Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, March 13, 1919, Page 11, Image 11

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53,000 Men and Women Will
Be Assigned to Posts Here
and Abroad ,
New York, March 13.—Fifty-three
thousand young men and women
aro being recruited and trained for
social and. religious work at home
and abroad, the biggest single pro
ject of the kind in the history of
Christianity, It was announced here
today at the offices of the Missionary
Cenetenary Movement of the Meth
odist Episcopal Church.
This army of trained workers will
be needed to handle skillfully the
world missionary program, for
which $120,000,000 is being raised
by the church. Extension of schools,
hospitals and churches In many
countries Is being planned.
A special effort is being made to
induce young men from the Ameri
can ary to go into Christian Service.
It is realized by the heads of the
movement, in the Life Service De
partment of tha Centenary Commis
sion, that the men who proved
themselves capable leaders in France
possess the character and person
ality which will make them most
powerful agents in the dissemina
tion of civilization and the gospel.
Of 18,307 Methodist Episcopal
charges, or congregations, in tho
United States, nearly 5,000 today are
without pastors. In the foreign
field, the number of trained work
ers who could be used is limited only
by the funds available and these
will bo enormously increased
through the "war drive" of the Cen
Begin Work On the
Cairo Air Service
London, March 13.—Actual con
struction work already has been be
gun in connection with the projected
Cape de Cairo Air Service, the Brit
ish Air Ministry announces. Aero
dromes are being set up every 600
miles, the present nonstop limit,
from one end of Africa to the other,
the principal ones being built at
Canro, Khartoum, and two in Ger
man East Africa, at Kampla and
Ujlji. '
The route then passes into Rho
desia. and along the course of tho
railway to the Cape. Long before
the famous Cape to Cairo railway is
in operation it is confidently expect
ed that airplanes will bo covering
the route on regular schedules. The
distance is 5,200 miles.
Mothers of ailing children —do
your duty by them. .Keep their
stomachs in order—their tongues
clean. Keep well yourself, then you
can pay more attention to them.
Here is what one mother did —
"Nu-Vim Purple Liver Tablets
and two bottles of Nu-Vim Iron
AVccd Tonic cured my four-year
old son and me of a bad case of
bronchial trouble and took off all
the coating from our tongues,
also cured my stomach and all
' those bad headaches have gone
and I feel that I have no more
nervous trouble and I sleep fine
and my food tastes much better
than it did. I have bought
tonic and tablets for my
to take and she also did finf and
gained in weight. I find it to be
a wonderful tonic and want
others to get the same help—
so. try it." Mrs. Annie Mowyez,
717 Eleventh St., Philadelphia,
If any member of your family,
regardless of sex or age, is run
down, nervous and debilitated —has
rheumatism, stomach, bowel, liver,
kidney,,, bladder or blood disorder,
Nu-Vim will do for you or them
what it has done for Mrs. Mowyea,
her son and thousands of others.
Try it as she suggests, and be sure
the package you get has the free
Purple Liver Tables enclosed. You
need them, too.
Nu-Vim Iron Weed Tonic may be
had t Gorgas' .drug store, 16 North
Th # street.
Don't Use Curling Iron!
Here's a Better Method
(Woman Beautiful)
By no means use a heated iron.
It makes the hair dry and dead look
ing, giving a most unkempt appear
ance After brushing the hair thor
oughly, just dip a clean tooth brush
in a saucer of plain liquid silmerine
and run it through the parts of the
hair to be curled. Do this at bed
time and you will be quite surprised
When you behold yourself in the
mirror next morning. The hair will
be beautifully wavy and curling and
the effect will appear altogether
natural. t
You will have no trouble doing up
your tresses in the style you desire
and they will look and feel fluffy
and comfortable. You need not hesi
tate to use pure liquid silmerine,
which you can procure at any drug
gist's. as it is perfectly harmless and
will leave no greasy, gummy or
streaky trace. A few ounces will last
for months.
Paint Without Oil
Remarkable Discovery That
Cuts Down the Cost of Paint
Seventy Five Per Cent.
