Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, March 10, 1919, Page 10, Image 10
10 HARRISBURG TELEGRAPH A NEWSPAPER FOR THE HOME Founded 1831 Published evenings except Sunday by THE. TELEGRAPH PRINTING CO. Telegraph Building, Federal Sqaare E. J. STACKPOLE President and Editor-in-Chief F. It. OTSTER, Business Manager GUS. M. STEINMETZ, Managing Editor A. R. MICHENER, Circulation If onager Executive Beard J. P. McCULLOUGH, BOYD M. OGLKSBY. F. R. OYSTER, GUS. M. STEINMETZ. Members of the Associated Presa— The Associated Press is exclusively en titled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to It or not otherwise credited in this paper and also the local news pub lished herein. All rights of republication of special dispatches herein are also reserved. A Member American s.vlv^ania^Aasocia ! fiS Si SBB tm Eastern office. B| jM Story, Brooks & j Avenue Building, g' a s ' BuThfi'ng 8 ' Chicago, 111. Entered at the Post Office in Harris burg, Pa., as second class matter, CUTTTa- . carrier, ten cents a .S§£k week: by mail, $3.00 a year in advance. It is for chastening that yc endure; God dcalcth Kith you as Kith sons; for tchat son is there whom his father chastcncth notf —HEB, 12:7. MONDAY, MARCH 10, 101® IMPORTANT LUNCHEON ARNOLD W. BRUNXER, architect in charge of the Capitol Park development, and J. E. Greiner, designer of the proposed State street memorial bridge, will address the Chamber of Commeice at luncheon to-morrow. They will explain at length just what it ts proposed to do. They will show the grades and new street lines, the entrances to the bridge on both sides and will paint such a picture of the great under takings as will leave nobody in doubt as to details. The speakers should have a large audience. Much as has been written concerning the park extension and the viaduct, there is still no little misunderstanding, or lack of under standing, as to just what it is planned to do. The two improvements are so rlosely linked with the future de elopment of the city that they hould receive most careful study on i lie part of Harrisburg people. Now is the time to discuss faults or ob '.ections, if any exist, in order that ihey may be corrected before it is too late. City .rights of way through iho park ; and the new bridge ap proaches . are subjects with which :very resident of the city should be amtliar. The Chamber of Commerce eeognizes the importance of united üblic sentiment behind the projects nd the .opportunity to obtain first and information should not be . leglected. We recommend that the Peace Com i li.-.-ion Committee investigating the Kaiser's responsibility for the war • •ad the Telegraph's serial, "The Pri vate Life of the Kaiser." SEND HIM BACK A MBASSADOR FRANCIS charges that Raymond Robbins, Red Cross commissioner to Rus a, is in reality a Bolshevik delegate nt here to try to induce President . /ilson to recognize Lenine and I'rotzky. .l f that is true, the sooner Kobbins is sent back to Russia the I ctter. How any red-blooded American, after having seen as much of Russia* as Robbins lias, • ■ juld ask his government to have ■ nything to do with the damnable • retclies i,n control there is cliffi • .lit to ) understand. . Surely, Robbins cannot be a mar ried man. Surely, he cannot have sister or a mother and still hold mpathy for Bolshevism. One of le tenets of the Lenine and Trotzky octrine is that women shall all be üblic property.' Any man, under olshevik rule, may have any oman he chooses, whether married • single. The dirtiest, vilest wretch iom the gutter is entitled to any v oman or girl he desires, whether he or her husbi nd or father or rother objects or no, and, if any •>t them do try to protect her, they re to be thrown into jail or exe cuted. If this is the kind of Red Cross • •ommiasioner Robbins is, he has dis graced a noble organization, and it high time we shipped him back .) Moscow. BENEFIT FROM FAILURE happy suburbanites of a is'ew Jersey town held a celebra. ~ tion the.other night because Con ess failed to repeal the daylight ring law. And well they might. • •ngress failed to do a lot of things t! should have done and did a lot of • •ins;s It should not have done, but ii heglect is not without its bless >gs, for it Is pretty certain that if * o agricultural bill had gone f ' 'rough the anti-daylight rider ould have gone along. So for an- MONDAY EVENING. other year, at least, wo shall hrfve our extra hour of light In the even ing. The objections to the new law were conllned altogether to the farming districts, and not all farmers were opposed. The market gaidners originated Jhe proposal to repeal the statute and it is very much to be suspected that they did so in the