Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, March 13, 1919, Page 16, Image 16
16 ! EveryDay YOn'll IFlnd Classified Ads That Shonld Have Yonr Personal Attention j ©eatbs BATES William M. Bales died March 11, 1919. Funeral services Friday, March 11. 1919, at 2 I'. M„ from his lule resi dence, 268 Briggs street. Burial private. FI.OHA March 10, 1919, at Phila delphia, Pa.. William W. Flora, aged 63 years. Funeral services on Friday after noon, at 3:30 P. M., at the Metho dist Church, Knots, l'a. Burial. Knola Cemetery. Body can he view ed this evening at his late resi dence, 216 Cumberland ltoad, Eno:a. Pa. lltll.V Christie A. ttahn. widow of the late Frederick lluhn, died Wed nesday afternoon, at 12:15, at the home of her daughter, Mrs. \\ il liani Aldinger, at llainlyn, aged 59 years. Funeral services Saturday after noon, at 3 -o'clock, from the late residence, the Rev. Winftcld Her man and the Ucv. lteinhold Schmidt officiating. Interment llarrisburg Cemetery. IN MKMOHIAM IN loving remembrance ol' our daughter. Thelma Rebecca Hess, who nepartcd this life March the 9th, 1916. Cone, but not forgotten. MR. ANI) MRS. ERVIN HESS AND BROTHERS. sTdWAUT ANU IvhN XETH. ( LOST AM) FOUND LOST - Black and tan Beagle Mound. Name, Fannie. Will appreci ate infe t ination bv calling Bell phone £34, or write 1700 North Second street. LOST A bunch of keys, between • •.uiicr of Forster and Green streets and I l.i Market street. Reward it returned to 231 Forster street. MOST—I'll lid's turtle-shell glasses, between I'nxton and Swatara street •>n Kleventh. Reward if returned to 234 youth Cameron street. ESCAPED from warehouse of American Railway Express Co.. two Airedale dogs. Reward if returned to office. Fourth and Chestnut streets. LOST Gold brooch, set with pearls in shape of bunch of grapes and green enameled leaf. Reward if returned to Telegraph Office, or Bell phone 1806 M. LOST Lady's Locket, between North street and 1132 Market street, containing baby liair and photograph. Very precious to owner. Liberal re ward if returned to 1132 Market street. INSTRUCTIONS INDIVIDUAL PROMOTION in Gregg Shorthand, Typewriting, English, Bookkeeping, Penmanship, Arithmetic, etc. DAY AND NIGHT SCHOOL OPEN ALL YEAR- Enter any time. Ecll 125. Dial 4616. BECKLEY'S BUSINESS COLLEGE. 121 Market St. Chas. R. Beckley. HELP WANTED—MALE WANTED, AT ONCE, FIRST CLASS MEN TAILORS to work on ladies' garments. Permanent employment and good wages to efficient men. Apply at once to MARY SACHS, 210 N. Third Street. WANTED Broad silk loom fixers. Appb t HARRISBURG SILK MILL Second and North Street. WANTED Boy, over 16 years. Apply Monarch Wallpaper Co.. 9 Aber- . deen street. WANTED Young man to learn jewelry repairing. P. G. Dienoi. Jeweler, 408 Market street. WANTED Farmer to work stock ed farm, on shares, near Harrisburg. •'all Bell So7N. WANTED A live. Intelligent printer as "Manager." Must be able t • take entire charge of business. Ad dress Bulletin Publishing Co., Dills- ] burg, Pa. STENOGRAPHER Experienced stenographer, familiar with general | office work. Good opportunity fori man who can qualify. Apply by letter, stating age. experience, salary expect- , cd. etc. American Radiator Company. 110 North Second street. WANTED. AT ONCE Two experi enced poperhangers. Piece-work, .tpply 131T North Fifth. WANTED - Young man sixteen orl seventeen years old to do clerical work. Chance for advancement. Ap-' ply by letter to Box T. T412. care of Telegraph. WANTED A good man. between 28 and 2S, for outside work. Bond and reference required. Apply Grand 1 Union Tea Co.. 208 North Second! street. WANTED Reliable baker. at once. Apply J. K. Freymeyer, Kliza belhtown. Pa WANTED Man to work on farm year around job. Apply R. B. Strieker. Dauphin, Pa., or Bell phono SK-12. MEN Opportunity offered to learn salesmanship without interference with present position. Good positions! open for ambitious men. Address I Box P. 6628, care of Telegraph. WANTED First-class auto me- ! ibaniu for first-class garage In good,! country town. Good wages to right! party. References required. Address Box L 7409. care of Telegraph. MEN 18 and over, desiring Gov ernment Clerkships. Rail-vay Mail, Post Office. Customs. Internal Reve nue. Census, War Risk, $lOO month, write for free particulars of examina tions. Raymond Terry (former Civil Service Examiner), Continental Build ing, Washington. PLUMBERS WANTED—Open shop. Tic hour. Apply C. S. Thompson, 2929 Atlantic avenue, Atlantic City, N. J. FOR SALE No. 1723 Forster St. New S'A-H.ry brick bouse, con taining 8 rooms, bsth nud pantry Onk nnd cypress finish white enamel finish bnthroom. Front nnd bnck porches. Cemented cellar with hot nnd cold water nud laun dry. (las nnd electric lights. Steam heat. I.ot 10x110 ft. with 15 ft. drive alley In rear. Miller Brothers & Co. Real Estate Insurance bnrety Bands Locust and Court Streets Members Hbg. Heul Estate Board I if • • THURSDAY EVENING HAMUSBURG TELEGRAPH MARCH 13, 1919. | HELP WANTED—MALE j OCCASIONALLY we have a vacancy - for a general agency. If you are a djlive wire insurance man, it will pay j you to connect with us. Big commis -1.1 sions paid. Apply. 