Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, March 10, 1919, Page 14, Image 14
14 I A CLASSIFIED Aj 1 THESE COLDMNS WILL fIELf YOU TO FIWB jELff^J Deaths iIOOVKII On March 9. 1919, John W. Hoover, at Lancaster, Pa., aged 74 years. , Funeral on Thursday afternoon, at 2 o'clock, from the Boas Street U. B. Church. Interment East Harris burg Cemetery. The relatives and friends are invited to attend with out further notice. The remains can be viewed Wednesday evening, from 7 to 9 o'clock, at Hoover and Son Funeral Parlors. KINOroilT On March 8, 1919, Wil liam H. Kingport, at his late resi dence, 502 Woodbine street, aged 69 years. Funeral on Wednesday morning, at 10 o'clock, from Stone Church, State Road, back of Enola. The relatives and friends are invited to attend without further notice. The remains •an In viewed Tuesday evening at the Residence from 7 to 9 o'clock. ft ni l F: On March 9. 1919, Albert li. White, aged 66 years. Funeral on Tuesday afternoon, at 2 o'clock, from his late residence, "Colonial Acres." The relatives and friends are invited to attend with out further notice. Interment Ra venna. Ohio. J ACK son On March 10, 1919, Mrs. Catherine A. Jackson. Funeral on Tuesday morning, at 10 o'clock, from the residence of her daughter, Mrs. E. E. McCurdy, 612 SchuvlkiU street. The relatives and t'liinds are invited to attend witn out further notice. Interment Chi.nibersbui g, Pa. EYKIIHAKT On March 10, 1919. Lawrence Earl Everliart. aged 29 years. Funeral on Thursday morning, at 1< o'clock, from his late residence, 616 Woodbine street. The relatives and friends are invited to attend without further notice. Interment Mechanicsburg Cemetery. BRIXTON Mrs. Anna Olcwinc Brin ton, wife of .1. Burton Brinton. died Sunday morning, at 7:30 o'clock, at her home, on Short street, Progress, aged 40 years. Funeral services Wednesday after noon, at 2 P. M„ from the late resi dence, the Rev. Mr. Miller officiat ing. Burial Shoop's Church Ceme tery. ' ft II.IBIAV On March 7. 1919, Au gustus Wildtnan, aged 62 years. Private funeral on Tuesday after noon. at 4 o'clock, from his late residence, 2206 Nortli Third street. Interment East Harrisburg Ceme tery. The remains can be viewed on Tuesday, from It A. M. to 3 P. M. IN STRtcnUNS INDIVIDUAL PROMOTION in Gregg Shorthand, Typewriting, English, Bookkeeping, Penmanship, Arithmetic, etc. DAY AND NIGHT SCHOOL OPEN ALL YEAR. Enter any time. Bell 125. Dial 4C16. BECKLEY'S BUSINESS COLLEGE. 121 Market St. Chas. R. Beckley. HELP WANTED —MALE WANTED Salesman to sell food products to grocery trade l'or a reliable, well-known, established concern. Hi od prospects for right man. Full particulars regarding work, salary, etc.. maafc ■Accompany ap plication. Address G., 7134, Care of Telegraph. WANTED Reliable baker, at once. Apply J. K. Freymeycr, Eliza bclhtown, Pa. WANTED Man to work on farm year around job. Apply it. B. Bricker, Dauphin, Pa., or Bell phone SR-12. WANTED An experienced Insur ance man to represent an old LIFE, MCK and ACCIDENT Company. One capable of taking charge of debit and office. Address "Manager," 409 Mar ket street. Harrisburg, Pa. MEN Opportunity offered to learn salesmanship without interference with present position. Good positions ouen for ambitious men. Address Box P, 6628, care of Telegraph. MEN, 18 and over, of Harrisburg and vicinity, desiring to prepare for Government examinations for posi tions as Post Office Clerks. Field "'■■lbs. Departmental clerks. Railway .Mail Clerks, Government Farmers, Revenue Officers. Customs Officers, "tc., call and interview Mr. Henry Laurens, at Bolton Hotel, Tuesday, March 11. Permanent positions at good salaries. Minors, under 21. must be accompanied by parent. Hours, 1 P. M. until 9 P. M. One day only. WANTED First-class auto me chanic for first-class garage in good, country town. Good wages to right party. References required. Address jt.ix ij, 7409, care of Telegraph. WANTED Men for counter work. Experienced preferred. Apply Rustic Dairy Lunch, 5-7 South Third street. WANTED Experienced clothing salesman. Apply at once. A. J. Lehr man, 37 South Front street. Steelton. BOOKKEEPER —Single young man. 22 to 26 years old. to he trained in Branch Office Accounting by Corpora tion operating Branch Houses. Must lie well recommended and start at Mi derate Salary. Reply in own hand writing, Address Box L. 6626, care of Telegraph. WANTED Position as Garage Mechanic, by a man experienced in these lines. Fred Bryan, 446 South Thirteenth street. City. WANTED Met - tailors for Altera tion Department. Apply at once. Kaufmans Underselling Stores. WANTED Young man, between ages of 10 and 19, who is open for a good, permanent position. Address S.. 7133. care of Telegraph. WANTED Experienced, single man to work on farm. Inquire Elmer Wagner. Oloverly Heights, Seven teenth ajtd Sycamore streets. TRUCKER WANTED A reliable man to work, or rent, on reasonable terms, a house, stable, greenhouses, truck patch and about 25 acres good land. Address Box 452, Hummels tewn. Pa. MEN IS and over, desiring Gov ernment Clerkships, Railway Mail, Post Office, Customs, Internal Reve nue. Census, War Risk, sloo month, write for free particulars of examina tions. Raymond Terry (former Civil Service Examiner), Continental Build ing, Washington. PLUMBERS WANTED—Open shop. 73c hour. Apply C. S. Thompson. 