hope of thus hampering the home garden, to which they are opposed as limiting their own profits. Per haps by another year they will be more reasonable. At all events towns people will be on their guard and will be prepared to fight to the bitter end for the retention of the extra hour of light in summer. Camp Hill is going to plant trees In honor of the soldiers of that progress ive West Shore borough. It is credit able to the patriotism and public spirit of the people across the river that they realize the importance of tree planting and recognize in "trib ute trees" proper memorials to their soldiers. DEVOTION TO STATE IT IS very much to the credit of Major William G. Murdock, the executive draft officer for Penn sylvania, that he declined the prof fered appointment of a majority in the judge advocate general's depart ment of the; army in order to com plete his work connected with the operation of the selective service system in this State. As a lawyer and a man of military experience, Major Murdock would naturally bo expected to embrace the opportuni ties presented by such a place in the legal department of the army. Many men would have promptly accepted the tender and no one would have thought any the less of them. In the case of Major Murdock he has recognized a Stale duty. Penn sylvania furnished the second larg est number of men to the army of any State, myriads of them under the draft. This is the time when the records are being made up finally and a mistake now may mean loss of standing by a man who fought in the war when it conies to look up what the State has on the books in after years. Major Murdock, who has demonstrated his ability and his familiarity with the draft repeated ly, has the whole system at his fin gers' ends and the State is fortunate that he is going to give the benefit of his experience and knowledge to the proper compilation of the all im portant records, and that he is ac tuated by such a spirit o'f sacrifice as to decline army appointment in order to safeguard for the thous ands of men who went into the army the recognition which is their due. HORSE AND THE ROADS IT MUST be admitted that there is a great deal of force in the argu ment advanced by delphia and Allegheny counties that the present tendency of the time is to make roads more suited to motor traffic and that some provision should be made whereby "shoulder" or "side" roads should be provided for horses. The continuous use of im proved roads by automobiles often makes them so smooth that a horse has 'rouble in ordinary weather j keeping footing unless shod with rubber, while during rains even ani mals having the shoes which are in general use in cities have difficulty 'in standing up. Just what happens to the farmers' horses when they start to market or when they use an improved road for hauling need not be gone into. It is apparent. Highway Commissioner Sadler, who early sensed the situation in regard to horses and roads, has been asking opinions of his numerous callers on the subject, and it would seem that it is a matter for more or less local supervision. Some sec tions are blessed with parallel roads which enable horses to travel away from the too smooth highways, while other sections are not confronted with the same problem as vicinities of Philadelphia and other cities, for instance. What is needed is determination upon a policy of local co-operation. The State, it may be said, will do its share and do it generously. REAL CAPITAL CITY GOVERNOR SPROUL is deter mined to concentrate the scat tered State officials in Harris burg and is having the cordial ap proval of the public in this policy. Too long State officials have found it convenient for themselves to drift outside Harrisburg for personal or family reasons. The Governor is now determined that the authorities of the State shall be focused here, and his spirited address before the Harrisburg Chamber of Commerce, in which he dwelt upon the necessity for additional dwellings in this cily to accommodate the returning officials, was an evidence of his earnestness in this matter. Last week several divisions of the more important departments were ordered to Harrisburg from Phila delphia, and as Boon as space is pro vided for others they will return here so that there may be an ef ficient concentration of all the State activities at the Capitol. It is because of these conditions that Governor Sproul and the Board of Public Grounds and Buildings are urging the erection of at least one of the State office buildings during the present Meanwhile it is up to Harrisburg to co-operate in every way so that there may be am ple housing facilities for all who de sire to live here. It is