Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, March 10, 1919, Page 5, Image 5
_ " "When a Girl " By AX> LISLE A New, Romantic Serial Dealing With the Absorbing Problems of a Girl Wife CHAPTER CXXXIX. (Copyright, 1919, King Features Syn dicate, Inc.) When I got to the theater at a quar ter past eight, Jim was waiting. With bim waa Dick West. I had a sudden feeling of relief because It wasn't Tom Mason, as I had been fearing ever, since Jim's abruptly ended telephone message to me. "Military promptness," said Jjm, beaming. "AA'e Harrisons are never late, West. Anne, meet the new firm —Harrison, West and Company, oil stocks a specialty." "Shake, partnersaid Dick West with a conscious exaggeration of his western manner. He seized my hand in the smooth fingered grip of his slim brown ones, and flashed his sharp brown eyes across my face, smiling a slightly twisted, maroon-lipped smile. Good look ing alert, and with that touch of the exotic that marked his sister Doris, Dick West struck me again as a man to like, but not to trust. "The new firm!" I said smiling in set fashion, even while I was gather ing impressions. "I hope you'll always do as well as with Salt Water Oil. Let s hope this play is a jolly way of cele brating— a—a good beginning. And we've our Betty safe, again, too. "Betty?" asked Dick West idly. Jim scowled, either at my ill-success in seeming cordial when I didn t feel or at what he had to tell. "Oh, a girl who threw a scare into us. But that's all over now. AVe aren't going to this show, Annie. Couldn't get a thing at any of the agents. AVe'll jump a taxi and go round to the Harrington. Drysen said he d have something there for me." So we stowed ourselves away into a taxi with the calm extravagance of the new-rich who forget how they have walked the week before to save carfare. And we whirled over to the other thea ter, where Jim hurried up to the box ottice and demanded the four tickets Drysen had sent over for Mr. Harrison. "Best we could do was a box," said the ticket agent. • Til take it," replied Jim carelessly, shoving a yellow* bill under the ticket window. "But, Jim —that's wasting three seats," I murmured aghast. And then, before Jim could express the annoy ance that seemed flashing at me from his eyes, Dick AA'cst broke in : "They ought to serve theater boxes filled or empty as required. It is a shame to waste the seats. Why not phone for that pretty little sister of yours?" "Go to it!" laughed Jim. "That'll please Phoebe and save Anne from an attack of conscience." "Well, I'll tell you what's better thin phoning!" exclaimed Mr. Wit; with what seemed an effort to apr ar sud denly inspired, "I'll run roum. and get her. I've just remembered~*wat she's dining with Miss Mason —;U men tioned it last night. So I'll bring the hostess along, and see if 1 can't pick up another man. See you later folks." Hardly watting for Jim's n I of ap proval. he hailed a taxi and w s whirled away. "Might a.9 well chn <■ i' nd see the beginning of the show," i .d Jim. "I'll leave the tickets in the box office. ' AA'est will guess where they are all right." I managed to swallow all comments, exclamations, objections and questions and meekly preceded Jim into the thea ter and down the aisle to the stage box. The openin , chorus was already on, but I received ny reward for amiability and discretion when Jim stooped swiftly In the sh.n >v if the heavy curtains at the back c the box and kissed me. "Tbi front of the box for yours, lit tle 1 ly." he whispered. "You look pret enough to divide applause with the .