2929 Atlantic avenue, Atlantic City, N. J. HELP \V AN TED—FEMALE WANTED—Experienced seamstress for ladies' tailoring. Apply 1213 Green street. FOR SALE 1920 Market St. Three-story brick and stucco house, containing 9 rooms, bath and pantry, hardwood finish. Mod ern throughout. Electric light. Steain heat. Lot 70x116 ft. 15 ft. rest- driv e alley. At a fair figure. Miller Brothers & Co. Heal Estate Insurance Surety Bonds l.ocuat and Ceurt Streets Member. Hbg. Rent K.iute Uonrd MONDAY EVENING, HKI-P WANTED—FEMAIJE , WANTED WOMEN TAILORS for Alteration Department for I women's coats, skirts and dresses. j Permanent positions and good . pay. Apply at once. KAUFMAN'S UNDERSELLING I STORES. WANTED Broad silk loom fixers. Apply UA RRISBURG SILK MILL Second and North Street. Women, 18 and over, of Harrisburg! and vicinity, who desire to prepare i for Government examinations for po- i sitions as Post Office Clerks, Field ! Clerks, Departmental Clerks. Matrons, I etc., call and interview Mr. Henry | Laurens, at Bolton Hotel. Tuesday,, March 11. Permanent positions at [ good salaries. Minors, under 21, must be accompanied by parent. Hours, 1 ' P. M. until 9P. M. .One day only. | WANTED Experienced cb<am-1 bermaid. Apply Plaza Hotel. WANTED Girl for general house work. Small family. Very good pay. Apply 2128 North Third street, or Bell ! telephone 1903. WANTED—GirI for general house wot k and plain cooking. Three adults j in family. Excellent home and good wages. Apply 1627 North Second street. Bell phone 2145 R. WANTED Girl for office work. Must understand typewriting. Apply J. Schoolnioh. Room 21, Spooncr Bldg.. 9 North Market Square. GIRL WANTED—To work in store. Salary, SIO.OO per week. Give age and; reference. Address K„ 7404, care of J Telegraph. WANTED Experienced weavers, [ also learners. Apply Silk Mill, Second; and North streets. WANTED Night dishwasher. Good wages. Apply Alva Restaurant, io South Fourth street. WANTED Buttonhole maker to work buttonholes by hand. Bring) sample Shearer Co., 204 Market I slreet. WANTED Reliable girl for gen era! housework and to help take care' of child. Must furnish good refer-1 ences. Apply 221 Emerald street. WANTED Middle-aged woman j for general housework. Small family.. No washing. References. Inquire | 1005 Bridge street. New Cumberland. | ! WANTED Reliable, middle-aged, white woman.' for general housework, In family oft thrc-e adults. Good wages and pleas-' ant home. Address BOX v.. 7041. CARE OF TELEGRAPIJ. ! ~ - 1 HELP WANTED—MaIe and Female ' WANTED Artist to retouch; photographs and make wash draw- ! ings of furniture. Federal Equipment Co., Carlisle, Pa. SALESMEN WANTED SALESMEN l3O per cent, profit,) selling excellent specialty proposition t > business and professional men. Full! time or side line. Crowther & Fuhr, i 2963 North Stillman street. Philadel- i phia, Pa. WE want an ex-County or City Of ficial a Bank Employe a School Principal a man of this typo in short, a man of integrity and large, acquaintance in Harrisburg to-re pre si nt a financial house handling only highest grade securities. A man pos sessing these qualities is assured suc cess and permanent, satisfactory com pensation. Your communication will be treated as confidential, if you so desire. Address It., 408 Finance Bldg., Philadelphia. SITUATIONS WANTED—MALE WANTED Man wishes position as butcher or chauffeur; can furnish reference. Apply 740 South Second street, Steelton. SITUATIONS WANTED—FemaIe WANTED Fancy washing and ironing to do at home. Inquire 316 Harris street, or Dial phone 6028. WOMAN wants day's work. House cleaning, etc. Call Dial 5839. WANTED Young woman wishes position as housekeeper in refined small family; wages, $7 per week' Address Box P. 7309, care of Tele graph. | WANTED —An experienced steno grapher desires work for afternoons only Special work can be taken [home. Address Box T, 7406, care of | Telegraph. I WANTED Young woman wishes to keep house for a widower; young mail preferred. Address N.. 6421 care I of Telegraph. ROOMS FOR RENT FOR RENT Two nicely furnish ed rooms. Apply 26 South Eighteenth [ street. I FOR RENT Two unfurnished i rooms, for light housekeeping; all j conveniences. Inquire 631 Harris | street. j FOR RENT Three unfurnished \ rocms, with refined family; young ; couple preferred; no children. 