Keystone Prisoners J Led Revolt Against The German Guards Philadelphia. March 5. —How men of Pennsylvania's famous Iron Divi sion engineered a revolt against the German guards at a prison camp, who continued their brutality to ward Allied prisoners even after the signing of the armistice, was told today by Wilfred Melia. *' Melia, a former Philadelphia newspaperman, was a member of Company C, of the 110 th Infantry, nnd saw service with the Twenty eighth Division in the big battles which enabled that organization to gain fame as a fighting unit. Melia landed in New York yester day on the transport Lorraine. After November 11, Melia asserted the German guards at the prison camp were just as arrogant as ever, and on the afternoon of November 16 they willfully fired upon two peaceful Frenchmen, who had been interned for many months, nnd who had in no way violated any of the regulations. Inasmuch as the war had virtually ended, and there was absolutely no way for the men to obtain any protection against such outrages—there was really no one SORE THROAT or Tonsilitis, gargle with warm salt water, then apply— dfttL VICK's\^PORUBtf •"YOUR BODYGUARD" - 30f. eOfTW^Q Dangerous Weakness Follows Influenza There Is Real Danger in the After-Effects of— This Treacherous Disease Those who have survived an attack of dreaded influenza find their strength taxed to the utmost, and the entire system in a weakened and nerveshat tered condition. For this dis ease is intense in its severity, and its after-effects arc as much to be guarded against as the disease itself. The pain-racked body is in such a debilitated condition that the vitality is at a low ebb, the strength returns very slow ly, and the patient becomes de spondent because of 4iis help lessness. And unless is a full restoration to his former robust condition, he is liable to fall an easy prey to any ordi nary illness. In other words, there is danger of a permanent injury to the system. You owe it to yourself to re gain your full strength and health just as completely and promptly as possible, and to take all precaution to avoid the after-effects of the disease. Ibis you can do by giving na ture such assistance as is needed in rebuilding the waste tissue and restoring tlwe strength and vitality. All waste tissue must be re built and all lost strength must be restored through the blood supply, for through this vital fluid alone can the damage be When Children are Sickly tare Constipated, Feverish, Cry out in their sleep, Take cold easily, Have Headaches, Stomach or Bowel trouble, Try MOTHER CRAY'S SWEET POWDERS FOR CHILDREN They are pleasant to take and a certain relief. They act on the Stomach Liver and Bowels and tend to correct intestinal disorders. 10,000 testimonials Low mothers and friends of little ones telling of relief. No mother should be without ft box of Mother Gray's Sweet Powders for use when needed. Ask fy-ay. The need of them often comes at inconvenient hours. Used by Mothers for over thirty years. Do Not Accept Any Substitute tor MOTHER GRAY'S SWEET POWDERS. Sold by Druggists everywhere. MOTHER GRAY CO., LE ROY, N. Y. I Bilious 9 That had taale C HMT I b^raffi° n |hat''lurrcd JMW toague; thai dull MANDMKE all fell Ihe alory of Y' biliousness, a disor. E9 I I I Yn dared system, and I R. R „ yourimtnediale need JANv of a corrective'to prevent a aick spell. are fundamental in their action, they go down to the root of the trouble, restoring liver, stomach and bowels to a healthy condition; giving quick relief from bilious attacks, indigestion, headache, heartburn, flatulency,depression of spirits—and afford ing absolute freedom from these disorders. Schenck's | Mandrake Pills are tonic, therefore they form nohabit. I PLAIN OR SUGAR COATED PROVED FOR MERIT BY SO YEARS' CONTINUOUS SALE | DR. J. H. SCHENCK & SON, Philadelphia WEDNESDAY EVENING who had any authority—the prison ers decided to take the matter in their own hands'. As a result there was a general clean-up the follow ing morning, aud the Hun guards were routed. But the trouble did not end there. The Germans immediately mounted machine guns on buildings over looking the camp and for a time it appeared as though the prisoners, numbering more than 1,000, and in cluding Americans, British, French, Belgians, Italians and Russians, would pay a heavy price for their efforts to avenge the deaths of the Frenchmen. But meanwhile word of the contemplated outrage reached the Spanish consul in Mannheim, who quickly warned the Huns that such conduct would not be counte nanced. 