Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, March 05, 1919, Page 3, Image 3

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Important Measures are Pass
ed Finally in the House With
out any Comment
The House of Representatives j
late yesterday passed a bill empow- j
ering the State Highway Commis- i
sioner to name any across-the-state |
-Sid route the "Roosevelt Iligh
vaj\" Immediately after the two I
mils carrying over $13,000,0d0 for j
Highway Department administra
tion State and, maintenance, bonus ,
payments, toll roads, and other pur- j
I loses passed finally with several de- |
iieiency bills for Farview, Polk and I
other State institutions.
An appropriation of $2,400,000 is \
asked for the University of Penn- j
sylvania and $450,000 for the Unl- j
versity Hospital in bills introduced j
by Mr. Walker, Philadelphia. The j
allowance for maintenance is made I
$1,800,000; erection of "State Hall" I
$350,000; University Library enlarge j
ment, books and instruction $50,000; l
school of education $100,000: exten- j
sion schools $lOO,OOO. and summer
school for teachers $50,000.
Mr. Walker also presented bills to j
continue the State Banking Law !
Commission to codify laws relative j
to building and loan associations
and loan brokers, etc., and report j
In 1921. An appropriation of $15,-]
000 is made.
Requirement that one per cent of
all city taxes collected in Philadel
phia except for interest and sinking
Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root is not'
recommended for everything, but if
you have kidney, liver or bladder
trouble, it may be found just the
medicine you need. Swamp-Root
makes friends quickly because its
mild and immediate effect is soon
realized in most cases. It is a gen
tle healing herbal compound a
physician's prescription which has
proved its great value in thousands
of the most distressing cases accord
ing to reliable testimony.
At druggists in large and medium
size bottles.
You may have a sample size bottle
of this always reliable, preparation by j
Parcel Post, also pamphlet telling j
about it. Address Dr. Kilmer & Co., i
Ringhamton, N. Y., and enclose ten
cents, also mention the Harrisburg |
Daily Telegraph.
What Lydia E. Pinkham's
Vegetable Compound Did
For Ohio Woman.
Portsmouth, Ohio.—"l suffered
from irregularities, pains in my
11 i'i i n 1111 n i'i i"i i s ''' e !in( ' was
| times 1 could
hardly get
W V| around to do
my wbgk, and
j| 11? as I htftl four
!i in my family
11 . and three
boarders Lt
■ made it very
hard for me.
Lydia E. Pink
ham's vog e
% table Com- 1
™ ' pound was re
commended to me. I took it and It
lias restored my health. It is cer- ,
tainly the best medicine for woman's 1
ailments I ever saw."—Mrs. Sara I
SHAW, No. 1, Portsmouth, Ohio. |
Mrs. Shaw proved the merit of \
this medicine and wrote this letter
in order that other suffering women
may find relief as* she did.
Women who are suffering as she
was should not drag along from
day to day without giving this
famous root and herb remedy,
Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com
pound, a trial. • For special advice
in regard to such ailments write
to Lydia E. Pinkham Medicine Co.,
Lynn, Mass. The result of its forty
years experience is at your service.
■■■ ■ 111
Chas. H.Mauk " JV*
Private Ambulance I'bonea
a y
Warner's Safe Remedies
Warner's Safe Kidney and Liver Remedy.
Warner's Safe Diabetes Remedy.
Warner's Safe Rheumatic Remedy.
Warner's Safe Asthma Remedy.
SI • Warner's Safe Nervine.
? lip Warner's Safe Pills, (Constipation and Biliousness)
Sold by leading druggists everywhere. Sample sent on receipt of 10c
Tired, Nervous Women
What You Need is Vinol
The reason we recommend Vinol so strongly for
such conditions is because it is a non-secret remedy
which contains Beef and Cod Liver Peptones, Iron
and Manganese Peptonates and Glycerophosphates,
the very elements needed to build up a run-down,
system and replace weakness with strength.