1616 | North street. ! UNFURNISHED ROOMS for rent. J 810 North Third street. Dial 5839. ' LARGE FRONT ROOM oil second floor, front, four windows, gas and | electric light, steam heat and use of 1 hath, facing on Sixth and Sayford; [also communicating room. Apply 1321 North Sixth. Dial 0839. FOR RENT Furnished front [room; city steam heat, electric lights and gas. Inquire 28 Soutti Third street. Third Floor Apartment. FOR RENT Two furnished, sec ond floor rooms for light housekeep ing. Adults only. All conveniences, j Inquire 923 North Se.cond street. NO. 1 SOUTH FRONT ST.. STEEL TON. PA. Three unfurnished front rooms for rent. Bell phone 218 Y. FOR RENT Two unfurnished rooms, suitable for light housekeep ing. Inquire 1124 North Sixth street. FOR RENT Large, unfurnished litingroom; suitable for suite of rooms; modern conveniences, inquire 276 Briggs street. SECOND AND THIRD FLOOR Furnished front rooms, with conveni ences, gentlemen only, in private fam ily. Addresa R., 8210, care of Tele graph. FOR RENT Largo, well-furnish ed rooms. Inquire 113 Locust street. FOR RENT Furnished rooms. $2.60 per week and up; warm rooms, running hot and cold water; light housekeeping and private hath. Wil son Apartments. No. 143 South Third. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE FOR SALE Slxteentd and Boas [streets brick house, 9 rooms and bath all modern Improvements, nice yard, drive alley. Fine location. Call Bell phone 2912. FOIt SALE Six-room-and-attto frame house, vvgter and gas. Rents for SB.OO per month. Will bring 810.00. Price, $900.00 cash to quick buyer. Inquire 212 Crescent street, j REAL ESTATE FOB SALE HOUSES FOR SALE Vacant 2-story brick, all Improve ments. porch front, drive alley, easy terms, on HUI; li) minutes' walk to station. Vacant, 9 rooms, porch front, side yard, bay wiudows, room for garage, steam heat, electricity and gas. Vacant, 10 rooms, porches, steam , heat, electricity and gas, hardwood floors, side and back yard, at New Cumberland. Possession April 1, 2-story brick, corner, room for garage, front porcn, all improvements. Po.-session April 1, single 3-story frame, corner, sleum heat, electricity and gas, front porch, garage in rear. 3-story brick. Market St $4,600 3-story brick. Market St ,6,500 3-story brick. Crescent St 3,800 j 2-story brick. Swatara St 3,400 I 3-story brick, Kegina St 3,500 i 3-story brick, Berryhtll 5t...... 3,00u | 3-story brick, Walnut St 3,000' 3-story brick. S. Eighteenth St.. 4,6001 3-story brick, State St 4,400 j 3-stcry brick, Sixth St 4,600! 3-story brick, Green St 6,000; 3-story brick, Briggs St 4,5001 2-story brick, S. Fifteenth St... 2,800; 2-story brick, Kensington St... 2,500; 2-story brick, Catherine St 2,700 2-story brick, Disbrow St 2,300 ) 2-story brick, Crescent St 2,6001 214-story brick, Summit St 2,500 j 2Va-story brick, Ross St 2,500' 2 54-story bungalow, Schuylkill St 2,500 I 212-story frame. West Fairview 1,200 Several fine suburban homes, in one- ] car fare, steam heat., electric lights, ! li, to 1-acre land, all improvements.: practically new homes. Several small Farms from 3 to 30 acres, near city. C. H. CORDER, 1722 Green Street. Bell SCOJ. Rents Collected. IF IT'S REAL ESTATE, SEE SANDERLIN. POSSESSION CAN BE GIVEN ON ANY OF THE FOLLOWING PROPERTIES ON OR ABOUT APRIL 1. PICK OUT YOUR HOME NOW AND DON'T BE CAUGHT NAPPING AURIL 1. WICONISCO ST., 623 to 631 Five houses, 3-story brick, eight rooms and bath, all improvements, front porch, driveway in rear, newly painted and fixed up in first-class shape; it will pny you to look at these houses be fore buying. MAHANTONGO ST., 616 and 620 Three houses, 3-story brick, eight rooms and bath, all improvements; right price to quick buyer. SIXTH ST., 2631-2633 Three story brick, eight rooms and bath, gas and electric lights, front porch, all improvements; only two left. SCHUYLKILL ST.. 61S to 628 Six houses, 3-story, buff brick fronts, all modern improvements; these are ex ceptionally nice looking homes; you can't make a mistake if you select one of these homes. SIXTEENTH ST., S., 512—Two-story brick, six rooms and bath, all im provements, front porch, cement col lar. nice rear entrance; a very nice ni ighborliood; the last one of twenty. DEKRY ST. AND TWENTY-SEV ENTH Throe-story brick, will be completed about April 1; hardwood floors, steam heat, gas and electric light, cemented cellar, everything that is nice In a home. IF ANY OF THE ABOVE Properties DO NOT APPEAL TO YOU. COME IN AND SELECT YOUR LOT, PICK OUT THE STYLE HOUSE YOU WANT AND WE WILL BUILD IT FOR YOU WITH A SMALL AMOUNT OF MONEY; BALANCE SAME AS RENT. • P. ASA SANDER LIN, Rcom 1. Security Trust Bldg., 36 NORTH THIRD ST. BELL 1390. DIAL 3573. FOR SALE S2l North Sixth street 3-story brick dwelling house lO rooms bath - hot and cold water fur nace large closets parlor, 30 ft. in depth dlningroom, IS ft. Second and third floors front rooms are about 16x19 ft. length of house, 64 ft. Can be seen by appointment. M. A. FOUGHT, I 272 North St. FOR SALE 2052 Susquehanna, a brick, 8 rooms, bath, hot air, gas, porches, 82,800. | Possession April 1. j 2207 Logan, brick, S rooms, bath, ' hot air, gas. porches, 52,500. Posses sion April 1. D. A. CAT.EY, 707 Kunkel. Bell 589. FOR SALE House on North Fif teenth street, 9 rooms, all improve ment, gas and electric combination fixtures, front porch. 