Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, March 10, 1919, Page 4, Image 4
4 Sergeant Howard Tells How Colored Men Fought In an address at the Wesley A. M. E. Church yesterday, Sergeant Louis Howard told of the experiences of the colored men in the Ninety-sec ond Division, many of whom were from this section of the State. Ser geant Howard returned to this city last Thursday with about fifty color ed men who had been discharged from the army. The meeting was held under the auspices of the Peo ple's Forum. After Sergeant How ward spoke the fifty men who re turned from overseas service were given a chicken supper in the dining room of the church. Dr. C.H. Cramp ton, president of the Forum, is plan ning to have several officers of the Ninety-second division speak at sev eral meetings in the future. XO CHURCH CONCERT The Rev. Dr. Clayton Albert Smucker, of the Stevens Memorial Methodist Church, received word yesterday that the Woodland Sing ers, who were to have given a con cert to-night at the church, are de tained by an accident. A postponed date for the concert will be announc ed in the near future. GIVE BENEFIT DAXCE A benefit dance will be held at the Board of Trade on Wednesday even ing, bv the Hebrew Indies' Aid So ciety. It is hoped that the event will be well attended. Mrs. Leonard Schuetz, of Middle town, and Miss Lillian Embick, of this city, are home from New York City where they were guests at the Pennsylvania Hotel for a week. Mr. and Mrs. Philip Hummel, of Maclay streets, are home from their farm near Bendersville. blowers ror All Occasions Floral Decorations Wedding Flowers Party Flowers Funeral Flowers 3heßerruhill LOCUST ST. AT SECOND , 4 Pays More Of This Great Optical Offer I If your eyes are troubling I you, now is the time—while I this unusual offer holds good I —to have tlicni attended to. | (There is no charge for ex- I animation and there are no I drops used. First quality spherical lenses I for cither far or near, fitted in I gold-filled, guaranteed 10-year I mounting, with the most moil- I crn finger piece, shell rims, w 1 ease, including examination, ▼ i i Sov i i A A 'Our usual charge lor these glasses is $7.50. RUBIN & RUBIN Eyesight Specialist 320 Market Street Over the Hub Open Wed. anil Sat. Evenings Bell Phone 420-J Established 15 Years ? The Episode of ? 0 The Stout Woman j • A • • u Q ' She was a somewhat positive woman knew • • her own mind. She insisted upon having a suit 0 () which she saw in my stock. The tailor was called t • in for alterations. V fl # 1 "But Madam," he protested, "it is an utter im- j U possibility to fit you to that suit. It would never A £ be right. The alterations are too radical." V A "Oh, I'm sure it will be all right," she replied. • ; "Just go ahead. I'll take a chance." Q A • • It was suggested that I be consulted. I saw v Q at a glance that the suit would never be satis- a • factory. I just couldn't let that woman have y Q her own way later to regret it. A 0 "No," I said firmly, "we simply can't let you Q t have that garment." • A It was a, new experience for the customer. For a V a moment she resented it. v • • • "But I'm sure we have other models which • Q would be more becoming," I continued, "and Q • they'd fit you too." And I quickly showed her • 0 several. Finally she selected a model just suited Q £ for her figure. It fitted perfectly. • a "Miss Sachs" she said as she was leaving, "I a y want to thank you for standing by your guns. A I never before have been properly fitted in a suit. A ; People have let me have my own way and gen- j A erally I've regretted my purchase. You were A • firm and I appreciate it. That is the most be- ; Q coming suit I've ever purchased." A • • ©\ /Q) MONDAY EVENING, INTERESTING PERSONAL NEWS JACK HORNER PIE DELIGHTS GUESTS Children Have Fun Blowing Out Candles on the Birthday Cake Mr. and Mrs. W. Findlay Downes, of the Riverside apartments, gave a birth day party on Saturday afternoon for their small daughter, Ann Elizabeth Downes. The table was effectively deco rated with