Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, March 05, 1919, Page 7, Image 7
THE HEART BREAKER A REAL AMERICAN LOVE STORY lly VIRGINIA TERHUNE VAN DE WATER CHAPTER XI.VII (Copyright 1919, Star Company) Having reached her decision, Hon ora went slowly upstairs, summoning her courage to perform the self assigned task. When ;she reached her room Mil died was standing before her mir ror arranging her hair. She turned and smiled as Honora entered. Ap parently the ypunger girl had for gotten the recent dispute or was eager to Ignore it. Honora, however, was resolved to confirm herself in her own con viction. "I do not think, Milly." she said firmly, "that you were quite justi fied in telling Tom Chandler that he could come to see you—l mean in encouraging his attentions while you are engaged to some one else." "I think I was. That's where you and 1 differ," the sister responded "He had a chat with me this evening, 1 see no reason why he should not do so. I may not have the tender eon science that you have, but since he knows that 1 am engaged to Arthur, and since he is an old friend, anyway 1 fail to see what your objection can be." "Of course," Honora steadied her voice, "you are going to tell Arthur that Tom is coming?" "Indeed 1 am not!" Mildred de clared. In the first place, Arthur is not at home. He's gone down to Bridgeport on business and will not get back until late this evening." A Change of Tactic* Honora changed her tactics. She did not want to anger Mildred. "So," site teased, " while the cat's away this little mouse" -. But Mildred interrupted, her eyes flashing angrily. "While the United States is at war," she 4 nn °unced, "I am going to do everything 1 can to make things pleasant for the men who are fight ing for us. I do not feel that my duty stops at knitting and Red Cross work. Any man in uniform is going to be welcome in this house when ever I choose hfm to be. It is my home as well as yours, please re member. If Arthur objects to this plan of mine, there is a very easy and simple way in which he can alter the present state of affairs." "And that is" —Honora began. But the excited girl interrupted her. "That is by enlisting and play a man's part!" she exclaimed. Honora reddened, started to re tort, then closed her lips. Picking up a book from the table, she re marked that she was going down stairs to read until dinner time, and left the room. "I do not see," she muttered to herself when she was again alone, "why I should Milly unless it is necessary so. If she does not feel sufbeiet\ loyalty to her fiance for her to sec matters from liis viewpoint. I cannot make her do it. But I do intend to pre vent trouble if I can." This determination was still up permost in Honora's mind when, an hour later, Mildred appeared at din ner wearing a new frock—a light blue creation, that enhanced the brilliancy of her coloring. Mrs. Higgins looked at the younger girl with a playful smile. "We are expecting a caller to-night, I see," she commented archly. " Yes," Mildred admitted, glancing meaningly at her sister, who did not return the signal—"we are." "Then, Honora," Mrs. Higgins pro posed, "you and I can have our little Are you always successful on baking day? Are your cakes light and spongy and your biscuits white and flaky? If not, let us help you with RUMFORDI THE WHOLESOME BAKING POWDER I^ Rush Orders For Coal SOME day you will suddenly find the coal bin empty. When this happens, just reach for your telephone and tell us your troubles. Our business has been built with a view of taking care of these rush orders. Our * I three large coal yards are placed at advan tageous points for making prompt deliveries. No. 1 yard Forster & Cowden Sts. No. 2 yard 15th & Chestnut Sts. No. 3 yard 7th & Woodbine Sts. 0 United Ice & Coal Co. Forster and Cowden Sts. loth & Chestnut Sts. 7th & nelly StH. 6th near Hamilton Sts. 7th & Woodbine Sts. Also Steelton, Pa. WEDNESDAY EVENING after dinner talk In my room to t night." Honora hesitated an instant, and ! when she spoke her voice was low, I but calm. She Deride* to Stay "I'm afraid not to-night," she said, I "I think it would be better if you |and 1 sluyed below-n"-o and he jd i Milly entertain. Tom Chandler, who iis in the army, you know, is in I town. He has asked permission to | call this evening:, and we girls have : decided that we should make all j men in the service welcome. And |as we cannot begin too soon it j would be kind, I think, if you and | I added our welcome to Milly's." | Taken completely off her guard, | Mildred gasped and stared at her sister in amazement. But Honoru j only smiled and went on eating her | dinner. I "That's a very nice idea!" Mrs.: ! Higgins approved. "But, my dear, I | I think that, if you will excuse me, I I I'll go upstairs and leave you young j folks to chat together. Poor young j Chandler! I suppose he wants to i talk things over with old friends." j Conversation languished after this ' and the meal was finished in com- I parative silence. It was evident to Honora that Mildred was for the time baffled, and at a loss as to how to extricate herself from an embar rassing position. I "Honora." she demanded when, | Mrs. Higgins having gone upstairs, j the two sisters were left alone to-: I getlier, "will you kindly explain this j new idea *>f yours? What does it I mean?" "Simply thai if Tom Chandler I comes here and you make him and | other men in the service welcome. ]it is my privilege to do the same," was the gentle response. "If m,en in | uniform come here we must show : them that they are welcome. You | said that yourself. Do you mind my being here when Tom comes?" ' she asked suddenly? But Mildred did not answer. I At 8 o'clock Tom Chandler arrived. In his close-fitting uniform he was | better looking than ever before. Honora admitted this to herself as she rose to greet him. Out-of-door life had cleared his face and straightened | his shoulders. He seized both the hands that Mildred extended to him, 'and shook hands formally with j Honora. j "This is an unexpected pleasure." he declared. I "It is one that all callers in unl ! form may expect," was the demure I response. Then, taking up her knitting, she { joinc din the talk of home and camp affairs with so much zest that she i compelled the surprised admiration of t the caller and Incurred the resent ; ment of her little sister. (To l>e continuedr Advertising Man Speaks Before Hershey Salespeople ' Antor. Benson, advertising manager of Bowman and Co., delivered an ad- I dress last evening to the executives and salespeople of the Hershey Store j Co., at Hershey, Pa.. on the subject of "Advertising in Relation to Selling." The association of employes have iir.eetinge the first Tuesdav in everv ; month, with a program of talent from i the store, and usually some out-of town speakers, who talk on various phases of merchandising. I.ast month I the meeting was addressed by H. JC. Provost, district advertising manager | of The Bell Telephone Company, and | next month William C. Alexander, | sales manager of the Moorhead Knit ting Company will speak before the I association. Bringing Up Father Copyright, 1918, International News Service By Mel!anus YOU OREVb ENT|(?ELV TOO [l| DO "YOU MIND ' "OPE Z H <OOD • - IbTHAT nowN "When a Girl " By ANN I.ISLE A New, Romantic Serial Dealing With the Absorbing Problems of a Girl Wife > . "We'll telephone right down to | the little inn where Mrs. Harrison met Betty and Miss Moss." declared Anthony Norreys so briskly that X was saved from confessing how little I knew of Miss Moss's where abouts. "They'll be sure to have a for warding address on their books. Do you remember the approximate date, Mrs. Harrison?" 1 felt a tide of crimson sweep up i to my face again. "I do remember; and the exact date. We were on our honeymoon, j It was last June," I cried, rejoicing I that my "clue" was leading some- j after all. Anthony Norrey's blue eyes swept my face for a second, and ; they held so much of kindness and real understanding that the hap piest of my honeymoon' days seemed close to my heart again. Then he went into action. Smoothly, quietly, and with no fuss at all, he called our honeymoon inn, j got the manager and secured the address of Miss Adeline Moss. And . five minutes later we were driving I in his limousine to that address, j It was a nurses' home. I found I plenty to puzzlo over in that. Why had Betty needed r nurse last sum mer When she loo'ked so well and beautiful? Furthermore, had it been pride alone - that put little Miss Moss in regulation clothes in stead of in a nurses' uniform? My questions were answered i quickly enough. At the home we were told that Miss Moss had gone down to the coiyttry with a patient. Her address was Greyfriars Hall. "Greyfriars Hall?" You mean the surgical hospital?" asked Anthony Norreys. The matron of the home nodded eargerly. She was ready to talk of the wonderful reconstruction work j they were doing at. Greyfriars Hall, but" she would say no word of Miss Moss and her patient. Nor were any of us anxious to stay and discuss matters. Since we could not here be assured that Miss Moss's patient was Betty, our whole desire was to be off at once and to follow this promising yet terrifying clue. "Oh, Tony, Tony; what can Betty be doing at a surgical hospital?" Virginia gasped. •as we rolled smoothly down the street. "We'll see, my dear—we'll see," he murmured soothingly as to a child, but I felt that he was only giving Virginia a little detached corner of his attention. "We're going straight down there on the chance that it is Betty, aren't we?" I asked. "Oh, 1 think we might telephone first before we swoop down on your little 'poached egg' lady," replied Mr. Norreys thoughtfully. "And each of you girls will want a warm coat and a few brushes and things, in case we can't get back this even ing." "I'll take enough for both of