14 8,762 ACRES OF COAL LANDS IN DAUPHIN COUNTY Mining Expert (lives Extenl of Anthracite Deposits to I'. S. Senate Interesting 1 statistics of the enor mens extent of the coal fields in thi eleven anthracite counties of Penn sylvania have been supplied by T Kllsworth Davies, of Scranton. min ing expert, in a complete report t( I'nited States Senator James A Ueed, of Missouri, chairman of the Senate committee investigating tin coal situation. It will be remembered that thii committee met in Pottsville recentli where Mr. Davies testified at lengti on the ertent of the coal deposits ■r He was retained to make a complete detailed report which has been done Mr. Davies is at present in the enr ploy of Dauphin. Lebanon ant Northumberland counties to make valuations of coal fields in these dis I tricts, similar to the ones made b; him and his assistants in Lacka wattna and Luzerne during the las few years. In Dauphin county, with a sttr face area of 520 square miles, thert are It square miles or 5.762 acres Heal Skin Diseases " It is unnecessary for you to suffer with eczema,blotches, ringworm, rashes and similar skin troubles. Zemo, ob tained at any drug store for 35c, or $l.OO for extra large bottle, and prompt ly applied will usually give instant relief from itching torture. It cleanses and soothes the skin and heals quickly and effectively most skin diseases. Zemo is a wonderful, penetrating, disappearing liquid and is soothing to the most delicate skin. It is not greasy, is easily applied and costs little. Get it today and save all further distress. The E. W. Rose Co., Cleveland, O s| "Workman" asks: "I am so affected v with painful kidneys that I cannot k work regularly. My sleep is disturh- Sv cil by frequent calls, only to yold 5f small amount anil follows burning, P- sumriinif pains. Backaches and often chills and. fever making me teal sick r. r a day. k? \nswer: A Rood tonic, soothing and S neutralizing medicine for such com " plaints is Mainmort Tablets. Try them t a nil continue a few weeks and 1 ant r sure you will write me of \our re i envery. - "C. G." writes: "If you know of any t thing that will cure dandruff, itching scalp and premature baldness, please let me know what it is." | Answer: I'or several years 1 have I prescribed plain yellow .Minvol as sa fe parlor to anything known for the I treatment of diseased scalp. Get it v in four-ounce jars with full directs f~ ions. It quickly overcomes all dis c cases of hair and scalp and gives new ( vigor and intense natural color to the hair. "Mildred" writes: "I am constantly embarrassed because of the fact of i nil" extreme thinness. I have abso lutely no color in my face and Hps and I am dull and lifeless most, of the time. Please advise me what to do." Answer: If yon are so thin and pale and your lips and cheeks are colorless it is because your blood is so detioieni in red corpuscles. This can he easily overcome by the use of three-grain J Hypo-Nucl.ine Tablets, which can he hud from any druggist in scaled car tons with full directions for taking. When the blood is enriched bv the use of these tablets your weight will In crease. "Kilna" writes: "f suffer with rheu ! mat ism all th P time and I shall be very glad If you can tell me some thing to relieve me." HEI BRASSIERES worn in connection with W. B. M Corsets, assure gown-fit perfection / / "fl slenderize bust-lines add the I * grace and finish at bust that the ■ 7 ,TI / 7 corset accomplishes below, and give the necessary finishing touch to the "Form-Fashionable. Bolero, Bandeaux and Surplice patterns, [ | in filmy lace effects over silks and satins; also delicate batistes, daintily trimmed t _• ~ >KB„, with ' ace and embroideries; making W. B. Brassieres second only to W. B. Cor ■ sets as form-beautifiers. ASK YOUR DEALER, FOR I w - B. FORMU BRASSIERES. W. B. NUFORM Corsets for slender I / / and average figures. The Iqw-prictd cor set with high-priced qualities. W. B. Ki? C SCME- REDUSO Corsets for stout figures— re ' - - . •- • duce one to five inches and you look to ( wenty pounds lighter. Sold Exclusively iO >J In Harrisburg at THURSDAY EVENING ' Rarrbbbho <£& TELEORArc - MARCH 13 1919 within the coal measure, Mr. Davies reported. "It is entirely controlled by the Susquehanna Collieries Com pany and the Heading Coal and Iron Company," the report continues, "and originally contained 562,299.