23 ft. front by !H ft. Price, 83,500. Inquire No. 1633 | Market street. | FOR SALE —N. Eighteenth St., No. 718 Very desirable brick and stucco I house, with steam heat and electric ! light. Price, $4,500. J. E. Gipple, 1251 | Market, street. i 54000 WILL BUY a single house : with all improvements, on Bowman : avenue. Camp Hill. 51000 in cash ! Balance can remain in mortgage. ln j quire J. K. Kipp. VAOAV. possession at once—North 'Sixth street. 3-story brick, all jm ; provemcnts. steam heat, electric and ' gas, front porches, hay windows, side I yard, 8 rooms, room for garage. C. 11 i border. 1722 Green street. Bell 560-J [ Rents collected. 1 ' I FOR SALE Paxtang, p tt „ "616 I Brisbane street, fine suburban, 7-room ! brick house. Steain heat, electric and gas. front and rear porches, lot, 30x ! 120. rear drive. Can be occupied at | once. Call Bell 12M. FOR SALE Walnut St.. No. 1206 1— 8-roont brick house, with all mod ern improvements. In good repair Price. $2,800. Easy terms. J. E. Gipple' 11251 Market street. j FOR SALE —N. Fifteenth St., No [lßl B-roont brick and frame house" [ all improvements, including steam' [heat. Drive alley in rear. Easy terms. Price. $2,000. J. E. Gipple, 1251 Mar ; ket street. 1 FOR SALE Property on Green ! street. All conveniences. Good ! chance for colored family. Apply jq I 7304. care of Telegraph. ! FOR SALE Three 3-story frame houses, eight rooms, paved street. [ $2,100 each. Two brick semi-bunga lows. 6 rooms, laundry, bath, pantrv I porcfies. $3,150 each. Two bricks a'li improvements, $3,100 both. ' Also in dustrial plant, fine water power. Bell 13S4J. TWO-STORY BRICK HOUSE All Improvements: in city; front porch bav window; nice yard to drive alley sluo down, balance as rent. Llbertv Bonds accepted. y C. H. CORDER j 1722 Green Street. Bell 660-J. 1 FOR SALE Berryhill St.. No. 1415 !—B-room brick house, with all lm -1 proferments. Drive alley - in rear [Pi ice, $3,300. Easy terms. J. I Gipple, 1201 Market street HAHJUBBURG TELEGRAPH rTIIE LOGICAL BUYER FOR jjljj YOUR PROPERTY is the man- to whom it would be worth most be cause of its location and character. He lis rar is the man who is more eager to buy it p|| —when he finds out about it—than you are to sell it. Yes there IS HJ SUCH A MAN. He is not always m easy to find, but he is worth finding. i ' I _ m REAL ESTATE FUR SALE POSSESSION SOON. Reduced S3OO. No. 630 Mucncli street, is as fine a constructed dwelling as you will find in West End, and is a RARE BAR GAIN; 3-story brick, 8 rooms and hath, handsome slate sink and slate base around new kitchen range. About SI,OOO cash needed. Rental in come $23.00. No. 425 Hamilton can be bought for a little less than $3500. A handsome home in a fine residential section, in tine shape. Owner is sacrificing on j account, of leaving city No. 602 North Seventeenth street, is in the Hill's exclusive residential section. A little north of Stale street. Price is right. No. 1630 North Sixth, is a fine in vestment. Storeroom and apartment. Rental income S6O. Price SSOOO. Va cant soon. No. 1331 North Second street. A 3-story brick property in line shape, around the $2500 mark. BACKENSTOSS BROS. Russ Building Member Rbg. Real Estate Board. FOR SALE 2313 N. Sixth St., 3-story brick. 314-16 Emerald St., 3-story brick. PROGRESS 10 lots, 223x133 ft. Bargain to quick purchaser. H. M. BIRD. Union Trust Bldg. COUNTRY PLACE, located 9 mil'.-, from Harrisburg. About 1 acre of ground, fruit, house about 12 years old, outbuildings, 5 minutes' walk to railroad station, church or store, plenty of work near. Big bargain at SSOO. Call 810 North Third. Open evenings. Dial 5839. SWATARA ST., 1522 For sale, three-story brick, eight rooms and bath, all other improvements; side en trance; price very reasonable. Bell Realty Co., Bergner Building. SEVERAL HOUSES FOR SALE ON EASY TERMS Brick construction; all modern improvements, including steam heat: price, $3,400. Bell Realtv Co., Betgner Building. PARK ST.. 1832 For sale, 3-story hviclt, all modern improvements; lot, 17x110 to drive alley. Bell Realty Co., Bergner Building. NINETEENTH ST., N., 28 Single' brick dwelling for sale; fourteen rooms and bath, gas, electric light, steam heat; lot, 78x82. Bell Realty Co., Bergner Building. FORSTER ST., 1927-1929 53,000 will purchase two frame houses, brick and frame construction, gas, electric light. Bell Realty Co., Bergner Build ing. PENBROOK 52,500 will purchase a Penbrook house with seven rooms; lot, 30x200, with garage and chicken house. Bell Realty Co., Bergner Building. PENN ST., 2316 Vacant house for sale; brick construction, six rooms and both, steam heat, gas and electric light, concrete front porch, side en trance. Price, $3,400. Easy terms. Bell Realty Co., Bergner Building. BUY YOUR HOME on our rental payment plan. Small cash or Liberty Bond first payment required, balance as rent. We have houses In every part of the city and suburbs. Apply A. P. Doranz. 