certain from all indications that the demand for houses will be Increasingly urgent during the next few months. "tyelZU €4- Ik * jVtut^Ctraiua By the Ex-Committeeman Probably the most discussed sub ject among men who follow the trend of politics in Pennsylvania is the confidence members of the Leg islature are displaying in Governor! William C. Sproul. To an extent not known here in many years the (general assembly is depending upon | the Governor for guidance in enact ments of legislation and it is expect ed that the important bills which have been so much discussed will niuke their appearance at an early day. The illness of the' Governor following his sojourn at the confer ence of the Governors where he rep resented Pennsylvania in a way that attracted much attention interfered materially with the introduction of the legislation planned by the State Executive. Two causes are assigned for the situation as it now exists among the legislators. One is that the members recognize the Governor as the most experienced legislator in the State by reason of his unusually long service in the upper house. The | other is fjiat his inaugural address i is Considered one of the best pro grams ever outlined bjf a new Gov ernor. Then, too, it is recognized that the Governor is a man of large business interests and that he is working on plans to put some of the principles which made hint success ful in large enterprises into effect in the State government, which takes time. —lt can be expected now, say ob servers of things at the Capitol that the administration legislation will commence to come along rapidly and a continuance of the support of the Governor is predicted. —Some people in Philadelphia are getting around to the idea that when the talking is all done and the fire works shot off that a new Philadel phia churter hill will he arranged with the Governor bringing about an adjustment of difficulties. The same is believed likely in regard to second class legislation, about which the average up State legislator declines to get qxcited. —Odell Hauser says in the Phila delphia Press that the Governor will | name the next Mayor of Philadel phia as a harmony move. The Phil adelphia Inquirer says: "A sharp drawing of the lines between the friends and foes of charter revision may be booked for at Harrisburg the coming week and the canvass for the selection of a successor to Mayor Thomas R. Smith inaugurated by the leaders of the Town Meeting Party, will keep alive interest in the local political situation. Senator Penrose's home-coming from his strenuous activities in Congress will be wel comed by his Philadelphia lieuten ants. who have been making time in anticipation of an early conference when a program of action will be definitely determined upnn for the preliminaries for the Mayoralty can. vass." —People familiar with the State Capitol say that there is more truth than poetry in the Philadelphia Press Oirard observation that Attor ney General William I. Schaffer said at the Lafayette dinner that when h<V**tteforl his office lie thought the duties legalistic. Instead, he said, he had found them largely gastrono mic. —The manner in which Democrats from the president down are claim ing the result of the bye congres sional election in the Westmoreland Rutler district is a victory for the principle of the League of Nations and the activity of Allentown news papermen in contending that the re sult was "largely due to the fore sight and work of Lawrence H. Rupp." the Allentown lawyer who is one of the most interesting contrasts of the hour in State politics. —Kx-Senator John M. Jamison, the Republican candidate who was defeated and who ought to know by he met an unexpected slaughter says of the result: "The issues In the special election on March 4 on which the result turned were ex clusively local. The President's lea gue of nations plan and other Fed eral government fiuestions were Ig nored. "Labor propaganda, misrep*. resenting my attitude to labor, ac tivity of the liquor interests and the exceedingly light Republican vote polled were main factors in bringing about my defeat. Neither in any public utterance or in any of my campaign literature did I make any reference to the Peisldent's league of nations." —People here are looking for D. J. Lewis, who has resigned as director of telegraphs, to cr|ie into Pennsyl vania on his announced movement to standardize and adjust salaries of telegraphs, to come into Pennsyl interesting thing to watch what he does. —Congressman W. W. Griest, of Lancaster, is a new member of the congressional committee on post of tices. —The Philadelphia Public Ledger, which is assailing the school board system in that