'They heeded this advice, strange to say, and did not molest the men further. All of the incar cerated soldiers were released not long afterward. PETTY THIEVERY KEEPS UP PACE [Continued from First Page.] ment at 132 Locust street, and the second floor apartment of Mrs. G. M. Sellers, in the Donaldson building. From the Donaldson apartment a gold nugget and chain, set with a large sapphire, and a red leather bound volume were taken. At Mrs. Buch's apartment the person net ted a gold watch, a gold mesh bag, several small banks containing money and some other articles. Another robbery reported to-daj ocotfrred early this morning at the Verbeke street market house. E. S. Peters, of Mechanicsburg, missed a crate of eggs whe nhe opened his repaired. And after its battle with the germs of grippe and influenza, the blood is thin and weak and must have help in its stupendous task of rebuilding the system, and restoring the strength and buoyant vitality to the stricken body. Just here is where S. S. S. has proven such a valuable aid, for it is without question the most efficacious blood purifier ever discovered. This reliable old remedy, which has been sold by druggists for more than fifty years, was first used by the Indians, who discovered the medicinal value of the roots and herbs of the forest, and has been used with the greatest success for more than half a century. S. S. S. is the one remedy that is so useful in repairing the damage done by influenza and grippe, because it promptly enriches the blood supply, and fills the veins with new life and vitality, which in turn rebuild the waste tissue throughout the system. No matter how long since you have had this disease, you should begin at once to take S. S. S., which will do so much in putting the system back into perfect physical con dition. And remember, too, that avoiding disease is simply a matter of keeping the system in [perfect condition, so that those [ who keep then* blood supply pure and strong and vigorous are not nearly so liable to at tack. A few bottles of S. S. S. ' is worth many times its cost as a precaution against disease. Those who take S. S. S. can j get any desired medical advice ! without cost by writing to | Chief Medical Adviser, 101 | Swift Laboratory, Atlanta, Ga. —(Advt.) stand. About 10 o'clock Herbert Derry, known to police, attempted to sell a crate of eggs at the store of M. Tuch, Seventh and Cumberland streets. Twelve minutes later he and the eggs were in the police station. Tuch having suspected robbery and notified the police, who made the arrest. James Hacris, who has long elud e dtlie police after working a flim flam game on housewives in various parts of the city, also was appre hended to-day. It is charged that he secured a room with boarding house proprietors, and after being tnere a day, requested the loan of a dollar to have his trunk hauled to the house. He then walks out nnd does not return, it is said. Yesterday he pulled his flim-flam game on Mrs. Lizzie Lehman, Penbrook, and to day she recognized him in Market Square, and Patrolman Newmyer ar rested him. He says he is 80 years old. Clarence Jones, 1219 North Sev enth street, was arrested on the charge of stealing a quantity of cakes and bread from Schell's bakery, Derry street. When he was arrested, Charles White, also was taken into custody on the charge of stealing an automobile robe. Lenten Season Is Opened With Special Services in Churches of the City Solemn services this morning marked the commencement of the Lenten season, the forty-day period of spiritual mourning preceeding the Resurrection Day. Extensive pro grams were presented In most of the churches of the Roman Catholic and Protestant Episcopal faiths, to gether with those of several other sects. Holy Communion