*ont row chorus." • . low about the star?" I asked, preen ir , myself pertly and making ready v. ith en ; t delight to flirt with my Jim. "infant, you 16ok as if you might be h'r ,* randdaughter.'" Jim laid his fingers on my shoulder i nd propelled me to the front of the box. I could feel the magnetism of his touch through the chiffon of my dress, end tingled with happiness. But when 1 eached to take his hand he drew it way quickly and busied himself with liis program. "Want to look like a couple of honey mooners from the country?" he whis pered, with an annoyance that was only partly masked. His tender mood had passed. But I couldn't readjust myself so rapidly. I There has been no raise in price INSTANT POSTUM This economical table I beverage continues to be the logical resort of the coifee-drinker when health or oth er reasons dictate a change. NOT A BIT OF WASTE MONDAY EVENING. "You haven't told me a thing about the new firm," 1 ventured, under cover of a number when the chorus was ca vorting to its own loud song. "Can't you wait till the end of the act?" asked Jim with impatience that said clearly, "Let me alone! Don't you see I want to enjoy the show?" I was hurt and crept into my shell, making no effort to change Jim's mood. We sat in silenco during several num bers. and I was almost relieved when a stir in the tiny foyer, just outside our box, told me that Mr. West and the girls had arrived. Jim and I slipped back for a ciuick greeting and then found our places again. Phoebe sat next to me at the rail with Dick West behind her. Now and then he leaned forward to whisper to her, but steadily from the back of the box where Kvvy had taken her place with Jim there came the murmur of low voices and ripples of laughter. Evidently Jim wasn't insisting that Evvy "wait until the end of the act." The ugly old feeling of neglect and loneliness began taking possession of me once again. I found myself won dering almost eagerly whether Mr. West had invited another man and who the sixth member of our party was likely to be. (To Be Continued) NEW BIBLE SOCIETY HEAD New York, March 10.—Churchill H. Cutting, of this city, was elected president of the American Bible So ciety at a meeting here, succeeding James Wood, of Mt. Kisco, who re signed. DAILY HINT ON FASHIONS JUST THE DRESS FOR YOUR GROWING GIRL -137—Here is comfort, good taste and good style. The model is nice for the new. pretty voiles, for dimity, taf feta, silk, batiste and dotted Swiss. The surplice effect on the waist is very pleasing. You may finish the dress with a belt over the back or with a smart sash of ribbon, silk or material. The pattern is. cut. in 5 sizes: 6. 10, 12 and 14 years. Size 8 requires 3 1-4 yards of 44-inch material. A pattern of this illustration mailed to any address on receipt of 10 cents in silver or stamps. Telegraph Pattern Department For the 10 cents Inclosed please send pattern to the following ad dress: | Size Pattern No Name Address City and State.. Bringing Up Father Copyright, 1918- International News Service By McManus ir I CAN juyr OT NE HANOb I OH! HELLO * [ DON'T HELLO MP- T # j DO YOU J>| POT THAT LAMP H THE HEART BREAKER A REAL AMERICAN LOVE STORY By VIRGINIA TEHHUNE VAN DE WATER CHAPTER XI,IX. i (Copyright, 1919, Star Company.) | Mildred Brent, never over-con- | science', was not hampered by a j sense of guilt -as she faced her be- J trothed. "Well," she said, "what's the mat ter? I thiught you were in Bridge- ! port." "Was that why you had Chandler I here?" Arthur asked. "Why, yes—l mean I knew my j evening would be spent alone, so I j let him come." "You did not expect me, did you?" he questioned. Honora, watching the little j drama, wondered that the girl did I not perceive that the man was un der some adverse mental or nervous f strain. But Mildred, always