ma- u lil r ~, ,i , , ~ , , . . . ' . .. , . , . . Gs Canheld Nymph dress shields, 10c. Ep Dinner service for 6 persons, decorated porcelain, hogany finish with figured Canfield's Snowyte, 27c, 31c and 34c. ftp $6.25. T . center. Glass covered, 89c. j&j Canfield's Airctte, 24c and 27c. Johnson Liquid floor wax, pt., 65c. Wash Boilers made of tin . - OS Canfield's satin coat shield; assorted colors, 54c. 8 No' 7* Wright's silver cream cleans almost everything in Lamp. Brushed Wash Boilers nridc of & Cando royal silver polish. Always reliable. - /fW pl' whte'Hiiu I JOIN BOWMAN'S REFRIGERATOR CLUB NOW. needed, $3.75. ,Ast for y ears ancl )' ears 1 ONE DOLLAR PLACES A REFRIGERATOR it . , , „ . No. 9, $6.98; No. 8, $6.00. £3 Aluminum preserving kettle; 8 qt. capacity, $1.49. Nursery rcfrigerator with sepa rate ice compartment M . IN YOUR HOME wSsswstiKr comp ' c,e wi,h r ° ne - ■ I BOWMAVS— Basement. insulation and in air circulation. Nothing better made for ice eco " omy ' bcautydcsig " s a ? d paredness" was the slogan adopted for the educatlonul campaign to be conducted to eliminate apathy. A message from either President Wilson or General Pershing will be flashed to loa'n committees in sixty cities In the district. It was announced that a partic ularly elaborate newspaper advertis ing campaign will be a feature. Preparatory speaking will begin at once before boards of trade, chambers of commerce, church as semblies, and other meetings in or der to inspire Americanism before the opening of the selling campaign. Begins Monday, April 21 Washington, March 13.—The A'ic tory Liberty Loan campaign will open Monday, April 21, and clfise three weeks later —Saturday, May 10. Secretary Glass announced these dates, together with the fact that short-term notes maturing in not over five years would be Issued in stead of longer term bonds. The amount of notes to be offered was not disclosed, but it has been gener ally understood that the loan would be for a minimum of SSA 1,000,000 with the treasury reservin\ the right to accept all oversubscrlpt, ins. Mr. Glass said the interest rate on the notes and the amounts to be exempted from taxation would not be determined until a week or two before the campaign, as they would be based upon financial conditions at that time. It was intimated, how ever, that the notes might bear in terest In excess of 4 1-4 per cent, the interest rate on the third and fourth loans. HOSTESS HOUSE PLANS • 51rs. Edward F. Dunlap announces that the Harrisburg branch of the Jewish Welfare Board will enter tain the men in uniform at the hos tess house Saturday night, under the auspices of the hostess house committee. Names of the hostesses will be announced later. Owing to the limited space it is requested that only the ladles who receive invitations shall attend. HOW TO IMPROVE | POTATO YIELD: Pennsylvania State College! Expert Will Assist Y.ork County Farm Bureau Mount Wolf, Pa., March 13. A I campaign by the s'ork County Farm 1 Bureau for better potato growing conditions in the county is now on. Last week Prof. K. R. Nixon, of Pennsylvania State College, gave ad dresses in various towns in the coun ty. The movement is already bear ing fruit in the organization of spray ing demonstrations in different com munities. Prof. E. R. Nixon will leome here every two weeks during the growing season to assist County Farm Agent George G. AVeber •in j demonstrations ancl to give instruc | tlons. | lIKHKERPKBS ELECT OFFICERS | Wrlghtsvllle. Pa., slarch 13. A ! Beekeepers' Association formed at a j meeting of beekeepers from various parts of the county elected these of i fleers: President, E. E. Sterner, of i Wrightsville: secretary and treasur | er, A. M. Geesey. A talk on "How to j Transfer One Colony of Bees from I One Hive to Another" was given by ; E. E. Sterner. Constipation Biliousness-Headache Dr. Chase's Liver Tablets IDk. tb. line Mttv., bewtla runlar. without BoJo or (Tipiac. rolioro wok howtach. .nd ttwt bloatod f— Hdi •ftor oatlnf. panfy th Mood and dearth, own! -ion Large box. eaouaktolas*a naßth. Me. UNu'liD MEDtCINE CO.. Philadelphia. P* HARRISBURG THIN PEOPLE Bitro-Phospliate should give you ■ small, steady increase of firm, heal thy flesh each day. It supplies an essential substance to the brain and nerves in the active form in which it normally occurs in the living cells of the body. Bitro-Phosphate replaces nerve waste and creates new strength and energy. Sold by druggists under definite guarantee of results or money back. I STRAND THEATRE I "The Hollow of Her Hand" featuring Alter Brady "Fabels and Frauds" Big V—reels (Vltagrnph) 3