city as "archaic" and "unprogressive," is demanding that, the bill to take policemen and fire men out of politics and to forbid political contributions be passed. The Ledger which has large contracts on its hands these days, says editori ally about the latter proposition: "These provisions are of the utmost importance, for they strike at the root of mis-government in Philadel phia. They would aboltah the cor ruption fund to which city employes are now compelled to contribute, they would prevent officials from protecting violators of the prohibi tions against participation in politics, and they would make the commis sion a real power for good instead of the creature of an administra tion bent upon evading and destroy ing the whole principle on which the civil service system is built. There should be no attempt at Harrisburg to emasculate these wholesome and necessary provisions." —The announcement of Wilton A. Erdman of his candidacy for presi dent judge of the Monroe-Pike dis trict means a fight in the opinion of politicians of both of the big parties. Judge Erdman's appointment will be the Incumbent, Judge Samuel E. Shuli, a Democrat, who was appoint ed by Dr. Martin Q. Rrumbaugh. Judge Erdman, a Republican, is ono of the leading members of the Mon roe county bar. - His capacity for service on the bench./ was demon strated In 1903 when, by appoint ment of Governor Stone, he was selected to fill the unexpired term caused by the death of the late l Judge Craig. He is a "dry." RAJRRISBI7RG TELEGRAPH WHEN A FELLER NEEDS A FRIEND BY BRIGGS \ f • A //A THIMKFLNJFI ABOUT TUHCLUL/ OP VHA? / V/A ATHLENC T( !<OU4HT (VA GOO OSF M,W ,USH™ // , / >YX/ THAT KTDS UMDB I?/ PROFCSSIONAI // / / AY// OUY OFRALL X V I CUUES! / '/ /7 \ ATHLE^ C \ "After Horse Is Stolen'' [Samuel G. Blythe in the Saturday' Evening Post] The average American reads columns'in the daily papers con-1 cerning revelations made before cer tain congressional committees about pro-Germanism before ant! duting the war in his country. He is amazed, disgusted and confused over these revelations, because he can not figure out why, if all these things were going on during the war, and before it, something wasn't done then, for the government has not all this information since: the armistice was signed and had j most of it while the hostilities were j on. He cannot understand why, with I all this proof available, these men! who are being told about now were | allowed to remain at liberty, or why, since they were allowed to remain | at liberty at the crucial time, theyj are being exposed now, when it Is i all over. What's the* use? He doesn't get that phase of it, j to be a monumental case of locking j nor sense the logic of this retro active crusade, for it seems to him the barn door after the horse has been stolen, unless indeed the horse that was stolen wasn't worth much, and the door locking is merely a justification for inaction because some people may have had an ex aggerated idea of the value of the horse. Any way the average American looks at it, it perplexes him, for according to his mind the time to expose such people is when they are operating, not when they have quit. It reminds him of a judicial process that would send a man to jail and not let that fact be known until after his term was up and he was out and free again. He can't get the defini tive angle on it all, unless perhaps it would have been politically or otherwise injudicious to expose some of those concerned except in this after-the-war manner. He wonders about that. War Junk Cost Was High [From the Philadelphia Inquirer.] Eventually we shall have paid out 35 billion dollars in this war. not including Interest, pensions or I other considerations. Of this amount' about 10 billion will be due from foreign nations, and we may or may not get the money. It is perfectly well known that a great portion of our own expenditures was for mate rials never used. We had practically no artillery In France when the armistice was I signed and our airplane showing was little better. We had enormous stores in this country for shipment which never were needed. If Uncle Sam could sell at cost price the goods on hand, including such raw materials as wool and copper, he would be in excellent financial con dition. Unfortunately, this is im possible. Much of the war material can be used only as junk It is supposed to be a time for turning swords into plowshares and spears into pruning hooks, but the cost is great. That is why there is some slowing down in manufacturing. Tn probability several thousand factories' work was going on for a definite purpose which wholly failed to be of ben efit. Uncle Sam is trying to sell his junk, but most of it is of small com mercial value. It must be turned back into raw material with the great loss jof expert labor used on its original formation. Figures of salvage arc not complete, but Uncle Sam hopes to collect one billion dol lars out of what cost him ten times as much. His Reward The nervous Wreck had explained at great length his symptoms. All thar were described in the medical books Ho had, and some besides. "Do you understand me?" he fi nally asked the doctor, when he had ended his enumeration. "1 do," replied the doctor, "and I'll give you something for your pains."