us," volunteered Virginia. But I wanted to go home first, to leave a placating not for Jim, to see if any message had come—just to satisfy my own intuition that ' I'd feel better starting right from home. Mr. Norreys seemed to un derstand my tangle of motives and desires almost without my explain ing them. He had a way of under standing everything and of making one feel that he would excuse even if he didn't understand. While Jim —it seems to me that I'm always having to explain myself and trans late myself to my Jim. But my desire to start from home justified itself when I pulled a let ter out of the Harrison box and revealed the distinctive cadet-gray paper and flowing yet ragged black characters I had seen only once be fore. but knew in a flash as Betty's. "From Betty!" I gasped between smiles and tears,.and there in the lialiwav I stood and read the letter to Virginia and Mr. Norreys. "IJtt'e Princess:" It began— and from that my eye roamed to the right hand corner, where stood the Spanish Influenza can | be prevented easier than | it can be cured. i At the first sign of a j shiver or sneeze, take CASCARAD QUININE i Standard cold remedy for 20 yeara—in tablet J form —safe, sure, no opiates —breaks up a cold in 24 hours —relieves grip in 3 days. Money back if it fails. The genuine boa has a Red top : with Mr. Hill's picture. At All Drug Stores " HARRISBT7RG TELEGRAPH time—Monday midnight. The night Betty had dined with Anthony Nor- i' leys and me. It seemed ages ago, yet this was only Thursday. It ' took only a second to reacjt to that, I and then 1 resumed my reading j aloud. "What a cosy, friendly evening! we had—you und Tony and 1, Three j friends, and real friends, Pin happy j to say. Maybe if they're very good, | we'll introduce Jimmie and Terry | to this inner circle of ours. But ! not right away. I'm going off on a ; wee trip. A sort of rest cure and j penance for my sins. Just as soon j as I'm settled, I'll let you hear from [ me. Be good to Terry while I'm gone; and tell Terry 1 said he should big-brother my little Lilac I Princess. And 1 want my Jimmie i boy to remember always that she | is a little Princess —and gentle and j delicate. "How I'm mooning along. That's | because it's midnight, the witching ] hour; and I'm going away—and 1 j love you. 1 do! So you might as j well know it. Your Betty B." "And it doesn't teil a thing," 1 i moaned, as 1 finished reading—fin ished with moist eyes. "When's it dated'.'" asked Vir ginie." "Monday." "And this is Thursday. So she's much further away than Grey friars Hall—a three-hour motor I run." "But it's mailed here in the city," 1 said, puzzling over the strange ness of that. And posted today— this morning." "Then 1 think we ought to drive right down to Greyfriars—don't you, Tony?" asked Virginia. "I'm still in favor of telephoning first, Yee. But wait. Our little j princess has an idea, I can see that. ! Did it come from the other letter — j the one you're crooning over like a | little mother?" asked Anthony Norreys. I folded the little note T was al most unconsciously "crooning over" and looked up to answer Anthony! Norreys. To bo Continued. GOVERNOR TELLS OF PENNA. PLAN [Continued from First Page.] to Congress in criticising the Ilepub licans for defeating the general deficiency bill., "I hope that Congress lins passed the deficienoy 1)111. including the rail road appropriation, for this is not a time to piny small polities, either by Republicans or by Democrats," said Governor Sproul, after outlining the financial need of the railroads seek ing govcri ment assistance. Governor Sproul urged economical, efficient and prompt administration in Washington as an encouragement to the states, and he wanted to know whether the conference Would work out any plan or whether it was to be handed a cut and dried program outlined by the administration." "We huve not gone far into idcnl ism In Pennsylvania." said Governor Sproul, "but we are working hard with our feet on the ground to do things that will make life worth while for the i>oor people whom we are trying to serve, and we nrc going ahead trying to encourage our com munity renters to do tilings, arrang ing with our lioroiighs and our small incorporated cities that If they will lutrc the full width of their streets, I we will pay for twenty feet in the center of them; and we are doing a whole lot of other things I'or which we have no absolute warrant of law. hut which I am safe In saying we will get. Business Needs Boost "Our business people need encour agement. The peQple of Pennsylvania will pay to the federal government this year a little more than one bil lion dollars In taxes; that Is our share. Our state revenues, as they ure running to-day, from forty mil lion to forty-five million dollars, will just about pay the Liberty Bond rate of interest on the taxes that we have to give to the federal govern ment this year. "We are not Jeremiahs, however, we are glad to have the