was observed in most of the churches and the faith ful put on sackcloth and ashes for the Lenten season, which commences to-day, Ash Wednesday. Yesterday .Shrove Tuesday, a preparation day for the Lenten fast, was observed with special programs. Noonday services in many church es were largely attended to-day. Ad ditional services will be held in a number of them this evening to gether with special services several times weekly throughout the entire Lenten season. A number of city ministers have announced a special series of sermons for presentation on Sunday mornings until EasteK LEROY J. WOLFE DIES OF HEART ATTACK [Continued from First Page.] States commissioner of this district more than a score of years ago and has served in that capacity ever since. He was one of the elder mem bers of the Dauphin county bar, having been admitted to practice in 1882. Born in Newberry township, York county, Mr. Wolfe received his early education in the public schools of that county and the York County Academy, York. He later attended the University of Pennsylvania from which institution he was graduated in 1881. For a period he read law in the ofllccs of John A. Burtin, of Phila delphia, and when he removed to Middletown, he continued his read ing of law in the offices of Hall and Jordon, of this city. He was admit ted to practice before the Dauphin county bar in 1882. He also held the privilege of appearing before the State Superior and Supreme courts and United States courts, in cluding the United States Supreme Court. He had been admitted to practice before the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania in 1882 and before the Supreme Court of the United I States in 1891. While residing at Middietown he was named borough solicitor and served in that capacity for several years. In 1893 he formed the law firm of Wolfe and Bailey with Charles L. Bailey, Jr., and removed to this city from Middietown in 1898, being made United States commis sioner about that time. In politics he was a Republican. His widow, two children and one brother survive him. His widow was a daughter of the late Captain Shoop, a Dauphin manufacturer who died several years ago at Denver, Col., where he had been engaged in ranching for some years. The children are Leßoy S. Wolf, a bank er, of Buffalo, N. Y., and Mrs. Isabel Lowe, daughter of Lieutenant Colo nel Thomas A. Lowe, of the United States Regular Army, now serving in the Adjutant General's office at Washington. The brother is Colo nel Silas A. Wolfe, retired, of the United States Regular Army, now residing at Carlisle. I Funeral arrangements have not yet- been completed. Deaths and Funerals CHAJ&LES E. LANDIS Funeral services for Charles E. Landis, who died yesterday at his home, 1630 Green street, will be held to-morrow afternoon at 2 o'clock. The body may be viewed after 4 o'clock this afternoon at the home. The Rev. H. W. A. Hanson, pastor of the Messiah Lutheran Church, will officiate. Burial will be in the Harrisburg Cemetery. JACOB MARTIN* Funeral services for Jacob Mar tin, 433 Verbeke street, will be held to-morrow afternoon at 3 o'clock at the homo of his son, Charles Mar tin, 514 Maclay street, the Rev. H. S. llorshey, pastor of the Green Street Church of God officiating. Mr. Martin was for many years an employe of the Blough Manufactur ing Company. He died yesterday afternoon at his home, aged 82 years. He* is survived by his wife, Sarah; thirteen grandchildren, six sons and two daughters. MRS. SARAH ANN HOFFMAN Funeral services for Mrs. Sarah Ann Hoffman, aged 81 years, will be held this evening at 7.30 o'clock at the home of her daughter, Mrs. E. E. Springer, 649 Harris street. The Rev. A. M. Stamets, pastor of the Augsburg Lutheran Church, will officiate. Burial will be at Fairfield, Adams county. Mrs. Hoffman died yesterday at the Harrisburg Hos pital. The sons surviving are: Wal ter Hoffman, Harrisburg; Flem Hoffman, Harney, Md.; and the daughters are Mrs. William Har ner. Rocky Ridge, Md.; Mrs. D. E.' Bentzel, Mrs. E. E. Springer, Har risburg. Five grandchildren also survive. - MRS. ADA I„ YEATER Mrs. Ada L. Yeater, aged 70 years, died at her home, 