—From the Detroit Free |-Press. Proposed State Sons ERASMUS Wilson, the sage of the Pittsburgh Gazette-Times is enjoying the discussion of the State song bills. He quotes the latest aspirant for fame—and place —saying: "Old Pennsylvania of mine, I bow me at thy sacred shrine, And there beneath God's vaulted dome I swear a vow for home, sweet home. "The Keystone State that binds the whole, With pride we look upon the scroll, And read among the battle scars The glory writ in golden stars. j "Within the shade of Fort Duquesne In peace the farmer sows his grain, And bending harvests richly grow Where Susquehanna's waters flow." The composer then goes on with ! seven more verses, in which ho re fers to the Indian war-cry, the clanging anvil. Valley Forge, Gettys- j burg, the Independence bell. House Hill No. 218 This act formally proposes the j adoption of the song quoted above (in j part) as the official State song for the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, which is credited in the bill to "Dr. Will George ISutler, director of music of the Mansfield, Pa., State Normal School." The object in printing the above sample ot the proposed official State song is to give the citizens of the Commonwealth and opportunity to judge of its merits, and then to boost I the passage of the bill, or not as the spirit of patriotism may move them. Tnere are some striking lines in it, for instance those referring to i the farmer sowing his grain "within I the shade of Fort Duquesne" and to , the bending harvests in the Susque- < i hanna River. | However, poets and song writers | are allowed considerable license, but 'in such cases they should be re | quired to accompany their raanu | scripts with diagrams, and the ' scenaria with moving picture films. State Songs Some ot the states have songs, yet but few, if any, have been adopted by Legislatures. whether becuuso none of those offered have been good enough, or through fear of offend ! ing the authors and friends of those rejected. No doubt there are some, many indeed, who will try to laugh Dr. Butler's effort into the discard, for there are always those who dislike songs, and music, and poems which their several authors, and their friends, regard as classics and fit to take the bun. As a matter of course some of those who sit in judgment on this song wouldn't know a state song from a hymn, and couldn't distin guish between a stately air and a ragtime roulade. For this reason a State Legislature should not be asked to pass on the merits of a Stale song, or any other, for that matter. Better leave it to a com mission composed of the friends of the several composers, and await their unanimous verdict. Naturally such a commission would have to be empowered to perpetuate Itself in definitely. State Mowers Only a few years ago a number of State Legis atures were almost dis rupted while endeavoring to choose State flowers. In this State members from the mountainous parts con tended for the trailing arbutus, while those from tho low grounds stood up for golden rod and others from the back counties insisted on some thing more easily discernible by the naked eye, such as the hollyhock and sunflower. Timid folks objected to arbutus, claiming that it flourishes ' best where rattle snakes are most plenti ful, while hayfever victims rose en masse against the goldenrod, assert ing that even the mention of the name set them sneezing and water ing at the eyes. Only the wealthy and more aris tocratic objected to the hollyhock and sunflower and that mainly be cause they are so common and so cheap. County schoolboys who indulge in "Injun tights" were for the poke berry, while their gentle sisters de murely favored the modest, yet fascinating johnny^jump-up. A Sad State Sung Speaking of songs, here is orte by an unknown poetizer that is pe culiar, as you will see, and specially well adapted for a band or crowd of singers. Almost any of those who sang along before the war can give you the tune. Or, if you happen to catch the spirit of the thing you can make a tune to suit it, or rather it will suggest or make