candles and pink roses and the beautiful birthday cake bore five tiny lighted tapers which were blown out by the little guests. After refreshments were served, a huge Jack Horner pie miraculously ap peared upon the scene. Concealed within its depths were clever gifts for the following youngsters: Peggy Her man, Nancy Downes, Catherine Payne, Margaret Creigliton, Marjorie Downes, Adaline Martz, Marion Kaltwasser, Frapces Davis. Margaret Donaldson, Lesley McCreath, Carl Johnston, Henry Mofiltt and Bobbie MoHitt. Beautiful Memorial For Mrs. Cunningham A recent issue of the Presbyterian Banner, published in Pittsburgh, has a most beautiful "in memoriam" to Mrs. Clyde Beaumont Cunningham, wife of Jesse E. B. Cunningham, of this city, who passed away early in the year. The writer speaks of her happy dis position and lovable character, her fond ness for people and the pleasure she took in doing for others. Of her love of home, naturJ. the beautiful in every thing and closes by saying: "Mrs. Cun ningham brought the charm and joy of her own life not only into the home she graced with peculiar beauty but into every circle into which she entered. She cared for people and loved to help them. To relieve distress, to bring cheer, to restore to gladness, to renew hope, to care for the little ones whom Jesus lovpd and to do it for His sake, to share in the life and to do her part as the wife of a man active in public and professional life, to be faithful in every duty and to be a minister of others always—tins is the biography of Clyde Cunningham. Her husband, her sisters and her friends mourn that she has gone. Most of all. however, they rejoice that they knew her, that they had her with them for so many years, and that they shared in the bright and joyous life site lived." Seventeenth Birthday , of Miss Martha Weiser A crowd of young people were de lightfully entertained by Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Weiser at their home, 1705 North Third street, in celebration of the sev enteenth birthday of their daughter. Martha Weiser. The evening was spent in playing games and music. Refresh ments were served to the Misses Mae Williams, Pauline Bair. Sylvia Ging rich. Alice Maxwell, Marie Bowersox and Martha Weiser; Mrs. Leslier, Wil liam Peifer, Norman Berlin, Carl Ging rich, Lester Bucher, of Altoona; Jacob Harder, Wilbur Buftiington, Leon S. Simonnetti, Wilson Weiser and John Weiser. COL. RI'GH IX CITY Lieutenant Colonel Jamesi <T#r* rence Rugli, U. S. Army, who iS-in charge of the organization of orthopedic work in all the camps of the United States, was a recent guest of Mrs. H. B. S. Mark and daughters, of the Rodearmel apart ments. DR. O. R. PHILLIPS will meet his patients and those of Dr. J. W. Ellenberger for the pres ent at 922 North Third street from 6.30 to 8.30 p. m. Other hours by appointment.—Adv. Fifth Street Methodist Mission Society Meets The Woman's Foreign Missionary Society of the Fifth Street Metho dist Episcopal Church held its reg ular monthly meeting on Friday evening, at the home of Mrs. James M. Byrnes, 532 Maclay street. The special feature of the evening was the reading of an interesting letter from Ira Finbon, a member of the church, now engaged in missionary work in Mexico. Those present were: Mrs. E. A. Pyles, Mrs. Har riet Yost, Mrs. Sara Himes, Mrs. Garberich, Mrs. George Wood, Mrs. J. A. Lininger, Mrs. Annie Tomlin son, Mrs. U. A. Poffenberger, Mrs. Rebecca Cummings, Mrs. J. A. Al dinger, Mrs. Carrie Mulligan, Mrs. Lucinda Troup. Mrs. R. E. Bratten, Mrs. Annie Krieder, Mrs. Cornelius, Mrs. W. S. Zeigler, Mrs. C. M. Ar nold ,Mrs. James Byrnes, Miss Bow ers and Miss Minnie Smith. Local People Attend Dickinson Festivities The annual dance of the Phi Delta Theta Fraternity of Dickinson College was given in Metzger Hall, Carlisle. Many guests were present from differ ent cities and towns in the state, with a large Harrisburg delegation. The patronesses were as follows: Mrs. Mary Parker, Mrs. W. S. Ruch, Mrs. Frederick Morganthaler, Mrs. George