1225 North Sixth street FOR SALE Five-room-and-attic frame house, water in house. Rents for SB.OO per month. Will bring $9.00. Price, SBOO.OO casli to quick buyer. Inquire Crescent street. FOR SALE " " CAMP HILL 2V4-story brick dwell ing. 8 rooms and bath, hot air heat nice, large Jront porch, facing south' or. lot DOxloO feet. Clijckenhouse ami garage in rear. A number of fruit trees in bearing. Adjoining lot same size. Logan street, just west of Bow man avenue. Inquire on premises, or phone 3180-R Bell. v A. E. STRODE. FOR SALE —On easy terms, 2010 to 2018 Susquehanna street. Posses lilon on April 1. Apply A. P. Doranz 1225 North Sixth. F'OR SALE 3-story brick house on Hill; 8 rooms, porch, steam hea' side entrance: Immediate possession' Call Dial phone 5081. FOR SALE 52,250 will buy a 6- roctn brick house, with ail modern im provements. Good location. J. £ Gipple, 1251 Market street. REAL ESTATE FOR RENT V BEAUTIFUL COUNTRY HOME—' "HILLCREST" —FOR RENT Iqirge. country house, one block ftom trolley, all improvements. Hot and cold water, steam heat, gas, elec tric light, sun parlor. extensive grounds, tennis court, garage. Terms reasonable. Immediate possession. Call 801 l Phone 3139R-1, or address Baron Bestecki, P. O. Box 94. New Cumberland, Pa. MILLER BROTHERS & CO., Locust and Court Sts. FOR RENT No. 205-4 Swatara St., 3-story brick, 7 rooms and bath. Rents for s2o per month. No. 2005 N. Third St. 3-story brick, 13 rooms and bath. Rents for slou per month. No. 1118 N. Third St. Rents for S3B per month. No. 645 Boas St. Rents for $2-5 per month. SUMMER COTTAGES AT PERDIX Alabama Cottage Woltelo Cottage—■ Philadelphia 'Cottugc. v MISCELLANEOUS Store Room No. 1737 N. Third St., 20x60 ft. Rents for $45 per month. Stable —No. 231 Blackberry Avenue. F'OR RENT Corner store and house, also garage. Suitable for any business. Apply 67 Conestoga street Steelton, Pa. REAL ESTATE FOR RENT OWNER will rent to small family, without children, furnished home on North Second street. Eight largo rooms. In good repair and well fur nished. Prefer reserve top iloor. two rooms, for storage personal goods. Rent sixty or fifty dollars per month. Address 0., 6627. care of Telegraph Office. FOR RENT Livery stable at New Cumberland. Suitable for Garage or Repair Shop. Possession at once. C. If. Corder, 1722 Green street. Bell 560 J. FOR RENT 5-roomed house and summer kitchen, suitable for colored people. Rent. $12.00 per month, in quire A. Bariseh, 730 South Fourth street. Steel ton. REAL ESTATE—Eor Sale or Rent HOUSES AND GARAGES—At Fifth and Curtln Streets: possession of some of-the houses on thirty days' notice. Fred C. Miller. 31 North Sec ond. Bell phone 307 J. REAL ESTATE WANTED WANTED. TO BUY Residence in desirable part of the city. Inquire 110 South Thirteenth street. City. WANTED. TO RENT By returned naval aviator, a house in desirable locality, with modern improvements preferred, city or suburban. Posses sion wanted April 13 or sooner. Ad dress H., 7405. care of Telegraph. REAL ESTATE WANTED j We have some ready purchasers for |lmpro\ed Real Estate. Let us know | what you have to offer. LINCOLN REALTY CO. 1129 North Seventh Street. WANTED, TO RENT One single garage, located near Fourth and Peffer streets. Call 1176J Bell phone D. A. Lehman. WANTED—TO RENT We are having a number of appli cations at this time for furnihsed houses, apartments and rooms. What do you have to offer? Address Mil ler Brothers & Company, Locust and Cou-t streots. READY CASH FOR CITY PROPERTY WHAT HAVE YOU TO OFFER? BELL AND DIAL PHONES. CHAS. ADLER, 1002 N. THIRD ST. omces and Storerooms for Rent FOR RENT .BOARD OF TRADE AUDITORIUM.. For meetings, conventions Banquets Dances and parties' Use of piano free. Kitchen attached. 11. C. CLASTER, Jeweler, 302 Market Street. FOR RENT Second and third floors over Claster's Jewelry Store, now occupied by Kellbcrg's Studio. Has been occupied as a photo graphic studio for over ten years. Apply * CLASTER'S JEWELRY STORE, 302 Market Street. MARKET ST. STORE FOR RENT Beautiful Daylight Store 504 Market Street. CHAS. ADLEB 1002 North Third Street 250 HAMILTON STREET—Suitable for barber, tailor, poolroom or cigar store. Chas. Adler, !UU2 N. Third St. FOR RENT J-arge storeroom and house combined .in Lewisberry, York county. Pa. Apply at Post Orfice, Lewisberry. , FARMS FARMS. SMALL AND LARGE, ON EASY TERMS 1 acre, five-room house, with cellar $750.00. 1 acre, 8-room house, 1 car fare $1,500.00. 10 acres. 7-room house, good buildings and tine -land, $2,100.00. 15 acres, il-room house, good buildings and fine land, $1,600.00. 16 acres. 8-room house, good buildings and fine land, $2,000.00. 30 and 53 acres, near city. 48 acres, hay and straw, $2,750.00. 75 acres. 15 acres timber, $3,000.00. 