secure I in her egotism, noted nothing ex cept that Arthur was disagreeably persistent. She did not suspect that some grave trouble was on his mind. "Of course I did not expect you," she replied. "You told me you would not be here this evening. And by the way"—with a glance at the clock—"if you had come live minutes later you would have found all the lights out. This is a queer time to make a call." She had the faculty of putting others in the wrong. Arthur usu ally submitted; now, however, he flushed argrily. "And this is a queer hour, too, for you to be having callers," he retorted. Honora interposed. "Tom Chan dler was just going, Arthur. Mil d-ed and I had a long talk with him. It was not his fault that he stayed so late—nor was it Mil dred's." Arthur Apologizes The man's manner changed. "Oh, he came to see both of you, did he? j he asked. "I beg your pardon. I j did not understand. But his attempt at an apology > did not come soon enough. Mil- j dred's eyes flashed. ..I 1 "May I inquire why you should i ' apologize to Honora for your dis- | j pleasure—as if the fact of her PJ"es- I ! ence made Tom s call all right. , i She may let you think that he canj j Ito see her as well as me. Hut he . : did not. He called me up and asked , l if he could see me. Honora stayed lin the living room through the en-I jtire evening of her own choice. You ; mav as well understand that. 1 I "And you may as well under- . j stand, too. that 1 mean to have any | callers here that I choose to have. ; If you do not like it, you know what ! i you can do!" "Mildred!" the exclamation was Hbnora's. and she looked apprehen sively at Arthur. The man started to retort, then closed his lips flrmly as if to gain self-control. When he did speak I his voice was cold and hard. "I suppose I should hardly expect j you to look at the thing sanely just now, Mildred," he said. "You are in a temper. lam sorry, for I came here to-night to ask your help. I see I made a mistake.'" He started toward the door, but Honora checked him. "Arthur!" she ejaculated. "What help do you need? Is anything wrong?" He stopped and looked at her. "Yes, my father is seriously ill. He had a verv bad attack two hours ago. I had just reached home after mv run down to Bridgeport. For tunately 1 got the doctor imme diatelv. Father is more comfortable now and a trained nurse is with him. But mother is very nervous, and I came over here thinking that perhaps Mildred would come around and stay with her to-night. "Mother should have some woman with her, yet it is so late that she would not let me send for any one and insists that she is all right. I did not tell her I was coming here. I knew she would protest. Never theless, it is hard on her to be alone —with only me." Honora Speaks to Milly Honora turned to her sister, 'Mil ly. get ready and go around to Mrs. Bruce's, dear." "Why should I go?" Mllly ob jected. "There are lots of other people she would rather have. I don't know anything about illness." "Milly," Honora spoke sternly, "you are going to be Mrs. Bruce's daughter some day. She is in trouble, and she has no daughter of her own. Your duty lies there. Come—l'll help you get ready." Mildred shook her head obstinate ly. "I can't!" she declared. "I tell you I am a fool where there is ill ness. I hate it." "You will have nothing to do with illness," Honora explained. "My dear." lowering her voice, "this is not a time for selfish considerations. Arthur is in trouble. He has come for you. Your place Is with his mother." Arthur Bruce had moved a few feet away from the pair. He did not hear Honora's words, but he saw Mildred shrink front her sister as she tried to lead her to the stairs. "No!" she