Glasgow Jet., Ky. _ Milwaukee, Wie.
"I was suffering from a nervous ~"I was weak, nervous, all run
breakdown loss of flesh and poor down, no appetite and had taken dif
appetite so I could hardly draff around ferent medicines without benefit A
and do the work for my family. My friend advised me to try Vinol. It
doctor prescribed Vinol. It not only gave me a wonderful appetite, I sleep
made me well and strong but I have well, have gained in weight and am
gained in weight "—Mrs. S. M. Gray, now strong and well. "-Mrs. E. Strey.
Tor all run-down, nervous, anaemic condition!, weak women, overworked men
feeble old people and dolicato children, there is no remedy like Vinol.
George A. Gorgaff, Druggist; Kennedy's Medicine Store, 321 Market
itreet; C. F. Kramer. Third and Broad streets; Kitzmiller's Pharmacy,
1325 Derry street; J. Nelson Clark, and druggists everywhere.
funds be paid to police and fire
men's pension funds is contained in
a bill by Mr. Dunn, Philadelphia.
A bill providing a system of re
fund of money erroneously paid to
the State Treasury was presented
by Mr. Pike, Montgomery. It would
do away with the necessity of bills
for refunds.
Mr. Todd, Allegheny, presented a
bill fixing an eight hour day and
six days a week for all deputy war
dens, guards, turnkeys, matrons and
other employes of county prisons.
A bill establishing as a State song
the work of Dr. Will George Butler,
of Mansfie'd State Normal school
was favorablv reported to the House
by the counties committee. It is
entitled "Pennsylvania of Mine."
The bill reorganizing the State
Banking Department was reported
out by Chairman Walker, of the
Banks Committee. This committeo
also reported out the bill to allow
building and loan associations to in
vest surplus funds in Liberty or Vic
tory bonds and validating previous
investments in federal bonds; the
industrial bank bill and that punish
ing slanders against insurance com
Two bills carrying over halt a
million dollars to meet deficits In
ease of insane were reported to the
House. One -is to cover $207,000
due from the last quarter of 1917
and $325,000 for the deficit of the
last two year period.
Mr. McKay, Luzerne, presented a
bill allowing juries in first degree
murder cases to fix tlie penalty at
death or life imprisonment.
Provision for a State system of
permits for all creameries, shipping
stations, milk, cheese and ice cream
factories or milk condensarles or
individuals engaged in the milk busi
ness to be issued by the Department
of Agriculture is made in a bill in
troduced by hint. Heyburn, Chester.
He also introduced legislation rela
tive to tests and appliances and es
tablishing standard glassware for
milk and cream handling.
Mr. Bucker, Philadelphia, present
ed a bill for a new judges retirement
law, including features of the pres
ent disability law. Judges who serve
20 years are made eligible to re
tire at half pay while those who
resign because of disability may re
ceive three-fourths of pay if their
service amounts to fifteen years.
Democrat Leading in
22d District for Seat t
in Congress; Vote Close
Grcensbtirg, Pa., March 5. —Re-
turns early today from the Twenty
second congressional district, com
prising Westmoreland and Butler
counties, show that John 11. Wilson,
of Butler, Democrat, is leading for
mer State Senator John 11. Jamison,
of Greensburg, 'Republican, for the
seat left vacant by the death of
Colonel E. E. Robbins, Republican.
Ono hundred and thirty-two pre
cincts out of 2<S in the district, give
Wilson 6,176; Jamison, 6,105; Wil
son leading by 71 votes. The coun
ty returns at 11 p. m. were: Butler,
4 5 precincts out of 78, Wilson, 2,330:
Jamison, 1,336; Westmoreland, 87
precincts out of 190, Wilson, 3,846;
Jamison, 4,769.
• 'Proved Safe by Millions."
"Barer f „ ,
; For Colds Rheumatism
Headache Neuralgia
Grippe Lumbago
Influenza Pain
Adults can take one or two
"Bayer Tablets of Aspirin" with
water. If necessary, take
three times a day, after meals.