- 912 tons of which 32,5ai1,000 tons* have been removed, leaving 528.-' 747,912 tons remaining in the ground. • "Northumberland county, that lias an area of 469 square miles, 50 square miles or 32,102 ucres, is with in the coal measures. The coal de posits iq the county are controlled by the Reading Coal and Iron Com pany, the Lehigh Valley Coal Com pany, the Susquehanna Colleries Company, the- Girard estate of Phil adelphia. and it originally contained 4.044.552.000 tons, from which 241,- 141,035 tons have been removed, leaving 3,803.710,965 tons remaining in the ground. ''Schuylkill county, having an era of 840 square miles, contains 19,1 square miles, or 123,592 acres, with in the coal measures. This vast de posit is controlled by the Reading Coal and Iron Company, the Lehigh Coal and Xuvignton Company, the Lehgh Valley Coal Company, and the Schuylkill Coal and Iron Company, i principally, however, by the former. Contained originally 41,040.576,000 tons, of which 831,987,669 tons have I been removed, leaving 40,208,558,- i 331 tons remaining in the ground. I "Lebanonn county, which has an! area of 330 square miles, contains 1 eight square miles, or 4,728 acres of! coal lands, exclusively controlled bv the Reading Coal and Iron Com pany. It originally contained 653,- 243,912 tons from which practically no coal lias been removed, leaving 653,243.912 tons remaining in thei ground." Mr. Davies made similar detailed! statement about coal deposits in! Carbon. Columbia, Lackawanna, Lu zerne. Sullivan, Susquehanna and, Wayne counties, and in closing his report says: "We find that these eleven counties originally contained 57,168,813,112 tons, from which a ; total of 3,440,137,292 tons or 6 per , cent, of the original has been re moved, leaving a total 0f53.729.675,-i ] 320 tons or 94 per cent, of the orig-I' inal quantity still remaining in the * ground and that Schuylikll county 1 controlled practically by the Read-' ing Coal and Iron Company, still has' .•> per cent, of the coal remaining in M the ground." The questions answered below are general in character; the symptoms or diseases are given and th„ answers . should apply to any case uf similar | nature. Those wishink further advice free address Mr. I.civ is Baker, follege . Building, iol lege-Ell wood streets May ton, 0., enclosing self-addressed, stamped envelope for replv. Full name and address must be given, but only initials or fictitious name will be used in any answers. The remed ies can be obtained at anv well stocked drug store. Any druggist ; can order of wholesale,. ] Answer: This is my favorite rem d> and from the number of letters received from people who have used • The ~t s va,ue in rheumatism. well iiin made by mixing Mmi, a 1 easpoonful at „,eal i times and again before retiring ! l0 !lVf sence Cardiol. 1 oz.; comp fluid Balmwort. I oz.; syrup sarsa- Li' . , c '°? l|> -. •' ozs.; iodide of potas i slum. . drams; wine of eolchieitm I drains oU| tve; sodium salicylate, 4 | "Free Advice" writes: "1 want v6ur ree advice. I seem to have gone all • ,v 1 am irritated and antioved i b> dizzy moments, tickle appetite no : strength and life has not pleasures lor me any more. Answer: There arc thousands who in vour nHe-hT " nd themselves ill lour plight. the nervous vigor i'filo ? n a' le : ,anBre ?; A tonfc invigor ating medicine called three-grain Fa dotnene Tablets will afford aid to Nature by supplying mor P fond-en ergy and give your system a chance to recuperate, when calm nerves nerves. place of "battered Farmer's Wife asks: "Will vou obesity ?" n,e "° W ,0 ov "come Answer: Obesity is burdensome. Ex cessive fat on tlie human bodv j s un natural and frequently results ser "est and safest method to i educe is to take regularly five gram A rbolone Tablets. Tliei- are put up in sealed tubes with directions for home use. and any well-stocked druggist can supply them. aIOLKCU „ '? ! L ,a C '" t fites: "I am constipated and have a greasy skin. Suffer from headache, indigestion and some kid ney trouble. I Wish you to recont mend a remedy. Answer: The best remedy to relieve a ". d , ma ,f. ter chronic constipation is called three-grain Sulplierb Tablets made from sulphur, cream of tartar and herb medicines. Taken regularlv the blood is purified, the bowels anil liver stimulated into healthv action and health established. They are packed in sealed tubes with full di rections. These tablets are splendid sicken ' 3!