substance, >.he patriotism and the devotion to pay those taxes, and to pay them promptly, and to help in doing the things that we want to have done, hut our business people do want to be relieve from too much super vision overlapping supervision. Three dicerent Inspectors from three different departments come to one plant that I am interested in. We have fire protective organization* In our cities and a fire marshal de partment In the state, and we do not need men from the Department of Labor and from the War Depart ment and from the Navy Depart ment besides to come In and tell us to do impracticable things which we know ourselves are not worth while .doing. Harassed by Poor Service "Our business men are harassed by a very much restricted railroad I service—u mighty poor service, If I [ may suy the wo(d. They ure also restricted by an express service that! goes beyond my powers of descrip tion. They are afflicted by the worst telegraph and telephone service that; anybody ever knew anything about.! And it takes a day and a half for a letter to get from the town of Clhes-1 ter, where I live, on the main line! of the Pennsylvania railroad, 124 miles north of Washington, to the governmental departments here in this city. It used to be possible to get a reply back the following day, ] Always. "Now the tilings that I would es-I' pecially urge'upon you are prompt,!' careful, economical and efficient j ; administration by the government j at Washington to give our people encouragement and hope, and an ex- . ample of judicious expenditures in . the states." Have till I'er font, of Aliens "Twenty per cent, of the foreign | immigration to the United States' stops in Pennsylvania, but somehow or other our people have had a wayj< of mixing with those people and taking an interest in them, not look- | ing at them as social students I through shell-rimmed spectacles, but j getting down amongst them and do- I ing things for them and convincing! them that the people of the state and | that the communities and the state ithelf are their friends, and that the | state is there to protect them and to : cherish them and to make them un- j derstand that they are a part of the I community," said Governor Sproul. I "I will try now, in a moment or| two, to sketch some of the things | that we have been doing. In the j ltrst place, we have been going ahead I with a big public construction pro- | gram. While the legislature has not I authorized all the tilings yet that we ! expect to accomplish—and I have I been in the Legislature for twenty-1 two years and huve some knowledge! of what it may be expected to do— -1 am confident that all of the things which w e desire will be done. In the first place, we shall have $lOO,- 000,000 to spend in Pennsylvania In road improvement. Part of that will be covered by the issuance of bonds, and part from current contributions from the state and from counties. We expect som e Federal aid, of course. The state gives the public | schools $10,000,000 a year." We are trying to facilitate the payments to the districts, with the understanding that they shall go ahead quickly with their construction work in connection with their schoolhouses and other improvements. We believe in Penn sylvania that thrift is judicious pub lic spending. are also planning other public works. We are going to build in the Capitol at Harrisburg office buildings and other things which will be of great value in stabili zing conditions there, and we, are trying to encourage our communi ties—instead of erecting monuments to our heroes on which to place wreathes and giving high prices, may be $50,000, to an architect; although we appreciate their art—to give that money to the building up of com munity centers and spend $500,000 or $1,000,000 in the creation of places whore there will be light and warmth and some of the joys of life for the people who live in the various locali ties, which will give employment to bricklayers and stonemasons and carpenters and roofers and to other trades that go into buildings. Slinre $1100,04N1 Dally "The Governor of Ohio touched on one subject which is of the utmost | importance. Th e railroads of this country spend a billion and a half or two billion dollars a year in sup plies. In Pennsylvania, judging by the mileage of the railroads and the density of traffic, our share will amount to about $BOO,OOO a day in ex penditures. Now, if the railroads could he encouraged to go ahead, if the $381,000,000 which Is owing by the Government of the United States to the railroads of this country for rentals for last year had been paid, the Pennsylvania railroad, which up until last year had the best credit in this country, would have by this time at least paid the businessmen of our state and the other businessmen of j this country its October bills. The railroads have discharged 50,000 men ' in Pennsylvania. That is the largest j single item. There is a constructive | suggestion for the gentlemen down here who are administering things to] get busy with. I hope that Con gress lias passed the deficiency bill, including the railroad appropriation, for this is not a time to play small politics, either by ItepubKcans or by Democrats." BISHOP TO VISIT CHLIU'H , The annual visitation of Bishop Darlington to Mount Calvary Kpiscopai church. Camp Hill, will take place to morrow evening at 7.30 p. m., at which I time the sacrament of confirmation will be administered and an address will be given by the Bishop. A feature of the music will be a first rendition of an original setting, hitherto unpublished, of "Just us I am" and a responsive prayer; "Father in Heaven, guard us by night and guide us by day" both by Krnest C. Hand, deceased, the son of Charles H. Hand, a former Harrisburger. The rector, Dr. O. H. Bridgman, has invited all interested friends to attend this ser vice. COST OF COLLECTIONS Ash collections during the first two months of 1919 under a munici pal system conducted by the Bureau of Ash and Garbage Inspection cost $1 1,848.84, Harry F. Sheesley, su perintendent of the bureau, report- SPARTICANS AIM TO GET RED AID [Contlimed from First I'agi'.] eral strike movement to Southeast ern Saxony. Thirty Civilians Killed Government troops occupied the city of Halle, between Berlin and Weimar late Monday, after sangui nary street lighting in which thirty civilians were killed, according to an aviator who has arrived here by airplane from Halle. Basic, March s.—Government troops have been gathered in Berlin to the number of 28,000, according to advices received here. Tt was an nounced at Monday's meeting of the Berlin Workmen's Councils that the railway men in Central Germany and declared a general strike. The bourgeoise committee in l.eipsic has issued a manifesto de claring ihat the bourgeoise strike will be maintained until order is com pletely restored. The doctors of the city announce that they will refuse to perform services until the lighting, heating, water, food and street- car services are guaranteed. The work ers councils, it is stated promised to make every effort to restore the gas and electric services. Grave incidents, including looting, are reported from Magdeburg and Hanover. Paris, March 5. —A Havas dis patch from Berlin says a Spartacan attack on the Northern railroad tcr /DAUGHTERS!\ nervous or u - - I jyH j fron ne defic°i r ency. Ninutid Iron taken _ three times a day after meals will increase yourstrength and endurancein two weeks' time in many cases.-Ferdinand King.M .iy Manufacture' Mots: Nwfcttd Iron, worn- M A mended above by Dr. King, can be obtained MM \\ from any good druggist on an abaolata MM guarantee of aueeeea or money re- MM Yk.X funded. Doctore usually prrecribe MM \\two Dee-grain tab Mar to be taken MM per day after mtalf. MM MU IN WEEKS Be Better Looking— Take Olive Tablets If your skin is yellow—complexion pallid—tongue coated—appetite poor— you have a bad taste in your mouth— a lazy, no-good feeling—you should take Olive Tablets. I Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets—a sub stitute tor calomel—were prepared by Dr. Edwards alter 17 years of study with his patients. Dr.Edwards'OliveTabletsare a purely Vegetablecompoundmixedwitholiveoil. You will know them by their olive color. To have aclear, pink skin,bright eyes; no pimples, a feeling of buoyancy like childhooddaysyoumustget at the cause, i Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets act on the liver and bowels like calomel —yet have no dangerous after effects. They start the bile and overcome con stipation. That's why millions of boxes are sold annually at 10c and 25c per box. All druggists. Take one or two nightly j and note the pleasing results. More Heat at Less Cost jA Long Flame Furnace Coal Hot an Experiment—a Fact Oar Patrons Unasked Tell Us "One load of Pea Coal lasted .' Thc only coal that ever kept 3 weeks. A load of Long Flame, ' v 4 weeks." m y steam plant hot all night." Have You Ordered Yours? Just Phone Bell 600, Dial 2345 No Coal Cards J g Montgomery Suburban Nded Third and ChesTnut Sts. ' DeUveries MARCH 5, 1919. minus last night was repulsed and are reported to have taken a large five rioters were killed. amount of city funds with them. The government, the dispatch adds, The government troops have pro has taken the most energetic meas- claimed a state of siege in Halle, ures. Three divisions were rushed to Berlin and other reinforcements BOARD 10 Mtkl continue to pour in. The attitude of The monthly meeting of the board of the troops, however, Is uncertain. A directors of the Methodist Deaconess naval division is openly hostile to wlrk wlll be held tovvorrow „ ft ernoon the government but the government believes it can count on half the | at 2 0 clock nt st - raul 8 parBonaKe ' 118 Berlin troops. j Vine street. Rev. r. D. W. Howell secre -Ihe Spurt acan bureau in Wil-.tary of the General Diaciss Hoard