105 acres, best cultivated ground $4,400.00. Call at 107 Chestnut Street. FOR SALK—MISCELLANEOUS PEOPLE COMING BACK THREE OR FOUR TIMES, SAY THAT LONG FLAME FURNACE COAL Is so satisfactory that no other COAL gives the same SATISFACTION. Order 1,000 lbs. to-day. $4.70. Bell 600. Dial 2345 J. B. MONTGOMERY, NO COAL CARDS NEEDED. SUBURBAN DELIVERY. FOR SALE Ohe very good Acorn 'range, $15.00: one very good Goodrich sewing machine, $15.00. Call 3840. FOR S.VLK—MISCELLANEOUS I A CO AI, DIGGING OUTFIT Cued i two months, consisting of a six-Inch! Morris suction pump, direct connected i engine, 10 ft. cleaning trough, pusher! boat and four tlats. tlood as new.' Price, $3,500.00. Mel vin Ci. Fahrlnger. j 800 North Fourth street. Sunliury, Pa. ! Foil SALE 3-pleee tapestry, ha- ! hogany llnished parlor set. Will he | sold reasonable. Inquire 1616 North! street. 3 EIGHT-FOOT FLOOR SHOW CASES FOR SALE. Apply SUPT., BOWMAN & CO. FOR SALE Reversible reed baby carriage, in good condition. Call! [evenlr.gr after 5 o'clock, at lit) South street. FOR SALE'—One roll-top typewrit- i ing desk, solid quartered oak. Willi sell at a great bargain. Apply G. W. Ream, 1313 Susquehanna street. CIGARS From Factory at $1 ! $1.25 t6 $1.50 per box of s*o, postpaid ! [or trial box of each for $3.25. w. f! ! Snell, Red Lion, Pa. FOR SALE Oak bedroom suite ! large gas range, 2 porch swings (one! very large), 50 ft. garden hose, sev eral pedestals, electric heater, wall machine for exercising. Call 2116 | North Third stx-ect. 0 A. M. to 4 P. M. | i FOR SALE Willow-top go-cart '■ I in good condition, new tires, at lea- i i sonnble price. Inquire 613 Schuylkill I I street. FOR SALE - One No. 8 Prizpf j Range, with waterfront, in good con-I dition. Call 917 Green street. ! FOR SALE Antique mahogany i ! desk, sideboard, upholstered sofa,' rocking chair, bookcase, sewing ma-i [chine, typewriter table. bedroom* I suite, serving table. Inquire 405 South i j Thirteenth street before March 12. I FOR SALE Two carloads of wale [ i nut legs. J. C. Kipp, Millerstown i j Perry county. Pa. I FOR SALE Natural reed babv I carriage, in excellent condition; also I white wicker bassinette. on wire! wheels. C a " Den 'y street. Belli j phone 967 M. Second Floor Apart | STIEFF BABY GRAND PIANO FOR i j SALE ln perfect condition. Or Will i exchange for automobile of equal! I value. Address Box 357, Lemoyne ; j FOR SALE Delivery wagon and! sleigh, boxes, barrels, baskets, crates I paper cartons, waste paper, burlap bags, etc. B. B. Drum, 1801 North ' i Sixth. I FOR SALE Wood for kindling | for range or furnace, pin, or oak ! [slabs or billets. Pleased customers in I | all parts of city. Bell photie 1055 M. j i TYPEWRITERS BOUGHT FOR I CASH ALL MAKES RENTED i EXCHANGED. GEO. P. TILLOTSON. | 205 LOCUST STREET. OPPOSITI OK PI I EDM TIIF.ATER. ROTH PHONES. i I FOR SALE One F. & p. Gas Plant, 14 lights, for sale cheap. In | good condition. Fine tiling for busi | ness that has no electric' connection. ! D. H. Martin, Elizabethtovn, r>„ j BLAISDELL LATHE 20 in. X 12 ft j ( Lodge & Shipley Quick Change 14 in. I x 6 ft. Mundy Hoist 6'4x10 in. Trav eling Derrick. 3 H. P. Gasoline En gine. 1 11. P. A. C. & D. C. Motors, !4 11. P. A. C. Motors, also will buy! good Metal Working Machinery and i Electric Motors. Generators. Battery | Charging Sets. etc. F. It. Laverty. 1557 Bell Phono. FOR SALE One live-piece ma hogany finish, plush parlor suite, | $25.00, one hand-made American wal- i nut haircloth parlor suite. price, I $50.00; one small gas heater, $.'.50; one lot of inverted gas fixtures. 75c each; one gas parlor lamp, $3.50; one marble-top table, SIO.OO. 1930 Green street. City. BARGAINS! BARGAINS! The Store across from Y. W. C. A offers you the Biggest and Best Bar gains in Men's and Boys' Suits. Over coats. Mackinaw Coats. Underwear Hats, Caps and Shoes. We are fam ous for Low Prices. Give us a trlaL OUTLET CLOTHING CO.. 83 North Fourth Street FOR SALE l5O-egg Trairie State Incubator, reasonable. Also Silver Lnced Wyandotte Eggs. SI.OO per set ting of 15 Eggs. Call, or write. Cal vin Leitzel. 1316 Howard street, City. MORRIS SAYS save money buying new and second-hand furniture here High prices paid for furniture. Morris Sehmertz. 1030 Ma: hot. Bell 3971 R. WANTED —MISCELLANEOUS HIGHEST'CASH PRICES PAID for Second-hand Furniture. Prompt at tention Newmark c.ovi • •■r.v,.ii street. Dial phone 4256. Bell 4705 R. WANTED Small house dog. State price and particulars. Address BOX E 6629, CARE OF TELEGRAPH. WANTED. TO BUY A 42 or 44 size full dress suit. Give price, etc Address P. O- Box 41. Uarrishurg. WANTED, TO BUY A modern, up-to-date, used typewriter. Address Box T. 7213. care of Telegraph. MAN SMELTZ Second-hand furniture bought and Isold Highest easn pi,,-,..- paid i- n || Bell 1071R, or drop a postal to Max Smeltz 1016 Market street. Will call,! city or country. I F. COHEN & COMPANY, York and j Ach avenues. Highest prices paid for i rags, paper, iron, barrels. . übber and 1 metal and old machines. Send postal or call 3221W Bell and Dial 6225. i HIGHEST PRICES PAID for all I kinds of empty barrels and junk. Call I Bell phone 4275. B. Abrams & Son. J 824-832 North Seventh street. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES 1 PACKING Experienced packers of Fur niture, China and Bric-a-brac. A. H. SHENK 1906 Nortl) Sixjh St. Bell Phone 399 W. ! CAPABLE BUSINESS MAN has SSOO to invest with services. Correspond- J once invited. Address Box T, 6622, care of Telegraph. I WILL BUY stationery, cigar, poo), soda, confectionery or small office business. All particulars first letter. No agents. Address Box L, 6621, care of Telegraph. FOR SALE Soda fountain, two cans. hose, gaze, in excellent condi tion. Will sell cheap to quick buyer. Apply 67 Conestoga street, Steelton, Pa. FOR SALE Grocery, doing a profitable business city 12.00U popula tion Central Pennsylvania. Excellent opportunity. Low price to quick ! buyer. Write at once for particulars. I Address Box R. 704 L care of Tele ! graph. i FOR SALE Established drug Etote, near Harrlsburg. Modern and well stocked. Good oda fountain. Good investment, and a bargain. lil ihealth, reason for selling. Apply Box B 7505, care of Telegraph Office. , MARCH 10, 1919. BUSINESS PERSONALS SAFETY-RAZOR BLADES RE SHARPENED Single edge—2sc per dozen. Double edge—36c per dozen. METROPOLITAN HOT ED ANNEX OR THIRD AND CUMBERLAND STREETS BARBER SHOP. All Work Guaranteed. OXY-ACHTYEKNE WEEDING Ar.y metal welded. Work guaran teed. Carbon removed by oxygen. Capital City Welding Co., 153S Logan! street. Bell 4396 J. FURNITURE, CARPETS, STOVES— Bought and sold. S. Gold, 1014 Mar ket. Bell 4085 J. QNININE—*I-ook out tor that grippe 1 feeling, likely to catch you this! changeable weather. OUR LAXATIVE PHOSPHO-QUININK will stave it off I If taken In time. Gross Drug Store. I 119 Market street ! CONTRACTOR AND BUlLDEß—Es tlmntes, Jobbing. First-class work. ] H W. Hummer. 1423 Liberty street. I j Bell 4420. ____ ! ~ " A. LANE New and second-hand furniture bought and sold. Highest prices paid. 102 o b Market street. Bell 4 730-J. INVENTORS FINANCED Patents Automobiles, Motorcycles Bought, ! void Exchanged. Cash or commission. Simon Horst. Linglcstown. Pa. UPHOLSTERING Of the best kind. Work guaranteed. We cull and deliver 308 Broad street. Dial phone 4826. Bell phone 4705 R. RAZOR BLADES SHARPENED 1 Single edge, 25c doz.; double edge, 35c doz.; razors. 25c. Gorgas Drug Store. FURNITURE CRATED—And china i packed for shipping. Also repairing.! I j. A. Bishop. 1736 Logan street. ' DIAMONDS bought for cash—P. H. iCaplar. Co.. 206 Market street. MONEY TO LOAN ! WE LEND MONEY In compliance i I with Act of June 17, 1915. to Indlvldu- j uls in need of ready cash; small loans a specialty, business confidential, pay ments to suit borrower's convenience, I ! positively lowest rates In city. PENNSYLVANIA INVESTMENT CO. ! 132 Walnut Street. I | MONEY If vou are pressed for ready ! cash to meet any emergency, j i call to see us. We lend money in compliance with the laws of the State. EMPLOYES' LOAN SOCIETY. ROOM 206 BERGNER ELDG., | THIRD AND MARKET STREETS. LICENSED AND BONDED BY STATE. MONEY FOR INCOME TAXES and other necessities. If you are sub ject to tax and wtthout funds and : bank credit, our money service may ; Interest, you. Cost reasonable. Pay i ments arranged to suit your income. CO-OPERATIVE LOAN & INVEST MENT CO., 204 Chestnut St. MUSICAL I FOR SALE Upright piano. Cheap for cash. Must sell on account of ; moving. Address Box L 7405, care of i Telegraph. I FOR SALE Saxaphone and Hawaiian guitar, in good condition. Only used a few months. Call Bell phone 2932 R. VIOLINS. MANDOLINS. GUITARS. ! BANJOS. Band and Orchestra Instru | ments promptly and carefully repair ed. OYLER'S, 14 South Fourth street. TALKING MACHINES promptly and cert fully repaired by an expert only OYLER'S. 14 South Fourth street. PLAYER PIANO With forty rolls of music, for sale; slightly used; must be sold at once; cheap to a quick buyer. Spangler Music House. 2112 North Sixth street. iIAUfAMi AND MOVING AUTO HAULING Local and long distance a specialty. Wo move fur niture and pianos everywhere, any where, at any time. Robert Aboff, 1601 North Fourth. Bell phone 1718 J. AUTO HAULING—LocaI or long distance. Furniture and piano moving a specialty. Blue Line Transfer, 917 Capital street. Both phones. AUTO HAULING Anything, any where. Furniture moving. E. S. Os mnn. 717 South Nineteenth street. Bell 1591 W. RICKS Local and long-distance linuling and storage. 