< 1,0 not Br 'P e or CHORUS GIRLS IN "MUTT AND JEFF," AT THE ORPHEUM S ATURDAY d'fr' a 'ilV 'nfgh whore* Gmi"!,Ill a' 1 ti'.e .liTVe^ a'will the :V5?" * VJ ' e '"■ ""° t ' i " K l ° murry " off to an 10ulin e. when h?a lveurt is et H A mine an"' an,! atlractive'girl's. '* ll?s ui rounded these eminent artists with an exceptional high ray of musical talent, and a beauty chorus of young LIEUT. WALLOWER HOME FROM FRANCE [Continued from First Page.] seen by a llarrisburg Telegraph rep resentative at the home of ltis fa ther, E. Wallower, Front and Ma clay streets, this.morning. The lieu, tenant was connected with the 74tli Engineers. "1 went over in July, 1017," the lieutenant narrated. "I served in the French Camion Service, working mostly wit If the artillery. We were on the Aisne front. We spent sev eral months in preparing for the Chemfn des Dames attack, the bril liant little coup of the French. I went through the attack with the French. In January, 191S, I receiv ed a commission in the American Army and my honorable discharge from the French." Lieutenant Wallotver was then at tached to the General Staff at head quarters. He was later sent to the British front where he was warmly welcomed, lie stayed on the British front until the first German at tack March 21 when he was sta tioned directly in front of St. Quen tin, where the Boche made the heav iest attack. The British retired to a depth of about thirty-five miles and then made a stand. This was a very critical situation, he explained, but the fighting afterward brought brighter days when the great push began. It was here Lieutenant Wal lower commanded a British unit a.f ler all the British officers had been killed. He acquitted himself with high honors. After the lirst offensive Lieutenant Wallower was sent hack to the Gen eral Headquarters Staff. He went to the Totil front, remaining there until the St. Mihiel offensive when he moved up. following the German retreat, remaining in this section until the armistice was signed. His unit was slated at the first to go with the Army of Occupation but the plans were changed. He was detached from his regiment, the 74th Engineers, and went to St. Nazaire, arriving in New York on the Mon golia. There was an air of uncertainty about the situation the day the ar mistice was signed. Lieutenant Wal lower said. The Allied troops didn't know whether the Germans would keep the terms but they were soon reassured when the Germans be gan to fraternize with them. He went over to the forbidden terri tory of the Germans, and Germans trooped to their enemies trenches. The Boche desired American food more than anything else, it appears, and they returned to their lines heavily laden. Lieutenant Wallower escaped with out a scratch. He paid high tribute to the French for their kindly hos pitality and expressed himself warm ly in appreciation of their courtesy. BUILDERS TAKE OPTIMISTIC VIEW [Continued from First Page.] permit to remodel, the houses at 1821, 25, 27, 31, 35. 39, 41 Susque liartnn street, at a cost of $5,000. As contractor for Herman E. Marts he will construct a one-story brick and frame garage at the rear of 315 North Second street, at a cost of $2OO. The permit for the four brick houses was issued to D. F. Bander. Mr. Bander will erect these on the southside of Zarker street, between Nineteenth and Twentieth streets. The estimated cost of the project is $1 2.000. E. M. Wagner, contractor for A. A. Warfield, was given a permit to build a one-story brick garage at the rear of 1003 Berry-hill street, at a Cost of $360, and E. N. Lebo, con tractor for Bernard Schmidt, to con struct a garage at the rear of the latter's residence at Seventeenth and Forster streets, for $1,500. Since March 1 building operations totalling about $130,000 have been started in the city, a large amount of this representing investments in new dwelling houses which are to be erected. An optimistic view of the future is taken by most of the build ers and contractors. When Your Liver is out of Order You know