8 to 10 A. M. J. ■j 1 Schoolnik, Room 21 Spoonor Rldg. _! HELP WANTED—FEMALE WANTED j Reliable white woman for 1 ' child's nurse. Good wages to . careful and competent person. .' Address N, 7422, i Care of Telegraph. D PEACE WORK AT WAR PAY •i i Knit urgently needed socks for us on Auto Knitters. Experience unneces . sary. Full particulars. So stamp. ./Department 146, Auto Knitter Co.. 821 . Jefferson street, Buffalo, N. Y. P A HOUSEKEEPER Exceptional .chance for a reliable person. Address _ T„ 7420. care of Telegraph. J WANTED Experienced elf am - - bermaid. Apply Plaza Hotel. r 0 EXTRA HELP WANTED FOR SAT •■'VRpAYS. Good pay. Apply at once. • rocietv Maid Hat Shop, Inc., No. 1 [North Fourth street. d WANTED Experienced steno grapher. Apply Room 3oS Bergner j Building. i WANTED Young woman stenu _ grapher for general office work, t; Steady position for one who can ..qualify for the work. Address in! c jown handwriting, stating age, expert-! enco, salary expected, and reference. 1 ./Address L. 7270. care of Telegraph. L MILLINERY MAKER WANTED —, /Apply Mrs. Walzer, 29 South Second ; street. 1 | WANTED Mldaic-agcd woman j; for genetal housework. Small fam<ty. j ,iNo _ washing. References. Inquire] M'oj Bridge street. New Cumberland.! . Fa. l , WANTED A good, strong, white] ( woman for day's work. One wno. thor- I jotighly understands cleaning. Refer-I . dices required. Apply 150 1 State. , street. f! WANTED Experienced weavers, , inlso learners. Apply Silk Mill, Second! j and North streets. jj WANTED Girl for general house- . i work. Small family. Very good pay. ' 1 Appty 2128 North Third street, or Bell /telephone 1903. L WANTED Buttonhole maker to! . j work buttonholes by hand. Bring i sample Shearer Co., 204 Market! •street. ! SAI.KSMI-V WANTED : j SALESMEN 150 per cent, profit,! • selling excellent specialty proposition i ]tu'business and professional men. Full! time or side line. Crowtlrer & Fuhr. | 2963 North Stillman street. Plilladel-i ; | pliia, IJa. ME want an ex-County or City Of •' ficial a Bank Employe a School i Principal a man of this type in , short, a man of integrity and large , acquaintance in Harrisburg to repre sent a financial house handling only highest grade securities. A man pos sessing these qualities is assured suc cess and permanent, satisfactory com pensation. Your communication will, be treated as confidential, if you so' desire. Address 1!., 408 Finance 81dg., 1 1 Philadelphia. SITUATIONS WANTED—MALE ARMY MAN Just mustered out of Olficirs Training School, desires po-' silion as outside salesman or collec tor: experienced salesman at calling • n retail trade; attended high school! alio business college. Address Box I, ,-. 2. care of Telegraph. 1 WANTED Experienced young man, 2c years old, wishes position: can furnish reference. Address 11 .4 19. care of Telegraph. WANTED Clerk desires clerical; I work in spare time; ten y ears' experi- : '■nee; good, legible hand, typewriting and copying Juoilities. Add res 8 Box It. 6634, cure of Telegraph. WANTED Man, 33 years of age. wishes position In men's furnishing or grocery store, or as timekeeper, or o'her oilier work; can furnish very best of references. Address P., 12291 . North. Second street. ; AY ANTED Man wants general housework, dishwasher, waiter; can • drive car. Apply 151 Ridge street.' , Steelton. WANTED Colored man wants [ position as porter: good citv ref erence. Call, or address, 638 "llriggs street. i _ i, W ANTED Young man, 21, wishes! • 1 position at anything; high school 1 education: willing, reliable. Address' jS. r.. 211 Walnut street. SITUATIONS WANTED—Fcniale" WANTED ■ — Woman lor general, housework. Must have experience in Apply 2,33 Second /.WANTED Day's work of any! kind by neat colored woman. Inquire , 6e4 Cumberland street. '! )) ANT I.D loung, married woman' i would like employment, part time I ' excellent references: no soliciting nor I! housework. Address Box 1„ 7271 1' care of Telegraph. WANTED Position as steno-' grapher by young woman, who has! two years' experience in general of- I lice work. Address A. B. care of' ' 1 Telegraph. . j WANTED Fancy washing and I • ironing to do at home. Inquire 316 ] Harris street, or Dial phone 6028. ] WOMAN wants day's work. House- i ;j cleaning, etc. Call Dial 5839. ROOMS I'OK RENT , I FIRST FLOOR FURNISHED ; j APARTMEXT—Livingroom. bedroom 1 /and private bath, electric light. Phone; 2907 W. 113 Locust street. FOR RENT Two nicely-furnish- i ed rooms, for gentlemen. Call 241 ; Chestnut street. Steelton. Pa. For RENT Furnished front' ! room: city steam heat, electric lights! . and gas. Inquire 28 South Third! street. Third Floor Apartment. FOR RENT Largo, unfurnished' 1 livingroom, first floor front, suitable! for suite of rooms, modern