"Bayer Tablets of Aspirin."
20-ccnt package—Larger Bizca.
Aspirin is the trade mark of Bayer Manufac
ture oi Monoaceticacidcstcr of Salicylicacid
Promptly Presents the Bill for
the Joint City-County
Building Here
In the presence of many friends
and with Lieutenant Governor Ed
ward E. Beidieman, his predecessor,
presiding Senator Frank a Smith, of
Dauphin county, took the oath of
office yesterday afternoon. Immedl
atelyafter the new Senator presented
lits first bill, it being that drawn to
enable Harrisburg and Dauphin
county to unite in a city-county
building along the lines suggested
by Governor William C. Sproul.
Other bills presented included: An
apropriation lor the local State In
sane Asylum, and a measure dealing
with veterinary regulation. The ap
propriation Tbil 1 for the Stale Hos
pital located at Eleventh and Maclay
Streets, a total of $36,500, which in
cludes among other items, the_ fol
lowing for improvements; $15,000
for ground to be acquired at the en
trance of the institution, $B,OOO for
a dairy herd, and $15,000 for tlie
establishment of a piggery.
The bill dealing with veterinary
surgeons eliminates the necessity for
examination as to preliminery edu
cation, and provides for the crea
tion of a State Board of Veterinary
The Valley Forge appropriation
bill carrying $250,000 for the acquisi
tion of certain lands, was reported
out favorably by the committee on
appropriations to which it had been
referred, after passing second read
ing, and will come up for a final
vote next Monday evening when the
Senate reconvenes.
Th Legislative Committee to study
the isurance laws of the state prq- j
sented its report to the Senate
through Senator F. E. Baldwin, of
Potter county. The report recom
mends the drafting of a code of in
surance laws along the line of that
in effect in Massachusetts, New York
and some other states. The code,
the report recommends, should be
drafted by the State Insurance De
partment and the Legislative Ref
erence Bureau under the supervision
of the present legislative commission,
if it is continued, or under another
The report recommended the en
actment of two bills to cure incon
sistencies in insurance laws now on
the statute books. The report was
ordered printed.
No Quick Building
For State Highways
The State Highway Department
will not include in the primary road |
system any "quick construction," I
but will put down highways that
will stand up under traffic Highway |
Commissioner Lewis S. Sadler late |
today informed a number of delega
tions which wanted speedy action i
on road building. He also announc
ed that decisions relative to includ
ing any routes in the system and
the relation of the cross over be
tween the "William penn and Lincoln
highways would be taken up by
Governor William C. Sproul.
Senators P. W. Snyder and J. S.
Miller discussed the cross overs
through Huntingdon, Blair, and
Bedford counties and a delegation
from Carmichaels, Greene county,
asked for inclusion of a route. This
delegation consisted of A. B. Gaynor,
M. R. Bailey, and J. H. Gwynne.
A Montgomery delegation which
asked for quick work on the "gravel
pike" from Collegeville to Allentown
byway of the Perkiomen, but the
commissioner said it could not be
made part of the primary system
ah'd said that fast construction will
not be Countenanced. This dele
gation included Colonel George Nox
McCain, Charles Johnson, Senator
James S. Boyd, Dr. E. Kreibel, of
Perkiomen seminary; J. T. Ebert,
Dr. H. P. Keeley and others. North
umberland county signed up for
three and a half miles of road on
a fifty-fifty basis.
The chairmen of the roads com
mittees of the Legis'ature today let
it be known that there was scant
hope for any additions to the 10,235
miles in the main highway system.
Two thousand miles were added in
1913 and some in the next two ses
sions, but the indications are that
bil's for new routes will not get
anywhere. Senator T. L. Eyre chair
man of the Senate committee, said
he favored only "imperative
changes" and Chairman George W.