muttered. I can't go —and I won't! Arthur has no right to ask such a thing of me!" "Honora!" Arthur interpreted, "Please do not urge Mildred to do that which is evidently so distaste ful to her. I made a mistake in coming. I am sorry. Good night!" HLARJRISBTJRG TELEGRAPH r He started towards the door, but | Mildred did not move. "Milly!" Honora's whisper was ' agonized. "Say you will go." "I won't!" was the sudden reply. ! Arthur's hand was on the door- I knob when Honora ran to his side, i "What are you going to do. 1 am | so sorry." She stopped, flushing scarlet. fShe stammered "What are you going Ito do. lam so sorry." :he guessed her unspoken thought | a light came to his eyes. "Do you mean," —he began. "Yes," she said. "I do. If I will | be of any help to your mother, I will come with you." (To be Continued.) Daily Dot Puzzle -• • *st> 37 38 i 2 37 40. 51* 35 # * 3b .43 53 *44 5i . 5 .4 31 .45 5o * 38 ¥ 3 .* 48 3o* 46 . •5 26 * £ ' ?f - i 7 o 5 v-" 26 *' & a,. • 23 66 2) 22 ' 6 Z 21 • • z 6 2°* .\ 3 * i 8. •" 4 !? 0. ?l 75 71 17 • 'IA. \V- * '7 J / *74 ' / *" / v *■ ! 83 v r V s I ? " ,iN Draw from one to two and so on to the end. I ' - ' Star Carpet Cleaning Works | l.et I'll Clcnn Your Carpel* NOW General Upholstering 'j ne Making Expert Work (junritntec<l GIVE US A TRIAL Joseph Coplinky Eleventh und Walnut Street* IIAItIUMHCItU, PA. ! Ilcll 3118-It Dlnl 01)51 NOW—-THE Logical Time There is no chance for cheaper coal for the time being, at least. The cost of mining increased tremen dously because of the wage advances v granted miners and other causes during the war. Another factor that contributed to higher fuel prices was the increased cost of transportation made necessary by the higher wages of railroad employes. Now —mining costs will not decrease unless there is a readjustment of the wage scale, and this the operators do not feel in clined to do because of the possibility of strikes. This is the logical time to buy coal. You can save little or nothing by waiting. Kelley can supply you all kinds and sizes promptly. H. M. KELLEY & CO. 1 N. 3d St. 10th & State Sts. iTuesday—Another Big Day In The 10 Day Bargain Basement Sale® I All Selling Records Have Been Broken in This Event I Hundreds of new Extra Special Items brought forward for Tuesday's selling bj II TT pays every person to purchase to the limit in this big sale. Not |) gj only because the prices are the lowest in years but because everything in the sale is first !§j |IU quality goods the same as you would pay regular prices for at any other time. The assortments are very broad because 111 Sjt we prepared the sale on a large scale. Of course there are lots that sell out quickly but these are promptly replaced with M ||U other lots of equal interest to keep up the standard of the event and to make it sure that everybody will be able to buy liy iSI what they need. There are just as good values now as there were when the sale started. That's the reason this sale is such hi |AJ a success. HJ |] You Get An Old Fashion Dollar's Worth At Kaufman's I Table Cloths Napkins Curtain Scrim n . , Muslin 111 58x58 pattern 18x18 mercer- white border Ginghams Sheeting stiu e h P H o ext™ ™od L ZPd " apk '7' curtain scrim. 38 Standard apron lines'inches wide" Unbleached mus- [JJ hemmed ready for lnches wide. Spe- gingham, blue and g™ d quallw Soe Un sheeting. 76-ln. IS lty! spM?al 2a U ct o e z : en BOOd qUamy - . white checks, yard. gff wide. SpecUl yd.. hi 98c $1.98 19c 16c 12V 2 c 49c | | Sheets and Pillow Cases Blankets at New Low Prices 1 72x90 MUSLIN SHKETS— 3- ] 42x36 MUSLIN PILLOW GOOD lIIG DOUBLE BED PLAID WOOLEN BLANKETS OJ inch hem. Special OC r ! CASES—Good value. 