conveni . ences. Inquire Dayton Cycle Co 91" I North Third street. Dial 4990. J FOR RENT Furnished, bay win-i j dow front room, second floor; cit"! |steam, electric light, shower bath and 1 phone; centrally located; reference i Address Box R, 7416, care of Tele graph. FOK REN I* 4 unfurnished rooms and kitchen. Call 2701 Main strcTt Penbrook. Pa. street. LARGE, furnished room, suitable for two women; steam and electric light. Address Box L. 7413, care of Telegraph. FOR RENT Elegantly furnish ed rooms, with private family no light housekeeping; references. ' Bell phone 624. Dial 4957. eu FOR RENT Two nicely furnish ed rooms, for light housekeeping a d ply 26 South Eighteenth street. FOR RENT Earge, well-furnish led rooms. Inquire 113 Locust street. ROOMS FOR RENT FOR RENT Two. unfurnished I rooms, for light housekeeping; all ' j conveniences. Inquire 631 Harris ■ ; street. . / / W ANTED—HOARD AND ROOMS | WANTED Roomers and board -. ers: all conveniences; use of phono. I Apply 74 North Seventeenth street. ; Bell phone 2273. APARTMENTS FOR RENT I FURNISHED APARTMENT Con ! venient to busines district; 6 rooms and batli. hardwood floors, all im provements, city steam. Immediate possession. Address Box B, 6699, care ! of Telegraph. FOR RENT - 132 Walnut street, ' two rear apartments, two rooms and '.bath, electric lights and steam heat ' ! Possession April 1. Apply C'ommun ' wealth Trust Company. WANTED TO RENT I I WILL PAY $2O TO THE PERSON '! THAT WILL ' RENT ME A HOUSE WITH MODERN IMPROVEMENTS. HILL PREFERRED. APPLY 1560 VERNON STREET. ■ J WANT ED, FARM —To work 1 shares ol one hundred acres or more. Have implements- for saute. Address D. M., tare of Telegraph. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE C. H. CORDER, I REAE ESTATE. RENTS. ETC. BUILDING LOTS AT BELLEVUE 1 ~', r sa ' e or exchange on city property. • line location. These lots ate extra' ! large ana an ideal spot to build a fine j home on. 4 Several fine suburban homes with 1 ;'3 to V acre land. These homes are • cottage style, with all improvements, 'fruit, etc. Terms easy. Located ill ; I'nxtung, Penbrook, Progress, New j Cumberland, Camp Hill, Oyster's I l'oint, Washington Heights and Knola.; 1 Vacant, on Hill, 2-story brick, all; j improvements, front and rear porches. I ! ouilt four years, 6 rooms and bath. ! .side entrance, nice yard to drive alley. 1 fen minutes' walk to station. $5OO down, balance as rent. Will take Ford • cat as first payment. ! Vacant April 1, 2-story brick, all | improvements. 6 rooms and ball), • porches, on Hill (corner); built 5j years. $5OO down, balance as rent. l | Will take Ford car as first payment. | ■ Vacant April 1, 2-story brick, on Hill. $!00 down, balance as rent. 7' rooms and bath. Vacant April 1. on Hill. Market) stieet. 3-story brick. 9 rooms and bath, all improvements, electric and; gas, front porch. Good repair. Terms' right. Several fine 3-story brick houses .on Hill. Room for garage, drive al- 1 ' ley, porches, steam lieat. electric and ■ gus. j Several 3-story brick houses up town. steam heat, front porch, side; • entrance. Small amount down. 1 Vacant Livery Stable at New Cum- ! berland. Fine location for garage. I Small amount down. Will take auto. : • 10-room frame house at New Cum berland. Steam heat, electric and gas, ! porches. Will take car in exchange.] 2-story frame, 011 Hill (single),! corner house, slate roof, furnace, open j stairs. 6 rmms and attic", room for •aiagc. $5OO down. Pay as rent. | Will consider Auto or Liberty! Bonds 011 any of the above properties! ' mentioned. C. H. CORDER, 1722 Green Street. Bell 560 J. Rents Collected. Loans, etc. HOMES FOK COLORED FAMILIES • Three-story frame, S rooms, with 'all improvements. 011 Muencli street/ near Sixth. Price. $2,500. Two frame houses, on Penn street, near Broad, $1,500 each. Three-story frame house, with all! j improvements on Linden street. $2,000.! Pay Like Kent. LINCOLN REALTY CO., 1129 Seventh Street. FOR SALL 2513 N. Sixth St.. 3-story brick. 514-16 Emerald St.. 3-story brick. PROGRESS 10 lots. £25x135 ft. Bargain to quick i purchaser. 11. M. BIRD, I Union Trust Bldg. 135 SYLVAN TERRACE 3-story i brick: all conveniences; big porch" ! place to build garage; right price!! I Possession at once. 502 Curtin street. 3-story brick; all conveniences; attractive price. Pos-1 ] session soon. 1809 Market street, 3-story brick; 9' /•corns, bath, heat, gas. Must be sold at 1 once. Possession April 1. LEHMAN & KLINGEMAN. Patriot Bldg. ] . J FOR SALE j Suburban Home --- Beautiful, modern I house, all improvements one-acre' | plot twenty minutes' from ilarket! Square. A real opportunity to anvone ; wishing a home in most unique "sue- I ltundings. ] Apply to ROBT. A. CARL, 14 North! j Market Square. | SEVERAL HOUSES FOR SALE ONI I EASY TERMS Brick construction , all modern improvements, including! 