A Free Trial Package Is Mailed to
Everyone Who Writes
A. L. Rice, a prominent manufac
*urer of Adams, N. Y., has discovered
, k process of making a new kind of
without the use of oil. He
ealls it Powderpaint. It comes in the
tnrm of a dry powder and all that
j; required is cold water to make a
yaint weather proof, fire proof, sani
tary and durable for outside or in
side painting. It is the cement prin
• pie applied to paint. It adheres
any surface, wood, stone or brick,
•preads and looks like oil paint and
coU about one-fourth as much.
i'Ue to Mr. A. L. Rice, Manufac
cr, 712 North Street, Adams. N. Y„
J/' he will send you a Tree trial
huge, also color card and full
*f.forinution showing you how you
can save a good many dollars. Write
I The "good old" school books used |
by your parents and grandparents I
49 to 75 years ago can still be I
_hjßi_at I
I AURAND'S, 925 N. 3rd St. Bell Tel. j
20,000 new, old, rare books, all sub- jj
fleets; open evenings; books bought I
Provisional Body Elects Rep
resentatives to the Peace
Jerusalem, March 13.—A call to
a Constituent Assembly of Palestine
Jewry approved by the British
Government in April, 1918, has been
sent out by the Zionist Commission
in Palestine, it was announced here
All Jews of both sexes who have
reached their twentieth year are
I entitled to vote and all who have
reached their twenty-fourth year are
for election. One of the other
qualifications necessary for canal
dates is that they will be able to
read, write and speak Hebrew,
The Provisional Constituent As
sembly elected Dr. Chaim Weizmann
and Nahum Sokolow, the Zionist
leaders, to represent them at tne
Peace Conference.
It instructed its delegates to urs®-
"That the Powers should nominate
Great Britain as their representa
tive or trustee and should confer on
it the government of Palestine with
a view to aiding the Jewish people in
building its Commonwealth.
"That an executive council should
be nominated by Great Britain in
agreement with the orld Zionist
organization representing the entire
Jewish people."" .
There has been great activity
amongst the Jews of Palestine since
General Allenby freed it from the
Turk. Efforts are being concen
trated on procuring agricultural ma
chinery, the purchase of bye stock,
and development of credit fa< l il ) ti ® s ;
while the American Zionist Medical
Unit is establishing hospitals ana
medical aid stations in the colonies.
Everyone seems inspired witn tne
hope that a splendid era Of Prosper
ity, of big agricultural, industrial
and commercial enterprises are
about to open out. A society of Jew
ish engineers has been recently
started which is working in conjunc
tion with societies of Zionist engi
neers in Russia and the united
West Virginia to
Raise Sheep With
Two Penna. Men
Charleston, W. Va., March 13,
The State of West Virginia has de
cided to engage in the raising of
sheep, in conjunction with A. k.
Aegen and S. M. Croft, of Grove City.
Pa., and Charleston, and Other busi
ness men of this State.
James H. Stewart, State Commis
sioner of Agriculture, is authority
for this announcement, claiming that
his department is lending encourage
ment and financial assistance to the
establishment of the greatest agri
cultural project ever attempted by
a Stato. The ranch is to be located
in Greenbrier county and will take
in 18,121 acres.
F. M. Glenn, sheep expert of the
department, is enthusiastic over the
plan and says the ranch will be es
tablished in a narrow belt of West
Virginia which produces the finest
fleeces in the world.
Borodino Returns to
Peace Time Work
T/Oiulon, March 13.T-Crews of the
American battleship squadron which
formed one of the powerful outfits
of the Grand Fleet that ruled the
sea during the war will learn with
regret of the dismantling of the old
liner Borodino, the floating canteen
for,four years of the British navy,
according to navy officials.
Her war work done, the Borodino
now returns to the placid commerce
of peacetime. How much the Boro
dino. administering to the creature
comforts of the fleet, did to relieve
the strain of warfare and the mo
notony of life in the dreary regions
of Scapa Flow, the Americans can
testify. And they will recall how
on returning from a sea mission the
crew of a United States battleship
'took a special pride in cleaning up
the Borodino, stripping its well
stock counters of the last bun and
the last pair of suspenders.
Philadelphia Council
Would Now Organize
a League ol Cities
Philadelphia, March 13. Phil
adelphia city council's committee on
legislation has directed its secretary
to communicate with the mayors of
Pittsburgh, Wilkes-Barre, Scranton,
Lancaster and other cities with the
purpose of forming a league of cit
ies to obtain from the General As
sembly legislation of benefit to the
municipalities. Among the bills city
councils want enacted are those giv
ing cities a percentage of the auto
mobile license fees, part of the State
mercantile taxes, levying a tax on
the real estate of public service cor
porations, and repealing the tax
upon city bonds.