Beaver, Mrs. E. W. Rupp, Mrs. Frank Gilbert, Mrs. W. J- Davies, Mrs. Philip Yaste. Mrs. A. H. Johnson. The festivities closed Saturday evening with a house party and dance. The "Banjosaxo" dance orchestra, of Harrisburg. under the direction of Mer lin C. Crawford, produced surprising novelties and played an excellent dance program. A five-course supper was served at midnight in the alcove surrounding the hall. Twin Children Merrily Celebrate Their Birthday Mrs. S. T. Kinsinger, 2157 North Fourth street, gave an evening party in celebration of the birthday anni versary of her twin children. Mildred and Ralph. The home was artisti cally decorated in green and white. Music and games furnished the even ing's entertainment. Refreshments were served to the Misses Mary Low, Helen Munich, Catherine Bixler, Nellie Ellenbergcr, Mary Wallower, Elizabeth Genser, Esther Barnhart, Esther Hartman, and Mildred Kinsinger, Chauncey Davis, Ralph Saul, Russel Barnhart, John Swiler, Walter Kinsinger, Charles Kinsinger and Ralph Kin singer. Lieut. Stewart Is at Home After Service in France Lieutenant John G. Stewart, Jr., 1404 North Second street,has return ed afted a year's service in France, where he first served with the 29th Engineers, and later with the 74th Engirieers. He was with one of the first American divisions to occupy the Toul sector. Later he was as signed as instructor to the Army En gineering School near Langrcs. Lieutenant Stewart is a graduate of Central High school and of Princeton University. Miss Herman Hostess to Illinois Visitor Miss Almeda Herman entertained informally at her home, 2 025 North Front street, on Saturday night, in compliment to Miss Dorothy Dain, of Moline, 111., who is the guest of Miss Elizabeth Knisely, Front and Maclay streets. Those present were: Miss Dorothy Dain, Miss Ruth Payne, Miss Mary Creighton, Miss Elizabeth Knisely, Miss Almeda Her man, Mr. and Mrs. John C. Herman, Lieutenant Johnes Crowbridge, Lieu tenant Harold J. Weeks, Sergeant William Barrett, Daniel Kunlcle, Paul Gable and Ehrman Mitchell. Benefit Vaudeville For the Emergency Aid A most interesting benefit vaude ville entertainment will be given on Thursday evening in Chestnut Street, Auditorium by the Emergency Aid, | for the benefit of the Yarn Bill. A clever minstrel show will be the main feature of the program, with William Page, of Steelton, a real comedian, starring. A buck and wing dance will be executed by talent from Marsh Run and a soldiers' quartet from that place will furnish many lively se lections. Lt. Herbert Wallower Arrives From Overseas Lieutenant Herbert Wallower, son of E. Z. Wallower, Front and Maclay streets, arrived in New York a day or two ago on the Mongolia and spent the weekend in that city with his sisters, Mrs. Henry Underhill and Miss Dorothy Wallower. Lieutenant Wallower, who Is in Washington to-day>looking after his discharge from the army, has been attached to Company B, Seventy fourth U. S. Enginers, and has been in France for nineteen months. He come over as a casual officer and not with his company. He hopes to be at home the last of the week. SEILER HONOR ROLL The following names were on the honor roll for the term examinations in the primary room of the Seiler school:, Julia Smith, Marguerite Reichenburg, Pauline Wert, Marion Milhouse, Edna Eggert, Mary Wick ersham, Jane Olmsted, Jean Coover, Helen Coloviras and Elizabeth Colo viras. Mrs. G. W. Creighton, Jr., and Miss Margaret Creighton. of Balti- I more, are the guests of Mrs. George W. Creighton, at the Riverside apart ments. Mr. and Mrs. David J. Shelton and Bmall daughter, Harriet Shel ton, went home to Jersey Cify this morning after a week's visit among relatives here. Miss Ella Belle Rogers, of Mil waukee, Wis., was in the city for a week's stay on the way home after a trip to Philadelphia and New York. Mr. and Mrs. Emerson Boggs and their children, Claire and Henry F. Boggs, of Pittsburgh, are in town for a lltle visit among relatives and old friends. ' Mrs. Jane Moffett and Mrs. ! Charles Curtis, of Williamstown, spent