1 steam heat; price, $3,490. Bell Realty Co., Bergner Building. ! SMALL AMOUNT OF CASH NEKIT ED To purchase No. 1312 Swatara I street; brick construction, nine rooms land bath, all other improvements. Bell j Realty Co.. Bergner Building. I NINETEENTH ST.. N., 28 Single brick dwelling for sale; fourteen I rooms and bath, gas, electric light ! i steam heat: lot. 78x82. Bell Realtv | Co.. Bergner Building. i . PENBROOK $2,500 will purchase a Penbrook house with seven rooms lot, 30x200. with garage and chicken house. Bell Realty Co., Bergner Building. FOR SALE A modern, three-story apartment house, in desirable location uptown. Good investment. Owner! leaving city. Address S.. 6611. care I of Telegraph. SUBURBAN PROPERTY FOR SALE! —Lot/ 60x180 frame house with 8 rooms electric light located on river front Above Rockville bridge. Price. $3,100. Bell Rpalty Co., Berg ner Building. FOR SALE 3-story brick, on j Crestent street, on monthly payment | plan. A. W. Swengel. 2131 North Second street. Bell 2575 J. ' j|S THE LOGICAL BUYER FOR ffi YOUR PROPERTY is the man to fej: yp whom it would be worth most be- kjj j I# cause of its location and character. He [jjj is the man who is more eager to buy it : : —when he finds out about it —than psa j .; you are to sell it. Yes —'there IS |f| j ! I jN*| SUCH A MAN. . He is not always Ijjg j " j easy to find, but he is worth finding. j iffi ml I 1 SO iff: D 81; iiJg i _____ : J5! REAL ESTATE KOK SAKE | IF IT'S REAL# ESTATE, SEE SAN'DERLIN. ; i POSSESSION CAN BE GIVEN ON ANY OF THE FOLLOWING . i PROPERTIES ON OR ABOUT I ,! APRIL 1. ; PICK OUT YOUR HOME NOW ! AND DON'T BE CAUGHT NAPPING AURIL 1. I WICONISCO ST., 623 to 631 Five: ' houses, 3-story brick, eight rooms and '| bath, all improvements, front porch, ! driveway in rear, newly painted and .fixed up in flrst-class shape; it will | i pay you to look at these houses be ,l'crc buying. MAHANTONGO ST.. 616 and 620 1 Three houses, 3-story brick, eight i rooms and bath, all improvements; ' right price to quick buyer. I SIXTH ST.. 2G31-2633 Three i story brick, eight rooms and bath. • gas and electric lights, front porch, ' all improvements; only two left. SCHUYLKILL ST.. 61S to 623 Six houses. 3-story, buff brick fronts, all 1 modern improvements; these are ex | ceptionally nice looking homes; you ■ can't make a mistake if you select ! one of these homes. * I SIXTEENTH ST., S., 542—Two-story | brick, six rooms and bath, all im provements, front porch, cement cel : lar. nice rear entrance; a very nice neighborhood; the last one of twenty. r PERRY ST. AND TWENTY-SEV ENTH Three-story brick, will be. j completed about April 1; hardwood | doors, steam heat, gas and electric 'light, cemented cellai. everything i | that is nice in a home. 'i IF ANY OF THE ABOVE Properties DO NOT APPEAL TO I YOU. COME IN AND SELECT I ! YOUR LOT. PICK OUT THE STYLE HOUSE YOU WANT AND I I WE WILL BUILD IT FOR YOU 1 1 WITH A SMALL AMOUNT OF ! MONEY; BALANCE SAME AS [ RENT. D. ASA SANDERLIN, Rcont 1. Security Trust Bldg., 36 NORTH THIRD ST. BELL 1390. DIAL 3573. | i— -i FOR SALE ' *052 Susquehanna, a brick, 8 rooms,! ! bath, hot air, gas, porches, $2,800. ! Possession April 1. ! 2207 Logan, brick, S rooms, balh, 'hot air. gas, porches, $2,500. Posses ! sion April 1. D. A. CALEY, 707 Kunkel. Bell 589. I —■! FOR SALE ! I CAMP HILL 244-story brick dwell-! ing. 8 rooms and bath, hot air heat ! nice, large lront porch, facing south' i or. lot 50x150 feet. Chickenhouse and'! ! garage in rear. A number of fruit! ' trees in tearing. Adjoining lot same I size. Logan street, just west of Bow-' man awnue. Inquire on premises, or! • ulione 3180-R Bell. ' A. E. STRODE. j FOR SALE On Walnut street,! Camp Hill, 2'4-story frame dwelling,! 7 rooms and bath, lot. sox2oo, 2." bear- i ling fruit trees. Possession can be had: 'on verv short notice. For Sale One acre of ground tin-I (proved by a now 6-room bungalow,! I now vacant, located close to Rock-! : ville car line. This plot is elegantly I located, is close to the city and of- 1 fered at the attractive price of I ' $2,600.00. BRIXTON-PACKERCO., Agents, I Second and Ilalnut Sts. I FUR SALE A good 16 per cent. ; veal estate investment. A. w.! Swengei, 2131 North Second street. ! FUR SALE Flve-room-and-attic I frame house, water in house. Rents I 'for $B.OO per month. Will bring' I 59.00. Price, $BOO.OO cash to quick! 'buyer. Inquire 212 Crescent street. j j FOR SALE Six-room-and-attic i I frame house, water and gag. Re,,.., I for SS.OO per month. Will bring l j $lO.OO. Price. $900.00 cash to quick j buyer, inquire 212 Crescent street, j ! FOR SALE Sixteentd and Boasi I streets brick house, 9 rooms and bath ! all modern improvements, nice van' j drive alley. line location. Call Beii I phone 2912. ! FOR SALE 111 Boas street, 3- ' story brick dwelling, with porch front i | 8 rooms and bath, electric light and' gas. Good location. Inquire 107 ! | Boas street. I "TRTY YOUR HUME—BUY IT RIGHT ! u A. W.SWKNGEL, j Bell 2575J No. 2131 N. Secdnd St j j FOP- SALE Most attractive West I ' I Shore home. All modern conveniences I |Will sell _at a.sacrifice. Call Bciil j phone 3037 R. j I FOR SALE House on North Fir-i Iteenth street, 9 rooms, all improve ment.' g 9 al,d ele i' tr i a combination fixtures, front porch. 