23c ,ILiA:^F —Extra heavy quality with just Kjl . , JUL | tiut Slaws 60x80 inches. ..(O CO . 11l each j Special, each Special, pair IbZ.O" enough cotton to make them IU 81x90 MUSLIN SHEETS, ex- 42x36 MUSLIN PILLOW GRAY WOOL FINISH serviceable. Special $5.95 hi tra quality. Special 1Q CASES Etra good OQ-, BLANKETS - 1-nil size and JU each value, each . heavyweight nze $3.69 GRAY WOOLEN BIiANKUTS IS 6bxßo, special, pair . . j„ pink and blue borders— size Jill 81x90 MUSLIN SHEETS— 45x36 MUSLIN PILLOW WOOLNAP PLAID RLAX- 66x80 inches. (-f| slightly imperfect seamless. CASES Good quality 00. KETS in pink, gray, blue, plaids, Special "PD.Ov £?l Spe- *1 Afi Special good quality. QC |IU L . ial Jl.lO Special 9P0.17J SPECIAL COTTON FILLED I® 42 and 45-inch MOHAWK WOOL PLAID BLANKETS— COMFORTABLES—With good tf|l 81x00 MUSLIN SHEETS— PILLOW CASES Very line Good size and quality—66xßo heavy sateen covering, figured NJ Extra good heavy quality. inches. <JJ4 QC floral design. djo QC 2><j quality Special UOC Special Special dIO.UO ny ni 1 n.i IT n • 1 ~^~~ Huck towels, red Wliitc Turkish batli flI fay freed White Goods at 19c '"S 8 Is'ut'k S"s^. s^d yard :#l '£ Va,ues -* u> 50< ' a >ar<i , E * trn , 7*' 7 1 77* *5 Si I ~l'Cecpc.lec M^.) . W ... , k r„!Twlsir KiSSHU S'S 5?T.,.0T To': i hj 27-incli l>od ticking. I 32-inch line dress pay you. Buy early. each IfC ' ,n '> $1.39 hi | U G<mnl quality, OC n j ginghams. QQ, White Lawn, 40 ipches, novelty white goods, ||J vurd . I . nl ..i ... v ... dvC white mercerized batiste, white organdy, fine . _ ~ . . . !Sfc hi ' dimity checks, flesh colored batiste, white Bleached Turkish Extra heavy bed hG jy PLAIN GEORGETTE CREPE—4O-inehes, pajama checks, white nainsooks, 19c towels; hemmed use™ 1 7° fjJ M in all new shades—beautiful d | en Yard ready for use; IC. "| n i y ° r "<£'• Vfo ivl |jU quality. Special, yard ® — .———. each each *bl9o [U Baskets >, Step Ladder \ Electric Iron \ pj Sgj f • ) v I Shopping baskets, extra I g tep nn I Westinghouse Electric 1 " g : ..| iAdder | ci" - .. Spe : 52.95 rnfjHl W M jj \j Ironing Boards \ Toilet Paper ———a Dutch Curtains x 11 Hp IdH |jl]| ,■— I Ironing Boards with I 6 big rolls of good toilet I Scrim Curtain lace in-I I '/Jl Ull ig 8-qt. Aluminum I tand. Spe- $l9B I P aper 25c | sertion - Dutch $1.39 I I ffTVf l!?j hi Tea Kettle, heavy | cial . .81.48 and " * | for | effect, pair .. 1 ,Ji ' I |*l (|U gauge. Special, * ' V 1 ' K * 2-qt. Coffee Per- l[M j} 4x Bread Box Laundry Soap \ Wash Boilers * cl , ded [|?| IS . * I Japanned Bread QQ. I Swift's Pride Laundry I Copper bottom Wash ' 11^ |) S* \ I Box. special [ Soap. 13 cakes g 9<; | Boilers, good $2.69 '$ J *|j Clothes Baskets Borax \ Saucepan |]fl \* ' I I Chic Clothes Baskets, I | Twenty-mule Team I Three-piece, Alumt- j \ m \ I I good I I Borax, 1 lb. pack- in. hum Saucepan ffj| CQ jjtij \V 1 J (sizes ""C | j age for .., IVC [Set, special .. PlPgj |^J Kctue will'.' d *M. Sink Strainers Boudoir Lamps \ Longcloth Sherwood [m S Sptslul, I Sink Strainer two sizes. I Beautiful Boudoir I I 10-yard piece. good Strainer as pictured Isi .39 jsT lsc 2sc j',r,:r , '"'... SE9Bj Drzii'Lr... i-69_ gg c 1 I Special Announcement to Put In Your Note Book I 0 Kaufman's Formal. Spring Opening—Thursday,Friday and Saturday jl S rpHREE important presentation days during which the new |j L styles in women's and misses' suits, dresses, coats, wraps, millinery, waists, U and accessory lines will be shown—starting the new spring season with a general sjU U introduction of high grade merchandise at Kaufman's famous underselling prices. ' I Full particulars will be published in this paper Wednesday. Opens 8:30 A. M.—Closes 5 P. MARCH 10, 1919. 5