Harvester Workers
Favor New Work Plan
Chicago, March 13.—Workers at'
fourteen of the International Har
vester Company's seventeen Ameri
can plants and at all three Canadian
plants have decided by majority
vote to adopt the "Harvester Indus- I
trial Council" plan of employe rep- j
re.scntation eubmitted to them by the
company on March 10. The propo- j
sition failed of approval at three !
plants located in Chicago.
Under the plan the employes will j
within a few days elect by popular '
vote their representatives on each ■
"works council." The employer and
employes will have equal voting j
voting power in the unit body where i
will originate suggestions, requests
or complaints relative to all mat
ters of mutual interest, including
wages, hours, working conditions and
all welfare proposals.
New York. March 13. Lithuan- .
lans of East Prussia have seceded
from German sovereignty and estab
lished a free state of their own in I
the territory north of the Mazurian
lakes region which they propose, to
place under domination of the Lithu
anian republic, according to a cable
message from A. Kltmas, Lithuanian
delegate to the Peace Conference,
received today by the Lithuanian
National Council here.
London, March 13.—The Govern
ment announced in the House of
Commons yesterday that the total
•strength of effective and noneffec
tive British troops in the armies of
occupation in all theaters, of war!
amounts to 902.000 men, including
officers. The strength of the British
army in France, Belgian* and Ger
many. including dominion troops, on
February 15 was 1.32 4.106.
"The Live Store" - - * "Always Relible'*
Friday Will Be "Everybody's Day"
At Doutrichs, and you won't wonder why we call it "everybody's day" if
you dome here and see the great crowds and watch them spending their money so freely at this
Semi-Annual Clearance Sale
• •
Where Everything Is Reduced Except Arrow Collars, Interwoven Hose and Manhattan Shirts
Most people realize that a dollar in the bank is only You see it's different when you buy at Doutrichs
worth a dollar as long as you leave it remain idle —lt begins to You have the whole stock before you and get the pick and choice
produce results when properly invested that's why we want you —But remember this "Live Store's" most successful sale will close Satur
to invest as many of your dollars as you can spare in High-grade ncxt * w .° days e sell &reat _ quantities of Shirts,
PlnfLoß _f ___ p-i _______ c i _____ _____ tL. . . | Hosiery, Gloves, Pajamas, Night Shirts, Sweaters, Underwear, Neckwear
a our Cle ace Sale you can save from six to twelve and Boys' Clothing and furnishings—Tell your friends they had better make
dollars on ' haste if they are interested in these big savings.
Hart Shaffner & Marx
Kuppenheimer & Society Clothes
All $20.00 Suits and Overcoats $14.75
All $25.00 Suits and Overcoats $19.75 pll|l|lf
All $30.00 Suits and Overcoats $23.75 Jj Jjf m BIB'
AM $35.00 Suits and Overcoats $26.75 J |liijl
AM $38.00 Suits and Overcoats $28.75
All $40.00 Suits and Overcoats $29.75 • •
All $45.00 Suits and Overcoats $33.75
All $50.00 Suits and Overcoats $37.75
All $55.00 Suits and Overcoats $41.71) al
All $60.00 Suits and Overcoats $45.75 l|l|
rUlsl.ooUnderwear 79cT |
| All $2.00 Shirts. .$1.59 1 I All $1.50 Underwear $1.19 1 mMgLd ,
lAH $3.50 Shirts.. $2.89 I I All $2.00 Underwear $1.59 I Mfft . .
I All $5.00 Shirts.. $3.89 i c All $3.00 Underwear $2.39 I |;i|>i
|AH $6,85 Shirts.. $4.89 I fAH $4.00 Underwear $3.19 C flSßllii I
( All $7.85 Shirts..ss.B9 I | AHss.ooUnderwears3.B9 | 1
AHs4.ooTrousers .....$3.19 AHs7.soTrousers $5.89 IkKbl 1
AH $4.50 Trousers $3.39 :AH $8.50 Trousers $6.89 iWsfBSl '
All $5.00
AH $1.25 Blue Chambray Shirts . . ................ 99c