Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, March 10, 1919, Page 7, Image 7

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    Fire Destroys Two
Business Blocks in
Windber; Loss $700,000
By Associated Press.
Windber, Pa., March 10. Two of
the most Important business blocks of
YVinber were wiped out by fire early
yesterday, the damage being estimat
ed at $700,000. Fanned by a high
wind, the flames for a time threaten
ed the entire town with destruction,
and it was only after the flre-flghtcrs
dynamited a newspaper plant and a
department store that .he sweep of
tho flie was stopped.
Starting in the Lyric Theater, in
Gruhnm avenue, the flames quickly
destroyed an entire block. Local fire
department officials, fearing that the
town would be destroyed, sent calls
for help to Johnstown, Conemaugh,
Franklin and other nearby cities.
With the arrival of the reinforce
ments and the use of dynamite, the
blaze was brought under control.
Heinrich Albert Gets
Post in the New German
Regime; Held Post Here
By Associated Press.
Weimar, March 10. Dr. Heinrich
F. Albert, privy councillor and for
merly commercial attache of the Ger
man Embassy in Washington, has
been appointed an under secretary of
state and given the direction of the
In investigatings conducted in this
country since the entry of the United
St ates "into the war, the name of Dr.
Heinrich F. Albert has been eloseiy
connected with various plots in the
German interest, in conjunction witli
Count Von BernstorlT, the German
ambassador to the United States. Dr.
Albert was likewise extremely active
in German propagandist work and in
flic rt emotion of various German
financial schemes in this country.
Bolsheviks Drop Bombs
on American Positions
By Associated Press.
\rehnngel. March B.—The Bolshe
vik! took advantage hursday of the
first clear day with th e thermometer
above the freezing poin by attempt
ing to bomb the American "positiions
on the Vega from an airplane. The
machine was the first one observed
to bear the new, Red Army identifica
tion mark, a six pointed red star. The
bombs fell without creating any dam
For head or throat JG-B
Catarrh try the
vapor treatment —
-Y7VIR BODYGUARD" - 30f. 60*75x20
| Check that cold
at the start
Remember, an unchecked cold leads to
more serious ailments. Prompt action is
half the battle. Have ready a box of
La Grippe
and Cold
Take them according to directions on the
box, at the first sign of a cold, chills, head
ache, feverish condition, or influenza.
Made by the Dill Co., Norristown, Pa.
Also manufacturers of the reliable
Dill's Balm of Life
Dill's Cough Syrup
Dill's Little Liver Pills
Dill's Kidney Pills
Ask your druggist or dealer in medicine.
The kind mother always kept
mbs nr
Mrs. H. Fitzgerald, 2651 South
Watts street, Philadelphia, whose
husband is a ship painter at the
New York Shipbuilding plant in
South Camden, N. J., says: "I suf
fered from stomach trouble, a gen
eral breakdown and nervousness. I
hud been bedfast. I had to drag
around a chair to do all my work
and would keel over if I didn't do
that. 1 heard about Tanlae, and
had a presentiment it would help
me. Since the first bottle of Tan
lac, and I've tuken four or five, I've
constantly built up strength. It
acted like magic."
The genuine J- I. Gore Co. Tanlac
is now sold here at the Gorgas Drug
Dr. King's New Discovery
relieves them and keeps
you going, on the job
Fifty continuous years of almost
unfailing checking and relieving
coughs, colds and kindred suffer
ings is the proud achievement of
Dr. King's New Discovery.
Grandparents, fathers, mothers,
the kiddles—all have used and are
using it as the safest, surest, most
pleasant-to-take remedy they know
Sold by all druggists everywhere.
Keep Bowels On Schedule
Late, retarded functioning throws
the whole day's duties out of gear.
Keep the system cleansed, the appe
tite lively, the stomach staunch with
Dr. King's New Life Pills. Mild and
tonic in action.
' Bold everywhere.
Developments Over Weekend
Carry Prices Forward
at Opening
By Associated. Press
New Yolk, March 10.—Financial
and industrial developments over
the week end were sufficiently fa
vorable to carry prices forward
again at the lively opening of to
day's dock market.
Last week's favorable issues led
the further advance, cruicible. Lack
uwanna and Midvale steels, inspira
tion copper, American International
Corporation, hide and leather ptd.,
and Sumatra and American tobaccos
gaining one to four points.