Williams, o' the House committee,
snid that he was against putting
any more burdens on the Highway
| Fall. Adds Name to
Probation Opposing
League of Nation Plan
Washington, March 5. —Senator
Lodge, of Massachusetts, received a
telegram late yesterday front Sen
ator Fall, of New Mexicb, Republi
can authorizing the signing of his
name to the resolution opposing ac
ceptance of the league of nations
constitution as now drawn. Signa
tures to the resolution now number
Brown-Tailed Moth
Traces Discovered
State Inspection of foreign nur
sery stock by the Department of
Agriculture made good a few' days
ago when inspectors of the Bureau
of Zoology found the brown-tail
moth caterpillar and the gypsy moth
in shipments from France. The in
spectors working in Philadelphia
were inspecting a shipment of
French nursery stock consigned to
a Philadelphia nurseryman and the
dangerous brown-tail moth cater
pillar was found in living condition
and the eggs of the gypsy moth
were found ready to hatch. They
were immediately taken from the
stock and in a feve days hatched
anil killed in the offices of the
Economic Zoologist in this city.
These two pests ale not known to
be established in Pennsylvania or
nearby states, but they have cost the
New England states more than
thirty millions of dollars in losses
to forests and woodlands and ex
penditures for control. The escape
of the pests would have started col
onies which multiply rapidly and
damage trees and shrubs.
The chances of introduction of
foreign pests will be greatly reduced
after Ju'y 1, 1919, when the Federal
Quarantine restricting plant Imports
become effective.
i Use McNeil's Pain Exterminator—Ad
Senator Buckman Says That
Sueli a Measure is Needed
—Sadler Talks Roads
Suggestions that because of acci
dents at grade crossings all auto
mobiles be required to come to a
full stop before crossing were made
at a conference of a sub committee
of the House public roads commit
tee with representatives of the auto
mobile trades organizations in Phil
adelphia by Senator C arence J.
Buckman, who has been carrying
on an extended investigation into
the subject. Senator Buckman,
whose home is in Bucks, has gath
ered information regarding such ac
cidents in counties in his part of the
State and also obtained the data of
the Public Service Commission acci
dent bureau. "This is a matter
which is most important and there
should be some regulation regarding
it" said he. It was also intimated
at the hearing by Chairman W. H.
Dithrich, of the Judiciary general
committee, that two cohipetent wit
nesses should govern in the con
victions of drivers.
IS. J. Berlet, of Philadelphia,
spoke on behalf of the Motor Truck
Automobile Trade, Automobile Aces
sories and Pennsylvania Warehouse
and Van Owners Associations re
garding details of the truck bill and
engaged in a general discussion with
Senator Buckman and others. The
suggestions made that width be
made ninety-six inches instead of
ninety as proposed were countered
by the question whether Other states
were doing that and Mr. Berlet
suggested that future construction
weight 28,000 pounds instead of
take into account the size of trucks
Length of 28 feet instead of 20 and
24,000 were discussed. The commit
tee will discuss the matter further.
Speaker Tells All
Members to Vote
Complaint by Representative F. V.
Mallery, of Venango county, that his
vote had not been recorded on seven
bills in the House brought out the
observation by Speaker Robert S.
Spangler that it was not the neglect
of clerks if votes were not recorded.
"Members must vote in a tone that
can be beard at the desk, especially
if they have seats in the rear of the
chamber," said he, "There are times
when the talk in the House makes it
impossible for men to hear their
names and we can not hear the
responses at the desks in many
cases. Better order in the rear of
the chamber is imperative."
The speaker complimented the
House at the close of the day upon
the activity of committees and the
fact that enough bills had been re
ported out to insure a calendar next
week even though the House was
working bard on measures and
sending them to the Senate.
The Scott bills to take the police
men and firemen in Philadelphia out
of politics were sent to the munici
pal corporations committee.
Girls! Draw a cloth through
your hair and double
its beauty.
Spend a few cents! Dandruff
vanishes and hair stops
coming out.