23 ft. front by 191 ft. Price. $3,600. Inquire No. 1633 Market street. | $4OOO WILL BUY a single house with all Improvements, on Bowman I avenue. Camp Hill $lOOO in I Balance can remain in mortgage. In j gulf" J - K ' Klpp - | BUY YOUR HOME on our rental payment plan. Small cash or Liberty Bond t Payment required, balance as rent. We ,,. haAe ,, ho " ae s In every Dart of the city and suburbs. ADDIV !£ T r. Doranx. 1225 North Sixth FOR SALE —On easy teims, zotj to 20H Susquehanna street. Posses- I sion cm A P LiVth A ' P ' Doriln4 . ! 1225 North I FOR SALE 3-story brick house lon Hill; 8 rooms, porch, steam hea side entrance; immediate possession, j Call Dial phone j FOll SALE Thiee 3-story frame houses. e'sH'™ o " l "; J )aved , street,! $2,100 each. Two brick seml-bunga-l lowa. rooms, laundry, bath, pantrv 1 I pore 11 es, $3,150 each. Two bricks, alii I improvements, sa,loo both. Also in-1 Idustrial plant, line water power. Bell 1334 J. | REAL ESTATE FOR SALIC i FOR SALE Desirable plot of! | ground. Twentieth. State and Walnut! j streets, Harrisburg. Pa. Fronting 150! I ft. on State and 15t> ft. on Walnut ! j Thereon erected two three-story' frame houses and Jurgo two-story! 1 stable. Call, or address, J. 11. Bolton,' E. G. Bolton, 11. M. Bolton, Executors.' '— i I 1610-1612 MARKET STREET I Brick S rooms and bath, all im-! jprovemcnts. drive alley In rear. Pus i session April 1. H. G. l'edlow, 3 South |'Thirteenth street. ■I 1537 FULTON STREET 8 rooms! land bath, is vacant and can he bought |on easy terms. Price, $1,750. H. G. . jPodlow. 3 South Thirteenth street. i REAL ESTATE FOR RENT I MILLER BROTHERS & CO.. ! Locust and Court Sts. FOR RENT No. 205 N. Third St. 3-story brick ■l3 rooms and bath. Rents for $lOO j ! per month. I BEAUTIFUL COUNTRY HOME— ■ "IIILLCREST" —FOR RENT I Large, country house, one block' fioni trolley, all Improvements. Hot! and cold water, steam heat, gas, elec- i trie light, sun parlor, extensive grounds, tennis court, garage. Terms! reasonable. Immediate possession Call Bell phone 3139K-1, or address Baron Bestecki, P. O. Box 91. New! Cumberland. Pa. | FOR RENT—No. 1920 North Fourth! ! street, corner house, two-story frame ! ]7 rooms and large hall and vestibule'' Iron ire of 15. A. Uraybill, 121 Herri st net. FOR RENT A store property, in! Lewisberry along the main street, a! I two-story, eight-room house, a large! i storeroom and two-story warehouse. :a large lot and outbuildings. This! store lias been doing a paying busi cess. Rent very low. Apply to the I ( Store or to Jacob H. Gross, New Cum-! ' beriand. ! OWNER will rent to small familv : without children, furnished homo on! ! North Second street. Eight large! rooms. In good repair and well fur nished Prefer reserve top floor, two I I rooms, for storage personal goods j Rent sixty or fifty dollars per month.' Address 0., 662., care of Telegraph' Office. FOR RENT No. 327 X. Hanover! street; brick, eight rooms, steam heat, cooking range, gas, electric I light, new paper, all modern improve, ments, side anil real-yard. $27.50 per: month. Mrs. E. A. Parker. 315 North 1 Hanover street, Carlisle, Pa. i REAL ESTATE WANTED ! I : ! WANTED, TO BUY A home at PaxVang. Apply S., 8121, care of Tele-j I graph. , 1 WANTED. TO BUY A home In ' suburbs of Harrisburg. Address N., ; 16-190, care of Telegraph. I WANTED Furnished cottage for! June, July, August. Must be near! creek or river. State rent and ail: particulars. Address Box O, 7273,1 I care of Telegraph. ! IV ANT ED, TO KENT A house. Iv ' April 1, with improvements. Hill see |tion preferred. Rent, about $25.00 per! [month. Address Box T, 7121, care cf| | Telegraph. i IVANTED. TO RENT —By returned ! 'naval aviutor, a house in desirable! 'locality, with modern Improvements! ! preferred, city or suburban. Posses-I sion wanted April 15 or sooner. Ail-I dress 11.. 7405, care of Telegraph. 1 'WANTED—TO KENT We are having a number of appq. cations at this time for furnihsed houses, apartments and rooms. What Ido you have to offer? Address Mil- i . ler Brothers & Company, Locust and I Lou-t streets. ! nV.ADY CASH'FOR CITY PROPERTY ' j WHAT HAVE YOU TO OFFER? 1 BELL AND DIAL PHONES, j CIIAS. ABLER, 1002 \. THIRD ST. ! Odiccs uiul Storerooms for Rent FOR RENT Second and third floors over | Claster's Jewelry Store, now occupied by Kellberg's Studio. I Has been occupied as a photo- ! I graphic studio for over ten i years. Excellent location. Very suitable for Dentist's ' ! or Optometrist's parlors. Apply CLASTER'S JEWELRY STORE. 302 Market Street. STOREROOM. Good Business location, 504 Market Street. CHAS. ADLER. 