will lielmstrasse was occupied but all the , , „ ~ „ leaders escaped. Two Russian 80l- bo pre Ben also Rev " Dr ' Kdßar *• shevlki have been arrested and j Heckman, president of the local board. numerous important documents seized. Government troops at Span- PIES IN HOSPITALi dau hate occupied the artillery de- Mavberrv Scott, admitted to the pot containing great quantities of , , ... . , , , arms and munitions, which the in- ,los P |,al at 6 ° clock last evening, dependents counted upon seizing. died at 8 o'clock of uremia. He During the fighting, the aviator lived at 18 North Eighteenth street. reports, the rioters drowned officers of the government forces in the : ROBBED l\ YORK river Suale. There was much looting , Robert Reed, of this city, was held* before and during the lighting, and j U p and lobbed of $ll5 in York on Mon property loss is said to be heavy, 'day night, according to information The Spartacan leaders fled and made before a York alderman. Doctor Tells How to Strengthen Eyesight 50 per cent In One Week's Time In Many Instances A I'ree I' ri'svri pll •> II You Can Have Pilled nnd t'se lit Home Philadelphia, Pa. Do you wear glasses? Are you a victim of eye strain or other eye weaknesses? If so, you will be glad to know that according to Dr. l.ewis there is real hope for you. Many whose eyes were failing say they have had their eyes restored through the principle of this wonderful free prescription. One man says, after trying it: "1 was al most blind; could not see to read at all. Now I can read everything with out any glasses and my eyes do not water any more. At night they would pain dreadfully; now they feel fine all the time. It was like a miracle to me." A lady who used it says: "The atmosphere seemed hazy with or without glasses, but after using this prescription for fif teen days everything seems clear. 1 can even read fine print without glasses." It is believed that thous ands who wear glasses can now dis card them in a reasonable tune and multitudes more will be able to strengthen their eyes so as to be spared the trouble and expense of ever getting glasses. Bye troubles of many descriptions may be wonder HOW WEAK, NERVOUS WOMEN QUICKLY GAIN VIGOROUS HEALTH AND STRONG NERVES 7 A DAY FOR 7 DAYS A Vigorous, Healthy Body, Sparkling Eyes and Health-Col ored Cheeks Come in Two Weeks, Says Discoverer o£ Bio feren. World's Grandest Health Builder Costs Nothing Un less It Gives to Women the Buoyant Health They Long For. It is safe to say that right here in this big city are tens of thou sands of weak, nervous, run-down, depressed women who in two weeks' time could make themselves so healthy, so attractive and so keen-minded that they would com pel the admiration of ail their friends. The vital health-building elements that these despondent women lack are all plentifully supplied in Bio feren. , 7 fully benefited by following the simple rules. Here is the .prescrip tion: Go to an active drug store and get a bottle of Hon-Opto tablets. Drop one Hon-Opto tablet in a fourth of a glass of water and allow to dis solve. With this liquid bathe the eyes two to four times daily. You should notice your eyes clear up per ceptibly right from the start and in flammation will quickly disappear. If your eyes are bothering you, even a little, take steps to save them row before it is too late. Many hopelessly blind might have been saved if they had cared for their ey eh in time. Note: Another prominent. Physi cian to whom the above artidle waf submitted, said: "Bo'n-Opto is a very remarkable remedy. Its constituent ingredients are well known to emi nent eye specialists and widely pre scribed by them. The manufacturers guarantee it. to strengthen eyesight 50 per cent, in one week's time in many instances or refund the money. It can be obtained from any gqod druggist and is one of toe Very few preparation I feel should be kept on hand for regular use to almost eve-y family." It is sold in Harrisburg by J. C. Kennedy, Croll Keller, J. Nelson • Clark and other druggists. If you are ambitious, crave suc cess in life, want to have a healthy, vigorous body, clear skin and eyes that show no dullness, make up your mind to get a package of Bio feren right away. It costs but little and you can get an original package at any druggist anywhere. Take two tablets aftpr each meal and one at bedtime —seven a day for seven days—then one after meals till all are gone. Then if you don't feel twice us good, look twice as attractive and teel twice as strong as before you started, your money is waiting for you. It belongs to you, toi the discoverer of Bio-feren doesn't want one penny of it unless it fulfills all claims. Note to Physicians: There Is no secret about the formula of Bio-feren, it is printed on every package. Here It Is: Lecithin; Calcium, Glycero phosphate; Iron Peptonato; Maug-' anese Peptonate; Ext. Nux Vomica; Powd. Bentlan; Phenolphthaleln; Olearesin Capsicum; Kolo.— Adv.