To be possessed of a head of
heavy, beautiful hair; soft, lustrous,
fluffy, wavy arid free from dandruff,
is merely a matter of using a little
It is eusy and inexpensive to have
nice, soft hair and lots of it. Just
get a small bottle of Knowlton's
Danderine now—all drug stores
recommend it—apply a little as di
rected, and within ten minutes there
will be an appearance of abundance,
freshness, fluffiness and an incom
parable gloss and lustre, and try as
you will, you can not find a trace
of dandruff or falling hair; but your
real surprise will oe after about two
weeks' use, when you will see new
hair —fine and downy at first—yes—
but really new hair —sprouting out
all over your scalp—Danderine is,
we believe, the only sure hair grow
er, destroyer of dandruff and cure for
itchy scalp, and it never fails to stop
falling hair at once.
If you want to prove how pretty
and soft-your hair really is, moisten
a cloth with a little Danderine and
carefully draw it through your hair
—taking one strand at a time.
Your hair will be soft, glossy and
beautiful in just a few moments—
a delightful surprise awaits every-,
one who tries this.
Bit i
that skin eruption
will relieve it quickly
Cease tampering w\jh that painful
eruption. Apply a healing and sooth
ing ointment that has the power to sink
in and correct the trouble. Resinol
Ointment aided by Resinol Soap
usually clears away such affections
quickly and thoroughly.
SoM by druggists. For free sa mjUx
Retinoid Baltimore, MeL
{, * f
I Millinery Opening g. J
I We cordially invite you to come to the store tomorrow and lr||l
' 8 M vtu/ Friday to inspect this beautiful showing of spring millinery. The MM
D Mi coming peace has made possible the development of styles which Awiurr' *
1 BWK&k are more interesting than any shown for years. This display 311-,*
■ f ] gives an excellent indication of the shapes, sizes and trimmings JlfxvvNvi aif
ttfj 1 \ I that will he most highly favored the coming season. I / jiff
BOWMAN'S—Third Floor. # yWW
■ —^ at——i—>—i^—i*'
Inexpensive Hose For Crochet Bedspreads Special
Cllilflrpn Hemmed crochet bedspreads, suitable for rooming
V>llllvll CIl houses, summer bungalows, etc, $1.25 and $1.50 each.
One of the good features of our hosiery department is BOWMAN s— Second Floor,
the attention given to children's stockings. u———— —————
Our assortments arc extensive and carefully selected,
from the better lines. Our children's stockings are dur
able, but not expensive.
We are showing to-day a ribbed lisle stocking in black,
white and brown at 55c and 65c. rz-: . ™ v •
BOWMAN'S—Main Floor. fl .-M j ' f* V
Men's Underwear In
This mild weather creates a demand for medium and light
weight underwear for men. Our stocks are well fortified for •
the demand. We are featuring Munsing Wear union suits.
They are made from finest quality lisle and cotton in white f/Jf
and ecru. /yW Y T ~
Munsing Wear union suits has the smooth flat seams and
the shapelv garments which give the wearer ease and comfort. , -™mav4-Baiament.
This union suit is priced at $2.50; and we carry them up to BOWM S - Ba,Bment
BOWMAN'S—Main Floor. '
A Special Sale On
Back-Lace Corsets Of A Nationally
Advertised Make
1— This is one of the most beautiful of corsets, made of pink
t -- Jk brocade, embroidery trimmed; and a model for the slight,
If 1 medium and large figure.'
>rl This corset is a comfortable one to wear and produces a • j
4 very stylish effect, giving the utmost freedom in service.
ffil ' f It is absolutely high-grade all through. From the dfr
Kk f\ *™Tsm vSj signing to the finishing touches of the trimming.
■9HV ifIVJ When you note the "names" they bear and savings the"
K&jgPf L offer, you will surely purchase more than one of them.
v j* i We will fit ydu with this corset in a scientific manner.
• BOWMAN'S—Second Floor. |
- 1 -v . ' .
MARCH 5, 1919.