1002 North Third Street. $lO.OO, STOREROOM 250 Hamilton! street, suitable for barber, tailor I poclroom or cigar store. Chas. Adler'l 10U2 North Third street. FOR RENT Large storeroom and ' house combined .in Lewisberry. York county. Pa. Apply at Post Office, Lewisberry. FARMS FARMS. [Large nnd small, on easy terms. From 1 to 260 acres, $5OO to $1,500 down will buy any one. The balance on easy I payments. Apply 1 107 CHESTNUT STREET. FOR SA'LE—MISCELLANEOUS j BARGAINS! BARGAINS! The Store across from Y. W. C A ' ! offers you the Biggest and Best ' I gains in Men s and Boys' Suits. Over- I coats. Mackinaw Coats, Underwear': iHttts, Caps and Shoes. We are faro- ! I ous for Low Prices. Give us a trlaL OUTLET CLOTHING CO.. $3 North Fourth Street. \ ! FOK SALE—MISCELLANEOUS ! PEOPLE COMING BACK | THREE, OR FOUR TIMES. SAY THAT LONG FLAME FURNACE COAL ' Is so satisfactory thai no other COAL gives the same SATISFACTION. i Order 1,000 lbs. to-dav. 11.70 ' Bell 600. Dial 2345 J. U. MONTGOMERY. NO COAL CARDS NEEDED. SUBURBAN DELIVERY. FOR SALE ; 2 parlor stands Several good cnairs. i 1 bureau. ! t washstand. j Dressing table. Chest of drawers, j Music cubinet. i Linoleum. Call 2323 N. Fourth St., City. I FOR SALE A Bloch stroller. In | good condition. Apply 1511 Green street. j FOR SALE One store refrlgera-' j tor, glass doors and mirror, as good , as new. Will sell cheap. .Max Sheiu, I 1200 North Seventh street. j FOR SALE —1 refrigerator, kitchen table, dining table, sideboard, organ. I crib, and few other articles. Will seU j reasonable. Inquire 78 Reservon' j street. i ; FOR SALE A bargain, good one-! | story building. 12x1 ti. Easily moved. ' 'jAlsci good roll-top desk. A. S. Miller, i Eighteenth and State streets. Hell' ! phone 2323. FOR SALE Child's white onam-i ' eled crib, drop side; oak bedroom 'suite, oil parlor lamp. Lett city. No! [reasonable offer refused. Call at 1011 (Park street. j TWO tine Blenheim Spaniel Puppies' jleft; 8 weeks old; pedigreed. Male 1 $25.00; female, $20.00. 312 llumniei I street. ; FOR SALE Dark oak, hand-carv ed china closet and buffet to match' also diningroom table and chairs. In quire 107 Boas street. ij- I FOR SALE A parlor suite, re- • frigetator, organ; also a tew other' household goods. Apply 2306 Jeft'er-' 1 son. ; FOR SALE Sewing machines - ' three very good used Drop-head ma-! .1 Chines. Cheap. Call 1308 Vernon i | street. City. ! 1 Y PEW BITERS UOLlitL cent l CASH ALL MAKES RENTED EXCHANGED. GEO. P. TILLUTSON, I 205 LOCUST STREET. OPPOSITE ORPHEUM THEATER. BOTE! PHONES. TOR SALE A Revalation oil-' j burning china tiring kiln, including, ; stock; also a double l'olding-bed. ; i Both in good condition. Cap be seen | any evening, 7 to 0 o'clock, at 2122! i Green street. FOR SALE -- Rufus Red Belgian Hares. T''ine stock. Heavyweight, ( type. Excellent color and condition. I Bucks and Docs. Aug. Rich, 417; (South Seventeenth street. | CIGARS From Factory at $l, $1.25 to $1.50 per box of 50. postpaid.; jor trial box of each for $3.25. W. F. I I Snell. Red Lion. Pa. | FOR SALE Wood tor kindling! ; for range or furnace, pine or oak, | (slabs or billets. Pleased customers in (all parts of city. Bell phone 1055 M. | MORRIS SAYs save money buying , new and second-hand furniture here. High prices paid for furniture. Morris | Sohrnertz. 10.H1 Market. Hell 1971R i ' A COAL DIGGING OUTFIT Used ; two months, consisting of a six-inch ! Morris suction pump, direct connected [engine, 40 ft. cleaning trough, pusher; boat and four Hats. Good as new. i Price, $3,300.00. Melvin G. Fahringer, I 800 North Fourth street. Sunbury, Pa.; WANTED TO I'UKCIIASE ' j OLD BOOKS WANTED A representative of a large New York Book Store will be 1 ' in Harrisburg for a few days prepared to pay cash for old Books, Prints, Autograph Let- j ters and other Literary Prop- j | crty. State what you have. Our man will call. Address THE BOOK CORNER, Care of Telegraph. j WANTED—MISCELLANEOUS . HIGHEST CASH PRICKS PAID for ; Second-hand Furniture. Prompt at- I ; tention. Newmark At I'mvn <> sri>.i ! [street. Dial phone 4286. Bell 4705U, ' WANTED Roll or (lat-top desk.: (Need not be in line, but want in good: j condition. Can also use office table.l (State price and kind in first letter, I Address M„ 6635, care of Telegraph. [ ( WANTED A second-hand mlmeo-' .graph, or similar duplicating device. I ,in good condition. Give price and par- ; 1 tlculars. Address P. O. Box 44, Har-I ! risburg, Pa. ! ; WANTED 1 , Small house dog. State price I and particulars. Address I BOX E C 629, CARE OF TELEGRAPH. i WANTED 2 gas ranges, 2 bath | tubs, 2 washstands, 2 water closets, 12 one-way laundry tubs. Address Box I r„ 7410. care of Telegraph. ! •! MAX SMKLTZ ' Second-hand furniture bought and '•old Highest cash •• e •nai.t fall! i Bell 1071 R. or drop a postal to Max' ! Smelt/. 