the tune itself. My song is of a nice young man His name is Peter Gray, And the state where Peter Gray was born , Is Penn-syl-va-ni-a. Now Peter Gray did fall in love, All with a nice young girl, The name of her, I'm positive, Was Lizzie Annie Querl. When they were going to be wed Her father he said no. And brutally did send her off Beyond the O-hi-o. When Peter found his love was lost, He knew not what to say, j He'd half a mind to jump into The Sus-que-han-ni-a. A trading went he to the West, For furs and other skins, And there he was in crimson dressed By the bloody In-ji-ins. I When Lizzie Annie heard the news, ] She straightway went to bed, And never did get out of it | Until she dl-i-ed. MORAL: I Now ye fathers all a warning take. Each one that's got a girl, And think upon poor Peter Gray And Lizzie Annie Querl. Just Found It Out j Manuel is a Mexican. He runs a chili wagon on Main Street and up I to a day or so ago had had a good record. But on the fatal dav he found himself before - a judge charged with assault and battery. "Why did you beat that man?" asked the judge. "He called me s<ynething, senor," answered Manuel politely. "What did he call you?" "El rhinoceros, senor judge." "A rhinoceros! When was this?" "Three years ago," responded Manuel and the court nearly fell off the bench. "Ton mean that you hit a man yesterday on account of something he called you three years ago?" de manded the Judge. "Si, senor! Up until that ac cursed yesterday 1 have not seen a | rhinoceros. Only yesterday do r ! learn the colossal size of the insult." | Los Angeles Times. j Move Frontier to Save Paris | Paris takes a practical view of a I geographical question of world-wide interest. It holds that it is too near | the German frontier. This Is a fact : which the Germans have been at I great pains to make plain. Being Jso near the German frontier, Paris j thinks, it is likely to be menaced in j,the future at it has been In the past, j It seems clenr, then, that something should be done. Paris cannot be i moved from Its present site. Such I being the case, tho only way to over j come the difficulty, as Paris sees It, 1 is to set back the German frontier Ito a safe distunce. In the Ijffht of all the information at hand, this I .seems like a reasonable solution of j the problem.—From the Christian [Science Monitor. MARCH 10, 1919. What if the Lapse of Ages Were a Dream? What if the lapse of ages were a dream. From which we waked, clutching the primal bough. Seeing familiar thunder-piercing cragrs, Vast dripping woods, and saurian bedewed swamps. That wearied the new heavens with their noise, Wild seas, that maddened, foaming, ever gnawed At fog-wrapped cliffs, and roaring in defeat, Ran to eye-wearying distance, with out shore — All things familiar; but our dull ape minds Troubled with visions vague; the hungry roar Of the great cabred tiger far below Seeming in our wild dream the thund'rous sound Of hurtling heated monsters, made of steel; And the God-scattered worlds that \ gem the sky Seeming in vision dread the blinding glare Of myriad windows in huge range on rang e Of mountain buildings, teeming o'er with life The wallowing pleiosaurus' gurgling 1 snort Changed in our dreams to ryhthmlc, panting roar Of black insensate steel amphibians. Daring the ocean's dread horizon line; And the high flap of pterodactyl wings Making us whine with fear, for, in our dream, We saw vast lifeless birds, that roar ing flew, Commanded by weak puny likenesses Of our ape-selves; we cringed with terrors vague • Of ungrasped thoughts we could not understand — What if the lapse of ages were a dream? —Stephen Moylan Bird in Contem porary Verse. The Child and the llomc [From the Nashville Tenncsscan] The problem of juvenile crime and its increase of late has been the subject of much comment and dis cussion, but in our opinion Judge Wells, in a recent speech delivered before the Y. M. C. A. at Vander bilt, put his finger on the chief cause of this grave evil of our pres ent life, when he said that in every case that he had personally investi gated the lack of a home or proper home conditions was found as the accompaniment of the juvenile de linquency or criminal conduct. This, however, does not suggest a simple remedy or ready solution of the trouble, as it brings us up against the proposition that the lack of a home is a startling feature of our modern way of living. There is very little home life to be found in any j social class in this country now. The old conception of a home for the protective care of children, their , training and discipline and a close and constant association of the family, has changed to something in the shape of a place to