the signs—a neavy head, sick stomach, bad taste in the mouth, latent dyspepsia. Pay strict attention to these symptoms and get prompt relief by using Beecham's Pills. A few doses will stimulate the liver, help the stomach, reg ulate the bowels and make a great difference in your general feeling. Nothing will put you on ycur feet so quickly as a dose or two of BEECHAM'S PILLS Itffaet Sale of Any Medicine in the Wetid. Said #t err-where. In ho tea. 10c„2£c. :... , MAJESTIC ! anrt C aSS Vaudeville Stan Stanley ! eoiiieHt- PPtent co, "Pny in a big I medj offering; four other acts. ORPHBUM I Saturday, matinee and night, March ' West *• " lUI Jeff lhe Woll> Tuesday, night only, March IS Eu ' ant f GIH Hand - lllG Three llun vvvrfnl < Sixty-ninth infantrv. .J nesdaj matinee and night. March I .• . Elliott, Conistock and tie.it j and'"producUoni" """ ° lißlnal | Afterma"tli.~ , COLONIAL ! to * m °rrow and Saturday ' on the'*, nd'ox."'' IWjman 1Wjman ' M, in Ua n,e'Vf n lles , d "V " Marlon Davis ■w ,i., . Bel . lp ot Now York." ] tdncstay—Bert L.vtell in "Faith." ', 15 KG EXT ! T °Chest ~ Dorolhy Gi " h in " ThR Hope I l 'ind y i 1 "* 1 Satllrda J' Shirley Mason I !.. Ernesi. Truex in Good-bv, I've'rv ml a . I ,'. laB K comedy, "Ono I 'Aer \ Minute.* \vm V ' T ". esda >- nd Wednesday j Women"" Blad - V Presents "Little VICTOHIA ! T ° : uu. y . ,r % A"neue Kellerman in | yuit-n of tlie Sea. ,vi|Y , ' , | !npid >'. March 19, "Oh. Boy:"| 1 bo Presented at the Orplieum •*Ch r "rater for a matinee I . Moj. and night performance." |.pln,,„a„ rr, .' s Ihe fourth annual: l , rl ' G nter success, produced bv'| i k ," nd William Elliott. I a„rt 1■ c L l u 1 yr 1 cs, by Guy .Hoiton" ' . , ,' '' " odehouse. are replete withi ' while,\"' or anld-I-ashioned Wife," oi lv 11 rel r in '•"bitbush." are l the piece many song hits in cin '.V v. to v ,,o , Be 'on bere is the ori-| I'rmnin fork Princess Theater i ' Players, reassembled lor| f ff tour of a fk " Mm n rtatpli i ;and Heieii Erances. I*' 1 *' MarsurPt Mason j LJIW " ame delightful comedv in" which tor many months last season! i,... , .appeared at theli '•> cl Empire Theater, in New I ll.irryu.orc York, Ethel' Barry more ! .!'■ . 18 to make her welcome' on t linnee" reappearance here at 1 the Orplieum Theater foe i two performances, Saturday. March < .L- e >; ent marking her first visit to this city in two years. Her corn r.~Y ,s H C-carton's "The orr Chance.' 1 l lie oh Chance" was Hie most pro nounced success of the group of, I plays included in Miss Barryinore's 1 repertoire during her engagement of |an entire season in Xejv York last I year, not even excepting Edward Sheldon's "Belinda." So emphatic, in ded, was tlio success registered bv Miss Barrymore in Mr. Carton's pla'v that when her present tour was laid out. it was agreed immediately bv Miss Barrymore and the Charles I Frohman Company that this comedv Should be her vehicle. Since during I this tour Miss Barrymore is to ap- 1 pear only in the principal cities in 1 many of which she has not been seen i for several years, these engagements , promise to be little less that! a series |of triumphant ovations. No American ' actress coming to us in the course jf ' the theatrical season is more welcome 1 than Miss Barrymore. she is easily ! the most beloved of our plavers and in the esteem of American playgoers she i hoids a warm place. 1 The Charles Frohman Company has 1 surrounded Miss Barrymore with a I j distlnguihed company, including- Eva I.e Gnllienne. Antlonette Hanson. An ita Cecelia Hadcliffe, Mary | Balfour, William Boyd. Edward Em ery. Harry PUmmer, Albert Gran Jo- 1 soph Hrennan. T. Wignev Percvval C M;:of,can Suvage, John M. Troughtoti and }■.