10ft Market street. Will call,; | city or oountry. I L. COHEN & COMPANY. York and ! Ash avenues. Highest prices paid for j I rags, paper, iron, barrels, rubber and i | metal and old machines. Send postal i of call 3221W Bell and Dial 6225. HIGHEST PRICES PAID for all kinds of empty barrels and junk Call j Bell phone 4275. B. Abrama & Son. : I 824-832 North Seventh street. j BUSINESS I ILSONALS* i oxyTXc ET Y LEN E W ELDING" — I I Any metal, welded. Work guaran-l 1 teed. Carbon removed by oxygen i I Capital City Welding Co.. 1538 Logan i I street. Bell 4396 J. i FURNITURE, CARPETS. ! Bougt.t and sold S. Gold. 1014 Mar ! ket. Bell 4085J! ! QNININE—M-ouk out tor that grippe feeling, likely to ™tch you this changeable weather. OUR LAXATIVE PHOSPHO-QUININE will stave It off If taken in time. Gross Drug Store j ill# Market street. ' I CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER—Eg. , tlmates. Jobbing. First-class work, i h W Hummer. 1423 Liberty street. j Bell 4420. _____ j " ' A. LANE I New and second-hand furniture ' • bought and sold. Highest Prices paid, j 1022 Market street. Bell 4730-J. ' INVENTORS FINANCED _ Patents . i Automobiles. Motorcycles Bought, I Void Exchanged. Cash o| commission Simon Horst. Lingßstown. Pa. DIAMONDS bought for cash—P. H . Caplar. Co.. 206 Market street. '4] I UI'IIOLSTL. KIN G Of .the best! I kind. Work guaranteed. We (jail and i deliver 308 Broad street. Dial phone 4826. Bell phone 4705 R. j~~ RAZOR BLADES SII Alt PENED Single edge, 26c doz.; double edge, 35c I dor..; razors, 25c. Uorgas Drug Store.) j FURNITURE CliATlili-And china | packed for shipping. Also repairing. I j J. A. Bishop, 17311 Logan street. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES PACKING Experienced packers of Fur- I niture, China and Bric-a-brac* A. H. SIIENK 1 906 North Sixth St. 801 l Phono 399 W. ! •'A Blti BARGAIN" j shoe factory to make Infants' : shoes, can he bought for $5OO. Great , opportunity for some one to start in' 'business. Can furnish a good man to assist, inquire at Paul's Shoe Store, j 111 North Fourth street. I 1 CAPAI.UK BUSIN KSS MAN has ssoo ! to incest with services. Correspond-' I once invited. Address Box T, 0522, dire of Telegraph. | I WILD BUY stationery, cigar, pool, soda, confectionery or small oflicc i i business. All particulars lirst letter. INo agents. Address Box L„ 0021, care; jof Telegraph. FINANCIAL Put Your learnings in HIGH GRADE J Stocks or Bonds. For information on I safe and sound I INVESTMENTS ! "saV'l It. BR AI N & GENTZI.ER CO., Jenkins Arcade, Pittshorgh, I'a. I Milwaukee —Chicago—Buffalo. .MONEY TO UOAX WE LEND MONEY In compliance with Act of June 17. 19In. to Individu als iit need of ready cash; small loan, a specialty, business confidential, pay. meals to suit borrower's convenience . positively owest rates in city. PENXSVT.VA.NIA INVESTMENT CO. 132 Walnut Street. . MONEY ' if vou are pressed for ready • . i cash to meet any emergency, call to see us. We lend money In compliance with the laws | of the State. EMPLOYES' LOAN SOCIETY. BOOM 206 BERGNER 81.DU., I THIRC' AND MARKET STREETS. 'LICENSED AND BONDED BY STATE. I I . ! MONEY FOR INCOME TAXES and other necessities. If you arc suh jert to tax and without funds and' bank credit, our money service muvi ! interest you. Cost reasonable. Pay ments arranged to suit your Income. CO-OPERATIVE LOAN & INVEST MENT CO., 204 Chestnut St. MUSICAL FOR SALE Pla.vcr-piano, in Me- I clianicshurg, with bench, scarf and j player t olls. Can be bought for bal junce duo on lease. Ileal bargain. Ad- I dress Box T, 0033, care of Telegraph. | TALKING MACHINES promptly and cert fully repaired by an expert only I CYDER'S. 14 South Fourth street. ' FOR SALE I'pright piano. Cheap for cash. Must sell on account of 'moving. Address Box 1* 74US, care of Telegraph. i VIOLINS. MANDOLINS. GUITARS BANJOS. Band and Orchestra Instru ments promptly and carefully repair ed. OYLEII'S. 14 South Fourth street. PLAYER PIANO With forty rolls of music, for sale; slightly used; must be sold at once; cheap to a quick I buyer. Spangler Music House, 2112 j ! North Sixth street. . HORSES AND CARRIAGES FOR SALE A pair of mules, 11 ' years old; weight, 2,000 lbs. Fast i goers, very best pullers, well trained.' I Excellent condition. Price moderate.' {lnquire of Paul A. Kunkel, Telegraph 'Building. Harrisburg. I ROOKING AND SPOUTING I YOUR ROOF WILL BE RIGHT AND | WATERTIGHT IF PAINTED BY' j AUCTIONEER lIITE. BELL 1575.1. , HAUI.IXG AND .MOVING I AUTO HAULING —l.ocal or long | i distance Furniture and piano movina , a specialty. Blue Line Transfer. 11" Capital sireel. Both phones. AUTO HAULING Anything, anv ! where. Furniture moving. 15. S. Os imtn. 717 South Nineteenth street. Bel! ; 1591 W. I RICKS Local and long-dlstanc -j | hauling and storage. 