change clothes in, to eat occasional meals and use as a lodging house and a receiving station for mail. In fact, the American home went out some where between the coming in of the automobile and the picture show. Conceding fully tlio limitations of parents and the lack of ideal con ditions in the majority of homes, still the decadence und virtual dis appearance of the home iViark a real loss whose importance may be gauged in the consequent increase of Juvenile crime and delinquency noted with grave apprehension by sociologists. The very fact of a vigilant parental authority and con stant association with discipline and home habits carries with it a steady | ing influence and moral respon sibility, which helps to fix the child in the paths of order and rectitude. In the constant association of home and family life the most irrespon sible of parents are stimulated to more care and vigilance and the childern learn the discipline of life easily and progressively. The increase of juvenile delin quency has been marked since the war. and that may be accounted for by the number of homes which have been broken up by the father's ab sence and the mother being forced to leave the home to do her part for the support of the family. With out a home and the parent-authority and responsibility our future citizens make a bad start in life. THE BROKEN SOLDIER • [From the Anglo-Italian Review] The broken soldier is an impor tant organic factor in the national life. A hundred thousand homes have their mutilated heroes —sons, fathers, husbands, brothers. There- I fore the public is at last awaken ing to the iniquity of the idea that u money recompense is an inade , quate solution of the great problem. People are beginning to see that when you give a man a pension and tell him to be satisfied, and that i you will increase it if he be not sat isfied, vou are only trying to dodge the devil in the dark. You are not discharging our debt to the wound ed soldier. He has given his health for vo'u, and that is something for which he cannot be reimbursed in terms of money. The only royal road towards discharging our debt to the broken soldier is to try as far as pos sible to give him back his integral 1 manhood, to teach him and train ' him so that he will become an in ' dependent human being, able to ' work and earn his living, standing ! side bv side, cheek by jowl, with the , man who stayed at home, feeling that though he has fought and suf fered he can still work and live and ' not be simply an object of public charity. When you have done that for him, thbn you may give him his , pension, not as a payment for the blood he has shed, nor as a means of sustenance in life, hut as some " thing given over and above, a little abiding token of the nation's grati -1 tude to the man who has fought and ' suffered. LABOR NOTES L < I Canadian boot and shoe workers are demanding an increase of ten per cent, in their pay and a nine hour workday. Membership in British trade i unions increased from 2,000,000 to 9 6,000,000 during the war. Repair works absorb about 40 per 1 cent, of the labor and machinery in t British shipyards. s In many localities throughout the l United States manfacturers are . shutting down their plants to read r Just wages. t Since last September over 16,000 - girls employed in Chicago lndus , trial plants have been instructed r in social hygiene. The employment of non-union la t bor caused over 4,000 workers on ) the ship canal docks at Manchester, England, to quit work. fcbenmg Qlfrtt The Pennsylvania State govern ment which two years developed a quartette to sing at meetings of th Pennsylvania State Society and then formed a Capitol Hill glee club ha* organized an orchestra of forty-five members among the officials and at taches of the State departments and bureaus. The orchestra came Into being a short time ago and the large room uSed by the State Capitol Police has been allotted to the or ganization for practice on Thursday nights. it is located in the first basement, and safe from interrup tion, according to members of the police force. The practice programs have attracted much attention from legislators who remain after ses sions adjourn. Several of the prominent State officials are honor ary members of the association, John S. Killing, Public Service Com missioner, being the honorary presi dent. Howard VV. Fry, of Lancaster, chief clerk of the State Highway Department, is the conductor; while D. L. Dunkle, of the Public Grounds and Buildings Department, is presi dent, Harry Biles, Highway Depart ment, vice president; Howard D. Martin, Public Service Commission, treasurer and these men on the music committee: W. Albert Benner, Labor and