424 Reily. Both phones. LOCAL AND LONG-DISTANCE HAULING Furniture moving. Prompt service. Ernest Corbln, 656 Cnlder street. Both phones. Bell 3636-J. Dial 3683. FOR HIRE —Two-ton auto truck Apply 1103 South Ninth street. Bell phone 2455 R. HEAVY HAULING—FuIIy equipped j for furniture, freight and piano mov- I Ing. No distance too far. Careful ; driver. Rain and dustproof body. J. iE. Grubber's Truck Service. Irwin I Aun'gst. manager. Hershey. Pa. Bell 1 phone 15R6 ! AUTO TRUCK SERVICE Local and long distance. F. J. Marter, Bell I 39-J, Steelton. ' AUTO HAULING Local and long ! distance. Furniture moving a rpe leialty Rates reasonable. Prompt i service. Call Bell 623-J. I GENERAL HAULING AND FAST EXPRESS SERVICE to nenrbv towns with auto trucks. Only experienced I and careful drivers. Call Bell 3320, | or Dial 2265. ALL KINDS OF HAULING AND MOVING DONE j CONRAD BROS.. 341 KELKER ST. BELL PHONE 623 W. I DIAL PHONE 3518. STORAGE ' STORAGE—4I9 Broad street, house | hold goods, merchandise. I'rlvute rooms at reasonable rates. Also haul- I Ing of all kinds. D. Cooper & Co. j Both phones. ! STORAGE—In brick building, rear 408 Market. Household goods in clean, private rooms. Reasonable rates. P. | G. Diener, 408 Market street. ! STORAGE Private rooms for i household goods in fireproof ware house. $3 per month and up. Lower | storage tatcs in non-fireproof ware j house. Ifarrlsburg Storage Co.. 437- j . South Second street. WHERE TO DINK | ALVA HOTEL AND RESTAURANT. I THE HOME OF SATISFACTION. STOU F F ER'9 R EST A U R ANT-Horae cooking served, to Businessmen and Ladies in separate dining rooms. UNDERTAKERS ' SAMUEL S. FACKI.ER. FUNERAL DIRECTOR 1312 Derry St. ' BELL 1956. DIAL 2133. RUDOLPH K. BPICER, Funeral Director and Embalmer, 511 North Second Street. BELL. 262. DIAL 2145. CEMETERY LOTS FOR SAI7B PROSPECT HILL CEMETERY - Beautifully situated on Market street east of Twenty-sixth, and on th north and east faces the new park. At ay. The prices of lots are moder. ate. Miller Bros. Co., Agents. Cleaners and Dyers IT PAYS to .have Clothes Cleaned. Pressed. Dyed or Repaired at the best place in town. Call and deliver, Goodmau's. J.>6H North Sixth. Both Phones. AUTOMOBILES OVERLAND "SPRING SALE" OF USED CARS. Although our stock has been rapidly depleted, we have recently traded in sev eral additional cars. They' have been put in good me chanical condition and some have been repainted. All are offered at prices that will move them quickly. IJuick Roadster, all tires, top and upholstery good. Very fair mechanical condition. A serviceable car. Sale Price $293. Overuand 5-passenger Tour ing. overhauled and refinished like new. Complete with elec tric lights and starter. Sale Price $495. Overland 5-passenger Tour- Touring. Tires good. In very fair condition. Sale Price $350. Commonwealth 5-passenger Touring. A light, roomy car, 1918 Model, top, paint, up holstery and all tires good. Good mechanical condition. Worth $630. Included in this sale at $525. Maxwell Touring, late model 5-passenger. Special top Avith glass AVindows in rear curtain. A splendid value. WiUys-Kniglit. 5-passenger Touring. Special first grade Pantasote top with glass win dows in rear curtain. This cur is mechanically line, is re finished and looks like neAA-. Almost new Cord tires all around. We cannot recom mend it too highly. ACT NOW. Place your order willi a small deposit and we Avill hold your car for April delivery, if you wish. L Convenient Time Payments. Open Evenings Until Nine. THE OVKRLAND-HARRISBURG CO., North Second Street. f Both Phones. YOU CAN BUY A REBUILT TRUCK ON CONVENIENT MONTHLY PAYMENTS H4 and 2-ton Garforda, chassis only or equipped with express or dump bodies. Hi-1%-214 and 2Vi-ton Bethlehems, with or without bodies. Light delivery wagons. In cluding Bulcka, Overland* and Vims. THE OVERLAND-HARRISBURO COj Open Evenings, 212.214 North Second St. Both Phones IF YOU WANT TO KNOW why the Bayfield is the best car buretor for any car. and how It will save you money, drive around to-morrow and we will tell you all about it. FEDERICK'S GARAGE, 1807-09 North Seventh St. General Auto Repair Shop. FOR SALE Overland 1918 Ceun* try Club, Avlre wheels and extras $750. A real bargain. Run 2,7ut miles. Don't miss this. Ray Dear dorff. Camp Hill Oarage. FOR SALE 1916 Model Oldsmo bile Eight Touring; 4 tires practically new: 2 extra tires; newly painted; in line condition; a bargain. K. W. Rashoar, Milleraburg. Pa. FOR SALE Hollier 8-cylindei touring car. Good as nCAV. If inter ested. Inquire 11. M. liartz, Palmyra. Pa. FEDERAL GARAGE Automobile Repairing. No Job too small. Let us do your work. Ford Specialty. Both Phones. FEDERAL GARAGE, Court and Cranberry Street*. FOR SALE 1919 Seven-pasaengei Reo, completely equipped. Run onlj 700 miles. Owner having died, cat offered at reasonable price. Address Eox L. 6619. ca(e of Telegraph. FOR SALE Overland Model 7 5-russenger touring car. In good run ning condition. A bargain. $285. I n . quire Beaver's Garage, 632 North street. MICHIGAN 40 Touring Car. in ex. cellent shape. Will be sold at a bar. gain. This car is electrically exjuip. ped. 1918 Buck Roadster, In Al shape; cunnot be told from new. 1911 Ford Touring Car. extra tire, $340 Chelsea Auto Wrecking Co.. $2-21 Noith Cameron street. SECOND-HAND TRUCKS AND PLEASURE CARS FOR SALHl—Ford ton trucks. 2-ton Autocar truck. 2-to Republic truck. 4-passenger Mltcnel! Club roadster, 7-passenger Haynci touring car. International Harvestei Company of America, Truck Depart ment. 619 Walnut street FOR SALE 1917 Reo 6-paasenger. Apply Sible's Garage, 301 Cumber. ! land street. City. | Additional Classified Ads •n Opposite Page