the weekend with Mrs. D. M. Esworthy, at 2313 Derry street. Lieutenant Chandler Markell has gone to Youngstown, Ohio, after spending several weeks at his home, 1508 Green street. E. S. Lousby, of Rochester, N. Y., stationed at the League Island Navy Yard, Is making a brief stay with his aunt. Mrs. A. H. Teter, of 1619 Fenn street. / BAJEURISBTJRG TELEGRAPH THISTLE TROOP OF GIRL SCOUTS Bethlehem Lutheran Girls Elect Officers and Spend Happy Evening Training The Thistle Troop, Girl Scouts of Bethlehem Lutheran Church, Green | and Cumberland strcest, held an j enthusiastic and interesting meeting | in the social room of the church, j The following were elected to serve I as officers of the troop: President, I Mabel Wilbar; vice-president, Mary Miller; secretary, Katharine Mach lan; treasurer, Florence Markward; patrol leaders, Bessie Leslie, Esther Conrad, Naomi Searfauss, Madeline Mehring and Mildred YJngling; cor porals, Helen Best, Helen Keet, Ma bel Davies and Mabelle MeckiT - . At their next meeting the troop is to be honored by the presence of Mrs. Mabel Cronise Jones, who will give an address on "Current Events." Doctor Is Celebrating 47th Birthday Today Friends from far and near have been extending congratulations and good wishes all day long to Dr. Sam uel Z. Shope, specialist, 610 North Third street, and the forty-seventh anniversary of his birth. Dr. Shope was first president and afterward for five years secretary of the Medical Club of Ilarrisburg. He is honorary president of the Alumni Association of Susquehanna University: president of the Pennsyl vania Educational Association: member of the public affairs com mittee of the Harrisburg Rotary Club and specialist for the Poly clinic Hospital in the eye, ear, nose ' and throat. Dr. Shope's war work has been done effectively and untiringly and during the influenza epidemic ho ; not only took care of his own prac tice and city work, but that of the : Keystone hospital when his friend I and neighbor, Dr. Hartman, was taken ill. No War Aid Meeting on Tuesday Evening Mrs. William Jennings, president of the National War Aid, announced this morning that the usual monthly meeting of that association will not be held to-morrow evening because of a conference in the Y. M. C. A. building. Due notice of it will be given. The organization still continues sewing for the Red Cross evqrry Monday evening from 7 to 10 o'clock and while there is a fair atendance, more women could be used to ad vantage. Just now there is a de mand for small garments for refu gees and these are a pleasure to | make. Young Boy's Birthday Is Fittingly Celebrated The ninth birthday anniversary of I George Fetrow, Jr., was iherrity cele ' bra ted at his home, 553 South Thir ' teeruh street, on Friday evening. Games i and contests were enjoyed by the follow ing young guestfi: Billio Shade, Lee j Shade, Nelson Shade, Howard Weaver, 1 Lester Reigle, Clyde Reigle, Norman ] Keigle, Ross Footharop, James Footha rop, Daniel Farridy, Morris Schoolnik and Lowell Fetrow, Mrs. John Henry- Mrs. Thomas Reigle and Mrs. George Fetrow assisted with the evening's en tertainment. STUDY CLUB MEETS A meeting of the Harrisburg Study- Club, Mrs. George E. Reed, presi dent, will be held at the home of Miss Margaret Pomery, 1520 Herr street. Wednesday evening, March 19. Mrs. R. Willis Fair, the leader for the evening, will read a paper, entitled "Educational Theories on Problems of To-day." "American Colleges and Universities" is the sub ject for the roll call. ARMY NURSE IN T'OWN Miss Harriet H. Baird, who was attached to Army Base Hospital No. , 57, Paris, arrived Friday morning at | New York on the Caronia, and ob- I taining a forty-eight hour leave, j was the guest of Mrs. H. B. S. Mark and daughters, of the Rodearmel I apartments. As soon as Miss Baird receives her discharge from the army she will return to her home in Los Angels, California. HOLD MUSICAL EVENING The Meade W. C. T. U. will meet at the home of Mrs. Anna Elder, 101 Evergreen street, to-morrow evening, at 7:30. Plans have