('. Rutler. The comedy, need less to say, has been produced with all the exquisite good taste and pains taking attention to detail character istic of Charles Frohman presenta tions. The new bill of vaudeville- that opens at the Majestic to-day, features Stan Stanley and a compe- At the tent company in a big com- Majestic ed.v offering. Stanley is a clever comedian, who suc ceeds in keeping his audience in up roarious laughter all the time. The Novello Brothers, variety entertainers- Lachman Sisters, two charming girls in an artistic song and dance offer ing; ("arietta and Lewis, presenting a breezy little skit, and one other act complete the bill. Another episode of "The Lure of the Circus is also being shown. The Colonial Theaters opens a three-day engagement with the "Woman on the Index,"' Pauline with Pauline Frederick Frederick This is Miss Frederick's nt Colonial llrst appearance as a Goldwyn star, and is seen in a highly dramatic role, that gives this beautiful star splendid op portunity to display her talents Monday and Tuesday, Marion Davis will be seen in the great role as a Salvation Army lassie, who became a society queen, in "The Belle of New York." 'We will never have Kaiserism in America so long as we can laugh at it. Had Germany "(lootl-by. Bill," been able to laugh nt Urgent. the silly preten- Clevcr Comedy sions of the Hohen zolierns would have disappeared long ago. "Good-by. Bill," the second John Emerson- Anita Lcos production, which will be shown at the Regent Theater to-morrow and Saturday. with Shirley Mason and Ernest Truex in the star roles, frank ly bludgeons all the best pretensions of the Junkers with good, old-fashion ed American laughter. "Funnv?" said a man privileged to see an advance showing this morning, and he wiped the tears from his eyes. "Holy mack erel, H's the funniest thing I've ever seen." And then, with a reminiscent chuckle, which broadened out Into salvo of laughter, "Remember that dope about the Kaiser. Why. that was I the best comedy stuff o've ever seen" Such is the spirit of those who have seen the private exhibitions of the itilm, nmt tlie Regent confidently an | nounoo? that this is the funniest war comedy ever produced. Dorothy Gish. in her beautiful pic-1 \ Rttc. "The Hope Chest," is being i shown foi the last times to-day. The e\i|uisite artistry of this dainty fa- Jvorlle attracted hundreds to the thea ter yesterday, and all indications arc | ;■-.that to-day will bring a record-i I breaking house. A Flags comedy, I • "One Every Minute," will also be j shown. Battles in the air, on the earth and ; under the waters will be waged he- ( twecn Boreas, master i K('Herman of storms, and Ati rieture l.nst Anette Kellerman, TIIIAVN To-duy "Queen of the Sea," at the Victoria Thea- I tor. showing for the last times to-day. Sensational swimming and htgh j diving feats, for which Miss Keller-! I man is internationally famous, are; combined with the genuinely dramatic; story, which brings fairylore right up I to date with the latest destructive ap- ! plinnees on land and sea. in the 1.1K 1 scene Miss Kellerman dives eighty- | live teet from a high wire. Mow'd you like to fall eighty-five' feet live times? j Once would he enough, wouldn't it?, well, then what would you think' ef /t woman who did it four extra times, and not only did it voluntarily, ; nut insisted that she be not interfered with ? NN bv did she insist? Solely because the llrst four falls didn't suit her—a real woman's reason, you see. She; wanted to look right "in the picture.'? ■ And she does—as everyone with j ha f an eye for the fitness of things' will be perfectly able to see when i Annette Kellerman takes her plunge, into the sea from a thin strand of! wire in the latest of William Fox's ( great spectacles. "Queen of the Sou." i Gottschee Peoples Ask Leave to Form Neutral ' t Republic Under Yanks By Associated Press Vienna, March IS.—The inhabit-i ants of tlie German language, islet of Gottschee, in Carnlola, consisting of one fair sized town and 171 \ il- 1 lases, lias preesnted the American commission under Prof. A. O. t'ool-| idgo, which is in this city studying! Aust ro-Hungarian problems, a mem- j orandum for transmission to Paris! and Washington, asking permission j for tlie formation of a neutral re- ! public under the protectorate of the! American people. The memorandum embodies a i complaint of oppression by the Slo-j vene authorities. It points out that j half the population of tlie Gottschee! district consists of former emigrants! from it to the Cnited States, many of them American citizens, and that! the preivar relations between Gott-1 schee and the Pnited States were! - such that the dollar circulated near-j iy as much as the crown and was] accepted by everyone. Poilce Charge Four With Being Anarchists; Woman Caught in Net By Associated Press New York, March 