U. S. siel and investigent rails
were barely steady, however, and
oil 3 yielded to pressure with several
of the botor specialities.
Sales of the first hour exceeded
400.000 shares, indicating the most
active session thus far this year.
Temporary reactions among leaders
were occislotted by the heaviness of
Mexican petroleum, marine
United Cigars and Kelly-Springfield,
which fell 3 % to 3 points.
Rails led the second advance, low
priced issues strengthening with div
idend-paying shares. Steels, equip
ments, coppers, motors, shippings
and utilities all at materially higher
levels, were freely absorbed toward
midday, activity continuing at high
[Continued front First I'agc.]
milk to feed the child: locked the
baby's clothes in the 'Gtchen, his
wife being compelled to take it next
door wrapped in a shawl because
fires were not kept u P~7^ h ® se
some of the charges tyhlch were
made against Frank C. Hoffman,
1724 Sycamore street, defendant in
a nonsupport suit brought against
him by Mrs. Laura Hoffman.
His wife and Mrs. Harry L>. Foy
er 17 26 Sycamore street, the neigh
bor next door, were the principal
witnesses to testify as ainst Hoffman
at the morning session of court.
Mrs. Hoffman told of ill treatment
from her husband and then Mrs.
Roycr added her knowledge of the
situation. She told the court that
on one occasion Mrs. Hoffman came
home with the baby and found the
house locked on another she had
been locked in an upstairs room;
that she frequently came to the Roy
er house to make coftee because the
gas had been turned off in her own
home by Mr. Hoffman, and that one
time she even came over for a drink
of water fothe baby because the
-tier had been st.ut off by her hus
-She and the baby stayed at our
house for three days one time, and
he took tho milk from their front
porch and X bought milk to feed the
child," Mrs. Roycr declared. "Some
times Mrs. Hoffman came over and
told me she could not get to the
fires because her husband let them
go out and locked the doors lead
ing to that part of the house. She
would bring the baby over to our j
house wrapped In a shawl and with- j
out any ijhoes or stockings on Its tiny |
legs.'' |
President Judge George Kunkel;
heard the case and may make an;
order during the afternoon session
of court,
[Continued from First Page,]
charfee of the recruiting party with
Major W, E. Shlpp as assistant.
Colonej Kempe rU well known in
Harrlsburg, For three years he was
attached to the Adjutant General's
Department, filling the position of
senior Inspector Instructor of the
Pennsylvania National Guard from
1914 to 1917, leaving the department,
to eorv as an instructor at the first
training camp at Madison Barracks,
N, Y. He comes to Harrlsburg rroin
Camp Devens, Mass., following the
demobilization of the 73d Infantry
in February. Ho had been in charge
of the organization and training of
this unit.
Colonel Kemper has had consider
able experience in recruiting work,
having been connected with that
branch of military work in Chicago
for three years. Major Shipp has
been sent here from West Point,
N. Y„ where he had been serving as
an Instructor of the cadets.
Eight men aer included in the re
cruiting party and others will be
added later. Most of the men have
had experience in tecruiting work
In this district and have been sent
here from Columbus Barracks, Ohio.
Included on the recruiting staff is
Sergeant R. A. Young, a member of
the recruiting sta in this city until
slightly more than a year ago when
he was commissioned a first lieuten
ant in the Quartermaster Corps. He
was offered a first lieutenant's com
mission in the same branch in the
regular army, but declined it to re
turn to this city to again take up re
cruiting work.
Additional non-commissioned of
ficers are need for the recruiting
work. Colonel Kemper said to-day.
He especially desires men holding
such rank who have been discharged
from teh military service with a
character rating of excellent.
The entire Harrlsburg district will
again be opened up and stations lo
cated in practically every city that
had them before tho order to cense
enlistment came last August. Twenty
counties are Included within the dis
trict and tho stations in them will be
opened as soon as practicable.
Enlistments are open for every
branch of the regutar army. Colonel
Kemper said this morning. Men be
tween the ages of 18 and 45 years
may be accepted for original enlist
ment. The age limit is 55 years for
enlistments for the staff crops and
departments. No parental consent is
required for youths between 18 and
21 years.