424 Relly. Both ! I phones. ! LOCAL AND LONG-DISTANCE I I HAULING Furniture moving. ; 'Prompt service. Ernest Corbin, 050 ! Calder street. Both phones. Bell' j 3630-J. Dial 3683. i FOR HIRE —Two-tor. auto truck ! i Apply 11 OX South Ninth street Bell j ; phone 2455 R. i HEAVY HAULING —FuItv equipped | 1 for furniture, freight and piano tnov- ; | ing. No distance too far Careful [ ' driver Rain and dustproof body. J j 'E Grubber's Truck Service. Irwin' { Aungst. manager Hershey. Pa. Bell j ! nhone 15rt6 ! AUTO TRUCK SERVICE. Local ! ;and long distance. F. J. Marter. Bell | I 39-J, Steelton. j ; AUTO HAULING Local and long' distance. Furniture moving a rpe- j lela 11 v Rates reasonable. Prompt J service. Call Bell* 623-J. i GENERAL HAULING AND FAST [ ■ EXPRESS SERVICE to nearby towns {with auto trucks. Only experienced and careful drivers. Call Bell 3320., : or Dial 2265. J ' ALL KINDS OF HAULING AND MOVING DONE I CONRAD BROS.. 341 KELKISR ST. I BELL PHONE 623 W. | THAT PHONE 2518 j STOK AGE I STORAGE —419 ili md street, house-i hold goods, merchandise. Private rooms at reasonable rates. Also haul ing of all kinds. D. Cooper & Co. Both phones. j STORAGE.—In brick building, rear 4TB Market. Household goods In clean, private rooms. Reasonable rates. P. G. Uiener. 408 Market street STORAGE Private rooms for household goods in fireproor ware- I house. $3 per month and up. Lower! storage rates in non-tlreproof ware- | house. Harrisburg Storage Co.. 437- South Second street. WHERE TO DINK AI.VA HOTEL AND UESTAIJILVNT! THE HOME OF SATISFACTION. STOUFFER'S RESTAURANT—Home I cooking served to Businessmen and j Ladles In sepafate dining rooms. I ! UNDERTAKERS SAMUEL S. FACKLEH, FUNERAL DIRECTOR 1312 Derry St. BELL 1956. DIAL 2133. RUDOLPH K. SPICER, i Funeral Director and Einbalmer, 511 North Second Street • I 2"-- DIAL 2145. ! CEMETERY LOTS I'OR SALE PROSPECT HILL CEMETERY i Beautilully situated on Market street east of Twenty-sixth, and on the ; north and east faces the new park |wny. The prices of lots are motfer 31Miller Bros. & Co.. Agents. POUI TRV AN I7~SI PPI.IKS I VOII SALE White Leghorns, two I hens and rooster. Three sell for I si.oo. 104 Race street. EGGS FOR HATCHING Eglan tine Strain White Leghorn, selected : Eggs, from pen No. 1, 15 for SI 50 or Kill for $8.50 Selected Eggs, No. 2 pen, 15 or $l.OO or 100 for $5.50. J. P Mel ><q ir.ond, Newville, I'a., No. 4 R "• ' ' CLEAN lilts AND DYERS IT PAYS to have Clothes Cleaned, Pressed. Dyed or Repaired at the best Place In town. Call and deliver. ■ Goodmans. Mneft North Sixth. Both Phones AUTOMOBILES ! YOU CAN BUY A REBUILT TRUCK ON CONVENIENT MONTHLY PAYMENTS 1% and 2-ton Garforda, chassis only or equipped with express or dump bodies. 114-1%-2 U and 2%-ton Bethleheins. with or without bodies. Light delivery wagons, in. eluding Bulcks. Overlanas and Vims. THE OVERLAND-HARRTSBURG CO.. Open Evenings, 212-214 North Second St. Eoth Phones. ! . i TO THE CAR OWNERS WHO WANT THE MOST FOR THEIR MONEY. Also smoothed touring car. Call and see the liaytield man at I PEDKRICK'S GARAGE, 1807-09 N. Thrid Street, j Or meet us at the Auto Show. j Agent for Rayfield Carburetor. Also General Auto Repairs. HAKGAINS ! l'ren.iir. 1915, electric gear shift, run .',.100 miles; "-passenger. Hudson 0-54, roadster, live new j tires. Drnby 2-ton trucks, overhauled, in lino, condition; dump body. Packard. 1-ton. Rco, 2-ton. Other used trucks on hand. Full {lino of IJenby chassis. DKXBY SALES CORPORATION. 1205 CAPITAL STREET. FOR SALE 7-passenger touring car. in A 1 condition. Bargain to quick : buver. Call Bell phone 2323. _♦*. AUTOMOBILES OVERLAND •SPRING SALE" OF USED CARS. Although our stock has | been rapidly depleted, we have recently traded in sev ! eral additional cars. They I have been put in good me chanical condition and some , have been repainted. All are offered at prices '{ that will move them quickly. Buiek Roadster, all tires, lop and upholstery good. Very i fair mechanical condition. A serviceable car. Sale Price $295. Overland 5-passenger Tour ing. overhauled and refinished like new. Complete with elec tric lights and starter. Sale Price 3195. Ci SUV-El khart 5-passenger Touring. Tires good. In very fair condition. Sale Price $350. Maxwell Touring, late model 5-passenger. Special top with glass windows in 1 rear curtain. A splendid I value. Willys-Knight. 5-passenger , Touring. Special lirst grade Pantusote top with glass win dows in rear curtain. This ear is mechanically hue. is re tinlshed and looks like new. ! Almost new Cord tires all I around. We cannot recom j li.tnd it too highly. ACT NOW. Place your order with a small deposit and wo will hold your car for April j delivery, if you wish. | Convenient Time Payments. Open Evenings Until Nine. I . THE OVERLAND-IIARRISBURG CO., 212-211 North Second Street. Both Phones. • | CAR FOR SALE One Roadster. I Must be sold. First $125 takes it. Inquire Federal Oarage. Court and I Cranberry streets. i FOR SALE Hollier 8-cylinder I touring ear. Good as new. If inter ested, inquire H. M. Hartz, Palmyra, ! |,a - . FOR SALE FOR SALE Ford Truck, Buiek Touring Car. 1917; 1917 Velie; also 1918 Oakland Touring Car. Rex Gar age & Supply Co.. 1917 North Third street. i FOR SALE Cadillac Touring Car i body In first-class condition. Must !he sold at once. Very reasonable. Ap | ply Philadelphia Auto Co., 1826 Wood 1 avenue. Additional Classified Ads on Opposite Paf