1815 North Fifth street, yesterday afternoon. Mrs. Yeater was a member of the Fifth Street Methodist Church for fifty years. Funeral service* will be held Friday afternoon at 3.30 o'clock, the Rev. Edwin A. Pyles officiating. Burial will be in the East Harris burg Cemetery. She is survived by a husband, James L. Yeater; a broth er, Isaac Collier. Juniata county, and sisters, Mrs. Eliza Yeater, Harris burg, and Mrs. Delilah Llngle. lowa. She was a member of the Daugh ters of 'Liberty and the Ladles' Auxiliary. B. of L. E. H A RRISBUR G t&fjff&fi. TELEGRAPH 14 KILLED IN LIST OF 340 Size of Casualty Lists Is Grad ually Becoming Smaller Washington, March s.—Four cas ualty lists issued by the War De partment to-day contain a total of 340 names, summarized as follows: Wounded (degree undeter mined 149 Wounded slightiy 03 Died of disease 33 Wounded severely 37 KiKKlKleKd in ?( tao itshrdlutt Killed in action 14 Died from accident and other causes 11 Died in aeroplane accident .... 1 Total 340 Pennsylvanians mentioned are: WOUNDED (DEGItEG UNDETER MINED) I.leutenants Maurice Clark Kahle Washington. Harold J. W. Killcn, Philadelphia, oseph Armlm Stackhouse, Ambler. Sergeants Michael J. Barry, Philadelphia. James E.,Horne, Uniontown. Corporal William Letka, Greensburg. Privates Francis J. Oakes, Lenni Mills. James H. Saint, Aspinwall. Aaron Stravitsky, Philadelphia. John Henry Straub, Minersville. WOUNDED SLIGHTLY Privates Thomas Miller, Mount Pleasant. Arthur C. Rankin, Rouseville. Chester Shingle, Reading. WOUNDED (DEGREE UNDETER MINED) Captain Captain Philip 11. Woods, Port Carbon. Privates Willard Camp, Mount Carmel. Charles B. Carr, Philadelphia. 1 larry A. Hoey, Philadelphia. Nicholas Mune, Philadelphia. WOUNDED SLIGHTLY Lieutenant Daniel J. Dougherty, Aldan. William Wlieelock Lazarus, Tunk hannock. Privates / Walter W. Brown, Lancaster. Jack J. Cunningham, Philadelphia. DIED OF DISEASE Captain Arthur H. McGill, Newcastle. Sergeant Major March Chills Bring fIPf 1 lil Kid .£ e I JS® l|| I ( IMI work'for the kidneys. Ex- I*l' I \M perature, with chills, colds and in liis# -Jpj fluenza, all tend to throw an extra I behind in keeping the blood stream 1 <=* ure P°^ sons that kidneys ~ normally throw off, accumulate and set up disturbances in various parts of the body. That is why March is apt to find you feeling tired, irritable and half sick, jl Don't wait for worse troubles to set in. If you suffer constant backache, headaches, I dizzy spells and irregular kidney action, you've good proof that your kidneys are de manding attention. Get a box of Doan's Kidney Pills today. Doan's are helping thousands and should help you. | Read These Harrisburg Cases: Hummel Street I Boas Street Peffer Street Mrs. Robert Marzolf, 315 Hummel street, says: M. B. Havlland, railroad engineer. 313 Boas Mrs. A. H. Eastright, 431 Peffer street, says: "I was troubled by my back, which was weak and street, says: "I have used Doan's Kidney Pills "Some time ago I was In misery with my kidneys, ached. My kidney's acted irregularly, too. An- other of the family has used Doan's Kidney Pills neys. Whenever my back has been weak or lame mended highly for the trouble. They soon gave I with good results and I took them. I can certainly and has ached, or the kidney secretions have been mo entire relief." recommend "them not only for what they did for irregular in passage, J have bought a box or so of Almost two years later Mrs. Eastright said: "I ... . , .. ... .. Doan's Kidney Pills at J. Nelson Clarke's Drug . * , „ , me, but because of tile good they did others in the Store Doan's have never failed to rid me of the haven t been bothered with kidney complaint since family as well." complaint." / Doan's Kidney Pills cured me a few years ago." Kelker Street N. Green Street Cumberland Street J. W. Frank, retired railroad conductor, C2O Mrs. Myrtle ltodgcrs, 1412 North Green street, 11. W. Newman, electrician, 444 Cumberland Kelker street, says: "Some time ago, I was trou- says: "I have been troubled off and on for several street, says: "For six or more years I have used bled by kidney complaint. There was a heavy, y® B '' B with kidney