been made for ar evening of entertainment. An or chestra will be present to furnish lively music and other musical, sur prise features will be given. A full attendance is desired. CAI'T. DETWEILER RETURNING Captain Meade D. Detweiler will ar rive this week from Italy on the steamship Guiseppe Verdi, after an absence of a year and eleven months. Captain Detweiler has been in charge of the automobile section in Northern Italv with the military branch of the ltea Cross, under the Italian govern ment. ENTERTAINS AT DINNER Andrew S. McCreath, 111 South Front street, celebrated his birthday anniversary on Saturday evening by entertaining at dinner. The guests were: Spencer C. Gilbert, Thomas T. Weirman, George W. Reily, Charles H. Bergner, William J. Rose, Ilenry M. Stine and John E. Fox. HEBREW LADIES' AID I The Hebrew Indies' Aid Society will hold its monthly meeting to-morrow ! evening, at 8 o'clock, in the Kesher Israel Synagogue, ut Capital and Briggs streets. Mrs. David Cooper will be presiding officer. All mem bers are urged to be present. FINE MUSICAL EVENT A song and ballad recital will be given in Fahnestock Hall, Thursday evening, March 20, at 8:15 o'clock, by the well-known baritone, William H Boyer. J. D. Whitman, violinist, and J. Stewart Black, pianist, will assist. DR. ELLENBERGER ILL Dr. J. W. Ellenbcrger. 922 North Third street, who lias been seriously ill for the past three weeks, has been admitted to the University Hospital at Philadelphia, and is under the care cf Dr. Fussell. SPRING OPENING Beginning March 11, for four days. Special prices will feature the opening days. M. Mall, Custom Tai lor, 1213 Green street. SUNDAY OFFICE HOURS ll DISCONTINUED Beginning March 10, 1910 and continuing until further no tice, my Sunday office hours will be discontinued, except by special appointment. DR. A. L. SHEARER 804 North Sixth Street j| Missionary Society Holds Its Monthly Meeting Thp monthly meeting of the Wo men's Foreign Missionary Society of the Fifth Street Methodist Episcopal Church, was held at the home of Mrs. James M. Byrnes, 532 Maclay street, Friday evening. A most in teresting letter was read from Miss Iva Finton, a member of the church, 1 now engaged in missionary work in j Mexico. It was very much enjoyed j by the following members who were ' present: Mrs. E. A. Pyles, Mrs. Harriet Yost, Airs. Sara Himes, Mrs. Oar berich, Mrs. George Wood, Miss Manic Bower, Mrs. J. E. Lininger, Mrs. Annie Tomlinson, Mrs. U. A. Poffen berger, Mrs. Rebecca Cummings, Mrs. J. Aldinger, Airs. Carrie Mulligan, Allss Minnie Smith, Mrs. Lucinda Baup, Mrs. R. E. Bratten, Mrs. An- j uie Krelder, Mrs. Scott Cornelius, Airs. W. S. Zelgler, Airs. C. M. Ar- | nold, Airs. J. R. Smith, and Alls, j James A 1 Byrnes. NEW VICTORY STAMPS The local Post Office lias received a \ supply of the three-cent stamps com- i memorating tile successful outcome of the war. The stamp is of three- I cent denomination, purple in color and presents a standing figure of Lib erty Victorious with a background \ composed of ,the flags of the five countries which were most actively i engaged In the cause. Only a limited ' number of these stamps have been I received as it is not intended that I they shall be generally used. r- \ i 'CTRI/l YOUR CHOICE. 15 KINDS I ELECTRIC CLEANERS m H ALL TYPES \lk WASHING MACHINES NAFJL easy payments NEIDIG BROS. - 21 s. SECOND ST. V- _ __ J |j Distinguished Footwear for Women § jj ry = j Mahogany I Smart lace model, Military heel, || welt sole; inside eyelets. An unusual boot in style and quality. = C. B. Rodney 1 S'f North Third Street. | It Pays to Have Your S Clothes Dry Cleaned 1 I I :■! There can be no doubt in your mind as to how our DRY !j CLEANING service can help ... you when once you have tried it. • • | ' Many a person has discarded a garment at the beginning of a season all for the want of new ness. Many have set aside as 1.1 useless the very garment that •j will be best suited for this spring s wear just because it I ] k lacked the freshness of newly bought apparel. | I- How foolish! How wasteful! But perhaps you didn't know at the time there was such a serv- II ice as ours. So we're glad to | | tell you of it now. § y . Let US DRY CLEAN your gar -111 ments and put into them that newness and freshness you so i.i much desire. It will save you ['j considerable in money and add | greatly to your personal satis |j faction in having your own gar ■ t ments for further use, rather than worry about newly-bought jjjj 111 ' v clothes. If All Work Promptly Done !J 1 finkelsteiN I [III . Three Stores Both Telephones Harrisburg Steelton If ...