At present all authorized colored
units are filled to full strength and
no additional men will be enlisted for
The length of enlistments will be
for one and three years, but men en
listed for the one-year period must
have had previous military experi
ence in the regular army or during
the war. Special effoits will be made
to induce men to enlist for a period
of three years. Most of these will be
assigned for overseas units as re
placement troops, to relieve some of
the men now serving in foreign
Men desiring to enlist in the motor
transport corps, tank corps or air
service must first enlist In (he In
fantry fo rassignment later, rules
furnished to Colonel Kemper show.
This Is made necessary because of
the fact that no provisions for these
branches have been made In the en
listment regulations now in force.
Relative to furloughs for men woh
re-enlist, regulations provide that
those who re-enlist on the day fol
lowing ..discharge will be granted a
furlough of one month if they de
sire it, to begin to take effect not
later than one month after re-en
[Continued from First Page.]
which organization has interested
every town along the river.
Mr. Krcidcr's Letter
Mr. Krcider's letter to Mr. Iler
shey is as follows:
In further reference to the
survey of the Susquehanna river,
the appropriation for which was
carried in the riveis and harbors
bill, would say that the Presi
dent signed this bill on Sunday
and it is now a law.
Yesterday afternoon, in com
pany with Congressman W. \V.
Greist, and Congressman J.
Hampton Moore, 1 visited the
chief of the bureau of engineers,
in the War Department, Brig
adier General llurvey Taylor,
who will have charge of this
work. He informed us that this
work would be placed in charge
of t.'olonel J. P. Gervey, whose
address is in the Old -Federal
building, Wilmington, Del.
General Taylor said that the
assignment would be made in
the very near futuic, possibly in
the course of ten days. 1 would
suggest that as soon as the as
signment is made, that our com
utee get in touch with Colonel
Gervey and furnish him with
such information as we may pos
sess. It is my judgment that Cpl
onel Gervey will receive instruc
tions to go ahead with the sur
vey, which he will unquestion
ably follow.
This I believe is about all we
can do for the time being, except
to furnish such information as
he may desire.
With best wishes, I am.
Yours very truly.
In fairness and justice to y all purchasers of Packard
transportation units, whether Packard Trucks or the
famous Tisbin Six Passenger Cars, we 'wish to make plain
our position regarding prices for the coming year
(Ssfl Packard policy is nothing short of Were we to make a guarantee that present prices
llli absolute insurance of your investment would be maintained\ it would mean a one-sided
fpPIJ jgSjS at present price quotations. bargain in favor of the manufacturer, as it would
ic • prevent us giving the buyer a reduction, should
by reason of lower costs of material and labor, or
for any other reason, this Company finds it pos- The Packard Company makes a greater per
sible to make a price reduction, this reduction centage of all the parts that enter into its cars and
will not only be made, but made retroactive; and trucks than is made by any other fine automobile
we will refund to every previous 1919 purchaser concern in America. It does this because it can
the full amount of.,the difference between the not buy and assemble parts that are up to the
price he paid and the new price. Packard standard of service and quality.
If, on the other hand, production costs should Skilled labor of necessity enters very largely
increase and a higher price become necessary, into the production of so beautiful, so simple and
the present purchaser has the advantage of his so p ro ficient a mechanism,
investment as the new price will apply only to
those whose orders are received after the change The net result is that the upkeep of a Packard
is announced. Twin Six is less than that of compromise cars at
As we stated some weeks ago, Packard prices half two-thirds the Packard price. ,|l
are carefully and accurately based on the cost of To the man who can afford the first cost, a
material and labor. There was no artificial infla- Packard delivers utility value for every dollar of jll '
tion during the war, and costs have not decreased his investment, greater economy, less depreciation ||
since we last manufactured for private consump- and it does not ask him or his family to cona
tion, consequently there is no leeway for a price promise in the service, the comfort, the safety
reduction now. of their motoring.
If a reduction becomes possible, every present From ent indications there will not be
sees hls vestment protected and insured. enough of ehher p ackar{ , Qr trucks to meet
**? 1? the demand this year.
I his policy, while unique in the automobile Trucks are ready for immediate delivery. Your
world today, is consistent with Packard policy in order for a Packard Twin Six passenger car of any
the past, and seems to us the most fair and straight- model should be registered with your Packard
forward way of meeting present conditions. dealer at once to insure late spring delivery*
"Ask the Man Who Owns One" - II
PACKARD MOTOR CAR CO. of Philadelphia |II
Front & Market Streets Harrisburg, Pa.