complaint. At times it comes on j_> oan , s Kidney Pills. I haven't taken them steady, . .. , „ , *. without warning and 1 suffer something terrible ... , , , v dull ache through the small of my buck and 1 w llh my back. There is a dull constant ache hut at times tny kidneys have become weak if I found it very difficult to do any lifting. Whenever through the small of my back and It becomes so have overworked or been exposed to severe I bent ovpr, I could hardly straighten. Then the weak and lame I can hardly straighten up when weather. The most trouble has been in my back; kldnev secretions were hhrhlv colored and scalded 1 bend over> My kidneys act .irregularly, too, caus- there being a dull, constant ache tnere. When my secretions acre highly colored and scalded , n(f me a great deal of annoyance . Mornings there back has become weak, my kidneys have acted In passage. The lirst box of Doan s Kidney Pills urc puffy gacs under my eyes and dropsical swell- irregularly, also. Every time I have been this which I got from Robert M. Staley's Drug Store ing appears in my feet. At these times I get way 1 have bought Doan's Kidney Pills at Clark's helped me 1 used two more boxes and they cured Doun's Kidnev Pills ut Kennedy's Drug Store and Drug Store and they have never failed to relieve me." ' they never fail to relieve me." rae.'^ Doan's Kidney Pills Every Druggist has Doan's, 60c a box. Foster-Milburn Co., Manufacturing Chemists, Buffalo, N. Y. John Henry Murphy, Philadelphia. I Sergeant Philip Simmonds, Philadelphia. Corporal Thomas M. Stockdlll, New Beth lehem. WOUNDED SEVERELY Corporal Adam L. Pollis, Exeter. Private Kazimuras Makszus, Philadelphia. KILLED IN ACTION Sergeant John Turner, Lancaster. ! DIED FROM ACCIDENT AND OTHER CAUSES Corporal ! Thomas P. Hanian, Greensburg. "Mother's Tender Flowers" i Watch the tongue of your young! Children droop and wither i! you permit constipation poison to be absorbed into their delicate systems. Hurry! Give Cascarets to clean the little clogged-up liver and bowels. Children love harmless Cascarets because Cascarets taste like candy—only 10 cents a box! Grand!. When a child's tongue turns white, breath feverish, stomach sour, mothers can always depend upon safe old "Cascarets" to gently, yet thoroughly clean the little liver and bowels. Cascarets are just dandy for children. They taste like candy and no child need be coaxed to take them even when cross, bilious and sick. Each 10 cent box contains directions and dose for children aged one year old and upwards. i Privntc Edward Wilkinson, Philadelphia. / Ira L. Behney Is Chosen Augsburg Choir Leader Ira L. Behney, former leader of the Curtln Heights Memorial Meth odist Church choir, has been chosen director of Augsburg Lutheran choir and will begin his duties next Sun day. His successor at Curtin Heights Church has not been chosen. Miss Irmu Henry is to play the organ at Augsburg Church next Sunday. MARCH 5, 1919. ItKDS 51517.U IX)01) BtrtPLY /■'; .-lis".u,ted rrcss. Home. March S.—A large consign ment of food has reached Moscow from Ukraine .where it was requisi Income Tax Primer 'PHE Income Tax Primer, prepared by the Bureau of Internal Revenue, has just been issued. We have reprinted this booklet, and copies may be obtained on request. The Primer contains 130 pertinent questions and answers regarding the Income Tax, and will be found of assistance to the taxpayer. We shall he pleased to supply you with such forms as have been issued. Our Booklet on the New Revenue Law contains the full text of the income tax, war profits and excess profits tax, and other provisions of the Act,-with explanatory summaries and examples of the application of the law. This booklet will be sent on request. Guaranty Trust Company of New York 140 Broadway I'or further informaUoi See John C. Jessup, Jr. 200 Calder Building 11151,1, 4621 MAI, 3512 ' Capital and Surplus $50,000,000 Resources more than .$7O0 4 000,000 ' tioned by the Bolshevist army, ac cording to a telegram given out here by the Ukrainian Press Bureau to-day. The shipment consists of sixty carloads of flour, two of manu factured articles and thirty of sugar. 9