„ . = 1 TO ENTERTAIN KNIGHTS 'Acme Lodge, Knights of Pythias, of Lebanon, will come to this city in a body this evening to visit John Harris Lodge, 193, and witness the second degree conferred upon a class of members in their Hall, Fourteenth and Howard streets. The members of John Harris Lodge are making great preparations for the occasion. Refreshments will be served. WAR VETERA DIES Marietta, Pa., March 10. —Charles G. ash. aged 80, near Mountville, G. Nash, aged 80, near Mountville, eran of the Civil War, belong'ng to Company D, Fifty-third Pennsylva nia Infantry. He is survived by a sister. / 4 DINNER THIS EVENING MONDAY, MARCH 10; 5 TO 7.30 Stouffer's Restaurant 4 N. COURT ST. 50c , Bran Soup, Home Style Breuded Pork Chop Calf Liver Saute with Ilacon Country Sausage Roast Beef Mashed or Creamed Potatoes Stewed Tomatoes or Lima Beana Cream Slaw lee Cream, Pie or Pudding Coffee, Tea or Coeoa I V / MARCH 10, 1919. CBtlnaed from March 8, 1011. "Now," asked h Mr. Hershey, as he seated himself at his desk, "what do you want to know?" "I want to know," answered the Ad Man, "more about those dairies that sup ply you with the cream you use in HER SHEY'S SUPERIOR ICE CREAM." "To begin with, there are about a thou sand different dairies," said Mr. Hershey. "Goodness gracious!" exclaimed the Ad Man, "you don't mean to tell me that it takes that many dairies to supply this plant?" "It certainly does; and there are times in season that we could use many more. We've got a pretty big business here and it's growing all the time. We don't con sider a thousand enough!" replied the general manager of the big creamery. "Where are all these dairies?" asked the inquisitive person, who was getting more inquisitive every minute. It seems the more questions you an swer some people the more they will ask; and the Ad man was no exception to the rule. But Mr. Hershey was patient, or at least appeared to be, and the Ad man kept up his rapid-fire interrogation. "Our dairies are located in Dauphin, Perry, Franklin, Cumberland, Adams and York Counties," replied Mr. Her shey, in answer to the last question. That's a big field to draw frpm and a credit to the section, for .if'proves that those counties produce tfie best quality milk, else the Hershey Creamery Com pany would not use it. "How do you get all that cream to your plant here in Harrisburg?" asked the Ad man. "Well, as I explained to you before," replied Mr. Hershey, "the farmers bring the milk to our central receiving sta tions. We have a sufficient number of them conveniently located in each dis trict so that the farmers won't have to haul the milk far." Think what a wonderful saving thai is for the farmer who used to haul milk for many miles to town or to a railroad station to be shipped. The Hershey Creamery Company practically brings its vast facilities right up to the farm door. That's one of the links in the chain between the farm and the city. "What if a farmer has more milk than you can use?" remarked the Ad man. "The farmer has the best of it," an swered Mr. Hershey, "we take all the milk his farm produces, year in and year out. If it's the right quality we need it all." "When you have the milk at your cen tral receiving stations, what then?" asked the Ad man. 1 "That's an important question," an swered Mr. Hershey. Harrisburg, Pa. I.ook for tomorrow's March 10, 1919. continuation of this— Signed, The Ad-man. Written Especially For Hershey Creamery Co. Makers of Hershey's Superior Ice Cream.