Industry Department; William T. SehefCer, Highway De partment; Claude R. Engle, Agri cultural Department; V. B. Haus knecht, Bureau of Chemistry, and Lewis C. Ney, Highway Department. The orchestra will probably give a concert during the spring. Inspections of the units of the Reserve Militia which have been under way for several weeks are well advanced toward completion and it is probable that the Militia will go to camp again this year. Reorganization of the National Guard of Pennsylvania with the old regiments and designations is not to be taken up until after the Twenty-eighth division returns and information is received as to how many of the officers and men desire to enter the State service. The present militia organizations will be used as a ground work for the new division in connection with the re turning units. One of the most striking illustra tions of the changed conditions in regard to construction of public works brought about by the close of the war has been furnished at the Department of Public Grounds and Buildings where bids will close to morrow on a bridge. Six months ago the State asked bids for the same bridge as an emergency mea sure and did not secure more than one bid. Thus far requests for thirty sets of specifications have been made. Numerous inquiries have been made for the plans and details of State road construction on which bids will be opened this month, whereas on some of the contracts advertised no bids were obtained last fall. Brisk inquiry has also marked the plans of the State Ar mory Board for buildings at Phila delphia, Tyrone and Heading. • ♦ The State is not going to lack for opportunity to buy stone for road construction or maintenance this year judging from the activity of owners of stone quarries in opening operations and in asking for infor mation on quantities that may be wanted by the State. Ordinarily work is ncyt started in quarries so early bHeßarch, but because of the open *vinter and the probable de mand many have been put into operation and within sight of Har risburg several are at work. Men in various sections of the State are also writing here for information as to what the State will probably need. "Grain and fruit prospects" throughout Pennsylvania are de clared in the official bulletin of the State Department of Agriculture to be "unusually encouraging" accord ing to reports of March 1. The land sown to grain is larger than ever at this season and hundreds of young fruit trees, notably in the Cumberland and adjoining valleys will continue bearing this year. • • • This is the season of high school interest in the Legislature and the number of students of both sexes who have visited the legislative halls lately shows that the average Ameri can kid gets interested in govern ment about as early as in baseball and stamp collecting. And it is illuminating as to the extent of in struction in civil government to hear the talk of some of the visitors. They criticise the rulings with free dom and some would doubtless like to discuss them with those eminent parliamentarians, W. Harry Baker and James N. Moore. | WELL KNOWN PEOPLE —Mayor Arch Johnston, of Beth lehem, is home from a trip to the south for his health. —J. D. A. Morrow, western Penn sylvania coal expert who has been in Washington, is visiting western counties on tax matters. —G. K. Mosser, well known here has been chosen president of the Livingston club, the big Allentown club. —Congressman . George S. Gra ham, of Philadelphia, has been chosen a member of the House judi ciary committee. —Mayor Thomas B. Smith, of Philadelphia, has been improving in health the last few weeks. —Miss Dorothy Guild, the new director of the child welfare ac tivities of the State Department of Health, is a Philadelphia physician. —W. C. Coffin, Pittsburgh manu facturer just home from a western tour, says he found a good feeling prevailing in industries. | DO YOU KNOW —Tlmt Harrisburg's volume of mall matter has been showing a steady increase for the last two years? HISTORIC HAKRISBURG Harrisburg post offices have been located on Second, Market and Walnut streets. Congress Should Reform Itself Congress ought to reform itself, but it generally happens that politi cal rivalries prevent the action which is needed. Congress may by law establish the time of its meet ings, and it ought to hurry them up, but it is probable that any effort to do so would meet with strong parti san opposition. It has never be fore happened that there was not national legislative body in session and at the same time no executive in the country. The only branch of our government which is now functioning at home is the Judiciary —Frota the Philadelphia Inquirer,'