13. —Charges of being "avowed anarchists" were pre ferred by the police to-day against? thre emen and one woman, the only 1 persons held after a raid last night on a building in East Fifteenth street, in which 162 men and wom en were arrested on suspicion of I their being eonnecled with Bolshe viki and other extreme radical or ganizations. The four detained are Molly 1 Steimer, 21 years old, sentenced to ' fifteen years' imprisonment for vio lation of the espionage act, but at liberty pending appeal to the Su- | preme Court: Marcus Ordowsky, 24, | WINTERDALE The Honey Boys' Jazz Orchestra of GASTON, PA. Sat. Uvf„ March 15,h. Admission 50c and 75c Private I.CSSOIIM by Appointment WILLIAM A.BRADY (presents (| Louisa M. AlCOtt'S famous Story & (paramount Special from Louisa M. Ale oil's famous book A super-extraordinary production with an ======== ALL, STAR CAST ■ Including GEORGE KELSON, KATE LESTER, JULIA Brings to life the four sweetest girls in all American HURLEY, DOROTHY BERNARD, ISABEL LAMON • fic * ion: shows Meg and Jo and Beth and Amy in a sun- TTT TTAM UATT „ ' shine story of love and life and laughter. The homely. , FLORENCE FINN, MRS. ANDER- everyday story of a homely, everyday family which the SON, CONRAD NAGEL HENRY HULL FRANK de whole world has read and loved. 2,600,000 copies of the VERNON, and LYNN HAMMOND '' e r °° k h"™ b "" by ma " y ,ta " ™ mb ° r rCld - REGENT MONDAY-—TUESDAY—WEDNESDAY' Philadelphia theater showed "Little Women" to 75,000 delighted patrons in two weeks'run; jammed New York theaters with 100,000 enthusiastic theatergoers. NO ADVANCED PRICES Bring the kiddies manager of "Bread and freedom " .a periodical; Peter Binuneo, 27, sec retary of the Russian I'nion of I Peasant Workers of America and Arthur' Kelezes, 22, a printer COLONIAL Thursday Friday Saturday PAULINE FREDERICK in her first Goldwyn picture. A thrilling drama giving this emotional star ample oppor tunity to display her talent. The Woman ON THE INDEX REGENT THEATER PI A AI. SHOWING DOROTHY GISH in (lie picture that pleased nil Ilarri N hit ru, "THE HOPE CHEST" PI.AIKi COM in Y "One Every Mill ute," VOMOHHOW BAT I It DA Y "GOODBYE, BILL" fcnltirinV Shirley Mil won it ml Ernest Trues, the runniest tvnr eotnetly ever writ (en. See Kalner Hill nntl (lie NcrenmliiKly runny way In which he I.h mill treated. Wow! It mnkew. you xhnkc with Inughter. Come in and watelt the fun. And I'limn comedy, ••tine Every Minute." LAST TIMES TO-DAY Wm. Fox's Super-picture "QUEEN OF THE SEA" V r lhe spectacular sub-sea picture featuring ANNETTE KELLERMANN W Come early to see this beautiful, spectacular picture drama of love and intrigue. Come early. This picture is playing to big houses. Victoria Jr MAJESTIC Stan Stanley and His Relatives KDUII-: POM) i\ THE LURE OF THE CIRCUS I out orin.lT DIG ACTS ' —COMING MONDAY— "PERHAPS YOU'RE RIGHT" ORPHEUM MAR. 15 SEATS TOMORROW Gus llill Offers THE MUSICAL COMEDY SENSATION A l.augli a Second—A Shout a Second Positively Everything New and Vp-to-date PPIPEQ Matinee— 7stf rlUlXd Night—2so, 50<, sl.oo "Surely this ~iORPHEUM i Flic band that I mtiMt be the €Jen. Cioiirnrd bent regimental „f Illc French hand in our Matinee, 50c to $l.OO \rmy per Non. Army. Cert njnly xr;_L f en- 4 am cry ally requested it IN the l>Ct Night, 50c tO $1.50 Cien. Pershing one 1 have to return to the hoard I" T J firing lines from K 1 uesday in&sr March 18th THE BAND THAT SET FRANCE JAZZ MAD The Inspiration of the *T)ougb lloyn*' in the trenches, rent billets nnd liospitalM, this hand wim the amsieal sensation of tlie war cone and has hut recently returned from aliroad. LIEUT .-JAMES - REESE - EUROPE and the "HELL FIGHTERS""''II?- Presenting a real inimical treat for the mimic lover with enough of the Miinpp.v JAZZ melodies to take .YOU out of youraelf and oivny from nil that IN Met and Molemn. Tlie one opportunity to hear this hand of Khaki Jns.rerM that eheered FHAM'IJ in its darkest hour nnd was often billeted in liberated vil lages among poor folks who never dreamed of being happy again, yet found themselves laughing and trying to dance to the hypnotising intisie of tliis hand. This Band of the "Hell Fighters" was the Favorite Joy Tonic of our Fighting Men Don't Fail to Hear Them Uncfc> the Direction of Their Fighting Bandmaster