Harrisburg Men Appointed
to Committee to Advise
Proper War Memorials
j Three Harrisburgers are included in
l the Philadelphia region committee,
named by the general committee on
war memorials of the American Federa
tion of Arts. The services and advice
of this committee are at the call of
tlio|e throughout the United States who
are considering the erection of war ma
The trio of city men named are Spen
cer C. Gilbert, J. Horace McFarland
and Thomas Lynch Montgomery. Oth
ers included on the committee are:
Andrew Wright Crawford, Thomas
Bayard, Mrs. Edward W. Biddle, Ed
ward W. Bok, Charles J. Cohen, George
W. Dawson. Otto F. Edge, Wilson Eyre,
Jr.. George Glbbs. Charles Orally, Wil
liam F. Gray, J. McLure Hamilton. John
Story Jenks, Jr., Archibald Johnson.
Mrs. J. Willis Martin, Leslie W. Miller,
Clement B. Newbold. Eli Kirk Price,
J. Y. Shay, Horace Wells Selle.rs, John
I P. B. Slnkler. Mrs. Cornelius Stevenson,
Joseph E. Widener, Warren Wilbur,
Thomas Wllby Smith.
Arnold W. IJrunner, architect, presi
dent of the New York Federation of
Arts and consultant for the Capitol Park
extension In this city, is a member of the
general committee. The formation of
the special region committee for New
York has been left in his hands also.
By Associated Press.
Toledo. Ohio, March 10.—A train
on the Clover Leaf road today crashed
into a Toledo, Bowling Green and
Southern Interurban train at Mau
mee, ten miles from Toledo, according
to reports from that point. A call
was sent for all ambulances in To
ledo. TrafTic from St. Louis on the
Clover leaf is held up.
By Associated Press.
Hnvnnn, Cuba, March 10 —The joint
committee representing the unions
Involved in the general strike, which
has paralyzed business apd traffic
for five days, voted today to accept
immediately the proposal presented
by President Menocal, as arbiter
thus terminating the conflict.
Taft Cheered and Hissed
Speaking on Irish Question
New York, March 10. Former
President William H. Taft was both
hissed and cheered here last night
of the Church of tne Ascension he de
clared that the Irish question should
not be settled at the peace confer
Mr. Taft had just stated that one
problem facing the delegation was
the setting up of several small na
tions, when there came from the au
dience cries of "How about Ire
"No," said Mr. Taft, not loudly, but
in a tone which could be heard all
over the church.
Then broke out the hissing and
cheering, but the speaker retained
control of the situation.
Young Men Use Cuticura
To Save Your Hair
Nothing like shampoos with Cuticura Soap
and hot water, preceded by touches of Cuti
cura Ointment to spots of dandruff and itch
ing to keep the scalp and hair healthy.
They are ideal for all toilet uses. In the
morning shave with Cuticura Soap the Cuti
cura way-without mug. After shaving
and before bathing touch spots of dandruff
or irritation with Cuticura Ointment. Then
bathe face, hands and scalp with Cuticura
Soap and hot water.
Comfort itching .kin with Cotieora. Bathe with
So.p .ootho with Ointment, dual wtth Teleum.
>c. each at all dealara. j
MARCH 10, 1919. f
% There is hardly a problem under
the sun which cannot be presented in
- suc h a wa y as to make it appear just
the opposite of actual fact, From the
~'i beginning of time, people have heard
their ' 'truths twisted by knaves to make
a t ra P for fools "--to quote Kipling. It
connection that we print the
following, published by Philadelphia's
largest retail clothing firm:
' These are test days with the clothier—tests of reputation
—tests of principle.
"We hear that some have been unable to withstand the
temptation to mark their goods at as High prices as they may
possibly.bring—this makes the subsequent 'reduction' sale
look impossible.
But that sort of thing isn't fair, and it isn't
good business. We are selling more clothing
than ever—we are going to sell still more be
cause people in these high - priced days are
buying of houses in which reputation and prin
ciple mean something."
310 Market Street Harrisburg